• Highest qualification with year: PhD in Bioengineering will be completed in April 2020 (Thesis Submitted). • College/University of highest qualification: Sathyabama University, Chennai. • Bioinformatics tools for NGS: FASTX, GATK, SAM Tools, BFAST, mrFAST and SOAP tools. Carrier o Technical Assistant in Indo US TB Project at JIPMER, PuducherryContinue Reading

AWARD TITLE: Best Academician Award in Mechanical Engineering AWARD CATEGORY: ISSN GOLDEN RESEARCH PRIZE INTRODUCTION Sudhakaran Ranganathan is an academician having 21 years and 08 months experience in teaching and 12 years in Research. He has completed his PhD in the area of welding. He has successfully completed a researchContinue Reading

PROFILE: I am having 12 years of teaching experience after M.E. and one year post Ph.D. experience accomplishing with different roles and responsibilities. I have published 5 papers in highly reputed Scopus Indexed journals with cumulative impact factor of 20, Citations 62 and h-index of 4. Winner of Research PeaceContinue Reading

Dr. K. Adalarasu Associate Professor (ACP), School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SEEE) SASTRA, Deemed to be University, Thirumalaisamudram, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu 613401 Objective To be a part of biomedical engineering research team, with a vital advancement in technology, this allows me to apply my knowledge in cognitive neuroscience andContinue Reading

JITENDRA KUMAR SUNDARAY, Ph.D PRINCIPAL SCIENTIST AND HEAD-DIVISION OF FISH GENETICS AND BIOTECHNOLOGY ICAR-CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF FRESHWATER AQUACULTURE KAUSALYAGANGA, BHUBANESWAR-751002, ODISHA, INDIA  h-index: 15  I10-index: 22  Citation: 858 EDUCATION  Bachelor of Science- Zoology- (1987-1990), College of Basic Science and Humanities, Odisha University of Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha,Continue Reading