” I believe that you are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.
I am a Psychologist (Clinical) with over 5 years of successful experience as Licensed Emotional Intelligence Coach Practitioner and a Certified Neuroscience Coach. Recognized consistently for performance, excellence and contribution to success by developing realistic goals and life plans, motivating them to make positive and life -altering changes. I am also a Certified Psychotherapist who specializes in Perinatal Mental Health Psychotherapy (International Postpartum Support, USA ), and Forensic Psychology (International Forensic Sciences)
When I’m not coaching, I love travelling and exploring new places and reading books.
I focus on unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their own performance. I believe in affirming the clients emotions and following their energyā€¯because clients who feel heard and empowered experience greater success.
I was appreciated by the Delhi Commission For Protection Of Child Rights, Govt of NCT of Delhi for my contribution in providing emotional and psycho-social support to children and adults during the COVID-19 outbreak”