Winners 2020
Martín Eusebio Barra LópezInnovative Researcher Award in Physiotherapy
Atsushi OhbuchiBest Researcher Award in Inorganic chemistry, Analytical chemistry
Dr Daniel W.M. ChanOutstanding Researcher Award in Building and Real Estate
Nuria Viejo-FernándezYoung Researcher Award in Omni-Channel consumer behavior
Alexandrina S NikovaRemarkable Researcher award in Neurosurgery
Dr. Georgios F. ZarotisRemarkable Researcher Award in Sport Management, Leisure and Health Studies
Dr. ALI BENDJABALLAH, MD Ph.D FACSDepartment of general surgery AIN TAYA Hospital -faculty of medecine of Algiers, CITY OF SI EL HAOUAS AIN TAYA
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Hasmizam RazaliUniversiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia
Dr. Ashok K SinghBest Researcher in Cancer drug discovery, USA
Hui-Fen WuProfessor, Chemistry, National Sun Yat-Sen University
Dr.Sagar Jawale MS,DNB,M.chBest Scientist in Pediatrics and Neonatalogy, Jawale Institute of Pediatric Surgery
Dr. Ali AltaeeProfessor, University of Technology in Sydney, Australia
Dr. Mrunalini RamanathanBest Researcher in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, SRM Dental College and Hospital
Dr. Naoyuki KishimotoProfessor, Advanced Science and Technology, Ryukoku University, Japan
Dr. Ishan Y. PandyaFormer Ecologist and Research Fellow (Ecology, and Biotechnology)
DR (Mrs) PADMINI SWAINBest Researcher in Crop Physiology and Biochemistry, ICAR-NATIONAL RICE RESEARCH INSTITUTE
Dr. K A EmmanuelVice-Principal Sir C R Reddy College
Dr. Sonu GandhiScientist, National Institute of Animal Biotechnology
Prof. (Dr.) Md. Sadique ShaikhAsst.Professor, Institute of Management Science, Bhusawal
Dr Archana Moni DasPrincipal Scientist & Associate Professor, Natural Products Chemistry Group
Dr. Supriya RautDirector-Scientific Affairs, Nutraceuticals
Dr. BhaskarsingamsettyProfessor, Community medicine, Narayana medical college
Prof. Dr. Gitumoni KonwarDean cum Principal, Nursing, Royal School of Nursing
Tereza Neuma de Castro DantasFederal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Dr. Shweta HegdeBest Doctor in Clinical Study- Ayurveda, Vivekananda health Global
Dr. K. AdalarasuAssociate Professor, Department of EIE/ SEEEE
Dr. Ajaz A. WaniBest Faculty in Zoology, Head Dept.of Zoology Govt.Degree College Doda
Dr. R. SivaramanAssociate Professor of Maths at D.G. Vaishnav College
Prof.Dr.P.NazniProfessor and Head, Nutrition and Dietetics, Periyar University
Assoc Prof. Dr. Raja Noor Farah Azura binti Raja Ma’amor ShahSenior Lecturer, Mathematics, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia
VARATHARAJU PERUMALAssistant Professor, Federal Technical and Vocational Education and Traiining Institute
Abhishek MajhiDepartment of Economics, Sidho Kanho Birsha University, Purulia
Rohit Raju NikamBest Researcher in Space Engineering, MIT ADT University School of Engineering Pune
Prof.Dr. JAMILEH. HSIANDean of Pharmacy, Syria, University of Damascus
KHULOUD AL NACHARIndustrial pharmacy, Syria
Dr. IOAN POPBest Researcher Award
Dr. Neal Ratan AgarwalaPhilanthropist and a Doctor
Dr. Rahul Kumar MauryaRemarkable Researcher award in Drug Discovery
Dr George Mathew PanachiyilBest Researcher Award
Dr Rameshwari ThakurRemarkable Researcher award of the year
Prof. Swami Prakash SrivastavaMost Ambitious Researcher Award in Economics
Luigi CristianoRemarkable Researcher award in Medical biotechnology and complementary medicines
Dr. Sanjay Kumar MandalRemarkable Researcher award in Physics
Himabindu BantikatlaMost Ambitious Researcher award in Design And Fabrication Of Hybrid( Solar and Wind) PV System
A.Vijaya LakshmiMost Ambitious Researcher award in Infrared Thermography
Dr. C. Bindu RoyMost Ambitious Researcher award in Breeding for disease resistance in rubber tree
B PazhanivelOutstanding Researcher Award in Additive Manufacturing
Dr. Shinya InazumiOutstanding Researcher Award- Geotechnical Engineering in Civil Engineering
K Kiran KumarBest Researcher Award in Finance
Surya Rao R V MOutstanding Researcher Award in Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
Dr. Abhik MukherjeeRemarkable Researcher award in Nonlinear Dynamics
Manuel Jesus Gazquez GonzalezBest Researcher Award in Environmental Radioactivity
Dr. K.M. Freny JoyRemarkable Researcher Award in Nanomaterials
Dr. S. RadhikaBest Faculty Award in English Language Teaching
Praveena RInnovative Faculty Award in Phytochemistry and Quantum computing
Avneet Singh KalsiYoung Researcher Award in Dermatology
Pablo CAMPOSInnovative Researcher Award in Architecture of Education
Dr. Fouddad Fatma Zohra
Vipin Kumar SharmaYoung Achiever Award in Biochemistry
Prof. Dr. INDRAJIT MUKHOPADHYAYOutstanding Professor Award in Solar Energy Conversion and Storage
Dr. ALI AKKOUCHEMaterials, Processes and Environment Research Unit (URMPE) , Faculty of Technology , University of Boumerdes, ALGERIA
Prof. Emad Hassan AlyApplied Mathematics, Ain Shams University
Shilpa Jasubhaiconsultant clinical psychologist, India
Dr. Paramartha DuttaProfessor, VISVA BHARATI UNIVERSITY
Rabindranath BarikPadmanava College of Engineering, Rourkela
Dr.Anand S NDistinguished Researcher in Mechanical Engineering, Ethiopia

Martín Eusebio Barra López
Associated professor in the International University of Catalonia
Physiotherapist in a Primary Care Center of the Catalan Institute of Health
Member of the: Primary Health Care Research Group in Pathology of the Locomotor System
– Ph.D. in Sport and Health Sciences – University of Zaragoza (2016)
– Master in Orthopedic Manual Therapy – University of Zaragoza (2013)
– Master in Primary Health Investigation – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2012)
– Physiotherapist Degree – University of Zaragoza (1994)
– Effectiveness of transverse abdominis muscle training in patients with chronic low back
pain (2015)
– Effectiveness of two suboccipital manual techniques in pain and blood pressure in patients with chronic cervicalgia. (2011)
– II International OMT-E Congress. Best Communication Prize. 2013
– Catalan Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Best Research Work. 2013
– 1st OMT-E Congress. Second Best Communication Prize. 2010
– National FREMAP Congress of Physiotherapy. Second Best Communication Prize. 2007
1. Short- and mid-term effects of adding upper cervical manual therapy to a conventional physical therapy program in patients with chronic mechanical neck pain. Randomized controlled clinical trial. Clinical Rehabilitation. 2020. doi/10.1177/0269215520965054
2. The supporting role of the teres major muscle, an additional component in glenohumeral stability? An anatomical and radiological study. Medical Hypothesis. 2020;141:109728.
3. Comparative study of the effects of two inhibitory suboccipital techniques in non-symptomatic subjects with limited cervical mobility. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation. 2018;31(6):1193-1200.
4. Efectivitat de l’entrenament muscular del transvers de l’abdomen en pacients amb dolor lumbar crònic. Actualitzacions en Fisioteràpia. 2018:15:5-15.
5. Effectiveness of diacutaneous fibrolysis for the treatment of chronic lateral epicondylalgia: a randomized clinical trial. Clinical Rehabilitation. 2018;32(5):644-653.
6. Effectiveness of a specific manual approach to the suboccipital region in patients with chronic mechanical neck pain and rotation deficit in the upper cervical spine: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2017;18:384.
7. Functional Massage of the Teres Major Muscle in Patients with Subacromial Impingement Syndrome. A Randomized Controlled Case Series Study. International Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Case Reports. 2016;8(1):1-10.

Atsushi Ohbuchi
Dr. Atsushi Ohbuchi received the Doctor of Engineering (2009) in analytical chemistry from Meiji University, Japan. He is a Senior Scientist of Rigaku Corporation in the field of analytical chemistry using X ray diffraction , X ray fluorescence Spectrometry , total reflection X ray fluorescence spectrometry and small angle X ray scattering. He is using mainly X ray analysis techniques in addition to other instrumental techniques such as gamma ray spectrometry for comprehending characteristics of some materials, especially, environment and functional materials which are environmental water, municipal solid waste fly ash, soil , mineral , oil, polymer, metal, cement, refractory and etc . Besides , pharmaceutical materials are one of the research materials for comprehending characteristics. Dr.Ohbuchi is developing analytical method s for some materials and synthetic method of inorganic materials by combining knowledge of inorganic chemistry, synthetic chemistry, crystallography and so on. He has concern for the development of new X ray instruments and he had participated in the development of X ray instruments. He was a part time lecture at Meiji University to teach his specialty for 5 years.

Dr Daniel W.M. Chan
Asso. Prof. Dr Daniel W.M. Chan, BEng(Hons), PhD, MAPM, MHKICM, MASCE, MHKIPM, MAIPM, MCABE, MAIB, Chartered Building Engineer (United Kingdom), Registered Construction Manager (Hong Kong) Dr Daniel W.M. Chan is currently an Associate Professor in Construction Project Management at the Department of Building and Real Estate of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He was appointed as an Assistant Professor on 1 July 2003 and was promoted to Associate Professor on 1 July 2010. He obtained his BEng(Hons) degree in Civil and Structural Engineering and PhD degree in Construction Project Management from the Department of Civil Engineering, The
University of Hong Kong. He is a Project Manager, Chartered Building Engineer (United Kingdom) and Registered Construction Manager (Hong Kong) by profession. He had served as the Programme Award Coordinator for "MSc/PgD in Construction and Real Estate" for 10 years between January 2007 and June 2016. Then he was appointed as the Associate Head of Department (Teaching and Learning) and the Chairman of the Departmental Learning and Teaching Committee (DLTC) for 3 years between July 2016 and June 2019. He has been serving as the Chairman of Departmental Undergraduate Programme Committee since 1 July 2019 and the Deputy Programme Director for the professional "Doctor of International Real Estate
and Construction (DIREC)" since 1 July 2020. His research interests include Construction Time Performance, Construction
Procurement Systems, Relational and Collaborative Contracting, Partnering and Alliancing, Target Cost Contracting (TCC), New Engineering Contract (NEC), Public Private Partnership (PPP), Construction Safety Management, Sustainability Performance Assessment Models for Green Building Projects, Building Information Modelling (BIM) in Construction Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), and Public Private Partnership (PPP) Models for Delivering Smart Buildings and Infrastructure Development Projects. He has co-authored 17 research monographs, 2 scholarly textbooks, 2 book chapters, 124 journal articles, 123 conference papers and 12 consultancy reports up to November 2020.
Dr Chan is also a Member of the Association for Project Management (MAPM), Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers (MHKICM), American Society of Civil Engineers (MASCE), Hong Kong Institute of Project Management (MHKIPM), Australian Institute of Project Management (MAIPM), Chartered Association of Building Engineers (MCABE), and Australian Institute of Building (MAIB).
Please refer to my official personal website for details via URL:

Nuria Viejo-Fernández
Dr. Nuria Viejo-Fernández is lecturer at University of Oviedo (Spain) in the field of marketing, mainly related to omni-channel strategy, and webrooming and showrooming consumer behaviours. Her teaching career began in the academic year 2015/2016, teaching and coordinating more than 14 different subjects in various Degrees such as Business Administration and Management, Commerce and Marketing, Accounting and Finance,
Management and Public Administration, and Double Degree in Business Administration and Law. As regards her activity as a researcher, she contributes the following articles to prestigious
journals and publishing company (KRK Ed.):
Webroomers versus showroomers: Are they the same? (2018). Journal of Business Research, 92, 300-320.
Different kinds of research shoppers, different cognitive affective consequences (2019).
Spanish Journal of Marketing−ESIC, 23(1), 45-68.
Service Failure, Threat or Opportunity to Engage a Research Shopper? (2019). Journal of Business Administration Research, 2(3), 37-45.
Is showrooming really so terrible? Start understanding showroomers (2020). Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 54, 102048.
Retailers, you can get omni-shopper's satisfaction! (2020). Journal of Business Administration Research, 3(4), 24-33.
COVID-19, the ideal opportunity to move into the Omni-Channel Retailing (2020).
Journal of Textile Science & Fashion Technology, 7(1).
Consecuencias del comportamiento de compra multicanal del consumidor: Emociones, satisfacción y lealtad (pp. 391-416).
Factores condicionantes del comportamiento de compra multicanal del consumidor (pp.225-250).
El comportamiento omnicanal y las rutas de procesamiento de la información.
Webrooming versus showrooming (pp. 237-270).
Within her activity as a researcher, it is worth noting that she belongs to Smart Marketing Advances in Research and Theory, carrying out projects financed by the Spanish government and for private companies.
She also contributes as an evaluator for several prestigious journals. As a result, she has been awarded as the best reviewer of the Spanish Journal of Marketing-ESIC.

Alexandrina S Nikova
Alexandrina Nikova is a resident, master and PhD student in neurosurgery, as well as mentor anf translator on the coursera platform. She is author of a book entitled “Cervical spine surgery and the operating team” and more than 20 articles published in international journals. Currently, A. Nikova is member of the EANS, the EANO, the Hellenic Medical Association, the Hellenic surgical society, society of junior doctors, the Medical Association of Switzerland and the Hellenic resuscitation council.

Dr. Georgios F. Zarotis

Personal details
First name……………………………………………………..ALI
Date and place of birth………………………………26/07/1959. MEDEA-ALGERIA
Gender ………………………………………………………………Male
Marital status………………………………………………….Married with (05) children
Correspondence address………………………………….City of Colonel Ouamrane lot 5 N° 7 DAR EL
Member of the National Commission for the Promotion and enhancing of the English
Language at ALGERIAN Universities –September & October 2019
Hereby confers upon Dr. Ali Bendjaballah. The Honorary Degree of Doctor of
Philosophy Ph.D (Honoris Causa) Reference No.: H- 441513062019AB Date: 13 June, 2019
Certificates of training in abdominal ultrasound from the UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA
AUSTRIA 20017 (123 ultrasound)
State of the art endoscopy and gastrointestinal surgery. Medical & surgical 10th day of
Limousin Limoges France June 25 2016
Training in endoscopy at the Limoges University of Endoscopy France, from 21 to 24 June
McMaster University C. M. E. Certificate 2007 total for the year: 23
Universitary Diploma of laparoscopic surgery from Strasbourg’s university 1- 16 February
Certificate of training in minimal access surgery from the EUROPEAN INSTITUTE OF
TELESURGERY 16 February 2007
Specialist surgeon in Tenes Central Hospital ALGERIA: 7/1991-6/1992
Specialist surgeon in Central Clinic Algiers: 7/1992-11/1994
Specialist surgeon in Sabrata Teaching Hospital -LYBIA: 12/1994 -7/1999
Specialist surgeon in Boufarik Central Hospital ALGERIA: 1/2000 -7/2001
Specialist surgeon in Bab El Oued’s teaching Hospital. ALGERIA 8/2001 – 1/2006
Specialist surgeon & Teacher in the Teaching Hospital of Setif -ALGERIA 3/2006 –
Specialist surgeon & Teacher in the Teaching Hospital of Ain Taya ALGERIA: 11/2008 –
Teaching courses to 3rd year medical students since 1991
Teaching courses to resident in General Surgery since 2006
Participation in several educational conferences (national & international)
Detailed on other courses are attached
Member of international societies of Medicine:
-SFED: Société Française d’endoscopie digestive “FRANCE”
-ISS/SIC: The International Society of Surgery
The International Association for Trauma Surgery and Intensive Care
The International Association for Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition IASMEN
The International Society for Digestive Surgery ISDS
Associate member at the American College of Surgeons since June 2015
Fellowship American College of Surgeons (MD FACS) since October 22, 2017
Dr. Ali Bendjaballah affiliated to
Teaching Hospital of Ain Taya Algeria has won World Championship-2019
in General Surgery (Cystic Lymphangioma) and certified as Fellow,
Directorate of General Surgery, IASR (Lifetime Membership)
Arabic: fluent (spoken & written)
French: fluent (spoken & written)
English: good (spoken & written)
1- “Pre-operative investigations in general surgery. What should be thought?
“Proceeding of the 22 nd Magrebian medical congress. Algiers 2-5 May 1993
2- “Analysis of operative mortality and morbidity in surgical ward in Algiers.”
Proceeding of the 22 nd Magrebian medical congress. Algiers 2-5 May 1993
3- “Our experience in surgical treatment of biliary lithiasis: (700 cases) “Proceeding
of the 22 nd Magrebian medical congress. Algiers 2-5 May 1993. (Co-auteur).
4- “Advantage of pre-operative cholangiography in surgical treatment of liver hydatid
cyst” Proceeding of the 22 nd Magrebian medical congress. Algiers 2-5 May 1993.
5- “Surgical treatment of liver hydatid cyst” Proceeding of the national medical
conferences on hydatid cyst. Algiers 11-Otober 1993.
6- “Surgery of the hydatid cyst and the biliary ducts with peritoneal and bile duct
drainage in the hepatic surgery” about multicentric study of 2042 cases”.
Proceeding of committee discussion on the hydatid cyst. Algiers 2-3 April 1994.
7- “Our experience in surgical treatment of liver hydatid cyst: (100cases)”.
Proceeding of the 23 nd Magrebian medical congress. Tunis 9-11 May 1994
8- “Pre-operative investigations in general surgery. “What a new? Magrebian medical
journal .N° 281- July 1994.
9- “Gastric localizations of caustic lesions: anatomic, clinic and therapeutic aspects”
Proceeding of the 31 th Magrebian medical congress. Algiers 24-26 February 2003.
10-Thoraco-abdominal contusions in the poly traumatized patients”. Proceeding of the
6th medical & surgical day of Bab el Oued’s hospital Algiers 2-5 Mars 2003.
11- Hydatid Cyst of Uterus Associated with Pregnancy of 40 weeks: A Case Report and
Review of Literature. Published in the ABDOMINAL SURGERY journal of the
12- “Cancer of the gall bladder: difficulties of diagnosis”. Proceeding of the post
university teaching day of the Algerian Society of Surgery. Algiers 26-march 2009.
13- “How to care a severe acute pancreatitis?” Proceeding of the meeting of Algerian
Society of Surgery. Algiers Mai 26, 2009.
14- “Hydatid Cyst of Bilateral Ovaries: A Case Report”. Proceeding of the 9th medical
and surgical days of the 5th military region. Constantine 10-11 November 2009
15- “Severe acute pancreatitis: surgical treatment of pancreatic necrosis”. Proceeding
of the 9th medical and surgical days of the 5th military region. Constantine 10-11
November 2009.
16- “Situation of care of acute pancreatitis in the central region of Algeria”. Proceeding
of the 9th medical and surgical days of the 5th military region. Constantine 10-11
November 2009.
17- “Gall bladder duplication: A case report”. Proceeding of 1st days of general surgery in
the universitary military hospital –Constantine 19-20 December 2009.
18- Injuries of bile duct discovered per operatively: diagnosis & treatment. Proceeding
of 3rd days of general surgery in the universitary military hospital –Constantine 17-18
December 2011.
19-Vascular resection in cephalic duodéno pancreatectomy. Proceeding of 1st days of
general surgery in the universitary military hospital –Constantine 17-18 December
20- What type of reconstruction after cephalic duodéno pancreatectomy? Proceeding
of 1st days of general surgery in the universitary military hospital –Constantine 17-18
December 2011.
21- “Reflections about the care of acute appendicitis “. Published on the journal of
SAIDAL santé No 13 – December 2011.
22- “Eradication per laparoscopic way of infected pancreatic necrosis” (video).
Proceeding of 6th days of digestive and laparoscopic surgery. Hospital of
23- “Replication of gall bladder: a case report”. Proceeding of 6th days of digestive and
laparoscopic surgery. Hospital of BENZERDJEB- AIN TEMOUCHENT- ALGERIA 3-4
MARCH 2012.
24- “Acute abdomen”. Proceeding of 6thdays of digestive and laparoscopic surgery.
25- “Refection of neo-vagina by sigmoidal implant assisted by laparoscopy (video)”.
Proceeding of 4th international congress of laparoscopic surgery .SIDI BELABBES-
ALGERIA. 25-26 APRIL 2012.
26- “Giant Cavernous Hemangioma of the Liver: A Case Report and Review of
Literature”. Published in the ABDOMINAL SURGERY journal of the AMERICAN
27- “Vascular complications of acute pancreatitis.” Proceeding of the 20th national
congress of surgery. ANNABA- ALGERIA. 19-21 MAY 2012.
28- “Crhon disease reveled by acute surgical affection.” Proceeding of the 20th national
congress of surgery. ANNABA- ALGERIA.19-21 MAY 2012.
29- “Lymph nodes invasion of the central compartment in the thyroid papillary cancer;
results of prospective study of 29 cases”. Proceeding
of the 20th national congress of surgery. ANNABA- ALGERIA. 19-21 MAY 2012. .
30- FOURNIER disease: clinic and therapeutic aspects. Proceeding of the 20th national
congress of surgery. ANNABA- ALGERIA. 19-21 MAY 2012.
31-Our experience in the management of acute mechanical intestinal obstruction.
Proceeding of the 20th national congress of surgery. ANNABA- ALGERIA. 19-21
MAY 2012.
32- Ultrasonography versus cytology in the differentiated thyroid cancer. Proceeding
of the 20th national congress of surgery. ANNABA- ALGERIA. 19-21 MAY 2012.
33- Operation of wipple (cephalic duodéno pancreatectomy) done in emergency.
Proceeding of the 20th national congress of surgery. ANNABA- ALGERIA. 19-21
MAY 2012.
34- Rectal tuberculosis with high suspicion of malignancy. Proceeding of the 4th day of
general surgery in the universitary military hospital –Constantine 15-December 2012.
35- What value should be attributed to CA19-9 dosage in the diagnosis and treatment
of pancreatic cancer? Proceeding of the 4th day of general surgery in the
universitary military hospital –Constantine 15-December 2012.
36- Have to do prophylactic jejuno gastric bypass in the palliative surgery of pancreatic
cancer? Proceeding of the 4th day of general surgery at the teaching military
hospital –Constantine 15-December 2012.
37- Enteromesenteric infarction with pregnancy. Proceeding of the 4th day of general
surgery at the teaching military hospital –Constantine 15-December 2012.
38- Bezoard in the papilla. Proceeding of the 4th day of general surgery at the teaching
military hospital –Constantine 15-December 2012.
39 Serious complications of pseudocyst following a severe acute necrotizing
pancreatitis. Published in the Algerian Annale of surgery. Vol 47 No 1 -2013.
40 Tuberculosis of Rectum Mimicking Malignancy: A Case Report and Review of
Literature”. Published in the ABDOMINAL SURGERY journal of the AMERICAN
41 Severe acute pancreatitis: how to manage infected necrosis? Proceeding of the 17th
Maghrebian Congress of Surgery. Algiers 11-12 May 2013.
42 Our experience in surgical management of pseudocyst of pancreas after acute
necrotizing pancreatitis. Proceeding of the 17th Maghrebian Congress of Surgery.
Algiers 11-12 May 2013.
43 Participating in the live educational activity entitled 53RD CLINICAL CONGRESS,
44 Prevention and treatment of the ingrown toenail. Published in the Grara’s journal of
health (medical & surgical journal of Grara’s hospital) No 5 December 2014
45 Bilateral ovarian hydatid cyst: A Case Report and Review of Literature”. Published in
SURGEONS .Winter 2014/Spring 2015.
46 Jaundiced acute angiocholitis from diagnosis to treatment. Proceeding of the 12th
medical & surgical days at the teaching military hospital –Constantine April 1&2,
47 Interest of imaging in acute abdomens.1st international days of General Surgery of
Setif. May 02 – 03 / 2015
48 Serious complications of acute severe pancreatitis. 1st international days of General
Surgery of Setif. May 02 – 03 / 2015
49 Support of bowel tumor obstruction of left colon obstruction.1st international days
of General Surgery of Setif. May 02 – 03 / 2015
50 Pregnancy associated with enteromesenteric infarction. A case report. 1st
international days of General Surgery of Setif. May 02 – 03 / 2015
51 Inguinal hernias. What a new .1st international days of General Surgery of Setif.
May 02 – 03 / 2015
52 Giant hepatic cystadenoma case report .1st international days of General Surgery of
Setif. May 02 – 03 / 2015
53 Interest of palliative gastric resections in the treatment of evaluated gastric
cancer .1st international days of General Surgery of Setif. May 02 – 03 / 2015
54 Crohn disease reveled by an acute surgical abdomen presented in the category
“Poster Exhibition” during the World Congress of Surgery WCS 2015 in Bangkok,
Thailand, August 23 – 27, 2015.
55 Giant cystic lymphangioma of the right ovary: A case report and review of
literature. Int. Inv. J. Med. Med. August 2015 Sci. Vol. 2(8): 127-130.
56 Interest of palliative gastric resection in the treatment of advanced gastric cancer.
Proceeding of the first international days of general surgery of SETIF .May 02-03
57 Therapeutic care of tumoral obstruction of left colon. Proceeding of the first
international days of general surgery of SETIF .May 02-03 2015.
58 Giant hepatic cystadenoma: What we should do? Proceeding of the first
international days of general surgery of SETIF .May 02-03 2015.
59 Inguinal hernias: A hernia can hide another Proceeding of the first international
days of general surgery of SETIF .May 02-03 2015
60 Mesenteric infarction and pregnancy. A case report. Proceeding of the first
international days of general surgery of SETIF. May 02-03 2015
61 Serious complications of acute severe pancreatitis. Proceeding of the first
international days of general surgery of SETIF .May 02-03 2015
62 Interest of imaging procedures in acute abdomen. Proceeding of the first
international days of general surgery of SETIF .May 02-03 2015
63 Diagnosis of gravity: Postgraduate education on acute pancreatitis. AIN TAYA
HOSPITAL. June 11, 2015.
64 Serious complications. : Postgraduate education on acute pancreatitis. AIN TAYA
HOSPITAL June 11, 2015
65 Rectal tuberculosis simulating tumor of the rectum. Poster exhibition during the
117éme Congrès Français de Chirurgie Paris, September 30 – October 02- 2015.
66 Maladie de CROHN dévoilée par un aspect d’appendicite aigue. Presented in the
category “Poster Exhibition” during JFHOD 2016 in Paris –France March 17-20 2016
67 Acute cholecystitis, the cholecystectomy in emergency is reliable and cost
effective. Proceeding of the 1st day of general surgery in BEJAIA Teaching
Hospital ALGERIA – April 16-17 2016.
68 Fournier gangrene, emergency localized infection. Proceeding of the 1st day of
general surgery in BEJAIA Teaching Hospital – April 16-17 2016.
69 Cystic lymphangioma of the liver. Proceeding of the 1st day of general surgery in
BEJAIA Teaching Hospital – ALGERIA April 16-17 2016.
70 Our experience in the management of tumoral obstruction of left colon. Proceeding
of the 1st day of general surgery in BEJAIA Teaching Hospital – ALGERIA April 16-
17 2016.
71 Upper GIT Bleeding Due to Gastric Stromal Tumor. Int. Inv. J. Med. Med. Sci.
January 2016 Vol. 3(1): 14-20
72 Retrocaecal Hernia Causing Small Bowel Obstruction. A Case Report with Review of
Literature. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. Volume 15, Issue 6 Ver.V
(June. 2016), PP 79-83
73 Congenital diaphragmatic hernia revealed late in adulthood. International. Invention
Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences (ISSN: 2408-7246) Vol. 3(6) pp. 101-107,
June, 2016
74 Reverse attitude and two step hepatectomy for neuroendocrine bilateral metastasis.
published IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) e-ISSN:
2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 15, Issue 10 Ver. XI (October. 2016), PP
75 Biliary fistula of liver hydatid cyst. Proceeding of Maghreb symposium on hydatidosis.
ALGIERS – October 15, 2016.
76 Hydatid cyst simulating a pregnancy. Proceeding of Maghreb symposium on hydatidosis.
ALGIERS – October 15, 2016.
77 Hydatid cyst of the hip bone, lengthened and heavy evolution. Proceeding of Maghreb
symposium on hydatidosis. ALGIERS – October 15, 2016.
78 Participating in the CLINICAL CONGRESS 2016 OF AMERICAN COLLEGE of
79 Penetrating abdominal wounds: our attitude. Proceeding of the international congress of
the Algerian Society of Surgery. 20-23 November 2016 Oran- ALGERIA
80 Trans-vaginal drainage of a postoperative collection of Douglas pouch. Proceeding of the
international congress of the Algerian Society of Surgery 20-23 November 2016 Oran-
81 An acute peritonitis hiding many surprises. Proceeding of the international congress of
the Algerian Society of Surgery 20-23 November 2016 Oran- ALGERIA
82 Chronic pain after surgical cure of a groin hernia. Proceeding of 1st day of evaluation and
treatment of the pain. November 18, 2016-Teaching hospital of Tizi Ouzou-ALGERIA.
83 Impact of drainage of the abdominal cavity on postoperative pain after laparoscopic
cholecystectomy. Proceeding of 1st day of evaluation and treatment of the pain.
November 18, 2016-Teaching hospital of Tizi Ouzou-ALGERIA.
84 Management of pain in pancreatic cancer. Proceeding of 1st day of evaluation and
treatment of the pain. November 18, 2016-Teaching hospital of Tizi Ouzou-ALGERIA.
85 Prevention of chronic pain after amputation of the lower limbs. Proceeding of 1st day of
evaluation and treatment of the pain. November 18, 2016-Teaching hospital of Tizi
86 Acute appendicitis and pregnancy; difficult diagnosis and specific features of care.
IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-
ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 15, Issue 11 Ver. VII (November. 2016), PP 149-156
87 Acute Pancreatitis: What’s New Since the Consensus Meeting? Proceeding of 22nd day
of medical & surgical days. 1st- 02nd December 2016-Teaching hospital of Tizi Ouzou-
88 Our experience in surgical complications of digestive and peritoneal tuberculosis.
Proceeding of the 13th medical & surgical days of the 5th military region at the teaching
military hospital –Constantine 22-23-March 2017 – ALGERIA
89 Intussusception of the Appendix Duo to Endometriosis: A Case Report and Literature
Review. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) e-ISSN: 2279-
0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 16, Issue 5 Ver. III (May. 2017)
90 Bochdalek’s Hernia Revealed Late in Adulthood. Proceeding of the 47th Word Congress of
Surgery. Basel – Switzerland 13-17 August 2017.
91 Primary Hydatid Cyst of Uterus associated with a Pregnancy. Proceeding of the 47th
Word Congress of Surgery. Basel – Switzerland 13-17 August 2017.
92 Endoscopic Pancreatic Necrosectomy In Acute Pancreatitis. Indications. And Modalities.
Proceeding of the 47th Word Congress of Surgery. Basel- Switzerland 13-17 August 2017.
93 Pregnancy associated with Acute Appendicitis. A very Difficult Diagnosis and Unambiguous
Feature of Care. Proceeding of the 47th Word Congress of Surgery. Basel- Switzerland 13-
17 August 2017.
94 Right Ovary’s Gigantic Cystic Lymphangioma. Proceeding of the 47th Word Congress of
Surgery. Basel- Switzerland 13-17 August 2017.
95 Acute Bowel Obstruction due to Lesion of the Myenteric Plexus – A Case Report and Review
of Literature. International Journal of Surgical Research p-ISSN: 2332-8312 e-ISSN:
2332-8320 2017; 6(1): 18-23
October 22 – 26, 2017 – San Diego, CA
97 . Laparoscopic Removal of Migrated Intra-uterine Device Case report and literature review.
Int. Inv. J. Med. Med. Sci. Vol. 4(5): 66-70
98 Right Lumbar Incisional Hernia Repair after Iliac Crest Bone Graft: A Case Report and
Literature Review International Journal of Surgical Research-ISSN: 2332-8312 e-ISSN:
2332-8320 2017; 6(2): 25-28
99 Agenesis of the gall bladder. Proceeding of the 25th National Surgery Congress and 21st
Maghrebian Congress of Surgery. Algiers- ALGERIA.12-13-November 2017.
100 Crohn’s Disease Revealed by a Surgical Abdomen Experience from Ain Taya Hospital.
Proceeding of the 25th National Surgery Congress and 21st Maghrebian Congress of
Surgery. Algiers- ALGERIA. 12-13-November 2017.
101 -Huge gastric stromal tumor treated incorrectly for hydatid cyst of the left liver.
Proceeding of the 25th National Surgery Congress and 21st Maghrebian Congress of
Surgery. Algiers- ALGERIA 12-13-November 2017
102Neuroendocrine Tumor of Appendix à Case Report and Literature Review.
International Journal of Scientific Research. Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018 |
ISSN No 2277 – 8179 | IF : 4.758 | IC Value : 93.98
103 “Non-traumatic abdominal emergencies and pregnancy, difficult and high-risk situations.”
IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), vol. 17, no. 5, 2018, pp 45-52.
104 A Gigantic Primary Hydatid Cyst of Uterus: A Case Report and Review of Literature. J
Univer Surg. Vol.6 No.2:12. (2018)
105 Cystic Lymphangioma of the Mesentery: Difficulties of Diagnosis and Surgical Treatment
Outcome. International Journal of Surgical Researchp-ISSN: 2332-8312 e-ISSN: 2332-
8320 2018; 7(1) : 1-6
106 Large cystadenoma of the liver – diagnostic and therapeutic approach. IOSR Journal of
Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), vol. 17, issue 7 Ver 16, (July 2018),pp. 45-52.
107 Publication of translated book named “Deja Review Surgery” (USA) from English to French
language (First part) intended for residents of surgery.
ISBN: 978-9931-483-05-2 – LEGAL DEPOSIT: First Semester 2018.
108 Appendicitis in pregnant women: experience of Ain Taya surgery department. Proceeding
of the 4th day of General Surgery. Algiers- National School of Military Health-ALGERIA.
26 November 2018.
109 Introduction: There is No One Acute Appendicitis but a Lot of Appendicitis … Proceeding
110Bilio-Digestive Anastomosis: Becoming Long-Term. Proceeding of the 26th CONGRESS OF
111 Ileo Colic- Crohn’s Disease: First resection VS Iterative Surgery. Proceeding of the 4th
day of General Surgery. Algiers- National School of Military Health-ALGERIA. 26
November 2018.
112 Non – traumatic Abdominal Emergencies and Pregnancy, Difficult and High-Risk Situations.
Award in recognition for the e- Poster presentation. Clinical Congress October 21-25, 2018.
Boston MA. USA
CONGRESS 2016 OF AMERICAN COLLEGE of SURGEONS) . 104th Annual Clinical
Congress October, 21-25 2018 – Boston MA. USA.
114 Laparoscopic treatment of intestinal obstruction due to occludating bow. Proceeding of the
statutory day of the Algerian Society of Surgery. On February 28, 2019. Tizi Ouzou.
115 Interest diagnosis of laparoscopy in pain syndromes of the right iliac fossa. Proceeding of
the statutory day of the Algerian Society of Surgery. On February 28, 2019. Tizi Ouzou.
116First approach of the superior mesenteric artery during cephalic duodenopancreatectomy.
Proceeding of the statutory day of the Algerian Society of Surgery. On February 28, 2019.
Tizi Ouzou. Algeria.
117Berkane S, Belkherchi S, KhederM, A.Bendjaballah MDFACS * (2019). Iterative
Hepatectomy for Recurrent Cancer. New Way for Radical Surgery for Recurrent
Gallbladder Carcinoma. Gen Surg. Rep. Vol.3 No.1:8
118Bendjaballah A, Khiali R, Haider A, Lamrani Z. Surgical Approach of Degenerated Giant
Rectal Villous Adenoma in Elderly Patient. Journal of Surgery [Jurnalul de chirurgie]. 2019;
14(4): 95-96 DOI: 10.7438/1584-9341-14-4-106
119A.Bendjaballah MD FACS* Pr. M. Habarek (2019). Laparoscopic Fenestration of Hepatic
Cysts called “Simple Cysts of the Liver”. Assessment of Evolution and Complications. Gen
Surg Rep. Vol.3 No.1:9
120 Bendjaballah A, Taieb M, Ammari S, Khiali R. Littre’s Hernia: A Unusual Tricky Situation of
Meckel’s Diverticulum. World J Surg Surgical Res. 2019; 2: 1150.
121Bendjaballah A*, Taieb M, Khiali R, Dahmani H and Naitslimane N. Acute Recurrent
Pancreatitis Secondary to Biliary Cystic Fistula of Liver Hydatid Cyst. An Exceptional
Cause of Acute Recurrent Pancreatitis Treated by Endoscopic Sphincterotomy. Ann Clin
Case Rep. 2019; 4: 1690. ISSN: 2474-1655
122 A Bendjaballah M Taieb, R Khiali, S Ammari, Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma,of the Ileum
on Crohn’s Disease Revealed by Acute Peritonitis. Japanese Journal of
Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 2019; 1(6):1-4.
123 Pr. Boulassel , Pr. M. Habarek , Pr. Dr. Sihadj Mohand and Dr. A. Bendjaballah MD Ph.D.
World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences. wjpls, 2019, Vol. 5, Issue 11
ISSN 2454-2229.
124Acute appendicitis and Pregnancy, Difficult Diagnosis and Specific Features of Care.
Award in recognition for the e- Poster presentation. Clinical Congress October 27-31, 2019.
San Francisco CA. USA
CONGRESS 2019 OF AMERICAN COLLEGE of SURGEONS). 104th Annual Clinical Congress
October, 27-31, 2019. San Francisco CA. USA
126 Is the neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio in acute pancreatitis a predictor of the severity of the
disease? Proceeding of the 27th National Congress of Surgery November 2-3, 2019
127 Early Cholecystectomy After Moderate Acute Biliary Pancreatitis (Preliminary Results of a
Prospective Study). Proceeding of the 27th National Congress of Surgery November 2-3,
128 Pseudo Cysts of Pancreas. Proceeding of the 27th National Congress of Surgery
November 2-3, 2019 ALGIERS – ALGERIA
129-Retrocoecal Internal Hernia Managed by Laparoscopy. Proceeding of the 27th
National Congress of Surgery November 2-3, 2019 ALGIERS – ALGERIA
130- Supra-Vesical Internal Hernia (Retzius space). A Case Presentation. Proceeding
of the 27th National Congress of Surgery November 2-3, 2019 ALGIERS – ALGERIA-
131Publication of translated book named “Deja Review Surgery” (USA) from English to French
language (second part) intended for residents of surgery.
ISBN: 978-9931-483-05-2 – LEGAL DEPOSIT: First Semester 2020.
132Publication of book named New International Recommendations on Acute
Pancreatitis. ID (202424) book’s ISBN (978-620-0-50113-4).
Lambert Academic Publishing. January

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Hasmizam Razali
Executive Summary
More than 10 years teaching experience in tertiary level with total 14 subjects, covering
fundamental to applied chemistry with more than 50 credit hours, ranging from diploma and
bachelor’s degree.
Materials chemist with 10 years research experience in metal oxide nanomaterials for
environmental and biomedical applications. For examples, TiO2 based nanomaterials for waste
water treatment and CO2 conversion, TiO2 bio-nanocomposite films for wound dressing and tissue
engineering and etc.
Received 15 research grants (FRGS, PRGS, RAGS, Science Fund, UMT internal grant) from
government agencies with a total grant up to RM 1.3 million
Successfully collaborated with scientists locally and internationally with total of 50 journal
articles published in Q1 to Q4 indexed journal (WoS, Scopus) as main and co-author. (8 h-index
and 173 citations)
Has been awarded Profesional Technologist (Ts.) by Malaysia Board of Technologist (MBOT)
and a Senior Member of The American Society for Research (ASR) and Institute of Research,
Engineers and Doctors.
Participate in consultation to PETRONAS CHEMICALS POLYETHYLENE SDN. BHD. as project
leader for Chemical Reaction between Alkyl and Titanium reagents and other community services
such as mentor and facilitator to school
Has been invited as keynote (1), plenary (1) and invited speaker (11) at international and
national conferences
Supervised almost 44 undergraduate students in final year research projects in pure and
applied science (B Sc (Chemical Sciences), graduated 1 Ph.D student as main supervisor and
2 master’s students as co-supervisor. Currently supervise 4 Ph.D, 1 master and 6
undergraduate students
Research recognised and granted with various medals (special award, gold, silver and
bronze) from research projects at international level, national, university and faculty level with
the total awards is 42 including the academic recognition.
Experienced in management leadership as UMT graduate employability (GE) task force, MoU
and Data coordinator, Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) coordinator and Internship
Appointed as Editor for 7 international journals and 1 national journal as well as
committee member for 18 international and national conference
Appointed as thesis examiner from local universities, reviewer for manuscripts (local and
international), jury for research and innovation competition, as well as conference chair session
at international and national level.
Involved in student development activity at various levels
Program/School : Faculty of Science and Marine Environment,
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
21030 Kuala Nerus, Terengganu
Main Field/Sub-Field/ : Chemistry
Specialization Field : Materials Chemistry
Identification Number : 810819-03-5311
Academic/Professional and other Qualifications:
PhD. In Materials Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2015.
Thesis: Hydrothermal Synthesis of Doped/Co-doped TiO2 Nanotubes for Methyl Orange
M.Sc. with Honours in Chemistry (Catalytic Chemistry), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
Thesis: Physical and Catalytic Activity Studies of NiO Based Catalyst for Methanation
Reaction of Natural Gas.
B.Sc. with Honours in Chemistry, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2003.
Thesis: Fotodegradasi Parakuat Diklorida Dengan Menggunakan Campuran Serbuk
Fotomangkin TiO2 dan Al2O3.
Employment Records:
March 2015-present Lecturer (DS52), Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
August 2006-Feb 2014 Lecturer (DS45), Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
Jan 2006 – July 2006 Lecturer (DS45), Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Dec 2004 – Dec 2005 Research Officer, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Date of Commencing Services : August 2006
Date of Confirmation : 17th Feb 2008
Date of Appointment to the Current Position: March 2015
Chapter in Book
1. Chapter in book: Koleksi Bahan Pintar; Sains dan Aplikasi; Bab 7 (Mangkin)
2. Chapter in book: Bio – Nanocomposite IPN for Biomedical Application;
Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., Singapore. 2018 (Submitted)
(iii) Proceeding of Conference/Seminar
1) Abdullah, I.H., Masri, M.N., Mohd Hasmizam Razali, and Yusoff, M. (2019).
Characterization of aluminum-titanium oxide-nickel oxide hybrid nanocomposite prepared
by powder metallurgy. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2068, No. 1, p. 020052). AIP
Publishing. 2019
2) Ahmad, Amirah, Mohd Hasmizam Razali, and Khairul Anuar Mat Amin. (2018)
“Review of Metal Supported on Mesoporous MCM41 as Catalyst for CNTs Growth.” In IOP
Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 440, no. 1, p. 012025. IOP
Publishing, 2018.
3) Zulkifli, R.C., Mohd Hasmizam Razali, Azaman, F., Ali, A., Nor, M.A.A.M. (2018)
Synthesis and characterization of Al-Fe-Cu tri-doped TiO2 by in-situ hydrothermal for
degradation of methylene blue dyes. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and
Engineering. Vol. 440. No. 1, p. 012019
4) Ismail, Nur Arifah, Khairul Anuar Mat Amin, and Mohd Hasmizam Razali. (2018)
“Preparation of Gellan Gum (GG) Film: The effect of GG, Calcium Chloride (CaCl2),
Glycerol Concentration and Heat Treatment.” In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science
and Engineering, vol. 440, no. 1, p. 012006.
5) Ismail, Nur Arifah, Khairul Anuar Mat Amin, and Mohd Hasmizam Razali. (2018)
“Mechanical and Antibacterial Activities Study of Gellan Gum/Virgin Coconut Oil Film
Embedded Norfloxacin.” IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Vol.
440. No. 1.
6) Ismail, N.A., Amin, K.A.M. and Mohd Hasmizam Razali, (2018). Physiochemical and
Physiochemical and Mechanical Properties Study of Gellan Gum Incorporating Norfloxacin
Biofilm. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 440, No. 1, p.
012027). IOP Publishing.
7) Isa, Nur Farihah Mohamad, Nik Raihan Nik Yusoff, Mohd Hasmizam Razali, and Mahani Yusoff.
(2018) “Photocatalytic activity of hydrothermally synthesized Al2O3 graphene nanocomposite.”
In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 440, no. 1, p. 012017. IOP
Publishing, 2018.
8) Yvonne, K. S., Y. Mahani, W. Razak, M.R. Sofiyah, Mohd Hasmizam Razali. (2018). Properties
of epoxy-hybrid composite using bamboo fiber andSalacca zalacca fruit skin powder. Materials
Today: Proceeding (5), pp 21759 – 21764.
9) Nur Arifah Ismail, Mohd Hasmizam Razali, Khairul Anuar Mat Amin (2017). Mechanical
and physicochemical properties study on gellan gum thin film prepared using film casting
method. AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol.1885, 020045.
10) Amirah Ahmad, Mohd Hasmizam Razali and Khairul Anuar Mat Amin (2017).
Study on physicochemical properties of functionalized-MWNTs with 3-
aminopropyltriethoxysilane loaded TiO2 nanoparticles. AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol.
1885, 020031
11) Azeida Farizal Md. Uwaisulqarni Osman, Mohd Farhan Azly Mohd Zulkafli, Mohd
Hasmizam Razali (2017). Characterization of hydrothermally synthesized
nanocrystalline titanium dioxide and their potential application in dye sensitive solar cells
(DSSCs), AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1885,020135
12) Mohd Hasmizam Razali, Zaid, M.H.A.M. and Yusoff, M., (2016). Study on the
morphology stability of TiO2 nanotube arrays towards temperature as a potential toxic
gas sensor. Procedia Chemistry, 20, pp.130-132.
(iv) Other relevant Publications
Intelectual Properties (IP)
1. A Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell; PATENT (PI 2017703682), 2017
3. ECO-DONACA Composite: Hak Cipta (CR) 2016
4. Hexagonal TiO2 nanotubes Photocatalyst; Patent Filled 2016
Article in Discovery UMT: Simposium Sains Asas: Medan Pengembangan Ilmu 2018
Article in Press; – Tukar Asap Kepada Tenaga, Utusan Malaysia, Februari 2016
d) Awards in Academic/Professional Field
No Type of Award Award Authority Award
1 Bronze Medal: Minggu
Penyelidikan dan Inovasi 2019
UMTCoP1.0: UMT Conductive
UMT, Unisza and
Universiti 2019
2 Sijil Perkhidmatan Cemerlang 2018 UMT Universiti 2019
3 Special Award
Seoul International Invention Fair
Sycorp1.0: Synthestic Conductive
GCC Patent Office International 2018
4 Gold Medal
Seoul International Invention Fair
Sycorp1.0: Synthestic Conductive
Korea Invention
International 2018
5 Gold Medal for 29th International
Invention, Innovative &
Technology Exhibition (ITEX)
Sycorp1.0: Synthestic Conductive
Invention and
Desing Society
International 2018
6 Gold Medal: Minggu Penyelidikan
dan Inovasi 2018Sycorp1.0:
Synthestic Conductive Polymer1.0
UMT, Unisza and
Universiti 2018
7 Silver Medal: Minggu Penyelidikan
dan Inovasi 20182D
Nanostructured Materials For
Wound Dressing Application
UMT, Unisza and
Universiti 2018
8 Sijil Perkhidmatan Cemerlang 2017 UMT Universiti 2018
9 Merit Award. Malaysia Technology
Expo (MTE)
Themoplastic Hybrid Composite
Research Society
National 2017
10 Gold Medal,
Sirim Invention, Innnovation &
Technology Expo 2017Hybrid
Nanocomposite Photocatalyst
SIRIM National 2017
11 Gold Medal: Minggu Penyelidikan
dan Inovasi 20174-TFT: Potential
Synthetic Compounds Towards
Solar Cell Application
UMT, Unisza and
Universiti 2017
12 Silver Medal: Minggu Penyelidikan
dan Inovasi 2017GT-MED:
Advanced Nanocomposite Film for
Rapid Wound Healing
UMT, Unisza and
Universiti 2017
13 Sijil Penghargaan PPSA
Khidmat Komuniti
PPSA, UMT PTJ Universiti 2017
14 Sijil Penghargaan PPSA
Inovasi dan produk
PPSA, UMT PTJ Universiti 2017
15 Sijil Penghargaan PPSA
PPSA, UMT PTJ Universiti 2017
16 Sijil Perkhidmatan Cemerlang 2016 UMT Universiti 2017
17 Cambridge Cerfiticate 2016
Outstanding Profesional
International 2016
18 World Leader of the Science 2016
Outstanding Achievements in
Nanomaterials and Catalyst
International 2016
19 Special Awards
The 2nd World Invention
Innonvation Contest
ECO-DONACA Composite
Korea Invention International 2016
20 Gold Medal
The 2nd World Invention
Innonvation Contest
ECO-DONACA Composite
Korea Invention International 2016
21 Silver Medal
27th International Invention,
Innovative & Technology
Exhibition (ITEX) 2017)
NANO-CAT: CO2 Green House Gas
Converter into Fuels
Invention and
Desin Society
International 2016
Gold Medal
Pameran Penyelidiakan & INovasi
Thermplastic Starch Based
Universiti Malaysia
Universiti 2016
Awards during study leave and before; (2014 – 2008)
22)Who’s Who in the World 2015, 2014 and 2013
23) Gold Medal Award, International Invention, Innovation and Technology Exhibition (ITEX),
24)Bronze Medal Awards, International Invention, Innovation and Technology Exhibition
(ITEX), 2014
25) Silver Medal Award, Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE), 2014.
26)Who’s Who in the World 2013
27) Product and Innovation Award (International), Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 2010.
28) Product and Innovation Award (National), Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 2010.
29) Publication Award, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 2010.
30) Shortlisted for National Innovation Awards – Young Inventor, 2009.
31) Special Awards (MAWHIBA Award), King Abdul Aziz Foundation, Arab Saudi, 2009 at 37th
International Exhibition of Inventions Techniques and Products, GENEVA, Geneva,
Switzerland, Swiss Confederation
32) Gold Medal, 37th International Exhibition of Inventions Techniques and Products, GENEVA,
Geneva, Switzerland, Swiss Confederation
33) Silver medal, 37th International Exhibition of Inventions Techniques and Products, GENEVA,
Geneva, Switzerland, Swiss Confederation
34) Product and Innovation Award (International), Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 2009.
35) Product and Innovation Award (National), Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 2009.
36) Publication Award, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 2009.
37) Silver Medal Award. Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE). 2009.
38) Silver Medal Award, Bio Malaysia 2008, Malaysia BioTech Corporation & Malaysian
Association Research Society (MARS), 2008.
39)Bronze Medal Award, Bio Malaysia 2008, Malaysia BioTech Corporation & Malaysian
Association Research Society (MARS), 2008.
40)Bronze Medal Award, International Invention, Innovation and Technology Exhibition (ITEX),
41) Silver Medal Award, International Invention, Innovation and Technology Exhibition (ITEX)
42)Bronze Medal Award. Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE). Malaysian Association Research
Society (MARS), 2008.
Academic Training/ Research Expedition/Other Academic
i. Workshop on FTIR, Sept 22-23, 2019, UMT
ii. Research Talk, July 16, 2019, UMT
iii. Scholarpedia Talk Siri 4/2019, May 2019, UMT
iv. Workshop on “Tips Dan Strategi Penyediaan Dan Permohonan Geran
Penyelidikan, Feb 2019, UMT
v. Taklimat Geran Dan Intensif Penyelidikan 2019, Jan 2019, UMT
i. Workshop on World Class Academic Programme, 09 July 2018, UMT
ii. Bengkel intensif Pembangunan Kursus MOOC, 17-19 Okt, 2018, Kuantan,
iii. Bengkel Klinik FRGS Advanced Nano Materials (AnoMA) 2018, 22nd February
2018, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
iv. Bengkel semakan Folio Pengajaran Kursus, 3 Sept 2018, UMT
v. Bengkel Penyediaan E-Kandungan MOOC, 19-21 April 2018, Kota Bharu,
vi. Bengkel Advances in Materials, 5 April 2018, UMT
vii. Bengkel Permohonan Geran Industri and antarabangsa, 2 April 2018
viii. Bengkel Pemurniaan Data Scopus, 12 Feb 2018, UMT
i. Bengkel NLP, 27-29th November 2017, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
ii. Bengkel Penulisan Pusat Pengajian Sains Asas, 6 August 2017, Universiti
Malaysia Terengganu
iii. Workshop on Materials Science and Elemental Analysis, 28 march 2017,
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
iv. Bengkel Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran, 3 March 2017, Universiti Malaysia
v. Bengkel Permohonan Geran Antarabangsa, 19 Feb 2017, Universiti Malaysia
vi. Bengkel Penyediaan Folio Pengajaran, 23 Jan 2017, Universiti Malaysia
vii. Bengkel Pemurnian Projek Ilmiah Tahun Akhir & Latihan Industri, 20th August
2017, Rumah Universiti, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
i. Bengkel “ Hands on Introduction to Reitveld” 22- 23 March 2016 Bangi,
ii. Bengkel Pentahsihan Kertas Soalan 29 Nov 2016, Universiti Malaysia
iii. Bengkel Penulisan Jurnal Berimpak, 21 July 2016, Universiti Malaysia
iv. Bengkel Penerbitan Monograf, 18 May 2016, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
v. Bengkel Pemurnian Silibus Sains Kimia, 6th April 2016, Universiti Malaysia
vi. Bengkel Pengajaran & Pembelajaran PPSA 2016, 13th March 2016, Universiti
Malaysia Terengganu
vii. Bengkel Pengisian Markah mengikut MYICGPPA, 11 Jan 2016, Universiti
Malaysia Terengganu
viii. Bengkel Instrumentasi Spektroscopy ( Pengendalian UV-Vis), 30-31 Mei 2016
ix. Bengkel Pengisian Data Pencapaian SKT ahli akademik PPSA, 28 Jan 2016
(iii) Membership of professional bodies/NGO
No. Organization Year / Period Role
1. Malaysian Board of Technology (MBOT) Dec 2018 – present Technologist (Ts.)
Hong Kong Chemical, Biological and
Environmental Engineering Society
(HKCBEES) March 2018 – present Senior Member
3. The American Society for Research Mac 2016 – present Senior Member
Institute of Research, Engineers and
Doctors Jan 2016 – 2019 Senior Member
International Association of Advanced
2016 – present Member of Society
5. Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) 2015- present Member of Society
6. Advanced Nano Materials (ANoMA) February 2018 – present Member of Society
Persatuan Kebajikan Staf Akademik
(PASAK)-UMT 2015-present Member of Society
(iv) Involvement in Student’s Development Activities
No Activities/Title of talk if Date/Venue Roles Students
relevant Number
1 Mentor-Mentee
Sept 2019, Universiti Malysia
Terengganu Mentor 12
MInggu Jalinan Mesra, 2019 Sept 2019, Universiti
Malaysia Terengganu Facilitator 89
3 Santai Raya bersama Alumi
June 2019, Universiti
Malaysia Terengganu Facilitator 50
4 PPSA Carrer Talk with Alumni 2019
May 2019, Universiti
Malaysia Terengganu Secretariat 160
Latihan Industri dari UiTM Jengka and
PPSMS UMT 16th July – 30th August Supervisor 4
2018, Universiti Malaysia
6 Projek Pesta Type III MRSM Kuala 1-23rd June 2018, MRSM Advisor 4
Berang and Kuala Terengganu 2018 Kuala Berang & Universiti
Malaysia Terengganu
7 Undergraduate Research Day 2018 15th May 2018, Dewan Jury 15
Sultan Mizan, Universiti
Malaysia Terengganu
MInggu Jalinan Mesra – Kenali Pusat
Pengajian 5
th September 2018, Facilitator 100
Kompleks Kuliah,
Universiti Malaysia
Projek Pesta Type III MRSM, Kuala
Besut, Terengganu Facilitator 4
June 2017
Universiti Malaysia
10 Latihan Industri Pelajar PPSMS, UMT 16 July – 30 August 2017, Supervisor 4
Universiti Malaysia
11 Karnival Teknologi Hijau, Peringkat 29-30 September 2017/ Jury and 50
Negeri Terengganu Persekitaran PPSA, Mentor
Universiti Malaysia
12 School of Fundamental Science 8 March 2017/ Medan Facilitator of 300
(PPSA) Open day Syarahan Timur, Universiti Activities
Malaysia Terengganu
Menelusuri Anak bangsa: Asasi STEM
UMT 30th Oktober 2017, Secretariat 100
Auditorium Mahyuddin,
Universiti Malaysia
14 National Science Challenge 10 Julai 2017, Secretariat 40
Auditorium Mahyuddin
Universiti Malaysia
Karnival Pengajian Tinggi Negara
13-14 Februari 2016
Unisza, Terengganu Petugas 500
f) Knowledge Transfer
Consultancy and Project/Process/Service Development
1. Projek Tempurung: Nyah Bau dan Menyegarkan “ Young Entrepreneurs Strive For Suceess
(YESS) Convensyen, 2019
2. Penasihat Inovasi Pusat Kesihatan Universiti (PKU), 2019
3. Chemical reaction between Alkyl and Titanium reagent, 2016-2017 (PETRONAS CHEMICAL
ETHYLENE, Terengganu)
4. Training of Ziegler Natta catalyst to PETRONAS CHEMICAL ETHYLENE , 2018
5. Projek Tunas Saintis MRSM SeMalaysia “Waste products for cell proliferation” Mac – August 2018
(MRSM Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu)
6. Projek Tunas Saintis MRSM SeMalaysia “Scrap tyre : Waste to Wealth” Mac – August 2017
(MRSM Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu)
7. Projek Tunas Saintis MRSM SeMalaysia “Oil removal using Banana Peels” Mac – August 2017
(MRSM Kuala Besut, Terengganu)
8. Projek Tunas Saintis MRSM SeMalaysia “Waste Water Purification Using Activated Carbon” Mei –
Jun 2016 (MRSM Kuala Berang, Terengganu)
g) Academic & Management Leadership
(i) Administrative duties/Other Administrative/ Committee Member
No Appointment Year and Duration Organization
1 AJK TaskForce Graduate Employbility
2019 – present UMT
2 Data & MOU Coordinator 2019 – present FSSM, UMT
3 Industrial Training Coordinator 2018 – 2019 PPSA, UMT
4 Community Services Coordinator 2018 – 2019 PPSA, UMT
5 MOOC PPSA Coordinator 2018 PPSA, UMT
6 Duta Kecil PPSA 2018 PPSA, UMT
7 Pengawai Insiden PPSA 2017- 2019 PPSA, UMT
Committee Member
1. Scientifc Committee, International Conference on Photonic Research 2018, Nov 4-9, 2019,
Antalya, Turki
2. Technical Committee, 8
th International Conference on Engineering and Innovative Materials 2019
(ICEIM 2019), Sept 6-8, 2019
3. Technical Committee, International Conference on Materials and Manufacturing, April 23-24,
2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
4. Technical Committee, Asian Conference on Materials and Manufacturing, Feb 3-5, 2018, Beijing
5. Technical Committee, International Conference on Materials and Manufacturing, April 28-30,
2018, Moscow, Rusia
6. International Technical Committee, International Conference on Engineering Materials and
Metallurgy, April 28-30, 2018
7. Technical Committee, 8
th International Conference on Engineering and Innovative Materials 2018
(ICEIM 2018) and ICFMS Sept 11-12, Kitakyushu, Japan
8. Organizing Committee, Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology in Healthcare, Sep 17-19, 2018, Abu
Dhabi, UAE
9. Scientifc Committee, International Conference on Photonic Research 2018, Oct 8-12, 2018,
Antalya, Turki
10. Manager; International Fundmentum Science Symposium, Jun 25-26, 2018, Kuala Terengganu,
11. International Conference Programme Committee, International Conference on Nanomaterials,
Functional and Composite Materials, 2017, Hong Kong, China
12. Technical Committee, International Conference on Materials and Manufacturing, May 4-6, 2017,
13. Technical Committee, 7
th International Conference on Engineering and Innovative Materials and
ICFMS Sept 11-12, 2017, Kitakyushu, Japan
14. Committee Member of “ Majlis Perasmiaan Anjung Fundamentum & Program Menelusuri
Kegemilangan PPSA, March 2017
15. Committee Member of “Hari Terbuka Pusat Pengajian Sains Asas (2017)”, Feb. 2017
16. Technical Committee, 6
th International Conference on Engineering and Innovative Materials,
17. Committee Member of “National Science Challenge (NSC) 2016
18. Committee Member of PPSA Postgraduate Colloquium, Oct. 2015
(ii) Thesis Examiner
1) Wong Xin Lin (MS1611043T) – MSc. (Research), 2019 – External Examiner
Title of thesis: Synthesis and Characterization of Carbaloze-Based Conjugated Polymer
By Using Direct Arylation Polymerization
2) NOOR HIDAYAH BINTI IDROHANI (GSK2421) – MSc. (Research), 2019 – Internal
Title of Thesis: Development of Monolithic Enzyme Support From Polymer Silica
Hybroid Via Sol gel polymerization Method.
3) ZAZA HAZRINA HASHIM – MSc. (Research), 2018 – Internal Examiner
Title of Thesis: Determination of Methylphenol Using Additives Coupled With High
Performance Liquid Chromatography Ultraviolet Detector.
4) NORSEYRIHAN MOHD SOHAIMI – Ph.D QE, 2016 – Internal Examiner
Title of Thesis: Investigation of Cloud Point Extraction Combined With Magnetic Solid
Phase Extraction (MSPE) and Its Mechanisms to Extract Parabens in Various Sample
(iii) Scholar Publication Reviewer
1. Photoconversion of CO2 over Fe-N-Ti@xSBA nanocomposite to produce hydrocarbon fuels,
Materials Research Bulletin, 2019
2. Carbon Nanotubes Synthesis using Siliceous Breccia as a Catalyst Source. Diamond & Related
Materials, 2019
3. Comparative activity of Titania, Ni-Titania and Co-Titania for Photocatalytic degradation of
Picric acid dye. Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, 2019
4. Prospects of photocatalysis in diesel fraction purification, IOP Journal of Physics: Conference
Series:, 2019
5. Two Phase Co-Cu Thin Films with Size Distribution of Ferromagnetic Nanostructures Optimum
for Giant Magneto Resistance, Current Nanoscience, 2019
6. CdSe Quantum Dots Induce Cellular Differentiation in HL-60 cells, NanoScience and
Nanotechnology Asia, 2019
7. Activating ZnO nanorod photoanodes in visible light by CdS surface sensitizer. Micro & Nano
Letters, 2019
8. Synthesis of hexagonal-like ZnO/Ag composite with excellent photocatalytic activity. Micro &
Nano Letters, 2019
9. Transition Metal Ions (Fe, Co, Cr, Mn…) Doping TiO2 Nanotube Arrays:A General Approach.
Journal Inorganic Chemistry, 2019.
10. Formation of TiO2 Thin Film on Antibacterial Metal Injection Molding Stainless Steel Orthodontic
Bracket 17-4 PH using Physical Vapor Deposition Method. Key Engineering Materials, 2019
11. Anodization of Highly-ordered Titania Nanotube Prepared with Organic Electrolyte. Key
Engineering Materials, 2019
12. Study on Mechanical properties of Multilayer Graphene/Epoxy Nanocomposites. Key
Engineering Materials, 2019
13. TiO2 hollow sphere with surface rich Ti3+ for improved visible-light photocatalysis, Journal of
Materials Science, 2018
14. Characterization of the Properties of Electrospun Blended Hybrid Poly (vinyl alcohol)_Aloe
Vera/Chitosan Nano-emulsion Nanofibrous Membranes, Key Engineering Materials, 2018
15. Gold Nanostars for SERS Analysis on Biomedical Samples, Key Engineering Materials, 2018
16. Synthesis of hexagonal-like ZnO/Ag composite with excellent photocatalytic activity, Micro and
Nano Letters, 2018
17. Silver and manganese co-doped titanium oxide aerogel for effective diclofenac degradation
under UV-A light irradiation, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2018
18. Van der Waals Driven Self Assembly Approach For ZnS Nanoparticle, Journal of Sustainability
Science and Management, 2018
19. Synthesis and Characterization of Carbamate insectisice – intercalated zinc layered hydroxice
modified with sodium dodecyl sulphate. IOP Materials Science and Engineering, 2018
20. Loading and release of drugs inside the cavity of halloysite nanotubes, IOP Materials Science
and Engineering, 2018
21. Physiochemical Properties of SAPO-34 impregnated ZnO as BIfuntional Heterogenos Catalyst,
Proceeding of Conference on Biomedical and Advanced Materials, 2018
22. Flexural Strenght Properties of Kenaf Fiber reinforced Plastic, Malaysian Construction Research
Journal, 2017
23. Post-illumination activity of single phase photocatalyst of Mo-doped TiO2 Nanotube Array
Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017
24. On certain Counting Polynomial of TiO2 nanotubes, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Asia,
25. Synthesis and Characterization of Metallosurfactant as CO2 Viscocity, EDUCATUM Journal of
Science, Mathematic and Technology, 2017
26. Reviewer for Special Issue on Engineering, 2017
27. Reviewer for Proceeding of Applied Mathematic in Science and Engineering, 2017
28. Reviewer for Proceeding of Recent research in Science and Engineering, 2017
29. Reviewer for Proceeding of Green Design and Manufacturing & Electronic Green Materials,
30. Broadband optical limiting properties of hollow and porous gold nanocages for nanosecond
laser pulses, Materials Letters, 2016
31. Engineering Colloids with Narrow Size Distribution in a Three Dimensioanl Ordered
Macroporous Carbon Microreactor, Materials Letters, 2016
32. The Influences of Calcination Temperature Towards CO2 Adsorption on Iron Oxide, Malaysian
Journal of Analytical Sciences (MJAS), 2016
33. Coated Gellan Gum Hydrogel As A drug Carrier in Targeted Oral Drug Delivery System for
Colon Cancer Treatment, Journal of Sustainability Science and Management, 201
34. Effect of N-S Codoped TiO2 on Photocatalytic Degrdation of phenol, Proceeding of Advenced
materials Conference 2016
35. Degrdation of Metylene Blue by Graphene Wrapped Titania Fibers, Proceeding of Advenced
materials Conference 2016
36. Reviewer for International Conference on Engineering and Innovative Materials, 2016
37. Reviewer for World International Conference Sciences, 2016
38. Reviewer for International Conference on The Application of Science and Mathematics, 2016
(iv) Jury/Chair for Presentation/Competition
No Programme Year Role
“International Conference and Exposition on
Inventions by Institutions of Higher Learning”
(PECIPTA) 2019
2019 Jury
2 Minggu Inovasi dan Penyelidikan 2019 Jury
3 Karnival Inovasi Teknologi Hijau Peringkat Negeri
2019 Jury
Advances in Materials 2019 Session Chair
5 Undergraduate Research Day 2019 Assessor
th International Conference on Engineering and
Innovative Materials
2018 Session Chair
7 Karnival Inovasi Teknologi Hijau Peringkat Negeri
2018 Jury
8 Undergraduate Research Day 2018 Jury
9 International Invention and Innovative
2017 Jury
10 International Malaysia-Indonesia-Thailand
Symposium on Innovation and Creativity (iMIT
SIC) 2017
2017 Jury
11 7
th International Conference on Engineering and
Innovative Materials
2017 Session Chair
12 Karnival Teknologi Hijau Peringkat Negeri
2017 Jury
13 Advances in Environmental Science and
Engineering Research International Conference
2016 Session Chair
14 Inovasi@UMT 2016 2016 Jury
15 Penyelidikan PascaSiswazah 2016 Jury
(v) Editor for Scholarly Publication (Journal, Book, Etc,)
Editorial Board
1. SCIREA Journal of Materials
2. MAYFEB Journal of Environmental Sciences
3. Journal of Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology
4. Nanotechnology in Science and Engineering
5. Microbiology : Current research
6. Microbiology and Biotechnology report
7. Nanoparticle Journal
8. International Journal of Green Technology
9. Malaysia Construction Research Journal
(vi) Decision Committee
1. Scientific Committee for public research funding, Italian Ministry of
Education, Universities and Research, 2018 – present
(viii) Association
1. American Society For Research, 2015 – Present (Senior member)
2. International Association of Advanced Materials, 2016 – Present (member)
3. Institute of Research, Engineers and Doctors, 2016 – 2019 (member)
4. Malaysian Nature Society, 2016 – Present (member)
5. Persatuan Kebajikan Staf Akademik UMT (PASAK), 2016 – present (member)
(vii) Keynotes/Plenary/Invited Speaker
1. International Symposium on Hydrogen Energy, renewable Energy and Materials (HEREM)
, June 13-14, 2019, Bangkok, Thailand, Keynote Speaker
Title: NANO-CAT: CO2 Greenhouse Gas Converter into Fuels
2. International Conference on Materials and Manufacturing Technology, April 26-28, 2019,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Invited Speaker
Title: 3D TiO2 nanotube beads photocatalyst for degradation of methylene orange dye
used in textile industry
3. Advances In Materials, June 17, 2019, UMT, Invited Speaker
Title: Sol-gel Synthesis and Characterization of TiO2 nanoparticles for MO degradation
4. International Fundamental Science Congress 2018, 23-24 Oct 2018 Selangor, Malaysia Invited
Title: Hydrothermal Synthesis and Characterization of TiO2 Nanoparticles Photocatalyst for
Methylene Blue Dye Degradation
5. International Conference on Photonic Research, 8-12 Oct, 2018, Antalya Turki
Invited Speaker
Title: Green Emitting Phosphor Coupled TiO2 Nanotubes as Effective and Efficient Photocatalyst for
Pollutant Elimination
6. 8
th International Conference on Engineering and Innovative Materials 2018 (ICEIM 2018)
Sept 11-12, Kitakyushu, Japan. – Invited Speaker
Title: Nanostructured TiO2 materials: Preparation, Properties and Potential Applications (3P’s)
7. Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) 12 February 2018 Universiti Malaysia Kelantan – Invited Speaker
Title: BET surface Area
8. Scholarpedia Talk, 22 February 2018 PPSA UMT – Invited Talk
Title: The Evolution of Nanostructured Materials Research
9. 7
th International Conference on Engineering and Innovative Materials 2017 (ICEIM 2017)
Sept 11-12, Tokyo, Japan. – Invited Speaker
Title: Nanostructured TiO2 materials: Preparation, Properties and Potential Applications (3P’s)
10. International Conference on Medical and Clinical Microbiology 2017, – Plenary Speaker
Title: Gellam Gum Incorporated TiO2 nanotubes Thin Film for Wound Dressing Application
11. International Conference on Materials and Manufacturing Technology (ICMMT 2017), May 3-5,
2017, Singapura – Invited Speaker
Title: Nanostructured TiO2 materials: Preparation, Properties and Potential Applications (3P’s)
12. Petronas Chemicals Ethylene Sdn. Bhd, 28 March 2017 – Invited Speaker
Title: Kereaktifan reagen alkil terhadap reagen titanium
13. Program Simbiosis 3.0, UPM-MTDC, 1 Dec 2016 – Invited Speaker
Title: NANO-CAT:CO2 Greenhouse gas Converter
14. Wacana Ilmu PPSA, UMT 8 December 2016 – Invited Speaker
Title: Materials Analysis using SEM/TEM
15. Wacana Ilmiah Kimia PPSA, UMT, 31 March 2016 – Invited Speaker
Title: XRD Analysis using Expert HighScore Plus
h) International linkage/Networking
Organizations Scope of Networking
Kokushikan University, Japan International grant application (KURITA)
Ph.D reviewer
Tokyo Universiti of Science,
Research collaboration in biomaterials and
Ph.D reviewer
Suranee Universitiy of
Technology, Thailand
Research Collaboration
King Abdullah Universiti Sains
and Techology, Arab Saudi
Research Collaboration
WorldGreen Co. LTD, Korea Macthing Grant

Dr. Ashok K Singh
A firm believer of hard work, perseverance and team skills. Like to work in a professionally
managed organization that provides a challenging environment and opportunities to grow
up wherein I see my growth and welfare with that of the organization.
Academic Qualifications
Degree/Class University/ Institution Discipline Division
(Regular mode)
Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar
University (A Central
University), Lucknow
M. Pharm.
BBD NIIT, Lucknow Pharmaceutical
B. Pharm.
Dr. K.N. Modi Institute of
Pharmaceutical Education &
Research, Modi Nagar,
U.P. Board, Allahabad Biology First
U.P. Board, Allahabad Mathematics First
High School U.P. Board, Allahabad Science First with
Academic Achievements
✓ Qualified CSIR-UGC-NET, Dec 2012 (Chemical Sciences).
✓ Qualified GATE-2013 (Life Sciences).
✓ Qualified GPAT-2013 (Pharmaceutical Sciences)
✓ Qualified GPAT-2011 (Pharmaceutical Sciences)
Research Experiences
Post-Doctoral Research Trainee
NIH Funded Project: Discovery of Small Molecules as Cancer Therapeutics
Advisor’s Name: Prof. Arun Sharma
University: The Pennsylvania State University, Penn State
College of Medicine, Hershey, PA, USA
Duration of Training (8th July, 2019 – 31th July, 2019)
Ph.D. (Pharmaceutical Sciences)
Ph.D. thesis title: Design, Synthesis and Pharmacological screening of
novel Indole fused benzo and pyrido heteroazepines
Guide’s Name: Dr. Sudipta Saha
University: Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University
(A Central University), Lucknow
Date of Joining: 17 July, 2014
Date of Thesis Submission: 12 January, 2018
Date of Award: 26 March, 2019
M.Pharm. (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
M. Pharm. thesis title: Microwave-assisted synthesis and Molecular
modeling studies of novel benzylidinethiazolidin-4-one
fibrates as PPAR-α Agonists
Guide’s Name: Prof. Shailendra K Saraf
Institute: BBD Northern India Institute of Technology, Lucknow
Duration of Project completion: July, 2012 – March, 2014
Key Research Areas
• Discovery of novel drug molecules for Cancer, Diabetes, Hypercholesterolemia
and Cardiovascular diseases.
• Oncology / Immuno-oncology.
• Synthetic organic chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacology.
Key Scientific Skills
• In Silico novel Drug design and Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning
(ML) in Drug discovery;
• Synthetic organic chemistry.
• Synthesis of Novel drug like molecules and their Spectroscopic characterization
using Mass, NMR, IR and UV.
• Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics (PK/PD) study using HPLC & LC-MS.
• In vitro and In vivo Pharmacological Screening at Preclinical trial level;
• Histopathology and SEM analysis, ELISA, Immunohistochemistry;
• Target identification of novel anticancer drugs using Gene (qRT-PCR) and Protein
(Western blot) expression analysis as well Cell cycle arrest analysis (Flow
• Thrust area of research is utilization of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning
(ML) and deep learning for prompt drug discovery and development.
• Basic knowledge in Clinical Trial research.
Research Achievements
Research Gate and Google Scholar Statistics
RG Score: 29.97
Total Publications: 48
Google Scholar Citation: 278
Total Impact Factor: 85.325 (Thomson Reuters IF)
h-index: 10
i10-index: 11
Research Publications
✓ Total Number of Research Paper Publications = 48
✓ Number of Publications as First/Sole author = 16
✓ No. of Papers in SCI indexed Journals = 27
✓ No. of Papers in Scopus indexed Journals = 40
✓ No. of Book Chapters in SCI Indexed Journals = 4
✓ No. of Patents (Published/Granted) = 3
Research Papers (In SCI indexed Journals)
1. Ashok K Singh, AS Bhadauria, U Kumar, V Raj, A Rai, P Kumar, AK Keshari,
Kumar, B Maity, S Nath, A Prakash, S Saha. Author Correction: Novel Indole-
fused benzo-oxazepines (IFBOs) inhibit invasion of hepatocellular carcinoma by
targeting IL-6 mediated JAK2/STAT3 oncogenic signals. Scientific Reports
(Nature: IF: 4.525), 2020, 10, Article number: 2391,
2. Ashok K Singh, AS Bhadauria, U Kumar, V Raj, A Rai, P Kumar, AK Keshari, D
Kumar, B Maity, S Nath, A Prakash, S Saha. Novel Indole-fused benzo-
oxazepines (IFBOs) inhibit invasion of hepatocellular carcinoma by targeting IL-6
mediated JAK2/STAT3 oncogenic signals. Scientific Reports (Nature: IF: 4.525)
2018, 8, Article number: 5932, doi:10.1038/s41598-018-24288-0.
3. Ashok K Singh, AS Bhadauria, U Kumar, V Raj, V Maurya, D Kumar, B Maity, A
Prakash, A De, A Samanta, S Saha. Novel fused oxazepino-indoles (FOIs)
attenuate liver carcinogenesis through IL-6/JAK2/STAT3 signaling blockade as
evidenced through data based mathematical modeling. Life Sciences (Elsevier:
IF: 3.448), 2018, 201, 161-172. doi: 10.1016/j.lfs.2018.02.029.
4. Ashok K. Singh, V Raj, AK Keshari, A Rai, P Kumar, A Rawat, B Maity, D Kumar,
A Prakash, A De, A Samanta, B Bhattacharya, S Saha. Isolated mangiferin and
naringenin exert antidiabetic effect via PPARγ/GLUT4 dual agonistic action with
strong metabolic regulation. Chemico-Biological Interactions (Elsevier, IF:
3.407) 2017, 280, 33–44. doi: 10.1016/j.cbi.2017.12.007.
5. Ashok K Singh, V Raj, S Saha: Indole-fused azepines and analogues as
anticancer lead molecules: Privileged findings and future directions. European
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (Elsevier, IF: 4.833). 2017, 142, 244-265. doi:
6. Ashok K Singh, AC Tripathi, A Tewari, V Chawla, SK Saraf. Design and
microwave facilitated green synthesis of 2-[4-(3-carboxymethyl, methoxy
carbonylmethyl-2,4-dioxo and 4-oxo-2-thioxo-thiazolidin-5-ylidenemethyl)-
phenoxy]-2 and 3-methyl propionic acid ethyl ester derivatives: a novel structural
class of antidyslipidemic agents. Medicinal Chemistry Research (Springer, IF:
1.720) 2017, 26(7), 1535–1549, DOI:10.1007/s00044 -017-1875-0.
7. Ashok K Singh, AK Keshari, S Saha. Bridgehead Nitrogen Thiazolo[3,2-
a]pyrimidine: A privileged Structural Framework in Drug Discovery. Mini Reviews
in Medicinal Chemistry (Bentham Science, IF: 2.842) 2017, 17, 1488-1499,
DOI:10.2174/138955751 7666170216142113.
8. P Kumar, AK Gautam, U Kumar, AS Bhadauria, Ashok K Singh, D Kumar, T
Mahata, B Maity, H Bera, S Saha. Mechanistic exploration of the activities of
poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)-loaded nanoparticles of betulinic acid against
hepatocellular carcinoma at cellular and molecular levels. Archives of
Physiology and Biochemistry (Taylor & Francis: IF: 2.110), 2020, 6, 1-13. doi:
9. V Raj, AS Bhadauria, Ashok K Singh, U Kumar, A Rai, A Keshari, P Kumar, D
Kumar, B Maity, S Nath, A Prakash, KM Ansari, JL Jat. Novel 1,3,4-thiadiazoles
inhibit colorectal cancer via blockade of IL-6/COX-2 mediated JAK2/STAT3
signals as evidenced through data-based mathematical modeling. Cytokine
(Elsevier: IF: 3.577), 2019, 118, 144-159,
10.V Maurya, P Kumar, S Chakraborti, Ashok K Singh, AS Bhadauria, U Kumar, D
Kumar, A Pramanik, B Saha, RV Kumar, SB Gosipatala, B Bhattachariya, B Maity,
S Saha. Zolmitriptan attenuates hepatocellular carcinoma via activation of
caspase mediated apoptosis. Chemico-Biological Interaction (Elsevier: IF:
3.407) 2019, 308, 120-129. doi: 10.1016/j.cbi.2019.05.033.
11.P Kumar, A Agarwal, Ashok K Singh, AK Gautam, S Chakraborti, U Kumar, D
Kumar, B Bhattacharya, P Panda, B Saha, T Qidwai, B Maity, S Saha.
Antineoplastic properties of zafirlukast against hepatocellular carcinoma via
activation of mitochondrial mediated apoptosis. Regulatory Toxicology and
Pharmacology (Elsevier: IF: 2.996). 2019, 109, 104489,
12.A Rai, U Kumar, V Raj, Ashok K Singh, P Kumar, AK Keshari, D Kumar, B Maity,
A De, A Samanta, S Nath, A Prakash, SB Gosipatala, G Chand, S Saha. Novel
1,4-benzothazines obliterate COX-2 mediated JAK-2/STAT-3 signals with
potential regulation of oxidative and metabolic stress during colorectal cancer.
Pharmacological Research (Elsevier, IF: 5.574). 2018, 132, 188-203. doi:
13.P Kumar, AS Bhadauria, Ashok K. Singh, S Saha. Betulinic acid as apoptosis
activator: Molecular mechanisms, mathematical modeling and chemical
modifications. Life Sciences, (Elsevier: IF: 3.448), 2018, 209, 24–33. doi:
14.P Mishra, V Raj, AS Bhadauria, Ashok K Singh, A Rai, P Kumar, AK Keshari, A
De, A Samanta, U Kumar, D Kumar, B Maity, S Nath, A Prakash, KM Ansari, S
Saha. 6,7-dimethoxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-isoquinoline-3-carboxylic acid attenuates
colon carcinogenesis via blockade of IL-6 mediated signals. Biomedicine &
Pharmacotherapy (Elsevier, IF: 3.743) 2018, 100, 282–295. doi:
15.P Kumar, Ashok K Singh, V Raj, A Rai, AK Keshari, D Kumar, B Maity, A
Prakash, S Maiti, S Saha. Poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid)-loaded nanoparticles of
betulinic acid for improved treatment of hepatic cancer: characterization, in vitro
and in vivo evaluations. International Journal of Nanomedicine (Dove Medical
Press, IF: 4.471), 2018, 2018, 975-990. doi: 10.2147/IJN.S157391.
16.V Raj, A Rai, Ashok K Singh, AK Keshari, PH Trivedi, B Ghosh, U Kumar, D
Kumar, S Saha. Discovery of Novel 2-Amino-5-(Substituted)-1,3,4-Thiadiazole
Derivatives: New Utilities for Colon Cancer Treatment. Anti-cancer agents in
medicinal chemistry (Bentham Science, IF: 2.418) 2018, 18, 719-738,
DOI:10.2174/187152061766617041912 2916.
17.A Rawat, S Chaturvedi, Ashok K Singh, A Guleria, D Dubey, AK Keshari, V Raj,
A Rai, A Prakash, U Kumar, D Kumar, S Saha. Metabolomics approach
discriminates toxicity index of Pyrazinamide and its metabolic products; Pyrazinoic
acid and 5-Hydroxy Pyrazinoic acid. Human & Experimental Toxicology (Sage
Publishing, IF: 2.171) 2018; 37, 373-389, DOI:10.1177/ 0960327117705426.
18.CB Tripathi, N Gupta, P Kumar, Ashok K Singh, M Singh, J Kanoujia, M Arya, S
Jain, SA Saraf, S Saha. ω-3 Fatty Acid synergized Novel Nanoemulsifying System
for Rosuvastatin Delivery: In Vitro and In Vivo Evaluation. AAPS Pharm Sci Tech
(Springer, IF: 2.608), 2017, 19, 1205-1218, DOI10.1208/s12249-017-0933-8.
19.AK Keshari, Ashok K Singh, U Kumar, V Raj, A Rai, P Kumar, D Kumar, B Maity,
S Nath, A Prakash, S Saha. 5H-benzo[h]thiazolo[2,3-b]quinazolines ameliorate
NDEA-induced hepatocellular carcinogenesis in rats through IL-6 down-regulation
along with oxidative and metabolic stress reduction. Drug Design, Development
and Therapy (Dove Press, IF: 3.208), 2017, 11, 2981-2995,
20.A Rai, Ashok K Singh, V Raj, S Saha. 1,4-Benzothiazines- A biologically
attractive scaffold. Mini Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry (Bentham Science,
IF: 2.842) 2017, 18, 42-57, DOI:10.2174/1389557517666170529075556.
21.AK Keshari, Ashok K Singh, V Raj, A Rai, P Trivedi, B Ghosh, U Kumar, A Rawat,
D Kumar, S Saha. p-TSA promoted syntheses of 5H-benzo[h]thiazolo[2,3-
b]quinazoline and indeno[1,2-d]thiazolo[3,2-a]pyrimidine analogs: Molecular
modeling and in-vitro antitumor activity against hepatocellular carcinoma. Drug
Design, Development and Therapy (Dove Press, IF: 3.208) 2017, 11, 1623-
1642, DOI:10.2147/DDDT. S136692.
22.AK Sahdev, V Raj, Ashok K Singh, A Rai, AK Keshari, A De, A Samanta, U
Kumar, A Rawat, D Kumar, S Nath, A Prakash, S Saha. Ameliorative effects of
pyrazinoic acid against oxidative and metabolic stress manifested in rats with
dimethylhydrazine induced colonic carcinoma. Cancer biology & therapy
(Taylor and Francis, IF: 3.373) 2017, 18, 304-313,
23.A Rai, V Raj, MH Aboumanei, Ashok K Singh, AK Keshari, SP Verma, S Saha.
Pharmacophore, 3D-QSAR models and Dynamic Simulation of 1,4-
Benzothiazines for Colorectal Cancer Treatment. Combinatorial chemistry &
high throughput screening (Bentham Science: IF: 1.503) 2017, 20, 658-674,
DOI:10.2174/1386207320666170509 153137.
24.S Chauhan, P Kumar, Ashok K Singh, V Raj, A Rai, AK keshari, A Prakash, S
Saha. Protective Effect of Naringin against Pylorus Ligation-induced Esophagitis
in Male Wistar Rats. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (IF: 0.762)
2017, 79(2), 250-256.
25.V Raj, MH Aboumanei, A Rai, SP Verma, Ashok K Singh, AK Keshari, S Saha.
Pharmacophore and 3D-QSAR modeling of novel 1,3,4-thiadiazole derivatives:
Specificity towards colorectal cancer. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal
(Springer, IF: 0.510) Accepted (10 May 2017).
26.P Kumar, A Rawat, AK Keshari, Ashok K Singh, S Maity, A De, A Samanta, S
Saha. Antiproliferative effect of isolated isoquinoline alkaloid from
Mucunapruriens seeds in hepatic carcinoma cells. Natural Product Research
(Taylor and Francis, IF: 1.928) 2016, 30(4), 1-4,
27.PS Kushwaha, V Raj, Ashok K Singh, AK Keshari, SA Saraf, SC Mandal, RK
Yadav, S Saha. Antidiabetic effects of isolated sterols from Ficus racemosa
leaves. RSC Advances (IF: 3.168) 2015, 5, 35230-35237,
Research Papers (In Non-SCI Peer-reviewed Journals)
28.Ashok K Singh, V Raj, A Rai, AK Keshari, S Saha. Indole fused
benzooxazepines: A new structural class of anti-cancer agents. Future Science
OA. (Pubmed and Scopus indexed) 2017, 3(1), FSO168. DOI:10.4155/fsoa-
29.Ashok K Singh, P Kumar, V Raj, A Rai, S Maity, A Rawat, U Kumar, D Kumar, A
Prakash, A Guleria, S Saha. 6,7-dimethoxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-isoquinoline-3-
carboxylic acid attenuates hepatocellular carcinoma in rats with NMR based
metabolic perturbations. Future Science OA (Pubmed and Scopus indexed)
2017, 3(3), FSO202, DOI:10.4155/fsoa-2017-0008.
30.Ashok K Singh, V Raj, A Rai, AK Keshari, P Kumar, S Saha. Determination of
5H-benzo[2,3][1,4]oxazepino[5,6-b]indole in rat plasma by RP-HPLC-UV Method.
Application to Pharmacokinetic Studies. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and
Clinical Research (Scopus indexed). (IF: 0.40) 10(12), 2017, 425-430.
31.Ashok K Singh: Familial Hypercholesterolemia: Therapeutic Advances.
International Journal of Science and Research 2015, 4(8), 51-
32. Ashok K Singh, V Chawla, SK Saraf, AK Keshari, Different Chemical, Biological
and Molecular Approaches for Anti-Hyperlipidemic Therapy with Special
Emphasis on Anti-Hyperlipidemic Agents of Natural Origin. Journal of Critical
reviews, 2014, 1, 1-9.
33.RC Ibeh, GC Ikechukwu, SN Ijioma, Ashok Kumar Singh, M Asadi-Samani, CI
Nwankwo, EU Ejiofor, SO Onoja, GS Aloh. Anti-spasmolytic and Anti-diarrheal
Activities of Newbouldia laevis, Cola nitida and Acanthus montanus Extracts on
Gastrointestinal Muscles. Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology (Scopus
indexed) 2019, 14(1), 1-8.
34.A Rai, V Raj, Ashok K Singh, AK Keshari, U Kumar, D Kumar, S Saha. Design
and synthesis of 1,4-benzothiazine derivatives with promising effects against
colorectal cancer cells. Cogent Chemistry (Taylor and Francis) Cogent
Chemistry 2017, 3, 1303909,
35.V Raj, A Rai, Ashok K Singh, A K Keshari, S Saha, Pharmacokinetics studies of
single orally administered 1,3,4-thiadiazoles, Method development and validation.
International journal of pharmacokinetics (Future Science). 2017, 2(4),
36.A Rai, V Raj, Ashok K Singh, AK Keshari, S Saha. A Method for Determining
1,4-Benzothiazine Derivatives in Rat Plasma by HPLC and its Application to a
Pharmacokinetic Study. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical
Sciences (IF: 0.59), 2017, 9(12), 82-86.
37.S Chaturvedi, Ashok K Singh, AK Keshari, S Maity, S Sarkar, S Saha. Human
Metabolic Enzymes Deficiency: A Genetic Mutation Based Approach. Scientifica
(Hindawi) (Pubmed and Scopus indexed) 2016, 2016(3):1-14., Article ID
9828672 DOI:10.1155/2016/9828672.
38.PS Kushwaha, Ashok K Singh, AK Keshari, S Maity, S Saha. An Updated Review
on Phytochemistry, Pharmacology and Clinical Trials of Salacia oblonga.
Pharmacognosy Reviews (Scopus indexed) 2016, 10(20), 109-114,
39.PS Kushwaha, Ashok K Singh, AK Keshari, BC Nandy, S Saha. Comparison of
antidiabetic, hypolipidemic and protective effects hydroalcoholic extracts of
leaves, barks and roots of Salacia oblonga in albino Wistar rats. ASIO Journal of
Pharmaceutical & Herbal Medicines Research (Albert Science International
Organization), (Impact Factor: 2.06) 2016, 2(1), 28-33.
40.A Mishra, AK Keshari, Ashok K Singh, S Maity, B Nandy, S Saha. Oxidative
stress-based hepatotoxicity of duloxetine in wistar rats. International Journal of
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (IF: 0.59) 2016, 8(11),
41.RK Yadav, AK Keshari, Ashok K Singh, S Saha: Antidiabetic and hypolipidemic
effect of ficus racemosa petroleum ether extract in streptozotocin induced diabetic
albino rats. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (IF:
0.59) 2015, 7(4), 283-287.
Book Chapters (In SCI Indexed Journals)
1. Ashok K Singh, S Saha. Chapter: Chemistry, therapeutic attributes and
biological activities of Dillenia indica Linn. Book: Environmental Biotechnology:
for sustainable future: (Springer) 2018, ISBN: 978-981-10-7284-0.
2. Ashok K. Singh, AS Bhadauria, P Kumar, H Bera, S Saha, Bioactive and drug-
delivery potentials of polysaccharides and their derivatives, Book: Polysaccharide
Carriers for Drug Delivery: (Elsevier) 2019, ISBN: 978-0-08-102553-6.
3. S Saha, Ashok K Singh, AK Keshari, V Raj, A Rai, S Maity. Chapter: Modern
Extraction Techniques for Drugs and Medicinal Agents. Book: Ingredients
Extraction by Physico-chemical Methods in Food, 1st edited by Alexandru
Grumezescu Alina Maria Holban, 07/2017: (Elsevier), ISBN: 9780128115213.
4. S Saha, Ashok K Singh, AK Keshari, PS Kushwaha, S Maity. Chapter: Emerging
therapeutic targets for diabetes. Book: Bio-Targets and Drug Delivery
Approaches, Boca Raton:(Taylor & Francis), 2017, ISBN: 9781498729994.
Patents (Published/Granted)
1. Ashok K Singh, Sudipta Saha. Indole Fused Pyrido-oxazepine and its
derivatives for the Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Application
Number: 201611016493 (published), Publication date (U/S 11A): 17/11/2017.
2. Ashok K Singh, Sudipta Saha. 5H-benzo[2,3] [1,4]thiazepino[5,6-b]indoles for
the treatment of liver cancer. Application Number: 201711026168 (Published),
Publication Date (U/S 11A): 25/01/2019.
3. AK Keshari, S Saha, Ashok K Singh, V Raj, A Rai. 5H-benzo[h]thiazolo[2,3-
b]quinazolines containing nitrogen bridgehead as an anti-hepatocellular
carcinogenic agent. Ref. No: Application Number: 201611032810 (Granted),
Publication date (U/S 11A): 30/03/2018.
Scientific Awards:
1. “Young Scientist Award” winner by “VDGOOD Professional Association”
based on my research profile in “7th International Scientist Awards on
Engineering, Science and Medicine” held in Coimbatore, India.
2. “Research Excellence Award” winner by the “Institute of Scholars (InSc)”,
registered under Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India, based on my academic
profile and quality of research work.
“Reviewer” (in SCI Indexed Journals)
1. Life Sciences (Elsevier Publication)
2. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters (Elsevier Publication)
3. Medicinal Chemistry Research (Springer publication)
4. Human and Experimental Toxicology (Sage Publication)
5. Chemical Biology & Drug Design (Wiley Online Library Publication)
“Editorial Board Members” (in Peer-Reviewed Journals)
1. Indo Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
2. Organic & Medicinal Chemistry International Journal
3. Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences
4. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Therapeutics
Scientific Writing Related Experiences:
Key Responsibilities
• Responsible for Creating, Editing, and Reviewing Scientific Manuscripts.
• Patent search, Patent drafting and Patent analysis etc.
• Manage the writing, editing and reviewing of clinical documents including clinical
study reports (CSRs), clinical data summaries etc.
• Perform literature searches and analyzing them as necessary to obtain
background information for the development of documents.
• Perform quality control (QC) checking and proof reading of abstracts, posters, slide
sets and other scientific resources.
• Write and format manuscripts to meet journal submission requirements and
revision of manuscript till the final acceptance.
• Ensuring timely deliverable of documents with quality as a prime parameter.
• Preparation of Standard Operating Procedures and workflow process.
• Utilization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in new drug discovery.
Technical Skills:
• Operating system: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 10.
• Office: MS Word, MS Excel and MS PowerPoint.
• Database: SciFinder, ChemSpider, Endnote, Cortellis Competitive Intelligence,
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine learning (ML) in new drug discovery.
• Dictionaries: WHO Drug Dictionary
• Softwares: Chemdraw Ultra (Chemical Communication); Autodoc & Schrödinger
(Molecular docking); Gauss View, ArgusLab & ChemPro3D (QSAR study);
WinNonlin & Pmetrics (PK/PD study); Matlab (Mathematical Modeling).
Teaching Experiences
1. Head of the Department in Sardar Patel College of Pharmacy, Gorakhpur (Duration
8 Aug 2019 to Present)
2. Assistant Professor in Institute of Technology and Management, GIDA, Gorakhpur,
and certified with the teaching experience of approximately 1.5 year (Duration 13 Jan
2018 to 7 July 2019).
Conferences And Workshops
International Seminars / Conferences
1. Presented a research paper entitled ‘Synthesis, Characterization and
Evaluation of different Schiff bases as Antimicrobial agents ‘in “64th
International Pharmaceutical Congress (64th IPC)” held in SRM University
Chennai during 7th- 9th December 2012.
2. Participated in International Pharmaceutical Conference-2015, on
“Nanoformulations and Translational Research: Small Getting Bigger” held in
BBAU (A Central University), Lucknow during Feb 02-03, 2015.
3. Participated in CTDDR-2013, 5th International Symposium on “Drug
Development for Orphan/Neglected Diseases” at CSIR-Central Drug Research
Institute (CDRI), Lucknow from 26th to 28th February 2013.
National Seminars / Conferences
4. Presented a research paper entitled ‘Novel Indole-fused benzooxazepines
(IFBOs) inhibit invasion of hepatocellular carcinoma by targeting IL-6
mediated JAK2/STAT3 oncogenic signals’ in a conference on “National
Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering, Science, Management and
Pharmacy, in Institute of Technology and Management, GIDA, Gorakhpur.
5. Presented a review paper entitled ‘India as source of plants to combat liver
cancer for wellness/medical tourism” in a Conference on “Tourists and Green
Spaces: Healthier lifestyle approaches from nature” at BBAU (A Central
University), Lucknow on July 15th & 16th, 2017.
6. Presented a research paper entitled ‘Synthesis and Evaluation of Some Novel
N-piperazinoacetyl Substituted 2,6-Diarylpiperidin-4-diones as Analgesic
and Antipyretic Agents’ in “National Symposium on ADR Monitoring and
Pharmacovigilance” at ALT Centre, Rajnagar, Ghaziabad on February 9th and
10th, 2013.
7. Participated in “Golden Jubilee Conference of Indian Hospital Pharmacists
Association (IHPA)” organized by IHPA in association with Babasaheb Bhimrao
Ambedkar Central University, Lucknow at BBAU, Lucknow on March 1st& 2nd,2014.
8. Participated in “7th RSC-CRSI Symposium in Chemistry” organized by
Department of Chemistry, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi on January 31,
9. Participated in “15th CRSI National Symposium in chemistry” organized by
Department of Chemistry, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi during 1st-3rd February 2013.
10. Participated in the “National Seminar on Digital Health Management”
organized by Azad Institute of Pharmacy and Research, Lucknow, U.P. on 14th
March 2013.
11. Participated in “National Conference on Evolution of Pharmacy Profession
and its Contribution in the National Health Care”, organized by College of
pharmacy, S R Group of Institution, Jhansi, U.P., on 20th October 2012
Training and Workshops
12. “15th Indo-US Flow Cytometry Workshop- Application of Flow Cytometry in
Biomedical Research” from 29th to 31st Oct. 2014 at BBAU, A Central University,
13. Entrepreneurial ship Training on “Essential Oil Processing Technologies-
2013” at Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant (CIMAP), Lucknow.
14. “Application on the Direct Analysis in Real Time (DART) Mass Spectrometry
Technique” from 24th to 25th September 2013 at SAIF, CSIR-CDRI, Lucknow.
15. “Recent Trends in Structural Biology and Drug Designing” from 24-26 oct.,
2013 held at Biotech Park, Lucknow.
16. Workshop on “Climate Change” conducted by Indian Youth Climate Network in
association with Dr. K. N. Modi Foundation held on 21st April 2010.
Online Certification Courses and Awards
1. “Certificate of Excellence” from Researcher Academy “Elsevier” on every
module within “Certified Peer Reviewer Course” on Tuesday 28 April, 2020.
2. “Certificate of Excellence” from Researcher Academy “Elsevier” on every
module within “Book writing” on Tuesday April 28, 2020.
3. “Certificate of Excellence” from Researcher Academy “Elsevier” on every
module within “Research data management” on Tuesday 28 April, 2020.
4. “Certificate of Excellence” from Researcher Academy “Elsevier” on every
module within “Research collaborations” on Tuesday April 28, 2020.
5. “Certificate of Excellence” from Researcher Academy “Elsevier” on every
module within “Social impact” on Tuesday 28 April, 2020.
6. “Certificate of Completion” on “Artificial Intelligence & Drug Discovery”
organized by Shri Vithal Education & Research Institute’s College of Pharmacy,
Pandharpur, Maharashtra, India on April 20, 2020.
7. “Record of Achievement” on “Emerging respiratory viruses, including COVID-
19: methods for detection, prevention, response and control” organized by “World Health Organization” (WHO) on April 11, 2020.
8. “Confirmation of Participation’’ on “Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) for
Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)” organized by “World Health Organization”
(WHO) on April 11, 2020.
9. “Confirmation of Participation” and “Quiz Winner” on “COVID-19: Introduction
and Safety Measures’ conducted by Pharmaceutical Education Society from
April 16, 2020 to April 20, 2020.
10.“Successful completion” and “Quiz Winner” on “Quiz Corona-An
Awareness” conducted by MIT School of Engineering, Pune, Granted on
Faculty Development Program (FDP)
1. Attended Eight-day Faculty Development Program on ‘Universal Human Values
and Professional Ethics’ conducted by value education cell, AKTU Lucknow from
29 Nov to 6 Dec 2018.

Hui-Fen Wu
Hui-Fen Wu is a senior professor at National Sun Yat-Sen University. She received her Ph.D. degree
from the University of Texas at Austin, the USA in 1994. Followed by postdoctoral appointments at
University of California at Berkeley, she went back to Taiwan as an Associate Professor (1996–2001)
and Professor (2001–2006) in the Department of Chemistry, Tamkang University. She joined the
Department of Chemistry, National Sun Yat-Sen University in 2006 as a senior professor. Her research
work has been focused on Nano-Biomedicine using nanomaterials applied as biosensors for medical
diagnosis of various diseases such as cancer and diabetes and also photo-thermal treatment of cancers.
Basically, as an analytical chemist, she has diversified her research interests to the application of nano-
based biological tools (mass spectrometry, Raman, fluorescence spectroscopy)in bacteriology,
biotechnology, oncology, biosensors and drug delivery in cancer and neuro disease treatment. In
National Sun Yat-Sen University, she is also an adjunct professor in the Doctoral Degree Program in
Marine Biotechnology (2009∼), Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (2008∼2017), Institute of
Medical Science and Technology (2011∼). She is also an adjunct professor in the School of Pharmacy,
Kaohsiung Medical University (2013∼). She has been served as the editorial board member in many
journals and serves as an associate editor in Journal of Integrated OMICS. She also ever served as the
reviewer committee for the MOST expensive instrument center, and FDA of Taiwan, a director in
Taiwan Society of Mass Spectrometry and Taiwan Society of Proteomics, and the Chair (2006 & 2020)
and Vice Chair (2019) of the Female Chemist Fellowship Society in Taiwan. In the 11th joint female
conference of the Chemist and Physicist (2019), she also organized and host a music relaxing program
for several violin players. The awards that she has received included the Lifetime Achievement Award
of Marquis Who’s Who in the World (2017), the Academic Outstanding Award (2016) and Outstanding
Paper Award (2014 & 2019) from Taiwan Chemical Sensor Society; and the pride of the Nation
Inventor & Academic Award (2012); Annual Meeting Contribution Award of the Asia Pacific Society
for Materials Research (APSMR) (2017) and APSMR Outstanding Keynote Presentation (2017). To
date, she has published 230 scientific journals, 17 book chapters, 11 patents and 290 conference
presentation & speeches.
Book Chapters:
1. Suresh Kailasa, Hui-Fen Wu*, Comprehensive Sampling and Sample Preparation. Volume 3, Chapter
title: Inorganic Contaminants: Sample Preparation Approaches. Pawliszyn, J.; Le, X. C.; Li, X-F.;
Lee, H. K.; Eds; Elsevier, Academic Press: Oxford, UK, 2012, 743–782. (With author’s photos and
biographies, 作者介紹).
2. Suresh Kailasa, Hui-Fen Wu*, Vaibhavkumar Mehta, Quantum Dots: Applications, Synthesis and
Characterization. Chapter 5: Prospects of Engineering Quantum Dots Applications in
Ultrasensitive Assays, Nova Science Publishers, 2012, 69-109.
3. Suresh Kailasa, Hui-Fen Wu*, Cysteine: Biosynthesis, Chemical Structure and Toxicity. Chapter 3:
Toxicity of Cysteine: Towards Biopathways. Editors: Fyodor V Chorkina, Andrey I. Karataev, Nova
Science Publishers, 2012, 61-84.
4. Suresh Kailasa and Hui-Fen Wu*, Lysozymes: Sources, Functions and Role in Disease. Chapter 5:
Functions of Lysozymes and their identification of by MALDI-MS. Nova Science Publishers, 2013,
5. Suresh Kailasa, Hui-Fen Wu*, Shang-Da Huang*, Waste Water-Treatment Technologies and Recent
Developments. Chapter 5: Recent developments on mass spectrometry for the analysis of pesticide
from wastewater. Edited by F. Sebastian et al. In Tech Publications, 2013, Jan, 99-120. (This chapter
has 2000 downloads on Feb.11,2015).
6. Suresh Kailasa, Karuna A. Rawat, Hui-Fen Wu*, Ionic Liquids in Bioanalysis, ebook entitled
“Sample extraction techniques for biological samples: recent advances and novel applications”.
Future Science Group, UK, London, 2015, accepted. (With author’s photos and biographies, 作
7. Suresh Kailasa, Stephanie L. D’souza, Hui-Fen Wu*, Analytical Applications of Nanoparticles in
MALDI-MS for Bioanalysis, ebook title “Sample extraction techniques for biological samples: recent
advances and novel applications” Future Science Group, UK, London, 2015, accepted. (With
author’s photo and biographies, 作者介紹).
8. Suresh Kailasa, Hui-Fen Wu*, Applications of Carbon Nanomaterials in Cellular Imaging for
publication in the Multi-Volume SET (I-XI), Applications of NanoBioMaterials, Volume VIII:
NanoBioMaterials in Medical Imaging, Wiley, 2015, accepted.
9. Suresh Kailasa, V. N. Mehta, Nazim Hasan, Hui-Fen Wu*, Chapter 6: Fluorescent Carbon Dots for
Bioimaging, book title: Advanced Bioelectronic Materials, 2016, 215-228, Edited by: A Tiwari, HK
Patra, APF, Turner, Wiley.
10. Hani Abdelhamid, Hui-Fen Wu*, Reference Module in Chemical, Molecular Sciences and Chemical
Engineering, Chapter: 11016, Ionic Liquid Matrices for Mass Spectrometry: Design, Synthesis, and
Applications, Elsevier, 2015, accepted.
11. Suresh Kailasa, Hui-Fen Wu*, Chapter 34: Proteomic profiling by nanomaterials-based MALDI
mass spectrometry – principles and examples. Book title: Analytical methods and integrated work-
flows for Proteomic profiling, Springer, Germany, 2015, 479-496.
12. Suresh Kailasa, Hui-Fen Wu*, Jignesh Kumar, Graphene Science Handbook: Applications and
Industrialization. Vol. 6, Chapter title: Graphene-Based Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass
Spectrometry: An Approach to Bioanalytical Applications, CRC Press/Taylor&Francis, FL, USA,
2016, in press.
13. Suresh Kailasa, Vaibhavkumar N. Mehta, Nazim Hasan, Hui-Fen Wu*, Nanobiomaterials in medical
imaging (applications of nanobiomaterials), Volume 8, Chapter 11: Applications of Carbon
Nanomaterials in Biosensing and Cellular Imaging, Elsevier, 2016, 339-359.
14. Suresh Kailasa, Vaibhavkumar N. Mehta, Hui-Fen Wu*, Food Preservation: Nanotechnology in the
Agri-Food Industry, Volume 6, Chapter 13: Recent Advances in the Direct and Nanomaterials –
Based Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption / Ionization Mass Spectrometric Approaches for Rapid
Characterization and Identification of Foodborne Pathogens, Edited by Alexandru M Grumezescu,
Elsevier, 2016, 449-485.
15. Hani Abdelhamid, Hui-Fen Wu*, Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research – Alzheimer Disorders Volum
6, Chapter 1, Biological Mass Spectrometry for Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease, 2016, Vol.6, 3-
22, Bentham ebooks, eBook Reference No: 9781681083391-16-1038.
16. Hani Nasser Abdelhamid, Hui-Fen Wu*, Nanoparticles advance drug delivery for cancer cells,
Nanoparticulate Drug Delivery Systems, CRC Press, A Taylor & Francis Group, 2019,121~.
17. Hani Nasser Abdelhamid, Hui-Fen Wu*,Handbook of Graphene: Physics, Chemistry, and Biology,
John Wiley & Sons,2019,273~.
期刊論文: (*Corresponding author, citation is updated to 2019/8/8)
1. Amit Kumar Sharma, Nallin Sharma, Sunil Pandey, Jhong-Lin Guo, Hui-Fen Wu*,
Ce1.0Mo0.15Eu0.05Ox aqueous perovskites for stable NIR-emission and its sensitivity towards
hydrogen peroxide” ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING, sc-2019-
05879g.R2, pending to accept, 2010, Jan 17. (I.F.:6.97/5Y:7.185, Ranking:9/138, 6.52%,
2. Sekar Kumaran, Hani Abdelhamid, Nazim Hasan, Hui-Fen Wu*, Cytotoxicity of Palladium
Nanoparticles against Aspergillus Niger, NANOSCIENCE & NANOTECHNOLOGY-ASIA,
2020, Vol 10, No, 1, accepted. (IF1.9)
3. Nalin Sharma, Amit Kumar Sharma, Sunil Pandey, Hui-Fen Wu*, Electrocatalytic synthesis of black
tin oxide nanomaterial as photothermal agent for cancer therapy, MATERIALS SCIENCE &
(I.F.:4.959/5Y:4.708; Ranking:7/32,21.88%, MATERIALS SCIENCE, BIOMATERIALS).
4. Hani Abdelhamid, Hui-Fen Wu, A New Binary Matrix for Specific Detection of Mercury (II) Using
Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry, JOURNAL OF THE
5. Nallin Sharma, Sunil Pandey, Amit Kumar Sharma, Hui-Fen Wu*, Two-Dimensional Atomically
Thin Tin-Based Fluorescent Oxide Synthesized at Ambient Temperature and Its Biomedical
7485 (I.F.:6.97/5Y:7.185 ; Ranking:9/138, 6.52%, ENGINEERING, CHEMICAL).
6. Amit Kumar Sharma, Sunil Pandey, Nalin Sharma, Hui-Fen Wu*, Synthesis of fluorescent
molybdenum nanoclusters at ambient temperature and their application in biological imaging,
APPLICATIONS, JUN.2019, 99,1-11
(I.F.:4.959/5Y:4.708 ; Ranking:7/32,21.88%, MATERIALS SCIENCE, BIOMATERIALS).
7. Yowan Nerthigan, Sunil Pandey, Amit Sharma, Nalin Sharma, Hui-Fen Wu*, Cysteine capped
copper/molybdenum bimetallic nanoclusters for fluorometric determination of methotrexate via the
inner filter effect, MICROCHIMICA ACTA, MAR.2019, 186(3)
( I.F.:5.479/5Y:5.076 ; Ranking:9/84,10.71%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL). Citation:1.
8. Gangaraju Gedda, Amit Sharma, Hui-Fen Wu*, Fabrication of surface modified ZnO nanorod array
for MALDI-MS analysis of bacteria in a nanoliter droplet: a multiple function biochip, SENSORS
(I.F.:6.393/5Y:5.773 ; Ranking:2/61,3.28%, INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION). Citation:0.
9. Suresh Kumar Kailasa*, Hui-Fen Wu, Yin-Chi Lin, Progress of electrospray ionization and rapid
evaporative ionization mass spectrometric techniques for the broad-range identification of
microorganisms, ANALYST, FEB.2019,144(4),1073-1103.
(I.F.:4.019/5Y:3.857 ; Ranking:14/84,16.67%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL). Citation:0.
10. Sunil Pandey, Krishna Sharma, Amit Sharma, Yowan Nerthigan, M Shannawaz Khan, Da-Ren Hang,
Hui-Fen Wu*, Comparative Photothermal Performance among Various Sub-Stoichiometric 2D
Oxygen-Deficient Molybdenum Oxide Nanoflakes and InVivo Toxicity, CHEMISTRY-A
EUROPEAN JOURNAL, MAY.2018,24(29),7417-7427
(I.F.:5.16/5Y:4.843 ; Ranking:37/172,21.51%, CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY). Citation:0.
11. Sunil Pandey, Amit Sharma, Krishna Sharma, Yowan Nerthigan, M Shannawaz Khan, Da-Ren Hang,
Hui-Fen Wu*, Rapid naked eye detection of alkaline phosphatase using <alpha>-MoO3-x nano-
flakes, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, JAN.2018, 254, 514-518(榮獲臺灣化學
感測器科技協會 2019 年學術獎章-傑出論文獎).
(I.F.:6.393/5Y:5.773 ; Ranking:2/61,3.28%, INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION). Citation:3.
12. Amit Sharma, Sunil Pandey, M Shannawarz Khan, Hui-Fen Wu*, Protein stabilized fluorescent gold
nanocubes as selective probe for alkaline phosphatase via inner filter effect, SENSORS AND
(I.F.:6.393 /5Y: 5.773 ; Ranking:2/61, 3.28%). Citation:7.
13. Yowan Nerthigan, Amit Sharma, Sunil Pandey, Krishna Sharma, M Shannawaz Khan, Da-Ren Hang,
Hui-Fen Wu*, Glucose oxidase assisted visual detection of glucose using oxygen deficient alpha-
MoO3-x nanoflakes, MICROCHIMICA ACTA, JAN.2018, 185(1),65-72 (I.F.:5.479/5Y:5.076 ;
Ranking:9/84,10.71%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL). Citation:6.
14. Hani Abdelhamid, Yu-Chih Lin, Hui-Fen Wu*, Selective Biosensing of Staphylococcus Aureus
(I.F.:2.931/5Y:2.665 ; Ranking:9/41,21.95%, SPECTROSCOPY).Citation:7.
15. Amit Kumar Sharma; Sunil Pandey, Yowan Nerthigan; M. Shahnawaz Khan; Da-Ren Hang; Hui-Fen
Wu*, Two dimensional alpha-MoO3-x nanoflakes as bare eye probe for hydrogen peroxide in
biological fluids, ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA, JUL.2018,1015,58-65
(I.F.:5.256/5Y:5.174 ; Ranking:10/84,11.9%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL).Citation:4.
16. Amit Kumar Sharma; Sunil Pandey, Yowan Nerthigan, Nandini, Hui-Fen Wu*, Aggregation of
cysteamine-capped gold nanoparticles in presence of ATP as an analytical tool for rapid detection of
creatine kinase (CK-MM), ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA, SEP.2018, 1024,161-168
(I.F.:5.256 /5Y: 5.174 ; Ranking:10/84,11.9%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL). Citation:1.
17. Manikandan Muthu, Sechul Chun, Hui-Fen Wu, Mark W Duncan* and Judy Gopal*, The ongoing
evolution of laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry: Some observations on current trends and
future directions, JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY, JUN.2018, 53(6) , 525-540. (Cover
(I.F.:2.267/5Y:2.243 ; Ranking:16/41, 39.02%, SPECTROSCOPY). Citation:5.
18. Mukesh Bhaisare, Shahnawaz Khan, Sunil Pandey, Gangaraju Gedda, Hui-Fen Wu*, Shape-oriented
photodynamic therapy of cuprous oxide (Cu2O) nanocrystals for cancer treatment, RSC
ADVANCES, 2017, 7(38), 23607-23614
(I.F.:3.049/5Y: 3.168 ; Ranking:69/172,40.12%,CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY). Citation:7.
19. Sekar Kumaran, Hani Abdelhamid, Hui-Fen Wu*,Quantification analysis of protein and mycelium
contents upon inhibition of melanin for Aspergillus Niger: A study of matrix assisted laser
desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS), RSC ADVANCES, 2017, 7(48), 30289-
(I.F.:3.049/5Y: 3.168 ; Ranking:69/172,40.12%,CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY). Citation:3.
20. Sunil Pandey, Gangraju Gedda, Mukesh T, Mukesh L Bhaisare, Abou Talib, Shahnawaz Khan, Shou-
Mei Wu, Hui-Fen Wu*, Theranostic carbon dots ‘clathrate-like’ nanostructures for targeted photo-
chemotherapy and bioimaging of cancer, JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING
CHEMISTRY, DEC.2017, 56, 62-73
(I.F.:4.978/5Y:4.802 ; Ranking:15/138,10.87%, ENGINEERING, CHEMICAL). Citation:6.
21. Hani Abdelhamid, Abou Talib, Hui-Fen Wu*, One pot synthesis of gold – carbon dots nanocomposite
and its application for cytosensing of metals for cancer cells, TALANTA, MAY.2017, 166, 357-363
(I.F.:4.916/5Y:4.322 ; Ranking:11/84,13.1%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL) .Citation:13.
22. Hani Abdelhamid, Yu-Chih Lin, Hui-Fen Wu*, Thymine chitosan nanomagnets for specific
preconcentration of mercury(II) prior to analysis using SELDI-MS, MICROCHIMICA ACTA,
MAY.2017, May, 184(5), 1517-1527
(I.F.:5.479/5Y: 5.076 ; Ranking:9/84,10.71%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL) .Citation: 34.
23. Cheng-Yu Chen, Hani Abdelhamid, Hui-Fen Wu*, Surface tuning laser desorption/ionization mass
spectrometry (STLDI-MS) for the analysis of small molecules using quantum dots, ANALYTICAL
AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, AUG.2017, 409(21), 4943-4950
(I.F.: 3.286/5Y: 3.217 ; Ranking:18/84,21.43%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL).Citation:10.
24. Hani Abdelhamid, Yu-Chih Lin, Hui-Fen Wu*, Magnetic nanoparticle modified chitosan for surface
enhanced laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry of surfactants, RSC ADVANCES, 2017,
7(66), 41585 – 41592
(I.F.:3.049/5Y:3.168 ; Ranking:69/172,40.12%, CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY). Citation:4.
25. Shahnawaz Khan, Abou Talib, Sunil Pandy, Mukesh Bhaisare, Gangaraju Gedda, Hui-Fen Wu*,
Folic Acid navigated Silver Selenide nanoparticles for photo-thermal ablation of cancer cells,
(I.F.: 3.973/5Y: 4.18 ; Ranking:15/72, 20.83%, BIOPHYSICS). Citation:5.
26. Shahnawaz Khan, Sunil Pandey, Mukesh Bhaisare, Gangaraju Gedda, Abou Talib, Hui-Fen Wu*,
Khan, Hui-Fen Wu*, Graphene oxide@gold nanorods for chemo-photothermal treatment and
controlled release of doxorubicin in mice Tumor, COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-
BIOINTERFACES, DEC.2017, 160,543-552
(I.F.:3.973/5Y:4.18 ; Ranking:15/72,20.83%, BIOPHYSICS). Citation:4.
27. Manikandan Muthu, Hui-Fen Wu, Judy Gopal, Iyyakkannu Sivanesan, Sechul Chun*, Exploiting
Microbial Polysaccharides for Biosorption of Trace Elements in Aqueous Environments-Scope for
Expansion via Nanomaterial Intervention, POLYMERS, DEC.2017, 9 (12), 721~732
(I.F.: 3.164/5Y: 3.542 ; Ranking: 17/87,19.54%, POLYMER SCIENCE). Citation:4.
28. Yuan-Chin Chen, Hani Abdelhamid, Hui-Fen Wu*, Simple and Direct Quantitative Analysis for
Quinidine Drug in Fish Tissues, Mass Spectrometry Letters, 2017, 8(1), 8-13. Citation:2.
29. Sunil Pandey, Abou Talib, M. Mukeshchand Thakur, M. Shahnawaz Khan, Mukesh Bhaisare,
Gangaraju Gedda, Hui-Fen Wu*, Tellurium platinate nanowires for photothermal therapy of cancer
cells, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B, JUN.2016,4(21),3713-3720
(I.F.: 5.047/5Y: 5.003 ; Ranking: 6/32,18.75%, MATERIALS SCIENCE,
BIOMATERIALS) .Citation:10.
30. Mukesh Bhaisare; Gangaraju Gedda; Shahnawaz Khan; Hui-Fen Wu*, Fluorimetric detection of
pathogenic bacteria using Magnetic carbon dots, ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA, MAY.2016, 920,
(I.F.: 5.256/ 5Y: 5.174 ; Ranking:10/84,11.9%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL) .Citation:10.
31. Hani Abdelhamid*, Hui-Fen Wu*, Gold nanoparticles assisted laser desorption/ionization mass
spectrometry and applications: from simple molecules to intact cells, ANALYTICAL AND
BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,JUL.2016,408(17),4485-4502
(I.F.:3.286/5Y:3.217 ; Ranking:18/84,21.43%,CHEMISTRY,ANALYTICAL).Citation: 22.
32. Muthu Manikandan, Hui-Fen Wu*, Bio-mimicked gold nanoparticles with complex fetal bovine
serum as sensors for single cell MALDI MS of cancer cell and cancer stem cell, SENSORS AND
ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,AUG.2016,231,154-165(Highlighted with author’s photos and
biographies, 作者介紹).
(I.F.:6.393/5Y: 5.773 ; Ranking:2/61,3.28%, INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION) . Citation:
33. Judy Gopal, Hani Abdelhamid, Jhih-Huan Huang, Hui-Fen Wu*, Nondestructive detection of the
freshness of fruits and vegetables using gold and silver nanoparticle mediated graphene enhanced
Raman spectroscopy, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL,MAR.2016,224, 413-
424(Highlighted with author’s photos and biographies, 作者介紹).
(I.F.: 6.393/5Y:5.773 ; Ranking:2/61,3.28%, INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION).
34. Gangaraju Gedda, Chun-Yi Lee, Yu-Chih Lin, Hui-Fen Wu*, Green synthesis of Carbon dots from
prawn shells for highly selective and sensitive detection of copper ions, SENSORS AND
ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, MAR.2016, 224, 396-403(Highlighted with author’s photos and
biographies, 作者介紹).
(I.F.:6.393/5Y: 5.773 ; Ranking:2/61,3.28%, INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION). Citation:
35. Mukesh L. Bhaisare, Bo-Sgum Wu, Mon-Chun Wu, Mei-Hwuy Tseng, Hui-Fen Wu*, MALDI MS
analysis, disk diffusion and optical density measurements for antimicrobial effect of Zinc Oxide
nanorods integrated in Graphene Oxide nanostructures, BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE (RSC), 2016,
4 (1), 183-194
(I.F.: 5.251/ 5Y: 4.94 ; Ranking: 5/32,15.63%, MATERIALS SCIENCE, BIOMATERIALS) .Citation:
36. Gangaraju Gedda, Sunil Pandey, M Shahnawaz Khan, Abou Talib, Hui-Fen Wu*, Synthesis of
mesoporous titanium oxide for release control and high efficiency drug delivery of vinorelbine
bitartrate, RSC ADVANCES, 2016, 6(16), 13145-13151
(I.F.:3.049/5Y: 3.168 ; Ranking:69/172,40.12%, CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY) .Citation:
37. Nazim Hasan, Nawaz Mohd, Hui-Fen Wu*, CoFe2O4-ZnO nanoparticles for rapid microwave-
assisted tryptic digestion of phosphoprotein and phosphopeptide analysis by matrix-assisted laser
desorption/ionization mass spectrometry, RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS
SPECTROMETRY, JUL.2016, 30(13),1443–1453
(I.F.: 2.045 / 5Y: 1.966 ; Ranking:20/41,48.78%, SPECTROSCOPY) .Citation: 2.
38. Zhen-Yu Chen, Hani Abdelhamid, Hui-Fen Wu*, Effect of surface capping of quantum dots (CdTe)
(I.F.: 2.045 / 5Y: 1.966 ; Ranking:20/41,48.78%, SPECTROSCOPY) .Citation: 14.
39. M Shahnawaz Khan, Mukesh L Bhaisare, Judy Gopal, Hui-Fen Wu*, Highly efficient Gold nanorods
assisted Laser phototherapy for rapid treatment on mice wound infected by pathogenic bacteria,
(I.F.: 4.978 / 5Y: 4.802 ; Ranking:15/138,10.87%, ENGINEERING, CHEMICAL) . Citation: 9.
40. Abou Talib, M Shahnawaz Khan, Gangaraju Gedda, Hui-Fen Wu*, Stabilization of gold
nanoparticles using natural plant gel: A greener step towards biological applications, JOURNAL OF
MOLECULAR LIQUIDS, AUG.2016, 220, 463–467
(I.F.:4.561/ 5Y: 4.136 ; Ranking:7/36,16.66%, PHYSICS, ATOMIC, MOLECULAR &
CHEMICAL). Citation: 2.
41. Abou Talib, Hui-Fen Wu*, Biomimetic synthesis of lotus leaf extract-assisted silver nanoparticles
and shape-directing role of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR
LIQUIDS, AUG.2016, 220,795-801
(I.F.:4.561/ 5Y: 4.136 ; Ranking: 7/36,16.66%, PHYSICS, ATOMIC, MOLECULAR &
CHEMICAL). Citation: 3.
42. Bo-Sgum Wu, Judy Gopal, Pei-Yang Hua, Hui-Fen Wu*, Graphene nanosheet mediated MALDI-
MS (GN-MALDI-MS) for rapid, in situ detection of intact incipient biofilm on material surfaces,
(I.F.:4.959/5Y:4.708 ; Ranking:7/32,21.88%,MATERIALS SCIENCE, BIOMATERIALS). Citation:
43. Nazim Hasan, Zhongxian Guo, Hui-Fen Wu*, Large protein analysis of Staphylococcus aureus and
Escherichia coli by MALDI TOF mass spectrometry using amoxicillin functionalized magnetic
(I.F.: 3.286/ 5Y: 3.217 ; Ranking:18/84,21.43%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL) .Citation: 7.
44. Mukesh L. Bhaisare, Krishna Hari Sharma, Jun-Yi Lee, Da-Ren Hang, Hui-Fen Wu*, Synthesis and
characterization of two-dimensional carbon dots decorated with molybdenum oxide nanoflakes with
various phases, NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 2016, 40(10), 8954-8960
(I.F.: 3.069 / 5Y: 3.038 ; Ranking:67/172,38.95%, CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY).Citation:
45. Hani Abdelhamid, Sekar Kumaran, Hui-Fen Wu*, One-pot synthesis of CuFeO2 nanoparticles
capped with glycerol and proteomic analysis of their nanocytotoxicity against fungi, RSC
ADVANCES, 2016, 6(100), 97629-97635
(I.F.:3.049/5Y:3.168 ; Ranking:69/172,40.12%, CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY) .Citation:7.
46. Gangaraju Gedda, Sunil Pandey, Yu-Chih Lin, Hui-Fen Wu*, Antibacterial effect of calcium oxide
nano-plates fabricated from shrimp shells, GREEN CHEMISTRY, 2015, 17(6), 3276-3280
(I.F.: 9.405 /5Y: 9.593 ; Ranking:2/35,5.71%, GREEN & SUSTAINABLE SCIENCE &
TECHNOLOGY). Citation: 10.
47. Suresh K Kailasa, Hui-Fen Wu*, Nanomaterial-based miniaturized extraction and preconcentration
techniques coupled to matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry for assaying
biomolecules, TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, FEB.2015, 65, 54-72
(I.F.: 8.428/5Y: 8.742 ; Ranking:3/84,3.57%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL) .Citation: 34.
48. Hani Abdelhamid*, Hui-Fen Wu*, Proteomics analysis of the mode of antibacterial action of
nanoparticles and their interactions with proteins, TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL
CHEMISTRY, FEB.2015, 65, 30-46
(I.F.: 8.428/5Y: 8.742 ; Ranking:3/84,3.57%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL) .Citation:34.
49. M. Shahanwaz Khan, Hani Abdelhamid, Hui-Fen Wu*, Near infrared (NIR) laser mediated surface
activation of graphene oxide nanoflakes for efficient antibacterial, antifungal and wound healing
treatment, COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-BIOINTERFACES, MAR.2015, 127, 281-291
(I.F.: 3.973/ 5Y: 4.18 ; Ranking:15/72,20.83%, BIOPHYSICS) .Citation: 40.
50. M. Shahanwaz Khan, Sunil Pandey, Talib Abou, Mukesh Lavkush Bhaisare, Hui-Fen Wu*,
Controlled delivery of dopamine hydrochloride using surface modified carbon dots for Neuro
(I.F.: 3.973/5Y:4.18 ; Ranking:15/72,20.83%, BIOPHYSICS).Citation: 22.
51. Hani Abdelhamid, Hui-Fen Wu*, Synthesis of a highly dispersive sinapinic acid@graphene oxide
(SA@GO) and its applications as a novel surface assisted laser desorption/ionization mass
spectrometry for proteomics and pathogenic bacteria biosensing, ANALYST, 2015, 140(5), 1555-
(I.F.: 4.019/5Y.: 3.857 ; Ranking:14/84,16.67%,CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL) .Citation: 20.
52. Abu Talib, Sunil Pandey, Mukesh Thakur, Hui-Fen Wu*, Synthesis of highly fluorescent
hydrophobic Carbon Dots by hot injection method using Paraplast as precursor, MATERIALS
(I.F.:4.959/5Y:4.708 ; Ranking:7/32,3.13%,MATERIALS SCIENCE, BIOMATERIALS) .Citation:
53. Sunil Pandey, Mukeshchand Thakur, Abu Talib, M. Shahanwaz Khan, Mukesh Lavkush Bhaisare,
Gangaraju Gedda, Shou-Mei Wu, Hui-Fen Wu*, Laser-assisted synthesis of multi-colored protein
dots and their biological distribution in experimental mice using a dye tracking method, RSC
ADVANCES, 2015, 5 (6), 4051-4057
(I.F.: 3.049/5Y: 3.168 ; Ranking:69/172,40.12%, CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY) .Citation:
54. Judy Gopal, Hui-Fen Wu*, A brief case study demonstrating the applicability of MALDI Mass
Spectrometry for detecting bacteria in dental samples, RSC ADVANCES, 2015, 5(19), 14090-14094
(I.F.: 3.049/5Y: 3.168 ; Ranking:69/172,40.12%, CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY). Citation:
55. Mukesh L. Bhaisare, Sunil Pandey, M. Shawan Khan, Abu Talib, Hui-Fen Wu*, Fluorophotometric
determination of critical micelle concentration (CMC) of ionic and non-ionic surfactants with carbon
dots via Stokes shift, TALANTA, JAN.2015, 132, 572-578
(I.F.:4.916/5Y:4.322 ; Ranking:11/84,13.1% , CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL) .Citation: 24.
56. Suresh Kumar Kailasa, Hui-Fen Wu*, Electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry for rapid,
sensitive and direct detection of melamine in dairy products, JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND
ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(Elsevier), JAN.2015, 21, 138-144
(I.F.:4.978/5Y:4.802 ; Ranking:15/138,10.87%, ENGINEERING, CHEMICAL).Citation: 8.
57. Nadeem Khan, Hani Nasser Abdelhamid, Ja-Yi Yan, Fon-Tsai Chung, Hui-Fen Wu*, Detection of
Flutamide in pharmaceutical dosage using higher electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-
MS) tandem mass coupled with Soxhlet apparatus, Analytical Chemistry Research (Elsevier), 2015,
3, 89-97.Citation: 8
58. Judy Gopal, Muthu Manikandan, Se-Chul Chun, Hui-Fen Wu*, State of the art nanoplatform
integrated MALDI-MS impacting resolutions in urinary proteomics, PROTEOMICS CLINICAL
(I.F.:2.324/5Y:2.866; Ranking:40/79,50.63%, BIOCHEMICAL RESEARCH METHODS) .Citation:
59. Hani Abdelhamid, Hui-Fen Wu*, Reduced graphene oxide conjugate thymine as a new probe for
ultrasensitive and selective fluorometric determination of mercury (II) ions, MICROCHIMICA
ACTA, JUL.2015,182 (9-10), 1609-1617
(IF:5.479/5Y:5.076 ; Ranking:9/84,10.71%,CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL). Citation: 21.
60. Judy Gopal, Jayaram Lakshmaiah Narayana, Nazim Hasan, Hui-Fen Wu*, MALDI mass
spectrometry for probing the anti- Staphylococcal capability of TiO2 nanoparticles via near-UV and
laser irradiation, NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 2015, 39(6), 4909-4918
(I.F.:3.069/5Y:3.038 ; Ranking:67/172,38.95%, CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY). Citation:
61. Hani Abdelhamid, Abou, Talib, Hui-Fen Wu*, Facile synthesis of water soluble silver ferrite
(AgFeO2) nanoparticles and their biological application as antibacterial agents, RSC ADVANCES,
(I.F.:3.049/5Y:3.168 ; Ranking:69/172,40.12%,CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY) .Citation:
62. Lokesh A, Hani Abdelhamid, Mohd Nawaz, Hui-Fen Wu*, Synthesis, characterization and
bifunctional applications of bidentate silver nanoparticle assisted single drop microextraction as a
highly sensitive preconcentrating probe for protein analysis, RSC ADVANCES, 2015, 5(52), 41595-
(I.F.: 3.049/5Y: 3.168 ; Ranking:69/172,40.12%, CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY) .Citation:
63. Hani Abdelhamid, Hui-Fen Wu*, Synthesis and multifunctional applications of quantum nanobeads
for label-free and selective metal chemosensing, RSC ADVANCES, 2015, 5(62), 50494-50504 (I.F.:
3.049/5Y: 3.168 ; Ranking:69/172,40.12%, CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY). Citation: 8.
64. Mukesh L. Bhaisare, Abou Talib, M. Shawan Khan, Sunil Pandey, Hui-Fen Wu*, Synthesis of
fluorescent carbon dots via microwave carbonization of citric acid in presence of
tetraoctylammonium ion and their application to cellular bioimaging, MICROCHIMICA ACTA,
(I.F.:5.479/5Y:5.076 ; Ranking:9/84,10.71%,CHEMISTRY,ANALYTICAL). Citation: 40.
65. Hani Abdelhamid, Hui-Fen Wu*, Soft Ionization of Metallo-Mefenamic using Electrospray
Ionization Mass Spectrometry,Mass Spectrometry Letters, 2015, 6(2), 43-47. Citation:5
66. Suresh Kumar Kailasa, KA, Rawat, Hui-Fen Wu*, Ionic liquids in bioanalysis, BIOANALYSIS,
(I.F.:2.321/5Y:2.259 ; Ranking:37/84,44.05%,CHEMISTRY,ANALYTICAL). Citation: 5.
67. Suresh Kumar Kailasa, S Dsouza, Hui-Fen Wu*, Analytical Applications of Nanoparticles in
MALDI-MS for Bioanalysis,BIOANALYSIS,2015,7(17),2265-2276
(I.F.:2.321/5Y:2.259 ; Ranking:37/84,44.05%,CHEMISTRY,ANALYTICAL) .Citation: 5.
68. Hani Abdelhamid, Hui-Fen Wu*, Synthesis and characterization of quantum dots for application in
laser soft desorption/ionization mass spectrometry to detect labile metal-drug interactions and their
antibacterial activity, RSC ADVANCES,2015,5(93),76107-76115
(I.F.:3.049/5Y:3.168 ; Ranking:69/172,40.12%) .Citation: 12.
69. M. Shahanwaz Khan, Mukesh Lavkush Bhaisare, Sunil Pandey, Abu Talib, Shou-Mei Wu, Suresh K
Kailasa, Hui-Fen Wu*, Exploring the ability of water soluble carbon dots as matrix for detecting
neurological disorders using MALDI-TOF MS, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MASS
(I.F.:1.658/5Y:1.659 ; Ranking:25/41,60.98%, SPECTROSCOPY). Citation: 11.
70. A biographical Memoir by Gabor A. Somorjai for Leo Brewer, 2015, Former Brewer post-doc Hui-
Fen Wu recalls Brewer, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, page 11-12, 2015.
71. Muthu Manikandan, Hani Abdelhamid, Abu Talib, Hui-Fen Wu*, Facile synthesis of gold
nanohexagons on graphene templates in Raman spectroscopy for biosensing cancer and cancer stem
cells, BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS, MAY.2014,55, 180-186
(I.F.: 9.518/5Y: 8.037 ; Ranking:1/84,1.19%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL) .Citation: 38.
72. Pei-Yang Hua, Muthu Manikandan, Hani Abdelhamid, Hui-Fen Wu*, Graphene nanoflakes as an
efficient ionizing matrix for MALDI-MS based lipidomics of cancer cells and cancer stem cells,
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B, 2014, 2 (42) ,7334-7343
(I.F.: 5.047/5Y: 5.003 ; Ranking:6/32,18.75%, MATERIALS SCIENCE,
BIOMATERIALS) .Citation:18.
73. Mukesh L. Bhaisare, Hani Abdelhamid, Bo-Sgum Wu, Hui-Fen Wu*, Rapid and direct MALDI-MS
identification of pathogenic bacteria from blood using ionic liquid-modified magnetic nanoparticles
(Fe3O4@SiO2), JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B, 2014, 2 (29), 4671-4683
(I.F.: 5.047/5Y: 5.003 ; Ranking:6/32,18.75%, MATERIALS SCIENCE,
BIOMATERIALS) .Citation: 23.
74. Steve Haga, Hui-Fen Wu*, Overview of software options for processing, analysis and interpretation
of mass spectrometric proteomic data, JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY, OCT.2014, 49
(10), 959-969(Special feature article-perspective, journal cover, author biography 特寫文章-觀點論
(I.F.:2.267/5Y:2.243 ; Ranking:16/41,39.02%, SPECTROSCOPY). Citation: 6.
75. Hani Abdelhamid, Hui-Fen Wu*, Polymer dots for quantifying the total hydrophobic pathogenic
lysates in a single drop, COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-BIOINTERFACES (Elsevier),
MAR.2014,115, 51-60(This paper has been downloaded or viewed 366 times since publication).
(I.F.:3.973/5Y:4.18 ; Ranking:15/72,20.83%, BIOPHYSICS). Citation: 21.
76. Hani Abdelhamid, M. Shawan Khan, Hui-Fen Wu*, Design, characterization and applications of new
ionic liquid matrices for multifunctional analysis of biomolecules: a novel strategy for pathogenic
bacteria biosensing, ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA, MAY.2014, 823, 51-60
(I.F.: 5.256/5Y: 5.174 ; Ranking:10/84,11.9%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL). Citation:20.
77. Hani Abdelhamid, Hui-Fen Wu*, Ultrasensitive, Rapid, and Selective Detection of Mercury Using
Graphene Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry, JOURNAL OF THE
(I.F.: 3.202/5Y: 2.863 ; Ranking:6/41,14.63%, SPECTROSCOPY) .Citation: 25.
78. Hui-Fen Wu*, Suresh Kailasa, Ja-Yi Yen, Chen-Che Chin, Hsin-Yi Ku, Comparison of single -drop
microextraction with microvolume pipette extraction directly coupled with capillary electrophoresis
for extraction and separation of tricyclic antidepressant drugs, JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND
ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY (Elsevier),JUL.2014,20(4),2071-2076
(I.F.: 4.978/5 Y: 4.802 ; Ranking:15/138,10.87%, ENGINEERING, CHEMICAL) .Citation: 15.
79. Vaibhavkumar Mehta, Suresh Kailasa and Hui-Fen Wu*, Surface Modified Quantum Dots as
Effective Fluorescent Probes for Biomolecule Recognition, JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND
NANOTECHNOLOGY, JAN.2014, 14 (1), 447-459 (with Author Photos and Author Biographies,
(I.F.:1.093/5Y:1.055 ; Ranking:132/172,76.74%,CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY). Citation:
80. Suresh Kailasa, Hui-Fen Wu*, Advances in Nanomaterial-Based Microwaves and Infrared Wave-
Assisted Tryptic Digestion for Ultrafast Proteolysis and Rapid Detection by MALDI-MS,
Science), JAN.2014,17 (1) ,68-79
(I.F.:1.503/5Y:1.137 ; Ranking:39/71,54.93%, CHEMISTRY, APPLIED). Citation: 1.
81. Anandkumar Balakrishnan, Steve W. Haga, Hui-Fen Wu*, Computer Applications Making Rapid
Advances in High Throughput Microbial Proteomics (HTMP), COMBINATORIAL CHEMISTRY
& HIGH THROUGHPUT SCREENING(Bentham Science), FEB.2014, 17(2), 173-182
(I.F.:1.503/5Y:1.137 ; Ranking:39/71,54.93%, CHEMISTRY, APPLIED). Citation: 1.
82. Hani Abdelhamid, Mukesh Bhaisare, Hui-Fen Wu*, Ceria nanocubic-ultrasonication assisted
dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction coupled with matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization
mass spectrometry for pathogenic bacteria analysis, TALANTA, MAR.2014,120, 208-217
(I.F.: 4.916/5Y: 4.322 ; Ranking:11/84,13.1%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL) .Citation:23.
83. Bo-Sgum Wu, Hani Nasser Abdelhamid, Hui-Fen Wu*, Synthesis and antibacterial activities of
graphene decorated with stannous dioxide, RSC ADVANCES, 2014, 4 (8), 3722-3731
(I.F.: 3.049/ 5Y: 3.168 ; Ranking:69/172,40.12%, CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY). Citation:
84. Judy Gopal, Muthu Manikandan, Hui-Fen Wu*, Low cost aluminium foil platforms for rapid mass
spectrometric differentiation of the fungal pathogen Aspergillus niger mycelium and spores by in situ
gold nanosphere accelerated microwave digestion,RSC ADVANCES,2014,4(21), 10982-10989
(I.F.:3.049/5Y: 3.168 ; Ranking:69/172,40.12%,CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY). Citation:
85. Suresh Kumar Kailasa, Hui-Fen Wu*, Recent developments of liquid-phase microextraction
techniques directly combined with ESI- and MALDI-mass spectrometric techniques for organic and
biomolecule assays, RSC ADVANCES, 2014, 4 (31), 16188-16205
(I.F.:3.049/5Y: 3.168 ; Ranking:69/172,40.12%,CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY). Citation:
86. Hani Abdelhamid, Bo-Sgum Wu, Hui-Fen Wu*, Graphene coated silica applied for high ionization
matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry: A novel approach for environmental
and biomolecule analysis, TALANTA, AUG.2014,126, 27-37
(I.F.:4.916/5Y: 4.322 ; Ranking:11/84 ,13.1%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL) .Citation: 31.
87. Suresh Kumar Kailasa, Hui-Fen Wu*, Recent developments in nanoparticle-based MALDI mass
spectrometric analysis of phosphoproteomes, MICROCHIMICA ACTA, JUL.2014,181 (9-10),
(IF: 5.479/5Y: 5.076 ; Ranking:9/84 ,10.71%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL) .Citation: 25.
88. Tzu-Yu Pan, Chun-Chi Wang, Chi-Jen Shih, Hui-Fen Wu, Shyh-Shin Choiu*, Shou-Mei Wu*,
Genotyping of intron 22 inversion of factor VIII gene for diagnosis of hemophilia A by inverse-
shifting polymerase chain reaction and capillary electrophoresis, ANALYTICAL AND
BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, SEP.2014, 406 (22), 5447-5454
(I.F.:3.286/5Y:3.217 ; Ranking:18/84,21.43%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL) .Citation: 1.
89. Muthu Manikandan, Judy Gopal, Nazim Hasan, Hui-Fen Wu*, A nano-patterned self assembled
monolayer (SAM) rutile titania cancer chip for rapid, low cost, highly sensitive, direct cancer analysis
in MALDI-MS, TALANTA, DEC.2014, 130, 78-89
(I.F.:4.916/5Y:4.322 ; Ranking:11/84,13.1%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL). Citation: 3.
90. Gangaraju Gedda, Sunil Pandey, Mukesh L. Bhaisare, Hui-Fen Wu*, Carbon dots as nanoantennas
for anti-inflammatory drug analysis using surface-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass
spectrometry in serum, RSC ADVANCES, 2014, 4 (72), 38027-38033
(I.F.:3.049/5Y:3.168 ; Ranking:69/172,40.12%, CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY) .Citation:
91. Muthu Manikandan, Pei-Yang Hua, Hui-Fen Wu*, Rapid endophytic bacterial detection by enzyme
incorporated MALDI MS, RSC ADVANCES, 2014, 4 (91), 50233-50240
(I.F.:3.049/5Y:3.168 ; Ranking:69/172,40.12%, CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY). Citation:
92. Gangaraju Gedda, Hani Abdelhamid, M. Shawan Khan, Hui-Fen Wu*, ZnO nanoparticle-modified
polymethyl methacrylate-assisted dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction coupled with MALDI-MS
for rapid pathogenic bacteria analysis, RSC ADVANCES, 2014, 4 (86), 45973-45983
(I.F.:3.049/5Y:3.168 ; Ranking:69/172,40.12%, CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY). Citation:
93. Hani Abdelhamid, Hui-Fen Wu*, Graphene oxide as a nanocarrier for gramicidin (GOGD) for high
antibacterial performance, RSC ADVANCES, 2014, 4 (91), 50035-50046
(I.F.:3.049/5Y:3.168 ; Ranking:69/172,40.12%, CHEMISTRY,
94. Hani Abdelhamid, Hui-Fen Wu*, Monitoring metallofulfenamic-bovine serum albumin interactions:
a novel method for metallodrug analysis, RSC ADVANCES, 2014, 4(96), 53768-53776
(I.F.:3.049/5Y:3.168 ; Ranking:69/172,40.12%,CHEMISTRY,MULTIDISCIPLINARY) .Citation:
95. Hani Abdelhamid, Hui-Fen Wu*, Facile synthesis of nano silver ferrite (AgFeO2) modified with
chitosan applied for biothiol separation, MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-
(I.F.:4.959/5Y: 4.708 ; Ranking:7/32,21.88%, MATERIALS SCIENCE,
BIOMATERIALS) .Citation:20.
96. Vaibhavkumar N. Mehta, Suresh Kumar Kailasa*, Hui-Fen Wu, Sensitive and selective colorimetric
sensing of Fe3+ ion by using p-amino salicylic acid dithiocarbamate functionalized gold
nanoparticles, NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 2014, 38(4), 1503-1511
(I.F.:3.069/5Y: 3.038 ; Ranking:67/172,38.95%, CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY) .Citation:
97. M. Shawan Khan, Judy Gopal, Hui-Fen Wu*, Probing the cytotoxicity of CdS-MPA and CdSe-MUA
QDs on the bacterial pathogen Staphylococcus aureus using MALDI-MS, ANALYTICAL
METHODS (RSC), 2014, 6 (14), 5304-5313
(I.F.: 2.378/5Y: 2.145 ; Ranking:14/41,34.15%, SPECTROSCOPY) .Citation: 6.
98. Nazim Hasan, Judy Gopal, Hui-Fen Wu*, Surface pretreatment effects on titanium chips for the
adhesion of pathogenic bacteria in the MALDI- TOF MS, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE
(I.F.:5.155/5Y:4.281 ; Ranking:1/20,5%,MATERIALS SCIENCE, COATINGS & FILMS) .Citation:
99. Ramaiyan Sekar, Suresh Kailasa, Yuan-Chin Chen, Hui-Fen Wu*, Electrospray ionization tandem
mass spectrometric studies to probe the interaction of Cu(II) with amoxicillin, CHINESE
CHEMICAL LETTERS (Elsevier), JAN.2014,25 (1), 39-45
(I.F.:3.839/5Y:2.618 ; Ranking:53/172,30.81%, CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY). Citation:
100. Suresh Kailasa, Hui-Fen Wu*, Rapid Quantification of Efavirenz in Human Plasma by
Electrospray Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry, JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CHEMICAL
(I.F.:1.188/5Y:0.978 ; Ranking:128/172,74.42%, CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY) .Citation:
101. Muthu Manikandan, Nazim Hasan, Hui-Fen Wu*, Platinum nanoparticles for the photothermal
treatment of neuro 2A cancer cells, BIOMATERIALS, JUL.2013, 34, (23), 5833-5842 (台灣化學感
測器科技協會 103 年度傑出論文獎).
(I.F.: 10.273/5Y: 9.55 ; Ranking:1/32,3.13%, MATERIALS SCIENCE, BIOMATERIALS). Citation:
102. Judy Gopal, Hani Nasser Abdelhamid, Pei-Yang Hua, Hui-Fen Wu*, Chitosan nanomagnets for
effective extraction and sensitive mass spectrometric detection of pathogenic bacterial endotoxin
from human urine, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B, 2013, 1(19), 2463-
2475(Featured in the Journal Back Cover 底頁封面報導).
(I.F.: 5.047/5Y:5.003 ; Ranking:6/32,18.75%,MATERIALS SCIENCE, BIOMATERIALS). Citation:
103. Hani Abdelhamid, Hui-Fen Wu*, Multifunctional graphene magnetic nanosheet decorated with
chitosan for highly sensitive detection of pathogenic bacteria, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS
CHEMISTRY B, 2013, 1 (32), 3950-3961
(I.F.: 5.047/5Y: 5.003 ; Ranking:6/32 ,18.75%, MATERIALS SCIENCE,
BIOMATERIALS) .Citation: 68.
104. Hani Abdelhamid, Hui-Fen Wu*, Probing the interactions of chitosan capped CdS quantum dots with
pathogenic bacteria and their biosensing application, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY
(I.F.:5.047/5Y:5.003 ; Ranking:6/32,18.75%,MATERIALS SCIENCE, BIOMATERIALS). Citation:
105. Judy Gopal, Nazim Hasan, Muthu Manikandan, Hui-Fen Wu*, Bacterial toxicity/compatibility of
Platinum nanospheres, nanocuboids and nanoflowers, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS (Nature Publishing
Group), FEB.2013,3,1260
(I.F.:4.011/5Y:4.525 ; Ranking:15/69,21.74%, MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES). Citation: 38.
106. Judy Gopal, Nazim Hasan, Hui-Fen Wu*, Fabrication of titanium based MALDI bacterial chips for
rapid, sensitive and direct analysis of pathogenic bacteria, BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,
JAN.2013,39, (1), 57-63
(I.F.:9.518/5Y:8.037 ; Ranking:1/84,1.19%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL). Citation: 11.
107. Hani Abdelhamid, Judy Gopal, Hui-Fen Wu*, Synthesis and application of ionic liquid matrices
(ILMs) for effective pathogenic bacteria analysis in matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization
(MALDI-MS), ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA, MAR.2013, 767, 104-111(Highlighted by Sigma-
Aldaich: and®ion=TW).
(I.F.:5.256/5Y:5.174 ; Ranking:10/84,11.9%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL).Citation:33.
108. Nazim Hasan, Faheem Ahmad , Hui-Fen Wu*, Monitoring the heat stress response of Escherichia
coli via NiO nanoparticle assisted MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry,TALANTA, JAN.2013,103,38-
(I.F.:4.916/5Y:4.322 ; Ranking:11/84,13.1%,CHEMISTRY,ANALYTICAL) .Citation:8.
109. Muthu Manikandan, Nazim Hasan, Hui-Fen Wu*, Rapid detection of haloarchaeal carotenoids via
liquid liquid microextraction enabled direct TLC MALDI-MS, TALANTA, MAR.2013, 107, 167-
(I.F.:4.916/5Y:4.322 ; Ranking:11/84,13.1%,CHEMISTRY,ANALYTICAL). Citation:9.
110. Judy Gopal, Muthu Manikandan, Nazim Hasan, Chia-Hsun Lee, Hui-Fen Wu*, A comparative study
on the mode of interaction of different nanoparticles during MALDI-MS of bacterial cells,
(I.F.:2.267/5Y:2.243 ; Ranking:16/41,39.02%, SPECTROSCOPY). Citation: 8.
111. Suresh K Kailasa, Hui-Fen Wu*, Surface-assisted laser desorption-ionization mass spectrometry of
oligosaccharides using magnesium oxide nanoparticles as a matrix, MICROCHIMICA ACTA,
APR.2013, 180(5-6), 405-413
(I.F.:5.479/5Y:5.076 ; Ranking:9/84, 10.71%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL). Citation: 17.
112. Faheem Ahmad, Hui-Fen Wu*, Rapid and sensitive detection of bacteria via platinum-labeled
antibodies and on-particle ionization and enrichment prior to MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry,
MICROCHIMICA ACTA, APR.2013, 180(5-6), 485-492
(I.F.:5.479/5Y:5.076 ; Ranking:9/84, 10.71%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL). Citation: 2.
113. Ramaiyan Sekar, Suresh Kailasa, Hani Abdelhamid, Yuan-Chin Chen , Hui-Fen Wu*, Electrospray
ionization tandem mass spectrometric studies of copper and iron complexes with tobramycin,
(I.F.: 1.658/5Y: 1.659 ; Ranking:25/41, 60.98%, SPECTROSCOPY) Citation: 15.
114. Suresh Kailasa, Hui-Fen Wu*, Recent Advances in Mass Spectrometry for the Identification of
Neurochemicals and their Metabolites in Biofluids, CURRENT NEUROPHARMACOLOGY,
(I.F.:4.568/5Y:5.665 ; Ranking:33/267,12.36%,PHARMACOLOGY&PHARMACY). Citation: 3.
115. Ramaiyan Sekar, Suresh Kailasa, Wen-Shan Li, Han-Chung Wu, Hui-Fen Wu*, Rapid separation of
acetophenone and its monohydroxy isomers by capillary electrophoresis, CHINESE CHEMICAL
LETTERS (Elsevier),SEP.2013,24(9),833-836
(I.F.:3.839/5Y:2.618 ; Ranking:53/172,30.81%, CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY). Citation:
116. Muthu Manikandan, Hui-Fen Wu*, Probing the fungicidal property of CdS quantum dots on
Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida utilis using MALDI-MS,JOURNAL OF
(I.F.:2.009/5Y:2.139 ; Ranking:162/293,55.29%,MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY).
Citation: 6.
117. Suresh Kailasa, Hui-Fen Wu*, Surface modified BaTiO3 Nanoparticles as the matrix for
phospholipids and as extracting probes for LLME of hydrophobic proteins in Escherichia coli by
(I.F.:4.916/5Y:4.322 ; Ranking:11/84,13.10%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL) Citation: 31.
118. Hani Abdelhamid, Hui-Fen Wu*, Furoic and Mefenamic acids as new matrices for matrix assisted
laser desorption/ionization-(MALDI)-mass spectrometry, TALANTA, OCT.2013, 115, 442-450
(I.F.:4.916/5Y:4.322 ; Ranking:11/84,13.10%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL) Citation: 29.
119. Muthu Manikandan, Hui-Fen Wu*, Rapid differentiation and quantification of live/dead cancer cells
using differential photochemical behavior of acridine orange, PHOTOCHEMICAL &
PHOTOBIOLOGICAL SCIENCES,2013,12(11),1921-1926(Journal Front Cover 封面報導) .
(I.F.:2.408/5Y:2.48 ; Ranking:76/148,51.35%, CHEMISTRY, PHYSICAL). Citation: 5.
120. Suresh Kailasa, Hui-Fen Wu*, Single drop microextraction for bioanalysis: present and future,
BIOANALYSIS, NOV.2013, 5(21), 2593-2596
(I.F.:2.321/5Y:2.259 ; Ranking:37/84,44.05%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL) .Citation: 3.
121. Suresh Kailasa, Kuang-Hung Cheng, Hui-Fen Wu*, Spectroscopic and Matrix-Assisted Laser
Desorption/Ionization (MALDI) Mass Spectrometric Approaches to Proteome
Analysis,MATERIALS, DEC.2013, 6(12), 5763-5795
(I.F.:2.972/5Y:3.532 ; Ranking:102/293,34.81%,MATERIALS SCIENCE,MULTIDISCIPLINARY).
Citations: 16.
122. Bo-Sgum Wu, Hui-Fen Wu*, Nanomaterials based biosensors for bacteria and cancer study,
Chemistry (the Chin. Chem. Soc., Taipei), 2013, 71, No3, 213-231.
123. Muthu Manikandan, Hui-Fen Wu*, Nazim Hasan, Cell population based mass spectrometry using
platinum nanodots for algal and fungal studies,BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,
(I.F.:9.518/5Y:8.037 ; Ranking:1/84,1.19%,CHEMISTRY,ANALYTICAL).Citation: 7.
124. Chia-Hsun Lee, Judy Gopal, Hui-Fen Wu*, Ionic solution and nanoparticle assisted MALDI-MS as
bacterial biosensors for rapid analysis of yogurt, BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS,
JAN.2012, 31(1), 77-83 (Highlighted in the featured article of “Advances in Engineering”,
2012) .( .
(I.F.:9.518/5Y:8.037 ; Ranking:1/84,1.19%,CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL). Citation: 7.
125. Faheem Ahmad, Mansoor Siddiqui, Olubukola Babalola, Hui-Fen Wu*, Biofunctionalization of
nanoparticle assisted mass spectrometry as biosensors for rapid detection of plant associated bacteria,
(I.F.:9.518/5Y:8.037 ; Ranking:1/84,1.19%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL) .Citation: 12.
126. Judy Gopal, Chia-Hsun Lee, Hui-Fen Wu*, Rapid and direct detection of invivo kinetics of
pathogenic bacterial infection from mouse blood and urine, JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS,
JUN.2012, 75(10), 2972-2982
(I.F.:3.537/5Y:3.559 ; Ranking:19/79,24.05%, BIOCHEMICAL RESEARCH METHODS) .Citation:
127. Suresh Kailasa, Hui-Fen Wu*, Functionalized quantum dots with dopamine dithiocarbamate as the
matrix for the quantification of efavirenz in human plasma and as affinity probes for rapid
identification of microwave tryptic digested proteins in MALDI-TOF-MS, JOURNAL OF
(I.F.:3.537/5Y:3.559 ; Ranking:19/79,24.05%, BIOCHEMICAL RESEARCH METHODS) .Citation:
128. Hui-Fen Wu*, Judy Gopal, Hani Abdelhamid, Nazim Hasan, Quantum dot applications endowing
novelty to analytical proteomics, PROTEOMICS,OCT.2012,12(19-20),2949-2961.
(I.F.:3.106/5Y:3.433 ; Ranking:24/79,30.37%, BIOCHEMICAL RESEARCH METHODS).Citation:
129. Hani Abdelhamid, Hui-Fen Wu*, A method to detect metal-drug complexes and their interactions
with pathogenic bacteria via graphene nanosheet assist laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry
and biosensors,ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA,NOV.2012,751,94-104 (I.F.:5.256/5Y:5.174 ;
Ranking:10/84,11.9%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL). Citation: 42.
130. Hui-Fen Wu*, Judy Gopal, Muthu Manikandan, Future perspective of Nanoparticle interaction laser
desorption/ionization mass spectrometry for rapid, simple, direct and sensitive detection of
microorganisms,JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY,MAR.2012,47(3),355-363(Special
feature article-Perspective/Front Cover image/Author Biographies). (特寫文章-觀點論文/封面報導
(I.F.:2.267/5Y:2.243 ; Ranking:16/41,39.02%, SPECTROSCOPY). Citation: 13.
131. Judy Gopal, Hui-Fen Wu*, Chia Hsun Lee, Muthu Manikandan, Tracing the pathogen staphylococcus
aureus on laboratory ants using physical preconcentration coupled ZnO nanoparticle assisted
MALDI-TOF MS,ANALYST,2012,137(2),357-364
(I.F.:4.019/5Y:3.857 ; Ranking:14/84,16.67%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL).(Featured in Journal
Back Cover 底頁封面報導) .Citation: 9.
132. Kamlesh Shrivas, Hui-Fen Wu*, Rapid and highly sensitive protein extraction via cobalt oxide
nanoparticle based liquid-liquid microextraction coupled with MALDI mass spectrometry,
(I.F.:4.019/5Y:3.857 ; Ranking:14/84,16.67%,CHEMISTRY,ANALYTICAL).(Featured in Journal
Inside Front Cover 內頁封面報導). Citation: 14.
133. Suresh Kailasa, Hui-Fen Wu*, Dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction using functionalized
Mg(OH)2 NPs with oleic acid as hydrophobic affinity probes for the analysis of hydrophobic proteins
in bacteria by MALDI-MS,ANALYST,2012,137(19),4490-4496
(I.F.:4.019/5Y:3.857 ; Ranking:14/84,16.67%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL). Citation: 25.
134. Muthu Manikandan, Nazim Hasan, Hui-Fen Wu*, Rapid and direct detection of attomole adenosine
triphosphate (ATP) by MALDI MS using rutile titania chips, ANALYST, 2012, 137 (21), 5128-5134
(I.F.:4.019/5Y:3.857 ; Ranking:14/84,16.67%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL).Citation: 7.
135. Suresh Kailasa, Hui-Fen Wu*, One-pot synthesis of dopamine dithiocarbamate functionalized gold
nanoparticles for quantitative analysis of small molecules and phosphopeptides in SALDI and
(I.F.:4.019/5Y:3.857 ; Ranking:14/84,16.67%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL). Citation: 57.
136. Jayaram Narayana, Judy Gopal, Hui-Fen Wu*, Wound infection kinetics probed by MALDI-MS:
rapid profiling of Staphylococcus aureus in mice, ANALYST, 2012, 137 (14), 3372-3380
(I.F.: 4.019/5Y:3.857 ; Ranking:14/84,16.67%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL).Citation: 7.
137. Faheem Ahmad, Judy Gopal, Hui-Fen Wu*, Rapid and highly sensitive detection of single nematode
via direct MALDI Mass Spectrometry, TALANTA, MAY.2012, 93, 182-185
(I.F.:4.916/5Y:4.322 ; Ranking:11/84,13.1%,CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL).Citation: 9.
138. Suresh Kailasa, Nazim Hasan, Hui-Fen Wu*, Identification of multiply charged proteins and amino
acid clusters by liquid nitrogen assisted spray ionization mass spectrometry, TALANTA, AUG.2012,
97, 539-549
(I.F.:4.916/5Y:4.322 ; Ranking:11/84,13.1%,CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL).Citation: 14
139. Faheem Ahmad, Hui-Fen Wu*, High-resolution MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry of bacterial
proteins using a Tris-EDTA buffer approach, MICROCHIMICA ACTA, FEB.2012, 176(3-4), 311-
(I.F.:5.479/5Y:5.076 ; Ranking:9/84,10.71%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL). Citation: 5.
140. Suresh Kailasa, Hui-Fen Wu*, Rapid enrichment of phosphopeptides by BaTiO3 nanoparticles after
microwave-assisted tryptic digest of phosphoproteins, and their identification by MALDI-MS,
MICROCHIMICA ACTA,OCT.2012,179(1-2),83-90
(I.F.:5.479/5Y:5.076 ; Ranking:9/84,10.71%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL). Citation: 13.
141. Gangaraju Gedda, Judy Gopal, Hui-Fen Wu*, Electrospray ionization and matrix-assisted laser
desorption/ionization mass spectrometric analysis of extrapolysaccharides of Escherichia coli,
(I.F.:2.045/5Y:1.966 ; Ranking:20/41,48.78%,SPECTROSCOPY). Citation: 3.
142. Hui-Fen Wu*, Biochips and tissue chips – integrating biologists, physicist, chemist and material
scientists, Journal of Biochips & Tissue Chips. Editorial Article. Vol.2, 1st Issue, 2012.
143. Judy Gopal, Jayaram Narayana, Hui-Fen Wu*, TiO2 nanoparticle assisted Mass spectrometry as
biosensor of Staphylococcus aureus, key pathogen in nosocomial infections from air, skin surface
and human nasal passage,BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS, SEP.2011, 27(1), 201-206
(I.F.:9.518/5Y: 8.037 ; Ranking:1/84, 1.19%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL) . Citation: 19.
144. Judy Gopal, Hui-Fen Wu*, Gangaraju Gedda, Quantifying the degradation of extracellular
polysaccharides of Escherichia coli by CdS quantum dots, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS
CHEMISTRY, 2011, 21(35), 13445-13451
(I.F.:6.626/5Y:6.743 ; Ranking:22/251, 8.76%, MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY) .
Citation: 15.
145. Nazim Hasan, Judy Gopal, Hui-Fen Wu*, Rapid, sensitive and direct analysis of exopolysaccharides
from biofilm on aluminum surfaces exposed to sea water using MALDI-TOF MS, JOURNAL OF
MASS SPECTROMETRY, NOV.2011, 46 (11), 1160-1167
(I.F.: 2.267/5Y: 2.243 ; Ranking:16/41,39.02%, SPECTROSCOPY ). Citation: 4.
146. Judy Gopal, Hui-Fen Wu*, Chia-Hsun Lee, The bifunctional role of Ag nanoparticles on bacteria- a
MALDI-MS perspective, ANALYST, 2011, 136(23), 5077-5083
(I.F.: 4.019/5Y:3.857 ; Ranking:14/84,16.67%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL). Citation: 15.
147. Faheem Ahmad, Hui-Fen Wu*, Characterization of pathogenic bacteria using ionic liquid via single
drop microextraction combined with MALDI-TOF MS, ANALYST, 2011, 136(19), 4020-4027
(I.F.: 4.019/5Y:3.857, 14/84,16.67%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL). Citation:23.
148. Kamlesh Shrivas, Kavita Agrawal, Hui-Fen Wu*, Application of platinum nanoparticles as affinity
probe and matrix for direct analysis of small biomolecules and microwave digested proteins using
matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry, ANALYST, 2011,136(13), 2852-
(I.F.: 4.019/5Y:3.857 ; Ranking:14/84,16.67%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL). Citation:22.
149. Nazim Hasan, Hui-Fen Wu*, Highly selective and sensitive enrichment of phosphopeptides via NiO
nanoparticles using microwave assisted centrifugation-on particles ionization/enrichment approach
(I.F.: 3.286/5Y:3.217 ; Ranking:18/84,21.43%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL ). Citation:23.
150. Hui-Fen Wu*, Feng-Tsai Chung, 3-Mercaptopropionic acid modified ZnSe quantum dots as the
matrix for direct surface-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometric analysis of
peptides/proteins from sodium salt solution, RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS
(I.F.:2.045/5Y:1.966 ; Ranking:20/41,48.78%,SPECTROSCOPY). Citation:10.
151. Hui-Fen Wu*, Suresh Kailasa, Chi-Hsien Lin, Single drop microextraction coupled with matrix-
assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry for rapid and direct analysis of hydrophobic
peptides from biological samples in high salt solution, RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS
SPECTROMETRY, JAN.2011, 25(2), 307-315
(I.F.: 2.045/5Y: 1.966 ; Ranking:20/41,48.78%,SPECTROSCOPY). Citation:13.
152. Suresh Kailasa, Hui-Fen Wu*, Semiconductor cadmium sulphide nanoparticles as matrices for
peptides and as co-matrices for the analysis of large proteins in matrix-assisted laser
desorption/ionization reflectron and linear time-of-flight mass spectrometry, RAPID
(I.F.: 2.045/5Y: 1.966 ; Ranking:20/41,48.78%,SPECTROSCOPY). Citation:17.
153. Hui-Fen Wu*, Chen-Che Chin, Bo-Min Liu, Yuan-Chin Chen, Chi-Hsien Lin, Kai-Di Chang, Yi-
Hsien Lee, Self-assembly formation of the magic ion of (H2O)(20)O+: observation of nanoscale
cages of oxygenated water clusters induced from iron nanoparticles, RAPID COMMUNICATIONS
IN MASS SPECTROMETRY, FEB.2011, 25(3), 410-414
(I.F.: 2.045/5Y: 1.966 ; Ranking:20/41,48.78%,SPECTROSCOPY). Citation:3.
154. Anita Ethiraj, Hui-Fen Wu*, Judy Gopal, Synthesis and Characterization of Ultrasmall Thioglycerol
(I.F.:1.188/5Y:0.978 ; Ranking:128/172,74.42%,CHEMISTRY,MULTIDISCIPLINARY). Citation:1.
155. Judy Gopal, Hui-Fen Wu*, Yi-Hsien Lee, Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time-of-
Flight Mass Spectrometry As a Rapid and Reliable Technique for Directly Evaluating Bactericidal
Activity: Probing the Critical Concentration of ZnO Nanoparticles As Affinity Probes,
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,DEC.2010,82(23),9617-9621
(I.F.:6.35/5Y:6.337 ; Ranking:7/84,8.33%,CHEMISTRY,ANALYTICAL). Citation:26.
156. Kamlesh Shrivas, Hui-Fen Wu*, Multifunctional nanoparticles composite for MALDI-MS: Cd2+-
doped carbon nanotubes with CdS nanoparticles as the matrix, preconcentrating and accelerating
probes of microwave enzymatic digestion of peptides and proteins for direct MALDI-MS analysis,
JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY, DEC.2010, 45(12), 1452-1460
(I.F.: 2.267/5Y: 2.243 ; Ranking:16/41,39.02%, SPECTROSCOPY ). Citation:17.
157. Hui-Fen Wu*, Kavita Agrawal, Kamlesh Shrivas, Yi-Hsien Lee, On particle ionization/enrichment
of multifunctional nanoprobes: washing/separation-free, acceleration and enrichment of microwave-
assisted tryptic digestion of proteins via bare TiO2 nanoparticles in ESI-MS and comparing to
(I.F.: 2.267/5Y: 2.243 ; Ranking:16/41,39.02%, SPECTROSCOPY ). Citation:5.
158. Suresh Kailasa, Hui-Fen Wu*, Surface modified silver selinide nanoparticles as extracting probes to
improve peptide/protein detection via nanoparticles-based liquid phase microextraction coupled with
MALDI mass spectrometry,TALANTA,DEC.2010,83(2), 527-534
(I.F.:4.916/5Y:4.322 ; Ranking:11/84,13.1%,CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL). Citation:34.
159. Yaotang Ke, Suresh Kailasa, Hui-Fen Wu*, Zhen-Yu Chen, High resolution detection of high mass
proteins up to 80,000 Da via multifunctional CdS quantum dots in laser desorption/ionization mass
spectrometry,TALANTA,NOV.2010,83(1),178-184(Recommanded by Faculty 1000 Biology).
(F1000-Biology 推薦論文).
(I.F.:4.916/5Y:4.322 ; Ranking:11/84,13.1%,CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL). Citation:32.
160. Hui-Fen Wu*, Suresh Kailasa, Lokesh Shastri, Electrostatically self-assembled azides on zinc sulfide
nanoparticles as multifunctional nanoprobes for peptide and protein analysis in MALDI-TOF
(I.F.:4.916/5Y:4.322 ; Ranking:11/84,13.1%,CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL). Citation:9.
161. Lokesh Shastri, Suresh Kailasa, Hui-Fen Wu*, Nanoparticle-single drop microextraction as
multifunctional and sensitive nanoprobes: Binary matrix approach for gold nanoparticles modified
with (4-mercaptophenyliminomethyl)-2-methoxyphenol for peptide and protein analysis in MALDI-
TOF MS, TALANTA,JUN.2010,81(4-5),1176-1182
(I.F.:4.916/5Y:4.322 ; Ranking:11/84,13.1%,CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL). Citation:26.
162. Li, Shuping; Guo, Zhongxian*; Wu, Hui-Fen*; Liu, Ying; Yang, Zhaoguang; Woo, Chee Hoe, Rapid
analysis of Gram-positive bacteria in water via membrane filtration coupled with nanoprobe based
(I.F.: 3.286/5Y:3.217 ; Ranking:18/84,21.43%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL ). Citation:23.
163. Nazim Hasan, Hui-Fen Wu*, Yi-Hsien Li, Mohd Nawaz, Two step on particle ionization/enrichment
via a washing and separation free approach: multifunctional TiO2 nanoparticles as desalting,
accelerating and affinity probes for microwave assisted tryptic digestion of phosphoproteins in ESI-
MS and MALDI-MS: comparison with microscale TiO2, ANALYTICAL AND
BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, APR.2010, 396(8), 2919-2929(Selected as “ Paper in
(I.F.: 3.286/5Y:3.217 ; Ranking:18/84,21.43%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL ). Citation:23.
164. Suresh Kailasa, Hui-Fen Wu*, Multifunctional ZrO2 nanoparticles and ZrO2-SiO2 nanorods for
improved MALDI-MS analysis of cyclodextrins, peptides, and phosphoproteins, ANALYTICAL
AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, FEB.2010, 396(3), 1115-1125
(I.F.: 3.286 /5Y: 3.217 ; Ranking:18/84,21.43%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL ). Citation:30.
165. Suresh Kailasa and Hui-Fen Wu*, Interference free detection for small molecules: Probing the Mn2+-
doped effect and cysteine capped effect on the ZnS nanoparticles for coccidiostats and peptide
analysis in SALDI-TOF MS, ANALYST, 2010, 135(5), 1115-1123
(I.F.: 4.019/5Y:3.857 ; Ranking:14/84,16.67%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL). Citation:23.
166. Abdul Bhat, Hui-Fen Wu*, Synthesis, characterization and application of modified Pd nanoparticles
as preconcentration probes for selective enrichment/analysis of proteins via hydrophobic interactions
from real-world samples using nanoparticle-liquid-liquid microextraction coupled to matrix-assisted
laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry, RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN
MASS SPECTROMETRY, DEC.2010,24(24), 3547-3552
(I.F.: 2.045/5Y: 1.966 ; Ranking:20/41,48.78%,SPECTROSCOPY). Citation:15.
167. Yaotang Ke, Suresh Kailasa, Hui-Fen Wu*, Mohd Nawaz, Surface-modified TiO2 nanoparticles as
affinity probes and as matrices for the rapid analysis of phosphopeptides and proteins in MALDI-
TOF-MS, JOURNAL OF SEPARATION SCIENCE, NOV.2010, 33(21), 3400-3408 (I.F.:
2.516/5Y: 2.209 ; Ranking:33/84,39.29%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL) . Citation:12.
168. Kamlesh Shrivas, Suresh Kailasa, Hui-Fen Wu*, Quantum dots laser desorption/ionization mass
spectrometry: multifunctional CdSe quantum dots as the matrix, concentrating probes and
acceleration for microwave enzymatic digestion for peptide analysis and high resolution detection of
proteins in a linear MALDI-TOF MS, PROTEOMICS, MAY.2009,9(10), 2656-2667(Featured in
the Journal Front Cover,封面報導).
(I.F.: 3.106/3.433 ; Ranking:24/79, 30.38%, BIOCHEMICAL RESEARCH METHODS). Citation:61.
169. Kamlesh Shrivas, Suresh Kailasa, Hui-Fen Wu*, Quantum dots – electrospray ionization mass
spectrometry: 3-mercaptopropanic acid capped CdS quantum dots as accelerating and enrichment
probes for microwave tryptic digestion of proteins, RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS
(I.F.:2.045/5Y:1.966 ; Ranking:20/41,48.78%,SPECTROSCOPY ). Citation:11.
170. Lokesh Shastri, Suresh Kailasa, Hui-Fen Wu*, Cysteine-capped ZnSe quantum dots as affinity and
accelerating probes for microwave enzymatic digestion of proteins via direct matrix-assisted laser
desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometric analysis, RAPID COMMUNICATIONS
IN MASS SPECTROMETRY,AUG.2009,23(15), 2247-2252
(I.F.:2.045/5Y:1.966 ; Ranking:20/41,48.78%,SPECTROSCOPY ). Citation:22.
171. Yuan-Chin Chen, Hui-Fen Wu*, Revolving hollow fiber-liquid phase microextraction coupled to
GC/MS using electron ionization for quantification of five aromatic hydrocarbon isomers,
JOURNAL OF SEPARATION SCIENCE, SEP .2009, 32(17), 3013-3019
(I.F.: 2.516/5Y: 2.209; Ranking:33/84 ,39.29%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL ). Citation:11.
172. N. Rahman*, S.N.H. Azmi, Hui-Fen Wu, Nanoparticles and atmospheric pressure-matrix assisted
laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry for peptides and drugs analysis, The Icfai University
press Journal of Chemistry, 2009, 2, 7-17.
173. Suresh Kailasa, Kamtaman Kiran, Hui-Fen Wu*, Comparison of ZnS Semiconductor Nanaoparticles
Capped with Various Functional Groups as the Matrix and Affinity Probes for Rapid Analysis of
Cyclodextrins and Proteins in Surface-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass
Spectrometry, ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY,DEC.2008,80(24), 9681-9688
(I.F.:6.35/5Y:6.337; Ranking:7/84,8.33%,CHEMISTRY,ANALYTICAL). Citation:82.
174. Kamlesh Shrivas, Hui-Fen Wu*, Modified silver nanoparticle as a hydrophobic affinity probe for
analysis of peptides and proteins in biological samples by using liquid-liquid microextraction coupled
to AP-MALDI-ion trap and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, ANALYTICAL
(I.F.:6.35/5Y:6.337; Ranking:7/84,8.33%,CHEMISTRY,ANALYTICAL). Citation:84.
175. Kamlesh Shrivas, Hui-Fen Wu*, Oxidized multiwalled carbon nanotubes for quantitative
determination of cationic surfactants in water samples using atmospheric pressure matrix-assisted
laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry, ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA, NOV.2008, 628(2),
(I.F.:5.256/5Y: 5.174; Ranking:10/84, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL). Citation:23.
176. Kamlesh Shrivas, Hui-Fen Wu*, Applications of silver nanoparticles capped with different functional
groups as the matrix and affinity probes in surface-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight
and atmospheric pressure matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization ion trap mass spectrometry for
rapid analysis of sulfur drugs and biothiols in human urine, RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN
MASS SPECTROMETRY,SEP.2008,22(18), 2863-2872
(I.F.:2.045/5Y:1.966; Ranking:20/41,48.78%,SPECTROSCOPY ). Citation:62.
177. Putty Sudhir, Kamlesh Shrivas, Zi-Chong Zhou, Hui-Fen Wu*, Single drop microextraction using
silver nanoparticles as electrostatic probes for peptide analysis in atmospheric pressure matrix-
assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry and comparison with gold electrostatic probes
and silver hydrophobic probes, RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS
(I.F.:2.045/5Y:1.966; Ranking:20/41,48.78%,SPECTROSCOPY ). Citation:32.
178. Kavita Agrawal, Hui-Fen Wu*, Bare silica nanoparticles as concentrating and affinity probes for
rapid analysis of aminothiols, lysozyme and peptide mixtures using atmospheric-pressure matrix-
assisted laser desorption/ionization ion trap and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-
flight mass spectrometry, RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY, 2008,
22(3), 283-290
(I.F.: 2.045 /5Y: 1.966; Ranking:20/41,48.78%, SPECTROSCOPY ). Citation:37.
179. Kavita Agrawal, Hui-Fen Wu*, Kamlesh Shrivas, Reverse micellar microextraction for rapid analysis
of thiol-containing peptides and amino acids by atmospheric-pressure matrix-assisted laser
desorption/ionization ion trap and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass
(I.F.: 2.045 /5Y: 1.966; Ranking:20/41,48.78%, SPECTROSCOPY ). Citation:8.
180. Kamlesh Shrivas, Hui-Fen Wu*, Functionalized-multiwalled carbon nanotubes as a preconcentrating
probe for rapid monitoring of cationic dyestuffs in environmental water using AP-MALDI/MS,
(I.F.:2.516/5Y:2.209; Ranking:33/84,39.29%,CHEMISTRY,ANALYTICAL). Citation:8.
181. Chih-Hao Yang, Nadeem Khan, Hui-Fen Wu*, Differentiation and quantification of xylene isomers
by combining headspace solid-phase microextraction/gas chromatography and self-ion molecule
reaction in an ion trap tandem mass spectrometry, JOURNAL OF SEPARATION
(I.F.:2.516/5Y:2.209; Ranking:33/84,39.29%,CHEMISTRY,ANALYTICAL). Citation:7.
182. Hui-Fen Wu*, Hsin-Yi Ku, Jyh-Hao Yen, Liquid-phase microextraction for rapid AP-MALDI and
quantitation of nortriptyline in biological matrices, JOURNAL OF SEPARATION SCIENCE,
(I.F.:2.516/5Y:2.209; Ranking:33/84,39.29%,CHEMISTRY,ANALYTICAL). Citation:18.
183. Hui-Fen Wu*, Jyh-Hao Yen, Dynamic liquid phase nanoextraction coupled to GC/MS for rapid
analysis of methoxyacetophenone and anisaldehye isomers in urine,JOURNAL OF SEPARATION
SCIENCE, JUL.2008, 31(12), 2295-2302
(I.F.:2.516/5Y: 2.209; Ranking:33/84 ,39.29%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL ). Citation:5.
184. Kamlesh Shrivas, Hui-Fen Wu*, Ultrasonication followed by single drop microextraction combined
with GC/MS for rapid determination of organochlorine pesticides from fish, JOURNAL OF
SEPARATION SCIENCE, FEB.2008, 31(2), 380-386
(I.F.:2.516/5Y: 2.209; Ranking:33/84 ,39.29%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL ). Citation:33.
185. Yao-Tang Ke, Hui-Fen Wu*, Applications of functional nanoparticles as the affinity probes for
analysis of peptides and proteins by coupling solvent microextraction with the MALDI mass
spectrometry, Chemistry (the Chin. Chem. Soc., Taipei), 2008, 66, No3, 231-240.
186. Kamlesh Shrivas, Hui-Fen Wu*, Quantitative Bioanalysis Of Quinine By Atmospheric Pressure-
matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/ionization Mass Spectrometry Combined With Dynamic Drop-to-
drop Solvent Microextraction, ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA, DEC.2007, 605(2), 153-158
(I.F.: 5.256/5Y: 5.174; Ranking:10/84, 11.9%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL). Citation:31.
187. Bih-Show Lou, Yuan-Chin Chen, Hui-Fen Wu*, Probing the non-covalent binding interaction of Na+
channel inactivation gate peptide in linker between domain III and IV with 5,5-diphenyhydantoin
drug in Electrospray/Ion Trap Tandem Mass Spectrometry, RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN
MASS SPECTROMETRY, 2007, 21(23), 2795-3802
(I.F.: 2.045/5Y: 1.966; Ranking:20/41,48.78%, SPECTROSCOPY). Citation:1.
188. Kamlesh Shrivas, Hui-Fen Wu*, Rapid determination of caffeine in one drop of beverages and foods
using drop-to-drop solvent microextraction with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry,
JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A, NOV.2007, 1170(1-2), 9-14
(I.F.: 3.858/5Y: 3.741; Ranking:13/79, 16.46%, BIOCHEMICAL RESEARCH METHODS).
189. Kavita Agrawal, Hui-Fen Wu*, Drop-to-drop Solvent Microextraction Coupled With Gas
Chromatography/mass Spectrometry For Rapid Determination Of Trimeprazine In Urine And Blood
Of Rats: Application To Pharmacokinetic Studies, RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS
SPECTROMETRY, 2007, 21(20), 3352-3356
(I.F.:2.045/5Y: 1.966; Ranking:20/41,48.78%, SPECTROSCOPY ). Citation:26.
190. Shuchen Hsieh*, Hsin-Yi Ku, Yao-Tang Ke, Hui-Fen Wu*, Self-assembled-monolayer-modified
Silicon Substrate To Enhance The Sensitivity Of Peptide Detection For Ap-maldi Mass Spectrometry,
JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY, DEC.2007, 42(12), 1628-1636
(I.F.: 2.267/5Y: 2.243; Ranking:16/41 ,39.02%, SPECTROSCOPY). Citation:16.
191. Kamlesh Shrivas, Hui-Fen Wu*, A rapid, sensitive and effective quantitative method for simultaneous
determination of cationic surfactant mixtures from river and municipal wastewater by direct
combination of single-drop microextraction with AP-MALDI mass spectrometry, JOURNAL OF
MASS SPECTROMETRY, DEC.2007, 42(12), 1637-1644
(I.F.: 2.267/5Y: 2.243; Ranking:16/41,39.02%, SPECTROSCOPY ). Citation:39.
192. Kamlesh Shrivas, Hui-Fen Wu*, Single drop microextraction as a concentrating probe for rapid
screening of low molecular weight drugs from human urine in atmospheric-pressure matrix-assisted
laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry, RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS
SPECTROMETRY, 2007, 21(18), 3103-3108
(I.F.: 2.045/5Y: 1.966; Ranking:20/41,48.78%, SPECTROSCOPY ). Citation:33.
193. Ramaiyan Sekar, Hui-Fen Wu*. Quantitative method for analysis of monensin in soil, water, and
urine by direct combination of single-drop microextraction with atmospheric pressure matrix-assisted
laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry, ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, SEP.2006, 78(18),
(I.F.: 6.35/5Y: 6.337; Ranking:7/84,8.33%,CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL). Citation:38.
194. Hui-Fen Wu*, Jih-Hao Yen, Chen-Che Chin, Combining drop-to-drop solvent microextraction with
gas chromatography/mass spectrometry using electronic ionization and self-ion/molecule reaction
method to determine methoxyacetophenone isomers in one drop of water, ANALYTICAL
CHEMISTRY, MAR.2006, 78(5), 1707-1712
(I.F.:6.35/5Y: 6.337; Ranking:7/84,8.33%,CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL). Citation:56.
195. Hui-Fen Wu*, Chi-Hsien Lin, Direct combination of immersed single-drop microextraction with
atmospheric pressure matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization tandem mass spectrometry for rapid
analysis of a hydrophilic drug via hydrogen-bonding interaction and comparison with liquid-liquid
extraction and liquid-phase microextraction using a dual gauge microsyringe with a hollow fiber,
(I.F.: 2.045/5Y: 1.966; Ranking:20/41,48.78%,SPECTROSCOPY). Citation:33.
196. Bin-Wei Lai, Bo-Ming Liu, Pradip Malik, Hui-Fen Wu*, Combination of liquid-phase hollow fiber
membrane microextraction with gas chromatography-negative chemical ionization mass
spectrometry for the determination of dichlorophenol isomers in water and urine, ANALYTICA
CHIMICA ACTA, AUG .2006, 576(1), 61-66
(I.F.: 5.256/5Y: 5.174; Ranking:10/84,11.9%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL ). Citation:29.
197. N. Rahman*, S.N.H. Azmi, H. F. Wu, The importance of impurity analysis in pharmaceutical
products: an integrated approach, ACCREDITATION AND QUALITY ASSURANCE, Springer
Verlag, APR.2006, 11(1-2), 69-74
(I.F.: 0.8/5Y: 0.746; Ranking:54/61,88.52%, INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION).
198. Putty Sudhir, Hui-Fen Wu*, Zi-Chong Zhou, Identification of peptides using gold nanoparticle-
assisted single-drop microextraction coupled with AP-MALDI mass spectrometry, ANALYTICAL
CHEMISTRY, NOV.2005, 77(22), 7380-7385
(I.F.: 6.35/5Y:6.337; Ranking:7/84,8.33%, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL). Citation:97.
199. Putty Sudhir, Hui-Fen Wu*, Zi-Chong Zhou, An Application Of Electrospray Ionization Tandem
Mass Spectrometry To Probe The Interaction Of Ca2+/mg2+/zn2+ And Cl- With Gramicidin A,
(I.F.: 2.045/5Y: 1.966; Ranking:20/41, SPECTROSCOPY ). Citation:15.
200. Putty Sudhir, Hui-Fen Wu*, Zi-Chong Zhou, Probing the interaction of kojic acid antibiotics with
iron (III) chloride by using electrospray tandem mass spectrometry, RAPID COMMUNICATIONS
IN MASS SPECTROMETRY, 2005, 19(2), 209-212
(I.F.:2.045/5Y: 1.966; Ranking:20/41,48.78%, SPECTROSCOPY). Citation:12.
201. Hui-Fen Wu*, Developing chemical ionization, host-guest chemistry, self- ion/molecule reaction,
single drop microextraction and electrospray mass spectrometry in an ion trap mass spectrometry,
Chemistry (the Chin. Chem. Soc., Taipei), 2004, 62, 443-450.
202. Chih-Hao Yan, Hui-Fen Wu*, A liquid-phase microextraction method, combining a dual gauge
microsyringe with a hollow fiber membrane, for the determination of organochlorine pesticides in
aqueous solution by gas chromatography/ion trap mass spectrometry,RAPID
(I.F.:2.045/5Y: 1.966; Ranking:20/41,48.78%,SPECTROSCOPY). Citation:42.
203. Nadeem Khan, Hui-Fen Wu*, Analysis of silymarin extracted from a commercial dosage by
combining liquid-liquid extraction with negative electrospray tandem mass spectrometry,RAPID
(I.F.: 2.045/5Y: 1.966; Ranking:20/41,48.78%, SPECTROSCOPY). Citation:8.
204. Bo-Ming Liu, Pradip Malik, Hui-Fen Wu*, Single-drop Microextraction And Gas
Chromatography/mass Spectrometric Determination Of Anisaldehyde Isomers In Human Urine And
(I.F.: 2.045/5Y: 1.966; Ranking:20/41,48.78%, SPECTROSCOPY). Citation:26.
205. Hui-Fen Wu*, Pei-Yi Lin, Ethylenediamine as a liquid chemical reagent to probe hydrogen bonding
and host-guest interactions with crown ethers in an ion trap tandem mass spectrometer, RAPID
(I.F.: 2.045/5Y:1.966; Ranking:20/41,48.78%, SPECTROSCOPY). Citation:1.
206. Hui-Fen Wu*, Chien-Hung Chen, Meng-Ting Wu, Observation of self-ion-molecule reactions during
collisionally activated dissociation in an ion-trap mass spectrometer, JOURNAL OF MASS
SPECTROMETRY, APR.2004, 39(4), 396-401
(I.F.:2.267/5Y: 2.243; Ranking:16/41, SPECTROSCOPY). Citation:5.
207. Leo Brewer*, Kiran Krushwitz, Robert Lamoreaux, Hui-Fen Wu, Properties of valuable new
intermetallics: Brewer–Engel model applied to the bonding of transition metal dialuminides,
INTERMETALLICS, NOV-DEC.2003, 11(11-12), 1103-1109
(I.F.:3.353/5Y:3.418; Ranking:9/76,11.84%, METALLURGY & METALLURGICAL
ENGINEERING). Citation:0.
208. Hui-Fen Wu*, Wen-Feng Wu, Comparing differentiation of xylene isomers by electronic ionization,
chemical ionization and Self-Ion/Molecule Reactions and the first observation of methyne addition
ions for xylene isomers in Self-Ion/Molecule Reactions for non-nitrogenated compounds, RAPID
(I.F.: 2.045/5Y:1.966; Ranking:20/41,48.78%, SPECTROSCOPY). Citation:9.
209. Hui-Fen Wu*, Chien-Hung Chen, Li-Chi Lu, Probing the mechanisms of the self ion-molecule
reactions of dopamine in an ion trap mass spectrometer, RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS
SPECTROMETRY, 2003, 17(13), 1479-1482
(I.F.: 2.045/5Y: 1.966; Ranking:20/41,48.78%, SPECTROSCOPY). Citation:8.
210. Hui-Fen Wu*, Pei-Yi Lin, Probing the effects of reagent gas pressure and ion source temperature for
dimethyl ether chemical ionization of tricyclic antidepressants in an external source ion trap mass
spectrometer, JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CHEMICAL SOCIETY, DEC .2003, 50(6), 1251-
(I.F.: 1.188/5Y: 0.978; Ranking:128/172,74.42%, CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY).
211. Hui-Fen Wu*, Yu-Jie Chuan, Isomer differentiation by combining gas chromatography, selective self-
ion/molecule reactions and tandem mass spectrometry in an ion trap mass spectrometer, RAPID
(I.F.: 2.045/5Y: 1.966; Ranking:20/41,48.78%, SPECTROSCOPY). Citation:12.
212. Hui-Fen Wu*, Yen-Ren Chen, Bin-Wei Lai, Novel observation of total ion chromatogram (TIC)
splitting under positive chemical ionization in an external source ion trap mass spectrometer,
(I.F.: 2.267/5Y:2.243; Ranking:16/41,39.02%, SPECTROSCOPY). Citation:2
213. Hui-Fen Wu*, Li-Chi Lu, 2002 年諾貝爾化學獎-質譜儀分析技術的突破,開展生化科技新領
域, 科學發展月刊, 2003, 361, 50-53.
214. Hui-Fen Wu*, Shuen-Ming Huang, Chun-Fu Wu, Conformational analysis and binding affinity
determination for host-guest complexation of alkali metal ions with bis-crown ethers by electrospray
mass spectrometry and molecular modeling, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MASS
SPECTROMETRY, 2002, 8(5), 375-380
(I.F.: 0.851/5Y: 0.915; Ranking:34/41,82.93%, SPECTROSCOPY). Citation:14.
215. Hui-Fen Wu*, Chien-Hung Chen, Letter: Hydroxide And Oxygen Atom Attachment To
Dichlorophthalic Anhydride In Negative-ion Chemical Ionization With Collisionally-activated
Dissociation In An External-source Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF
MASS SPECTROMETRY, 2002, 8(4), 329-332
(I.F.: 0.851/5Y: 0.915; Ranking:34/41,82.93%, SPECTROSCOPY). Citation:5.
216. Hui-Fen Wu*, Li-Wei Chen, Chien-Hung Chen, Probing the Reactive Sites for Ion/Molecule
Reactions of Anthraquinones with Dimethyl Ether by an External Source Ion Trap Tandem Mass
Spectrometer and Computational Chemistry, RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS
SPECTROMETRY, 2001, 15(21), 1977-1987
(I.F.: 2.045/5Y: 1.966; Ranking:20/41,48.78%, SPECTROSCOPY). Citation:9.
217. Hui-Fen Wu*, Ming-Yi Ho, Selective self-ion/molecule reactions in both external and internal source
ion trap mass spectrometers, RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY, 2001,
15(15), 1309-1316
(I.F.: 2.045/5Y: 1.966; Ranking:20/41,48.78%, SPECTROSCOPY). Citation:13.
218. Hui-Fen Wu*, Chien-Hung Chen, Ming-Yi Ho, Examination of the best pressure range for
ion/molecule reactions of anthraquinones in an external source ion trap mass
spectrometer,ANALYTICAL SCIENCES, APR.2001, 17(4), 515-518
(I.F.: 1.618/5Y:1.388; Ranking:58/84, CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL). Citation:6.
219. Hui-Fen Wu*, Li-Wei Chen, Jhen-Chen Wang, Ya-Ping Lin, Simulation of the collisional cooling
effect for binary and ternary buffer gas mixtures in a quadrupole ion trap mass
spectrometer,EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY, 2001, 7(1), 1-6
(I.F.: 0.851/5Y: 0.915; Ranking:34/41,82.93%, SPECTROSCOPY). Citation:1.
220. Hui-Fen Wu*, Study of temperature and pressure effects of negative chemical ionization mass
spectrometry using methane and oxygen as reagent gases in an external source ion trap mass
spectrometer, JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY, AUG.2000, 35(8), 1049-1050
(I.F.: 2.267/5Y: 2.243; Ranking:16/41,39.02%, SPECTROSCOPY). Citation:10.
221. Hui-Fen Wu*, Ya-Ping Lin, Study of ion-molecule reactions and collisionally-activated dissociation
of dopamine and adrenaline by an ion trap mass spectrometer with an external ionization source,
(I.F.: 0.851/5Y: 0.915; Ranking:34/41,82.93%, SPECTROSCOPY). Citation:13.
222. Hui-Fen Wu*, Li-Wei Chen, Ya-Ping Lin, Simulation of Collisional Cooling Effect in a Quadrupole
46(6), 923-932
(I.F.: 1.188/5Y: 0.978; Ranking:128/172, 74.42%,CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY).
223. Hui-Fen Wu*, Ya-Ping Lin, Determination of the sensitivity of an external source ion trap tandem
mass spectrometer using dimethyl ether chemical ionization, JOURNAL OF MASS
SPECTROMETRY, DEC .1999, 34(12), 1283-1285
(I.F.: 2.267/5Y: 2.243; Ranking:16/41,39.02%, SPECTROSCOPY). Citation:13.
224. Hui-Fen Wu*, Li-Wei Chen, Study of Host-Guest Complexation of Alkaline Ion, Aluminum Ion and
Transition Metal Ions with Crown Ethers by Fast Atom Bombardment Mass
(I.F.:1.188/5Y: 0.978; Ranking:128/172,74.42%, CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY).
225. Leo Brewer, Kiran Krushwitz, Robert Lamoreaux, Hui-Fen Wu, Properties of valuable new
intermetallics: Brewer–Engel model applied to the bonding of transition metal dialuminides,
INTERMETALLICS, NOV-DEC.2003, 11(11-12), 1103-1109
(I.F.: 3.353,5Y: 3.418; Ranking:9/76,11.84%, METALLURGY & METALLURGICAL
ENGINEERING). Citation:0.
226. Leo Brewer, Hui-Fen Wu, Parameters for Calculation of Properties of Acid-Base Intermetallics”.
Proc.-Electrochem. Soc., Volume: 1997, 97-39, number: High Temperature Materials Chemistry,
p60-69, (CA:128(7)80209z).
227. Hui-Fen Wu, Leo Brewer, Calculation of the thermodynamic effect of the Brewer-Engel generalized
acid-base reactions of 1:1 intermetallics for non-transition metals Al and Mg with transition
(I.F.: 4.175/5Y: 3.624; Ranking:6/76,7.89%, METALLURGY & METALLURGICAL
ENGINEERING). Citation:9.
228. Erwen Alvarez, Hui-Fen Wu, Chien-Chung Liou , Jennifer Brodbelt, Collisionally Activated
Dissociation Of Transition Metal Ion/polyether Complexes In A Quadrupole Ion Trap, JOURNAL
OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, SEP .1996 ,118(38), 9131-9138
(I.F.:14.695/5Y: 14.491; Ranking:12/172,6.98%, CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY).
229. Hui-Fen Wu, Leo Brewer, Calculation of binary phase diagrams of refractory metals, Ta,W,Tc, and
Re, with liquid metals, Am,Cm, and Bk, using a regular solution theory modification,JOURNAL OF
PHASE EQUILIBRIA, FEB.1996, 17(1), 36-39
(I.F.:0.559; Ranking:22/72,30.56%, METALLURGY & METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING).
230. Chien-Chung Liou, John Isbell, Hui-Fen Wu. Jennifer Brodbelt, R. A. Bartsch, J. C. Lee and J. L.
APR.1995,30(4), 572-580
(I.F.: 2.267/5Y: 2.243; Ranking:16/41,39.02%, SPECTROSCOPY). Citation:0.
FEB.1995,34(3), 615 –621
(I.F.: 4.85/5Y: 4.559; Ranking:4/45,8.89%, CHEMISTRY, INORGANIC & NUCLEAR). Citation:42.
CHEMISTRY,1994,18(1),37-44(Cited by CrossRef:
22 .
(I.F.:0.685; Ranking:59/126 ,46.83%,CHEMISTRY). Citation:17.
CHEMICAL SOCIETY, JUL.1994, 116(14),6418-6426
(I.F.:14.695/5Y: 14.491; Ranking:12/172 ,6.98%, CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY ).
234. Chien-Chung Liou, Hui-Fen Wu, Jennifer Brodbelt, HYDROGEN-BONDING INTERACTIONS IN
(I.F.:3.202/5Y:2.863; Ranking:6/41, 14.63%,SPECTROSCOPY). Citation:47.
MASS SPECTROMETRY, SEP.1993, 4(9),718-722.
(I.F.:3.202/5Y:2.863; Ranking:6/41, 14.63%,SPECTROSCOPY). Citation:31.
(I.F.:1.658/5Y:1.659; Ranking:25/41,60.98%, SPECTROSCOPY). Citation:11.
237. Hui-Fen Wu, Jennifer Brodbelt,“Effects of Collisional Cooling on Ion Detection in a Quadrupole Ion
Trap Mass Spectrometer”. ICR/Ion Trap Newsletter, 1992, 25,22-24.
(I.F.:1.658/5Y:1.659; Ranking:25/41,60.98%,SPECTROSCOPY). Citation:31.
1. Hui-Fen Wu, Suresh Kailasa, Nazim Hasan, Apparatus and method of liquid nitrogen assisted spray
ionization mass spectrometry. 發明專利核准審定書(學校編號 101034TW),台灣發明專利
No.101129644 (101/8/16 applied-103/10/28 issued).
2. Hui-Fen Wu, Judy Gopal, Muthu Manikandan, Nazim Hasan, Bacterio-toxicity/compatibility of
Platinum nanoparticles, 2013, Jan. No.: 101081TW. 台灣發明專利.
3. Hui-Fen Wu, Judy Gopal, Hani Abdelhamid, Pei-Yang Hua, Chitosan nanomagnets for effective
extraction and sensitive mass spectrometric detection of pathogenic bacterial endotoxin from human
urine, 2013, Mar. No: 102027TW. 台灣發明專利.
4. Hui-Fen Wu, Muthu Manikandan, Nazim Hasan, PK1322, 鉑奈米粒子用於製備治療癌症藥物的用
途, 發明專利核准審定書(學校編號 102028TW), Platinum nanoparticles for treatment of cancer,台
灣發明專利, No.102137386 (102/10/16 applied-104/7/20 issued).
5. Hui-Fen Wu, Hani Abdelhamid, PK13231, 石墨烯磁性甲殼素聚合物之用途,發明專利核准審定
書(學校編號 102039TW), Graphene magnetic chitosan and its use. 台灣發明專利,No.102138937
(102/10/28 applied-104/6/17 issued).
6. Hui-Fen Wu, Hani Abdelhamid, Furoic Acids as new matrices for matrix assisted laser
desorption/ionization mass spectrometry, Taiwan Patent applied 2013, May. 台灣發明專利 (104/9
7. Hui-Fen Wu, Hani Abdelhamid, 甲芬那酸為新基質之用途, Mefenamic acids as a new matrice for
matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry, Taiwan Patent, 2016, March issued. 台
8. 中華民國發明專利:氧化鉬奈米片、其製造方法及用途(學校編號:106051,五洲編號:
PK15203).台灣發明專利(I651270), 2019/2/21~2038/5/29.
9. 校編號 106052 號「多孔籠狀奈米碳點及其製造方法」台灣發明專利申請案(五洲編號 PK15204),
2019,June, issued.
10. 校編號:107012;理律法律事務所所案號:N40355/211187)中華民國發明專利申請案, 蛋白
質穩定金奈米立方體、其製法及其應用, in application, 2018.
11. 學校編號:107015;理律法律事務所案號:N40355/212822)中華民國發明專利申請案, 缺氧
α-MoO3-x 奈米薄片、其製法及其應用, 2018, issued (this obtain 2019 outstanding paper from
sensor society).
12. Hui-Fen Wu, Nallin Sharma, Sunil Pandey, Amit Kumar Sharma, Two-dimensional atomically thin
tin based fluorescent oxide synthesized at ambient temperature and its biomedical applications. (on
line108/2/20, in application,June2019,五洲).
1. 吳慧芬, 主辦國際純化學和應用化學聯合會(The International Union of Pure and Applied
Chemistry, IUPAC) 100 週年慶,第 2 屆全球女化學家早餐會, 2020 年 2 月 12 日, 中山大學.
2. 吳慧芬,參加第 18 屆亞洲化學大會暨第 20 屆亞洲化學學會聯盟會員大會, 2019 年 12 月 8
至 12 日,台北國際會議中心召開,RSC 女化學家座談會.
3. 吳慧芬,參加「挺身而進.女力交流~108 年度公私部門女性人才交流研習回流訓練」, 2019
年 11 月 29 日,台北.
4. 吳慧芬, 第十一屆物理與化學女性學者聯合研討會,主題:成為社群的成長動力, 主持活動:愛
樂小聚-音樂紓壓(弦樂組), 林更青,林薇軒,吳慧芬(小提琴), 許昭萍(口琴),陸駿逸(薩克斯
風),108 年 11 月 8~9 日.
5. 吳慧芬, 2019 年 12 月 7-8 日,於國立成功大學舉辦「台灣蛋白體學會年會」擔任摘要論文
的評審,挑選出 8 位適合擔任口頭報告的摘要。
6. 吳慧芬, 我的生命歷程之分享, 女性科學家生命講座,108 年 9 月 27 日,內門國中,演講.
7. Hui-Fen Wu, 107 學年度中山-高醫藥學院合聘交流活動, July15, 2019, 中山西子灣沙灘會館.
8. Sunil Pandey, Amit Sharma, Krishna Sharma, Yowan Nerthigan, M Shannawaz Khan, Da-Ren
Hang, Hui-Fen Wu*, 2019 International Conference on Smart Sensors, June 3-4, 2019, Hsin-Chu,
榮獲臺灣化學感測器科技協會 2019 年學術獎章-傑出論文獎, 論文名稱:Rapid naked eye
detection of alkaline phosphatase using <alpha>-MoO3-x nano- flakes.
9. 吳慧芬,台灣女科技人學會,第四屆第 3 次會員大會,2019 年 4 月 20 日,台中市亞洲大學.
10. 吳慧芬,台灣蛋白體學會,理監事會議,2019 年 2 月 26 日,台北市.
11. 吳慧芬, 主辦國際純化學和應用化學聯合會(The International Union of Pure and Applied
Chemistry, IUPAC) 100 週年慶,第一屆全球女化學家早餐會, 2019 年 2 月 12 日, 中山大學.
12. Hui-Fen Wu, (1) Introduction of chemistry department of NSYSU, (2) Nanomaterials applied on
Biomedicine; Amity U, Gutam Budda U, IIT-Delhi, India, Jan6,7 (joining NSYSU-India vsiting
group from 1/6 to 1/11, 2019).
13. Hui-Fen Wu, (1) Introduction of college of science, NSYSU (2)Introduction of chemistry
department of NSYSU, (2) Nanomaterials applied on Biomedicine; SUJP, UR, RP, SriLanka,
Nov.16, 19, 21, 2018 (joining NSYSU-SriLanka vsiting group from 11/15 to 11/23).
14. 吳慧芬,台灣女科技人學會,第四屆第二次會員大會,2018 年 11 月 3 日,台北市.
15. 吳慧芬, Nanomaterials based analytical technology applied in biomedicine, 107 年 10 月 2 日, 成
功大學, 演講.
16. 吳慧芬, 107 年 9 月 8 日, 2018 年科技部電化學生物感測技術產學聯盟會議暨台灣化學感測器
協會產學聯盟秋季會議, 第十一屆第二次理監事會議, 成功大學醫工館.
17. 吳慧芬,行政院女性人才會議, 107 年 7 月 21 日, 北市.
18. 吳慧芬,參加台灣質譜學會於 2018 年 7 月 18 至 7 月 20 日 (中央研究院)舉辦第十五屆台灣質
講者. Nanomaterial based analytical techniques applied on bacteria and cancer analysis.
19. 吳慧芬, 聯合醫院合作會議,107 年 6 月 21 日, 聯合醫院, 本校與 6 間市立醫院討論雙方合
作.Nanomaterial based analytical techniques applied on biomedicine.
20. Hui-Fen Wu, FDA project review for fast screening of food, FDA, Taipei, June 14, 2018.
21. 吳慧芬, 2018 年化學感測國際研討會(Smart Sensors)籌備委員會委員&主持人, 2018 年 6 月 1~2
22. 吳慧芬,107 年第二十四屆分析技術交流研討會, 5 月 19 日, 國立臺灣海洋大學,主持人.
23. 吳慧芬,107 年行政院女性人才交流研習, 107 年 5 月 7~9 日&5 月 17~18 日,
24. Hui-Fen Wu, TFDA annual project review for fast screening of food, FDA, Taipei, Dec.5, 2017.
25. Hui-Fen Wu, Nanomaterials applied in drug delivery and photo-thermal therapy for cancer treatment,
106 年中國化學會年會, 12 月 1 至 2 日, 嘉義大學, 演講.
26. 吳慧芬, Nanomaterials applied in Biomedicine, 106 年 11 月 2 日, 輔大化學系, 演講.
27. 吳慧芬, Nanomaterials applied in Biomedicine, 106 年 10 月 17 日, 國立中央大學材料科學與工
程研究所, 演講.
28. 吳慧芬,奈米生物醫學跨領域的研究, 國立中山大學海科院、工學院、理學院, 跨院聯合研討
會, 106 年 9 月 22 日, 中山大學國際研究大樓, 演講.
29. Hui-Fen Wu, Photoluminiscent Carbon Dots ‘Clathrate-like’ nanostructures for targeted bioimaging
and photo-chemotherapy of cancer, EMN Meeting on Biomaterials, at Ramada Plaza Milano, Milan,
Italy, August 14th-18th, 2017, Speaker.
30. Hui-Fen Wu, Photoluminiscent Carbon Dots ‘Clathrate-like’ nanostructures for targeted bioimaging
and photo-chemotherapy of cancer, Asia Pacific Society for Materials Research 2017 Annual Meeting
(APSMR 2017 Annual Meeting), as a Conference Co-organizer, Committee and Section Chair,
Hokkaido, Japan, July 27-30 2017.當籌備會主席, Keynote 演講, (獲得亞太材料學會 2017 年會
貢獻獎 & 獲得亞太材料學會 2017 年會 Keynote 演講獎).
31. 吳慧芬, 中研院 、中山大學及海洋大學之海洋生物科技學位程術研討會, 106 年 6 月 16 日,
32. Hui-Fen Wu, 2017 International Symposium on Smart Sensing Medical Device and 22th Symposium
of Association for Chemical Sensors in Taiwan (2017 ISSMD&22th SACST) (2017 國際智慧醫療
診斷器材研討會暨第 22 屆台灣化學感測器科技研討會) as a keynote speaker, National Cheng
Kung University, Tainan, May 20, 2017.
33. 吳慧芬,奈米生物醫學跨領域的研究&音樂紓壓, 106 年 5 月 31 日, 女性科學家生命故事講座,
台南女中, 演講.
34. 吳慧芬,奈米生物醫學跨領域的研究&音樂紓壓, 106 年 4 月 14 日, 女性科學家生命故事講座,
高雄女中, 演講.
35. 吳慧芬, Introduction of College of Science, NSYSU, 2017 年亞太國際教育協會年會暨教育展姊
妹校與國外大學代表參訪團, 106 年 3 月 24 日,中山大學, 英文簡報.
36. Hui-Fen Wu, (1) Introduction of chemistry department, NSYSU, (2) Nanomaterials applied on cancer
study and pathogen analysis; Department of Biology, Hanoi University of Education 2, Hanoi,
Vietnam, Feb 17, 2017.
37. Hui-Fen Wu, (1) Introduction of chemistry department, NSYSU, (2) Nanomaterials applied on cancer
study and pathogen analysis; Department of Chemistry, Hanoi University of Education 2, Hanoi,
Vietnam, Feb 17, 2017. (2/16 to 2/18 visited Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology & UPE2,
38. Hui-Fen Wu, Nanomaterials applied on cancer study and pathogen analysis; Department of Chemistry,
De La Salle University, Manila, Philippine, Feb 14, 2017.(2/12 to 2/15, 2017 visited Univ. of Phi.
Los Banos, and DLSU, Philippine)
39. HF Wu attended the Taiwan-Philippine Academic Networking Platform, Jan 21, 2017, Kindness
Hotel, Kaohsiung.
40. HF Wu attended the Honor Prof. Wong, Chi-Huey’s conferences at NSYSU, Nov.25 to 27, 2016,
41. Hui-Fen Wu, Nanomaterials applied on cancer study and pathogen analysis; Department of Chemistry,
University of Brawijaya, Indonesia, Oct.26, 2016.
42. Hui-Fen Wu, (1) Introduction of chemistry department, NSYSU, (2) Nanomaterials applied on cancer
study and pathogen analysis; College of Science, State Polytechnic of Malang, Malang, Indonesia,
Oct.24, 2016.(10/22 to 10/28, 2016 visited UB, SPM, Malang State of University, Airlangga
University, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Indonesia).
43. Hui-Fen Wu, Nanotechnology applied on cancer study, metal and pathogen analysis and single cell
approach , 2nd International Conference on Current Trends in Mass Spectrometry, 2016, July 20-22,
Chicago, IL, USA, Organizing committee and invited speaker (獲頒感謝狀).
44. Sunil Pandey, Chun-Yi Lee, Yu-Chih Lin, Hui-Fen Wu, 實驗室實境體驗探險活動, 105 年 7 月
7~8 日, 開放實驗室讓高中學生參觀,並操作實驗。
45. 吳慧芬, 2016 TSMS 年會, 擔任 workshops-奈米科技於質譜研究領域的未來展望之主題引言
人&演講:奈米生物醫學跨領域的研究&擔任 Tutorial Lecture 2 主持人.,105 年 6 月 27-29 日,
46. 吳慧芬,奈米生物醫學跨領域的研究:音樂紓壓, 105 年 6 月 17 日, 女性科學家生命故事講座,
高雄市立新興高中, 演講.
47. Hui-Fen Wu, Nanotechnology applied on cancer study, metal and pathogen analysis and single cell
approach , 中研院 、中山大學及海洋大學之海洋生物科技學位程術研討會, 105 年 5 月 30 日,
中研院, 演講.
48. 吳慧芬,奈米生物醫學跨領域的研究:音樂與小提琴紓壓, 105 年 5 月 27 日, 女性科學家生命故
事講座, 臺南市天主教聖功女子高級中學, 演講.
49. 吳慧芬, 105 年度台灣化學感測器科技協會研討會, 中興大學. 105 年 5 月 21 日, 榮獲 105 年
50. 吳慧芬,第 19 屆分析技術交流研討會,高雄醫學大學. 105 年 5 月 21 日, 擔任主持人.
51. Hui-Fen Wu, Nanomaterial techniques applied on pathogenic bacteria analysis, 105 年 3 月 16 日,
Nano based instrumentation applied in Biomedicine, 高雄海洋科技大學海環系, 演講.
52. Hui-Fen Wu*, Nanomaterial techniques applied on pathogenic bacteria analysis, 105 年 2 月 26 日,
Nano based instrumentation applied in Biomedicine, NCTU-COP, 演講.
53. Hui-Fen Wu*,15th Asia Pacific International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Analysis
(APCE 2015), 2015, Nov 15-18, NCKU, Tainan, 擔任主持人.
54. Gangaraju Gedda, Sunil Pandey, Yu-Chih Lin, Hui-Fen Wu*, Antibacterial effect of calcium oxide
Nano-plates fabricated from Shrimp shells.15th Asia Pacific International Symposium on Microscale
Separations and Analysis (APCE 2015), 2015, Nov 15-18, NCKU, Tainan.
55. Abu Talib, Sunil Pandey, Hui-Fen Wu*, Fabrication of Blue colored hydrophobic Carbon Dots (hC-
dots) using highly pure polymer Paraplast and its application in Biological imaging of Cancer Stem
cells: Bringing Carbon dots to Main Stream for Delivery of chemotherapeutic agents. 15th Asia
Pacific International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Analysis (APCE 2015), 2015, Nov
15-18, NCKU, Tainan.
56. M. Shahanwaz Khan, Hani Abdelhamid, Hui-Fen Wu*, Near infrared (NIR) laser mediated surface
activation of graphene oxide nanoflakes for efficient antibacterial, antifungal and wound healing
treatment, 15th Asia Pacific International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Analysis (APCE
2015), 2015, Nov 15-18, NCKU, Tainan.
57. M. Shawan Khan, Hui-Fen Wu*, Graphene Oxide@Gold Nanorods Conjugate for Controlled
Release of Doxorubicin by using 808 nm laser, International Conference and Expo on
Biopharmaceutics, Sep. 21~23, 2015, Baltimore, USA. Oral Presentation by Khan.
58. Hui-Fen Wu*, Nanomaterial techniques applied on pathogenic bacteria analysis, 104 年 7 月 6-8 日,
7th WACBE world congress on bioengineering 2015 會議, 演講 (also host as chair in the
Biomaterials section), Singapore.
59. Hui-Fen Wu*, Nanomaterial based analytical techniques applied on microbiology and cancer study,
104 年 6 月 12~14 日,2015 Conference on Analytical Chemistry (CAC 2015)會議, 演講
(Plenary/VIP speaker), Suzhou, China.
60. Hui-Fen Wu*, Rapid, direct and effective methods for pathogenic bacteria analysis, Annual Retreat
of the Marine Biotechnology Degree Program, 2015 年 5 月 29 日, Academia Sinica 演講.
61. Hui-Fen Wu*, Nanomaterial based analytical techniques applied on biology and proteomics, 2015-
Analytix, 2015 年 4 月 25-28 日, Nanjing, China, 演講.
62. Hui-Fen Wu*, Nanomaterial based analytical techniques applied on microorganism, Workshop on
biosensing and bioanalysis, 2015 年 4 月 24 日, Nanjing University (Department of chemistry),
Nanjing, China, 演講.
63. Hui-Fen Wu*, Nanomaterial based analytical techniques applied on microorganism, 2015 年 4 月 23
日, Southeast University (Department of environmental science and engineering), Nanjing, China,
64. Mukesh L. Bhaisare, Sunil Pandey, M. Shawan Khan, Abu Talib, Hui-Fen Wu*, Fluorophotometric
Determination of Critical Micelle Concentration (CMC) of Ionic and Non-ionic Surfactants with
Carbon Dots via Stokes Shift,title of the paper, 59th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society, Feb. 7-
11, 2015, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, poster by Mukesh.
65. Mukesh L. Bhaisare, Sunil Pandey, M. Shawan Khan, Abu Talib, Hui-Fen Wu*, Fluorophotometric
Determination of Critical Micelle Concentration of Ionic and Non-ionic Surfactants with Carbon
Dots via Stokes Shift, 2014 年中國化學會年會, 11 月 21 至 23 日,工研院.
66. Mukesh L. Bhaisare, Hani Abdelhamid, Bo-Sgum Wu, Hui-Fen Wu*, Rapid and direct MALDI-MS
identification of pathogenic bacteria from blood via ionic liquid-modified magnetic nanoparticles,
2014 年中國化學會年會, 11 月 21 至 23 日,工研院.
67. Hani Abdelhamid, M. Shawan Khan, Hui-Fen Wu*, Design, characterization and applications of new
ionic liquid matrices for multifunctional analysis of biomolecules: a novel strategy for pathogenic
bacteria biosensing, 2014 年中國化學會年會, 11 月 21 至 23 日,工研院.
68. Gangaraju Gedda, Hani Abdelhamid, M. Shawan Khan, Hui-Fen Wu*, ZnO nanoparticle modified
polymethyl methacrylate assisted dispersive liquid-liquid micro extraction coupled MALDI-MS for
rapid pathogenic bacteria analysis, 2014 年中國化學會年會, 11 月 21 至 23 日,工研院.
69. Hui-Fen Wu*, Nanomaterial based analytical techniques applied on chemical biology and
biotechnology, 2014 南台灣應用化學前瞻研討會 , 2014 年 11 月 15-16 日, 屏東大學演講.
70. Hui-Fen Wu*, Nanomaterial based mass spectrometric techniques applied on pathogenic bacteria and
cancer study, 2014 質譜分析技術在臨床醫學檢測之學術研討會, 2014 年 11 月 7-8 日,中山大學
71. Hui-Fen Wu*, Mukesh L. Bhaisare, Hani Abdelhamid, Bo-Sgum Wu, Rapid and direct MALDI-MS
identification of pathogenic bacteria from blood via ionic liquid-modified magnetic nanoparticles,
20th International Mass Spectrometry Conference. 2014 年 8 月 22-29 日,Geneva, Swiss 演講,
FOS44-04. (Also host as the section chair and organizing committee in WOS25-Nanomaterials in
MS, Nanomaterials Characterization).
72. Hui-Fen Wu*, Nanomaterial based analytical techniques applied on microbiology and cancer study,
Collaborative Conference on Materials Research, 2014 年 6 月 24-26 日,Incheon, Korea 演講.
73. Hani Abdelhamid, Bo-Sgum Wu, Hui-Fen Wu*, Graphene coated silica applied for high ionization
matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry: A novel approach for environmental
and biomolecule analysis, 第十一屆台灣質譜學會年會暨學術研討會, 2014 年 6 月 29 至 7 月
1 日,國立中興大學.(擔任 Nanotechnology 之主持人).
74. Hui-Fen Wu*, Hani Abdelhamid, Graphene Magnetic@chitosan for highly sensitive biosensing on
pathogenic bacteria, the 12th Asia Conference on Analytical Sciences, Aug 22-24, 2013, Fukuoka,
Japan, poster presentation.
75. Hani Abdelhamid, Judy Gopal, Hui-Fen Wu*, Ionic liquid matrices for effective pathogenic bacteria
analysis. The 4th Asian and Oceanic Mass Spectrometry Conference and 10th Taiwan Society for
Mass Spectrometry Conference. 2013, July 10-12, Taiwan, Taipei.
76. Hui-Fen Wu*, Judy Gopal, Nazim Hasan, Muthu Manikandan, Bacterio-toxicity/compatibility of
Platinum nanospheres, nanocuboids and nanoflowers, The 4th Asian and Oceanic Mass Spectrometry
Conference and 10th Taiwan Society for Mass Spectrometry Conference. 2013, July 10-12, Taiwan,
77. Pei-Yan Hua, Judy Gopal, Hani Abdelhamid, Hui-Fen Wu*, Novel MALDI-MS based approach for
extraction/detection of pathogenic bacterial endotoxin from human urine using chitosan nanomagnets.
The 4th Asian and Oceanic Mass Spectrometry Conference and 10th Taiwan Society for Mass
Spectrometry Conference. 2013, July 10-12, Taiwan, Taipei.
78. Muthu Manikandan, Nazim Hasan, Hui-Fen Wu*, Biocompartable platinum nanoparticles as an
effective agent for photothermal treatment of neuro cancer cells, The 4th Asian and Oceanic Mass
Spectrometry Conference and 10th Taiwan Society for Mass Spectrometry Conference. 2013, July
10-12, Taiwan, Taipei.
79. Judy Gopal, Muthu Manikandan, Hui-Fen Wu*, Insights into nanoparticle integrated mass
spectrometric applications for biomedical and clinical applications, The 4th Asian and Oceanic Mass
Spectrometry Conference and 10th Taiwan Society for Mass Spectrometry Conference. 2013, July
10-12, Taiwan, Taipei.
80. Pei-Yan Hua, Hui-Fen Wu*, Lipidomic profiling of bacterial and cancer cells using MALDI-MS-a
nanomaterial based analytical approach. 第 19 屆分析技術交流研討會, May 25-26, 2013.臺灣師
81. Chih-Huan Huang, Hui-Fen Wu*, Probing the freshness of fruits and vegetables using nano gold
enabled Graphene Enhanced Raman Sectroscopy (GERS) 第 19 屆分析技術交流研討會, May 25-
26, 2013.臺灣師範大學化學系.
82. Hani Nasser Abdelhamid, Hui-Fen Wu*, A method to detect metal-drug complexes and their
interactions with pathogenic bacteria via graphene nanosheet assist laser desorption/ionization mass
spectrometry and biosensors. Poster (Poster Ref.MT1031), Second Materials Today–Frontiers of
Microscopy Virtual Conference, 24th-26th April 2013, Material today & Bruker.
83. Hui-Fen Wu*, Nano based analytical techniques applied on microbiology, 2013 年 3 月 27 日,中原
84. Hui-Fen Wu*, Nano based analytical techniques applied on microbiology, Annual Retreat of the
Marine Biotechnology Degree Program, 2013 年 2 月 1 日,中山大學演講.
85. Hui-Fen Wu*, Implementation of nanotechnology into mass spectrometry for microbiological
analysis. 101 年化學年會, 2012 年 12 月 1~2 日.成功大學化學系.Invited talk (B77).
86. Nazim Hasan, Faheem Ahmad and Hui-Fen Wu*, Monitoring the heat stress response of Escherichia
coli via NiO nanoparticle assisted MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. 101 年化學年會, 2012 年 12 月
1~2 日.成功大學化學系(B124, NC015).
87. Muthu Manikandan, Nazim Hasan, Hui-Fen Wu*, Rutile titania based sensors for the detection of
attomole adenosine triphosphate (ATP) for direct MALDI MS analysis. 101 年化學年會, 2012 年
12 月 1~2 日.成功大學化學系.(B98, AN034).
88. Hani Abdelhamid, Hui-Fen Wu*, A method to detect metal-drug complexes and their interactions
with pathogenic bacteria via graphene nanosheet assist laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry
and biosensors. 101 年化學年會, 2012 年 12 月 1~2 日.成功大學化學系.(B123, NC007).
89. Judy Gopal, Huey-Lin Wu, Hani Abdelhamid, Nazim Hasan, Hui-Fen Wu*, Quantum dot
applications for proteomics, 101 年化學年會, 2012 年 12 月 1~2 日.成功大學化學系.(B123,
90. Hui-Fen Wu*, Nano based mass spectrometry applied on microbiology, School of Pharmacy,
Kaohsiung Medical University. Oct. 5, 2012. Invited talk.
91. Hui-Fen Wu*, Judy Gopal, Nazim Hasan, Fabrication of a titanium based MALDI bacterial chip for
rapid, sensitive and direct analysis of pathogenic bacteria, 19th International Mass Spectrometry
Conference, Sep.15-21, 2012, Keyto, Japan. Tuesday poster 75.
92. Hui-Fen Wu*, Crossing domains of nanotechnology, microbiology and mass spectrometry for
pathogenic bacteria, The 4th World Chinese Mass spectrometry conference and 2012 Taiwan society
for mass spectrometry, June 28 -July1st, 2012, Taiwan. Invited talk.
93. Suresh Kumar Kailasa, Nazim Hasan, Hui-Fen Wu*, Identification of multiply charged proteins and
amino acid clusters by liquid nitrogen assosted spray ionization mass spectrometry, The 4th World
Chinese Mass spectrometry conference and 2012 Taiwan society for mass spectrometry, June 28 –
July1st, 2012, Taiwan. Poster presentation.
94. L.N.Jayaram, Judy Gopal, Jhih-Huan Huang, Hui-Fen Wu*, Staphylococcus aureus wound infection
kinetics probed by direct MALDI-MS using murine models, The 4th World Chinese Mass
spectrometry conference and 2012 Taiwan society for mass spectrometry, June 28 -July1st, 2012,
Taiwan. Poster presentation.
95. Judy Gopal, Hui-Fen Wu*, M.Manikandan, Nanoparticle driven mass sensore for rapid, simple,
direct and sensitive detection of microorganisms from clinical, environmental and food samples. The
th World Chinese Mass spectrometry conference and 2012 Taiwan society for mass spectrometry,
June 28 -July1st, 2012, Taiwan. Poster presentation.
96. Judy Gopal, Chia-Hsun Lee, Pei-yang, Hui-Fen Wu*, Tracing the in vivo kinetics of pathogenic
bacterial infection from mouse blood and urine using direct MALDI-MS analysis. The 4th World
Chinese Mass spectrometry conference and 2012 Taiwan society for mass spectrometry, June 28 –
July1st, 2012, Taiwan. Poster presentation.
97. M. Manikandan, Hui-Fen Wu*, Nazim Hasan, Platinum nanodots assisted cell population based mass
spectrometry of Chlamydomonas and yeast cells. The 4th World Chinese Mass spectrometry
conference and 2012 Taiwan society for mass spectrometry, June 28 -July1st, 2012, Taiwan. Poster
98. Gangaraju Gedda, Judy Gopal, Hui-Fen Wu*, ESI-MS and MALDI-MS analysis of
extrapolysaccharides of E.coli. The 4th World Chinese Mass spectrometry conference and 2012
Taiwan society for mass spectrometry, June 28 -July1st, 2012, Taiwan. Poster presentation.
99. Hui-Fen Wu*, Crossing domains of nanotechnology, microbiology and analytical chemistry, NSYSU
& UCSD Joint Symposium, May 19-23, 2012,中山大學. Invited Speaker.
100. Judy Gopal, Nazim Hasan, H. F. Wu*, Fabrication of TiO2 nanoparticle thin film on titanium surfaces
for application as bacterial sensor/biochip for rapid, sensitive and direct analysis of pathogenic
bacteria using MALDI-MS, Nano 2012, International Conference & exhibition on nanotechnology
& nanomedicine Omics Group, March 12th
-14th, Omaha, Nebraska. US. Oral presentation.
101. M. Manikandan, Nazim Hasan, H. F. Wu*, Nanoparticle assisted enhanced biosynthesis of
haloarchaeal caroteinoid pigments: Preconcentration of pigments through Pt nanoparticle based
liquid liquid microextraction for MALDI-MS analysis. Nano 2012, International Conference &
exhibition on nanotechnology & nanomedicine Omics Group, March 12th
-14th, Omaha, Nebraska.
US. Oral presentation.
102. Hui-Fen Wu*, Nano based MALDI mass spectrometric techniques for microorganism analysis,
Annual Retreat of the Marine Biotechnology Degree Program, Jan 16, 2012, Sinica, Invited Speaker.
103. H. F. Wu*, J. Gopal, C. H. Lee, Rapid and direct detection of invivo kinetics of pathogenic bacterial
infection from mouse blood and urine. 第 2 屆分析蛋白質體年會.The second International
Congress on Analytical Proteomics, Ourense, Spain. July 18-20, 2011. Invited Speaker and
evaluation panel for bacteria/animal for the speech/poster awards.
104. Judy Gopal, Jayaram Narayan, Hui-Fen Wu*, TiO2 nanoparticle assisted mass spectrometry for
affinity capture of Staphylococcus aureus, the predominant nosocomial pathogen from air, skin
surface and human nasal passage. 第 2 屆亞洲及太平洋質譜會議.The 2th Asian and Oceanic Mass
Spectrometry Conference. Aug. 17-19, 2011, Busan, Korea.
105. Chia-Hsun Lee, Judy Gopal, Hui-Fen Wu*, BCrO42-
ionic liquid applied in bacterial analysis from
fresh and spoilt yogurt.第十七屆分析技術交流研討會, May14-15, 2011.中興大學.
106. Hui-Fen Wu*, Nanomaterials, liquid phase microextraction and mass spectrometric techniques for
application in marine biology. 2011, May 5, 台灣大學演講.
107. Hui-Fen Wu*,台俄開發蛋白質體學研究之新穎質譜法研討會, Probing the dual personality of
ZnO and Ag nanoparticles in bacteria analysis in MALDI Mass Spectrometry, April 26, 2011, 中山
大學. Invited Speaker.
108. Chia-Hsun Lee, Judy Gopal, Hui-Fen Wu*, Mass Spectrometry enabled by a novel Cr6+ containing
ionic solution as biosensor of yogurt bacteria.第八屆台灣質譜年會暨學術研討會, July 10-12, 2011,
109. Hui-Fen Wu*, Sample pretreatment free mass spectrometry based on nanomaterials,第六屆海峽兩
岸分析化學會議.Sep. 9-10, 2010, Da-Lien, China. Invited Speaker.
110. Hui-Fen Wu*, Applications of multifucntional quantum dots and nanoparticle mass spectrometry,台
灣質譜學會夏季專題研討會-奈米材料與質譜分析技術, Aug. 13, 2010, 交通大學. Invited
111. Hui-Fen Wu*, Nanoprobe based mass spectrometry.第三屆世界華人質譜研討會, 2010 年 7 月 30
日-8 月 1 日,吉林省長春市. Invited Speaker.
112. Hui-Fen Wu*, 1. Multifunctional nanomaterials for rapid protein and peptide analysis in MALDI,
ESI and liquid nitrogen spray mass spectrometry 2. Nanoparticles in ionic liquid-single drop
microextraction for highly sensitive and background free detection of bacteria from human plasma
in MALDI-MS. 2010, July 27,台灣大學化學系演講.
113. Nazim Hasan, Hui-Fen Wu*, Yi-Hsien Li, Mohd Nawaz, Two step-on particle ionization/enrichment
via washing and separation free approach: multifunctional TiO2 nanoparticles as desalting,
accelerating and affinity probes for microwave-tryptic digestion of phosphoproteins in ESI and
MALDI-MS: comparing to microscale TiO2, 第 7 屆台灣質譜年會暨學術研討會, 2010, June 27-
29, 高雄醫學大學.
114. Suresh Kumar Kailasa and Hui-Fen Wu*, Interference free detection for small molecules: Probing
the Mn2+
-doped effect and cysteine capped effect on the ZnS nanoparticles for coccidiostats and
peptide analysis in SALDI-TOF MS, 第 7 屆台灣質譜年會暨學術研討會, 2010, June 27-29,高雄
115. Lokesh Shastri, Suresh Kumar Kailasa, Hui-Fen Wu*, Nanoparticle-single drop microextraction as
multifunctional and sensitive nanoprobes: Binary matrix approach for gold nanoparticles modified
with (4-mercaptophenyliminomethyl)-2-methoxyphenol for peptide and protein analysis in MALDI-
TOF MS 第 7 屆台灣質譜年會暨學術研討會, 2010, June 27-29, 高雄醫學大學.
116. Suresh K. Kailasa, Hui-Fen Wu*, Multifunctional ZrO2 nanoparticles and ZrO2@SiO2 nanorods for
improved MALDI-MS analysis of cyclodextrin, peptide and phosphoprotein. 第 7 屆台灣質譜年會
暨學術研討會, 2010, June 27-29, 高雄醫學大學.
117. Hui-Fen Wu*, Multifunctional nanomaterials for rapid protein and peptide analysis in MALDI and
ESI mass spectrometry.第 58 屆日本質譜年會暨第一屆亞太質譜年會.1stAsian and Oceanic Mass
Spectrometry Conference, Japan. Tsukuba, 2010, June 16-18. Invited Speaker.
118. Suresh Kailasa, Hui-Fen Wu*, Improvement of signal intensities for protein analysis with cadmium
sulphide nanomaterials as the matrix in MALDI-TOF-MS.第 58 屆日本質譜年會暨第一屆亞太質
譜年會.1st Asian and Oceanic Mass Spectrometry Conference, Japan. Tsukuba, June 16-18, 2010.
119. Nazim Hasan, Hui-Fen Wu*, Highly selective and sensitive enrichment of phosphopeptides via NiO
nanoparticles using microwave assisted centrifugation-on particles ionization/enrichment approach
in MALDI-MS. 第 58 屆日本質譜年會暨第一屆亞太質譜年會.1st Asian and Oceanic Mass
Spectrometry Conference, Japan. Tsukuba, June 16-18, 2010.
120. Yi-Hsien Lee, Nazim Hasan, Hui-Fen Wu*, Two-step on-particle ionization/enrichment via a
washing- and separation-free approach for phosphopeptide analysis in ESI and MALDI-MS.第十六
屆分析化學技術交流研討會, 2010, 5 月 15,16 日, 台灣大學化學系.
121. Hui-Fen Wu*, Multifunctional quantum dots and nanomaterials for rapid protein and peptide analysis
in the MALI-MS, 98 年中國化學會年會, 2009 年 12 月 5, 6 日,義守大學. Invited Speaker.
122. Nawaz, Mohd; Shastri, Lokesh; Wu, Hui-Fen*, Bifunctionalized capped Silver nanoparticle coupled
Single Drop Microextraction as a high affinity probe for protein and biomolecules analysis in
MALDI-TOF MS, 18th International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Aug. 30-Sep. 4, 2009, Bremen,
123. H. F. Wu*, S. Kailasa, S. Lokesh, Synthesis of Electrostatically Self Assembled Azide Stabilized ZnS
Nanoparticles as Affinity Probes for Enrichment, Desalting and Rapid Analysis of Peptides and
Proteins by direct MALDI-TOF MS. 18th International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Aug. 30-Sep.
4, 2009, Bremen, Germany.
124. Hasan, Nazim; Lee,Yi Hsieh; Mohd Nawaz; Wu, Hui-Fen*, Trifunctional TiO2 nanoparticles for
acceleration,desalting and enrichment of microwave-digested proteins and phosphoproteins via ESI
and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry analysis. 18th International Mass Spectrometry Conference,
Aug. 30-Sep. 4, 2009, Bremen, Germany.
125. Hui-Fen Wu*, Applications of multifunctional quantum dots and nanomaterials as the matrix, affinity
probes, acceleration for microwave digestion, desalting approach, liquid phase microextraction
probes and improved resolution for rapid protein and peptide analysis in the MALDI-MS.台灣質譜
學會學術研討會暨 2009 質譜年會, 2009 年 6 月 25-26 日,中興大學. Invited Speaker.
126. Kamlesh Shrivas, Suresh Kailasa, Hui-Fen Wu*, Quantum dots laser desorption/ionization MS:
multifunctional CdSe quantum dots as the matrix, concentrating probes and acceleration for
microwave enzymatic digestion for peptide analysis and high resolution detection of proteins in a
linear MALDI-TOF MS. 台灣質譜學會學術研討會暨 2009 質譜年會, 2009 年 6 月 25-26 日,中
127. Lokesh Shastri, Suresh Kailasa, Hi-Fen Wu*, Cysteine capped ZnSe quantum dots as affinity and
accelerating probes of microwave enzymatic digestion for proteins via direct MALDI-TOF MS
analysis. 台灣質譜學會學術研討會暨 2009 質譜年會, 2009 年 6 月 25-26 日,中興大學.
128. Shu-Ray Kuo, Hui-Fen Wu*, 硫化鉛量子點輔助雷射脫附游離質譜法在蛋白質及小分子化合物
的應用, 台灣質譜學會學術研討會暨 2009 質譜年會, 2009 年 6 月 25-26 日,中興大學.
129. Hui-Fen Wu*, Multifunctional quantum dots and nanoparticles for rapid protein and peptide analysis
in the matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry. 2009, June 17, 清華大學化
130. Shu-Ray Kuo, Hui-Fen Wu*, 功能性鉑奈米粒子在雷射脫附質譜法上的應用,分析化學技術交
流研討會, 2009.
131. Hui-Fen Wu*, Functional Group Effects of ZnS Semiconductor Nanoparticles as the Matrix and
Nanoprobes for Rapid Analysis of Biological Samples and Mushroom in MALDI-TOF Mass
Spectrometry. 97 年度中國化學會年會. 2008, 12 月 5 ~ 7 日,彰化師範大學. Invited Speaker.
132. Putty-Reddy Sudhir, Kamlesh Shrivas, Zi-Cong Zhou, Hui-Fen Wu*, Single drop microextraction
using silver nanoparticles as electrostatic probes for peptide analysis in AP-MALDI/MS and
comparison with gold electrostatic probes and silver hydrophobic probes, 2008 International
Chemical Conference, Taipei: Analytical Chemistry. 2008, Oct.2-5,中山大學化學系.
133. Chih-Hao Yang, Nadeem Khan, Hui-Fen Wu*, Differentiation and quantification of xylene isomers
by combining headspace solid-phase microextraction/gas chromatography and self-ion molecule
reaction in an ion trap tandem mass spectrometry. 2008 International Chemical Conference, Taipei:
Analytical Chemistry. 2008, Oct.2-5,中山大學化學系.
134. Kamlesh Shrivas, Hui-Fen Wu*, Applications of silver nanoparticles capped with different functional
groups as the matrix and affinity probes in SALDI-TOF and AP-MALDI- ion trap mass spectrometry
for rapid analysis of sulphur drugs and biothiols in human urine. 2008 International Chemical
Conference, Taipei: Analytical Chemistry. 2008, Oct.2-5,中山大學化學系.
135. Kamlesh Shrivas, Hui-Fen Wu*, Functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes as a preconcentrating
probe for rapid monitoring of cationic dyestuffs in environmental water using AP-MALDI/MS. 2008
International Chemical Conference, Taipei: Analytical Chemistry. 2008, Oct.2-5,中山大學化學系.
136. Hui-Fen Wu*, Kamlesh Shrivas, Single drop microextraction using silver nanoparticles as
electrostatic probes for peptide analysis in AP-MALDI/MS and comparison with gold electrostatic
probes and silver hydrophobic probes. HUPO 7th Annual World Congress 2008. Aug. 16-20,
Amsterdam, Netherlands.
137. Hui-Fen Wu*, 第 2 屆世界華人質譜研討會暨 2008 台灣質譜年會, 2008 年 6 月 26-27 日, Sinica.
Page 77-86.
138. Hui-Fen Wu*, Modified Silver Nanoparticle as a hydrophobic affinity probe for analysis
ofpPeptides and proteins by using MALDI Mass Spectrometry. 56th ASMS Conference On Mass
Spectrometry and Allied Topics, Denver, Colorado, 2008, June 1 – 5.
139. Hui-Fen Wu*, Kamlesh Shrivas, Modified Silver Nanoparticle as a Hydrophobic Affinity Probe for
Rapid Analysis of Peptide and Proteins in Biological Samples by using Liquid-Liquid
Microextraction coupled to MALDI Mass Spectrometry,第五屆兩岸分析化學研討會暨第十四屆
分析技術交流研討會, 2008 年 5 月 24-25 日, 高雄醫學大學. Invited Speaker.
140. Hui-Fen Wu*, 1. Novel liquid phase microextraction techniques coupled to mass spectrometry for
pharmacokinetic study, environmental and protein analysis 2. Application of nano-particles on mass
spectrometry, 2008, Jan. 9, 中山醫學大學化學系演講.
141. Hui-Fen Wu*, Hsin-Yi Ku, Jyh-Hao Yen, A liquid phase microextraction method using a micro
pipette with disposable tips as a concentrating probe for rapid analysis and quantitative determination
of nortriptyline drug from biological matrices in the AP-MALDI mass spectrometry, 96 年中國化學
會年會暨第十一屆台北國際化學會議, 2007, Dec.14-16, 清華大學化學系.
142. Shuchen Hsieh*, Hsin-Yi Ku, Yao-Tang Ke, Hui-Fen Wu*, Self-Assembled Monolayer Modified
Silicon Substrate to enhance the sensitivity of peptide detection for AP-MALDI Mass Spectrometry.
96 年中國化學會年會暨第十一屆台北國際化學會議, 2007, Dec.14-16, 清華大學化學系.
143. Hui-Fen Wu*, 1. Novel liquid phase microextraction techniques coupled to mass spectrometry for
pharmacokinetic study, environmental and protein analysis 2. Application of nano-particles on mass
spectrometry. 2007 年 11 月 22 日.台灣大學化學系演講.
144. Yuan-Chin Chen, Hui-Fen Wu*, 大氣壓基質輔助雷射脫附質譜法結合一滴溶劑微量萃取技術
直接對魚體組織作藥物的定量分析.第四屆台灣質譜年會暨國際學術交流研討會, 2007 年 6 月
29 ~ 30 日.成功大學.
145. Kavita, Feng-Tsain Chung, Hui-Fen Wu*, Atmospheric Pressure Matrix Assisted Laser
Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry with Micelle-Assisted Solvent Microextraction for Rapid
Analysis of Thiopeptide. 第四屆台灣質譜年會暨國際學術交流研討會, 2007 年 6 月 29 ~ 30 日.
146. Kamlesh Shrivas, Hui-Fen Wu*, A rapid, sensitive and effective quantitative method for simultaneous
determination of cationic surfactant mixtures from river and municipal waste water by direct
combination of single drop microextraction with AP-MALDI mass spectrometry. 第四屆台灣質譜
年會暨國際學術交流研討會, 2007 年 6 月 29 ~ 30 日.成功大學.
147. Kamlesh Shrivas, Hui-Fen Wu*, Single Drop Microextraction as a Concentrating Probe for Rapid
Screening of Low Molecular Weight Drugs from Human Urine. 第四屆台灣質譜年會暨國際學術
交流研討會, 2007 年 6 月 29 ~ 30 日.成功大學.
148. Kamlesh Shrivas, Hui-Fen Wu*, Feng-Tsain Chung, A simple and rapid quantitative method by direct
coupling drop-to-drop solvent microextraction with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry to
determine caffeine in one drop of beverages and foods. 第四屆台灣質譜年會暨國際學術交流研
討會, 2007 年 6 月 29 ~ 30 日.成功大學.
149. Kamlesh Shrivas, Yuan-Chin Chen, Hui-Fen Wu*, Rapid ultrasonic extraction followed single drop
microextraction combined with gas chromatography -mass spectrometry to study organochlorine
pesticides from fish. 第四屆台灣質譜年會暨國際學術交流研討會, 2007 年 6 月 29 ~ 30 日.成功
150. Shuchen Hsieh, Hsin-Yi Ku, Yao-Tang Ke, Hui-Fen Wu*, 表面修飾自組裝薄膜矽基質提升大氣
壓基質輔助雷射游離質譜儀上的胜肽鑑定靈敏度. 第四屆台灣質譜年會暨國際學術交流研討
會, 2007 年 6 月 29 ~ 30 日.成功大學.
151. Hsin-Yi Ku, Hui-Fen Wu*, A rapid and quantitative method for analysis of traditional Chinese
medicine by combining Microwave assisted extraction followed Ultrasonic assisted Drop to Drop
Solvent Microextraction with a hollow fiber coupled with AP-MALDI tandem mass spectrometry to
determine Evodia rutaecarpa in one drop of urine and plasma. 第四屆台灣質譜年會暨國際學術交
流研討會, 2007 年 6 月 29 ~ 30 日.成功大學.
152. Hsin-Yi Ku, Hui-Fen Wu*, 微波萃取結合一滴溶劑一滴水樣之超微量萃取法連結大氣壓基質
輔助雷射脫附質譜於中藥材黃蓮之定性定量分析. 第四屆台灣質譜年會暨國際學術交流研討
會, 2007 年 6 月 29 ~ 30 日.成功大學.
153. A desalting method using Host–Guest complexation to probe the non-covalent binding interaction of
Na+ channel inactivation gate peptide in linker between domain III and IV with phenytoin drug in
Electrospray /Ion Trap Tandem Mass Spectrometry Spectrometry. 第四屆台灣質譜年會暨國際學
術交流研討會, 2007 年 6 月 29 ~ 30 日.成功大學.
154. Hui-Fen Wu*, Kamlesh Shrivas, Direct combination of Single Drop Microextraction with AP-
MALDI Mass Spectrometry for rapid screening of low molecular weight of drugs from human urine
and simultaneous determination of cationic surfactant mixtures from river and municipal waste water,
第 13 屆分析技術交流研討會, 2007, May 26, 27, 清華大學. Invited Speaker.
155. Bih-Show Lou, Yuan-Chin Chen, Hui-Fen Wu*, A desalting method using Host – Guest
complexation to probe the non-covalent binding interaction of Na+
channel inactivation gate peptide
in linker between domain III and IV with phenytoin drug in Electrospray / Ion Trap Tandem Mass
Spectrometry.第 13 屆分析技術交流研討會, 2007, May 26, 27, 清華大學.
156. Yuan-Chin Chen, Hui-Fen Wu*, 旋轉式中空纖維管液相微萃取法結合氣相層析質譜儀使用電
子游離法及自身離子分子反應對異構物作定性定量分析, 第 13 屆分析技術交流研討會, 2007,
May 26, 27, 清華大學.
157. 謝淑貞, 古欣怡, 柯耀棠, 吳慧芬*, 表面修飾自組裝薄膜矽基質提升大氣壓基質輔助雷射游
離質譜儀上的胜肽鑑定靈敏度.第 13 屆分析技術交流研討會, 2007, May 26, 27, 清華大學.
158. Hui-Fen Wu*, Nanoparticle based – single drop microextraction for peptide analysis and drop to drop
solvent microextraction to determine isomers in one drop of water, 2007, Mar. 6, 朝陽科技大學應
159. Bih-Show Lou, Yuan-Chin Chen, Hui-Fen Wu*, Probing the Interaction of Na+ Channel Inactivation
Gate Peptide in Linker between Domain III and IV and Phentoin by Using Electrospray Tandem Mass
Spectrometry. 95 年化學年會, 2006, Dec., 淡江大學化學系.
160. Jyh-Hao Yen, Hui-Fen Wu*, Drop to drop solvent microextraction coupled to AP-MALDI tandem
mass spectrometry for rapid analysis of a drug from one drop of human urine and human plasma. 95
年化學年會, 2006, Dec., 淡江大學化學系.
161. Kamlesh Shrivas, Hui-Fen Wu*, A simple and rapid quantitative method by direct coupling Drop-to-
Drop Solvent Microextraction with Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry to determine caffeine
in one drop of beverages and foods. 95 年化學年會, 2006, Dec., 淡江大學化學系.
162. Ramaiyen Sekar, Hui-Fen Wu*, A Simple and Fast Quantitative Method for Analysis of Monensin in
Soil, Water and Urine by Direct Combining Single Drop Microextraction with Atmospheric Pressure–
Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry, 95 年化學年會, 2006, Dec., 淡江
163. Hui-Fen Wu*, Chi-Hsein Lin, Combining single drop microextraction with AP-MALDI tandem mass
spectrometry for rapid analysis of a peptide from biological samples. 95 年化學年會, 2006, Dec.,
164. Kamlesh Shrivas, Hui-Fen Wu*, Application of Atmospheric Pressure-Matrix Assisted Laser
Desorption/Ionisation Mass Spectrometry in Simultaneous Quantitative Determination of Cationic
Surfactants from River and Municipal Waste Water. 95 年化學年會, 2006, Dec., 淡江大學化學系.
165. Hui-Fen Wu*, Jyh-Hao Yen, Developing a liquid phase microextraction method using a micropipet
with disposable tips coupled to AP-MALDI tandem mass spectrometry for rapid drug analysis from
biological matrixes. 95 年化學年會, 2006, Dec., 淡江大學化學系.
166. Hsin-Yi Ku, Yuan-Chin Chen, Ja-Yi Yen, Hui-Fen Wu*, Separation and quantitative determination
of tricyclic compounds by direct combining single-drop microextraction and micro-volume pipette
extraction with Capillary electrophoresis techniques. 95 年化學年會, 2006, Dec., 淡江大學化學系.
167. Hui-Fen Wu*, Chi-Hsien Lin, Direct combining immersed single drop microextraction with AP-
MALDI tandem mass spectrometry for rapid analysis of a hydrophilic drug via hydrogen bonding
interaction and comparison with LLE and LPME/DGM-HF. 95 年化學年會, 2006, Dec., 淡江大學
168. Hui-Fen Wu*, Chi-Hsien Lin, Combining single drop microextraction with AP-MALDI tandem mass
spectrometry for rapid analysis of a peptide from urine and plasma. 17th International Mass
Spectrometry Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, Aug 27 – Sep 1, 2006.
169. Hui-Fen Wu*, Simple and Fast Analysis of Drugs by Direct Combining Single Drop Microextraction
with AP-MALDI Mass Spectrometry. 2006 臺灣質譜年會&學術研討會. 2006, June 22, 23, 中山
大學. Invited Speaker.
170. Chen-Che Chin, Hui-Fen Wu*, Combining drop-to-drop solvent microextraction with gas
chromatography/ion trap-mass spectrometry using electronic ionization method to develop a
quantitative method. 2006 臺灣質譜年會&學術研討會. 2006, June 22, 23, 中山大學.
171. Jyh-Hao Yen, Hui-Fen Wu*, Liquid phase microextraction using a micropipet with disposable tips
coupled to AP-MALDI tandem mass spectrometry for rapid drug analysis from urine and human
plasma. 2006 臺灣質譜年會&學術研討會. 2006, June 22, 23, 中山大學.
172. Chi-Hsien Lin, Hui-Fen Wu*, Direct combining immersed single drop microextraction with AP-
MALDI tandem mass spectrometry for rapid analysis of a hydrophilic drug via hydrogen bonding
interaction and comparison with LLE and LPME/DGM-HF. 2006 臺灣質譜年會&學術研討會.
2006, June 22, 23, 中山大學.
173. 吳慧芬*,嚴哲毅,林其賢,秦偵哲,劉柏敏,賴秉葦, 液相微萃取法結合質譜進行環境污染物與藥
物之微量分析. 2006 臺灣質譜年會&學術研討會. 2006, June 22, 23, 中山大學.
174. Bih-Show Lou, Yuan-Chin Chen, Hui-Fen Wu*, 利用電灑質譜探討鈉離子通道在區域三和四之
間的連結物在不活化狀態時的作用力. 2006 臺灣質譜年會&學術研討會. 2006, June 22, 23, 中
175. Ramaiyen Sekar, Chen-Che Chin, Hui-Fen Wu*, A Simple and Fast Quantitative Method for Analysis
of Monensin in Soil, Water and Urine by Direct Combining Single Drop Microextraction with
Atmospheric Pressure–Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry, 第 13 屆分
析技術交流研討會, 2006, May 26, NKNU 大學.
176. Hui-Fen Wu*, Nanoparticle assisted single drop microextraction coupled to atmospheric pressure
matrix assisted laser desorption ion trap tandem mass spectrometry
for rapid analysis of peptides. 2006, Mar. 9, 成功大學化學系演講.
177. Hui-Fen Wu*, Nanoparticle assisted single drop microextraction coupled to AP-MALDI mass
spectrometry for peptide analysis and drop to drop solvent microextraction coupled with GC/MS to
determine isomers in one drop of water. 2006, Feb. 22, 中山大學化學系演講.
178. Hui-Fen Wu*, Nanoparticle assisted single drop microextraction coupled to AP-MALDI ion trap
tandem mass spectrometry for rapid analysis of peptides. 2006, Feb. 18, 台灣大學化學系演講.
Invited Speaker.
179. J. H. Yen, J. J. Chin, H. F. Wu*, DDSME/GC/EI/MS for quantification and
DDSME/GC/SIMR/MS/MS/MS for isomer differentiation of methoxyacetophenone isomers in one
drop of water and comparison with LLE, SDME, SPME and LPME/DGM-HF, 2005 年 11 月 19-20,
180. H.-F. Wu*, P. Sudhir, Z. C. Zhou, Nanoparticles-assisted single drop microextraction (NPA-SDME)
coupled with AP-MALDI mass spectrometry for peptide analysis, 2005 年 11 月 19-20, 中國化學
181. N. A. Khan, J. Y. Yan, H. F. Wu, Negative electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (MS2
to MS4
) for
probing the structures of acancer drug – flutamide extracted from pharmaceutical formulations by
using Soxhlet apparatus, 2005 年 11 月 19-20, 中國化學會年會,中山大學.
182. P. Sudhir, H.-F. Wu*, Z. C. Zhou, A novel approach for the identification of peptides using gold
nanoparticles-assisted single drop microextraction coupled with AP-MALDI mass spectrometry, 8th
Asian Conference on Analytical Sciences, 94/10/16-20,台灣大學.
183. B. W. Lai, B. M. Liu, H.-F. Wu*, Liquid-Phase Hollow Fiber Microextraction and Gas
Chromatography/Negative Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry for the Determination of
Dichlorophenol Isomers, 8th Asian Conference on Analytical Sciences, 94/10/16-20,台灣大學.
184. Hui-Fen Wu*, Single drop microextraction, single drop nano particle microextraction, micro volume
pipettor extraction and drop to drop solvent microextraction coupled to atmospheric pressure matrix
assisted laser desorption/ionization ion trap tandem mass spectrometry for rapid analysis of drugs
and biomolecules,台灣質譜學會 2005 年華人質譜學術交流研討會, 94 年 6 月 16-17,中興大學.
Invited Speaker.
185. 林其賢,吳昭賢,吳慧芬*, 開發一滴溶劑微萃取法作為大氣壓基質輔助雷射脫附質譜法之濃縮
探針以提高生化分子偵測的靈敏度.台灣質譜學會 2005 年華人質譜學術交流研討會, 94 年 6
月 16-17,中興大學.
186. 嚴哲毅,秦偵哲,吳慧芬*,一滴溶劑萃取一滴樣品之超微量萃取法連結大氣壓基質輔助雷射脫
附質譜並作為藥物濃縮探針的開發,台灣質譜學會 2005 年華人質譜學術交流研討會, 94 年 6
月 16-17,中興大學.
187. C. H. Lin, J. H. Yen, H. F. Wu*, Understanding the surface reactivity of nanoparticles on formation
of nanoscale cages of water clusters probed by electrospray / ion trap tandem mass spectrometry. 台
灣質譜學會 2005 年華人質譜學術交流研討會, 94 年 6 月 16-17,中興大學.
188. C. H. Lin, H. F. Wu*, Combining single drop microextraction with AP-MALDI/ ion trap tandem mass
spectrometry for rapid analysis of dopamine from urine and compared with LLE and LPME. 台灣
質譜學會 2005 年華人質譜學術交流研討會, 94 年 6 月 16-17,中興大學.
189. J. H. Yen, C. H. Lin, B. M. Liu, H. F. Wu*, Physical adsorption of nanoscale cages of water clusters
on the surfaces of iron and gold nano-particles investigated by electrospray / ion trap tandem mass
spectrometry.第 11 屆分析化學技術交流研討會 2005/5/14, 淡江大學.
190. C. H. Lin, H. F. Wu*, Combining single drop microextraction with atmospheric pressure matrix
assisted laser desorption/ionization ion trap tandem mass spectrometry for rapid analysis of dopamine
from urine. 第 11 屆分析化學技術交流研討會 2005/5/14, 淡江大學.
191. P. Sudhir, H.-F. Wu*, Z. C. Zhou, An application of AP-MALDI and ESI tandem mass spectrometry
to characterize the structure of a peptide, gramicidin and probing the interactions of gramicidin with
divalent metallic salts using ESI-tandem mass spectrometry. 第 11 屆分析化學技術交流研討會
2005/5/14, 淡江大學.
192. R. Sekar, H.-F. Wu*, Fast separation and determination of acetophenone and its mono hydroxyl
positional isomer by capillary electrophoresis. 第 11 屆分析化學技術交流研討會 2005/5/14, 淡
193. Hui-Fen Wu*, Application of ion trap mass spectrometry on self- ion/molecule reaction, ethylene
diamine chemical ionization, single drop microextraction and electrospray ionization applied to drug
analysis and gramicidin binding interaction with metal ions, 2004 年 12 月 18-19 日,第 3 屆兩岸分
析化學會議, 中興大學, Invited Speaker.
194. P. Sudhir, H.-F. Wu*, Z. C. Zhou, Probing the interactions of ion channel-gramicidin ionophores with
divalent metallic cations (Ca+2, Mg+2, Zn+2) using electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. 93 年 11
月 19-21,中國化學會年會,中興大學.
195. P. Sudhir, H.-F. Wu*, Z. C. Zhou, Probing the interaction of kojic acid antibiotics with iron by using
electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. 93 年 11 月 19-21,中國化學會年會,中興大學.
196. C.-H. Lin, B.-M. Liu, H.-F. Wu*, Formation of magic number of nano – water clusters by iron nano-
particles detected by electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. 93 年 11 月 19-21,中國化學會年會,
197. N. A. Khan, H.-F. Wu*, Analysis of silymarin extracted from commercial dosage forms by combining
liquid-liquid extraction with negative electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. 93 年 11 月 19-21,中
198. C.-H. Lin, N. A. Khan, H.-F. Wu*, A rapid and efficient method to analyze the commercial ginseng
mixtures by using electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. 93 年 11 月 19-21,中國化學會年會,中
199. 嚴哲毅, 劉柏敏, 吳慧芬*, 電灑質譜儀及固相微萃取結合氣相層析質譜於檢測血清中市售維
他命 E, 93 年 11 月 19-21,中國化學會年會 ,中興大學.
200. B. M. Liu, H. F. Wu*, Combining Single-Drop Microextraction with chemical ionization to detect
anisaldehyde isomers in urine and blood. 93 年 11 月 19-21,中國化學會年會 ,中興大學.
201. L. C. Lu, N. A. Khan, H-F Wu*, Combining Single-Drop Microextraction with self-ion/molecule
reaction to differentiate isomers in one drop of water solution. 93 年 11 月 19-21,中國化學會年會,
202. H-F Wu*, C. H. Yan, N. A. Khan, Differentiation and quantification of xylene isomers by combining
headspace solid phase microextraction, gas chromatography, Self-Ion Molecule Reaction and tandem
mass spectrometry. 93 年 11 月 19-21,中國化學會年會,中興大學.
203. H. F. Wu*, C. H. Yan, A Single-Drop Microextraction method by combining a dual gauge
microsyringe with a hollow fiber to detect pesticide in water. 93 年 11 月 19-21,中國化學會年會,
204. B. M. Liu, B. W. Lai, H. F. Wu* Single-Drop Microextraction with a hollow fiber and Gas
Chromatography/Electron Capture Detection Mass Spectrometry to detect dichlorophenols in urine.
93 年 11 月 19-21,中國化學會年會,中興大學.
205. N. A. Khan, L-C Lu, C-H Lin, B-M Liu, H-F Wu, Novel observation of Cluster ions of water by
reactions of metallic nano-particles with water and organic solvents detected by electrospray mass
spectrometry, 93 年度台灣質譜學會年會, 93/6/15-16.台灣大學.
206. Nadeem Ahmad Khan, Li-Chi Lu, Hui-Fen Wu*, Electrospray Mass spectrometry as an important
tool for probing the reaction mechanisms of oxidation of dopamine with potassium permanganate in
basic medium, 93 年度台灣質譜學會年會, 93/6/15-16.台灣大學.
207. Hui-Fen Wu*, Meng-Ting Wu, Chien-Hung Chen, Self – Ion / Molecule Reaction to produce the
protonated molecules during collisionally activated dissociation in an ion trap, 93 年度台灣質譜學
會年會, 93/6/15-16.台灣大學.
208. H-F Wu*, Pei-Yi Lin, Ethylene diamine as a novel liquid chemical reagent to probe the host guest
interaction, 93 年度台灣質譜學會年會, 93/6/15-16.台灣大學.
209. Wen-Feng Wu, Ya-Hsuen Lai, Hui-Fen Wu*, Differentiation of xylene isomers by SIMR, 93 年度台
灣質譜學會年會, 93/6/15-16.台灣大學.
210. C-H Yan, C-H Lin, H-F Wu*, A Liquid-Phase Microextraction Method with a Dual Gauge
Microsyringe, 93 年度台灣質譜學會年會, 93/6/15-16.台灣大學.
211. Bo-Min Liu, Chi-Hsien Lin, Hui-Fen Wu*, Solvent Microextraction and Gas
Chromatography/Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry to differentiate Anisaldehyde Isomers in
Urine and Blood, 93 年度台灣質譜學會年會, 93/6/15-16.台灣大學.
212. Bo-Min Liu, Bin-Wei Lai, Ja-Yi Yen, Hui-Fen Wu, Liquid-Phase Microextraction and Gas
Chromatography / Negative Chemical Mass Spectrometry for the investigation of Dichlorophenol,
93 年度台灣質譜學會年會, 93/6/15-16.台灣大學.
213. Nadeem Ahmad Khan, Chi-Hsien Lin, Ya-Yi Yen, Li-Chi Lu, Hui-Fen Wu, Electrospray mass
spectrometry to probe oxidation of 2,4,5-trichlorophenol via KMnO4, 93 年度台灣質譜學會年會,
214. Wen – Feng Wu, Li-Chi Lu, Hui- Fen Wu*, Probing the unusual product ions observed in Self-
Ion/Molecule Reactions of xylene isomers, 93 年度台灣質譜學會年會, 93/6/15-16.台灣大學.
215. Nadeem Ahmad Khan, Li-Chi Lu, Hui-Fen Wu, A novel method to probe the drug oxidation reactions
in acidic medium by combining ESI/MS and UV/Vis, 93 年度台灣質譜學會年會, 93/6/
216. Nadeem Khan, Li-Chi Lu, Chi-Hsien Lin, Bo-Min Liu, Hui-Fen Wu*, Study of metallic nano-
particles to Clusters of water by using electrospray mass spectrometry, Taiwan International
Conference on Nano Science and Technology,台灣奈米國際研討會, 93/6/30-7/3,清華大學.
217. Hui-Fen Wu*, 1 溶劑微萃取法及液相微萃取法結合氣相層析質譜的應用 2 自身離子/分子反應,
218. Chi-Hsien Lin, Chih-Hao Yang, Hui-Fen Wu*, A Novel Liquid-Phase Microextraction Method : a
Dual Gauge Microsyringe with a Hollow Fiber Membrane,第十屆分析化學技術交流研討會
2004/5/8, 中興大學.
219. 嚴哲毅,劉柏敏,吳慧芬*,利用固相微萃取法結合氣相層析質譜儀檢測市售藥物及血清中維他
命 E 之混合物,第十屆分析化學技術交流研討會. 2004/5/8,中興大學.
220. Bo-Min Liu, Bin-Wei Lai, H-F Wu, Combination of Liquid-Phase Hollow Fibre Membrane
Microextraction with Gas Chromatography/Negative Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry for the
Determination of Dichlorophenol Isomers in Environmental Sample,第十屆分析化學技術交流研
討會 2004/5/8, 中興大學.
221. Bo-Min Liu, Hui-Fen Wu*, Single-Drop Microextraction and Gas Chromatography-Mass
Spectrometric Determination of Anisaldehyde Isomers in Human Urine and Blood Serum,第十屆分
析化學技術交流研討會 2004/5/8, 中興大學.
222. L. C. Lu, H. F. Wu*, Drop to drop solvent microextraction,第十屆分析化學技術交流研討會
2004/5/8, 中興大學.
223. Wen-Feng Wu, Hui-Fen Wu*, The first observation of methyne addition ions for xylene isomers in
Self-Ion/Molecule Reactions for small aromatic compounds,第十屆分析化學技術交流研討會
2004/5/8, 中興大學.
224. Hui-Fen Wu*, Chi-Hsien Lin, Bo-Min Liu, Li-Chi Lu, Ja-Yi Yen, Ya-Hsuen Lai, Probing the
reactions of metallic nanoparticles with organic compounds by electrospray mass spectrometry,第三
屆海峽兩岸奈米科學與技術研討會 2004 / 4/ 27- 5/1, P407,東華大學.
225. S J Dai, H F Wu,* F S Pan,藥物動力學:應用電灑法質譜儀結合液相層析儀快速偵測生物體血液
及尿液,了解天然物之作用,開發新藥, 2003 年 11 月 28-30,中國化學會年會,中原大學.
226. 劉柏敏,吳慧芬*利用溶劑微萃取法結合氣相層析儀/化學游離法/串聯質譜鑑別及定量茴香醛
結構異構物之混合物, 2003 年 11 月 28-30,中國化學會年會,中原大學.
227. 劉柏敏,賴秉葦,吳慧芬*, 液相微萃取結合氣相層析儀/串聯質譜在負離子化學游離法模式下區
分及定量水、尿液及血清中之氯酚同分異構物, 2003 年 11 月 28-30,中國化學會年會,中原大學.
228. Mon-Tin Wu, Chien-Hung Chen, Hui-Fen Wu*, Novel observation of Self – Ion / Molecule Reaction
during collisionally activated dissociation in an internal source ion trap mass spectrometer, 2003 年,
2003 年 11 月 28-30, 中國化學會年會,中原大學.
229. W. F. Wu, L. C. Lu , H. F. Wu*,Probing the Self-Ion/Molecule Reactions of xylene isomers by
deuterium labeling and isolation experiments in an ion trap mass spectrometer, 2003 年 11 月 28-30,
中國化學會年會 ,中原大學.
230. C. H. Yang, H. F. Wu*,Comparison of liquid phase microextraction, solvent microextraction and solid
phase microextraction for determination of the organochlorine pesticides in water by Gas
Chromatography/Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry, 2003 年 11 月 28-30,中國化學會年會,中原大學.
231. H. F. Wu*, J. H. Yen, C. C. Chin, Differentiation and quantitation of methoxyacetophenone isomers
in one drop of water by combining drop to drop solvent microextraction, gas chromatograph, self
ion/molecule reaction and tandem mass spectrometry, 2003 年 11 月 28-30,中國化學會年會,中原
232. H. F. Wu*, Probing Self – Ion/Molecule Reactions in Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer, Proceedings of
2003 International Chemical Conference, Taipei Analytical Chemistry, 10/29-11/1. Invited Talk, L33.
233. Wen-Feng Wu, Hui-Fen Wu*, Comparing differentiation of xylene isomers by electronic ionization,
chemical ionization and Self-Ion/Molecule Reactions and the first observation of methyne addition
ions for xylene isomers in Self-Ion/Molecule Reactions for non-nitrogenated compounds,
Proceedings of 2003 International Chemical Conference, Taipei Analytical Chemistry., 10/29-11/1,
234. Pei-Yi Lin, Hui-Fen Wu*, Probing the Effects of Reagent Gas Pressure and Ion Source Temperature
for Dimethyl Ether Chemical Ionization of Tricyclic Antidepressants in an External Source Ion Trap
Mass Spectrometer, Proceedings of 2003 International Chemical Conference, Taipei Analytical
Chemistry., 10/29-11/1, 58.
235. Yen-Ren Chen, Bin-Wei Lai, Hui-Fen Wu*, Study the effects of total ion chromatogram splitting
in the Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer, International Chemical Conference, Taipei Analytical Chemistry.,
2003, 10/29-11/1, p57.
236. Hui-Fen Wu*, 溶劑微萃取法及固相微萃取法結合自身離子/分子反應於離子阱串聯質譜儀中
的應用及正/負化學游離法的研究, Sep. 5, 2003,成功大學化學系演講.
237. Leo Brewer, Karen Krushwitz, Robert Lamoreaux, Hui-Fen Wu, Thermodynamics of Alloys, Rome,
Italy, Sep. 8-13, 2002.
238. C.H. Yang, H. F. Wu*,利用頂空式固相微萃取法/氣相層析離子阱串聯質譜儀偵測水中二甲苯
及研發以自身離子/分子反應進行同分異構物鑑別之新方法, 2002 年 10 月 25-27, 中油,中國化
學會年會, paper No.P-AN-047.
239. Hui-Fen Wu*, Wen-Feng Wu, Probing the Reaction Mechanism for Methylene Addition Reaction of
O, M, P-Xylenes in the Self–Ion/ Molecule Reactions and Differentiation of Xylene Isomers by
Several Ion Trap Mass Spectrometric Techniques. 2002 年 10 月 25-27, 中油,中國化學會年會,
paper No.P-AN-046.
240. Hui-Fen Wu*, Shan-Min Huan, Chan-Fu Wu and Mon-Tin Wu, 2002, Molecular Modelling and
Electrospray Mass Spectrometry for Probing Host-Guest Interaction of Metal Ions with Bis[(benzo-
15-crown-5)-15-ylmethyl]pimelate. 2002 年 10 月 25-27, 中油,中國化學會年會, paper No.P-AN-
241. Hui-Fen Wu*, Chien-Hung Chen and Bin-Wei Lai, Unusual Adduct Ions Attachment in Negative
Chemical Ionization and Collisionally Activated Dissociation in an Ion Trap. 2002 年 10 月 25-27,
中油,中國化學會年會, paper No.P-AN-045.
242. Hui-Fen Wu*, Yu-Jie Chuan, A Novel Method for Isomer Differentiation by Combining Gas
Chromatograph, Selective Self–Ion/ Molecule Reaction and Tandem Mass Technique in an Ion
Trap Mass Spectrometer. 50th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, Orlando,
FL, ThPQ351. 2002 年 6 月 2-6
243. Bin-Wei Lai, Hui-Fen Wu*, Self–Ion/ Molecule Reactions for Negative Ions in an External Source
Ion Trap Tandem Mass Spectrometer, 2002 年 5/10,分析技術研討會,弘光技術學院, B8.
244. Hui-Fen Wu*, Chien-Hung Chen, Probing the Reaction Mechanisms of Selective Self – Ion /
Molecule Reaction for dopamine in an Internal Source Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer, 2001 年 12 月
28-30,成功大學,中國化學會年會, paper No.P3-AN-037, page AN-38.
245. Hui-Fen Wu*, Yu-Jie Chuan, A Novel Method for Isomer Differentiation in an Ion Trap Mass
Spectrometer, 2001 年 12 月 28-30,成功大學,中國化學會年會, paper No.P3-AN-032, page AN-37.
246. Hui-Fen Wu*, Mao-Jun Chun, Examination of Uracil Compounds by Electron Capture Detection and
Collisional Activated Dissociation in the External Source Ion Trap, 2001 年 12 月 28-30,成功大學,
中國化學會年會, paper No.P3-AN-050, page AN-41.
247. Hui-Fen Wu*, Chao-Chin Wu, “Probing the Reaction Patterns for Negative Chemical Ionization of
Phthalic Anhydride and Related Compounds in an External Source Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer”,
2001 年 12 月 28-30,成功大學,中國化學會年會, paper No.P3-AN-029, page AN-36.
248. Hui-Fen Wu*, Shun-Min Huan and Chan-Fu Wu, Conformation Analysis and Binding Affinity
Determination for Host-Guest Complexation of Alkali Metal Ion with Bis (Crown Ether)s by
Electrospray Mass Spectrometry, 2001 年 12 月 28-30,成功大學,中國化學會年會, paper No.P3-
AN-038, page AN-38.
249. Hui-Fen Wu* and Pei-Yi Lin, “Investigating the Pressure and Temperature Effect for Dimethyl Ether
Chemical Ionization of Tricyclic Antidepressants in an External Source Ion Trap Tandem Mass
Spectrometer”, 2001 年 12 月 28-30,成功大學,中國化學會年會, paper No.P2-AN-016, page AN-
250. Hui-Fen Wu* and Pei-Yi Lin, “Study of the Effects of Temperature Parameters on the Positive
Chemical Ionization Spectra in Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer”, 2001 年 12 月 28-30,成功大學,中國
化學會年會, paper No.P3-AN-026, page AN-35.
251. Hui-Fen Wu*, Li-Wei Chen and Chien-Hung Chen, Probing the Reactive Sites for Ion/Molecule
Reactions of Anthraquinones with Dimethyl Ether by an External Source Ion Trap Tandem Mass
Spectrometer and Computational Chemistry, 2001 年 12 月 28-30,成功大學,中國化學會年會, paper
No.P3-AN-035, page AN-37.
252. Hui-Fen Wu*, Chien-Hung Chen, Yu-Jie Chuang, Hsiao-Wei Li and Wen-Fon Wu, 2001 年 10 月
20-21 日, “Study of Self – Ion/Molecule Reactions in Bench-top Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer”,第二
屆兩岸分析化學會議, 北京,清華大學, Invited Speaker, p215.
253. Hui-Fen Wu*, Shiuan-Ming Huang, Chang-Fu Wu, 2001 年 7 月 22-26 日, “Synthesis of Host –
Guest Complexes by Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry” 11th IUPAC Syposium on
Organiometallic Chemistry Directed Towards Organic Synthesis, Taipei, Yuan-Sun Hotel, p216.
254. Hui-Fen Wu*, Pei-Yi Lin, 2001 年 6 月 1-2 日, “Investigating the Effects of Some Basic Temperature
Parameters on A Powerful Instrument for Enviromental Research – the Ion Trap Tandem Mass
Spectrometer” 2001 年環境分析化學研討會, 淡江大學, p41.
255. Hui-Fen Wu*, Ming-Yi Ho and Chien-Hung Chen, 2001 年 5 月 27-31 日, “Selective Self – Ion /
Molecule Reactions in Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer”, 49th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry
and Allied Topics, Chicago, IL, ThP 046.
256. Hui-Fen Wu*, Chien-Hung Chen and Ming-Yi Ho, 2001 年 4 月 27 日,“Study of the Best Pressure
Range for Ion/Molecule Reactions of Anthraquinones in an Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer with an
External Source” 2001 年分析技術研討會, 正修技術學院, p28.
257. 吳慧芬*, 2001 年 1 月 6 日,“離子阱質譜儀的正/負化學游離法之溫度,壓力效應,串聯質譜靈敏
度的測量與自身離子/分子反應的研發”,淡江尖端化學系列研討會-質譜,淡江大學, Invited Talk,
page 6-8.
258. Hui-Fen Wu*, Ming-Yi Ho, Chien-Hong Chen, 2000 年 11 月 24-26 日, “Study of Pressure Effect
for Dimethyl Ether Chemical Ionization in an External Source Ion Trap” ,中國化學會年會,台中, 靜
宜大學, paper No.P-2A-AN-012, page AN-50.
259. 吳慧芬*, 2000 年 6 月 17-18 日,“Examination of Pressure and Temperature Effect of Electron
Capture Detection Mass Spectrometry in an External Source Ion Trap”, 第一屆兩岸分析化學暨第
八屆分析化學技術交流研討會,新竹, 清華大學, paper No.P-43, page 182.
260. 吳慧芬*,林雅萍, 2000 年 6 月 17-18 日, “Examination of the Collisional Cooling Effect for Two
and Three Kinds of Mixed Buffer Gases in an Internal Source Ion Trap”, 第一屆兩岸分析化學暨
第八屆分析化學技術交流研討會,新竹,清華大學, paper No.P-27, page 166.
261. 吳慧芬*,林雅萍,林佩怡,陳建弘, 1999 年 11 月 19-20 日, “冠狀醚與二甲基醚離子反應的研究”,
中國化學會年會,台北國際會議中心, paper No.P-AN-003, page 37.
262. 吳慧芬*,林雅萍, 1999 年 11 月 19-20 日, “以離子阱串聯質譜儀之正/負化學游離法進行嘌呤類
化合物的分析”,中國化學會年會,台北國際會議中心, paper No.P-AN-004, page 37.
263. Hui-Fen Wu*, Chao-Ching Wu, 1999, “Study of Temperarure and Pressure Effect of Phthalic
Anhydride by Negative Ion Analysis Using Methane and Oxygen as Reagent Gases in an Ion Trap
Tandem Mass Spectrometer”. Eighth Asian Chemical Congress, Taipei, Nov.21-24, paper No. O-A-
14, page 134.
264. Hui-Fen Wu* and Ya-Ping Lin, 1999, “Determination of Sensitivity of the External Source Ion Trap
Tandem Mass Spectrometer Using Dimethyl Ether Chemical Ionization”. Eighth Asian Chemical
Congress (8ACC), Taipei, Nov.21-24, paper No. P-A-54, page 201.
265. 吳慧芬於 88 年 11 月 8 日淡江大學第 49 週年校慶活動暨鍾靈化學新館落成典禮,負責接待
266. Hui-Fen Wu* and Miao-Chun Chung, 1999,“Characterization of Uracil Compounds and their
derivatives by Negative Ion Analysis in an Ion Trap Tandem Mass Spectrometer” 第 7 屆分析化學
技術交流研討會,台中,靜宜大學, May 16-17, page 28.
267. Hui-Fen Wu* and Chao-Ching Wu, 1999,“Characterization of Phthalic Anhydride and their
Derivatives by Electron Capture Detection/Collisional Activated Dissociation in Ion Trap Mass
Spectrometer with an External Ionization Source” 第 7 屆分析化學技術交流研討會,台中,靜宜大
學, May 16-17, page 33.
268. Hui-Fen Wu* and Li-Wei Chen, “Combined Ion/Molecule Reactions and Tandem Mass
Spectrometric Techniques for the Characterization of Anthraquinones in an External Ionization Ion
Trap Mass Spectrometer”. Proceedings of 1999 International Chemical Conference, Taipei Analytical
Chemistry. May 12-15, page 3.
269. Hui-Fen Wu* and Ya-Ping Lin, 1999, “Study of Reaction Mechanisms for Ion-Molecule Reactions
and Collisionally Activated Dissociation of Dopamine and Adrenaline by an Ion Trap Mass
Spectrometer with an External Ionization Source” Proceedings of 1999 International Chemical
Conference, Taipei Analytical Chemistry. May 12-15, page 5.
270. Hui-Fen Wu*, Li-Wei Chen and Ya-Ping Lin, 1999, “Simulation of Collisional Cooling Effect in a
Quadrupole Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer”. Proceedings of 1999 International Chemical Conference,
Taipei Analytical Chemistry. May 12-15, page 4.
271. 吳慧芬*,林雅萍, 1998 年 11 月 27-29, “Dopamine 及 Nortriptyline 與二甲基醚離子的氣相離子/
分子反應的溫度效應之研究”, 中正大學,中國化學會年會, paper No.P-1b-AN-084, page 90.
272. 吳慧芬*,吳朝欽, 1998 年 11 月 27-29, “黃素母酮類藥物在離子阱質譜儀中之離子/分子反應”,
中正大學,中國化學會年會, paper No.P-1b-AN-085, page 91.
273. 吳慧芬*,鍾淼鈞, 1998 年 11 月 27-29, “三環系抗鬱劑藥物與二甲基醚離子之離子/分子反應”,
中正大學,中國化學會年會, paper No.P-1b-AN-083, page 90.
274. 吳慧芬於 1997 年 7 月 9 日~12 日,參加「全國大專教授 86 年暑期國家建設參觀活動」,地點
275. 吳慧芬*,陳立偉,1998, 五月二日,“模擬離子阱質譜儀混合之緩衝氣體的碰撞冷卻效應”. 第六
屆分析化學技術交流研討會, 屏東大仁藥專, page E14.
276. 吳慧芬*, 陳立偉,1998, 五月二日, “恩昆類藥物與二甲基醚離子的氣相離子-分子反應”. 第六
屆分析化學技術交流研討會, 屏東大仁藥專, page E4.
277. 吳慧芬*, 林雅萍, 1998, 五月二日, “兒茶酚胺類藥物與二甲基醚離子之氣相離子-分子反應”.
第六屆分析化學技術交流研討會, 屏東大仁藥專, page E5.
278. Hui-Fen Wu*, Li-Wei Chen, 1997, Dec. 5-7, “Host-Guest Complexation of Alkaline Earth Metal Ions,
Aluminum Ions and Transition Metal Ions with Crown Ethers by Fast Atom Bombardment Mass
Spectrometry”, 中國化學會年會, 新竹, paper No.P-2-AN-035, page 179.
279. 吳慧芬*,陳立偉,鍾淼鈞,吳朝欽,林雅萍, 1997, Dec. 5-7, “理論計算模擬離子阱質譜儀中的碰撞
冷卻效應”, 中國化學會年會,新竹,paper No.P-2-AN-145, page 234.
280. Hui-Fen Wu*, Leo Brewer ,1997, Dec. 5-7, “Parameters for Calculation of Properties of Acid-Base
Intermetallies in Brewer-Engel Theory”, 中國化學會年會, 新竹, paper No. P-1-IN-014, page 80.
281. Hui-Fen Wu*, 1997, May,“Gas-Phase Ion/Molecule Reactions in a Quadrupole Ion Trap Mass
Spectrometry”. 交通大學,第五屆分析化學技術交流研討會,May 3,p I-3. Invited Speaker.
282. Hui-Fen Wu*, Leo Brewer, “Calculation of Thermodynamic Effect of the Brewer-Engel
Generalized Acid-Base Reactions of the 1:1 Intermetallics for Nontransition Metals Al, Mg with
Transition Metals”:中國化學會年會,鳳山陸軍官校, 1996, Dec. 6-7, paper No.P-1-PH-15,page 223.
283. Karen Krushwitz, Leo Brewer, Hui-Fen Wu, “New Materials for Emerging Giant: Brewer-Engel
Model for China in the 21st Century”. Gordon Conference: High-Temperature Chemistry, Tilton,
New Hampshire, 1996, July 21-26.
284. Hui-Fen Wu, Jennifer Brodbelt, Gas-Phase Chelation Reactions of Monopositive Cations with
Heteroaromatic Ligands, Proceedings of the 42th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and
Allied Topics, Chicago, IL, 1994, May29-June3,p36.
285. Hui-Fen Wu, Jennifer Brodbelt, Reactions of metal ions with quinone antibiotics, Proceedings of the
42th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, Chicago, IL, 1994, May29-June3,
286. Jennifer Brodbelt, Hui-Fen Wu, Chien-Chung Liou, Hydrogen-Bonding Interactions and selective
ion/molecule reactions in host-guest chemistry. Proceedings of the 41th ASMS Conference on Mass
Spectrometry and Allied Topics, San Francisco, CA, 1993, May31-June4, p163.
287. Hui-Fen Wu, Chien-Chung Liou, Jennifer Brodbelt, Complexation of Alkaline Earth and Transition
Metal Ions with Polyethers. Proceedings of the 41th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and
Allied Topics, San Francisco, CA, 1993, May31-June4, p162.
288. Hui-Fen Wu, Jennifer Brodbelt, Effects of Reaction Ion Kinetic Energy on Both Endothermic and
Exothermic Ion/Molecule Reactions in an Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer. Proceedings of the 41th
ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, San Francisco, CA, 1993, May31-June4,
289. Jennifer Brodbelt, Hui-Fen Wu, Chien-Chung Liou, New frontiers in host-guest chemistry:the gas-
phase. American Chemical Society Conference, Austin, TX, 1993, Dec22-26, Oral presentation.
290. Hui-Fen Wu, Jennifer Brodbelt, Effects of Collisional Cooling on Ion Detection in an Ion Trap Mass
Spectrometer. Proceedings of the 40th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics,
Washington, DC, 1992, May31-June5, p1757-1758.

Dr.Sagar Jawale MS,DNB,
Pediatric and Neonatal Surgeon
Pediatric Urologist
Dr. Sagar Jawale is a pediatric surgeon turned into a scientist. He has about 85
inventions done till date, 65 of which are in biomedical research and 20 in
spirituality. He has 40 patents registered in Mumbai office. 25 of his inventions are
for the first time in the history of medical sciences. He has developed 15 new
operations and 30 new therapies in medicine which are under trial. Most of his
research work is unique and reported for the first time in medical literature. His
inventions are 20 to 50 times cheaper than peers, a great boon to the mankind. He
has invitations from all over the world for the demonstration of his inventions. He
has founded Vigyan Yog Foundation a research based no profit organization for
distributing his inventions on no profit basis to doctors and medical institutions.
His hobbies are swimming and travelling. He has travelled half the world already.
He has practiced variety of systems of yoga and achieved self-realization. He has
done 15 years of research in yoga and found out a new system of yoga called
Vigyan Yog in which yoga and samadhi is achievable through science and
Maharashtra Medical Council Speaker Accreditation MMC/MAS/05715/2017
MBBS: Seth G.S. Medical College KEM hospital, Mumbai December 1996
MS in General Surgery: LTMMG College, Sion Hospital Sion, Mumbai December
DNB in General Surgery: Delhi University May 1998 in Pediatric Surgery: LTMMG College, Sion Hospital, Mumbai July 2001
Practicing Pediatric Surgeon in Jalgaon city from last 20 years in his own private
hospital called Jawale Institute of Pediatric Surgery (JIOPS).
Awards Received:
1) Best paper award at National Pediatric Surgery Conference IAPSCON 2015
Mumbai for the paper “Ten Commandments of Hypospadias Surgery”
2) First Prize amongst 30 best paper awards at National Pediatric Surgery
Conference IAPSCON 2015 Mumbai for the paper “Ten Commandments of
Hypospadias Surgery”
3) Best Paper award for the paper “My Technical Innovations for Pediatric
Surgery at IAPSCON 2016 held at Agra.
4) Antia Finseth Innovation award 2017 in Nagaland conference of Association
of Rural Surgeons of India for the paper “My 65 Inventions to make
Healthcare affordable to every Indian” in November 2017.
5) Siemens GAPIO innovation award in medicine 2018 for worlds first video
arthoscope with 30,45,60-degree mirror attachments.
6) Best paper award in ARSICON 2018 Debran for “Affordable stem cell
therapy for rural India”
7) GIFTCON 2019 Innovation award
8) “The best scientist in pediatrics and neonatology” award given by
International society for scientific network 2020
1) Prevention of Urinary Tract Infection in Surgically Treated Congenital
Urinary Anomalies: Role of Circumcision
2) Ten Commandments of Hypospadias Surgery, Journal of Pediatrics and
Neonatal Care, Volume 6 Issue 6 – 2017 Corresponding author: Sagar A Jawale,
Jawale Institute of Pediatric Surgery, India, Published: June 13, 2017
3) USB Laparocam -a low cost camera for Laparoscopy in Rural Surgery,
Journal of rural surgeons of India.
4) Low-cost laparoscopy for rural areas: the flexible video laparoscope
Sagar Jawale and Gnanaraj Jesudian
Tropical Doctor 0(0) 1–3! The Author(s) 2018 Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/
5) Urethral pull-up operation for distal and mid-penile hypospadias: a new safe
Sagar A. Jawale1, Gnanaraj Jesudian2 and Rajendra Nehete3
Tropical Doctor 0(0) 1–3! The Author(s) 2018 Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/0049475518807315
6) My 75 Inventions to Make Healthcare Affordable to Everyone
Jawale S*
Department of Pediatrics, Jawale Institute of pediatric surgery, India
Journal of Neonatal Research and Pediatrics Care, Chembio publishers.
*Corresponding author: Sagar Jawale, Department of Pediatrics, Jawale
Institute of Pediatric Surgery, Jalgaon,
7) Rigid ventilating video bronchoscope with forceps for bronchoscopic
foreign body removal in children
Sagar Jawale, Parthapratim Gupta, Bharti Kulkarni DOI:
International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery,
Jawale S et al.
Int J Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surgery. 2019 Jul.
8) Rigid video laparoscope: a low-cost alternative to traditional diagnostic
laparoscopy and laparoscopic surgery
Sagar Jawale1, Gnanaraj Jesudian2, Prakash Agarwal3
1Jawale Institute of pediatric surgery, Jilha Peth, Gandhi Nagar, Jalgaon
425001, Maharashtra, India.
2Karunya Institute of Science and Technology, Coimbatore 641114, Tamil
Nadu, India.
3Professor & Head of Pediatric Surgery at the Sri Ramachandra Medical
College, Chennai- 600116 and Consultant Pediatric Surgeon at The Apollo
hospital, Chennai 600006, Tamil Nadu, India.
9) Suture-Less Circumcision by Glutaraldehyde Albumin Glue Enhanced Laser
Tissue Welding—A Comparative Study
Sagar A. Jawale, Jawale Institute of Pediatric Surgery, Jalgaon,
Maharashtra, India
Open Journal of Urology, 2019, 9, 107-113. ISSN Online: 2160- 5629. ISSN Print:
10) Tongue Tie Release Operation (Frenotomy) By Methylene Blue Dye
Induced Infrared Laser Cutting
Sagar A Jawale*
Jawale Institute of Pediatric Surgery, Jalgaon- Maharashtra, India
*Corresponding Author: Sagar A Jawale, Jawale Institute of Pediatric
Surgery, Jalgaon- Maharashtra, India.
Received: April 29, 2019; Published: June 26, 2019. DOI:
11) Autologous Stem Cell Therapy for Cerebral Palsy
Sagar Jawale, Vijay Bhaskar, Veeresh Nandikolmath, Shreedhar Patil
Open Journal of Pediatrics, 2020, 10, 36-64. ISSN Online: 2160-8776. ISSN Print:
2160-8741. DOI: 10.4236/ojped.2020.101004 Jan. 20, 2020 36 Open Journal
of Pediatrics
12) Low Cost ND: YAG Medical Laser as a Lithotripter and Laser Cautery
By Dr. Sagar A. Jawale
Global Journal of Medical Research: F Diseases. Volume 20 Issue 3 Version
1.0 Year 2019
Type: Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal.
Publisher: Global Journals. Online ISSN: 2249-4618 & Print ISSN: 0975-
1) “Ten Commandments of Hypospadias Surgery” National Pediatric Surgery
Conference IAPSCON 2015 Mumbai.
2) “My Technical Innovations for Pediatric Surgery” at IAPSCON 2016 held at
3) My 65 Inventions to make Healthcare affordable to every Indian” in
November 2017 at Nagaland conference of Association of Rural Surgeons
of India.
4) “Urethral Pull Up Operation for Distal and Mid Penile Hypospadias”
presented at National pediatric conference IAPSCON 2017 held at Kolkata.
5) “My 65 Inventions to make Healthcare affordable to every Indian”
Presented in Maharashtra pediatric conference 2017.
6) “My 55 Inventions to make Healthcare affordable to every Indian”
Presented in Jalgaon IMA conference 2017
7) Stem cell therapy for Cerebral Palsy presented in IAPSCON 2018 at
8) Stem cell therapy for Cerebral Palsy and Type 1 diabetes in Maharashtra
chapter of pediatric surgery 2018
9) Affordable stem cell therapy for rural India presented at ARSICON 2018 in
10) My innovations in gastroenterology and laparoscopy in GIFTCON 2018 in
11) My 75 inventions to make healthcare affordable to every Indian in Global
conference of Surgery and Anesthesia GCSA 2019 in Dubai.
12) Appendicular mucosal tube implant with Dartos wrap operation for proximal
hypospadias in IAPSCON 2019 in New Delhi.
13) My 75 inventions to make healthcare affordable to every Indian in AMCON
2019 in Mumbai.
Professional Memberships:
1) Indian Medical Association
2) Indian Association of pediatric Surgeons (IAPS), (Life membership
no:1073). Executive council member for south zone of research section of
3) Association of Rural Surgeons of India
4) Rotary International
New Therapies Invented by Dr. Sagar Jawale
1) Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation by Permanent Magnet (TMS-PM) for
Cerebral Palsy and variety of neurological disorders
2) Lifetron therapy with Oxygen by Oxygen mask for diseases of Oxidative
stress such as Ischemic heart disease, Cancer, Diabetes, Parkinson’s disease,
Alzheimer’s disease, SIRS, Inflammatory diseases, etc.
3) Lifetron therapy with air by Oxygen mask
4) Lifetron therapy through ECG electrode over radial artery
5) Lifetron water therapy
6) Ozonated Air Inhalation therapy (OAIT) for variety of respiratory tract
infections including Covid 19.
7) Ozonated Water therapy for variety GI infections
8) Intrarectal Ozone Therapy
9) Stem Cell Therapy for Cerebral Palsy
10) World’s first Intrapancreatic Stem Cell Transplant for Type 1 and
Type 2 Diabetes
11) World’s first Intrarenal Stem Cell Transplant for kidney diseases
12) World’s first Stem Cell Sting Operation for Vescio-ureteral Reflux
13) World’s first Stem Cell Sting Operation for Gastroesophageal Reflux
14) Rectal Ultraviolet Light Therapy (RUVLT) for neonatal sepsis, Viral
and bacterial sepsis
15) Pharyngeal Ultraviolet Light Therapy (PUVLT)for upper respiratory
16) Vaginal Ultraviolet Therapy (VUVIT) for variety of vaginal infections
17) Intravenous Ultraviolet light Therapy (IUVLT) for variety of viral and
bacterial sepsis including Covid 19.
18) Extracorporeal Ultraviolet Blood Illumination Therapy (ECUVBIT)
for variety of viral and bacterial sepsis including Covid 19.
19) BCG Vaccine Therapy for recurrent URTI and LRTI in children
20) BCG Vaccine Therapy for Type 1 diabetes
21) Non-Invasive Vagal Stimulation Therapy for Postoperative paralytic
ileus and constipation
22) Non-Invasive Vagal Stimulation Therapy for Postoperative paralytic
ileus and constipation
23) Non-Invasive Vagal Stimulation Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes
24) Non-Invasive Vagal Stimulation Therapy for Auto-immunity of Type
1 Diabetes
25) Non-Invasive Vagal Stimulation Therapy for boosting Immunity
26) Infrared Light Therapy (ILT) for allergic bronchitis, dry cough,
chronic cough, chronic bronchitis, smokers cough
27) Nasal Infrared Light Therapy (INFILT) for diseases such as allergic
rhinitis, inflammatory conditions of the nose
28) Infrared Light Therapy (ILT) for diseases such as Otitis Media,
inflammatory conditions of external ear and middle ear
29) Rectal Infrared Laser Therapy (IRLR) for Systemic Immune Response
Syndrome (SIRS)
New Operation Invented by Dr. Sagar Jawale
1) Ten Commandments of Hypospadias surgery- Ten Modifications of
Tabularized Incised Plate Urethroplasty (TIP) for hypospadias
2) Urethral Pull Up Operation for Hypospadias
3) Modified Urethral Pull Up Operation for hypospadias
4) Urethral Plate Mobilization Technique-New Operative technique for
5) Appendicular Mucosal Tube Implant with Dartos Wrap Operation for
6) Omental Pouch Stem Cell Operation for Type 1 diabetes
7) Oxygen as Insufflation Gas in Laparoscopy
8) Prophylactic Tension Band Suture in Colostomy
9) Suture less Circumcision by Glutaraldehyde Albumin Glue Induced Laser
Tissue Welding
10) Methylene Blue Dye Induced Laser Tissue Cutting Technique
11) Stem Cell Therapy for Cerebral Palsy
12) World’s first Intrapancreatic Stem Cell Transplant for Type 1 and
Type 2 Diabetes Technique
13) World’s first Intrarenal Stem Cell Transplant for kidney diseases
14) World’s first Stem Cell Sting Operation for Vescio-ureteral Reflux
15) World’s first Stem Cell Sting Operation for Gastroesophageal Reflux
Patents register by Dr. Sagar Jawale
1) Rigid Video Laparoscope
2) Flexible Video Laparoscope
3) Articulating Video Laparoscope
4) Rigid Video Bronchoscope with Forceps
5) Rigid Video Bronchoscope
6) Smallest Video Camera
7) Video Laryngoscope
8) Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Device
9) 20-Watt Nd YAG LaserUrodynamics Machine
10) Uroflometry Machine
11) T DCS Device
12) Life Force Meter
13) Led Light Chord
14) Probe for Bronchial Thermoplasty and Stretta Procedure
15) Laser Tissue Welding Device
16) Digital Sthethoscope
17) Capsule Endoscopy
18) Intranasal laser therapy
19) 24 F Adult Video Cystoscope
20) Dual Vision Video Laparoscope
21) Rigid Video Arthroscope
22) Intravaginal Video Colposcope
23) Rigid Video Hysteroscope
24) Rigid Video Nephroscope
25) Rigid Video Neuroscope
26) Non- Invasive Vagal Stimulation Therapy Device
27) Rigid Video Esophagoscope
28) Rigid Video Procto-sigmoidoscope
29) USB Video Microscope
30) Portable t DCS Device
31) Lifetron Therapy Device- Oxygen Mask Attachment
32) Lifetron Therapy Device- Transcutaneous Type
33) Lifetron Water Therapy
34) Catheter for Stem Cell Sting Operation
35) Device for Photoactivation of Stem Cells
36) Magnet for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation by Permanent Magnet
(TMS-PM) Therapy
37) Non- Invasive Vagal Stimulation Device
38) Device for Rectal Ultraviolet Light Therapy (RUVLT)
39) Device for Pharyngeal Ultraviolet Light Therapy (PUVLT)
40) Device for Vaginal Ultraviolet Light Therapy (VUVIT)
41) Device for Intravenous Ultraviolet light Therapy (IUVLT
42) Device for Extracorporeal Ultraviolet Blood Illumination Therapy
43) Device for Ozonated Air Inhalation therapy (OAIT)
44) Device for Rectal Ozone Therapy
45) Device for Ozone instrument and OT sterilization
46) Device for Infrared Light Therapy (ILT)
47) Device for Nasal Infrared Light Therapy (INFILT)
48) Device for Infrared Light Therapy (ILT)
49) Device for Rectal Infrared Laser Therapy (IRLR)
His Inventions:
Following of his 25 inventions are for the first time in history of medicine. Flexible
and rigid video laparoscopes, Flexible video laparoscope with 30, 45 and 60 degree
mirror attachments, rigid ventilating video bronchoscope with forceps, Rigid
ventilating video bronchoscope without forceps, adult rigid video cystoscope 24F,
semi flexible thin video nephoscope, Rigid video nephoscope for PCNL, wireless
laparoscopy and endoscopy device, laser tissue welding device, life force meter,
Rigid video esophagoscope, Rigid video sigmoidoscope, Rigid video hysteroscope,
Intravaginal video colposcope, Peritoneal laparoscopic microscope, Rigid video
neuroscope, etc. These are produced at a record low cost of Rs. 5000-10,000 each.
Other inventions which are first made in India are, articulating video laparoscope,
3D laparoscopy system, Capsule endoscopy device, VR magnifying loops,
hydrophobic nano silicone coating, world’s smallest video camera, video
laryngoscope, laser lithotripter and laser cautery, Transcranial magnetic
stimulation device(TMS), transcranial direct current stimulation device(tDCS),
Intranasal lase therapy device, Machines for bronchial thermoplasty and Stretta
procedure, Urodynamics and uroflowmetry device, C02 incubator, Portable and
commercial O2 concentrators, Central vacuum machine, Digital Stethoscope,
Pathology video microscope, Ophthalmic video microscope, Microscope for
microvascular surgery, USB Spectrometer, muscle stimulator, nerve stimulator,
Hemodialysis machine, Partial ECMO machine, Harmonic scalpel and ultrasonic
lithotripter and led light cord,24 hour PH monitoring. I also set up stem cell
laboratory and tissue culture laboratory at record low cost of Rs. 50,000. I have set
up Gene therapy facility with American multinational Thermo Fischer Scientific
for Crispr Cas9 Genome editing to be done in India for Rs. 50,000 instead of Rs.
6.5 crores in USA. The 8 mm rigid video laparoscope and 5 Megapixel
laparoscopic cameras are commercialized for Rs. 15,000 each which is going to
revolutionize laparoscopy in rural India.
His future innovations are hands Free Robotic Camera Holder, Da Vinci
Laparoscopic Robot like system, Cochlear Implant, Artificial Urethral Sphincter, A
Digital Radiography system, Electron Microscope, A Laser Microscope with one
million times magnification, Alternatives to antibiotics and antivirals, Tissue nano
Transfection(TNT), Usb Pocket Ultrasound Machine, Cardiac catheterization
Monitor ,Portable MRI scanner, ESWL Machine, Gamma Camera(scintillation
Camera), Positron emission Tomography, Terahertz camera Imaging System,
Terahertz Tomography.

Dr. Ali Altaee
Dr. Ali Altaee is senior lecturer at the University of Technology Sydney in the fields of
renewable energy, membrane technologies, and environmental engineering. He has
industrial and academic expertise through working at industrial research centres and
institutes of higher education. He was a key member in the team which has
developed the world-first pilot plant for water purification using osmotic energy at
Surrey University; the project awarded the Queen’s Anniversary Award for research
in 2011. Dr. Altaee has worked in the development of a new concept for power
generation from a chemical potential gradient which has been recognized as a novel
technique for power generation using membrane technology. His innovative
research outcomes have also resulted in the development of low energy treatment
technique of seawater for the thermal evaporator, which is currently in the stage of
commercialization. Dr. Altaee has worked as a consultant for industries and research
institutes in the UK, S. Korea, and China. Dr. Altaee has broad academic experience
through his work at the University of Brighton, Surrey University, Abu Dhabi
University, UNSW, Heriot-Watt University, West of Scotland University and the
University of Technology in Sydney. Dr. Altaee research is highly recognized through
a large number of citation and publication in the international journal of high impact
factors, international conferences, book chapters and patents and patent
Current position Senior Lecturer, University of Technology, Australia
2012- 2015 Ass. Professor, University of West of Scotland, UK
2011-2012 Visiting Professor, Heriot Watt University, UK
2010- 2012 Asst. Professor, Abu Dhabi University, UAE
2008- 2010 Senior Researcher, Doosan Water R&D Centre, S. Korea.
2006- 2008 Research Fellow, University of Surrey, UK
2005- 2006 Research Fellow, University of New South Wales, Australia
2002 -2004 Researcher, Brighton University, UK
2000-2001 MSc program University of New South Wales, Australia
1997-2000 Senior Eng. Sam Inredning Arkitekt, Sweden
2002-2004 PhD Environmental Engineering, University of Brighton
2000-2001 MSc Environmental. Eng. Science, University of New South Wales
1984-1998 BSc (Hons) Civil Engineering, University of Technology Baghdad
Research Funds
1. Qatar Foundation- 200000 USD (PI) ID-147: Potential Application of Forward
Osmosis-Reverse Osmosis Seawater Desalination in Qatar
2. Qatar Foundation- 600000 USD (PI): Enhanced Performance of Multi Effect
Distillation-Forward Osmosis Hybrid System for Seawater Desalination (2017)
3. SFERA Fund (PI): European Solar Research for Concentrated Solar Power-
SFERA II, 312643 (2017).
4. SFERA Fund (PI): EU fund for collaboration with Plataforma Solar De Almeria
(Spain) in Water desalination and renewable energy (2015, 2016)
5. EU Fund ICT-CEPU2009-0003 (Co-I): With CEIMAT (Spain) 140000 EURO
Osmotic Power Plant for Power Generation (2014)
6. UK Research Links (PI): 6150 GBP (2013)
7. University West of Scotland-Research Fund (PI): 32000 GBP (2012)
8. Carnegie grant for research (PI): 2500 GBP (2013)
9. Carnegie grant for research (PI): 2450 GBP (2012)
10. Doosan Water R&D Centre- 407000 USD (PI): Wastewater Simulation and
Modelling II (2010).
11. Doosan Water R&D Centre- 150000 USD (Investigator): Pretreatment
pressure sand filter pilot plant for Reverse Osmosis (2010)
12. Doosan water R&D Centre- 395000 USD (PI): Wastewater Design and
Modelling I (2009)
Research related activities
1. Keynote speek at the International Consortium of Water Researchers, lecture
“Pressure Retarded Osmosis: A trade-off between power generation and
mitigation of environmental impacts of desalination plants”. 06/07/2020
2. Award Lecture of the International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM,
Sweden)’ due to your contribution for strengthening the “Advancement of
Materials”. he executive board of the International Association of Advanced
Materials (IAAM, Org. no. 802503-6784, ),
3. A distinguished scientist, Scientific Advisory Board of the 1 st Asia Pacific
Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment
Systems from 6-9 April 2020
4. Best Presented paper award at International Conference on Recent
Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICRIET), 6-7 October 2019,
Melbourne- Australia.
5. Plenary Speaker, 8 th Edition of International Conference on Separation
Techniques, July 29-30 2019, Dublin, Ireland
6. A distinguished scientist, Scientific Advisory Board of the 2 nd Latin American
Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment
Systems, 25/April/2019
7. Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Marine Science, 27/March/2019
8. Chairing Renewable Energy & Energy Systems sessions at IAPE’19, 14-15
March, 2019, in the King's Centre, Oxford, United Kingdom
9. Keynote Speaker: The International Conference on Innovative Applied Energy
(IAPE 2019). 14-15 March, 2019, in the King's Centre, Oxford, United Kingdom
10. Australia representative and member of the Institute for Infrastructure,
Environment and Innovation, October (2018), Brussels, Belgium.
11. Guest Editor, journal Water (ISSN 2073-4441), Special Issue "Novel Forward
Osmotic Process for Seawater and Wastewater Treatment", 5/January 2019
12. Editor of the Journal of Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering
13. Reviewer for Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the
14. Reviewer for United Arab Emirates University, Research Program in
15. Reviewer for King Abdullah University for Science and Technology (KAUST)
research program
16. Reviewer for Qatar Foundation Research Program in Energy and Environment
17. Guest researcher at Plataforma Solar De Almeria (Spain) in solar and
desalination program 2013-2017
Industrial Experience
1995-2000 Sam Inredning Arkitekt, Sweden: Civil and Environmental
2006-2008 Doosan Heavy Industries and Constructions: Senior Researcher in
water and energy
2015-2016 AquaMa ltd (UK): Low energy solar powered irrigation system for
the Ministry of Agriculture in Oman.
Key industrial Achievement
50000 m 3 /day MBR system, Oman: Design and modelling using BioWin, WEST
and gPROMS software
Co-generation MSF and RO 37000 m 3 /day Reverse Osmosis Plant, Fujairah
(UAE): operation and trouble shooting
728000 m 3 /day co-generation thermal Reverse Osmosis plant, Ras Al-Khair
(Saudi Arabia): Pilot plant testing for the world largest desalination plant
136000 m 3 /day Reverse Osmosis Plant, Shuwaikh (Kuwait): Consultancy and
281000 m 3 /day Reverse Osmosis Plant, Barka (Oman): Consultancy
Doosan water R&D Centre- 1 Million USD (Investigator): (1000 m 3 /d) NF-MED
plant (2008-2012)
Research Interests:
Dr. Altaee has broad research experience in renewable energy, energy-efficient
processes, and membrane technologies. My research focuses on the development of
novel, reliable, and cost-effective engineering solution for contemporary problems in
the fields of renewable energy and environmental engineering. My research is in the
fields of
1. Renewable energy: hydrochemical, solar energy, and energy storage
2. Buoyancy force: power generation and storage
3. Low energy membrane processes: purification and desalination
4. Hybrid system designs
5. Electrochemical processes
6. Solar power and applications: water-energy nexus
7. Wastewater: MBR and water reuse
8. Vibratory membrane systems
Consultancy and Awards
1. BlueStar: wastewater chemical treatment-China
2. Australian-Chinese Innovation and Technology Transfer Centre (Australia-
3. AquaMa Company (the UK)
4. Chancellor innovation award 2012 Abu Dhabi University
5. Award of outstanding reviewer certificate, Desalination 2015
6. Award of reviewer certificate, Energy 2016
Professional Membership:
Member of American Chemical Society- 2016
PhD students
1. Namuun Ganbat, Developing a hydrogel agriculture for greenhouse
agriculture in arid regions, 2019
2. Salam Balky, A novel membrane design for seawater and wastewater
treatment, 2019
3. Sudesh Yadav, Graphene membrane for dual stage pressure retarded
osmosis, 2019
4. Elika Karbassiyazdi, Development of superflux gel filter for water and
wastewater treatment, 2019
5. Sarah Abuhajar: Optimization the performance of forward osmosis module,
2019 (Queen Mary University of London)
6. Nour Khlaifat: Modelling and performance evaluation of horizontal wind
turbines in New South Wales, 2018
7. Ibrar Ibrar: Forward osmosis application for wastewater treatment, 2018
8. Daoud Khanafer: Forward osmosis for pretreatment of seawater to Multi
Stage Flashing, 2018
9. Romina Gobahdi: Electrokinetic soil remediation and contaminants capture
by reactive barrier, 2017-2020
10. Bentuo Xu: environmental occurrence and treatment of PFOS, funded by CSC,
11. Hasanali Mahdieh: Forward osmosis process for the treatment of industrial
wastewater, 2017
12. Seyed Samaei: Zero liquid discharge mine wastewater treatment using
membrane technologies, 2017-2020
13. Hasan Ali: Feasibility of saline ground water treatment by forward osmosis;
Shiraz University (Iran)-International co-supervision-2017
14. Imran Shabbir: Energy-efficient treatment process of wastewater from paper
mills 2012-2016
15. Zeb Iheanetu: Fracking wastewater treatment and management 2014-2018
MSc students
1. Mahmud Rahman: Antimony pollution in water, 2017
2. Paul Rapp: Wastewater treatment processes and processes evaluation within
Scotland. 2012-2013
3. Michael Sunday: application of activated carbon and low pressure reverse
osmosis in treating pharmaceuticals for possible wastewater recycle and
reuse. 2012-2013
4. Kara Baran: Comparison between FO and RO processes for seawater
desalination: Theoretical and experimental study 2014
5. Nagla Kamal: Forward Osmosis process for sustainable desalination. 2013-
Internship and Fellowships:
1. Ian Del Caprio, British Columbia University (Canada). Internship on
osmotically driven membrane process, 01/05/2019-01/08/2019.
2. Rasmeet Singh, Punjab University (India). Internship on soil remediation and
reactive filter media, 01/06/2019-01/08/2019
3. Dr Hossein Samadi: Department of Water Engineering, Shahrekord
University, Iran. 2018 to 2019
4. Dr Osama Naji: Queensland Southern University, Environmental Engineering.
5. Dr Ali Malekizadeh: Queensland University, School of Agriculture and Food
Sciences. 2018 to 2021
Teaching Experience
Dr. Altaee has contributed the design and delivery of several modules for
undergraduate and postgraduate program at the school of Civil and Environmental
Engineering and School of Science. He also supervised a number of PhD students and
MSc students for thesis work. He also supervised final year projects for honour
degree students. He contributed to development of Undergraduate and
Postgraduate programs in environmental and renewable energy engineering at
Surrey University, Heriot Watt University, Abu Dhabi University, and the University of
West of Scotland. He was responsible for delivering the following modules:
1. Renewable energy and pollution (UG: course coordinator)
2. Engineering Analysis (PG)
3. Principles of Clean Technologies (PG)
4. Pollution Control (PG)
5. Fundamental of environmental engineering (UG: course coordinator)
6. Desalination and Environment (PG: course coordinator)
7. Water and wastewater treatment (PG)
8. Hydrology (U: course coordinator G)
9. hydraulics (UG: course coordinator)
10. Water Engineering (UG: course coordinator)
Peer- Reviewed Journal Papers
1. Nour Khlaifat, Ali Altaee, John Zhou, Yuhan Huang, Evaluation of wind
resource potential using statistical analysis of probability density functions in
New South Wales, Australia, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization,
and Environmental Effects,
2. Sudesh Yadav, Ibrar Ibrar, Ali Altaee, Sébastien Déon, John Zhou, Preparation
of novel high permeability and antifouling polysulfone-vanillin
membrane,Desalination, Volume 496 , 2020, 114759.
3. Romina Ghobadi , Ali Altaee , John L. Zhou , Peter McLean , Namuun Ganbat ,
Donghao Li , Enhanced copper removal from contaminated kaolinite soil by
electrokinetic process using compost reactive filter media, Journal of
Hazardous Materials, 123891.
4. MhdAmmar Hafiz, Alaa H. Hawari , Probir Das , Shoyeb Khan , Ali Altaee ,
Comparison of dual stage ultrafiltration and hybrid ultrafiltration-forward
osmosis process for harvesting microalgae (Tetraselmis sp) biomass, Chemical
Engineering and Processing – Process Intensification, 2020, 108112.
5. Ibrar Ibrar , Sudesh Yadav , Ali Altaee , Alaa Hawari , Vinh Nguyen, John Zhou , A
novel empirical method for predicting concentration polarization inforward
osmosis for single and multicomponent draw solutions, Desalination, Volume
494 (2020), 114668
6. Ahmad Hosseinzadeh, John L. Zhou, Ali Altaee, Mansour Baziar, Donghao Li,
Effective modelling of hydrogen and energy recovery in microbialelectrolysis
cell by artificial neural network and adaptive network-basedfuzzy inference
system, Bioresource Technology, Volume 316 (2020), 123967.
7. Rasmeet Singh, Ali Altaee, Sanjeev Gautam, Nanomaterials in the
Advancement of Hydrogen Energy Storage, Heliyon, Volume 6, Issue 7 , July
2020, e04487.
8. Sudesh Yadav, Ibrar Ibrar, Ali Altaee, Akshaya Kumar Samal, Romina Ghobadi,
John Zhou, Feasibility of brackish water and landfill leachate treatment by
GO/MoS2-PVA composite membranes, Science of Total Environment,
Available online 21 July 2020, 141088.
9. Ibrar Ibrar, Sudesh Yadav, Ali Altaee, Akshaya K. Samal, John L. Zhou, Tien
Vinh Nguyen, Namuun Ganbat, Treatment of biologically treated landfill
leachate with forward osmosis: Investigating membrane performance and
cleaning protocols, Science of the Total Environment, Available online 16 July
2020, 140901.
10. Vimeipha Vilayphone, John G. Outram, Fiona Collins, Graeme J. Millar, Ali
Altaee, Process design of coal seam gas associated water treatment plants
tofacilitate beneficial reuse, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering,
Volume 8 (2020), 104255.
11. Mehrzad Arjmandi , Mahdi Pourafshari Chenar , Ali Altaee , Abolfazl Arjmandi ,
Majid Peyravi , Mohsen Jahanshahi , Ehsan Binaeian , Caspian seawater
desalination and whey concentration through forward osmosis (FO)-reverse
osmosis (RO) and FO-FO-RO hybrid systems: Experimental and theoretical
study, Water Process Engineering, Volume 37 (2020), 101492
12. Nour Khlaifat, Ali Altaee, John Zhou and Yuhan Huang, A review of the key
sensitive parameters on the aerodynamic performance of a horizontal wind
turbine using Computational Fluid Dynamics modelling, AIMS Energy, Volume
8 (2020), Issue 33, page 493–524: DOI: 10.3934/energy.2020.3.493.
13. Caleb Hirsimaki, John G. Outram, Graeme J. Millar, Ali Altaee, Process
simulation of high pH reverse osmosis systems to facilitate reuse of coal seam
gas associated water, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering,
Volume 8 (2020), 104122,
14. Sudesh Yadav, Ibrar Ibrar, Salam Bakly, Daoud Khanafer, Ali Altaee, V.C.
Padmanaban, Akshaya Kumar Samal, Alaa H. Hawari, Organic fouling in
forward osmosis: A comprehensive review, Water, Volume 12 (2020) , 1505;
15. Abolfazl Arjmandi, Majid Peyravi, Mehrzad Arjmandi, Ali Altaee, Exploring the
use of cheap natural raw materials to reduce the internal concentration
polarization in thin-film composite forward osmosis membranes, Chemical
Engineering Journal, Available online 16 May 2020Article 125483,
16. Mehrzad Arjmandi, Ali Altaee, Abolfazl Arjmandi, Mahdi Pourafshari Chenar,
Majid Peyravi, Mohsen Jahanshahi, A facile and efficient approach to increase
the magnetic property of MOF-5, Solid State Sciences, Volume 106 (2020),
17. Nour Khlaifat, Ali Altaee, John Zhou, Yuhan Huang, Ali Braytee, Optimization
of a small wind turbine for a rural area: A Case Study of Deniliquin, New
South Wales, Australia, Energies, V 13 (2020), 2292; doi:10.3390/en13092292
18. Ahmad Hosseinzadeh, John L. Zhou, Ali Altaee, Mansour Baziar, Xiaowei Li,
Modeling water flux in osmotic membrane bioreactor by adaptive
networkbased fuzzy inference system and artificial neural network,
Bioresource Technology, Volume 310, August 2020, 123391
19. Abaranjitha Muniyasamy, Gayathri Sivaporul, Abarna Gopinath, Rajendran
Lakshmanan, Ali Altaee, Anant Achary, Padmanaban Velayudhaperumal
Chellam, Process development for the degradation of textile azo dyes (mono-
, di-,poly-) by advanced oxidation process – Ozonation: Experimental & partial
derivative modelling approach, Journal of Environmental Management,
Volume 265 (2020), 110397,
20. Nour Khlaifat, Aali Altaee, John Zhou, Assessment of Wind Energy Potential at
Yanco, New South Wales, Australia, International Journal of Industrial
Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Volume 8 (2020), Issue-1, page 26-30,
21. Ali Altaee, Nahawand AlZainati, Novel Thermal Desalination Brine Reject-
Sewage Effluent Salinity Gradient for Power Generation and Dilution of Brine
Reject, Energies, Volume 13 (2020), Issue 7, 1756,
22. Nour Khlaifat, Ali Altaee, John Zhou, Assessment of Wind Turbine Potential At
Yanco, New South Wales, Australia, International Journal of Industrial
Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Volume 8 (2020), Issue-1, Page 26-30
23. Romina Ghobadi, Ali Altaee, John L. Zhou, Peter McLean, Sudesh Yadav,
Copper removal from contaminated soil through electrokinetic process with
reactive filter media, Chemosphere, Volume 252 (2020), 126607
24. Adnan Alhathal Alanezi, Ali Altaee, Adel O. Sharif, The effect of energy
recovery device and feed flow rate on the energy efficiency of reverse
osmosis process, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, In press, journal
pre-proof Available online 20 March 2020
25. Ahmad Hosseinzadeh, Mansour Baziar, Hossein Alidadi, John L. Zhou, Ali
Altaee,Ali Asghar, Najafpoor, Salman Jafarpour, Application of artificial neural
network and multiple linear regression in modeling nutrient recovery in
vermicompost under different conditions, Bioresource Technology, V (2020),
26. Seyed Mohsen Samaei, Shirley Gato-Trinidad, Ali Altaee, Performance
evaluation of reverse osmosis process in the post-treatment ofmining
wastewaters: Case study of Costerfield mining operations, Victoria,Australia,
Water process engineering, Volume 34, April 2020, 101116,
27. Hossein Samadi-Boroujen, Sohail Abbasi, Ali Altaee, Rohallah Fattahi-Nafchi,
Numerical and Physical Modeling of the Effect of Roughness Height on
Cavitation Index in Chute Spillways, International Journal of Civil Engineering,
(2019), 1-12, DOI 10.1007/s40999-019-00479-2.
28. Mhd. Ammar Hafiz, Alaa H. Hawari, Ali Altaee, A hybrid forward
osmosis/reverse osmosis process for the supply of fertilizing solution from
treated wastewater, Journal of Water Process Engineering, V 32 (2019),
29. Hossein Samadi-Boroujeni, Ali Altaee, Hadi Khabbaz, John Zhou, Application
of Buoyancy-Power Generator for Compressed Air Energy Storage Using a
Fluid-Air Displacement System, Journal of Energy Storage, V 26 (2019),
30. Bentuo Xua, John L. Zhoua, Ali Altaee, Mohammad B. Ahmed, Md Abu Hasan
Johir, Jiawei Ren, Xiaowei Li, Improved photocatalysis of perfluorooctanoic
acid in water by Ga2O3/UV system assisted by peroxymonosulfate,
Chemosphere, V 239 (2020), 124722
31. Yingxue Chen, Adnan Alhathal Alanezi, John Zhou, Ali Altaee, M Hasan
Shaheed, Optimization of module Pressure Retarded Osmosis membrane for
Maximum Energy Extraction, Journal of Water Process Engineering, V 32
(2019), 100935
32. Bentuo Xu, Mohammad Boshir Ahmed, John L. Zhou, Ali Altaee, Visible and
UV photocatalysis of aqueous perfluorooctanoic acid by TiO2 and
peroxymonosulfate: Process kinetics and mechanistic insights, Chemosphere,
Volume 243 (2020), Article 125366
33. Ibrar Ibrar, Ali Altaee, John L. Zhou, Osamah Naji, and Daoud Khanafer,
Challenges and potentials of forward osmosis process in the treatment of
wastewater, Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 2019
DOI: 10.1080/10643389.2019.1657762
34. Ali Altaee, Ali Braytee, Graeme J. Millar, Osamah Naji, Energy efficiency of
hollow fibre membrane module in the forward osmosis seawater desalination
process, Journal of Membrane Science, Volume 587 (2019), Article 117165
35. Farzad javaheri, Zeinab Kheshti, Soheila Ghasemi, Ali Altaee, Enhancement of
Cd 2+ removal from aqueous solution by multifunctional mesoporous silica:
Equilibrium isotherms and kinetics study, Separation and Purification
Technology, Volume 224 (2019), 199-208
36. Machlan Scott, Graeme Millar, Ali Altaee, Process Design of a Treatment
System to Reduce Conductivity and Ammoniacal Nitrogen Content of Landfill
Leachate, Water Process Engineering, V 31 (2019), Article 100806
37. Ibrar Ibrar, Osamah Naji, Adel Sharif, Ali Malekizadeh, Alaa Alhawari, Adnan
Alhathal Alanezi and Ali Altaee, A Review of Fouling Mechanisms, Control
Strategies and Real-Time Fouling Monitoring Techniques in Forward Osmosis,
Water, V 11(4) (2019), 695; doi:10.3390/w11040695
38. Ali Altaee, Andrea Cippolina, Modelling and optimization of modular system
for power generation from a salinity gradient, Renewable Energy, Volume
141 (2019), 139-147
39. Mshael S. Thabita, Alaa H. Hawarib, Mhd. Hafez Ammarb, Syed Zaidic,
Guillermo Zaragozad, Ali Altaee, Evaluation of Forward Fsmosis as a
Pretreatment Process for Multi Stage Flash Seawater Desalination,
Desalination, Desalination, V 461 (2019), 22-29
40. Z. Kheshti, K. Azodi Ghajar, Ali Altaee, M. R. Kheshti, High-Gradient Magnetic
Separator (HGMS) combined with adsorption for Nitrate removal from
aqueous solution, Separation and Purification Technologies, V 212 (2019),
41. Madeleine Wicks, Graeme J. Millar, Ali Altaee, Process Simulation of Ion
Exchange Desalination Treatment of Coal Seam Gas Associated Water,
Journal of Water Process Engineering, Volume 27 (2019), 89-98
42. Alaa H. Hawari, Abdulaziz Al-Qahoumi, Amina Ltaief, Syed Zaidi, Ali Altaee,
Dilution of seawater using dewatered construction water in a hybrid forward
osmosis system, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 195 (2018), 365-373.
43. Ali Altaee, John Zhou, Guillermo Zaragoza, Adel O. Sharif, Impact of
Membrane Orientation on the Energy Efficiency of Dual Stage Pressure
Retarded Osmosis, Water Process Engineering, Volume 30, 2019, 100621
44. Ali Altaee, Guillermo Zaragoza, Graeme J. Millar, Adel O. Sharif, Adnan
Alhathal Alanezi, Limitations of osmotic gradient resource and hydraulic
pressure on the efficiency of dual stage PRO process, Desalination and Water
Treatment, V 105 (2018),11-22, DOI 10.5004/dwt.2018.22128
45. Bentuo Xu, Mohammad Boshir Ahmed, John L. Zhou, Ali Altaee, Gang Xu,
Minghong Wu, Graphitic carbon nitride based nanocomposites for the
photocatalysis of organic contaminants under visible irradiation: progress,
limitations and future directions, Science of the Total Environment, V 633
(2018), 546-559
46. Jakub Jakowiecki, Agnieszka Sztyler, Slawomir Filipek, Pingzou Li, Karthik
Raman, Natarajan Barathiraja, Seeram Ramakrishna, Jairam R. Eswara, Ali
Altaee, Adel O. Sharif, Pulickel M. Ajayan, Venkatesan Renugopalakkrishnan,
Aquaporin-graphene interface: relevance to point of care device for renal cell
carcinoma and desalination, Interface Focus, V 8 (2018): 20170066. doi:
47. Seyed Mohsen Samaei, Shirley Gato-Trinidad, Ali Altaee, The application of
pressure-driven ceramic membrane technology for the treatment of
industrial wastewaters – A review, Separation and Purifications technologies,
V200 (2018), 198–220
48. Ali Altaee, John Zou, Adnan Alhathal Alanezi, Alaa H Hawari, Osmotic Power
Plant: Process Innovation and Future Potential, Recent Advances in
Petrochemical Science (RAPSCI), Volume 4 (2018), 1-3, DOI:
49. Adnan Alhathal Alanezi, Ali Altaee, Enhanced Performance Dual Stage
Pressure Retarded Osmosis, Energy Procedia, V 142 (2017), 4182-8197.
50. Bentuo Xu, Mohammad Boshir Ahmed, John L. Zhou, Ali Altaee, Minghong
Wu, Gang Xu, Photocatalytic removal of perfluoroalkyl substances from water
and wastewater: Mechanism, kinetics and controlling factors, Chemosphere,
189C (2017), 717-729.
51. Ali Altaee, John Zhou, Adnan Alhathal Alanezi, Guillermo Zaragoza, Pressure
retarded osmosis process for power generation: Feasibility, energy balance
and controlling parameters, Applied Energy, V 206 (2017), 303-311
52. Ali Altaee, Guillermo Zaragoza, Enrico Drioli, John Zouh, Evaluation the
Potential and Energy Efficiency of Dual Stage Pressure Retarded Osmosis
Process, Applied Energy, V 199 (2017), 359–369
53. Ali Altaee, Patricia Palenzuela, Guillermo Zaragoza, Adnan Alhathal AlAnezi,
Single and Dual Stage Closed-Loop Pressure Retarded Osmosis for Power
Generation: Feasibility and Performance, Applied Energy, V 191 , (2017),
54. Alaa H. Hawari, Nagla Kamal, Ali Altaee, Combined Influence of Temperature
and Flow Rate of Feeds on the Performance of Forward Osmosis,
Desalination, V 398 (2016), Pages 98-105
55. Ali Altaee, Graeme Millar, Adel Sharif, Guillermo Zaragoza, Forward Osmosis
Process for Supply of Fertilizer Solutions from Seawater Using a Mixture of
Draw Solutions, Desalination and Water Treatment, V 57 (2016), 28025-
28041, doi: 10.1080/19443994.2016.1180642
56. Ali Altaee, Graeme Millar, Guillermo Zaragoza, Integration and Optimization
of Pressure Retarded Osmosis with Reverse Osmosis for Power Generation
and High Efficiency Desalination, Energy, V 103 (2016), 110-118
57. Ali Altaee, Graeme Millar, Guillermo Zaragoza, Adel Sharif, Energy Efficiency
of RO and FO-RO system for High Salinity Seawater Treatment, Clean
Technology and Environmental Policy, V 19 (2017), 77-91
58. Ali Altaee, Adel Sharif, Malak Hamdan, Nanofiltration separation of highly
concentrated multivalent electrolyte Draw solution; a pilot plant study,
Desalination and water treatment, DOI: 10.1080/19443994.2015.1108876
59. Ali Altaee, Adel Sharif, Guillermo Zaragoza, Limitations of Osmotic Gradient
Resource and Hydraulic Pressure on the Efficiency of Dual Stage PRO Process,
Renewable Energy, Volume 83 (2015), 1234-1244
60. Ali Altaee, Nidal Hilal, Dual Stage PRO Power Generation from Brackish Water
Brine and Wastewater Effluent Feeds, Desalination, Volume 389 (2016), 68-
61. Malak Hamdan, Adel O. Sharif, Ghazi Derwish, Sami Al-Aibi, Ali Altaee, Draw
solutions for Forward Osmosis process: Osmotic pressure of binary and
ternary aqueous solutions of magnesium chloride, sodium chloride, sucrose
and maltose , Journal of Food Engineering, V 155 (2015), 10-15
62. Ali Altaee, Ahmad Fauzi Ismail, Adel Sharif & Guillermo Zaragoza, Dual stage
PRO process: impact of the membrane materials of the process performance,
Desalination and Water Treatment, Volume 57, 2016 – Issue 14, Pages 6172-
6183. DOI: 10.1080/19443994.2015.1007173
63. Ali Altaee, Ahmad Fauzi, Adel Sharif, Guillermo Zaragoza, Paulo Carvalho,
Two-Stage FO-BWRO/NF Treatment of Saline Waters, Desalination and Water
Treatment, DOI: 10.1080/19443994.2014.1002434
64. Ali Altaee, Guillermo Zaragoza, Adel Sharif, Corrigendum to ‘Pressure
retarded osmosis for power generation and seawater desalination:
Performance analysis, [Desalination 344 (2014) 108–115], Desalination, V 346
(2014), 37
65. Ali Altaee, Nidal Hilal, High recovery rate NF–FO–RO hybrid system for inland
brackish water treatment, Desalination, Volume 363 (2015), 19-25.
66. Ali Altaee, Nidal Hilal, Design optimization of high performance dual stage
pressure retarded osmosis, Desalination, V 355 (2015), 217–224.
67. Ali Altaee, Adel Sharif, Pressure Retarded Osmosis: Advancement in the
Process Applications for Power Generation and Desalination, Desalination, V
356 (2015), 31-46
68. Ali Altaee, Adel Sharif, Guillermo Zaragoza, Corrigendum to ‘Pressure
retarded osmosis for power generation and seawater desalination:
Performance analysis’ [Desalination 344 (2014) 108–115], Desalination, V 346
(2014), 37
69. Ali Altaee, Adel Sharif, Guillermo Zaragoza, Nidal Hilal, Dual Stage PRO
Process for Power Generation from Different Feed Resources, Desalination, V
352 (2014), 118-127
70. Ali Altaee and Nidal Hilal, Dual-Stage Forward Osmosis/Pressure Retarded
Osmosis process for Hypersaline Solutions and Fracking Wastewater
Treatment, Desalination, V 350 (2014), 79-85
71. Ali Altaee, Adel Sharif, Guillermo Zaragoza, Ahmad Fauzi Ismail, Evaluation of
FO-RO and PRO-RO designs for power generation and seawater desalination
using impaired water feeds , Desalination, Desalination, V 368 (2015), 27-35
72. Ali Altaee, Guillermo Zaragoza, Adel Sharif, Pressure Retarded Osmosis for
Power Generation and Seawater Desalination: Performance Analysis,
Desalination, V 344 (2014), 108-115.
73. Ali Altaee, Abdelnaser Mabrouk, Karim Bourouni, Patricia Palenzuela,
Forward Osmosis Softening of Seawater to Thermal Desalination: High
Temperature FO-MSF/MED Hybrid System, Desalination, V 339 (2014), 18-25
74. Ali Altaee and Guillermo Zaragoza, H. Rost van Tonningen, Comparison
between Forward Osmosis-Reverse Osmosis and Reverse Osmosis Processes
for Seawater Desalination, Desalination, V 336 (2014), 50-57
75. Ali Altaee, Guillermo Zaragoza, A Conceptual Design of Low Fouling and High
Recovery FO-MSF Desalination plant, Desalination, V 343 (2014), 2-7
76. Ali Altaee, Adel Sharif, A Conceptual NF/RO Arrangement Design in the
Pressure Vessel for Seawater Desalination, Journal of Desalination and Water
Treatment, V 54 (2015), 624-636. DOI:10.1080/19443994.2014.890547
77. Ali Altaee, Abdelnaser Mabrouk, Karim Bourouni, A novel Forward Osmosis
Membrane Pretreatment of Seawater for Thermal Desalination Processes,
Desalination, V 326 (2013), 19-29
78. Ali Altaee, Theoretical study on feed water designs to reverse osmosis
pressure vessel, Desalination, V 326 (2013), 1-9.
79. Ali Altaee, Forward Osmosis: Potential use in Desalination and Water Reuse,
Journal of membrane and Separation Technology, 1 (2012), 79-93
80. Ali Altaee, A Computational Model to Estimate the Performance of 8 inches
RO Membranes in Pressure Vessel, Journal of Membrane and Separation
Technology, 19 (2012), 60-71
81. Ali Altaee, Computational Model for Estimating Reverse Osmosis System
Design and performance: Part-One Binary Feed Solution, Desalination, V 291
(2012), 101-105
82. Ali Altaee, Adel O. Sharif, Alternative Design to Dual Stage NF Seawater
Desalination using High Rejection Brackish Water Membranes, Desalination,
273 (2011), 391-397
83. Bourouni K., Ben M’Barek T., Altaee A., Design and optimization of Reverse
Osmosis plants driven by Renewable Energies using Genetic Algorithms.
Renewable Energy, 36 (2011), pages 936-950
84. A. Altaee, A. Al-Rawajefah, Y.J. Baek, Application of Vibratory System to
Improve the Critical Flux in Submerged Hollow Fiber MF Process, Separation
Science and Technology, 45 (2010), Pages 28-34
85. A.O. Sharif, A.A. Merdaw, H. Al-Bahadili, A. Altaee, S. Al-Aibi, Z. Rahal, G.
Derwish, A new theoretical approach to estimate the specific energy
consumption of RO and other pressure driven liquid membrane processes.
Desalination and Water Treatment, 3 (2009), Pages 111-119
86. Ali Altaee, Roger Smith, Sergey Mikhalovsky, The feasibility of
decontamination of reduced saline sediments from copper using the
electrokinetic process , Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 88,
Issue 4, September 2008, Pages 1611-1618
Book Chapters
1. Ali Altaee, A. Mabrouk, K. Bourouni, Impact of Water Salinity on the Yield of
Production Well: Forward Osmosis Seawater Pretreatment, Advances in
Petroleum Engineering, Chapter 10, IBSN 1-62699-042-5
2. Karim Bourouni, Mohamed Thameur Chaibi and Ali Al Taee, Water
desalination by humidification and dehumidification of air, Seawater
Greenhouse, UR EBSS Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Tunis, BP 37, 1002 Le
Belvédère, Tunisie, INGREF, Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems EOLSS,
3. Ali Altaee, Adel Sharif and Guillermo Zaragoza, Water Filtration Systems:
Processes, Uses and Importance, Chapter: Forward Osmosis Pretreatment of
Seawater for Thermal Desalination, ISBN: 978-1-63484-039-2, 2016 – 1st
4. Ali Altaee, Saiyed R. Wahadj, Adel O. Sharif, Guillermo Zaragoza, Malak
Hamdan, Maryam Aryafar Chapter: Forward Osmosis for irrigation Water
Supply Using Hybrid Membrane System for Draw Solution Regeneration, The
Water-Food-Energy Nexus: Processes, Technologies and Challenges, CRC
press, 2017, ISBN 9781498760836
5. Maryam Aryafar , Adel O. Sharif, Ali Altaee, Chapter: Forward Osmosis Process
Potential Application in Agricultural Irrigation, The Water-Food-Energy
Nexus: Processes, Technologies and Challenges.
6. Ali Altaee, John Zhou, Adnan Alhathal AlAnezi, Guoyong Zhao, Chapter 4: The
Design Optimization for a Closed-Loop Pressure Retarded Osmosis Process.
Energy Efficiency: Performance, Improvement Strategies, and Future
Directions, Nova Science, 2017, ISBN: 978-1-53611-040-1
7. Ali Altaee, Adnan Alhathal Alanezi, Radhi Alazmi, Alaa H. Hawari, and Claudio
Mascialino, Chapter 6: Effect of the Draw Solution on the Efficiency of Two-
Stage FO-RO/BWRO for Seawater and Brackish Water Desalination, Book
Title, Water Management: Social and Technological perspective. (1st edition),
(2019), CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, ISBN 9781138067240
8. Ali Altaee, Adnan A. Alanezi, Alaa H. Hawari, Chapter 7: Forward osmosis
feasibility and potential future application for desalination, Book title
Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Desalination HandBook (1st Edition),
April (2018), Elsevier Inc., Paperback ISBN: 9780128158180.
Refereed Conference Papers
1. Nour Khlaifat, Ali Altaee, John Zhou, Assessment of wind energy potential at
Yanco,New South Wales, Australia, International Conference on Recent
Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICRIET), Melbourne 6-7 October
2019, Australia
2. Ali Altaee, Ali Malekizadeh, Elika Karbassiyazdi, A high-Performance
Hydrogel Filter Medium: Characteristics and Applications, 14 th SDEWES 2018,
Dubrovnik, Croatia, 1-6 October 2019.
3. Ali Altaee, Promoting the Salinity Gradient Power Plant from the Laboratory
to the Field Application, The International Conference on Innovative Applied
Energy (IAPE19), 14-15 March, 2019, in the King's Centre, Oxford, United
4. Ali Altaee, Guillermo Zaragoza, Adnan Alhathal Alanezi, Modelling and
Optimization of Modular System for Power Generation from a Salinity
Gradient, The 13 th International Centre for Sustainable Development of
Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES), September 3 rd to
October 4 th , Palermo, Italy
5. Adnan Alhathal Alanezi, Ali Altaee, performance Enhancement of Tubular
Membrane Module Using Air Bubbling System, 2 nd International Conference
on Membrane Science and Technology, September 13-14, London, UK
6. Adnan Alhathal Alanezi, Ali Altaee, Enhanced Performance Dual Stage
Pressure Retarded Osmosis, 9 th International Conference on Applied Energy
(ICAE 2017), on August 21-24. 2017, Cardiff, UK
7. Ali Altaee and John Zhou, Performance of FO-RO and RO for seawater
desalination 9 th international membrane science and technology conference,
Adelaide, Australia, 8 December 2016.
8. Ali Altaee, Enhanced Performance Dual Stage Pressure Retarded Osmosis,
International Forward Osmosis Summit, Sydney, Australia, December, 2016
9. Ali Altaee, Adel Sharif, More energy by dual stage PRO process for power
generation from concentrated salinity gradient, Desalination for the
Environment: Clean Water and Energy, Rome, 22–26 May 2016
10. Ali Altaee, Adel Sharif, Performance of enhanced FO-RO process for
seawater desalination, Desalination for the Environment: Clean Water and
Energy, Rome, 22–26 May 2016
11. Adel O. Sharif and Ali Al-Taee, Low Energy Forward Osmosis Desalination
Process and a Comparison with Conventional Reverse Osmosis, Water
Efficiency Conference, University of Exeter UK, 5-7th August 2015.
12. Ali Altaee, Adel Sharif, Guillermo Zaragoza, Dual stage PRO process for
power generation from different feed resources, European Desalination
Conference, 10-14 May 2015 Palermo, Italy
13. Ali Altaee, Adel Sharif, Effect of Draw Solution on the Efficiency of Two-Stage
FO-RO/BWRO for Seawater and Brackish Water Desalination, European
Desalination Conference, 10-14 May 2015 Palermo, Italy.
14. Ali Altaee, Abdulnaser Mabrouk, Karim Bouroni: Forward Osmosis
Pretreatment of Seawater to Thermal Desalination Processes, European
Desalination Society (EDS) Conference in Limasol, Cyprus, 11-15 May, 2014
15. Ali Altaee, Hugh Fergusson, High recovery and low fouling FO/MSF/MED
hybrid system for seawater desalination, 1 st International Conference on
Desalination using Membrane Technology, 7-10 April 2013, Sitges, Spain
16. Ali Altaee and Hugh Fergusson, Scale Elements Removal from Feed Water to
Thermal Desalination Processes, Water World Middle East, Doha, Doha,
February, 2012
17. Ali Altaee, Dual stage NF-BWRO desalination process for seawater
desalination, Energy and water international conference, Qatar, 6-9
February 2012
18. Ali Altaee, Forward Osmosis: Potential use in Desalination and Water
Treatment, AIChe, Minneapolis, USA, October 2011-06-17
19. Ali Altaee, A Conceptual Membrane Arrangement Design in the High
Pressure Vessel for Seawater Desalination, Riverside, CA, USA. May 22-25
(2011), 659-670
20. Enrico Remegi, Jonghoon Lee, Ali Altaee, Fariba Amirrad, Youri Amerlinck
Design and Modeling Large Capacity Wastewater Treatment Plant Using
WEST Program, Power-Gen Middle East, Qatar, 14-16 October 2010
21. A. Al-Rawajfeh and Ali Altaee, influence of nanofiltration pretreatment on
scale deposition in MSF desalination evaporators, IDA, World Congress on
Desalination and Water Reuse, Dubai, UAE 7-12 November 2009
Patent and intellectual properties
1. Ali Altaee, Ali Malekizadeh, (2019). Development of a robust and high
performance hydrogel, Application Number 2019900104 (patent pending).
2. Ali Altaee, Patent number GB 0817246.2, (2008), University of Surrey, UK.
Methods of scale reduction in thermal processes using membrane treatment
3. Ali Altaee, Adel Sharif, Patent number GB0817517.6, (2008), University of
Surrey, UK. Selective ions removal from solution
4. Ali Altaee, Adel Sharif, Patent number GB0817248.8, (2008), University of
Surrey, UK. Low molecular weight organic substances removal from water
5. Ali Altaee, Adel Sharif, Patent number GB0817249.6, (2008), University of
Surrey, UK. Solar energy hybrid system
6. Ali Altaee, Adel Sharif, Patent number GB0817247.0, (2008), University of
Surrey, UK. Low fouling MBR system using vibratory system

Dr. Mrunalini Ramanathan
No. Year Examinations Results University
1. 2009 Middle school Pass Balalok matriculation
higher secondary school
2. 2011 High school Pass Balalok matriculation
higher secondary school
3. 2016 BDS Pass Meenakshi Ammal dental
college and hospital
4. 2020 MDS –
Final year
SRM dental college &
Hospital, Ramapuram
Specialization: Resident, MDS – ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL
Thesis Topic: 3D planning in Maxillofacial trauma using CAD/CAM
surgical splints: A prospective randomized controlled trial.
S. No. Post Period Experience
1. CRRI,
Meenakshi Ammal Dental
college and Hospital
2016-2017 1 year
2. Post graduate trainee
-Oral and maxillofacial
2017-2020 3years
1. Ramanathan M, Panneerselvam E, Kasi Ganesh S, Krishna Kumar
Raja V.B. The Use of a Novel CAD/CAM Splint to Simplify Open
Reduction and Internal Fixation of Mandibular Angle Fracture –
A Technical Note. J Craniomaxillofac Traum Reconstr. 2020.
Status – Published.
2. Ramanathan M, Panneerselvam E, Krishna Kumar Raja V.B. 3D
planning in mandibular fractures using CAD/CAM surgical
splints – A prospective randomized controlled clinical trial. J
Cranio-Maxillofac Surg. 2020, 48:405-412.
Status – Published.
1. Presented in the RESEARCH DAY program held at SRM dental
college on the topic: “Intra-operative time reduction in
maxillofacial trauma by combining custom-made splints and
usage of knotless suture” – Awarded 3
rd place.
1. Poster presentation at 6th Annual conference of AOMSI, Tamilnadu state
branch, Yercaud, 2018 – “AN ALTERNATIVE TO SUBMENTAL
2. Paper presentation at 2
nd ISDT, Chennai, Tamilnadu, 2019 – “ROLE OF
3. Paper presentation at 23rd Midterm conference, 9th PG convention, Raipur,
4. Poster presentation at 5th Annual live surgical workshop and student
convention, Chennai, Tamilnadu, 2017 – “COMPARISON OF TWO
5. Paper presentation at KANCON 2017, Chennai, Tamilnadu –
6. Poster presentation at 43rd Annual conference of AOMSI and 1st
Indo-Japan conference, Chennai, Tamilnadu, 2018 – “USE OF CAD/CAM
7. Poster presentation at 44th Annual conference of AOMSI, Bangalore,
8. Poster presentation – Thesis at PACE 2020, Madurai, Tamilnadu state
1. Poster presentation at 5th Annual live surgical workshop and student
convention, Chennai, Tamilnadu, 2017 – “COMPARISON OF TWO
CONTROLLED CLINICAL TRIAL” – Won 2nd best poster.
2. Poster presentation at 43rd Annual conference of AOMSI and 1st
Indo-Japan conference, Chennai, Tamilnadu, 2018 – “USE OF
FRACTURE – A CASE REPORT” – Won session best poster.
3. Paper presentation at 2
nd ISDT, Chennai, Tamilnadu, 2019 – “ROLE
STUDY” – Won best paper award.
BIOSTATISTICS”, Chennai, Tamilnadu, 2017.
2. CDE live surgical workshop on “SURGICAL ONCOLOGY &
APPROACH TO CANCER CURE”, Chennai, Tamilnadu, 2017.
Chennai, Tamilnadu, 2017.
5. KANCON 2017, Chennai, Tamilnadu, 2017.
6. 42nd Annual congress of association of oral and maxillofacial surgeon
of India, Nagpur, India 2017.
7. 5
th Annual live surgical workshop and student convention, Chennai,
Tamilnadu, 2017.
8. SNELSCON – Medical emergencies prevention and management,
Chennai, Tamilnadu, 2017.
9. 6
th Annual conference – Association of AOMSI, Tamilnadu state
branch, Yercaud, Tamilnadu, 2018.
10.AOCMF Trauma management seminar, Yercaud, Tamilnadu, 2018.
12.CDE – Multimodality management of Oral Cancer, Rela institute,
Chennai, Tamilnadu, 2018.
13.23rd Mid-term conference, 9th PG convention, MIDCOMS Raipur,
Chhattisgarh, 2019.
14.Pre-conference workshop at 19th National Conference of FHNO –
nd ISDT – Interdisciplinary Dental Trauma, Chennai, Tamilnadu,
17.PROMPT – Master class at Tiruvalla, Kerala, 2020.
18.PACE – AOMSI Tamilnadu branch, State conference, Madurai,
Tamilnadu, 2020.
1. Observership and trainee at the DEPT. OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY

Dr. Naoyuki Kishimoto
He received the Bachelor of Engineering (1993) and Master of Engineering (1995) in environmental and
sanitary engineering and Doctor of Engineering (2000) in environmental engineering from Kyoto
University, Japan. He has been a member of board of directors of Japan Society on Water Environment
(JSWE) from 2009. His main carrier is as follows:
1995–1997: Researcher (Technical Research Center, The Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc.)
1997–2001: Assistant Professor (Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University)
2001–2003: Lecturer (Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University)
2003–2008: Associate Professor (Faculty of Science and Technology, Ryukoku University)
2008–2020: Professor (Faculty of Science and Technology, Ryukoku University)
2020–present: Professor (Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology, Ryukoku University)
His current interests are physicochemical water treatment and limnological science. The former
includes advanced oxidation processes, electrochemical technologies, and coagulation-filtration
processes. The later includes anthropogenic pollution of lakes and reservoirs, algal blooms, and
primary productivity in inland waters.
He received various awards from scientific societies as follows:
WET Excellent Paper Award by JSWE in 2018 and 2019
WET Excellent Research Award by JSWE in 2014
WET Excellent Presentation Award by JSWE in 2012, 2017, 2018
Water Research Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing by Elsevier in 2017
Top 20 Most Downloaded Papers Published in Water and Environment Journal during 2016–2017
The JSWE Paper Award in 2016
JSWE-Metawater Best Paper Award in 2012
The 15th Paper Award by Japan Ozone Association in 2008
The JSWE Paper Award for Young Researchers in 2007
Encouragement Award of Journal of Sewage Works Association in 2004
Shinkichi Yoshimura Award by The Japanese Society of Limnology in 2000
Encouragement Award of the 35th Environmental Engineering Research Forum in 1999

Scientific and Academic Career
• Scientist positions @ CSIR- Central Scientific Instruments Organisation (CSIR-CSIO),
Chandigarh, India: (From 08/04/2008)
• FCT Postdoc Fellow @ Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal: From December
2004 – December 2007
• Visiting Scientist @ Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hanyang
University, Seoul, South Korea: (i) From December 2015 to February 2016. (ii) From
August 2017 to September 2017)
• CSIR Raman Fellow @ Institute of Materials in Electrical Engineering 1, RWTH Aachen
University, Aachen, Germany: From April 2019 to July 2019.
Degree Subject Year Univ/Board Grade
Ph.D. Chemistry 2004 IIT Roorkee, India —
M.Phil Ind. Methods 1998 IIT Roorkee, India First
of Chem. Anal. (Univ. Roorkee)
M.Sc. Chemistry 1997 Rohilkhand Univ. First
Bareilly, India
B.Sc. Chemistry, Physics, 1995 Gurukula Univ. First
Maths Haridwar, India
Research Interests
Analytical Chemistry and Biochemistry, Biosensors, Nanoscience, Material Science,
Environmental Chemistry, Energy Harvesting, Adsorption
Teaching Experience
• Faculty for Ph.D./M. Tech Course on Analytical Instrumentation since 2013.
• Course Coordinator of M. Tech (Instrumentation) Course on Advanced Materials and
Nanosensors during 2011-2013.
• Visiting Faculty for Ph.D./M. Tech Course on Environmental Nanotechnology during
December 2015 to February 2016 & August to September 2017.
Supervising Experience
Ph. D. Students (As main Guide) – 7 (Awarded), 4 (Pursuing)
M. Tech Projects – More than 25
B. Tech/M. Sc. – More than 25
Post-docs – 02
Awards and Recognitions
• 2018, CSIR Raman Research Fellowship
• 2017 & 2015, Hanyang University’s Visiting Professor Program
• 2004 & 2008, Postdoc Research Fellowship (Foundation of Science and Technology,
• 2001, Senior Research Fellowship (CSIR, India)
• 06 Best Paper/Poster Awards in National/International conferences
• Research news covered by Nature India, TERI Nano Newsflash, United Nation
(Coordinating Centre for Asia and the Pacific) Newsletter,,, http://www.nanobionics,net,,,
Technologies Transfers/Patents
• 04 Technology Transfers – (i) M/s Nanoshel India Pvt. Ltd. Chandigarh, India (ii) M/s
Exigo Recycling Pvt. Ltd., Delhi (iii) M/s Adv Metals Combine Pvt. Ltd., Delhi, India (iv)
M/s Amesys India, Ambala, India
• 01 Consultancy Project with M/s Dravya Daksh Overseas LLP, Rajasthan
• 02 Patents (Filed)
Research Publications
• More than 155 research papers in international journals (List Attached), Average
Impact Factor of publications since last 5 years = 5
• More than 100 presentations in International/National conferences
• Books/Book Chapters: 08
• h-Index – 35 (Google)
• Citations: More than 4500 (Google Scholar)
Ongoing Projects as Project Leader:
• Development of novel fluorescent platforms for the detection of heavy metals in water
(DBT, India), February 2018-January 2021. (Project Leader)
• Molybdenum disulphide nanotemplates based electrochemical nanosensor for food
toxins AFBI and AFM (SERB, India), August 2018-July 2021. (Project Leader)
• Advanced functional nanosurfaces for optical sensing of emerging pollutants and their
removal (CSIR, India), April 2020-March 2022. (Project Leader)
• Diagnostic system for sensitive detection of circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) using Fiber
Optic immunosensor. (CSIR, India), April 2020-March 2022. (Co-Project Leader)
Completed Project as Project Leader:
• Process technology for obtaining highly adsorbent material from battery waste. CSIR
Project, October 2015 – March 2016 (Project Leader)
• Optical sensors with integrated hierarchical chemical structures. CSIR Project, April
2012 – March 2017 (Project Leader)
• Characterization of the glucometer’s test strip for 2-electrode 3- connector and 3-
electrode 4-connector designs. Industrial Consultancy Project, (June 2017-October
2017) (Project Leader)
• Development of electrochemical biosensing platforms for cardiac markers (CSIR, India),
April 2018 – March 2020 (Co-Project Leader)
Establishment / In-charge of Institutional Research Facilities
UV-Vis Spectrophotometer, FTIR Spectrometer, Particle Size Analyzer, Field Emission Scanning
Electron Microscope, Atomic Force Microscope, Surface Plasmon Resonance Refractometer,
Electrochemical Work Station, Surface Area Analyzer, Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope
<span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”></span>
(*Corresponding author/first author)
1. Conductive and porous ZIF-67/PEDOT hybrid composite as superior electrode for all-solid-state
symmetrical supercapacitors. V Shrivastav, S Sundriyal, A Kaur, UK Tiwari, S Mishra, A Deep*.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 843, 155992 (2020).
2. PANI/PbS QD nanocomposite structure for visible light driven photocatalytic degradation of
rhodamine 6G. VA Chhabra, R Kaur, MS Walia, KH Kim, A Deep. Environmental Research 186, 109615
3. Nanotwinning: Generation, properties, and application. P Uttam, V Kumar, KH Kim, A Deep*.
Materials & Design, 192, 108752 (2020).
4. A review on mobile phones as bacterial reservoirs in healthcare environments and potential device
decontamination approaches. N Bhardwaj, M Khatri, SK Bhardwaj, C Sonne, A Deep*, KH Kim.
Environmental Research 186, 109569 (2020).
5. ZIF-67 derived Co3S4 hollow microspheres and WS2 nanorods as a hybrid electrode material for
flexible 2V solid-state supercapacitor. V Shrivastav, S Sundriyal, P Goel, V Shrivastav, UK Tiwari, A
Deep*. Electrochimica Acta 345, 136194 (2020).
6. Metal-organic frameworks-derived titanium dioxide–carbon nanocomposite for supercapacitor
applications. V Shrivastav, S Sundriyal, KH Kim, RK Sinha, UK Tiwari, A Deep*. International Journal
of Energy Research (2020).
7. Tantalum oxide thin films for electrochemical pH sensor. N Sharma, M Kumar, N Kumari, A Deep, JK
Goswamy, AL Sharma. Materials Research Express 7(3), 036405 (2020).
8. Metalloporphyrinic metal-organic frameworks: Controlled synthesis for catalytic applications in
environmental and biological media. SA Younis, DK Lim, KH Kim, A Deep*. Advances in Colloid and
Interface Science 277, 102108 (2020).
9. Investigations of potent biocompatible metal-organic framework for efficient encapsulation and
delivery of Gemcitabine: biodistribution, pharmacokinetic and cytotoxicity study. P Kush, M Kaur,
M Sharma, J Madan, P Kumar, A Deep, KH Kim. Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express 6(2),
025014 (2020).
10. Theoretical prediction of thermal and electronic properties of metal-organic frameworks. H Kaur, S
Sundriyal, V Kumar, AL Sharma, KH Kim, B Wang, A Deep*. Journal of Industrial and Engineering
Chemistry 80, 136-151 (2019).
11. Luminescent metal-organic frameworks and their composites: Potential future materials for
organic light emitting displays. H Kaur, S Sundriyal, V Pachauri, S Ingebrandt, KH Kim, AL Sharma,
A Deep*. Coordination Chemistry Reviews 401, 213077 (2019).
12. Biodistribution and Pharmacokinetic Study of Gemcitabine Hydrochloride Loaded Biocompatible
Iron-Based Metal Organic Framework. P Kush, T Bajaj, M Kaur, J Madan, UK Jain, P Kumar, A Deep,
KH Kim. Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials 1-15 (2019).
13. A graphene electrode functionalized with aminoterephthalic acid for impedimetric immunosensing
of Escherichia coli. A Gupta, SK Bhardwaj, AL Sharma, A Deep*. Microchimica Acta 186 (12), 800
14. Computational analysis to study the effect of infusion of Tetracyanoquinodimethane in zinc based
metal-organic framework. V Kumar, H Kaur, K Tankeshwar, A Deep*. Materials Research Express 7
(1), 015001 (2019).
15. Synergistic Antimicrobial Activity in Ampicillin Loaded Core-Shell ZnO@ ZIF-8 Particles. GC
Mohanta, SK Pandey, IK Maurya, TS Sahota, SK Mondal, A Deep*. ChemistrySelect 4 (41), 12002-
12009 (2019).
16. Application of Zr-Cluster-Based MOFs for the Adsorptive Removal of Aliphatic Aldehydes (C1 to C5)
from an Industrial Solvent. K Vikrant, YX Deng, KH Kim, SA Younis, DW Boukhvalov, WS Ahn, A Deep.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11 (47), 44270-44281 (2019).
17. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and their composites as electrodes for lithium battery
applications: Novel means for alternative energy storage. V Shrivastav, S Sundriyal, P Goel, H Kaur,
SK Tuteja, K Vikrant, KH Kim, UK Tiwari, A Deep*. Coordination Chemistry Reviews 393, 48-78
18. Photocatalytic mineralization of hydrogen sulfide as a dual-phase technique for hydrogen
production and environmental remediation. K Vikrant, KH Kim, A Deep*. Applied Catalysis B:
Environmental 118025 (2019)
19. Organophosphate hydrolase conjugated UiO-66-NH2 MOF based highly sensitive optical detection
of methyl parathion. J Mehta, S Dhaka, AK Paul, S Dayananda, A Deep*. Environmental Research 174,
46-53 (2019).
20. Application of an enzyme encapsulated metal-organic framework composite for convenient sensing
and degradation of methyl parathion. J Mehta, S Dhaka, N Bhardwaj, AK Paul, S Dayananda, SE Lee,
KH Kim, A Deep*. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 290, 267-274 (2019).
21. Significantly enhanced performance of rGO/TiO2 nanosheet composite electrodes based 1.8 V
symmetrical supercapacitor with use of redox additive electrolyte. S Sundriyal, V Shrivastav, M
Sharma, S Mishra, A Deep*. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 790, 377-387 (2019).
22. Glycoconjugates coated gold nanorods based novel biosensor for optical detection and
photothermal ablation of food borne bacteria. S Kaushal, N Priyadarshi, AK Pinnaka, S Soni, A Deep,
NK Singhal. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 289, 207-215 (2019).
23. Enhanced hydrothermal stability of Cu MOF by post synthetic modification with amino acids. R Rani,
A Deep, B Mizaikoff, S Singh. Vacuum 164, 449-457 (2019).
24. Nanomaterials as efficient platforms for sensing DNA. K Vikrant, N Bhardwaj, SK Bhardwaj, KH Kim,
A Deep*. Biomaterials 214, 119215 (2019).
25. Two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides assisted biofunctionalized optical fiber SPR
biosensor for efficient and rapid detection of bovine serum albumin. S Kaushik, UK Tiwari, A Deep,
RK Sinha. Scientific Reports 9 (1), 1-11 (2019).
26. Cyclodextrin-metal–organic framework (CD-MOF): From synthesis to applications. T Rajkumar, D
Kukkar, KH Kim, JR Sohn, A Deep*. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 72, 50-66 (2019).
27. Advanced Functional Structure-Based Sensing and Imaging Strategies for Cancer Detection:
Possibilities, Opportunities, Challenges, and Prospects. V Kumar, D Kukkar, B Hashemi, KH Kim, A
Deep*. Advanced Functional Materials 29 (16), 1807859 (2019).
28. Development of an advanced electrochemical biosensing platform for E. coli using hybrid metal-
organic framework/polyaniline composite. A Gupta, SK Bhardwaj, AL Sharma, KH Kim, A Deep*.
Environmental Research 171, 395-402 (2019).
29. Redox additive electrolyte study of Mn–MOF electrode for supercapacitor applications. S Sundriyal,
V Shrivastav, M Sharma, S Mishra, A Deep*. ChemistrySelect 4 (9), 2585-2592 (2019).
30. Optical detection of waterborne pathogens using nanomaterials. N Bhardwaj, SK Bhardwaj, D Bhatt,
DK Lim, KH Kim, A Deep*. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry (2019).
31. Study of Manganese-1, 4-Benzenedicarboxylate Metal Organic Framework Electrodes Based Solid
State Symmetrical Supercapacitor. S Sundriyal, S Mishra, A Deep*. Energy Procedia 158, 5817-5824
32. Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) for the removal of emerging contaminants from aquatic
environments. S Dhaka, R Kumar, A Deep, MB Kurade, SW Ji, BH Jeon. Coordination Chemistry
Reviews 380, 330-352 (2019).
33. Nanomaterials for sensing of formaldehyde in air: Principles, applications, and performance
evaluation. D Kukkar, K Vellingiri, R Kaur, SK Bhardwaj, A Deep*, KH Kim. Nano Research (2), 225-
246 (2019).
34. Highly sensitive optical biosensing of Staphylococcus aureus with an antibody/metal–organic
framework bioconjugate. N Bhardwaj, SK Bhardwaj, D Bhatt, SK Tuteja, KH Kim, A Deep*. RSC
Analytical Methods 11 (7), 917-923 (2019).
35. Nanomaterial-based electrochemical sensors for the detection of neurochemicals in biological
matrices. A Azzouz, KY Goud, N Raza, E Ballesteros, SE Lee, J Hong, A Deep*, KH Kim. TrAC Trends in
Analytical Chemistry 110, 15-34 (2019).
36. A three-phase copper MOF-graphene-polyaniline composite for effective sensing of ammonia. SK
Bhardwaj, GC Mohanta, AL Sharma, KH Kim, A Deep*. Analytica Chimica Acta 1043, 89-97 (2018).
37. A high-performance symmetrical supercapacitor with combination of ZIF-67/rGO composite
electrode and redox additive electrolyte. S Sundriyal, V Shrivastav, H Kaur, S Mishra, A Deep*. ACS
Omega 3 (12), 17348-17358 (2018)
38. A critical review on the metal sensing capabilities of optically active nanomaterials: Limiting factors,
mechanism, and performance evaluation. D Kukkar, K Vellingiri, V Kumar, A Deep*, KH Kim. TrAC
Trends in Analytical Chemistry 109, 227-246 (2018).
39. Recent Progress in Biological and Chemical Sensing by Luminescent Metal-Organic Frameworks. D
Kukkar, K Vellingiri, , KH Kim, A Deep*. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 273, 1346-1370 (2018).
40. The utilization of zinc recovered from alkaline battery waste as metal precursor in the synthesis of
metal-organic framework. K Vellingiri, DCW Tsang, KH Kim, A Deep*, T Dutta, DW Boukhvalov.
Journal of Cleaner Production 199, 995-1006 (2018).
41. Synthesis and solar cell application of a composite of Eu-BTB MOF with functionalized graphene. SK
Sharma, H Kaur, K Kumar, M Tyagi, A Deep*. Materials Research Express 5 (12), 125501 (2018).
42. Potential use of polymers and their complexes as media for storage and delivery of fragrances. R
Kaur, D Kukkar, SK Bhardwaj, KH Kim, A Deep*. Journal of Controlled Release 285, 81-95 (2018).
43. Bioactive nano-metal–organic frameworks as antimicrobials against Gram-positive and Gram-
negative bacteria. N Bhardwaj, SK Pandey, J Mehta, SK Bhardwaj, KH Kim, A Deep*. Toxicology
Research 7, 931-941 (2018).
44. A novel approach for amine derivatization of MoS2 nanosheets and their application toward label-
free immunosensor. M Kukkar, SK Tuteja, P Kumar, KH Kim, AS Bhadwal, A Deep*. Analytical
Biochemistry 555, 1-8, (2018).
45. Metal-organic frameworks and their composites as efficient electrodes for supercapacitor
applications. S Sundriyal, H Kaur, SK Bhardwaj, S Mishra, KH Kim, A Deep*. Coordination Chemistry
Reviews 369, 15-38 (2018).
46. Improved electrochemical performance of rGO/TiO2 nanosheet composite based electrode for
supercapacitor applications. S Sundriyal, M Sharma, A Kaur, S Mishra, A Deep*. Journal of Materials
Science: Materials in Electronics 29(15), 12754-12764 (2018).
47. Metal-organic framework (MOF)-based advanced sensing platforms for hydrogen sulfide detection.
K Vikrant, V Kumar, YS Ok, KH Kim, A Deep*. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 105, 263-281
48. An engineering insight into block copolymer self-assembly: Contemporary application from
biomedical research to nanotechnology. P Samaddar, A Deep*, KH Kim. Chemical Engineering
Journal 342, 71-89 (2018).
49. An overview of different strategies to introduce conductivity in metal–organic frameworks and
miscellaneous applications thereof. SK Bhardwaj, N Bhardwaj, R Kaur, J Mehta, AL Sharma, KH Kim,
A Deep. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 6, 14992-15009 (2018).
50. Towards high-efficiency sorptive capture of radionuclides in solution and gas. K Vellingiri, KH Kim,
A Pournara, A Deep*. Progress in Materials Science 94, 1-67 (2018).
51. Aromatic hydrocarbons in air, water, and soil: Sampling and pre-treatment techniques. N Raza, B
Hashemi, KH Kim, SH Lee, A Deep*. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 103, 56-73 (2018).
52. A Comprehensive Review on Nano-Molybdenum Disulfide/DNA Interfaces as Emerging Biosensing
Platforms. M Kukkar, GC Mohanta, SK Tuteja, P Kumar, AS Bhadwal, P Samaddar, KH Kim, A Deep*.
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 107, 244-258 (2018).
53. Metal–organic framework composites as electrocatalysts for electrochemical sensing applications.
S Kempahanumakkagari, K Vellingiri, A Deep*, EE Kwon, N Bolan, KH Kim. Coordination Chemistry
Reviews 357, 105-129 (2018).
54. Synthesis and spectroscopic studies of functionalized graphene quantum dots with diverse
fluorescence characteristics. VA Chhabra, R Kaur, N Kumar, A Deep*, C Rajesh, KH Kim. RSC Advances
8 (21), 11446-11454 (2018).
55. Hybrid porous thin films: Opportunities and challenges for sensing applications. P Kumar, KH Kim,
K Vellingiri, P Samaddar, P Kumar, A Deep, N Kumar. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 104, 120-137
56. Recovery of nanomaterials from battery and electronic wastes: A new paradigm of environmental
waste management. Tanushree Dutta, Ki-Hyun Kim, Akash Deep, Jan E Szulejko, Kowsalya Vellingiri,
Sandeep Kumar, Eilhann E Kwon, Seong-Taek Yun. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82,
3694-3704 (2018).
57. Functionalized fluorescent nanomaterials for sensing pollutants in the environment: A critical
review. L Walekar, T Dutta, P Kumar, YS Ok, S Pawar, A Deep*, KH Kim. TrAC Trends in Analytical
Chemistry 97, 458-467 (2017).
58. Antibody Conjugated Glycine Doped Polyaniline Nanofilms as Efficient Biosensor for Atrazine. S
Bhardwaj, AL Sharma, KH Kim, A Deep*. Materials Research Express 4, 125022 (2017).
59. Fluorescent Nanobiosensors for the Targeted Detection of Foodborne Bacteria. N Bhardwaj, SK
Bhardwaj, MK Nayak, J Mehta, KH Kim, A Deep*. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 97, 120-135
60. MOF-Bacteriophage Biosensor for Highly Sensitive and Specific Detection of S. aureus. N Bhardwaj,
SK Bhardwaj, J Mehta, KH Kim, A Deep*. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9(39), 33589–33598
61. Molybdenum Disulphide Quantum Dot Based Highly Sensitive Impedimetric Immunoassay for
Prostate Specific Antigen. M Kukkar, S Singh, Ni Kumar, S K Tuteja, KH Kim, A Deep*. Microchimica
Acta 12, 4647-4654 (2017).
62. Recent advances in liquid-phase microextraction techniques for the analysis of environmental
pollutants. B Hashemi, P Zohrabi, KH Kim, M Shamsipur, A Deep*, J Hong. TrAC Trends in Analytical
Chemistry 97, 83-95 (2017).
63. Nanomaterial-based electrochemical sensors for arsenic-A review. S Kempahanumakkagari, A
Deep*, KH Kim, SK Kailasa, HO Yoon. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 95, 106-116 (2017).
64. Efficient photocatalytic and photovoltaic applications with nanocomposites between CdTe QDs and
an NTU-9 MOF. R Kaur, A Rana, RK Singh, VA Chhabra, KH Kim, A Deep*. RSC Advances 7 (46), 29015-
29024 (2017).
65. Engineered nano particles: Nature, behavior, and effect on the environment. L Goswami, K-H Kim,
A Deep, P Das, S S Bhattacharya, S Kumar, A A Adelodun. Journal of Environmental Management 196,
297-315 (2017).
66. Hydrolytic degradation of polylactic acid (PLA) and its composites. MA Elsawy, A Deep*, J.-W Park,
KH Kim, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 79, 1346-1352 (2017).
67. Quantum-sized nanomaterials for solar cell applications. S Kumar, M Nehra, A Deep, D Kedia, N
Dilbaghi, KH Kim. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 73, 821-839 (2017).
68. A novel CdTe/Eu-MOF photoanode for application in quantum dot-sensitized solar cell to improve
power conversion efficiency. R Kaur, AL Sharma, KH Kim, A Deep*. Journal of Industrial and
Engineering Chemistry 53, 77-81 (2017).
69. Luminescent metal-organic frameworks for the detection of nitrobenzene in aqueous media.
Vellingiri, DW Boukhvalov, SK Pandey, A Deep*, KH Kim. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 245,
305-313 (2017).
70. Graphene quantum dot modified screen printed immunosensor for the determination of parathion.
J Mehta, N Bhardwaj, SK Bhardwaj, SK Tuteja, P Vinayak, AK Paul, KH Kim, A Deep*. Analytical
Biochemistry 523, 1-9 (2017).
71. The sensitive detection of formaldehyde in aqueous media using zirconium-based metal organic
frameworks. K Vellingiri, A Deep, KH Kim, DW Boukhvalov, P Kumar, Q Yao. Sensors and Actuators
B: Chemical 241, 938-948 (2017).
72. TCNQ-doped Cu-metal organic framework as a novel conductometric immunosensing platform for
the quantification of prostate cancer antigen. SK Bhardwaj, AL Sharma, N Bhardwaj, M Kukkar, AS
Gill, KH Kim, A Deep*. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 240, 10-17 (2017).
73. A convenient electrolytic assembly of graphene-MOF composite thin film and its photoanodic
application. R Kaur, KH Kim, A Deep*. Applied Surface Science 396, 1303-1309 (2017).
74. Function of the SIRT3 mitochondrial deacetylase in cellular physiology, cancer, and
neurodegenerative disease. A Ansari, M Rahman, SK Saha, FK Saikot, A Deep, KH Kim. Aging Cell 1,
4-16 (2017).
75. Global warming projections to 2100 using simple CO2greenhouse gas modeling and comments on
CO2 climate sensitivity factor. JE Szulejko, P Kumar, A Deep, KH Kim. Atmospheric Pollution Research
8, 136-140 (2017).
76. Metal-organic frameworks for the adsorption of gaseous toluene under ambient temperature and
pressure. K Vellingiri, P Kumar, A Deep*, KH Kim. Chemical Engineering Journal 307, 1116-1126
77. Self assembly of a γ-amino butyric acid based derivative into tunable nano/micro structures. SK
Brar, P Singh, M Bajaj, A Deep, N Wangoo, RK Sharma. Materials Chemistry Frontiers 1, 449-454
78. Performance of Air Fresher System for the Removal of Various Odorants Released from Foodstuffs.
KH Kim, AA Adelodun, A Deep*, EE Kwon, EC Jeon, YH Kim, SH Jo, M.-H. Lee, S.-B. Cho, O.-H. Hwang.
Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment (AJAE) 11 (1), 37-53 (2017).
79. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and volatile organic compounds in biochar and biochar-amended
soil: a review. T Dutta, E Kwon, SS Bhattacharya, BH Jeon, A Deep, M Uchimiya, KH Kim. GCB
Bioenergy 9 (6), 990-1004 (2017).
80. A critical review on the diverse preconcentration procedures on bag samples in the quantitation of
volatile organic compounds from cigarette smoke and other combustion samples. KH Kim, JE
Szulejko, E Kwon, A Deep. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 85, 65-74 (2016).
81. Highly sensitive detection of dipicolinic acid with a water-dispersible terbium-metal organic
framework. N Bhardwaj, S Bhardwaj, J Mehta, KH Kim, A Deep*. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 86,
799-804 (2016).
82. A label-free electrochemical immunosensor for the detection of cardiac marker using graphene
quantum dots (GQDs). SK Tuteja, R Chen, M Kukkar, Cl Song, R Mutreja, S Singh, AK Paul, H Lee, KH
Kim, A Deep*, CR Suri. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 86, 548-556 (2016).
83. Global demand for rare earth resources and strategies for green mining. T Dutta, KH Kim, M
Uchimiya, EE Kwon, BH Jeon, A Deep, ST Yun. Environmental Research 150, 182-190 (2016).
84. Metal–Organic Frameworks as a Potential Platform for Selective Treatment of Gaseous Sulfur
Compounds. K Vellingiri, A Deep*, KH Kim, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 44, 29835-29857
85. Application of MoS2 modified screen-printed electrodes for highly sensitive detection of bovine
serum albumin. M Kukkar, A Sharma, P Kumar, KH Kim, A Deep*. Analytica Chimica Acta 939, 101-
107 (2016).
86. Biological applications of zinc imidazole framework through protein encapsulation. P Kumar, V
Bansal, AK Paul, LM Bharadwaj, A Deep, KH Kim. Applied Nanoscience 6, 951-957 (2016).
87. The storage stability of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) in polyester aluminum bags.
JH Ahn, A Deep*, KH Kim. Atmospheric Environment 141, 430-434 (2016).
88. Practical utilization of nanocrystal metal organic framework biosensor for parathion specific
recognition. P Kumar, KH Kim, V Bansal, AK Paul, A Deep. Microchemical Journal 128, 102-107
89. Graphene modified screen printed immunosensor for highly sensitive detection of parathion. J
Mehta, P Vinayak, SK Tuteja, VA Chhabra, N Bhardwaj, AK Paul, KH Kim, A Deep*. Biosensors and
Bioelectronics 83, 339-346 (2016).
90. Recent advances in enzyme immobilization techniques: Metal-organic frameworks as novel
substrates. J Mehta, N Bhardwaj, SK Bhardwaj, KH Kim, A Deep*. Coordination Chemistry Reviews
322, 30-40 (2016).
91. Efficient photocatalytic degradation of rhodamine 6G with a quantum dot-metal organic framework
nanocomposite. R Kaur, K Vellingiri, KH Kim, AK Paul, A Deep*. Chemosphere 154, 620-627 (2016).
92. Bacteriophage immobilized graphene electrodes for impedimetric sensing of bacteria
(Staphylococcus arlettae). N Bhardwaj, SK Bhardwaj, J Mehta, GC Mohanta, A Deep*. Analytical
Biochemistry 505, 18-25 (2016).
93. A New Electrolytic Synthesis Method for Few-Layered MoS2 Nanosheets and Their Robust
Biointerfacing with Reduced Antibodies. M Kukkar, SK Tuteja, AL Sharma, V Kumar, AK Paul, KH
Kim, P Sabherwal, A Deep*. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8 (26), 16555-16563 (2016).
94. A facile chemical route for recovery of high quality zinc oxide nanoparticles from spent alkaline
batteries. A Deep*, AL Sharma, GC Mohanta, P Kumar, KH Kim. Waste Management 51, 190-195
95. Gold nanoparticles-reduced graphene oxide based electrochemical immunosensor for the cardiac
biomarker myoglobin. S Singh, SK Tuteja, D Sillu, A Deep, CR Suri. Microchimica Acta 183 (5), 1729-
1738 (2016).
96. Airborne iron across major urban centers in South Korea between 1991 and 2012. KH Kim, YJ Hong,
JE Szulejko, CH Kang, S Chambers, X Feng, A Deep, YH Kim. Science of the Total Environment 550,
309-320 (2016).
97. Characterization of quality assurance properties of biogenic volatile organic compounds with an
emphasis on the breakthrough behavior, recovery, and temporal stability. JH Ahn, KH Kim, JE
Szulejko, EE Kwon, A Deep. Microchemical Journal 125, 142-150 (2016).
98. Progress in the biosensing techniques for trace-level heavy metals. J Mehta, SK Bhardwaj, N
Bhardwaj, AK Paul, P Kumar, KH Kim, A Deep*. Biotechnology Advances 34 (1), 47-60 (2016).
99. Insights into the adsorption capacity and breakthrough properties of a synthetic zeolite against a
mixture of various sulfur species at low ppb levels. K Vellingiri, KH Kim, EE Kwon, A Deep, SH Jo, JE
Szulejko. Journal of Environmental Management 166, 484-492 (2016).
100. Improved performance of carbon nanotubes—manganese doped cadmium sulfide quantum dot
nanocomposite based solar cell. R Kaur, N Priya, A Deep*. Materials Research Express 3 (1), 015501
101. Performance comparison of MOF and other sorbent materials in removing key odorants emitted
from pigpen slurry. E Ahmed, A Deep*, EE Kwon, RJC Brown, KH Kim. Scientific Reports 6, 31283
102. Bacteriophage conjugated IRMOF-3 as a novel opto-sensor for S. arlettae. N Bhardwaj, SK Bhardwaj,
J Mehta, MK Nayak, A Deep*. New Journal of Chemistry 40 (9), 8068-8073 (2016).
103. Metal organic frameworks as sorption media for volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds at
ambient conditions. K Vellingiri, JE Szulejko, P Kumar, EE Kwon, KH Kim, A Deep. DW Boukhvalov,
RJC Brown, Scientific Reports 6, 27813 (2016).
104. Recent advances in the photovoltaic applications of coordination polymers and metal organic
frameworks, R Kaur, KH Kim, AK Paul, A Deep*. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 4 (11), 3991-4002
105. Formation of high-purity indium oxide nanoparticles and their application to sensitive detection of
ammonia. SK Bhardwaj, N Bhardwaj, M Kukkar, AL Sharma, KH Kim, A Deep*. Sensors 15 (12),
31930-31938 (2015).
106. Metal organic frameworks for sensing applications. P Kumar, A Deep, KH Kim. TrAC Trends in
Analytical Chemistry 73, 39-53 (2015).
107. Immunosensing of atrazine with antibody-functionalized Cu-MOF conducting thin films. SK
Bhardwaj, N Bhardwaj, GC Mohanta, P Kumar, AL Sharma, KH Kim, A Deep*, ACS Applied Materials
& Interfaces 7 (47), 26124-26130 (2015).
108. Lipase immobilized carbon nanotubes for conversion of Jatropha oil to fatty acid methyl esters. A
Deep*. AL Sharma, P Kumar, Biomass and Bioenergy 81, 83-87 (2015).
109. Recent advancements in sensing techniques based on functional materials for organophosphate
pesticides. P Kumar, KH Kim, A Deep. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 70, 469-481 (2015).
110. One step in-situ synthesis of amine functionalized graphene for immunosensing of cardiac marker
cTnI. SK Tuteja, M Kukkar, CR Suri, AK Paul, A Deep*. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 66, 129-135
111. Surface assembly of nano-metal organic framework on amine functionalized indium tin oxide
substrate for impedimetric sensing of parathion. A Deep*, SK Bhardwaj, AK Paul, KH Kim, P Kumar.
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 65, 226-231 (2015).
112. Coordination polymers: Opportunities and challenges for monitoring volatile organic compounds.
P Kumar, A Deep, KH Kim, RJC Brown. Progress in Polymer Science 45, 102-118 (2015).
113. Synthesis and energy applications of Metal Organic Frameworks. P Kumar, A Deep, KH Kim. Journal
of Porous Materials 22(2), 413-424 (2015).
114. Styrene Sulphonic Acid Doped Polyaniline Based Immunosensor for Highly Sensitive Impedimetric
Sensing of Atrazine. A Deep*, M Saraf, SK Bharadwaj, AL Sharma. Electrochimica Acta 146, 301-306
115. Bioconjugation of anti estrogen alpha antibody with CdSSe/ZnS quantum dots for molecular sensing
of a breast cancer antigen. P Kumar, SC Sharma, A Deep*. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 202,
404-409 (2014).
116. Nanocomposite of europium organic framework and quantum dots for highly sensitive
chemosensing of trinitrotoluene. R Kaur, AK Paul, A Deep*. Forensic science international 242, 88-
93 (2014).
117. Sensitive chemosensing of nitro group containing organophosphate pesticides with MOF-5. P
Kumar, AK Paul, A Deep*. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 195, 60-66 (2014).
118. Assembly of europium organic framework–gold nanoparticle composite thin films on silicon
substrate. A Deep*, R Kaur, P Kumar, P Kumar, AK Paul. Thin Solid Films 565, 7-10 (2014).
119. Biofunctionalized Rebar Graphene (f-RG) for Label-Free Detection of Cardiac Marker Troponin I. SK
Tuteja, P Sabherwal, A Deep*, R Rastogi, AK Paul, CR Suri. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 6 (17),
14767-14771 (2014).
120. Phosphinic acid functionalized carbon nanotubes for sensitive and selective sensing of chromium
(VI). A Deep*, AL Sharma, SK Tuteja, AK Paul. Journal of Hazardous Materials 278, 559-565 (2014).
121. A generic algorithm for extraction, analysis and presentation of important journal information from
online journals. V Kumar, G Gupta, HK Sardana, A Deep. Annals of Library and Information Studies
(ALIS) 61 (2), 93-101 (2014).
122. Synthesis and Characterization of Silica-Coated Silver Nanoprobe for Paraoxon pesticide Detection.
SK Tuteja, M Kukkar, P Kumar, AK Paul, A Deep*. BioNanoScience 4(2) 149-156 (2014).
123. Luminescent nanocrystal metal organic framework based biosensor for molecular recognition. P
Kumar, P Kumar, LM Bharadwaj, AK Paul, A Deep*. Inorganic Chemistry Communications 43, 114-
117 (2014).
124. Highly sensitive chemosensing of trinitrotoluene with europium organic framework/gold
nanoparticle composite. R Kaur, AK Paul, A Deep*. Inorganic Chemistry Communications 43, 118-
120 (2014).
125. Conjugation of chlorinated carbon nanotubes with quantum dots for electronic applications. R Kaur,
AK Paul, A Deep*. Materials Letters 117, 165-167 (2014).
126. Bioconjugation of MOF-5 for molecular sensing. P Kumar, A Deep, AK Paul, LM Bharadwaj. Journal
of Porous Materials 21(1), 99-104 (2014).
127. Graphene-gated biochip for the detection of cardiac marker Troponin I. SK Tuteja, V Bhalla, A Deep,
AK Paul, CR Suri. Analytica Chimica Acta 809, 148-154 (2014).
128. A luminescent nanocrystal metal organic framework for chemosensing of nitro group containing
organophosphate pesticides. P Kumar, AK Paul, A Deep*. Analytical Methods 6 (12), 4095-4101
129. Nanostructured polyaniline films on silicon for sensitive sensing of ammonia. AL Sharma, K Kumar,
A Deep*. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 198, 107-112 (2013).
130. Aqueous synthesis of l-cysteine stabilized water-dispersible CdS: Mn quantum dots for biosensing
applications. P Kumar, P Kumar, LM Bharadwaj, AK Paul, SC Sharma, P Kush, A Deep*.
BioNanoScience 3 (2), 95-101 (2013).
131. Thermally evaporated poly (Aniline-co-fluoroaniline) films for ammonia sensing. AL Sharma, P
Kumar, A Deep. Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering 52 (7), 737-742 (2013).
132. Synthesis and conjugation of ZnO nanoparticles with bovine serum albumin for biological
applications. P Kumar, P Kumar, A Deep, LM Bharadwaj. Applied Nanoscience 3 (2), 141-144 (2013).
133. Zn Based Metal Organic Framework as Adsorbent Material for Mecoprop. P Bansal, LM Bharadwaj,
A Deep, P Kaushik. Research Journal of Recent Sciences 2 (7), 84-86 (2013).
134. Synthesis of mercaptopropionic acid stabilized CdS quantum dots for bioimaging in breast cancer.
P Kumar, D Kukkar, A Deep, SC Sharma, LM Bharadwaj. Advanced Material Letters (VBRI) 3, 471-
475 (2012).
135. Nanostructured polyaniline–silicon substrate for protein biosensing. A Deep*, AL Sharma, P Kumar,
LM Bharadwaj. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 171, 210-215 (2012).
136. Highly sensitive glucose sensing with multi-walled carbon nanotubes polyaniline composite. AL
Sharma, P Kumar, A Deep. Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering 51 (13), 1382-1387 (2012).
137. Doped Zinc-Organic Framework for Sensing of Pesticide. P Kumar, P Kumar, A Deep, LM Bharadwaj.
Advanced Materials Research 488, 1543-1546 (2012).
138. Immobilization of enzyme on long period grating fibers for sensitive glucose detection. A Deep*, U
Tiwari, P Kumar, V Mishra, SC Jain, N Singh, P Kapur. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 33 (1), 190-195
139. Bioconjugation of InGaP quantum dots for molecular sensing. P Kumar, A Deep*, SC Sharma, LM
Bharadwaj. Analytical Biochemistry 421 (1), 285-290 (2012).
140. Recovery of Pure ZnO Nanoparticles from Spent Zn-MnO2 Alkaline Batteries. A Deep*, K Kumar, P
Kumar, P Kumar, AL Sharma, B Gupta. Environmental Science & Technology 45 (24), 10551-10556
141. Molecular phase separation effect on calorimetric properties of GexSe80-xPb20 glasses. K Kumar,
LP Purohit, RM Mehra, A Deep. Chalcogenide Letters 8 (11), 659-670 (2011).
142. Recovery of copper from zinc leaching liquor using ACORGA M5640. A Deep*. P Kumar, JMR
Carvalho, Separation and Purification Technology 76 (1), 21-25 (2010).
143. Review on the Recent Developments in the Solvent Extraction of Zinc. Akash Deep*, Jorge M.R.
Carvalho. Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange 26(4), 375-404 (2008).
144. Liquid-liquid extraction and separation of a macro concentration of Fe3+. Akash Deep*, Paulo F.M.
Correia, Jorge M.R. Carvalho. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 46(17), 5707-5714
145. Separation and recovery of Fe(III) and Cr(III) from a tannery filtrate using Cyanex 272. Akash Deep*,
Paulo F.M. Correia, Jorge M.R. Carvalho. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 45, 3200-
3206 (2006).
146. Selective recoveries of Fe(III) and Cr(III) from a tannery filtrate using Cyanex 923. Akash Deep*,
Paulo F.M. Correia, Jorge M.R. Carvalho. Analytica Chimica Acta 558(1-2), 254-260 (2006).
147. Extractive spectrophotometric determination of cobalt using Cyanex 923. Bina Gupta, Akash Deep,
Virendra Singh, S.N. Tandon. Indian Journal of Chemical Technology 11, 470-474 (2004).
148. Liquid-liquid extraction and recovery of indium using Cyanex 923. Bina Gupta, Akash Deep, Poonma
Malik. Analytica Chimica Acta 513, 463-471 (2004).
149. Recovery of cobalt from secondary sector using extraction in Cyanex 923. Bina Gupta, Akash Deep,
S.N. Tandon. Indian Journal of Chemistry (Section A) 42(12), 2954-2958 (2003).
150. Solvent extraction and separation of tervalent lanthanides and yttrium using Cyanex 923. Bina
Gupta, Poonma Malik, Akash Deep. Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange 21(2), 239-258 (2003).
151. Recovery of cobalt, nickel and copper from sea nodules by their extraction with alkylphosphines.
Bina Gupta, Akash Deep, Virendra Singh, S.N. Tandon. Hydrometallurgy 70, 121-129 (2003).
152. Recovery of chromium and nickel from industrial waste. Bina Gupta, Akash Deep, Poonma Malik,
S.N. Tandon. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 41, 2948-2952 (2002).
153. Extraction-chromatographic studies on Ti(IV) using Cyanex 301 as impregnant – Its recovery from
red mud. Bina Gupta, Akash Deep, Poonma Malik, S. Rajput. Chromatographia 55, 235-237 (2002).
154. Extraction and separation of some 3d transition metal ions using Cyanex 923. Bina Gupta, Akash
Deep, Poonma Malik, S.N. Tandon. Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange 20(1), 81-96 (2002).
155. Extraction of uranium, thorium and lanthanides using Cyanex 923 – Their separation and recovery
from monazite. Bina Gupta, Poonma Malik, Akash Deep. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear
Chemistry 251(3), 451-456 (2002).
156. Extraction and recovery of cadmium using Cyanex 923. Bina Gupta, Akash Deep, Poonma Malik.
Hydrometallurgy 61, 65-71 (2001).
157. Efficient trivalent bath for the recovery of chromium. Akash Deep*, Poonma Malik, Bina Gupta, S.N.
Tandon. Plating and Surface Finishing March, 76-77 (2001).
158. Extraction and recovery of Ti(IV) using thiophosphinic acids and its recovery from ilmenite and red
mud. Akash Deep*, Poonma Malik, Bina Gupta. Separation Science and Technology 36(4), 671-685
Book Chapters:
1. J Mehta, R Kumar, S Dhaka, A Deep. Biofunctionalized Nanostructured Materials for Sensing of
Pesticides. (Eds: SK Tuteja, DArora, N Dilbaghi, E Lichtfouse). In Nanosensors for Environmental
Applications, 29-86, Print ISBN: 978-3-030-38100-4, Electronic ISBN: 978-3-030-38101-1, Springer
International Publishing (2019).
2. GC Mohanta, D Bhatt, A Deep, SK Pandey. Development of Optical Sensor Strips for Point-of-Care
Testing for Pesticide. (Eds: SK Tuteja, DArora, N Dilbaghi, E Lichtfouse). In Nanosensors for
Environmental Applications, 225-276, Print ISBN: 978-3-030-38100-4, Electronic ISBN: 978-3-030-
38101-1, Springer International Publishing (2019).
3. SK Bhardwaj, N Bhardwaj, D Bhatt, P Malik, A Deep*. Advances in the Synthesis and Development of
Two-Dimensional Transition-Metal Dichalcogenide-Based Nanosensor Platforms. (Eds: A. Deep, S.
Kumar). In Advances in Nanosensors for Biological and Environmental Analysis, 27-42, Paperback
ISBN: 9780128174562, eBook ISBN: 9780128174579 Elsevier (2019).
4. A Deep*, D Bhatt, V Shrivastav, SK Bhardwaj, P Malik. Synthesis, Characterization and Applications of
Polyolefin Based Eco-Friendly Polymer Composites. (Eds: Inamuddin, Thomas, S., Mishra, R., Asiri,
A.M.), In Sustainable Polymer Composites and Nanocomposites 65-103 ISBN: 978-3-030-05398-7,
Springer International Publishing (2019).
5. Suman Singh, Akash Deep, Girish Mohanta, Vijay Kumar Meena. Developments in the electrochemical
bionanosensors for the predictive diagnosis of prostate and breast cancer. (Eds: Chandra, P., Nee, Y.,
Singh, S.P.). In Next generation point-of-care biomedical sensors technologies for cancer diagnosis,
Springer Nature, ISBN: 978-981-10-4725-1, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-4726-8_11 (2017).
6. V A Chhabra, Mandeep Singh, Akash Deep. Carboxylated graphene-indium tin oxide hetrojunction for
bio-sensing. (Eds: Singh, B., Kaushik, A., Meheta, S.K, Tripathy, S.K.). In Nanotechnology: Novel
perspectives and prospects, Tata-McGraw Hill, India, ISBN(13):978-93-392-2182-9 (2015).
7. P Bansal, L M Bharadwaj, Akash Deep, S K Rohilla, R K Salar. Metal organic frameworks: New smart
material for biological application. (Eds: Salar, R.K., Gahlawat, S.K., Siwach, P., Duhan, J.S.). In
Biotechnology: prospects and applications. Springer, India, ISBN 978-81-322-1682-7 (2013).
Book Editor:
• Advances in Nanosensors for Biological and Environmental Analysis, 27-42, Paperback ISBN:
9780128174562, eBook ISBN: 9780128174579 Elsevier (2019)
Technologies Developed and Transferred to Industry:
1. Microorganism decontamination box (SURAKSHA) to M/s Amesys India, Ambala Cantt., Haryana,
2. “Process for disposal of waste Hg containing lamp & tube light and separation of its phosphor & glass”
to M/s Adv Metals Combine Pvt. Ltd., Delhi
3. “Process technology for separation of phosphor material from CFL waste” transferred to M/s Exigo
Recycling Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi (Role: Principal Investigator).
4. “Economical production of highly porous metal organic frameworks (MOF) from zinc scrap” to M/s
Intelligent Materials Pvt Ltd, Chandigarh (Role: Principal Investigator).
Industrial Consultancy
• Characterization of the Glucometer’s Test Strip for 2-Electrode 3- Connector and 3-Electrode 4-
Connector designs to M/s Dravya Daksh Overseas LLP, Sri Ganganagar, Rajasthan, India
1. A Direct and Efficient Process for Protein Immobilization on Optical Fibers. ( Akash Deep,
Umesh Kumar Tiwari, Parveen Kumar, Manil Kukkar, Siddarth Kaushik, Ravindra Kumar Sinha). No.
201711030710 (dated 30.08.17). Status: Filed
Invited Talks
1. Invited Talk: 12th National Conference on “Chemical and Environmental Sciences: Advanced
Innovations – 2020” (CES: AI-2020), February 19-20, 2020, Department of Chemistry, Punjabi
University, Patiala. Title: Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOF) for Electrochemical and Optical Sensing
of Bacteria (February 20, 2020).
2. Invited Lecture: Faculty Development Program on Futuristic Trends in FPGA & ASIC Design,
December 10-20, 2019 at Academics & Consultancy Services Division (ACSD), Centre for
Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Mohali. Title: Nanosensors (December 13, 2019).
3. Invited Talk: The 3rd International Conference on Bioresources, Energy, Environment, and Materials
Technology (BEEM 2019), June 12-15, 2019 at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
Title: Biofunctionalized Metal-Organic Frameworks for Sensing of Environmental Pollutants (June
14, 2019).
4. Invited Talk: Workshop on Art of Writing: A Permeable for Thesis and Research Paper (AWTRP-19),
December 18-22, 2019 at Chitkara University, Patiala, Punjab. Title: Preparation and Communication
of Research Papers (December 20, 2019).
5. Oral Presentation: 12th International Workshop on Engineering of Functional Interfaces (EnFI-
2019), July 08-09, 2019 at KU Leuven, Belgium. Title Sensitive and specific electrochemical sensing
of troponin I using metal-organic framework composites (Authors: Akash Deep, Arushi Gupta,
Suman Singh, Satish Kumar, and Sven Ingebrandt) (July 09 2019).
6. Invited Lecture: CHASCON-2019 at PU, Chandigarh, India, 14 March 2019. Titled “Development of
Metal-Organic Framework (MOF) Based Conducting Platforms for Sensing Applications.”
7. Invited Talk: 3rd International Conference on Soft Materials (ICSM-2018) at MNIT Jaipur, India, 09-
14 December 2018. Titled “Development of Metal-Organic Framework Based Enzymatic Biosensor
for Convenient and Sensitive Detection of Organophosphate Pesticides.”
8. Invited Talk: Workshop on “Sensors & IOT” at IIT Ropar, India, 18 December 2018. Titled
“Development of Metal-Organic Framework Based Enzymatic Biosensor for Convenient and Sensitive
Detection of Organophosphate Pesticides.”
9. Invited Talk: National Symposium on Current Trends and Future Prospects in Biotechnology at UIET,
Panjab University, Chandigarh, India, 10-11 November 2018. Titled: “Bioconjugated Metal-Organic
Frameworks as Sensors For Various Environmental Pollutants.”
10. Invited Talk: AGRI-SMART-2018 at CDAC-Mohali, Punjab, India, 19 November, 2018. Titled: “Fast and
Convenient Detection of Organophosphate Pesticides with Biosensors”.
11. Invited Talk: 2nd International Conference on Bioresources, Energy, Environment, and Materials
Technology (BEEM 2018) at Daemyung Resort, Hongcheon, Gangwon Province, Korea, 10-13 June
2018. Titled: “Enzyme Immobilized Metal-Organic Frameworks as Improved Substrates”.
12. Invited Talk: International Conference on “Advances in Analytical. Sciences (ICAAS-2018) at CSIR-
Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun, 15-17 March 2018. Titled “Applications of Metal Organic
Frameworks in Chemical Analysis of Environmental Pollutants”.
13. Expert Lecture: Short term course on “Materials and processes for advanced engineering applications
(MPAEA-2017)” at School of Material Science and Technology at National Institute of Technology
Kurukshetra, Haryana.15/12/2017. Titled “Metal Organic Frameworks: Emerging Applications in
14. Expert Lecture: Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Modern Methodologies for Teaching
and Research” at DAV University, Jalandhar, Punjab. 22/07/2017. Titled “Publication of Research
15. Invited Talk: Futuristic Trends of Nano-Electronics, MEMS and NEMS at Centre for Development of
Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Mohali, Punjab. 23/06/2017. Titled “Quantum Dots for Cancer
16. Invited Talk: Futuristic Trends of Nano-Electronics, MEMS and NEMS at Materials for Sustainable
Development and New Technology (MSDNT) at Central University of Jammu, Jammu. 28/04/2017.
Titled “Metal Organic Frameworks – New Materials for Biosensors”.
17. Invited Talk: Professor Ram Chand Paul National Symposium on Current Advances in Chemical
Sciences at Department of Chemistry, Panjab University, Chandigarh. 25/02/2017. Titled “Metal
Organic Frameworks: New Materials for Biosensing”.
18. Expert Lecture: Management Development Programme on Operation, Maintenance & Repair of
Biomedical Equipment at CSIR-CSIO Chandigarh. 20/01/2017, Titled “Electron Microscopy”.
19. Expert Lecture: Short Term Course on Printable Electronics at UIET, Kurukshetra University,
Kurukshetra, Haryana. 18/01/2017. Titled “Screen Printed Electrodes Based Biosensors”.
20. Invited Talk: National Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical Sciences organised at M. M.
Engineering College, Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Ambala, Haryana. 12/11/2016,
Titled ”Advanced Nanostructure Based Platforms for Biosensors.”
21. Invited Talk: C-DAC, Mohali. 15/09/2016, Titled “Latest Trend in Nano Electronics and Sensors”.
22. Brain Korea (BK) 21+ Lecture at the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Hanyang
University, Seoul, South Korea. 08/12/2015, Titled ”Nanomaterials Inspired Sensing of Important
Healthcare and Environmental Analytes.”
23. Expert Lecture: Motivational Contact Program for Talented School Students of Punjab at CSIR-CSIO
Chandigarh. 20/08/2015, Titled “BIOSENSORS: MODERN POINT-OF-CARE DEVICES”.
24. Expert Lecture: Management Development Programme on Operation, Maintenance & Repair of
Biomedical Equipment at CSIR-CSIO Chandigarh. 18/10/2015, Titled “Nano-material Based
25. Invited Talk: C-DAC, Mohali. 11/09/2014, Titled “Latest Trend in NanoSensors”.
26. Invited Talk: Refresher Course on Physics, G. J. University of Science and Technology, Hisar, Haryana.
13/05/2013. Titled “Metal Organic Frameworks: Next-Generation Porous Polymers for A Range of
Analytical & Industrial Applications”.
27. Invited Talk: Refresher Course on Physics, G. J. University of Science and Technology, Hisar, Haryana.
13/05/2013. Titled “Dye Sensitized Solar Cells”.
28. Invited Talk: Recent Trends in Advanced Materials and Computing Techniques at the NIT Jalandhar,
Punjab. 11/03/2013, Titled “Metal Organic Frameworks: Next-Generation Porous Polymers for A
Range of Analytical & Industrial Applications”.

Best Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
College : Tirunelveli Medical College, Tirunelveli
University : Tamil Nadu Dr.MGR Medical University, Chennai.
Year of Passing : January 2002.
College : Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Institute, Porur,
Chennai – 116.
University : Sri Ramachandra University
Year of Passing : April 2007
Hospital : Rajan Eye Care Hospital,
T.nagar, Chennai -17
University : Diplomate in National Board of Examinations
New Delhi.
Year of Passing : June 2011.
Hospital : Aravind Eye Hospital, Pondicherry.
Year : May 2016
Performed more than 1000 cataract surgeries including Micro Incision surgeries with
foldable IOL implantation.
Well versed in Glaucoma surgeries and other minor ophthalmic procedures.
In charge of Glaucoma clinic and Neuro Ophthalmology clinic
Well trained in posterior segment Laser procedures including Glaucoma
Knowledgeable about all recent advances.
Delegate in many CME programs and conferences.
Academic training for MBBS and MS ophthalmology post graduates.
Organizing and participation in eye health camps.
Teaching Experience : 8 years
Presented papers and posters in National & State level conferences

Dr. Ishan Y. Pandya
Dr. Ishan Y. Pandya Ph.D
Sr. Lecturer 10 Jan. 2019-Present
Aakash Educational Services Limited, Ahmedbad, Gujarat.
Lecturer May 2018-Dec. 2018
Department of Biology
GK Dholakiya School, Rajkot
Sr.Faculty & Head April 2015-May 2018
Department of Medical Biology
Dedicated Academy Pvt. Ltd. Jamnagar, Gujrat, India
Junior Research Fellow 2010-2015
Gujarat Ecological Education and Research (GEER) Foundation.
Education Doctor of Science (Honoris causa) 2020
Ecology (Biotechnology)- International Agency for Standards and
Doctor of Philosophy in Biotechnology 2014
Thesis Title ”Quantification of Carbon Sinks and its emission due
to human consumption in Forest areas of the Dangs and Valsad
Districts in Gujarat State”
Shri Jagdish Prasad Jhabarmal Tibrewala University (JJTU),
Rajasthan, India
M.B.A. in Biotechnology 2016
A.M.I.I. Pebble hills university, USA.
M.Sc. in Biotechnology 2010
Thesis Title ”Expression and Purification of Recombinant Proteins
Interferon- in E. coli.” at Torrent Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.,
Sardar Patel University (SPU), Gujarat, India.
B.Sc. in Biotechnology 2008
AMCOST College, Sardar Patel University (SPU), Gujarat
H.S.S.C specialization: Biology 2005
Maharawal Higher Secondary School, Rajasthan
Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education (RBSE), Rajasthan
Secondary School specialization: Science 2003
St. Patricks School, Rajasthan
Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education (RBSE), Rajasthan
To use the biotechnology in biodiversity conservation.
The study of medicinal plants for human welfare.
Patent • Intelligent Virus detection Biochip. Dr. Bandaru Nagaraju,
Dr. N. Ramamurthy, Dr. V. Vijaya Kishore, Dr. R. Raman
Goud, Dr. Ishan Y. Pandya, Dr. Vrushsen Purushottam Pawar.
Intellectual Property India (IPR), Govt.of India. PAN:202041023019.
• Virus Killer Liquid-Powder: Herbal disinfectant (liquid, powder)
for pandemic condition. (COVID-19). Dr. Ishan Y. Pandya,
Dr. Amit Kumar Keshari, Dr. Rohin Garg, D. Lavanya, Dr.
Sandeep Kumar Shukla, Dr. Shikha Shrivastava. Intellectual
Property India (IPR), Govt. of India. 202021027441.
Books and
• Year-2017: Ecological Significance of forests and Economic development
on it in the Valsad Forest Circle of Gujarat. Kamboj R.D.,
Pathak B.J., Rajpurohit S., Yadav R.S., Mewada K., Pandya
I.Y., Patel D., Gujarat Ecological Education and Research Foundation,
Forest and Environment Department, Govt. of Gujarat.
• Year-2017: Significance of Tropical woods of Southern Gujarat.
Pandya, I.Y. Lulu Publications. USA. ISBN 978-1-387-21570-6.
• Year- 2018: Bioscience, A Comprehensive Study. Pandya I.Y.,
Pandya M. I., Magnolia Publications, India. ISBN:978-93-88397-
• Year-2020: Molecular and applied endocrinology. Pandya I.Y.,
Verma V.K., Manglam Publications, India. ISBN : 978-93-86123-
• Year-2020: Plant Biology. Pandya I.Y., Mewada K., Yadav R.S.,
Whitecoast Book Publishers, India. ISBN: 978-81-19404-747
• Survey of Physical Impacts of Conservation Measures in Seven
Protected Areas of Gujarat.
• Ecological Significance of forests and Economic dependence on
it in Junagadh, Vadodara, Surat and Valsad Forest Circles of
Gujarat state.
• Assessment of carbon storage potential of forest areas of Gujarat
1. Pandya I.Y., Yadav R.S., Dosi H.V., Salvi H.D., ”Study of
Carbon dynamics and stocks in Natural Forests, Plantation and
TOF’s of Gujarat” Applied Science Reports. Vol. 9 (2). Pg.
No. 52-58. DOI: 10.15192/PSCP.ASR.2015.9.2.5258.
2. Pandya I.Y., Yadav R.S., ”Assessing Carbon Sink Potential in
Heterogeneous Plantation at Mahal Campus of Dangs, Gujarat”
Scientia Agriculturae. Vol. 7(3). Pg. No. 133-136.DOI:10.15192
3. Pandya I.Y., Yadav R.S., ”Phyto-Sociological Study of Seedless
Fruits in Diospyros spp. in Southern Gujarat” Weekly Science
1(48) DOI: 10.9780/ 2321-7871/1202013/53.
4. Yadav R.S., Pandya I.Y., Jangid M.S., ”Estimating Status
of Soil Organic Carbon in Tropical Forests of Narmada Forest
Division, Gujarat, India” Int. Res. Journal of Environment
Sciences. Vol. 4(1). Pg. No. 19-23.
5. Yadav R.S., Pandya I.Y., ”First Record of Critical Endangered
Plant (Gloriosa Superba L.) at verge of Sai River, Jaunpur, Uttar
Pradesh India” Int. J. Trends in Life Sciences. Vol. 3 (2). Pg.
No. 23-26.
6. Pandya I.Y., ”Expression and Purification of Recombinant
Interferon- Proteins Interferon- in E. coli.” Int. J. Drug Research
and Technology. Vol. 4 (2). (Accepted, SJIF 3.539)
7. Pandya I.Y., Yadav R.S. ”Significance of Tropical Woods
of Western Ghats of Southern Gujarat, India” Int. J. of Life
Sciences Research. Vol. 2 (1). Pg. No. 30-42.
8. Pandya I.Y., ”Carbon sequestration scenarios from World
Forests to Indian Forest Ecosystem-A Review study on Approaches
in Nature Conservation” Int. J. of Innovative Research and
Development. Vol. 2 (5). Pg. No. 1032-1035.
9. Pandya I.Y., Salvi H., Chahar O., Vaghela N., ”Quantitative
Analysis on Carbon Storage in 25 Valuable Plant Species of Gujarat,
Incredible India” Ind. J. of Scientific Research. Vol. 4 (2). Pg.
No. 137-141.
10. Pandya I.Y., Salvi H., Chahar O., ”Carbon Storage: Eight
heritage tree species of Gujarat, India” International Conference
Issue. JJTU Centum Journals (Impact Factor 9.75).
11. Pandya I.Y., ”Estimation of carbon storage in Mitragyna
parviflora heritage tree species of Purna Wild Life Sanctuary of
Dangs District of Vibrant Gujarat” Ind. J. of Life Sciences. Vol.2
(1). Pg. No. 77-79.
12. Assessment of Economic Benefits Flowing from Collection
of Non Wood Forest Products in South Dangs Forest Division,
Gujarat, India. Indian Forester, 145 (3) : 255-259, 2019
13. Estimated Collection And Valuation Of Non-Wood Forest
Products In The Dangs North Forest Division Of Gujarat State,
India. Plant Archives Vol. 19 No. 1, 2019 pp. 163-166
14. Estimation of Quantity and Economic Benefits Flowing From
Non-Timber Forest Products: A Study from Valsad North and
South Forest Divisions of Gujarat State, India. Yadav R.S.,
Yadav, Pandya I. , Kamboj R.D., Rajpurohit S. Indian Journal
of Ecology Vol. 47(2): Pg. No. 514-516.
15. Pesticides and their applications in agriculture. Pandya,
I.Y., AJAST-Vol. 2 (2), Pg. 894-900.
and National
• National Youth Science Conference for Sustainable Development
10th Annual Awards Presentation Ceremony-2020
Bioenergy for better tomorrow. NYSCSD 2020. Scientific abstracts.
TNSRO. pg. No. 14. ISBN: 978-81-934644-6-5.
• International Conference 2012
Paper presentation: Shri Jagdish Prasad Jhabarmal Tibrewala
University, Rajasthan, India
• National Conference 2011
On Trends in Biological Sciences at Sardar Patel University.
• National Conference 2009
On Frontiers in Biological Sciences at Sardar Patel University.
• National Conference 2006
Scientist fascinates to you most Sponsored by Gujarat Integrated
Bio Network [GIBioN] and Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission
[GSBTM], at Naranlala college, Navsari, Gujarat.
• Year-2020: Certificate of Excellence in Teaching – 9th Science
and Technology Awards-20. EET-CRS. Education Research
Branding Company, Bangalore, India.
• Year-2020: Certificate of Appreciation in Biotechnology, ISO
9001-2020, Human Rights Education Association, Gujarat, India.
• Year-2020: “Best Senior Faculty Award 2020-2021” , ISO 9001-
2015, Novel Research Academy, Puducherry -India.
• Year-2020: Har Gobind Khorana Best Young Scientist Award in
Biotechnology, Bose Science Society, India.
• Year-2020: Young Scientist Award, IAARHIES. The Society for
Academic Research.
• Year-2020: Best Scientist Award, Biotechnology. International
Multidisciplinary Research Foundation.
• Year-2020: ”Best Faculty Teaching Research Award”. Amaravathi
Research Academy.
• Protecting Human Research Participants Sponsored by National
Institute of Health (NIH) Office of Extramural Research, USA.
• Research Methods and Application of Statistics for Biological
Science Students. Sponsored by Indian Council of Medical Research
(ICMR), National Institute of Occupational Health (NIOH), India
• Research Methodology and Application of SPSS on Data Analysis.
CSIR-Ganpat University, Gujarat 2013
• National Paper Presentation Competition: Saffrony Institute of
Technology, Gujarat 2013
• Annual Quiz Competition, AMCOST certificate. 2013
• Poster Presentation: Environment: Inner-wheel club Anand Round
Town certificate 2007
• Artificial Blood cells-Scientist fascinates to you most: Seminar
Presentation 1st Position, AMCOST College at Anand, Gujarat
National and
• Fellow, Bose Science Society, TNSRO. India.
• Fellow, International Science Community Association. India.
• Member: International Society for Environmental Sciences (ISEIS).
• Member: International Association of Bioinformatics and Biomedical
Engineering (IACSIT). Singapore.
• Members: International Association of Engineers (IAENG). China.
• Reviewer: International Journal of Life Sciences Research. India.
• Reviewer: Advance in Agriculture and Biology. Pakistan.
Appointments • In year 2013, Appointed as Subject Specialist Ecology in People
Biodiversity Register development by GEER Foundation, Gujarat
State Biodiversity Board and Gujarat Forest Department, Govt.
of Gujarat.
• In year 2013-15, Appointed as ”Resource Person-Flora” for Nature
Education Camps by GEER Foundation. Delivered the lectures
in Life Sciences to the Graduate and Post-Graduate students of
various Universities and Institutes.
Technical skill • MS-OFFICE, SPSS, Mendley Desktop, Copernicus, Refwork,
Internet etc

Academic Career
(a) Degree University/Institution Year Distinction, if any
B.Sc. (Botany Hons.) SB Women’s College,
1980 1 st Class Hons. with
M. Sc (Botany) Utkal University,
1982 1 st Division, Grade A +
Ph. D. in Botany
(Plant Physiology –
Work done at NRRI,
Utkal University,
1989 Degree Awarded
Professional Attainments
(b) Position held Institution Period of appointment Nature of
Scientist NAARM & IARI 05.10.1989 – 20.09.1990 Through ARS
Scientist Central Rice Research
Institute, Cuttack
21.09.1990 – 04.10.1994 Regular posting
Scientist Sr. Scale Central Rice Research
Institute, Cuttack
05.10.1994 – 04.10.1998 Career
Senior Scientist Central Rice Research
Institute, Cuttack
05.10.1998 – 04.10.2006 Career
Principal Scientist Central Rice Research
Institute, Cuttack
05.10.2006 – till date Career
Space for
passport size
Twenty-nine years of Research Experience in different aspects of Production Physiology, Photosynthesis
and productivity, Biomass partitioning, Physiology of Hybrid rice, Stress Physiology like Drought Heat
and Lowlight stress.
Significant Achievements in the Field of Rice Research
Developed a robust field screening technology to screen a large number of rice germplasm lines (2100
at a time) for vegetative stage drought tolerance. Screened more than 11, 650 rice germplasm lines
and identified 250 donor lines over repeated screening and also two wild rice accessions of Oryza
nivara (IC -330470 and IC -330611) as vegetative stage drought tolerant by SES score ‘1’.
Three unique germplasm lines (Mahulata, Brahman nakhi and Salkaiin) for vegetative stage and
one breeding line (CR 143-2-2) for both vegetative and reproductive stage drought tolerance were
registered at NBPGR, New Delhi.
Variety Gopinath (CR Dhan 206) is being developed for aerobic condition using Brahman nakhi as
a parent.
Maintaining high turgidity during severe stress (RWC > 70%) with higher photosynthetic rate and
fast recovering efficiency on re-irrigation, was identified as key traits for drought tolerance.
CR 143-2-2 along with AC-43025, AC-43037 and AC-42997 identified to have highest water use
efficiency coupled with slow transpiration rate, low stomatal density with lower canopy temperature
maintenance (34.02°C – 41.18°C) leading to higher biomass production using less water compared
to susceptible check IR 64.
BVD-109 (2.15 tha -1 ), Kalakeri (2.08 tha -1 ), IC 416249 (2.02 tha -1 ) and CR 143-2-2 (1.90) were
identified as promising genotypes with grain yield of 1.90 to 2.15 tha -1 under reproductive stage
drought stress.
A better adaptable water saving technique was understood by alternate cyclic wetting and drying
practice which enabled decreased requirement of irrigation water (about 33%) at the cost of 14 %
yield loss in dry seasons and 3.2% yield loss in wet season.
The highest erecto-foliage leaf orientation coupled with highest photosynthetic rate (35.2 – 49.1µ
mole CO 2 m -2 s -1 ), maximum photosynthetic quantum yield efficiency of PS II (Fv/Fm ratio of 0.770 –
0.808) with high performance index (2.21 – 3.84), high biomass (10-11 t/ha), high HI (0.52), high
panicle number (340) and higher grain filling percentage (>85 %) are key traits contributing for
higher yield potential (> 8.0 t/ha) in Super rice lines was understood.
Published 80 research papers in National and International journals, edited 2 books,
published 25 book chapters, 5 popular article, 4 technology bulletins, 5 training manual and
compendium chapters.
Attended more than 30 International/National Conference / Seminar/Symposium and presented
Significantly contributed in variety development programme and released 08 nos. of varieties as a
Act as Reviewer for the Journals: ORYZA, Acta Physiologia Plantarum, Field Crop Research,
Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, BMC Plant Biology, Journal of Plant Biochemistry
and Biotechnology.
Handle 11 nos. of Externally Funded Research Projects as PI & Co-PI.
1. Senior Research Fellow, ICAR Fellowship under National Fellow Scheme, Govt. of India, 1984
2. Received Vishuba Sammana Award 1998 by a Social Organisation, Jagatsinghpur, Orissa –
generally, confers awards to Meritorious students of the District being placed in different
3. Received ISPP Fellow Award for the year 2000 by Indian Society for Plant Physiology, New
Delhi for contribution in the field of Plant Physiology and Cognate Sciences.
4. Received Dwarakamayee Sammana, 2008 by Dwarakamayee Seba Sanstha; a Social
Organisation, Odisha for dedicated and devoted work in the field of Science as a Scientist to serve the
society in the state of Odisha.
5. Received Best Scientist Award in Principal Scientist Category in 2014 by NRRI, Cuttack on 68 th
Foundation Day Celebration of NRRI.
6. Received Best Poster Award in 3 rd in ARRW International Symposium at NRRI, Cuttack during
February 2018.
7. Received Best Externally Aided Project Award as Principal Investigator in 2018 by NRRI,
Cuttack on 72 nd Foundation Day Celebration.
8. Received Best Poster Award in International Conference on Climate change, Biodiversity and
Sustainable Agriculture (ICCBSA-2018) at Jorhat, Assam, 13-16 December, 2018.
9. Received Venus International Women Awarad-2020 for Lifetime Achievement in
Agricultural Sciences at Chennai, Tamilnadu on 7 th March 2020.
Foreign Deputation:
1. International Rice Research Institute, Philippines during 2006 to attend Training programme
on ‘Increasing the Impact of Rice Breeding Programme’ at International Rice Research Institute,
Philippines. from 17 April to 5 May 2006
2. International Rice Research Institute, Philippines to attend “6 th International Rice Genetics
Symposium (RG 6) and 7 th International Symposium on Rice Functional Genomics” from 16th -19th
November 2009.
3. York University, York, United Kingdom to attend SCPRID Resilient Rice Project Annual
Review Meeting from 20 April – 24 April 2015.
4. Attended the 5 th International Rice Congress 2018 at Singapore from 15 to 18 October, 2018.
Life Member of four Professional Societies:
Life Member – Association of Rice Research Workers (ARRW), CRRI, Cuttack.
Life Member – Indian Society for Plant Physiology (ISPP), IARI, New Delhi.
Life Member – Orissa Botanical Society, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Life Member – Monthly Science Magazine “Emerging Science”
Served as Associate Editor for the journal ORYZA from 2000-2007.
Administrative support for Institutional Building:
1. In-Charge – PME Cell
2. Member Secretary, Institute Research Council
3. Chairperson – Deputation Committee
4. Member, Institute Management Committee of CSSRI, Karnal and NRRI, Cuttack
5. Member, Institute Library Advisory Committee
6. Member, Institute Germplasm Identification Committee (IGIC)
7. Member, Institute Technology Management Committee (ITMC)
List of 25 Best Research Publications published in reputed journals (copy of papers attached)
Sl. No. List of Research Publications NAAS
Jr. ID
1 Padmini Swain, Anitha Raman, S.P. Singh, Arvind Kumar (2017). Breeding
drought tolerant rice for shallow rainfed ecosystem of eastern India. Field Crops
Research, 209: 168-178 (NAAS Score – 9.13)
2 Swain, P*., Baig, M.J. and Nayak, S. K. (2000). Maintenance respiration of rice
leaves at different growth stages as 4 nfluenced by nitrogen supply. Biologia
Plantarum 43(4): 587-590. (NAAS Score – 7.42)
3 S.B. Verulkar, N.P. Mandal, J.L. Dwivedi, B.N. Singh, P.K. Sinha, R.N. Mahato, P.
Dongre, O.N. Singh, L.K. Bose, P. Swain, S. Robin, R. Chandrababu, S. Senthil, A.
Jain, H.E. Shashidhar, S. Hittalmani, C. Veracruz, T. Paris, A. Raman, S. Haefele,
R. Serraj, G. Atlin, A. Kumar (2010). Breeding resilient and productive genotypes
adapted to drought-prone rainfed ecosystem of India. Field Crop Research 117
(2):197-208. (NAAS Score – 9.13)
4 Renu Singh Yashi Singh Suchit Xalaxo S. Verulkar Neera Yadav Shweta Singh
Nisha Singh K.S.N. Prasad K. Kondayya P.V.Ramana Rao M.Girija Rani T.
Anuradha Y. Suraynarayana P.C. Sharma S.L. Krishnamurthy S.K. Sharma J.L.
Dwivedi A.K. Singh P.K. Singh Nilanjay N.K. Singh Rajesh Kumar S.K. Chetia
T. Ahmad M. Rai P. Perraju Anita Pande D.N. Singh N.P. Mandal J.N. Reddy
O.N. Singh J.L. Katara B. Marandi P. Swain R.K. Sarkar D.P. Singh T.
Mohapatra G. Padmawathi T. Ram R.M. Kathiresan K. Paramsivam S.
Nadarajan S. Thirumeni M. Nagarajan A.K. Singh Prashant Vikram Arvind
Kumar E. Septiningshih U.S. Singh A.M. Ismail D. Mackill Nagendra K. Singh .
(2016). From QTL to variety- harnessing the benefits of QTLs for drought,
flood and salt tolerance in mega rice varieties of India through a multi-
institutional network. Plant Science, 242: 278-287. (NAAS Score – 9.71) (IF:
5 Anitha Raman, Satish B Verulkar, Nimai P Mandal, Mukund Variar, VD Shukla,
JL Dwivedi, BN Singh, ON Singh, Padmini Swain, Ashutosh K Mall, S Robin,
R Chandrababu, Abhinav Jain, Tilatoo Ram, Shailaja Hittalmani, Stephan
Haefele, Hans-Peter Piepho and Arvind Kumar* (2012). Drought yield index to
select high yielding rice lines under different drought stress severities. Rice. 5:31.
(NAAS Score – 9.04)
6 A. Kumar, S.B. Verulkar, N.P. Mandal, M. Variar, V.D. Shukla, J.L. Dwivedi,
B.N. Singh, O.N. Singh, P. Swain, A.K. Mall, S. Robin, R. Chandrababu, A. Jain
h, S.M. Haefele, H.P. Piepho, A. Raman (2012). High-yielding, drought-tolerant,
stable rice genotypes for the shallow rainfed lowland drought-prone ecosystem.
Field Crops Research 133: 37–47. (NAAS Score – 9.13)
7 P. Swain*, Annie Poonam and K.S. Rao (2006). Relationship of physiological
characters with grain yield and yield attributes of rice hybrids under irrigated
transplanted conditions. Indian Journal of Agricultural Science, 76(8):496-499.
(NAAS Score – 6.23)
8 Padmini Swain*, M. Anumalla, S. Prusty, B.C. Marndi and G.J.N. Rao (2014).
Characterization of some Indian native land race rice accessions for drought
tolerance at seedling stage. Australian Journal of Crop Science. 8(3): 324-331.
(NAAS Score – 6.00)
9 Sevanthi AMV, Kandwal P, Kale PB, Prakash C, Ramkumar MK, Yadav N,
Mahato AK, Sureshkumar V, Behera M, Deshmukh RK, Jeeyaprakash P, Kar M,
Manonmani S, Muthuranjan R, Gopala Krishnan S, Neelamraju S, Sheshshayee
MS, Swain P, Singh AK, Singh NK, Mohapatra T and Sharma RP. (2018).
Whole genome Characterization of a few EMS Induced Mutants of Upland Rice
variety Nagina 22 reveals staggeringly high frequency of SNPs with high
phenotype plasticity. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9 (1179). Doi:
10.3389/fpls.2018.01179. (NAAS Score:10.30).
10 Goutam Kumar Dash, Madhusmita Barik, Akhil Kumar Debata, Mirza Jaynul
Baig and Padmini Swain* (2017). Identification of most important rice root
morphological markers in response to contrasting moisture regimes under
vegetative stage drought. Acta Physiologia Plantarum (2017) 39: 8 (NAAS
Score – 7.44) (IF: 1.58)
11 A.K. Mall, P. Swain*, S. Das, O.N. Singh and A. Kumar (2011). Effect of drought
on yield and drought susceptibility index for quality characters of promising rice
genotypes. Cereal Research Communications 39(1): 22-31. (NAAS Score – 6.49)
12 Adhya TK, Singh ON, Swain P, Ghosh A (2008). Rice in Eastern India: causes
for low productivity and available options. Journal of Rice Research, 2(1): 1-5
(NAAS Score – 3.22)
13 Sudhanshu Sekhar, Darshan Panda, Jitendra Kumar, Niharika Mohanty,
Monalisha Biswal, Mirza J. Baig, Awadhesh Kumar, Ngangkham Umakanta,
Sangamitra Samantaray, Sharat K. Pradhan, Birendra P. Shaw, Padmini Swain
and Lambodar Behera. (2019). Comparative transcriptome profiling of low light
tolerant and sensitive rice varieties induced by low light stress at active tillering
stage. Scientific Reports (2019) 9:5753.
42170-5. (NAAS Score: 10.12)
14 Koushik Chakraborty, Krishnendu Chattaopadhyay, Lopamudra Nayak, Soham
Ray, Lucina Yeasmin, Priyanka Jena, Sunanda Gupta, Sangram K Mohanty,
Padmini Swain, Ramani K Sarkar (2019). Ionic selectivity and coordinated
transport of Na + and K + in flag leaves render differential salt tolerance in rice at
the reproductive stage. Planta. 1-17. DOI: 10.1007/s00425-019-03253-9
Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. (NAAS Score: 9.25)
15 Bappa Das, Rabi N. Sahoo, Sourabh Pargal, Gopal Krishna, Rakesh Verma,
Viswanathan Chinnusamy, Vinay K. Sehgal, Vinod K. Gupta, Sushanta K. Dash,
Padmini Swain (2018). Quantitative monitoring of sucrose, reducing sugar and
total sugar dynamics for phenotyping of water-deficit stress tolerance in rice
through spectroscopy and chemometrics. Spectrochimica Acta Part A:
Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 192: 41–51. (NAAS Score- 8.88)
16 M.S. Anantha, Devraj Patel, Marinell Quintana, Padmini Swain, Jawaharlal L.
Dwivedi, Rolando O. Torres, Satish B. Verulkar, Mukund Variar, Nimai P.
Mandal, Arvind Kumar, and Amelia Henry (2016). Trait Combinations That
Improve Rice Yield under Drought: Sahbhagi Dhan and New Drought-Tolerant
Varieties in South Asia. Crop Science, 56: 408-421. (NAAS Score – 7.64) (IF:
17 Baig, M.J., Swain, P. and Murty K.S. (1998). The photosynthetic efficiency of
some elite rice hybrids and restorers. Photosynthetica. 35(2): 241-245. (NAAS
Score – 7.74)
18 Banik A, Dash G K, Swain P, Kumar U, Mukhopadhyay S K and Dangar T K
(2019). Application of rice (Oryza sativa L.) root endophytic
diazotrophic Azotobacter sp. Strain Avi2 (MCC 3432) can increase rice yield
under green house and field condition. Microbiological Research, 219: 56-65. Rate-8.78 (NAAS Score:
19 P. Raghuveer Rao , D. Subrhamanyam , B. Sailaja , R. P. Singh , V.
Ravichandran , G. V. Sudershan Rao , Padmini Swain , S. G. Sharma Somnath
Saha , S. Nadarajan , P. J.R. Reddy , Alok Shukla , P. C. Dey , D. P. Patel , S.
Ravichandran and S. R. Voleti (2013): Influence of Boron on Spikelet Fertility
under Varied Soil Conditions in Rice Genotypes, Journal of Plant Nutrition, 36
(3):390-400. (NAAS Score – 6.57)
20 Upendra Kumar, Megha Kaviraja, P. Panneerselvam, Himani Priya, Koushik
Chakraborty, P. Swain, S.N. Chatterjee, S.G. Sharma, P.K. Nayak, A.K. Nayak
(2019). Ascorbic acid formulation for survivability and diazotrophic efficacy of
Azotobacter chroococcum Avi2 (MCC 3432) under hydrogen peroxide stress and
its role in plant-growth promotion in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Physiology
and Biochemistry 139 (2019) 419–427. (NAAS Score: 8.72)
21 Awadhesh Kumar, Goutam Kumar Dash, Madhusmita Barik, Puja Archana
Panda, Milan Kumar Lal, Mirza Jaynul Baig, Padmini Swain * (2020). Effect of
Drought stress on Resistant starch content and Glycemic index of rice (Oryza
sativa L.) Starch-Starke. DOI: 10.1002/star.201900229 (NAAS Score: 8.17)
22 Koushik Chakraborty, Subhankar Mondal, Soham Ray, Pankajini Samal,
Bhubaneswar Pradhan, Krishnendu Chattopadhyay, Meera Kumari Kar, Padmini
Swain, Ramani Kumar Sarkar. (2020). Tissue tolerance coupled with ionic
discrimination can potentially minimize the energy cost of salinity tolerance in
rice. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11: 265. Publisher: Frontiers (NAAS Score:
23 Sangita Mohanty, 1A. K. Nayak . C. K. Swain, B. Dhal , Anjani Kumar , Rahul
Tripathi , M. Shahid , B. Lal , P. Gautam , Goutam Kumar Dash , P. Swain
(2020). Silicon enhances yield and nitrogen use efficiency of tropical low land
rice. Agronomy Journal. First published:12 December 2019; (NAAS Score: 7.90)
24 Awadhesh Kumar,* Chandrasekhar Sahu, Puja A Panda, Monalisa Biswal,
Rameswar P Sah, Milan K Lal, Mirza J Baig, Padmini Swain, Lambodar
Behera, Krishnendu Chattopadhyay and Srigopal Sharma (2020). Phytic acid
content may affect starch digestibility and glycemic index value of rice (Oryza
sativa L.). Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture 2020; 100:
1598–1607. ( DOI 10.1002/jsfa.10168 (NAAS Score:
25 Bhandari Aditi, JayaswalPawan, Yadav Neera, Singh Renu, Singh Yashi, Singh
Balwant, Singh Nisha, Singh Sangeeta, SevanthiAmitha, Rai Vandna, Verulkar
Satish, Rao PV Ramana, M Girija Rani, T Anuradha, PV Satyanarayana, SL
Krishnamurthy, Sharma Prabodh, Singh Deepika, Singh PK, Nilanjay, Kumar
Rajesh, Sanjay Chetia, T Ahmad, Rai Mayank, Katara JL, Marandi B, Swain P,
Sarkar RK, Singh DP, Reddy JN, Mandal N, Paramsivam K, Nadarajan S,
Thirumeni S, BadriJyothi, G Padmavathi, T Ram and Singh Nagendra. (2019).
Genomics-assisted backcross breeding for infusing climate resilience in high-
yielding green revolution varieties of rice. Indian Journal of Genetics. 79(1):
160-170. (NAAS Score: 6.42)
*Based on NAAS Score of Science Journals (Effective from January 1, 2019)
Books Edited
Authors/Editors Year of
Title Name of
Total Page
1 Pathak H, Nayak AK,
Maiti D, Kumar GAK,
Reddy JN, Ratha PC,
Swain P and
Bhagawati R.
2019 National Rice
Research Institute:
Achievements and
Rice Research
Institute, Cuttack
753006, Odisha,
2 Baig MJ, Swain P,
Hanjagi PS, Gowda B,
2019 Climate Change:
Impact on
Rice Research
p: 265
Bhattacharyya P. Photosynthesis and
Productivity of Rice.
Institute, Cuttack
753006, Odisha,
Citations, h-index, i-10 index as per the Google Scholar
Citation parameters Number
1 h-index 12
2 i-10 index 14
3 Citations 584
*As per Google Scholar Citation
Products as Variety Release programme:
Details of
Released by Patent
notification No.
1 CR Dhan 200 (Pyari) SVRC for Odisha
(Annexure I, Page no.1)
S.O. 312 (E),
1.2.2013 (Dept of
Agric & Co-
2 CR Dhan 502 (Jayanti
Dhan) (IET 20706)
SVRC for Odisha (Deep
(Annexure I, Page no. 2)
S.O. 312 (E),
1.2.2013 (Dept of
Agric & Co-
Co- Developer
3 CR Dhan 305 (IET 21287) CVRC for Jharkhand,
Maharastra and
Andhrapradesh (Irrigated)
S.O. 1919 (E),
30.07.2014 (Dept
of Agric & Co-
Co- Developer
4 CR Dhan 206 (Gopinath) SVRC for Odisha
S.O.112 (E),
12.01.2015 (Dept
of Agric & Co-
Co- Developer
5 CR Dhan 101 (Ankit) SVRC for Odisha (Upland) S.O.112 (E),
12.01.2015 (Dept
of Agric & Co-
Co- Developer
6 CR Dhan 802 (Subhash)
(IET 25673)
CVRC for Bihar, Madhya
Pradesh (Climate Smart
S.O. 1498 (E)
01.04.2019 (Dept
of Agric & Co-
Co- Developer
7 CR Dhan 510 (IET 23895) CVRC for West Bengal,
Odisha (Semi deep)
.O. 1498 (E)
01.04.2019 (Dept
of Agric & Co-
8 CR Dhan 602 (IET 25692) CVRC for Assam and
2019 Co- Developer
Unique Rice Germplasm lines registered at NBPGR, New Delhi
Name Unique trait INGR No. Developer/
1 Mahulata Vegetative stage drought
INGR 08112, 2008 Developer/
Identified by me
2 Brahman Nakhi Vegetative stage drought
INGR 10150, 2010 Developer/
Identified by me
3 Salkaiin Vegetative stage drought
INGR 10151, 2010 Developer/
Identified by me
4 CR 143-2-2 Both for Vegetative and
reproductive stage drought
INGR 10719, 2017 Developer/
Identified by me

Dr. K A Emmanuel
Dr. K A Emmanuel is working in a field of Materials Science and analytical
Chemistry and published 65 papers various National and International Journals.
Presented 75 research papers in various National and International Conferences.
Completed two minor research projects approved by UGC, New Delhi. Six
Students are awarded for M.Phill Degree and Two Students are awarded for
Ph.D degree under my guidance. I wrote 11 books on B.Sc Degree syllabus,
Board of intermediate syllabus and on my research work. Visited Singapore and
Malaysia countries to present research papers. Established Dr. A P J Abdul
Kalam Central Research Laboratory in Sir C R Reddy College, Eluru, which
comprises about 1 crore of Rupees worth instruments. I have 30 Years of
Academic / Social Work Experience.
I have secure the following awards during my carrier.
1. State Teacher Award by Government of Andhra Pradesh. Awarded Minor
Research Project by UGC, New Delhi.
2. Animuthyam-Life Time Achievement State Award by Mother Teresa Social
Welfare Organisation-Hyderabad-2012
3. Sevaratna-Life Time Achievement State Award by PRIYADARSINI
SOCIAL Welfare Organisation-Hyderabad-2012
4. Jai Upadya Puraskar, Eluru Helapuri Challengers Lions Club, Eluru (2017).
5. Seva Tapaswi Award by Abhinaya Nruty Bharathi, Eluru-2018
6. Best Scientist Award By IMRF, Vijayawada-2019.
8. Distinguished Fellow in Chemistry (FIMRF) (Feb-2020), International
Multidisciplinary Research Foundation
9. Life time Achievement Award, Sidhartha Educational and research

Dr. Sonu Gandhi
Ph.D (Biotechnology), CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology
(IMTECH) in collaboration with Department of Biotechnology, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India
M. Sc. (Microbiology), Department of Microbiology, Jiwaji University, Gwalior, India (2002-2004).
B. Sc. Botany (Hons), Department of Botany, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India (1999-2002).
Research Experience
Scientist D from 13th July 2018- till date at National Institute of Animal Biotechnology (NIAB),
Assistant Professor from October 2015- 10th July 2018, Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity
University, Noida, India
Visiting Scientist from 2014 to 2015, Department of Material Science and Engineering, University of
Washington, Seattle, USA.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow from 2010 to 2014, Campus IFOM-IEO, Milan, Italy.
Exchange Program at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore in 2008
Research Projects
SERB-ECR 2016 “Development of peptide functionalized gold nanoparticles for efficient targeting and
imaging of urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) in cancer diagnostics” Date of sanction:
04/11/16, Completion Date: 03/08/20; Approved Cost: Rs. 35,04,600.00 (Ongoing as Principal
DBT-Biocare 2016 “Iron oxide nanoparticles-peptide complexes for imaging of urokinase plasminogen
activator receptor (uPAR) in cancer diagnostics” Date of sanction: 04/07/2017, Completion Date:
25/08/2021; Approved Cost: Rs. 24,67,410.00 (Ongoing as Principal Investigator)
DST-INSA Young Scientist 2019 “Fabrication of paper device for real time detection of aflatoxin in
milk” (As mentor for the period of 2 months 1st July to 31st August, 2019)
ICMR 2019 “Electrochemical nanosensor of BACE1 for early detection for Alzheimer disease” Date of sanction: 04/07/2017, Completion Date: 04/07/2020; Approved Cost: Rs. 1500000.00 (Ongoing as Co-
Principal Investigator)
DBT-Flagship 2019 “Genomics assisted pathobiology to identify novel targets for diagnosis and
therapeutic intervention(s) of Japanese encephalitis and Leptospirosis” Date of sanction: 04/03/2019,
Completion Date: 03/03/2022; Approved Cost: Cr. 8.00 (Ongoing as Supporting Investigator)
DBT-EMR 2020 “Development of Multiplex/Disposable Paper Microfluidic Device for Detection of β-
lactam antibiotic residues in livestock and poultry products” Proposed Cost: Rs. 40,37,000.00 (Submitted as Principal Investigator)
SERB-IRHPA 2020 “COVID-SCAN (Novel diagnostic platforms for point-of-care SARS-CoV-2
detection)” Approved Cost: Rs. 59,90,000.00 (Approved)
Publications (Total Impact Factor- 184.251, Citation-745, h-index-15, i10 index-18)
1) Sandeep Kumar Kushwaha$, Veerbhan Kesarwani, Samraggi Choudhury, Sonu Gandhi, Shailesh Sharma, SARS-CoV-2 transcriptome analysis and molecular cataloguing of immunodominant epitopes for multi-epitope based vaccine design. Biorxiv, 2020, 1-26, doi:
2) Akanksha Roberts, Neha Chauhan, Saurav Islam, Subhasis Mahari, Bhaskar Gawri, Ravi Kumar Gandham, Subeer S Majumdar, Arindam Ghosh, Sonu Gandhi$, Functionalized Graphene-Based Field-Effect Transistors for Detection of Japanese Encephalitis and Avian Influenza Virus. Scientific Reports,2020 (under minor revision), (Impact Factor- 4.12).
3) Emir Yasun, Reza Mohammadinejad, Farah Benyettou, Sonu Gandhi, Numan Gozubenli, Ljuboslav Boskic, Hamed Arami, Hollow Micro and Nanostructures for Therapeutic, Biosensing and Imaging Applications. Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 2020 (under revision), (Impact Factor-2.606)
4) Subhasis Mahari, Akanksha Roberts, Deepshikha Shahdeo, Sonu Gandhi$, eCovSens-Ultrasensitive Novel In-House Built Printed Circuit Board Based Electrochemical Device for Rapid Detection of nCovid-19 antigen, a spike protein domain 1 of SARS-CoV-2. Biorxiv, 2020, 1-20. doi:
5) Sonu Gandhi$, Amit Kumar Srivastava$, Upasana Ray$, Prem Prakash Tripathi$, Is the collapse of
respiratory center in the brain responsible for breakdown of COVID-19 patients? ACS Chemical
Neuroscience, 2020, doi: 10.1021/acschemneuro.0c00217 (Impact Factor- 4.21).
6) Sreyashi Chandra, Md Tanjim Alam, Jhilik Dey, Baby Chakrapani P S, Amit Kumar Srivastava, Sonu
Gandhi, Prem Prakash Tripathi, Healthy gut, healthy brain: The gut microbiome in neurodegenerative
disorders. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2020, DOI: 10.2174/1568026620666200413091101,
(Impact Factor- 3.442).
7) Swati Kaushik, Sonu Gandhi*, Mehak Chauhan*, Deepa Ghosh, Aneesh Chandrasekharan, Avanish Singh Parmar, Alpana Sharma, T.R. Santhoshkumar, and Deepa Suhag, Water-templated, Polysaccharide-rich, Bio-artificial 3D Microarchitectures as Extra-Cellular Matrix Bioautomatons. (equal contribution), ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, (Impact Factor-
8.456). (* = equal contribution)
8) Young-Kyu Han, Shruti Shukla, Yuvaraj Haldorai, Vivek K. Bajpai, Imran Khan, Kang Sung-Min, Sonu
Gandhi, Yun Suk Huh, Bioreceptor-free, sensitive and rapid electrochemical detection of patulin fungal
toxin, using a reduced graphene oxide@SnO2 nanocomposite, Material Science & Engineering C, 2020.
113, 110916 (Impact Factor- 4.959).
9) Akanksha Roberts, Sonu Gandhi$, Japanese encephalitis Virus: A Review on Emerging Diagnostic Techniques, Frontiers in Bioscience, 2020, 25, 1875-1893, (Impact Factor- 2.349).
10) Sarthak Nandi, Ayusi Mondal, Akanksha Roberts, Sonu Gandhi$. Biosensor platforms for rapid detection of HIV. Advances in Clinical Chemistry, 2020 (in Press), (Impact Factor- 4.205).
11) Aruna Kasoju, Azmat Ali Khan, Narlawar Sagar Shrikrishna, Deepshikha Shahdeo, Amer M. Alanazi,
Sonu Gandhi$, Microfluidic Paper Device for Rapid Detection of Aflatoxin B1 using Aptamer Based Colorimetric Assay. RSC Advances, 2020, 10, 11843 – 11850, (Impact Factor- 3.049).
12) Aruna Kasoju, Deepshikha Shahdeo, Azmat Ali Khan, Narlawar Sagar Shrikrishna, Subhashish Mahiri,
Amer M. Alanazi, Mashooq Ahmad Bhat, Jyotsnendu Giri, Sonu Gandhi$, Fabrication of microfluidic
device for Aflatoxin M1 detection in milk samples with specific aptamers. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10,
4627 (Impact Factor- 4.122)
13) Vivek K. Bajpai, Cheol Woo Oh, Imran Khan, Yuvaraj Haldorai, Sonu Gandhi, Hoomin Lee, Xinjie
Song, Myunghee Kim, Ashutosh Upadhyay, Yun Suk Huh, Young-Kyu Han, Shruti Shukla, Fluorescent
immunoliposomal nanovesicles for rapid multi-well immuno-biosensing of histamine in fish samples,
Chemosphere, 2020, 243, 125404, (Impact Factor- 5.108).2019:
14) Akanksha Roberts, Prem Prakash Tripathi, Sonu Gandhi$, Graphene nanosheets as electric mediator for
ultrafast sensing of urokinase plasminogen activator receptor-a biomarker of cancer, Biosensors and
Bioelectronics, 2019, 141, 111398, (Impact Factor- 9.518).
15) Jhillik Dey, Tanjim Alam, Sreyashi Chandra, Sonu Gandhi, Prem Prakash Tripathi$, Recalibrating the
Existence of New Neurons in Adult Brain, ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 2019, 10, 2091-2093, (Impact
Factor- 4.21).
16) Manoj Shrivastava, Akansha Srivastava, Sonu Gandhi, Appan Roychoudhury, Alesh Kumar, RK
Singhal, Sandeep Kumar Jha, SD Singh, Monitoring of engineered nanoparticles in soil-plant system: A review. Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management, 2019, 11, 100218, (Impact Factor-
17) Sonu Gandhi$, Jalaj Gupta, Prem Prakash Tripathi, The Curious Case of Human Hippocampal Neurogenesis, ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 2019, 10, 1131-1132, (Impact Factor- 4.21).
18) Saurav Islam, Shruti Shukla, Vivek K. Bajpai, Young-Kyu Han, Yun Suk Huh, Arindam Ghosh, Sonu
Gandhi$, Microfluidic based graphene field effect transistor for femtomolar detection of chlorpyrifos
pesticide, Scientific Reports, 2019, 9, 276-282, (Impact Factor- 4.525).
19) Saurav Islam, Shruti Shukla, Vivek K. Bajpai, Young-Kyu Han, Yun Suk Huh, Arindam Ghosh, Sonu Gandhi$, A smart nanosensor for the detection of human immunodeficiency virus and associated
cardiovascular and arthritis diseases using functionalized graphene-based transistors, Biosensors and
Bioelectronics,2019, 126, 792-799, (Impact Factor- 9.518).2018:20) Prem Prakash Tripathi$, Hamed Arami, Ivneet Banga, Jalaj Gupta, Sonu Gandhi$, Cell penetrating peptides in preclinical and clinical cancer diagnosis and therapy, Oncotarget, 2018, 9, 37252-37267,(Impact Factor- 5.168).
21) Priya Mishra, Ivneet Banga, Roshika Tyagi, Tanya Munjal, Aditya Goel, Neena Capalash, Prince Sharma,
CR Suri, Sonu Gandhi$, An immunochromatographic dipstick as an alternate for monitoring of heroin metabolites in urine samples, RSC Advances,2018, 8, 23163-23170, (Impact Factor- 3.049).
22) Anita Talan, Annu Mishra, Sergei A. Eremin, Jagriti Narang, Ashok Kumar, Sonu Gandhi$. Detecting
chlorpyrifos pesticides using ultrasensitive nanoparticles. Current Science, 2018, 114, 1-4, (Impact
Factor- 0.883).
23) Anita Talan, Annu Mishra, Sergei A. Eremin, Jagriti Narang, Ashok Kumar, Sonu Gandhi$. Ultrasensitive electrochemical immunosensing platform based on gold nanoparticles triggering
chlorpyrifos detection in fruits and vegetables. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2018, 105, 14–21, (Impact
Factor- 9.518).
24) Sonu Gandhi$, Ivneet Banga, Pawan Kumar Maurya, Sergei A. Eremin. Gold nanoparticles-single chain
fragment variable antibody as immunoprobe for rapid detection of morphine by dipstick. RSC Advances,
2018, 8 (3), 1511-1518, (Impact Factor- 3.049).
25) Smritee Singh, Priya Mishra, Ivneet Banga, Avanish S Parmar, P PTripathi, Sonu Gandhi$. Chemiluminescence based immunoassay for the detection of heroin and its metabolites. Bioimpacts, 2018, 8 (1), 57-62, (Impact Factor- 3.23).
Before 2017:
26) Pankaj Suman, Sonu Gandhi$, Prahanshu Kumar, Kirti Garg. Prospects of electrochemical biosensor for
the early diagnosis of preeclampsia. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 2017, 77, 1-10,
(Impact Factor- 3.0).
27) Sonu Gandhi, Hamed Arami, Kannnan M. Krishnan, Detection of cancer-specific proteases using
magnetic relaxation of peptide-conjugated nanoparticles in biological environment. Nanoletters, 2016, 16,
3668–3674, (Impact Factor- 13.8).
28) Sonu Gandhi$, Pankaj Suman, Ashok Kumar, Prince Sharma, Neena Capalash and C. R. Suri. Recent
advances in opiate immunosensor for narcotic drug detection. Bioimpacts, 2015, 5, 207-213, (Impact
Factor- 3.23).
29) Asahi Tomitaka, Hamed Arami, Sonu Gandhi, Kannan M Krishnan. Lactoferrin conjugated iron oxide
nanoparticles for targeting brain glioma cells in magnetic particle imaging. Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 16890–
16898, (Impact Factor- 7.76).
30) Baoyu Zhao, Sonu Gandhi, Cai Yuan, Zhipu Luo, Rui Li, Henrik Gårdsvoll, Nicolai Sidenius, Mingdong
Huang, Michael Ploug. Mapping the topographic epitope landscape on the urokinase plasminogen
activator receptor (uPAR) by surface plasmon resonance and x-ray crystallography. Data in Brief, 2015,
5, 107–113, (Impact Factor- 0.5).
31) Baoyu Zhao, Sonu Gandhi, Cai Yuan, Zhipu Luo, Rui Li, Henrik Gårdsvoll, Nicolai Sidenius, Mingdong
Huang, Michael Ploug. Stabilizing a flexible interdomain hinge region harboring the SMB binding site
drives uPAR into its closed conformation. Journal of Molecular Biology, 2015, 427, 1389–1403, (Impact
Factor- 5.067).
32) Shaveena Thakur, Sonu Gandhi, A. K. Paul, C. Raman Suri, A Flow Injection Immunosensor for the Detection of Atrazine in Water Samples, Sensors and Transducers, 2011, 131, 91-100, (Impact Factor-0.987).
33) Priyanka Sharma, Sonu Gandhi, C. Raman Suri, Fluoroimmunoassay based on suppression of
fluorescence self-quenching for ultra-sensitive detection of herbicide diuron, Analytica Chimica Acta,
2010, 676, 87-92, (Impact Factor-5.256).
34) J. N. Tey*, S. Gandhi*, I. P. M. Wijaya, Al. Palaniappan, J. Wei, I. Rodriguez, C. R. Suri and S. G.
Mhaisalkar, Direct Detection of Heroin Metabolites using a Carbon Nanotubes Liquid Gated Field Effect
Transistor based Competitive Immunoassay, SMALL, 2010, 6, 993-998. (*contributed equally)
(highlighted in Nature India) (Impact Factor-10.856).
35) I Putu Mahendra Wijaya, Tey Ju Nie, Sonu Gandhi, Robin Boro, Isabel Rodriguez, Subodh G.
Mhaisalkar, C. Raman Suri, Alagappan Palaniappan, Goh Wei Hau, Femto Molar Detection of 2, 4-
dichlorophenoxyacetic acid Herbicides via Competitive Immunoassays using Microfluidic Based Carbon
Nanotube Liquid Gated Transistor, Lab on a Chip, 2010, 10, 634–638, (Impact Factor- 6.914).
36) I Putu Mahendra Wijaya*, Sonu Gandhi*, Tey Ju Nie, Nishima Wangoo, G. Shekhawat, C. Raman Suri,
Isabel Rodriguez, and Subodh G. Mhaisalkar, Protein/carbon nanotubes interaction: The effect of
carboxylic groups on conformational and conductance changes, Applied Physics Letters, 2009, 95,
073704, (*contributed equally to work) (Impact Factor-3.495).
37) Sonu Gandhi, Neena Capalash, Prince Sharma and C Raman Suri, Strip based immunochromatographic
assay using specific egg yolk antibodies for rapid detection of heroin and its metabolites in urine samples,
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2009, 25, 502–505, (highlighted in Nature India) (Impact Factor-9.518).
38) C. Raman Suri, Robin Boro, Yogesh Nangia, Sonu Gandhi, Nishima Wangoo, Priyanka Sharma, G. S.
Shekhawat, Immunoanalytical techniques for the analysis of pesticides in the environment, Trends in
Analytical Chemistry, 2009, 28, 29-31, (Impact Factor- 8.442).
39) C. Raman Suri, Jasdeep Kaur, Sonu Gandhi, G. Shekhawat, Label-free ultra-sensitive detection of
atrazine based on nanomechanics, J. of Nanotechnology, 2008, 19, 235502, (Impact Factor-3.44).
40) Sonu Gandhi, Prince Sharma, Neena Capalash, R S Verma and C. Raman Suri, Group-selective
antibodies based fluorescence immunoassay for monitoring opiate drugs, Analytical and Bioanalytical
Chemistry, 2008, 392, 215-222, (Impact Factor-3.578).($ = as corresponding author)
Manuscripts review/revision/submitted/under preparation
1) Deepshikha Shahdeo, Prem P Tripathi, Sonu Gandhi$, Development of peptide functionalized gold nanoparticles for efficient targeting and imaging of urokinase plasminogen activator receptor in cancer
diagnostics, Theranostics, 2020 (under preparation), (Impact Factor- 8.0)
2) Subhasis Mahari, Sonu Gandhi$, Biomarkers of Ectopic Pregnancy diagnosis: A contemporary approach, Frontiers in Bioscience, 2020 (under preparation).
3) Deepshikha Shahdeo, Prem P Tripathi, Sonu Gandhi$, In-vitro targeting and imaging of ovarian cancer
cell using peptide functionalized gold nanoparticles, iScience, 2020 (under preparation).
4) Samaraggi Choudhury, Sonu Gandhi$, Iron oxide nanoparticles-a potential multifunctional agent for diagnosis and therapy, 2020 (under preparation).
5) Samaraggi Choudhury, Sonu Gandhi$, Gold nanoparticles as contrast agent for brain Glioma. 2020(under preparation).
6) Deepshikha Shahdeo, Naina Abbineni, Sonu Gandhi$, Determination of detectable limit of Ochratoxin A
in different poultry feeds using colorimetric and fluorescence based assays. 2020 (under preparation).
7) Narlawar Sagar Shrikrishna, Sonu Gandhi, Biosensor: a novel sensing platform for the detection of
pesticide: a comprehensive review, 2020 (under preparation).
8) Sandeep Kushwaha, Sonu Gandhi, Shailesh Sharma, Covid-19 research paper, 2020, (under preparation).
9) Sandeep Kushwaha, Sonu Gandhi, Shailesh Sharma, Covid-19 research paper, 2020, (under preparation).
10) Sandeep Kushwaha, Sonu Gandhi, OMICS review, 2020, (under preparation).
11) Akanksha Roberts, Subhasis Mahari, Deepshikha Shahdeo, Sonu Gandhi, Development of novel-in-
house printed circuit board based electrochemical sensor for rapid diagnosis of COVID-9. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2020, (under preparation).
12) Sandeep Kumar Kushwaha$, Veerbhan Kesarwani, Samraggi Choudhury, Sonu Gandhi, Shailesh Sharma, SARS-CoV-2 transcriptome analysis and molecular cataloguing of immunodominant epitopes for multi-epitope based vaccine design. Cell Host & Microbe (under preparation), 2020.
13) Jhillik Dey, Sonu Gandhi, PP Tripathi, Neuroinvasion of SARS-CoV-2 may play a role in the breakdown
of respiratory center of the brain, Neuroscience Bulletin, 2020, (submitted).
1) Nicolai Sidenius and Sonu Gandhi. Constitutively active uPAR variants and their use for the
generation and isolation of inhibitory antibodies. US Patent application number PCT/EP2012/065198,
International filing date 5th August 2011 (Granted).
2) Kannan M. Krishnan, Sonu Gandhi, Hamed Arami. Detection of cancer-specific proteases using
magnetic relaxation of peptide-conjugated nanoparticles in biological environment. US Patent
application number 62/234998, International filing date 30thSepetember 2015.
3) Sonu Gandhi. Rapid detection of morphine by dipstick kit using gold nanoparticles- single chain
fragment variable (AuNPs/scFv) antibody as immunoprobe. Patent application number 2017/11041780,
National filing date 22nd November 2017.
4) Sonu Gandhi. FTO/AuNPs-based nanosensor for Chlorpyrifos detection in fruits and vegetables.
Patent application number 2017/11044750, National filing date 14 December 2017.
5) Deepa Suhag, Alpana Sharma, Swati Kaushik, T Santhosh, R Kumar, and Sonu Gandhi. Hybrid
hydrogels as extracellular matrix biomimics for cruelty free high throughput anti-cancer drug screening.
National filing date 1st May 2019.
6) Kasoju Aruna, Sonu Gandhi. A microfluidic graphene vapor sensor as a device to detect Aflatoxins.
TEMP/E-1/24675/2019-CHE, National filing date 13th June 2019.
7) Kasoju Aruna, Sonu Gandhi. Smart Phone based colorimetric biosensor for the detection of aflatoxin
B1 using microfluidic paper device. Patent application number 201941047443, National filing date 21st
November 2019.
8) Sonu Gandhi, Subhasis Mahari, Akanksha Roberts, Ravi Kumar Vuddagiri, SYSTEM AND METHOD
202041017366, National filing date 22nd April 2020.
Proceedings, Book, and Book chapter
1) Sonu Gandhi$(2013). Antibody based biosensor for the detection of opiate drugs. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing group. ISBN-13: 978-3847373872.
2) JN Tey, IPM Wijaya, Sonu Gandhi$, J Wei, I Rodriguez, SG Mhaisalkar (2010). An Amplification Strategy to Label Free Opiate Drug Detection using Liquid-Gated Carbon Nanotubes Transistor. Nanoscience and Technology Institute, ISBN: 978-1-4398-3401-5.
3) Priya Mishra, Tanya Munjal, Sonu Gandhi$(2019). Nanoparticles for detection, imaging and diagnostic applications in animals. Nanoscience for Sustainable Agriculture-Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-97851-2.
4) Ivneet Banga, Roshika Tyagi, Deepshikha Shahdeo, Sonu Gandhi$(2019). Biosensors and their applications for the detection of Avian Influenza Virus. Nanotechnology in Modern Animal Biotechnology-Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-12-818823-1.
5) Deepa Suhag, Deepshikha Shahdeo, Sonu Gandhi$(2019). Emerging trends and advances in targeted nanotheranostics. SMC Bulletin, 2019. ISSN 2394-5087.
6) Akanksha Roberts, Deepshikha Shahdeo, Sonu Gandhi$(2020). An overview of immobilization techniques and its applications. Immobilization Strategies: Biomedical, Bioengineering and Environmental Applications-Springer, (accepted).
7) Subhasis Mahari, Ivneet Banga, Deepshikha Shahdeo, Sonu Gandhi$(2020). Clinical and preclinical data of therapeutic peptides. Peptide and Peptidomimetic Therapeutics: From Bench to Bedside-Elsevier(submitted).
8) Narlawar Sagar Shrikrishna, Subhasis Mahari, Sergei A Eremin, Sonu Gandhi$(2020). New trends in Biosensor development for pesticide detection. Biosensors in Agriculture: Recent Trends and Future Perspectives-Springer Nature (submitted).
9) Akanksha Roberts, Deepshikha Shahdeo, Sonu Gandhi$ (2020). Graphene based sensors. Analytical
Applications of Graphene for Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry-Elsevier (under preparation).
Scholarships, Awards, and Honors
2020: Vice President of India (Shri Venkaiah Naidu) compliments scientists of NIAB for developing new
device to detect nCovid-19 antigen in human saliva within 30 seconds. (3/5/20)
2020: Research highlighted in The Hindu on “NIAB develops portable coronavirus detection kit”.
2020: Research highlighted in Nyoooz on “NIAB develops device to detect Covid in 30 seconds”.
2020: Research highlighted in Nature India on Ultrasensitive portable novel coronavirus detection kit,
2020: Research highlighted in Eennadu (local newspaper, Hyderabad) about Covid-19 detection
2020: Research highlighted in The New Indian Express. NIAB develops device to detect Covid in 30 seconds.
2020: Outstanding Woman in Science in 5th Annual Women’s Meet-AWM 2020 from Venus
International Foundation, 7th March 2020, Green Park, Chennai, India.
2019: Co-chair a session on Animal Husbandry in 4th International conference on agriculture and animal
husbandry. 28th-30th August 2019, Central University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India.
2019: Best Researcher Award of the Year from International Journal for Research under Literal
Access (IJRULA) at Trichy, Tamilnadu.
2019: DBT-BioCARe conclave award at NIPGR, New Delhi
2019: Best Young Scientist Award at IIT-BHU, Varanasi
2018: Research highlighted in Current Science India
2018: Distinguished speaker award in SELECT-BIO conference, Bangalore
2017: Visiting Faculty at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
2016: DBT-BioCAre women scientist award for research
2017: Best Young Investigator Award at IIT-BHU, Varanasi
2011: Won Prestigious 2 years Scholarship from Marie Curie cofund for post doc research
2011: Fellowship to participate in conference, University of Cambridge, UK
2010: Research highlighted in Nature India
2009: Research highlighted in Nature India
2008: Three months fellowship from NTU, Singapore for Ph.D work
2007: Award of senior research fellowship (SRF) fromCSIR
Membership of Societies
Executive council member of Biosensor Society of India (BSI) (2019-Lifetime)
Lifetime Member of World Research Council (WRC) (2019)
Associate Board Member of The Open Nanomedicine Journal (2019)
Member of American Society of Chemistry, USA (2017-till date)
Member of Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, United Kingdom (2016-till date)
Editorial Member of GRD journal of Engineering (2016)
Member of Indian Association of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (2016)
Guest Editor for Journal of Nanomaterials (2015)
Professional and Mentorship Experiences
Nodal Officer in Vigyan Jyoti Scheme, DST from NIAB for JNV, Hyderabad
Reviewer of Gandhian Young Technological Innovation Awards (2020)
Managing Editor of Frontiers of Bioscience (1st Jan 2019-till date)
Advisory committee member for National conference in University of Pune held on 23-24 Feb, 2019
Reviewer for Bentham Journals, Drug Discovery Today, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Sensor &
Actuators: Physical, Analytica Chimica Acta, Frontiers in toxicology, Frontiers in pharmacology,
RSC Advances, Plos One, Journal of Nanomaterials
Ph.D. supervisor for three students at National Institute of Animal Biotechnology, Hyderabad, India
Mentored one post-graduate student for Master’s thesis at University of Washington, Seattle, USA
Mentored one post- graduate student for Master’s thesis at Amity University, Noida,India
Student Alumni
Ms Ivneet Banga (worked as M. Tech. student at Amity University, Noida) working as Graduate student
at Department of Bioengineering, University of Texas, Arlington, TX, USA
Ms Roshika Tyagi (worked as Project Assistant in DBT-Biocare at Amity University, Noida) working as
Graduate student at University of Nevada, Reno.
Ms Ayusi Mondal (worked as Project Assistant in DBT-Biocare at NIAB, Hyderabad) working as
Master student at University of Leicester, London, UK
Invited Lectures/Workshops
1) Sonu Gandhi, Functional Nanomaterials for Biological Applications. International Conference on
Advanced Lightweight Materials (ICALMS 2020), March 6-7, 2020 at CMS Technical College,
Hyderabad, India.
2) Sonu Gandhi, Diagnostics: a platform for rapid detection. National Conference on
Nano/Biotechnology (Nano/Bio-Tech 2019), December 19-21, 2019 at Jawaharlal Nehru University
(JNU), New Delhi, India.
3) Sonu Gandhi, Point of Care Diagnostics: a platform for rapid detection of diseases. International
Conference on Nanomaterials driven advances in chemical & biosensors, at Algappa
University,Karaikudi. 27th-29th November, 2019.
4) Sonu Gandhi, c-DNA workshop at CeNSE, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore from 4-6
November, 2019.
5) Sonu Gandhi, Protease as a biomarker for disease detection in animals. 4th International conference on
agriculture and animal husbandry. 28th-30th August 2019 Central University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India.
6) Sonu Gandhi, Biosensors. Five Days Workshop on Research Informed and Research Oriented Teaching
in Pharmaceutical Sciences. 20th – 24th August 2019 at Central University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India.
7) Sonu Gandhi, Nanobiosensors for rapid detection of narcotic drugs. 6th June 2019 at Saha Institute of
Nuclear Physics (SINP), Kolkata, India.
8) Sonu Gandhi, Success stories, 1st DBT-BioCARe conclave: Women Scientists Achieving Great
Heights, 8-9th March, 2019 at Department of Biotechnology (DBT) and National Institute of Plant Genomic Research (NIPGR), New Delhi, India.
9) Anita Talan, Sergei A. Eremin, Ashok Kumar, Sonu Gandhi, Electrochemical immunosensor coated
with gold nanoparticles for ultrasensitive detection of chlorpyrifos in fruits and vegetables, (ICFNM
2019), February 22-25, 2019 at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Varanasi, India.
10) Sonu Gandhi, Dipstick as an Immunoprobe for Rapid Detection of Morphine by Gold Nanoparticles
labeled Single-Chain Fragment Variable Antibody (SELET-BIO), May 24-25, 2018 at Indian Institute of
Science (IISc), Bangalore, India.
11) Sonu Gandhi, Peptide based nanosensor for cancer specific proteases. Advances in biological system
and materials science in Nanoworld (ABSMSNW), February 19-20, 2017 at Indian Institute of
Technology (IIT), Varanasi, India.
12) Sonu Gandhi, Lactoferrin mediated delivery of iron oxide nanoparticles for glioma cells. Emerging
trends in biotechnology & drug discovery (ETBDD), February 10, 2017 at Institute of Genomics &
Integrative Biology (IGIB), New Delhi, India.
13) Sonu Gandhi, Peptide Conjugated Nanoparticles for the Detection of Cancer-Specific Proteases. 2nd International conference on recent advances in nanoscience and nanotechnology (ICRANN),
December 19-20, 2016 at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, India.
14) Sonu Gandhi, Magnetic Relaxation of Peptide-Conjugated Nanoparticles for the Detection of Cancer-
Specific Proteases. National conference on Biotechnological Perspectives in Healthcare, 16th July, 2016 at IMS Engineering College, Ghaziabad, India.
Conference Proceedings
1) Sonu Gandhi, Neena Capalash, Prince Sharma, C. Raman Suri, Detection of Heroin and Its Metabolites
in Urine Samples: A Chemiluminescence Approach. ICB 2016: 18th International Conference on
Biosensors. June 09-10, 2016, San Francisco, USA.
2) Sonu Gandhi, Hamed Arami, Kannan M. Krishnan, Oncogenic protease detection using magnetic
particle spectrometry IWMPI 2016. Conference Proceeding on Magnetic Particle Imaging in IEEE.
(IWMPI 2016).
3) Kannan M Krishnan, Sonu Gandhi, Hamed Arami, Amit P. Khandhar, Surface Functionalized
Magnetite Nanoparticles: Novel Diagnostic Assays and Imaging Using Magnetic Relaxation Dynamics.
40th MRS Fall meeting and Exhibit, 29th November-4th December, 2015, Boston, Massachusetts,USA.
4) Sonu Gandhi, Asahi Tomitaka, Hamed Arami, Kannan M Krishnan. Magnetic particle spectroscopy of
glioma cells targeted with lactoferrin-conjugated iron oxide nanoparticle contrast agents, Conference
Proceeding on Magnetic Particle Imaging in IEEE. (IWMPI 2015).
5) Sonu Gandhi, Sidenius N, Generation of a potent uPAR-antagonist by forced-proximity engineering of
the receptor binding domains of urokinase and vitronectin, European Journal of Cancer, 2013, 49, S212-
6) JN Tey, Sonu Gandhi, IPM Wijaya, J Wei, CR Suri, I Rodriguez, SG Mhaisalkar, Liquid Gated Carbon
Nanotubes Field Effect Transistors (LG-CNTFET) Platform for Herbicide Sensing, ASME 2009
International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IEEE, 2009, 249-254.
Selected Presentation in International Conferences
1) Anita Talan, Sergei A. Eremin, Ashok Kumar, Sonu Gandhi, International Conference on Functional
Nanomaterials (ICFNM 2019), February 22-25, 2019 at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Varanasi,India.
2) Sonu Gandhi, Biomarkers- From Research to Commercialization (SELET-BIO), May 24-25, 2018 at
Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, India.
3) Akansha Srivastava, Sonu Gandhi, Alesh Kumar, R. K. Singhal, Manoj Shrivastava, International
conference on Innovations and research in agriculture, food science, forestry, horticulture, aquaculture,
animal science, biodiversity, ecology and climate change (AFHABEC), May 19, 2018 at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, India.
4) Sonu Gandhi, C Raman Suri, International Scientific Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences (ISCEAS 2017), 24-26 May 2017, Bangkok, Thailand.
5) Sonu Gandhi, Peptide based nanosensor for cancer specific proteases. Advances in biological system
and materials science in Nanoworld (ABSMSNW), February 19-20, 2017 at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Varanasi, India.
6) Sonu Gandhi, 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Biosensors & Bioelectronics, September
22-23, 2016 Phoenix, USA.
7) Sonu Gandhi, Hamed Arami, Kannan M Krishnan, 6th International Workshop on Magnetic Particle Imaging (IWMPI 2016), 16-18 March 2016, Lubeck, Germany.
8) Kannan M Krishnan, Sonu Gandhi, Hamed Arami, Amit P. Khandhar, 40th MRS Fall meeting and Exhibit, 29th November- 4th December, 2015, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
9) Sonu Gandhi, Asahi Tomitaka, Hamed Arami, Kannan M Krishnan, 5th International Workshop on Magnetic Particle Imaging (IWMPI 2015) held on 26-28 March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey.
10) Sonu Gandhi, Sidenius N, European Cancer Congress: Reinforcing Multidisciplinarity, Amsterdam, The Netherlands held in 27 September-01 October 2013.
11) Sonu Gandhi, Sidenius N, Mechanism of cell transformation and metastasis: Symposium IFOM-Kyoto University, Campus IFOM-IEO, held on 25-27 October 2012 in Milan, Italy.
12) Sonu Gandhi, Sidenius N, XIIIth International Workshop on Molecular & Cellular Biology of Plasminogen Activation held on 9-13 July 2011 in University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.

Prof. (Dr.) Md. Sadique Shaikh
B.Sc. (ES), M.S. (ES), M.Tech. (IT & AI),
D.B.M, P.G.D.M. (EM), M.B.A. (HRM),
M.B.A. (Marketing), M.Phil. (Management), DMS (IBM)
Institute of Management & Sciences (IMS)
Sakegaon-Bhusawal, M.S, India
Prof. Md. Sadique Shaikh presently designated as Professor and Director in Technology and
Management at KYDSC Trust’s Institute of Management & Sciences (IMS), Bhusawal, M.S,
India. He is working for M.Tech and M.B.A courses for various subjects but few sound research
domains are Robotics Vision, Machine Learning, Image Processing, Humanoid Intelligence,
Bionics, Mobots, Advanced AI, International Business, Data Analytics, Bigdata Management,
IoT, VO, MIS, HRIS Digital & Optical Electronics, Nanotechnology & Quantum Computing,
Spintronics etc. He is qualified in M.S (ES), M.Tech (IT), M.B.A (HRM), M.B.A (MM), PGDM
followed by M.Phil. Doctorate in Management Studies DMS (International Business), D.B.M
and Pursuing Ph.D. He has delivered Invited Talk, Short Communication, Keynote Speeches and
presented research work in several reputed places like IITs, IIMs, BARC, NMU, PU, MU, NU
are few of them. He has 15 years of experience in industries and Academics presented work
more than 86 conferences/symposiums and authored 45 international books and more than 115
research papers, short communication, opinions and research reports worldwide some of them
Germany, U.K, U.S.A, India, Malaysia, Mauritius, Hong Kong, Singapore, U.A.E, Italy, France,
Japan, China, Romania, Spain and Australia in the fields of Robotics, Bionic Brain, AAI, UAI,
Quantum Computing, Information Technology, Medical & Surgical Robotics, Space Science,
Management, Cosmology & Space Science and Electronics Sciences. His 09 books republished
in 8 different international languages worldwide by Omniscriptum Publishing, Berlin,
Germany and the book “Next Level Vision in Artificial Intelligence” and “Business of
Different Thinking” few of them. He is guiding to many students for advanced research project
in Technology and Management. He is editorial board member in several esteemed International
journals of U.K, U.S.A, Japan, and India. Worked in several International
Conferences/Symposiums as OCM & Advisory Committee Member of U.S.A, U.K, Australia,
Japan, Spain, India and Turkey. Organized several National/International
conferences/symposiums, summit, MDPs, LDPs and FDPs and several big events. He is
reviewer of several reputed international journals (REAJ) Robotics & Automation Engineering
Journal is one of them. Became Chief Guest Editor of special volume of journal “Medical
Robotics and Surgery”. Reviewer and Member in Journal of medical and pharmacy. Editor in
Invasive Surgical Research Journal and expert in Advanced Medical Robotics. He has written
several invited short communication/Interviews and editorial for world reputed journals. He is
International Educator, Author and Invited Speaker. He is OCM of Bio-Core, Dubai, U.A.E. He
is Editor of OMICS Online London, SciPG, U.S.A and Research-Route Journal, India, JARAP-
India and likewise several. He is reviewer of Kosmos Publishers, USA. He is invited speaker in
ICEAAE-2019 (Frankfurt, Germany) 2nd Edition of Aerospace and Aeronautical Engineering.
Editorial Board Member of Journal of Robotics & Automation” and “Journal of Mechanical
Handling and Automation” of JournalPub, Noida, India. Editorial Board Member of Journal of
Applied Sciences, Redelve LLC Pub., USA. Became Editorial Board Member in International
Journal of Robotics and Automation, International Journal of Mechanical Handling and
Automation JournalspPub, India, Became EDM in “Asian Journal of Social Science
Management & Economics” India. He is OCM of INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON
PHARMACOLOGY AND PHARMA NETWORK, 26-28 September 2019, Hilton Garden Inn
Houston Westbelt Houston, USA. He is OCM in International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence & Machine Learning, Osaka, Japan. Became Editorial Board member in “Asian
Journal of Social Science Management & Economics” India, International Multilingual Journal
of Science and Technology (IMJST), Berlin, Germany. Speaker and OCM in International
Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning ,OSAKA, JAPAN, “International
Conference on Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering” Tokyo, Japan and “ World Physics
Congress” Dubai, U.A.E. OCM in International Scientific Summit in Artificial Intelligence and
Robotics, Valencia, Spain, OCM in International Conference on Robotics and Automation
Engineering, Roma, Italy. Reviewer in Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies
(JMESS), Berlin, Germany. Chief Editor International Journals of research Publications (IJR
Publications). Chief Editor of MAA International Journal of Research in Computer Applications
and Technology, Indore, India. Work in advanced A.I selected at Paris, USA, Japan, Spain,
Hong Kong, London, Brazil, Indonesia, Germany, UAE, and so on. Became OCM in
International Conference on Physics and Network Malaysia 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Became OCM in 3rd International Conference & Expo on Aerospace and Unmanned Arial
Systems: Taking the Sky Streets Aviation-The Next Level, Philadelphia, U.S.A. He is Leading
Committee Member in World Congress on Automobile, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
(WCAMIE-2019), Berlin, Germany. Designated as Lead Guest Editor of SciencePG USA for
American Journal of Management Science and Engineering and designed special issue
“Artificial Intelligence for Future Business”. He received “Best Leadership Award” from
Today- Research & Ratings. He received IOSRD Best Researcher Award 2018 at
Panduchary and VDGOOD Outstanding Scientist Award 2019 at Bangalore, India. He has
finished two self-help books entitled “What I am is Thinking” and “Saturations” contracted to
publish with Penguin Publication, New Delhi. He is Associative Editor of GPH-Journal of
Business Management, Haryana, India. He is EBM in International Journal of Current Science
and Multidisciplinary Research, India. (Management and Economics Section), India. He is EBM
of International Journal of Advancements in Technology, LongDom Publishing, Belgium. He is
OCM in AMME-2020 Summit at Dubai. Reviewer of Oriental Journal of Computer Science and
Technology (OJCST), India. Active member of VDGood Scientific Association. Won RULA
Awards organizes by World Research Congress for International Research Award in AI,
Trichy, T.N, India. Won for “Distinguished Scientist Award” from VDGood Association in
Chennai, India. Became OCM and Speaker in GAVIN “2nd International Conference on
Advanced Artificial Intelligence & Robotics” 28-29 July 2020 at Berlin, Germany. Became
OCM and Speaker in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Science, 01-02
December 2020, Bucharest, Romania as well as . Became OCM and Speaker in Robotics and
Computer Science World Forum” to be held in Lisbon, Portugal from November 09-10, 2020.
OCM and Invited Speaker of 4th World Conference on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence,
December 17-18, 2020 | Istanbul, Turkey. . He is OCM and webinar speaker with talk “AI and
Singularity” at 2nd International Robotics and Automation Engineering Conference August 3-4,
2020 – Paris, France.
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Dr Archana Moni Das
1. Name and full correspondence address : Dr Archana Moni Das
Principal Scientist & Associate Prof.(AcSIR)
Group Leader
Natural Products Chemistry Group,
Chemical Sciences &Technology Division,
CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat-785006,
Assam, India.
2. contact number(s) :
Tel Ph. :0376-2371283
3. Institution : CSIR-North East Institute of Science & Technology, Jorhat-785006,
Assam, India
4. Date of Birth : 01-04-1969
5. Gender (M/F/T) : F
6. Academic Qualification (Undergraduate Onwards)
S.No. Degree Year Subject University/ Institution
1 B.Sc. 1992 Chemistry J. B. College,
2 M.Sc. 1995 Chemistry (Organic) Dibrugarh University,
3 M.Phil. 1998 Synthetic studies of some
macromolecules based on
esters of organic
dicarboxylic & substituted
Dibrugarh University,
4 Ph.D. 2002 Studies on graft co- polymerization
of AAM & MMA onto
Antheraea assama silk
using Ce IV & KmnO 4 -oxalic
Dibrugarh University,
7. Ph.D thesis title, Guide’s Name, Institute/Organization/University, Year of Award :
“Studies on graft co- polymerization of AAM & MMA onto Antheraea assama silk using
Ce IV & KmnO 4 -oxalic acid”. Dr. C N Saikia, CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, Assam, India, 2002.
8. Work experience (in chronological order).
Name of the Institution From To
1. Senior
CSIR-North East Institute
Of Science & Technology,
Jorhat, Assam
15-07-2017 till date.
2. Senior
CSIR-North East Institute
Of Science & Technology,
Jorhat, Assam
15-07-2013 14-07-2017
3. Scientist CSIR-North East Institute
Of Science & Technology,
Jorhat, Assam
15-07-2008 14-07-2013
4. Junior
CSIR-North East Institute
Of Science & Technology,
Jorhat, Assam
15-07-2005 14-07-2008
5. RA(CSIR) CSIR-North East Institute
Of Science & Technology,
Jorhat, Assam
01-04-2003 14-07-2005
6. Project
CSIR-North East Institute
Of Science & Technology,
Jorhat, Assam
01-12-1997 31-03-2003
9. Professional Recognition/ Award/ Prize/ Certificate, Fellowship received by the applicant :
Name of the award Awarding Agency Year
Research Associate Award (CSIR) Council of Scientific & Industrial
Research (CSIR), New Delhi, India,
Fast Track Young Scientist Award
Department of Science & Technology
(DST), New Delhi, India,
Prestigious U.S. Government, Full-
bright award, International Visitor
Leadership Program, on “Women in
Science”, US, 2012.
U.S. Government, USA. 2012
Best Performing Women Scientist
award, 2015
CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, Assam, India 2015
Postdoctoral Associateship award,
DBT, New Delhi, India, 2015.
Department of Biotechnology, New
Delhi, India
Best Performing Women Scientist
award, 2016
CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, Assam, India 2016
Distinguished Scientist in Chemistry’
(Discipline: Science), 5th Venus
International Research Awards-VIRA
FOUNDATION, Tamilnadu, India
Bharat Vikas Award, 2019 in Science
for outstanding contribution in Science
Institute of Self Reliance,
Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India.
10. Publications (List of papers published in SCI Journals, in year wise descending order) :
S.No. Author(s) Title of the Papers Name of the
Volume, Page
& Year
1 A M Das*, C N
Saikia and S R
Synthesis and Characterization of
polyester from terephthalic acid, propane
J. Assm Sci.
40, 11-18,
2 Archanamoni
Das and C N
Graft co-polymerization of
methylmethacrylate onto non-mulberry
silk- Antheraea assama using potassium
permanganate-oxalic acid redox system
74, 213-216,
3 S. N.
Choudhury, R.
Ahmed, P. R.
Sangita Dutta,
Archana M. Das
and Arunabh
Performance of Muga silkworm
(Antheraea assama Ww.) on different
“SOM” (Persea Bombycina king Ex Hook
(F) Kost.) plant collections from ASSAM,
International J.
of Wild
Silkmoth & Silk
5, 66-69, 2000
4 Archanamoni
Das* and C N
Grafting of methylmethacrylate (MMA)
onto non-mulberry silk-Antheraea
J. Ass. Sci.
41, 206-217,
5 A. Das, C. N.
Saikia and S.
Grafting of methylmethacrylate (MMA)
onto Antheraea assama silk fibre
J. Appl. Polym.
81, 2633-
2641, 2001
6 A M Das and C
N Saikia
Grafting of vinyl monomers onto silk
fibres : Graft copolymerization of
methylmethacrylate (MMA) onto-
Antheraea assam silk fibre
Indian J.
Chem. Tech.
9, 41-46, 2002
7 A M Das, C.
N. Saikia and
S. Hussain
Property modification of Antheraea
assama silk fibre through graft
Indian J. Fibre
& Tech. Res.
8 A. M. DAS* and
C N Saikia
Graft copolymerization of acrylamide
onto non-mulberry silk – Antheraea
assama and evaluation of properties of
grafted fibres
J. Assm Sci.
9 Papori
Archana Moni
Das & Pritish
Ceric Ammonium Nitrate (CAN)
catalyzed Baeyer-Villiger Oxidation of
Carbonyl Compounds, specially 20-
Indian J.
Chem., 43B
10 Pritish
Archana Moni
Das & Papori
Synthesis of some steroidal [16,17-d]-
Steroids 70, 494-498,
11 A M Das*, C N
Saikia, P K
Chowdhury &
P G Rao
Some Physical properties and structure
determination of vinyl monomer-grafted
Antheraea assama silk fibre
J. Ind. Eng.
Chem. Res.
48, 9338, 2009
12 A M Das*, P K
Chowdhury, C
N Saikia and P
G Rao
Grafting of vinyl monomer onto
Anthearea assama silk
:Copolymerization of acrylamide onto silk
Indian J Fibre
& TexRes.
35, 107-114,
13 A M Das* Kinetic Study and Reaction Mechanism
of Vinyl Monomer Modified Antheraea
assama Silk Composites
14 Pritish
J M Borah,
Goswami &
Archana Moni
A convenient synthesis of the side chain
of loteprednol etabonate-An ocular
softcorticosteroid from 20-oxopregnanes
using metal-mediated halogenation as a
key reaction
Steroids 76, 497-501,
15 Archana M.
Das*, Abdul A.
Ali and
Manash P.
Thermal degradation and kinetic study of
vinyl monomer grafted silk fibroin
International J
Eng & Tech
2, 69-78, 2014
16 Archana M.
Das*, Abdul A.
Ali and
Manash P.
Synthesis and characterization of
Cellulose Acetate from Rice Husk : Eco-
friendly Condition
112, 342–349,
17 Archana Moni
Das*, Raju
Khan, Manas
h Protim
Hazarika ,
Baruah and
Deka Bhuyan
One-Pot Synthesis of Chitosan-
Dehydropregnanolone Acetate Ketimine
Nanoparticles and Antifungal
RSC Adv. 5, 10065 –
10071, 2015
18 A M Das* and
Manash P.
Synthesis of Some Novel Steroidal
RSC Adv. 5, 19818-
19822, 2015
19 Bitupon Borah,
Manas Protim
Debojit Kumar
Singh Bhau
Calamus leptospadix Griff. a high
saponin yielding plant with antimicrobial
Crops and
82, 127–132,
20 Archana M.
Das*, Manash
P. Hazarika,
Yadav, Pradip
Extraction of cellulose from agricultural
waste using Montmorillonite K-10/LiOH
and its conversion to renewable energy:
Biofuel by using Myrothecium
141, 20–27,
21 Jonalee
Rajib L.
Green synthesis of
imidazole/benzimidazole derivatives of
α,β-unsaturated ketones using Mg-Al
Journal of
Sciences &
3(8), 76-86,
Archana M.
layered double hydroxide catalyst Applied
22 Monmi
Archana Moni
Synthesis of cellulose impregnated
copper nanoparticles as an efficient
heterogeneous catalyst for C-N coupling
reactions under mild conditions
195, 189-198,
23 Monmi
Archana Moni
Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles
supported on cellulose and their catalytic
application in scavenging of organic dyes
New Journal
of Chemistry
42, 10868-
10878, 2018
24 Debjani
Baruah, Monmi
Goswami, Raj
Narayan Singh
Archana Moni
Biogenic synthesis of gold nanoparticles
and their application in photocatalytic
degradation of toxic dyes
Journal of
y &
B: Biology
186, 51-58,
25 Nwaehujor
Ademola, Das
Achana Moni
Anticancer activity of the crude extracts
and an isolate (-sitosterol) from the leaf
of Annona Muricata
Journal of
l And Allied
V7 I8, 790,
26 Monmi
Archana Moni
Synthesis and Characterization of a
Biodegradable Cellulose Acetate-
Montmorillonite Composite for Effective
Adsorption of Eosin Y
206, 863-872,
27 Taoufik
Baruah, Jan
Archana moni
Synthesis, Structural Elucidation and
Antimicrobial Activities of some Novel
Bis-1,3,4-oxadiazole Derivatives
53, 152-156,
28 Ogundele
Archana Das*
Chemical Constituents from the Leaves
of Elaeocarpus floribundus
Natural Product
DOI : 10.1080/
29 Debjani
Baruah, Raj
Narayan Singh
Archana Moni
Alpinia nigra fruits mediated synthesis of
silver nanoparticles and their
antimicrobial and photocatalytic activities
Journal of
& Photobiology,
B: Biology
201 (2019)
11. Detail of Patents :
S.No. Patent Title Name of
Patent No. Award
1. A Process for the Dr. P K 0099NF/2009 – India Applied
Synthesis of D-
ring fused
Steroidal- -
Butyro Lactones :
A Class of
Steroids from
Acetate and its
Chowdhury &
Dr. A M Das
2 A Process for the
isolation of
vanillin from
agriculture waste
using organic
A M Das,
Abdul A Ali, D
Knowar, N C
Barua and T C
1879DEL2014 – India Applied
3 A highly effective
plant extract
formulation for
control of Red
Spider Mite
(RSM) in Tea
J C Sarma, N
C Barua, P R
Bhatacharya, R
C Borah,
Mantu Bhuyan,
A M Das, Jetan
3321DEL2014 – India Applied
4 Synthesis of
Novel Steroid-
and its
Antibacterial and
A M Das,
Abdul A Ali, P
K Chowdhury,
Archana Yadav
and P J
0172NF2014 – India Applied
5 Synthesis of a
new and novel
class of
and their
antifungal activity
A M Das,
Manash P.
Hazarika and P
J Dekabhuyan
0504DEL2015 – India Applied
6 A novel class of
for their
antibacterial and
A M Das,
Manash P.
Baruah, B S
Bhau, P J
and Bitupon
0186NF2015 – India Applied
7 A method for the
isolation of
vanillin from Rice
Moni Das,
Abdul Aziz Ali,
Dilip Konwar,
Chandra Bora,
8 A Process for the
isolation of
vanillin from a
new renewable
resource Ipomea
Moni Das,
WO 2017/141269
A1, National
phase entry:
September 18,
9 A novel class of
for their
antibacterial and
A M Das,
Manash P.
Baruah, B S
Bhau, P J
and Bitupon
complete filing on
10 A New And Novel
Plant Alpinia
allughas As
Anticancer Agent
For A549,HepG2,
MDAMB231 and
HeLa cancer cell
Archana Moni
Das, Debjani
Sonali Roy,
290/2016 dated
June, 2016.
– India Applied
Books/Reports/Chapters/General articles etc.
S.No. Title Author’s Name Publisher Year of
1 Nanocomposites of cellulose
nanocrystal and metal
nanoparticles: Synthesis,
characterization and catalytic
Manash Protim Hazarika
and Archana Moni Das
Published in:
Recent Advances
in Material Science
EBH Publisher
2 Synthesis of Copper
nanoparticles on CMC
template and its use as
catalyst in homocoupling of
aryl halides
Manash Protim Hazarika
and Archana Moni Das
Published in:
Recent Trends in Material
Publisher: Narosa Publishing
House, ISBN:
13. Any other Information (Projects)
A. Research Support:
Ongoing Research Projects: As PI.
S. No. Title of Project Funding
Amount Date of sanction and
1. Herbal Drug
Development for
from North-East Based
Selected Plants
Rs.57,00,000/- 07.03.2018 & 2 Years
B. Completed Research Projects : As PI.
S. No. Title of Project Funding
Amount Date of
sanction and
1. Synthesis Of Some
Versatile Steroidal
Molecules : Approach To
Synthesis Of Hybrid
Molecules Including Nine
Membered D-Ring
Steroids and Chemeric
DST, New
Rs.22,00,000/ – 31.07.2009 & 3
2. Utilization of
Lignocellulose Bearing
Plants of North-East
Region of India for
Potential Source of
Energy : A Green
19.01.2011 & 5
3. Sustainable and
Biodegradable Hybrid
Nano-Composites as
Bio-integrated Materials
for Advanced Functional
DST, New
Rs.27,50,000/ – 31.07.2013 & 4
As Co-PI and Team Members :
S. No. Title of Project Funding
Amount Date of
sanction and
1. Eco-friendly
management of plant
pathogens using natural
plant extract from North-
east India by inducing
resistance in plants
ASCR, Czech
IR India,
India Bilateral
18,00,000/ – 19.06.2012 &
2 Years
2. Discovery and
Preclinical studies of
new Bioactive
Molecules (natural and
Council of
Scientific &
11,71,00000/ – 2012 & 5 years
semi synthetic) &
traditional preparations
New Delhi,
3. North East Exploration
of Pharmaceuticals
Council of
Scientific &
New Delhi,
3,39,50,000/ – 2009 & 5 years
4. Development of a
unique portfolio of plant
and soil microbe derived
bioactive extracts and
pure compounds and
their value addition
involving partial & total
Council of
Scientific &
New Delhi,
Rs.15,00,00,000/ – 01.04.2012 & 5
5. North East Exploration
for Pharmaceuticals
Council of
Scientific &
New Delhi,
Rs.6,60,00,000/ – 01.04.2012 & 5
6. Natural Products as
affordable Healthcare
Agents : Integrated
Discovery platform for
Natural Products based
design of new
Council of
Scientific &
New Delhi,
Rs.9,40,00,000/ – 01.04.2012 & 5
14. Details of commercialization technologies developed : 02 Nos.
1. Herbal Lipstick with lip care. Technology transferred to one party, Atithya,
Guwahati, Assam, India, 2018. As PI.
2. Production of natural vanillin from plant resources. Technology Transferred to one
party, Biotrans Axom, Guwahati, Assam, India, 20th September, 2019.
3. “Bioformulation for control of Red Spider Mite (RSM) in Tea Plantations”. MoU
agreement with M/s. Tata Tea & Beverages Ltd. for selling the technology and 1 kg
Red Spider Mite (RSM) sample had been given to the party for further R&D work.
15. Ph. D. Awarded : 02 Nos.
1. Title of the thesis “Synthesis and characterization of hybrid nano-composites for bio-
integrated materials and their bioevaluation”.
2. Thesis title: "Synthesis and Characterization of Value Added Products, Metal based
nanocomposites using Natural Polymers and Their Application".
16. Presented in Seminars/Conferences, 2018-19 :
1. Synthesis and characterization of polyesters derived from terephthalic acid and aromatic
diols. Archana Moni Das*, C. N. Saikia and S. R. Sen, (Annual Technical Session, Assam
Science Society, Institute of Advanced Study in Science and Technology, Guwahati,
December 19, 1998).
2. S. N. Choudhury, R. Ahmed, P. R. Bhattacharyya, Sangita Dutta, Archana M. Das and
Arunabh rajkhowa, Performance of Muga silkworm (Antheraea assama Ww.) on different
“SOM” (Persea Bombycina king Ex Hook (F) Kost.) plant collections from ASSAM, INDIA,
The 3 rd International Conference on Wild Silkmoths, Organised jointly by International
Society for Wild Silkmoths, Japan and Central Silk Board, Bhubaneshwar, India, November
11-14, 1998.
3. Graft-copolymerization of methylmethacrylate (MMA) onto Antheraea assama silk fibre.
Archanamoni Das* and C. N. Saikia, (87th Annual Meeting of Indian Science Congress,
Pune University, Pune, January 3-7, 2000).
4. Grafting of methylmethacrylate (MMA) onto non-mulberry silk – Antheraea assama.
Archanamoni Das* and C. N. Saikia, (Annual Technical Session, Assam Science Society,
Guwahati University, Guwahati, February 23, 2000).
5. Studies on graft co-polymerization of acrylamide onto non-mulberry silk-Antheraea assama
using Ce IV redox system. Archana Moni Das* and C. N. Saikia, (Dibrugarh University,
Dibrugarh, September 29, 2001).
6. Characterization of methylmethacrylate (MMA) – grafted Antheraea assama silk fibre. A. M.
Das* and C. N. Saikia, (88th Annual Meeting of Indian Science Congress, IARI, New Delhi,
January 3-7, 2001).
7. Studies on graft co-polymerization of acrylamide onto non-mulberry silk-Antheraea assama
using Ce IV redox system. Archana Moni Das* and C. N. Saikia, (Dibrugarh University,
Dibrugarh, September 29, 2001).
8. Synthesis of highly functionalized new steroid molecule possessing - moiety isoxazoline &
-ethyl group from 16-dehydro- 20-oxopregnane. Archana Moni Das* and P.K. Chowdhury,
(91th Annual Meeting of Indian Science Congress, Panjab University, Chandigarh, January
3-7, 2004).
9. Grafting of vinyl monomer onto Anthearea assama silk fibre and evaluation of properties of
grafted fibres, A M Das*, C N Saikia, P K Chowdhury and P G Rao, (4 th International
Conference on Polymers for Advanced Technologies, Thiruvananthapuram, India,
December 14-17, 2004)
10. National Seminar on Membrane Science & Technology : Challenges and
Oppertunities, (RRL (CSIR), Jorhat, ASSAM, February 12-13, 2004)
11. Grafting of vinyl monomer onto Anthearea assama silk : Copolymerization of acrylamide
onto silk, A M Das*, P K Chowdhury, C N Saikia and P G Rao, (Oral Presentation) (The 8 th
Asian Textile Conference, May 9-11, Tehran, 2005)
12. Grafting Vinyl Monomer onto Silk Fibre : Property Modification through Graft
Co-polymerization, A M Das*, P K Chowdhury, C N Saikia and P G Rao, (2 nd International
Conference on ‘Recent Advances in Composite Materials’ Indian Habitat Center, New
Delhi, February 20-23, 2007)
13. Synthesis of 3 , 26- Dihydroxy- 13 – 17,17- Dialkyl-22-Oxo-18- Norsteroids using Ceric
Ammonium Nitrate induced Wagner- Meerwein Rearrangement
of Furostenols, Archana Moni Das* and Pritish Chowdhury, (11 th International
Conference on ‘Advancesin Drug Discovery Research’, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar
MarathwadaUniversity, Aurangabad, India, February 24-26 th , 2007)
14. National Conference on ‘Technology Based Strategy For Development Of North
East India : Assam Gas Cracker Down Stream Processing, From February 15-16,
2008 at NEIST, Jorhat.
15. Attended Workshop on “Renewable Energy Resource : Assessment of Assam”
on 16.10.08 at Tezpur University, Assam.
16. Attended Workshop on “Capacity Building of Women Managers in Higher
Education” from 28.01.09 to 01.02.09 at Hotel Nikita, hosted by Bahona College,
Jorhat, Assam.
17. Attended Orientation Programme for Newly Recruited Scientists at NEIST, Jorhat
from 23.03.09 to 27.03.09.
18. Attended National Seminar on Recent Advances in Chemical Sciences, held at Dibrugarh
from March 26-27, 2009 and presented a research paper entitled ‘Synthesis and
characterization of A new steroidal molecules D-ring conjugated peptide’ authors by A M
Das* & P K Chowdhury.
19. Attended National Conference of “NCSCST-09”, held at Bangalore on April 14-16, 2009
and presented a research paper entitle ‘Vinyl Monomer Grafted Anthearea assama silk :
Copolymerization Of Acrylamide onto Silk’ authors by A M Das* & P K Chowdhury.
20. Workshop on Gas Phase Mass Spectroscopy GC-MS, organized by Thermofisher &
NEIST, Jorhat on 13 th November, 2009.
21. International Seminar on Molecular Modeling and Drug Design organized by Schrödinger
& NEIST, Jorhat on 17 th December, 2009.
22. Seminar on Medicinal and Economic Plants of NE India, organized by NEIST,
Jorhat on 21 st Dec., 2009.
23. Presented a research paper entitle “Copolymerization of Antheraea assama silk fibre-
grafted with vinyl monomer composites” author by A M Das* and P G Rao in the
International Conference on Materials for the Millennium, MatCon 2010, held at
Cochin University from 11-13 th January, 2010.
24. Presented a research paper entitled “Utilization of Medicinal Plant Dioscorea Floribunda to
Drug Development” authors by A M Das* and P K Chowdhury in the International
Conference on Aromatic and Medicinal Plants, AROMED 2010, held at Lucknow on 21-
24 Feb., 2010.
25. A M Das* & Susmita Borah, Synthesis and Characterization of 1,2,4,5-Tetraoxane
Derivatives of Steroids Towards Antimalalial Activity, National Seminar on Recent
Advances in Synthesis and Catalysis (RASC -11), held at Dibrugarh University,Dibrugarh,
Assam, on 10-12 th February, 2011.
26. Archana M. Das* & Rupjyoti Hazarika, Synthesis and characterization of Some
Macromolecules Based on Esters of Dihydroxy Compounds, National seminar on Polymer
Science and Technology: vision and scenario, held at Chaiduar College, Gohpur, Assam,
on 12-13 th Feb. 2011.
27. Archana M. Das* ‘Biodegradable Protein Fibre Composites : Modification Through Graft
Copolymerization’, International Conference (Post ISCBC-2012), held at Guwahati, Assam
on January 28-30, 2012.
28. Abdul Aziz Ali and Archana M. Das*, “Synthesis of Cellulose Derivative from Agricultural
Waste and Characterization: Eco-friendly Solvent Free Condition”, International Conference
on Harnessing Natural Resources for Sustainable Development : Global Trends (HNRSD),
OP-01, 233, 2014, Cotton College, Guwahati, Assam, INDIA.
29. Manash P. Hazarika and Archana M. Das*, “NiO -Nano Cellulose Nanocomposites :
Preparation of Nano cellulose from Rice Husk and Characterization”, 8 th Mid-Year CRSI
National Symposium in Chemistry, 2014, CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, Assam, INDIA.
30. Manash P. Hazarika, Debjani Baruah and Archana M. Das*, “Synthesis of a novel class of
sapogenin using an efficient Amberlyst-15 catalyzed reaction of propargyl alcohol and their
biological activity”, International Conference, Sub-Himalayan Plant Diversity in Human
Welfare, Department of Chemistry, Dibrugarh University,Dibrugarh, Assam, India will be
held on 11 – 13 March 2015.
31. Presented a research paper entitled “Synthesis of nanocellulose supported Copper
nanoparticles for oxime rearrangement into primary amides and evaluation of their In-vitro
Antimicrobial Activities” authors by Manash P. Hazarika and Archana M. Das* in MRSI,
2016, held at CSIR-NEIST from 18-21, Feb., 2016.
32. Presented a research paper entitled “Biosynthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using
Amphineuron opulentum and Its In-vitro Evaluation for antibacterial activity” authors by
Debjani Baruah, A. M. Das* & Y N Yadav in MRSI, 2016, held at CSIR-NEIST from 18-21,
Feb., 2016.
33. Presented a research paper entitled “Synthesis of ZnO/Ag hybrid bimetallic nanoparticles
on cellulose acetate (CA) and its use as catalyst in C-S cross coupling reactions” authors
by Manash Protim Hazarika and Archana Moni Das* in NAMASTA-2017 (Nanomaterials
Science, Technology and Applications) organized by Department of Physics, Dibrugarh
University, Dibrugarh, Assam, India during November 10-11, 2017.
34. Presented a research paper entitled “Preparation of cellulose nanocomposites film with in
situ generated silver nanoparticles and its characterization” authors by Rebika Baruah,
Debjani Baruah, Ayorinde V. Ogundel and Archana Moni Das* in NAMASTA-2017
(Nanomaterials Science, Technology and Applications) organized by Department of
Physics, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh, Assam, India during November 10-11, 2017.
35. Presented a research paper entitled “Synthesis of Cellulose supported copper
nanoparticles towards C-N coupling reaction under mild conditions”, Monmi Goswami,
Archana Moni Das* in NAMASTA-2017 (Nanomaterials Science, Technology and
Applications) organized by Department of Physics, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh,
Assam, India during November 10-11, 2017.
36. M. Goswami and A.M. Das*, Development of Cellulose Reinforced Zinc Oxide
Nanocrystals Towards Photodegradation of Azo Dyes. Emerging Trends in Chemical
Sciences, 26-28 February, 2018, Department of Chemistry, Dibrugarh University, Assam,
37. Manash Protim Hazarika and Archana Moni Das*, “Development of conductive copper
oxide nanoparticles supported over CMC and their catalytic applications in C-N and C-O
cross coupling reactions” International Conference on “Emerging Trends in Chemical
Sciences (ETCS-2018)” held from 26-28 th February, 2018 at Department of Chemistry,
Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh, Assam.
38. M. Goswami and A.M. Das*, Bioremediation of Waste Water using Phytochemically
Reduced Silver Nanoparticles Supported Over Cellulose-A green Approach. The Frontiers
in Chemical Biology, 26-28 June, 2018, Materials Research society of India (MRSI) , North
East Chapter, Jorhat and Assam Science Society, Jorhat Branch, Assam, India.
39. Debjani Baruah, R.N.S. Yadav, A.M. Das*,“Phytochemical screening, total phenolics and
antioxidant potential of three ethnomedicinal plants of Assam”, Material Research Society of
India – North East Conference – 2018 on The Frontiers in Chemical Biology at CSIR-NEIST,
Jorhat from 26-28 June, 2018.
40. Rebika Baruah, Debjani Baruah, Ayorinde V. Ogundele and Archana Moni Das*,
Elucidation of photocatalytic, adsorbent and antibacterial activity of plant extracts
impregnated cellulose/AgNP composite films, Material Research Society of India – North
East Conference – 2018 on The Frontiers in Chemical Biology at CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat from
26-28 June, 2018.
41. Ayorinde Victor Ogundele, Rebika Baruah, Archana Yadav and Archana Moni Das*,
Evaluation of Solvents and Extraction Methods on the Yield, Phytochemicals and
Antimicrobial Activity of Moringa Oleifera Stems, Research Society of India – North East
Conference – 2018 on The Frontiers in Chemical Biology at CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat from 26-28
June, 2018.
42. Academies Lecture Workshop on Medicinal Chemistry and Natural Products: Approaches
towards New Drug Discovery organized by Department of Chemistry, Rajiv Gandhi
University Arunachal Pradesh in collaboration with Joint Science Education Panel of the
Science Academies from September 25-27, 2019.
43. A. V. Ogundele, A. Yadav, S. Haldar and A.M. Das*, National seminar On Current research
In Drug discovery and development November 13 & 14, 2019 Organized by The Department
of Pharmaceutical Sciences Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh – 786 004 Assam (India).
44. Rebika Baruah and Archana Moni Das*, Profound photocatalytic and pharmacological
activities of cyclodextrin/chitosan/silver bioonanocomposites, at ICANN 2019, IIT Guwahati,
from 18-21 December, 2019.
17. Invited Talk Delivered :
1. “Biodegradable Nanocomposites : A One-Pot Method for Synthesis of Nanocomposites
to Drug Development Approch” (invited talk), Dr. Archanamoni Das* & Dr. P G Rao in
the 2nd Annual World Congress of NanoMedicine 2011, Shenzhen, China from 3-5
November, 2011.
2. Archana M. Das*, invited talk delivered on the title ‘Protein Fibre Composites And Its
Modification’ Third International Multicomponent Polymer Conference (IMPC-2012),
Mahatma Gandhi University, Parumbaikadu, Kottayam, Kerala, India, from 23-25 March
3. Archana M. Das*, invited talk delivered on the title ‘Synthesis of some versatile
steroidal molecules : Approach to drug development program and other value added
products from natural sources’ Institute of Experimental Botany ASCR, Prague, Czech
Republic, 2nd November, 2012.
4. Archana M. Das*, invited talk delivered on the title “Value added products from natural
sources : Biodegradable fibre composites and others” at Polymer & Surface
Engineering Department, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai on 28th January,
5. Dr. A M Das*, invited lecture delivered on the topic “Value added products from natural sources
: Biodegradable nano composites and others” at Engineering & Applied Sciences conference
room, UOIT, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada on 19th August, 2016.
6. Archana M. Das*, invited talk delivered on the title “Biodegradable Polymer Scaffolds As Bio-
Integrated Materials For Drug Development And Other Uses” at Polymer & Surface Engineering
Department, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai on 18th September, 2019 in the
Conference CPP-2019 “Characterization of Polymers & Polymeric Products”.
18. Supervisor : One M. Phil. Scholar awarded
Five Ph.D. Scholar (Going on)
19. Overseas visits
Name of the place Country Duration of the visit
with dates
Prague, Czech
30 th October to 10 th
November, 2012
Under the International
collaborative project, ASCR,
Czech Republic-CSIR, India.-IND
Washington DC;
Salt Lake City,
Utah; Indianapolis;
North Carolina,
USA 6 th April to 26 th April
Prestigious U.S. Government, Full-
bright award, International Visitor
Leadership Program, US, 2012-
Oshawa, Ontario,
Canada 14 th July, 2016 to
13 th January, 2017
DBT Overseas Associateship for
North Eastern Region award,
20. Award / Fellowship received under the guidance :
1. Ms. Idorenyin Ugochi Nwaehujor, Nigerian Stored Products Research Institute, lorin, kwara
state, Nigeria, Award of 2014-15 CSIR-TWAS Sandwich Postgraduate Fellowship, FR number:
3240280448. Joined in this lnstitute on 7th January, 2016.
2. Mr. Ayorinde Victor Ogundele Dept of Chemistry, Geological & Physical Sciences Kwara
State University, Malete, Ilorin, Kwara State Nigeria P.M.B 1530,Ilorin, Nigeria, Award of 2015
CSIR-TWAS Postgraduate Fellowship FR number: 3240287339.
3. “Best Poster Award” with cash amount Rs. 2000/- (Two thousand only) for the paper titled
“Biosynthesis of ZnO/Ag nanoparticles, its antibacterial activity and application in degradation of
toxic dyes” authors by Debjani Baruah, Archana Moni Das, Rebika Baruah, RNS Yadav in
NAMASTA-2017 (Nanomaterials Science, Technology and Applications) organized by Department
of Physics, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh, Assam, India during November 10-11, 2017.
21. Particulars pertaining to students Ph.D/others guided and the titles of the
thesis submitted:
1. Ms. Debjani Baruah, UGC(NET)JRF registered for PhD degree in Biotechnology Department,
Dibrugarh University, Assam, India on the topic “Studies on antimicrobial potential of selected
plants and synthesis of nanocomposites of bioactive principles”.(As supervisor), 2015.
2. Manash Protim Hazarika, project fellow registered for PhD degree in AcSIR, CSIR-NEIST,
Jorhat, Assam, India on the topic “Synthesis and characterization of hybrid nano-composites for
bio-integrated materials and their bioevaluation”. (As supervisor), 2014.
3. Ms. Monmi Goswami, (GW) registered for PhD degree in Guwahati Unioversity, Guwahati,
Assam, India on the topic “studies on synthesis and characterization of bio based metal mediated
nanocomposites and value added products using natural polymer and their bioactive principles”.
(As supervisor), 2015.
4. Nwaehujor, Idorenyin Ugochi, CSIR – TWAS Fellow, Nigerian Stored Products Research
Institute, Nigerian, “Isolation, derivatization, characterization and bio-assay of the active principles
from Annona muricata”, 2016.
5. Rabin Das, project fellow, Enrollment No: 1BB15038014, registered for PhD degree in AcSIR,
CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat, Assam, India on the topic “Synthesis and characterization of metal mediated
nanocomposites using natural products and its bioevaluation”. (As Co-supervisor), 2016.
6. Latika Rani Brahma (Reg. No. 2015-ADJ-33), project fellow registered for PhD degree in AAU,
Jorhat, Assam, India on the topic “Isolation, characterization and bio-efficacy of active molecules
from indigenous medicinal plant extracts for management of major stored grain pests of North East
India”. (As Co-supervisor), 2016.
7. Ms. Kasturi Saikia, M.Sc. 4th semester, School Of Basic Science, Department Of Chemistry,
Kaziranga University (M.Sc. Project work-Summer training) on the topic “A Facile Method Of
Reductive Amination Using Vinyl Nitro Compounds In Al-NiCl2.6H2o-THF System”, 2015.
8. Mr. Abhishek baruah, M.Sc. 4th semester, School Of Basic Science, Department of Chemistry,
Kaziranga University (M.Sc. Project work-Summer training) on the topic “Bionol and its analogues
by using Al-NiCl2.6H2O”, 2015.
9. Mr. Saurov Paul, M.Sc. 4th semester, School Of Basic Science, Department of Chemistry,
Kaziranga University (M.Sc. Project work-Summer training) on the topic “Benzylation Of Indole
Using Al-NiCl2.6H2O System”, 2015.
10. Bibhav Bikash Saikia, M.Sc. 4th semester, Department of Chemistry, USTM, Meghalaya
(M.Sc. Project work-Winter trainning) on the topic “Studies on acetylation of alcohols using silver
nanoparticles as a catalyst in presence of acetic acid”, 2016.
11. Bikash Hazarika, B.Sc. 6th semester, Department of Chemistry, CNB College, Golaghat,
Assam (B.Sc. Project work-Winter trainning) on the topic “Studies on towards the synthesis of
oximes from aldehydes and ketones and their characterization”, 2016.
12. Mr. Udit Kumar Dutta, JRF(P) joined for the project GPP-0332.
13. Ms. Deepsikha Chaliha, JRF(P) joined for the project GPP-0332.
14. Mr. Prem Prakash Sahu, M Sc. Chemistry (3rd Semester), Department of
Chemistry, COTTON UNIVERSITY, Assam, India, Summer training on the topic
“Green synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles with photocatalytic and biological
15. Mr. Partha Protim Dutta, M Sc. Chemistry (4th Semester), Department of
Chemistry, Kaziranga University, Jorhat, Assam, Winter training on the topic
“Synthesis of cellulose supported Ag nanoparticles and its application”.
16. Ms. Kasturi Saikia, M.Sc. 4th semester, School Of Basic Science, Department Of
Chemistry, Kaziranga University (M.Sc. Project work-Summer training) on the
topic “A Facile Method Of Reductive Amination Using Vinyl Nitro Compounds In
Al-NiCl2.6H2o-THF System”.
17. Mr. Amarjyoti Baruah, M Sc. Chemistry (4th Semester), Department of
Chemistry, USTM, Meghalaya-793101, India, (M.Sc. Project work-Winter
trainning) “Extraction, phytochemical screening and antioxidant assay of
selected plants”.
18. Ms. Dolly Das, M Sc. Chemistry (4th Semester), Department of Chemistry,
USTM, Meghalaya-793101, India, (M.Sc. Project work-Winter trainning)
“Synthesis of cellulose supported nanocomposites and their application as
22. Editorship in reputed journals : Member of the editorial board “Journal of Marine
Natural Products”.
23. Reviewer : J. Appl. Polym. Sci., Bioresources Tech., J. of Reinforced
and Composites, J. Ind. Eng. Chem.& Res., Journal of Marine
Natural Products, Journal of Engineering Science, Technology
and Innovation (IRJESTI)
24. Membership of learned Societies :
1. Assam Science Society, Guwahati : Life member
2. Indian Science Congress, Kolkata : Member
3. Society for Polymer Science, India : Member
4. Society of Chemist & Biologist, India : Member
5. International Science Congress, India : Member
25. Current Research Interest:
My current research interest lies in the field of synthesis and characterization of
new drug molecules, development of new synthetic and polymeric methodologies,
synthesis and characterization of polymer material, nano composites, modification of fibre
applying new technology, conversion of cellulose to biofuel, steroid transformations and
synthesis of its relatives as well as one step simple route of micro wave assisted
reactions, new reagents etc., In addition, my research activities include extraction,
isolation and characterization of the natural products with having bioactivity.

Dr. Supriya Raut
Currently working as a Director-Scientific Affairs (Former: Senior Scientist) with MKTS Global Pvt. Ltd.
Expertise as pioneer for a startup Nutraceutical company and nominated for International Innovative
Researcher Award 2020. THROZEN herbal lozenges developed from formulation to market launch
stage and product proven efficacy published in International Journal as single author. THROZEN
lozenges are available in market now
Well acquainted in interdisciplinary fields such as Nutraceuticals, Microbiology and Biotechnology
Expertise in new product development and process development
Well acquainted with analysing cause of product and process failure and its troubleshooting
Experience in nutraceuticals, beverages, probiotics, food microbiology, enzymes, biotechnology,
Expertise in documentation of Patents, Product Marketing scripts, clinical trials protocols, SOP’s,
Business Plans, critical control points in batch profiles which affect the production yield, establishing co-
relation between R&D trials and production batches performances
Expertise in training research associates and junior scientists at R&D and production team at Plant
Since Jan’19 till date As “Director-Scientific Affairs” in MKTS Global Pvt. Ltd. (Nutraceutical company)
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) for International Patent filing and country-wise patent application
Documentation for Product Marketing, Technology transfer and finances for scientific/product
Financial detailing for production cost, packaging cost, final product manufacturing cost and selling
Active involvement in marketing/launch plans
Presenting/explaining product details to product distributors
Sole coordinator of MKTS with contract manufacturing company, trademark-patent (IPR) team,
analytical and clinical trial conducting company
Monitoring problems encountered during production, packaging, transportation as well as at retailers
end and troubleshooting accordingly
Published an International research paper as a “sole author” on behalf of the company for THROZEN
Nominated for RULA and IJRULA International Award as “Innovative Researcher 2020 in
Nutraceuticals”. Results awaited till 26th January 2020
Incharge for new Nutraceutical/Ayurvedic/Herbal/Wellness/Healthcare product (beverages, lozenges,
herbal tablets, oral mouth dissolving strips, HotSip, sugarfree chewable tablets) design, formulation
development and developing its prototypes at different contract manufacturing sites in my presence
Continued to perform all previously performed Senior Scientist responsibilities and also trained Junior
Nov’17 till Dec’18 As “Senior Scientist” in MKTS Global Pvt. Ltd. (Nutraceutical company)
Incharge for new Nutraceutical/Ayurvedic/Herbal product design and formulation development
Products developed within 1 year timespan include herbal cough drops (variants include sugar free
cough drops, cough strips and hot sips for cough), fruits-vegetables extracts containing health care juices
and dietary supplements, blood pressure sugar free tea, bone fracture healing herbal tablet and prostate
healthcare herbal tablet. Clinical trials of cough drops has been successfully completed and prototype of
rest all products are ready for analytical and stability studies. Antiaging tablet and cream is in R&D
developmental stage
Responsibilities in New Product Development (NPD) stage include intense literature survey, formulation
design and development, selecting authenticated raw material suppliers, prototype development at R&D
scale, outsourcing authenticated contract manufacturing sites and getting product development at plant
level under my supervision and finalising packaging material for these products
Incharge for Intellectual Property Rights (Patent and Brand name registration) of new products (Patents
filed and trademarks applied for 5 products)
Responsible for managing and supervising contract manufacturing of all developed products at initial
trials and production level and optimising process involved at both R&D and production scale
Responsible for managing and supervising outsourced stability-analytical studies and clinical trials for
new products developed
Responsible for overall Product development progress and performance of this company right from its
early startup stage
April’17 to Sept’ 18 Biotech (Autonomous) Department of Ruia college as Professional Expert in
Board Of Studies (BOS)
Syllabus revision
Upgradation of and syllabus as per Industrial standards
Suggesting new add-on courses as per Industrial standards
May’14 to Nov’17 As Research Scientist in Zytex Biotech Pvt. Ltd. (Biotech, Nutraceuticals, Food,
Probiotic and BioAgri products manufacturing company)
Roles in R&D:
New product and formulation development using my PhD research work for developing formulations at
commercial scale
Worked on Nutraceutical products like nutraceutical enzyme Nattokinase (degrades fibrin and improves
blood flow) developed by Bacillus technology and bacteriologically produced biopolymer for skin and
Probiotics, nutraceuticals, biofertilizers and enzyme application based strain maintenance, containment
in-charge, microbiological fermentation process optimization, making vials and slants for production
campaigns, easy to perform culture identification technique standardization, enzyme analysis and
metabolite detection protocol standardization
Setting criteria’s for approval of such probiotic, nutraceutical and biofertilizer strain vials/slants for
plant production batches along with SOP’s, stability study data and proper documentation
Worked with bacteriophage to troubleshoot mutation induced in the probiotic bacterial strain.
Isolation of phage resistant probiotic mutants with lysis resistance and high yield performance at Plant
fermenter level
Establishing relation in lab scale and fermenter scale performance of the cultures.
Additional responsibilities like lab design, comparing quotations & selection-installation-maintenance of
lab equipment’s.
Roles in Production Plant:
Coordinating with Plant in terms of culture supply as per campaign
keeping track of culture performance at Plant level, detailing results, maintaining strain master list and
providing productivity/performance report of supplied slants/vials to Plant
Detailing fermentation batch performances at Plant level and finding out critical control points in batch
profiles which affect the yield
Trouble-shooting reasons for failures in batches and coordinating with Manufacturing Head, Production
Manager and Directors.
July’09 to March’12 Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai as a Research Associate (in
Nutraceutical & Food field)
Worked on a project entitled “Preservation and Processing of Fruits and Vegetables by Using Sustainable
Technologies” sponsored by Rajiv Gandhi Commission for Science and Technology, Govt. of Maharashtra,
under the guidance of Prof. Smita S. Lele.
Worked on shelf-life studies of Ready-to-drink and Ready-to-eat dehydrated vegetable products and its
raw materials, along with making annual project progress and completion reports.
.Developed business plan with financial analysis for commercialization of dehydrated ready-to-drink &
ready-to-eat food products
Feb’09 to July’09 Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai as a Project Assistant (in Nutraceutical
& Food field)
Worked on a project entitled “Preservation and Processing of Fruits and Vegetables by Using Sustainable
Technologies” sponsored by Rajiv Gandhi Commission for Science and Technology, Govt. of Maharashtra,
under the guidance of Prof. Smita S. Lele.
Worked on shelf-life studies of Ready-to-drink and Ready-to-eat dehydrated vegetable products and its
raw materials, along with making annual project progress reports
July’08 to Feb’09 Abhinav Degree College as a Lecturer in Microbiology Department
Conducted lectures and practical’s at FY, SY and TY BSc
PH.D. in Biotechnology from Institute of Chemical Technology Matunga, Mumbai in 2015
Post Graduate Diploma in Chemical Technology Management (PGDCTM) from Institute of Chemical
Technology Matunga, Mumbai in 2013 with “Distinction”
MSc in Microbiology from Khalsa College Matunga, Mumbai in 2008 with “First class”
BSc in Microbiology from Khalsa College Matunga, Mumbai in 2006 with “First class”
Hands-on training & Observer ship for 3 months in Microbiology Department in S. L. Raheja Hospital,
(Mahim) and worked on project entitled, “Isolation and Differentiation of Candida dubliniensis from
Candida albicans using CHROMagar and Pal’s agar” (Research published).
Attended Laboratory Safety Workshop organized by Department of Chemistry for 2 days & supported by
Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme (TEQIP), ICT.
Observer ship training in clinical Pathology Department in KEM Hospital for 7 days.
Observer ship training in Department of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics in Jaslok Hospital for 3
International Publication as a Single Author (
Nominated for RULA and IJRULA International Award as “Innovative Researcher 2020 in
Delivered presenation as an Invited Speaker on “Probiotics and Nutraceuticasl” in Seminar organized
by Biotech Department of Ruia college on 11th Feb 2017
Invited as a speaker for many International Conferences in 2019-20
Elected as Professional Expert in BOS of Biotech (Autonomous) Department of Ruia college in April
Invited as a reviewer for International Journal Articles in 2019-20
Invited as External for conducting viva of B.Tech (Food biotech) students at D.Y.Patil college, Belapur in
2017 and 2018
Participated in the International Conference on Biotechnology and Bioinformatics (ICBB-2014) held at
Pune from 1st to 2nd Feb 2014 and won 2nd prize for poster presentation titled “Microbiologically
induced calcite presentation using B. pasteurii for strengthening civil engineering structures”
Only student to score SGPA score: 10 and Grade: AA in Semester IV of Post Graduate Diploma in
Chemical Technology Management (PGDCTM) for making a business plan & presenting it and one
amongst the only two candidates to score a distinction in this course
International (Published) : 2
International (Accepted) : 1
National (Published) : 1
Date of Birth: 20th November 1985
Languages Known: English, Marathi, & Hindi
Passport: Valid Passport India
Address: B-702, Evershine Meadow, Jasmine Mill Road, Mahim East, Mumbai 400017

Dr. Bhaskarsingamsetty

Prof. Dr. Gitumoni Konwar
Professor Dr. Gitumoni Konwar, presently working as Dean-cum-Principal, Royal School of Nursing, Guwahati, was born on 13th November, 1973, and is a resident of Assam, India. She completed her B.Sc. Nursing in 1997 from Gauhati University, M.Sc. Nursing in 2006 from Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University, and obtained her Ph.D. Nursing in 2014 from Srimanta Sankardeva University of Health Sciences, Assam.
She has a teaching experience spanning over 23 years. Starting as Tutor/Floor-in-charge at Downtown School of Nursing, Guwahati from 1997 to 1998, she was appointed as Lecturer in 1998 at Regional College of Nursing, Guwahati. She was then promoted to Assistant Professor in 2007 and to Associate Professor in 2011 in therein. She was appointed Dean-cum-Principal at The Assam Royal Global University, Guwahati, where she is working till date.
Her research experience includes her role as Principal Investigator in the projects:
- Health Related Quality of Life in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patient
- Level of Depression and coping strategies adopted by Cancer Patients receiving treatment in Mizoram State Cancer Institute
- Anxiety level of family members attending ICU patients
- Knowledge on effects of the Alcoholism among Students of Higher School in Urban Areas of Mizoram, India
- The Barriers and Challenges of Conducting Nursing Research and Communication Research Finding into Practice
She has also worked as Co-investigator in the projects:
- Quality of Life in Cancer Patients undergoing Chemotherapy in B. Barooah Cancer Institute, Assam
- Knowledge regarding risk factors of Cardiovascular Disease among patients with Cardiovascular Disease
- Effectiveness of hot versus cold compress for reducing Intravenous Tissue Infiltration
- Knowledge and Practice regarding postnatal exercises among mothers admitted in postnatal ward in Gauhati Medical College and Hospital
She worked as Ph.D Guide & Adjudicator in the projects:
- “Effectiveness of video assisted comprehensive teaching program on knowledge, stigma, compliance and life mechanism among the tuberculosis patients” submitted by Sr. Prabha Grace, Saveetha University, Chennai
- “A study of Coronary Artery Disease risk behavior and the effect of Planned Health counseling on risk behavior of selected Population at Kolkata” submitted to The West Bengal University of Health and Sciences, Kolkata – Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing
- “Effectiveness of non-weight-bearing exercise on diabetic foot ulcer healing, risk assessment and health related quality of life” submitted to Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education & Research, Chennai
She was conferred the rank of ‘Lieutenant’ by the Indian Territorial Army (MNS) from 2002 – 2013, the rank of ‘Ph.D. Guideship’ in 2014, and the rank of ‘Assistant Zonal Officer’ by Srimanta Sankardeva University of Health Sciences in 2016.
She was awarded the “Education Leadership Award” in Dewang Mehta National Education Awards, 2019, and “Women Researcher Award” in the 4th International Scientist Awards on Engineering, Science and Medicine, 2020. She has also been selected and invited to receive “RACE-2020 India Award for Distinguished Professor” in the 3rd International Award Conference on “Research, Analyze, Communicate and Evaluate”, 15th March, 2020.
She has authored over 30 publications; the latest publications as first author are:
- Konwar G, Deori U. Assessment of knowledge and awareness on thyroid disorders and impact of thyroid disorders during pregnancy among women in Assam. Int J Health Sci Res. 2019; 9(9):99-102
- Konwar G, Borah M. A study to assess burden of care and coping mechanism of family members of schizophrenia patients. Int. J Health Sci Res. 2019; 9(7): 63-68 ( ISSN: 2249-9571)
- Gitumoni Konwar, Anamita Bora. A descriptive study to assess the knowledge of oral hygiene among middle school students in selected schools of Ranchi, Jharkhand. IP Journal of Pediatrics and Nursing Science, 2019;2(1):8-12
- Gitumoni Konwar, Jayshree Kalita. The Barriers and Challenges of Conducting Nursing Research and Communicating Research Findings into Practice. International Journal of Health Sciences & Research Vol.8; Issue: 6, 216-222, 2018, ( ISSN: 2249-9571)
- Gitumoni Konwar, Lalthanpuii. Knowledge on effects of the Alcoholism among students of Higher Secondary Schools in Urban Areas of Mizoram, India. Journal of Community Guidance & Research. Vol-33 No.3 Page 78-82, 2016 (ISSN 0970-1346)
She has also aptly performed the additional professional roles & responsibilities entrusted to her which include:
- Zonal Secretary of Nursing Research Society of India
- GFATM trainer for HIV/ART, Strengthening pre service education
- National Institute Disaster Management Trainer on Psycho-Social Care in Disaster Management.
- JAPHIGO trainer for strengthening pre service nursing education
- Examiner & Paper-setter for West Bengal University of Health Sciences, NEHU, etc.
- Reviewer in numerous scientific journals like Journal of Preventive & Holistic Medicine, etc.
- Book Reviewer for Target High Staff Nurse Recruitment, CBS Publication.
- Chapter Contributor in the Textbook of Nursing Education of CBS Publisher.

Tereza Neuma de Castro Dantas
Holder of a bachelor’s degree in chemistry (1975) and a master’s degree in organic
chemistry from the Federal University of Ceará-UFC, Brazil (1979), Dr. Castro Dantas
defended the first thesis of the program, being the first woman to defend thesis in
chemistry at UFC. Upon graduation, she successfully completed a doctorate third cycle
(1981) and “Docteur D’État” in Chemistry (1983), both at the Institut National
Polytechnique of Toulouse, France, becoming a member of the European Academy of
Sciences, Arts and Literature. Professor Castro Dantas spent most of her career teaching
and researching at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN, 1978 –
2003), where she serves as Professor Emeritus. She served as Executive Coordinator of
Primary processing core and Waste water-NUPPRAR – UFRN (from 2003 to 2012).
She was elected President of the Regional Council of Chemistry- XV region (2001-
2015). She served in the roles of Counselor of the Federal Council of chemistry (2015-
2018) and Director of North-Rio-Grandense Foundation of Research and Culture-
FUNPEC (from 2012-to 2014). She continues her community engagement as a member
of the editorial board of the Brazilian Journal of Petroleum and Gas-BJPG. Her
experience in the areas of chemical technology and chemistry of natural products,
working in the areas of oil, gas and the environment, involving applications of plant
oils, surfactant and microemulsion and nanoemulsion systems, make her one of Brazil’s
most awarded professionals in her field. She has a strong record of academic
publications (research productivity B1, CNPq). Among many accomplishments, she has
supervised 54 PhD and 100 Master’s theses; published 177 articles in international
journals; presented 490 papers in both national and international congresses; authored 2
Books and 8 book chapters; has 2 patents granted, and has applied for 10 patents.

Dr. Shweta Hegde
Education –
Completed primary and High school in Karwar, Yellapur and Sirsi
Completed PUC in M.E.S. pu science and arts college, Sirsi
Completed B.A.M.S. from Government Ayurveda Medical College, Bangalore (2009-2015)
Completed M.D. in Department of Samhita and Siddhanta from Amrita School of Ayurveda,
Kollam, Kerala
Language known –
Kannada, English, Hindi, Malayalam, Sanskrit
Hobbies –
Poem writing, story writing, reading, essay writing
Published articles –
Chandas for shloka reciatation w.s.r. to Sushruta Samhita, at IAMJ
Traditional Indian way of eating – an overview at Journal of ethnic foods
Pandulipi samshodhak- a manuscript editor at International journal of Sanskrit Research
Critical analysis of the Manuscript Arsha chikitsa – Published in Journal of Samhita, Sanskrit
and Siddhanta
Dissertation work –
Transcription, Translation and Critical Analysis of the manuscript ‘Arsha Cikitsa’
A literary study.
Workshops Attended —-
1. Attended the Basic level workshop on Manuscriptology and Palaeography organized by
the National mission for manuscripts, New Delhi in collaboration with Institute for Post
graduate teaching and research in Ayurveda, Gujarat Ayurveda university, Jamnagar from
11 th January to 31 st January.
2. Participated in Amritasutram 2016, a seven day intense workshop on the Sutra sthana of
Ashtanga Hridayam from 7 th to 14 th August, Organised by Amrita centre for Advanced
research in Ayurveda at the Amrita School of Ayurveda campus, Kollam, Kerala.
3. Participated in Pre-conference workshop at Sampraharsha 2016 – A national conference on
Vajikarana organized at K.L.E. University’s Shri B.M. Kankanawadi Ayurveda
Mahavidyalaya, Belagavi, held on 29 th December 2016
4. Participated in Charak Chintan – practical application of Carak-Samhita, organized by
Nasya from 24 th -26 th February 2017, at Janak Puri, New Delhi.
5. Participated in the Pre-conference workshop on scientific writing as a trainee during
Amrita Samyogam 2017- International conference on Integrative Ayurveda and modern
medicine at Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi, Kerala on 5 th August 2017
6. Attended a workshop on Tadvidya sambhasha from 21 st -25 th February 2018 at Ramateertha,
Seminars Attended —-
1. Attended a seminar in Jnana deepana – a contrive to ashta samskaras of parada &
workshop on pottali kalpana, rasalinga nirmana and Mishra loha on 5 th and 6 th May
2016 at M.V.R. Ayurveda medical college parassinikkadavu, Kannur, Kerala
2. Presented a paper in Samavartana – 2016, National symposium on renal disorders,
Organized by Post graduate students association on 20 th , 27 th , 28 th of June 2016 at
Vaidyaratnam, P.S. Varier Ayurveda college, Kottakkal, Kerala.
3. Presented a paper in Jananisaparya – National seminar on healthy motherhood on 3 rd
June 2016 at Pankajakasthuri Ayurveda medical college and Post Graduate Centre,
4. Presented a paper in the National seminar on role of Sanskrit in the development and
updation of Ayurveda, held at Govt. Sanskrit College, Thiruvananthapuram, on 25 th
and 26 th November 2016.
5. Presented a paper in World Ayurveda Congress 2016 at Kolkata, on 1 st to 4 th
6. Presented a paper in Ayurvision 2016, National conference on Holistic approach to
lifestyle disorders, on 13 th and 14 th December at Manipal University.
7. Presented a paper in Sampraharsha Sampraharsha 2016 – A national conference on
Vajikarana organized at K.L.E. University’s Shri B.M. Kankanawadi Ayurveda
Mahavidyalaya, Belagavi, held on 29 th December 2016
8. Participated in the National seminar held on 10 th -12 th March 2017, organised in
connection with the Fourth Indian Biodiversity Congress at Pondicherry University,
9. Presented a paper in Manas 2017 – A national seminar on Depression, organised by
JSS Ayurveda Medical college and hospital, Mysuru on 7 th April 2017
10. Participated in the Amrita Samyogam 2017- International conference on Integrative
Ayurveda and modern medicine at Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi,
Kerala on 5 th August 2017
11. Presented a paper in Manasa – National seminar on Autism spectrum disorders
organized by Sree Narayana Institute of Ayurvedic studies and research on 16 th
August 2017.
12. Presented a paper In Shalakya prabodhini – national conference, on 9 th -11 th November
2017 at Government Ayurveda medical college, Bangaluru.
13. Participated in Update proctology 2017, A national conference on Ano-rectal
disorders, held on 24 th , 25 th and 26 th November 2017, at Malvan, Maharashtra.
Extra-curricular activities –
1. Participated in many competitions from UG to PG and got prizes like essay writing,
vegetable carving, fireless cooking, carom etc.
2 NASYA coordinator for many seminars from Kerala.
3. Participated in many quiz competitions like IKSHANA, Trivandrum and Nirog street
Ayurveda quiz by NASYA.
4. Learnt Chandas and reciting Ayurveda shlokas accordingly.
5. Worked as volunteer two times in Prabhashanam conducted by Ayuveda Academy,
6. One of the member in World Research Council..
Awards – RESEARCH RATNA excellence award for the article "Traditional Indian way
of eating – an overview… International rula award.

Dr. K. Adalarasu
Dr. K. Adalarasu
Associate Professor (ACP),
School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SEEE)
SASTRA, Deemed to be University, Thirumalaisamudram, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu 613401
To be a part of biomedical engineering research team, with a vital advancement in
technology, this allows me to apply my knowledge in cognitive neuroscience and
psychology, musculoskeletal system and biomedical engineering
Academic and Technical Qualification
Degree Major Year University/ Institute Percentage
Ph. D Biomedical
Engineering July 2010 IITMadras – Chennai CGPA 8.00
(10 point scale)
M. Tech Biomedical
Engineering Aug 2002 – 2004 IITMadras – Chennai CGPA 8.82
(10 point scale)
B. E Electronic and
Instrumentation 1994 – 1998 Tamil Nadu College of Engineering,
Coimbatore 71%
Professional Synopsis
Company/Institute Designation Project Duration
SASTRA, Deemed
University, Thanjavur
School of Electrical and Electronics
June 2017 –
Till Date
PSNA College of
Engineering and
Professor Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering
May 2011 –
April 2017
VIT University,
Biomedical Engineering Division March 2010 –
April 2011
Anna University,
Visiting Faculty Centre for Medical Electronics Jan 2010 –
May 2010
IITMadras, Chennai,
Detection of Early Onset of Driver
Fatigue Using Multimodal Biosignal
Jan 2005 to
Dec 2009
Vel Tech Engineering
College, Avadi Sr. Lecturer Electronics & Instrumentation June2004 –
Dec 2004
R.V.S.College of
Engineering &Tech,
Lecturer Electronics & Instrumentation April 1999 –
July 2004
Summary of Funded Project
1. EEG Signal Processing Algorithm for Cognitive Status Determination
Role: Principal Investigator
Funding Agency: DEBEL, DRDO Bangalore
Amount: Rs. 8.91 lakh
Year: 2012 – 2013
Status: Completed
Refereed Publications
International Journals
SCI and Scopus Indexed Journal
1. K. Adalarasu, M. Jagannath, O. James, “Assessment of Techniques for Teaching School
Children with Autism”, IRBM, 2019, In Press, IF: 0.934
( ).
2. Geethanjali, B., Adalarasu, K., Jagannath, M., Guhan Seshadri, N.P, “Music-induced brain
functional connectivity using EEG sensors: A study on Indian music”, IEEE Sensors Journal
19(4), 2019, pp. 1499-1507. IF: 3.076
3. P. Shrisowmya, K. Adalarasu, M. Jagannath, “Examination of Cognitive Workload using
Different Modalities”, Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 12(10), 4647-4650,
4. V. G. Rajendran, S. Jayalalitha, K. Adalarasu, “Recent Trends in Impedance Cardiography –
A Review”, Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 12(2), 907-912, 2019
5. Thamarai, P. & Adalarasu, K’ “De-noising of EEG, ECG and PPG signals and analyzing
based on IoT device”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring
Engineering. 8. 647-651. 2019.
6. Jagannath, M., Adalarasu, K., Nathiya, N. and Ramesh, R., ‘Analysis of Cycling-Related
Musculoskeletal Disorders among School Girls’, Biomedicine, Vol. 38, No. 3, 2018, pp. 371-
7. Mohanavelu K, Poonguzhali S, Banuvathy R, Adalarasu K, Jagannath M, “Biosignal
Processing Approaches for Detecting Mental Fatigue”, Indian Journal of Public Health
Research & Development, Volume: 9, Issue: 10, 2018, Pages. 236 – 241.
8. Thamarai, P., Adalarasu, K, “An effective method to denoise EEG, ECG and PPG signals
based on meyer wavelet transform”, International Journal of Engineering and
Technology(UAE), Volume 7, Issue 3.34 Special Issue 34, 2018, Pages 678-683.
9. Bavya N, Arunkumar T, Adalarasu K, “A Comprehensive Survey on IoT Technologies in
Health Care System”, Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, Volume No.11, Issue
No., 2018, Pages. 3157-3162
10. K. Pradeep, V. E. Jayanthi, K. Hemalatha, K. Adalarasu, M. Jagannath, “Three-Dimensional
Finite Element Analysis of Surface Mesh Model of Human Tibia Bone”, Research Journal of
Pharmacy and Technology, Volume No.11, Issue No., 2018, Pages. 2752-2756
11. Ramasamy S, Adalarasu K, Trupti N Patel,” Quantitative analysis of heart rate variability
exposures in motorbike riders,” Biomedical Research (2018) Volume 29, Issue 10
12. Sravani, C., Jagannath, M., Adalarasu, K, “Railway signalling system using Zigbee wireless
technology”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 118 (2018) (18 Special
Issue B), pp. 2185-2193
13. Mohanavelu, K., Vishnupriya, R., Poonguzhali, S., Adalarasu, K., Nathiya, N, “Mathematical
models for predicting cognitive workload”, International Journal of Pure and Applied
Mathematics 118 (2018) (18 Special Issue D), pp. 3655-3671
14. Geethanjali Balasubramanian, Adalarasu Kanagasabai, Jagannath Mohan, N.P. Guhan
Seshadri, “Music induced emotion using wavelet packet decomposition—An EEG study”,
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 42 (2018) 115–128
15. Thamarai, P., Adalarasu, K, “Denoising of EEG, ECG and PPG signals using wavelet
transform, “Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 10(1), pp. 156-161, 2018.
16. Geethanjal, B., Adalarasu, K., Jagannath, M, “Music induced emotion and music processing
in the brain-a review,” Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 12(1), 2018
17. Sasikumar, K., Ashija, P.A., Jagannath, M., Adalarasu, K., Nathiya, N, “A hybrid approach
based on PCA and LBP for facial expression analysis,” ARPN Journal of Engineering and
Applied Sciences 13(1), pp. 302-308, 2018.
JAGANNATH,” Assessment of Human Fatigue during Physical Performance using
Physiological Signals: A Review”, Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal, Vol. 10(4), 1887-
1896, 2017
19. Ramasamy, Adalarasu K, Trupti N Patel, “Evaluation of driving-related musculoskeletal
disorders in motorbike riders using Quick Exposure Check (QEC),” Biomedical Research
2017; 28 (5): 1962-1968
20. N. Nathiya, K. Sasikumar, M. Jagannath, M. Thangaraj and K. Adalarasu, “An Observational
Study on Occupational Stress Among Physiotherapists”, Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal
2017, Vol. 10(2), 889-894
21. G Mohan Babu, S Vijaya Balaji, K Adalarasu, Veluru Nagasai, A Siva, B Geethanjali, “Brain
computer interface for vehicle navigation”, Biomedical Research 2017; Special Issue: S344-
22. B Geethanjali, K Adalarasu, A Hemapraba , S Pravin Kumar, R Rajasekeran, “Emotion
analysis using SAM (Self-Assessment Manikin) scale”, Biomedical Research 2017; Special
Issue: Complex World of Neuroscience, S18-S24.
23. Rajeswari Jayaraj, Jagannath Mohan and Adalarasu Kanagasabai, “A Review on Detection
and Treatment Methods of Sleep Apnea", Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2017
Mar, Vol-11(3): VE01-VE03.
24. Prasanna valan P, Adalarasu K, Sasikumar K, “Mental Task Performance for Autistic
Children Using Assistive Teaching Learning Process”, International Journal of Pharmacy &
Technology (IJPT), Dec-2016, Vol. 8, Issue No.4, 21815-21820
25. B. Geethanjali, K. Adalarasu, M. Jagannath, R. Rajasekaran, “Enhancement of task
performance aided by music”, Current Science, Vol. 111, No. 11, 10 December 2016, 1794 –
26. M. Sundar Raj, K. Adalarasu, M. Jagannath, Vinodhini, “Emotional State Assessment:
Valence and Arousal Evaluation via EEG Analysis”, International Journal of Pharmacy &
Technology, Vol. 8, Issue No.3, Sep 2016, 15712-15716
27. M. Sundar Raj, K. Adalarasu, M. Jagannath, R. Bala Saranya, “Assessment of Cognitive
Status from EEG Data Using Independent Component Analysis”, International Journal of
Pharma and Bio Sciences, Volume 7, Issue 3, 2016, 1149-1153.
28. B. Geethanjali; K. Adalarasu; M. Jagannath; R. Rajasekaran,” Influence of pleasant and
unpleasant music on cardiovascular measures and task performance,” International Journal
of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, 2016 Vol. 21 No. 2, pp 128-144.
29. P. Dhanalakshmi, K. Adalarasu, T. AravindKrishna, M. Jagannath, M. Sundar Raj,
“Concepts and Approaches on Human Computer Interaction – A Review”, International
Journal of Pharmacy&Technology, Sep-2015, Vol. 7, Issue No.2, 3371-3379.
30. Guhan Seshadri N.P, Geethanjali B, Pravin kumar S, Adalarasu K, “Wavelet Based EEG
Analysis of Induced Emotion on South Indians”, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied
Sciences, 9(33) October 2015, Pages: 156 – 161
31. Sundar Raj M, Manoj Prasath, Adalarasu K, “Stroke Rehabilitation through Physiotherapy- A
Review”, International Journal of Pharmacy & Technology, Sep-2015, Vol. 7, Issue No.2,
32. Sundar Raj M, Dinagan V, Adalarasu K, “Development of Low Cost Wireless Physiological
Monitoring System”, International Journal of Pharmacy & Technology, Sep-2015, Vol. 7,
Issue No.2, 8800-8803.
33. Sundar Raj M, Manoj Prasath, Adalarasu K, “Autism Spectrum Disorder”, International
Journal of Pharmacy & Technology, Sep-2015, Vol. 7, Issue No.2, 8638-8647.
34. M. Jagannath and K. Adalarasu, “Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy from Fundus Image
using Fuzzy C-means Clustering Algorithm. IIOABJ, 2015; Vol. 6 (4): 03-09.
35. Sasikumar K, George Priya Doss C, Adalarasu K, “Analysis of physiological signal variation
between autism and control group in south Indian population”, Biomedical Research 2015; 26
(3): 525-529.
36. A.J. Ezhil, K. Adalarasu, M. Jagannath and T. AravindKrishna, “Observing Human Behavior
from Facial Expression Analysis”, Biomedicine — Vol. 35 No. 2: 2015, 125 -132
37. M. Jagannath, K. Adalarasu and S. Kartthik Srinivas, “Automatic Feeding System for Upper-
Limb Amputees”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 10 No.36,
2015, 27686 – 27689.
38. Dr. M. Jagannath, Dr. K. Adalarasu, S. Kartthik Srinivas, “Design of Temperature Data-
logger for Biomass Cook-stoves”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research,
Volume 10, Number 10, 2015, PP 9815 – 9819.
39. R. BalaSaranya, K. Adalarasu, T. AravindKrishna, M. Jagannath, “A Review on Algorithms
for Descriptive Components Extraction from Biomedical Signals and Images”, Australian
Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 8(18) December 2014, Pages: 565-571
40. Jagannath M, Thangaraj M, Adalarasu K, “An Analysis of Cognitive Processes Associated
with Nurses’ Day and Night Shifts,” Neuroepidemiology 2014; 43: 83, 633
41. Raj S, Jagannath M, Meena A, Adalarasu K, “Effect of Yoga Practice on Stress Reduction
Among Gen Y School Children,” Neuroepidemiology 2014; 43: 83, 649
42. Balasubramaniam G, Adalarasu K, Rajasekaran R, Pravinkumar S, “Analysis the Mental
Task Performance While Listen to Music Using EEG Signal,” Neuroepidemiology 2014; 43:
92, 634.
43. B. Geethanjali and K. Adalarasu, “Assessment of depression, anxiety and stress among
female students,” Int. J. Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Vol. 16, No. 2, Page 182-
193, 2014.
44. V. Balasubramanian, M. Jagannath, K. Adalarasu, “Muscle fatigue based evaluation of
bicycle design’, Applied Ergonomics, Volume 45, Issue 2, Part B, Pages 339-345, 2014
45. Mohanavelu K, Adalarasu K, Srinivasan J, Kartik S.N, Poonghuzhali S, Padaki V C,
“Cognitive Workload Evaluation Using Wavelet Packet Decomposition (WPD) of EEG”,
Neuroepidemiology Journal, 41: 267, 2013.
46. Sasikumar K, Adalarasu K, Priya Doss C.G, “Analysis of Mental Task Performance and
Screening Autism Using Self-Assessment Questionnaire”, Neuroepidemiology Journal,
41:262, 2013
47. M. Sundar Raj, V. H. Arkin, Adalarasu and M. Jagannath, “Nanocomposites Based on
Polymer and Hydroxyapatite for Drug Delivery Application”, Indian Journal of Science and
Technology, Volume 6, Issue 5S, 4653-4658, 2013.
48. V. Balasubramanian, M. Jagannath and K. Adalarasu, “EEG based evaluation of viewer’s
response towards TV commercials”, International Journal of Industrial and Systems
Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 4, 480 – 495, 2013.
49. Jagannath Mohan, Adalarasu Kanagasabai, Muthu Vignesh V, Sudheer Theertha, “An
Ergonomic Study on Posture Related Discomfort in Backhoe-loader Drivers”, Int. J. of
Biomedical Engineering and Technology, 2013 Vol.11, No.2, pp.155 – 168
50. V. Anbarasi, David V Rajan, K. Adalarasu, “Analysis of Lower Extremity Muscle Flexibility
among Indian Classical Bharathnatyam Dancers”, World Academy of Science, Engineering
and Technology 66, 167 – 172, 2012.
51. B. Geethanjali, K. Adalarasu and R. Rajsekaran, “Impact of Music on Brain Function during
Mental Task using Electroencephalography”, World Academy of Science, Engineering and
Technology 66, 883 – 887, 2012.
52. V. Balasubramanian, K. Adalarasu and A. Gupta, “EEG Based Analysis of Cognitive Fatigue
during Simulated Driving,” International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Vol. 7,
No. 2, 2011, 135 – 149.
53. V. Balasubramanian, K. Adalarasu and R. Regulapati, “Comparing Dynamic and Stationary
Standing Postures in an Assembly Task,” International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 39
(2009) 649 – 654.
54. V. Balasubramanian, K. Adalarasu and R. Regulapati, “Influence of a Dynamic Standing
Posture on Standing Fatigue and Comfort during Shop-Floor Duties,” Human Factors and
Ergonomics in Manufacturing, Vol 18, Issue 6, P 666 – 677, 2008.
55. Venkatesh Balasubramanian and K. Adalarasu, “EMG Based Analysis of Change in Muscle
Activity during Simulated Driving”, Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, Volume
11, Issue 2, April 2007, Pages 151-158.
56. V. Balasubramanian, K.A. Arasu and C.J. Robinson, “Analysis of postural stability in
diabetes/peripheral neuropathy during threshold level acceleration perturbation”, International
Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.16, pp 275 – 279, 2006.
57. V. Balasubramanian, K.A. Arasu and C.J. Robinson, “Analysis of postural stability in
diabetes/peripheral neuropathy during threshold level acceleration perturbation”, Gait &
Posture, Volume 21, Supplement 1, June 2005, Page S113.
Non Indexed Journal
1. P. Dhanalakshmi, K. Adalarasu, “Human system interface controlled by Lip Movement,”
International Journal of Research and Reviews in Applied Sciences and Engineering
(IJRRASE) Vol 8. No.1 – 2016 Pp.25-28.
2. K. Annie Sharan, K. Adalarasu, “Emotion recognition in Mentally Retarded Children using
Facial Expressions,” International Journal of Research and Reviews in Applied Sciences and
Engineering (IJRRASE) Vol 8. No.1 – 2016 Pp.7-11.
3. P. Arivalagan and K. Adalarasu, “Computer Aided Detection of Ischemic Stroke Using
Verilog HDL”, International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 3(5):
May, 2014, 365-370.
4. K. Adalarasu, R. Carmel Felixia, M. Aruna Priyanga, Srinivasan Jayaraman, “Evaluation of
Entertainment Advertisement Using Different Techniques Review”, International Journal of
Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR), Volume 2 Number 3, pp. 90-97, 2014.
5. K. Venkatesh, S. Poonguzhali, K. Mohanavelu and K. Adalarasu, “Sleep Stages
Classification Using Neural Network with Single Channel EEG”, International Journal of
Recent Advances in Engineering & Technology (IJRAET), Volume-2, Issue -8, Page 5 -8,
6. S. Ramasamy, K. Adalarasu, Trupti N Patel, “Estimation and Analysis of Muscle Fatigue due
to different Work Patterns— A Critical Review”, International Journal of Advanced Trends in
Computer Science and Engineering, Vol.2 , No.1, Pages : 245-248, 2013.
7. Kanagasabai Adalarasu, Mohan Jagannath and Naidu Keerthiga Ramesh, “EEG based
Neurophysiological Responses to Music among Sleep Disorder Patients”, International
Journal of Recent Scientific Research, Vol. 3, Issue, 5, pp.360 – 365, May 2012.
8. Mohan Jagannath, K. Adalarasu, and Poulami Basu, “Evaluation on Posture-related
Discomfort among Ship Employees – An Ergonomic Study”, Int. J. on Recent Trends in
Engineering and Technology, Vol. 6, No. 2, Nov 2011.
9. Mohan Jagannath and Kanagasabai Adalarasu, “An Ergonomics Risk Assessment for
Hospital Workers”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA),
Vol. 1, Issue 3, 864 – 867, 2011.
10. Dr. K. Adalarasu, M. Jagannath, S and Dr. M.K. Mathur, “Comparison on Jaipur, SACH and
Madras Foot – A Psychophysiological Study”, International Journal of Advanced Engineering
Sciences and Technologies (IJAEST), Vol No. 4, Issue No. 1, 2011, 187 – 192.
11. Dr. K. Adalarasu, M. Jagannath, S. Naidu Keerthiga Ramesh and B. Geethanjali, “A Review
on Influence of Music on Brain Activity Using Signal Processing and Imaging System”,
International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST), Vol. 3 No. 4, 2011,
3276 – 3282.
International Conferences
1. Shrisowmya P., Adalarasu K., Vaijayanthi R., “Subject workload analysis using EEG
signals”, International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICET’19) – 29 &30 April
2019, RGIT College, Bangalore.
2. R. Vaijayanthi, K. Adalarasu, P. Shrisowmya, M. Jegannath (2019)”, Detection of pre-ictal
period of epileptic seizure using EEG signal, International Conference on Engineering and
Technology (ICET’19), RIGT, Bengaluru, April.
3. S. Monisha Gowri, K. Adalarasu, A. Priyadharshini, “Analysis of Dental Occlusion by Bite
Force – A Review”, International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICET’19) – 29
&30 April 2019, RGIT College, Bangalore
4. Adalarasu K, Vishal K, Mahalakshmi R, Sanjana H and Vaishanave S, “Assessment of
Mental Health of South Indians using DASS Scale”, 16th International Conference on
Humanizing Work and Work Environment (HWWE 2018), College of Engineering,
Trivandrum, 14-16th December 2018
5. S. Sashank, T. Aravind Krishna, K. Adalarasu, S. Kathirve, “Analysis of Health Issue and
Musculoskeletal Problem for Workers in Manufacturing Sectors”, 15 th International HWWE
Conference will be held at the Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India from 8 th to 10 th
December 2017.
6. Saktheeswari R, Dr Adalarasu K, “Survey on Signal Processing Techniques for diagnoising
Cardiovascular Diseases”, 2017 International Conference on Innovations in Information,
Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS), DOI: 10.1109/ICIIECS.2017.8276116 ,
7. J Rajeswari, Mohan Jagannath, K Adalarasu, “Gender Differences in Sleep Apnea – A
Questionnaire Study”, 15 th International HWWE Conference will be held at the Aligarh Muslim
University, Aligarh, India from 8 th to 10 th December 2017.
8. K. Adalarasu,” Human System Interface Controlled by Lip Movement”, International
Conference on Engineering Systems and Designs (ESD2016), 21 and 22 April 2016.
9. K. Adalarasu, “Emotion Recognition in Mentally Retarded Children Using Processor”,
International Conference on Engineering Systems and Designs (ESD2016), 21 and 22 April
10. K. Adalarasu, Srinivasan Jayaraman and R. Carmel Felixia, “Commercial Advertisement and
it’s effects on Human Emotion: An EEG Approach”, International Conference on Human
Behaviour in Design 2014, Ascona, Switzerland, 2014
11. Venkatesh K, Dr. S. Poonguzhali, K. Mohanavelu, Dr. K. Adalarasu (2014), “Sleep Stages
Classification Using Neural Network Using Single Channel EEG”, proceedings of
International Conference on Computer Science, Electronics and Communication
Engineering-Bangalore, IRD india, vol-III, ISBN-978-3-643-24819-02 (Bagged Best Paper
12. K Adalarasu, M Jagannath, M Thangaraj, T, Aravind Krishna,” Occupational Stress in
Physiotherapists: A Survey of Physiotherapists in Government and Private Hospitals”,
International conference on Ergonomics, HWWE 2014, December 3 – 5, 2014, IIT Guwahati.
13. D. Daniela Archana, Dr. K. Adalarasu, Dr. J. Srinivasan, “Analysis of Bio Physiological
Signal to Monitor the Cognitive Status”, Proceedings of National Conference on Advances in
Computational Intelligence and Instrumentation Technology (ACIIT 2013), 2013, 44-48.
14. V. Anbarasi, David V Rajan, P. Karthikeyan, K. Adalarasu and Venkatesh Balasubramanian,
“Analysis of Musculoskeletal Problems in Indian Classical Dancers”, International conference
on Ergonomics, HWWE 2011, December 15-17, 2011, IITMadras.
15. Srinivasan Jayaraman, K.M. Arun, Ajayaghosh Priya, and K. Adalarasu,” Ergonomics Work
Place Analysis for Laptop User”, International conference on Ergonomics, HWWE 2011,
December 15-17, 2011, IITMadras.
16. K. Adalarasu, Shailesh Kumar Mishra, Israil Khan and Col. Sanjiv Kumar Sharma, “An
Ergonomic Study on Posture-Related Discomfort among Indian Army Workers during Tank
Repair Task”, International conference on Ergonomics, HWWE 2011, December 15-17, 2011,
17. Sri Logeshwaran R, Mahesh V., Pravin Kumar S., K. Adalarasu, “A Comparative Ergonomic
Study of Bicycle”, International conference on Ergonomics, HWWE 2011, December 15-17,
2011, IITMadras.
18. V. Muthu Vignesh, Theertha Sudheer, Dr. K. Adalarasu, S. Mythili, “An Ergonomic Study on
Posture Related Discomfort in Backhoe-Loader Drivers”, International conference on
Ergonomics, HWWE 2011, December 15-17, 2011, IITMadras.
19. N. Sudharsan, M.R. Mohamed Irfan, B.Geethanjali, Naidu Keerthiga Ramesh S and K.
Adalarasu, “Assessment of Sleep Disorder Based on Questionnaire”, International
conference on Ergonomics, HWWE 2011, December 15-17, 2011, IITMadras.
20. Naidu Keerthiga Ramesh S, K. Adalarasu, B. Geethanjali , “Study the Effect of Music on
Sleep Disorder Using Self-Assessment Questionnaire”, VIT Conference on Science,
Engineering and Technology (VIT-SET), 2011
21. Jim Elliot C, K. Adalarasu, “Detection of Early Onset of Diabetic Abnormality using
Non‐invasive Method”, VIT Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (VIT-SET),
22. Dr. K. Adalarasu, Mohan Jagannath, Naidu Keerthiga Ramesh S, “A Comparative
Ergonomic Study of Motorbikes”, International Conference on Advances in Electrical &
Electronics Engineering (ICAEEE-2011), February 25 -26, 2011
23. Poulami Basu, K. Adalarasu, “An Ergonomic Study on Posture‐related Discomfort in Ship
Employees”, VIT Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (VIT-SET), 2011
24. Sudanagunta Gowri, K. Adalarasu, “Study of ergonomics in computer work place”, VIT
Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (VIT-SET), 2011
25. A. Priya, K.M Arun, S. Bhawanjali, T. Priya, Yash Vardhan Tiwari and K. Adalarasu, “Recent
Developments OF Neural Interfacing in Rehabilitation,” 15 th Annual Conference of Gwalior
Academy of Mathematical Sciences (GAMS), New Delhi, December 12 – 14, 2010.
26. Naidu Keerthiga Ramesh S and K. Adalarasu, “Review on Effect of Music on Human Brain
Function", VIT Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (VIT – SET), 2010.
27. Vijay Lohan, Mohan Jagannath, Dr. V. Balasubramanian and Dr. K. Adalarasu, “Review on
Different Techniques of Oxygen Saturation Measurement,” VIT Conference on Science,
Engineering and Technology (VIT – SET), 2010.
28. Mohan Jagannath, Kanagasabai Adalarasu and Venkatesh Balasubramanian, “Evaluating
Bicycle Design using sEMG to Study Muscle Fatigue”, PREMUS 2010 7 th International
Conference on Prevention of Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders, ANGERS, France, 29
August – 3 September 2010.
29. Sai Praveen Velagapudi, Venkata Mangaraju Karanam, Babu R., Venkatesh
Balasubramanian, Adalarasu K., “Muscle Fatigue due to Motorcycle Riding”, SAE
International Small Engine Technology Conference (SETC 2010), 2010-32-0100 (SAE) /
20109100 (JSAE).
30. K. Adalarasu and V. Balasubramanian, “Muscle Fatigue in Young Professional Female
Athletes during Ergometer Rowing ", International conference on Ergonomics, HWWE 2009,
December 17-19, 2009.
31. K Adalarasu, Aswin Suryanarayanan, V. Balasubramanian, “Product Human Factors
Evaluation in TV Commercials Using Psychophysical Test ", International conference on
Ergonomics, HWWE 2009, December 17-19, 2009.
32. K. Adalarasu and V. Balasubramanian, “Measurement of Driver’s Fatigue using Dynamic
Body Pressure Distribution”, ", International conference on Ergonomics, HWWE 2007, Dec
10-12, 2007.
33. Adalarasu, K, and Balasubramanian, V (2006) Muscle fatigue in professional race car
drivers – wavelet analysis of sEMG signal. In: Proc. 16th Cong. Int. Ergon. Assoc. (IEA2006)
CD-ROM, 5p.
34. K. Adalarasu and V. Balasubramanian, "An EMG Based Ergonomic Evaluation of Chairs for
Computer Related Works", International conference on Ergonomics, HWWE 2005, Dec 10-
12, 2005.
35. V. Balasubramanian, K. Adalarasu and C. J. Robinson, “Analysis of postural stability in
diabetes/peripheral neuropathy during threshold level acceleration perturbation”, International
Society for Postural and Gait Research XVII th Conference – Marseille, FRANCE May 29th to
June 2nd (ISPGR ) 2005 ,P 196.
36. K. A. Arasu, V. Balasubramanian, C. J. Robinson, “Effect of Diabetes/Peripheral Neuropathy
on Ankle Strategy to Detect Perturbation” accepted and presented in II International
Conference on Medical Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures, April 1 – 3, 2004.
37. V. Balasubramanian, K. Adalarasu and C. J. Robinson, “Effect of Diabetes/Peripheral
Neuropathy on Postural Stability at Threshold Level of Acceleration Perturbation “ presented
in National Symposium on Molecular Basis of Diseases, January 8 – 9,2005.
38. V. Balasubramanian and K. Adalarasu, "Biomechanical assessment of Prospective A1 Race
car Drivers for Team India," Submitted to A1 GP Team India, August, 2005.
39. V. Balasubramanian, K. Adalarasu and Rajiv Ranganathan, “Wheelchair Accessibility in IIT
madras – A pilot study,“ submitted to Director IIT Madras, June 2003.
Research Scholar Details
Sl. No Dégrée Name Year Institute Status
1 Ph. D Sasikumar K 2016 VIT Vellore Complete
2 Ph. D B Geethanjali 2017 VIT Vellore Complete
3 Ph. D S. Ramasamy VIT Vellore Progress
4 Ph. D M. Sundar Raj 2017 Bharath University, Chennai Complete
5 Ph. D P. THAMARAI Bharath University, Chennai Progress
List of Publications in Book / Book Chapter
1. Jagannath, M., Adalarasu, K. and Vetrivelan, P., ‘Real-Time ECG-Based Biometric
Authentication System’, In S. Geetha, & A. Phamila (Eds.), Countering Cyber Attacks and
Preserving the Integrity and Availability of Critical Systems, 2019, pp. 275-289, Hershey, PA,
USA: Information Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global).
2. Jayanthi V. E., Jagannath Mohan and Adalarasu K, "Automatic Detection of Tumor and
Bleed in Magnetic Resonance Brain Images – Chapter 15”, book is published in the IGI
Global book series Handbook of Research on Information Security in Biomedical Signal
Processing, Chapter 15, 291, (ISBN 13: 9781522551522|ISBN10: 1522551522|EISBN13:
9781522551539|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5152-2), 2018
3. Jagannath Mohan, Adalarasu Kanagasabai, Vetrivelan Pandu, “Advances in Biometrics for
Secure Human Authentication System: Biometric Authentication System – Chapter 2”, book
is published in the IGI Global book series Advances in Digital Crime, Forensics, and Cyber
Terrorism (ADCFCT) (ISSN: 2327-0381; eISSN: 2327-0373), DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-
0193-0.ch002, 2016.
Invited Lectures and Talks
1. “Digital Image Processing,” Invited lecture for B. E – Electronics and Communication
Engineering in M. KUMARASAMY COLLEGE OF ENGG, KARUR, 23 th February, 2019
2. “Advance Digital Image Processing in Biomedical Application”, Invited lecture in Council of
Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) sponsored Two days National workshop on Image
processing for biomedical application, 25 th May 2018 at SSM college of Engineering and
Technology, Dindigul.
3. “IoT in Health Care”, Invited lecture in Dept. of Electronics and communication Engineering,
Bharath Niketan Engineering College, Aundipatty, Theni, 20 th Feb, 2018.
4. “Cognitive Neuro Instrumentation and its Applications”, Invited lecture in Dept. of
Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology sponsored FDP on Recent developments
and future focus of health care field in India (RDFFHCI), 11th Oct 2015
5. “Multimodal Approach Towards Processing of Physiological Signals”, Invited lecture in
Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on Advanced Digital Signal and Image Processing,
SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, 5 th Nov, 2014.
6. Biomedical Signal Processing, Resource Person for Faculty Development programme in
Maria College of Engineering and Technology, Attoor on 15 th , May 2014.
7. Applied Ergonomics’, Guest Lecture through Video Conferencing in Department of Human
Biology, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Cape Town, South Africa, 30 th April, 2013.
8. “Multimedia Compression Techniques,” Invited lecture for M. E – Computer Communication in
9. “Cognitive Neuro Instrumentation and its Advances in Defence Perspective,” Invited lecture in
continuing education programme (CEP) in Defense Electronics and Biomedical Engineering
Laboratory (DEBEL), DRDO, Bangalore, and November 8, 2012.
10. “Medical Data Analysis”, Invited lecture in Workshop on Recent Development of VLSI,
Embedded and Image Processing in Health Care Application, PSNACET, August 24, 2012.
11. “Data Analysis and Interpretation”, Invited lecture in Cognitive Neuroscience Workshop in
SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, January 7, 2012.
12. “Medical Data Analysis”, Invited lecture in Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on Biomedical Engineering, PSNACET, June 8, 2011.
Honors, Affiliations and Memberships
1. Invited as a chief guest to ECE Department Symposium on 9 February 2019 at SBM College
of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul
2. Evaluation of MPhil in Biomedical Engineering thesis from UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN –
FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCES, “A modular and adjustable ptosis crutch as a non-
surgical solution to elevating the upper eyelid of myasthenia gravis patients”, 2016
3. Member of the Syllabus Sub Committee for framing the Curricula and Syllabi for M.E.
Biomedical Engineering and M.E. Medical Electronics to be offered in PG degree
Programmes under R-2017 by the Constituent Colleges and Affiliated Institutions of Anna
University, Chennai
4. National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) Steering Committee Member – 2016
5. Institute IQAC cell member – 2016
6. Editor-In-Chief for International Journal of Bio Sciences & Engineering (IJBSE)
7. International Scientific Committee Member for ICBSIVP 2016: 18th International Conference
on Biomedical Signal, Image and Vision Processing, London, United Kingdom, May 23 – 24,
8. Member of Scientific Group in 11th International Scientific conference on Applied Sciences
and Engineering, 3-4 September, 2016, Hotel Istana Kuala Lumpur City Centre, Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia
9. Reviewer, Engineering, “Analysis of Sensors for Carbon monoxide Monitoring from Vehicles
using Neural Network, 2016
10. Reviewer, Biomedical Research, “A Study on Performance and Safety test of Infusion Pump
Devices, 2016
11. Reviewer, Instrumentation Science & Technology, “Finite element mesh optimization for
improving the ill-posedness of the sensitivity matrix in ERT, 2014
12. Reviewer, Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, “Workplace factors and
prevalence of Low Back Pain among Male Commercial kitchen workers”, 2014
13. Reviewer, Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik, 2013
14. Reviewer, Computers in Biology and Medicine, Elsevier Publications, 2013
15. Reviewer, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Elsevier Publications, 2012
16. Reviewer, Instrumentation Science & Technology, Taylor and Francis, 2012, 2014
17. Reviewer, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2012
18. Reviewer, International Journal Of Health Science and Well Being, 2012
19. Editor-In-Chief, International Journal of Bio Sciences & Engineering (IJBSE)
20. Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering
21. Chairperson, scientific session in the National Conference on Emerging Technologies
“MKCE-Confluence -13”, M. KUMARASAMY COLLEGE OF ENGG, KARUR, 27 th February,
22. Member of the expert committee to evaluate the research projects for the association of
Indian Universities Sponsored South zone student research convention 2012 held during 28
– 30 th Jan, 2013, The Gandhigram Rural Institute, Gandhigram.
23. Member, Moderation Board of Academic Courses, Department of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, Sethu Institute of Technology, Kariapatti – 626 115, Virudhunagar District, 2012
24. Chairperson, scientific session in the conference HWWE 2011, IITMadras, 15-17, December
Professional Achievements / Awards:
1. Certificate of Reviewing award June, 2016 in recognition of the review made for the
journal Personality and Individual Difference, Elsevier
2. Appointment as an external examiner in the Dept of Human Biology, University of Cape
Town (UCT), South Africa's, course Biomechanics of the Musculoskeletal System
(HUB4007F) in June 2011 & 2010, 2013, 2015
LOT. MUSIC TO YOUR EARS?” published by Mihika Basu, Bangalore Mirror
Bureau | Dec 6, 2016
4. Best Supervisor Award for quality Innovative Engineering Projects to ESIC 2017 –
Engineering Students Innovation Challenge 2017 organized by ISSRD.
Workshop and Seminar Organized
1. Two Days Workshop on “Recent Development of VLSI, Embedded and Image
Processing in Health Care Application”, 24 th and 25 th August – 2012, PSNACET.
2. Guest Lecture on “Development of Indigenous Medical Technologies and IP Related
Issues”, by Dr. Sudesh Sivarasu, South Africa, 27 th January 2014, PSNACET.
3. Guest Lecture on “Case Studies and Analysis on Research Aspects of Data Analytics”,
by Dr. Arunkumar Thangavelu, VIT University, Vellore, 13 th March 2015, PSNACET.
4. Two days’ workshop on “Advances in VLSI, Embedded and Neuroscience in Medical
Systems”, April 12 – 13th, 2016, PSNACET.
5. Guest Lecture on “Making Health Technology Appropriate through Frugal Biodesign”, by
Dr. Sudesh Sivarasu, South Africa, 9 th January 2017.
Workshop and Seminar Attended
1. Attended DBT sponsored FDP on “Recent Developments and Future Focus of
Healthcare Field in India (RDFFHFI – 15) conducted from 6 th to 10 th October 2015,
2. Participation on National Level Short-Term Training Programme on “MSP430 Launchpad
Based Embedded System Design”, Conducted at VIT University, Chennai, 27.09.2014
and 28.09.2014.
3. Participation on National Level Workshop on “Embedded Robotics”, conducted PSG
College of Technology, Coimbatore, January 29-30, 2016.
4. Participation on two days’ workshop on “Evolutionary Computing”, conducted PSNA
College of Engineering and Technology, August 27-28, 2014.
5. Attended FDP on “Recent Research Trends in Nano-Biotechnology”, VIT University,
Vellore, February 18 – 19, 2011.
6. Participation on Faculty Training Programme on ‘Brining Attitudinal Chang”, VIT
University, Vellore, 16.02.2010.
7. Attended FDP on “Understanding Young Minds”, VIT University, Vellore, 7 th December,
8. Attended AICTE/ISTE sponsored FDP on “Advances In Biomedical Engineering”, Sri
Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, Mysore, September 18-30, 2000
9. Attended AICTE sponsored short term training program under QIP on “Primer Course in
Biomedical Engineering”, IITMadras, Chennai, 31 st May – 5 th June 2004.
10. Attended ISTE sponsored short term training program on “Data Mining and
warehousing”, IITMadras, Chennai, October 6 – 10, 2003.
11. Attended Staff development programme, sponsored by AICTE “Teachers in Engineering
College”, Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry, 16.04.2001 to 04.05.2001.
12. Attended AICTE/ISTE sponsored short term training program on “Biosignal Processing
and Simulation”, Karunya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, May 29 th to June 10 th ,
Google Scholar Citations
All Since 2014
Citations 401 334
h-index 11 11
i10-index 12 12

Dr. Ajaz A. Wani
Details of Research Publication (List & Executive Summary of Important publication)
1. Diversity and status of Birds of Teh. Doda Jammu, Journal of Nature Conservation 17(1)
2. Altitudinal variation of avifauna of Tehsil Doda. (Distt. Doda of J &K State). Journal of
Nature Conservation 19(1), 195-198(2007)
3. Feeding ecology of Avifauna of Doda J&K State the Bios can 3(4) 477-478-(2008)
4. Vertical stratification of Birds in temperate forest of Tehsil Doda (J&K) J. Nature
conservation 21(1)185-188(209)
5. Feeding Guilds of Avifauna of Nandni Wild life sanctuary Jammu (J&K). The Ecoscan
2(2) 157-160(2008).
6. Impact of Assessment of terrarium on the wildlife and forest of Distt. Doda with special
reference to diversity and community structure of Birds in temperate forest. Published in
proceeding of international conference on environment and development, challenges and
opportunities organized by swami sharadanand College University of Delhi 4 th to 6 th
march 2005.
7. Diversity and status of Mammals of temperate and subtropical forest of Distt.
Rajouri(J&K) Journal of Nature Conservation 23(1) 145-150(2011)
8. Data Assessment of Avifauna in foothills of pir panchal range of J&K State, National
Journal of life science vol. 10(1) 2013 69-72.
9. Diversity and status of mammals in temperate and subtropical forest of erstwhile Distt.
Doda J&K Journal of life science Bulletin vol.10 (2) 2013-2002-2004
10. Data Assessment of Avifauna in Pir Panchal Range of Temperate and Sub tropical Forest
of Doda, J&K. National Journal of Life Science &Life Science Bulletin Vol 14(2) 2017
11. King Cobra reported from Gullar Nallah (Marmat) of Distt. Doda of J&K State,
Published in Life Science Bulletin; an international-Bi annual Journal of Life Science;
Volume (15) 2018.
12. Breeding biology of house sparrow (Passer domesticus): A case study in Bari and its
adjoining area of District area of Jammu & Kashmir., Published in Journal of wildlife
research, Oct-Dec 2018, Vol. 6, issue 04, Pages 37-40.
13 Community structure of the birds of tehsil Doda, Jammu., Published in J.
J. Himalayan Ecol. Sustain. Dev. Page no. 131-135, Vol.2 (2007),
14 Book Published = 01
Executive Summary
The research publication above mentioned is my personal research work on the research
topic “Diversity of Avifauna of District Doda J&K”. Therefore the proposed research topic
for project is the extension of this research in the Pir Panchal range of Middle Himalayan
chain of North West Himalayas, because no such research was carried out intensively due to
turmoil in Jammu and Kashmir. Such project will pave the path for future research in this
field of Avian diversity in Himalayan region particularly and to suggest the conservational
measures accordingly.
Seminar and Conference attended
1. 15 th All India congress of Zoology organized by Dept. of Zoology
university of Jammu from 29 to 31 st of oct. 2004.
2. National conference on Ecology Restoration organized by Dept of Zoology
ahabasahib Barware college pane and paper presented on diversity status
and conservation measures of birds of tehsil Doda Jammu from 28 th to 29 th
of Jan. 2005.
3. International conference on Environment and Development challenges and
opportunities organized by swami shraddhanand college university of
Delhi Alipur Delhi from March 04-06-2005. And paper presented impact
Assessment of terrorism on the wildlife and forest of Distt Doda J&K and
got 1 st prize.
4. 3 rd J&K State science congress 2008 from organized by university of
Jammu from feb.26-28 th 2008.
5. 5 th J&K State science congress 2010 on science for society organized by
university of Jammu from 8 th to 10 th Feb. 2010.
6. 8 th J&K science congress. Technology and Regional Development,
opportunities and challenges organized by university of Kashmir from 17 th
to 19 th of September 2012.
7. National seminar on science for shaping the future of India, Faunal
diversity challenges and opportunities organized by department of zoology
university of Kashmir from 19-21 Nov. 2012.
8. General orientation course UGC- Sponsored organized by UGC Academic
staff college university of Jammu from 06-01-2009 to 03-02-2009.
9. Refresher course UGC- Sponsored organized by UGC Academic staff
college university of Jammu from 21-12-2009 to 12-01-2010.
10. 19 th IDEA conference attended on quality Assurance and substance of open
distance education: Issue concerns, challenges and development organized
by directed of distance education (DDE) University of Jammu and Indian
distance education conference.
11. Attended and presented paper in national conference “status and
conservation of Bio Diversity in India with special reference to Himalayas”
organized by University f Kashmir from 4 th to 5 th of oct. 2013.
12. National seminar attended and paper presented on Bio Diversity:
sustainable development and conservation organized by department of
zoology university of Jammu in collaboration with department of fisheries,
J&K Govt. on 6 th to 8 th of March 2014.
13. Attended all India science congress organized by department of Chemistry
University of Jammu from 3 rd of feb. To 7 th feb. 2014.
14. Participated in 10 th J&K Science congress from 14 to 16 March 2015.
Organized by university of Jammu in collaboration with J&K State council
for science and technology Govt. of J&K.
15. Attended national work shop on Accreditation awareness and institutional
ranking of NAAC held from 5 th to 6 th Jan. 2015. Organized by department
of human resource management and OB central University of Jammu.
16. Attended and paper presented in national workshop on Monitoring Birds
and their habitat in Himalayas. Organized by institute of mountain
environment Bhaderwah Campus, University of Jammu on 19 th to 20 th of
sep. 2015.
17. Attended 12 th J&k Science congress organized by Deptt. of Botany
University of Jammu w.e.f 2-4 March, 2017.
18. Attended & presented Paper in National Seminar on Innovative
Curriculum Development in Teacher Education in Feb. 2017 organized by
P.G Deptt. of Education, University of Jammu.
19. Attended and Paper presented in National Seminar on Emerging Trends
And Challenges in Biodiversity Conservation on March 28 th -29 th of
March2017 organised by department OF Zoology university of Jammu.
20. Attended and presented paper in 30 th All India Congress of Zoology and
National Seminar on “ Advances in Zoology for Sustainable Development”
on 15 th to 17 th Feb. 2018, organized by Deptt. of Zoology Kurukshetra
University, Kurukshetra.
21. Attended and presented paper in Two days National Seminar on
“ Science and Technology for unreached notions, values and applicability ,
held on 20 th and 21 st of April 2018.organised by dept. of zoology Govt.
Degree college samba j and k.
22. Attended and presented paper in 3 days National Seminar in Animal
Science Congress on “ Horizons in Zoological Studies” , organized by
Deptt. of Zoology , University of Kashmir w.e.f 4 th of August to 6 th of
August, 2018.
23. Attended and paper presented in International Conference on worldwide
Research Initiatives for Agriculture, Science and Technology, organized by
Sher-e -Kashmir University of Science and Technology in collaboration
with National Agriculture Cooperative Limited on 24th to 26 th of Oct.
24. Attended and paper presented in International Conference on “Recent
trends in Science & Technology, Agriculture and Management, jointly
organized by Society for Science and Nature, GESA and Asian Research
Biological Foundation New Delhi in collaboration with FDDI, Ministry of
Commerce at Fursatgang Rae Bralie (UP) in 20 th to 21 st of Oct. 2019.
Awards and Achievements
1. Appointed as member of reviewer of international journal of pure and
applied zoology on 05-05-2013.
2. Executive member of Himalayan Ecological conservation & research
foundation.)A N G O.)
3. Member of zoological society of India (M Z S I).
4. Awarded honorary fellowship of society of life science.
5. Organized one day seminar on Bio Diversity and its management for food,
livelihood and environmental security on 18 th of Dec. 2013.At GDC Doda.
6. Appreciation certificate received from DDC Doda for performing duties as
member for SVEEP in the general election to legislative assembly J&K 2014
on 25-01-2015.
7. 3 Weeks Refresher course in life Science attended at University of Jammu
organized by ASC Jammu wef 6 th of march 2017 to 27 th of march 2017.
8. Appointed as member of Editorial Board of the Trends in Bio Sciences
Journal on January 2018.
9. Received an appreciation certificate for acting as chair in young scientist
award session in International Conference in Adavances in Chemical
Science and Allied Field of Science , Health, Education and Environment on
8-10 March 2018, organized by Carrier College Bhopal.
10. Received an award ( Citation and Medal) from Zoological Society of India
on 15 th of Feb 2018.
11. Acted as Co-Chairperson in one of the sessions in 30 th All India Congress of
Zoology and National Seminar on “ Advances in Zoology for Sustainable
Development” on 15 th to 17 th Feb. 2018, organized by Deptt. of Zoology
Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra and received an Appreciation
12. Attended and organized one day Urdu Conference in GDC Doda on 23 rd of
Dec. 2108.
13. Attended one week practical orientation course in march 2018 organised by
department of zoology university of jammu , jammu.
14. Organized one day work shop of Prime Minister special scholarship scheme
(PMSSS) at GDC Doda on 16 th of May 2018.
15. Organized one day work shop of Prime Minister special scholarship scheme
(PMSSS) at GDC Doda on 6 th of May 2018.
16. Attended ond day one day PMSSS workshop session 2018-19 March 2018
organised by Gandhi Nagar college jammu in collaboration with Higher
education Dept. J&K.
17. Working as Co coordinator in Prime Minister Special Scholarship Scheme
since 2014 (PMSSS) at facilitation centre GDC Doda.
18. Awarded Excellence in Research Award in International Conference on
worldwide Research Initiatives for Agriculture, Science and Technology
organized by Sher-e -Kashmir University of Science and Technology in
collaboration with National Agriculture Cooperative Limited on 24thy to
26 th of Oct. 2018.
19. Acted as Chairperson in one of the Technical Sessions in Oral Presentation
in International Conference on worldwide Research Initiatives for
Agriculture, Science and Technology organized by Sher-e -Kashmir
University of Science and Technology in collaboration with National
Agriculture Cooperatives Limited on 24th to 26 th of Oct. 2018.
20. Acted as Co- chairperson in one of the Technical Sessions in poster making
Competition in International Conference on worldwide Research Initiatives
for Agriculture, Science and Technology organized by Sher-e -Kashmir
University of Science and Technology in collaboration with National
Agriculture Cooperatives Limited on 24th to 26 th of Oct. 2018.
21. Received young scientist of the year award 2018 at International conference
on Biodiversity Climate Change, Physical and Life Science, conferred by
International Academy of Science and Research and Confederation of Indian
universities at Dibrugarh Assam on 21 st of January 22 nd of January 2019.
22. Chaired the technical session in International conference on Biodiversity,
Climate change, Physical and Life science at Dibrugarh Assam (India).
23. Awarded young scientist of the year award 2018 at International conference
on Environment and ecology at Christ college Pune by International
foundation of Environment and ecology and confederation of Indian
Universities New Delhi in 18 th of feb to 20 th of feb 2019.
24. Life time member of International foundation for Environment & Ecology.
25. Delivered an invited talk in the International conference on environment &
ecology at Pune w.e.f. 18 th of feb. 2019 to 20 th of feb. 2019.
26. Awarded Best faculty for teaching Innovation in the field of Innovation in
Teaching Methodology by Glocal Environment and Social Innovation
(GESA) New Delhi on 22 nd May 2019.
27. Paper presented in Global conference on Biodiversity ,our Food and our
health held at BSI Prayag(UP) on 22 nd to 23 rd of may 2019.
28. Appointed as Convener of International Academy of science and Research
of Jammu Chapter on 1 st of sep.2019.
29. Nominated as member of Governing Council of International Academy of
Science and Research on 2 nd of sep.2019.
30 Awarded best Scientist by Society for Science & Nature in International
Conference on “Recent trends in Science & Technology, Agriculture and
Management, jointly organized by Society for Science and Nature, GESA
and Asian Research Biological Foundation New Delhi in collaboration
with FDDI, Ministry of Commerce at Fursatgang Rae Bralie (UP) in 20 th to
21 st of Oct. 2019.
31 Awarded best Innovative Biologist by Asian Research Biological
Foundation (ABRF) in International Conference on “Recent trends in
Science & Technology, Agriculture and Management, jointly organized by
Society for Science and Nature, GESA and Asian Research Biological
Foundation New Delhi in collaboration with FDDI, Ministry of Commerce
at Fursatgang Rae Bralie (UP) in 20 th to 21 st of Oct. 2019.
32 . Acted as Co chair in one of the technical session in International
conference on “Recent trends in Science & Technology, Agriculture and
Management, jointly organized by Society for Science and Nature, GESA
and Asian Research Biological Foundation New Delhi in collaboration
with FDDI, Ministry of Commerce at Fursatgang Rae Bralie (UP) in 20 th to
21 st of Oct. 2019.
33 Nominated as Life time member of Asian Research Biological Foundation
34 Awarded scientist of the year 2018 at International Seminar on Recent
Trends and experimental Approaches in Science, Technology Nature and
Management. Organized by Society for Science and Nature in
collaboration with FDDI Jodhpur and OURA publication.
35 Nominated as Convener of J&K Chapter by GLOCAL environmental and
social association (GESA) in Nov 2019.
36 Appointed as a Life time member of International Foundation for
Environment and Ecology on during year 2018.
37 Appointed as a Life time member of International academy for Science and
Research during year 2018.
38 Appointed as reviewer by International Journal by Horizan Publication,
39 Awarded fellowship by Glocal Environment and Social Association by
GESA during International Conference on Environment and Society at
Kanpur on Dec. 22 – 23, 2019.
40 Awarded Environmentalist award 2020 by Environment and social
Development Association during World Environment Summit 2020
organized by ESDA in collaboration with Delhi University on 18-19 Jan.
41 Acted as Co- Chair in technical session during World Environment
Summit 2020 organized by ESDA in collaboration with Delhi University
on 18-19 Jan. 2020.
42 Delivered an Invited Talk during World Environment Summit 2020
organized by ESDA in collaboration with Delhi University on 18-19 Jan.
43 Awarded Indo Global Research excellence award at Bangkok, Thailand on
2 nd Feb 2020 in International conference organized by international
Benevolent Research Foundation, commonwealth Vocational University
centre for Educational Development, Thammpset University of Bangkok
and Confederation of Indian Universities.
44 Delivered invited talk at Bangkok, Thailand on 2 nd Feb 2020 in
International conference organized by international Benevolent Research
Foundation, commonwealth Vocational University centre for Educational
Development, Thammpset University of Bangkok and Confederation of
Indian Universities.
45 Delivered invited talk at Wildlife Institute Manda Jammu on 22 nd of Feb
2020 on Tools and Techniques used in Identification of Avian Fauna
sponsored by Ministry of MOEF GOI and Implemented by Wildlife
Institute J&K in collaboration with Department of Ecology and Remote
Sensing under Green Skill Development Program.

h-index: 15
I10-index: 22
Citation: 858
Bachelor of Science- Zoology- (1987-1990), College of Basic Science and Humanities,
Odisha University of Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Master of Science-Zoology-(1990-1992), Ravenshaw University, Odisha, India
Post Graduate Diploma In Fisheries Science, (1992-1994), ICAR-Central Institute of
Fisheries Education, Mumbai, India
Ph.D-Animal and Marine Bioressources Science (2001-2004) Kyushu University,
Fukuoka, Japan
Training Course in Science Journalism, (2014) National Council for Science and
Technology Communication, Department of Science and Technology, Government of
India and Indian Science Communication Society, Lucknow
Post -Graduate Diploma in Patents Law, (2015-2016), NALSAR Proximate Education,
NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad.
Intensive Japanese Language Course (October 2000 to March 2001). International
Student Centre, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
Head (Acting) Division of Fish Genetics and Biotechnology since 26 April 2018 at
ICAR-Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture,Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Director (Acting)- 12 January 2017 to 25 April 2018 at ICAR-Central Institute of
Freshwater Aquaculture, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Head- Division of Fish Genetics and Biotechnology since 26 April 2013- 25 April
2018 at ICAR-Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture,Bhubaneswar, Odisha,
Principal Scientist and Officer in Charge – 13 October 2010 to 24 April 2013 at
Kakdwip Research Centre of ICAR-Central Institute of Brackishwater
Aquaculture, Kakdwip, West Bengal,India
Senior Scientist, at Kakdwip Research Centre of ICAR-Central Institute of
Brackishwater Aquaculture, Kakdwip, West Bengal,India
Scientist (Senior Scale), at Kakdwip Research Centre of ICAR-Central Institute of
Brackishwater Aquaculture, Kakdwip, West Bengal,India
Scientist, at Kakdwip Research Centre of ICAR-Central Institute of Brackishwater
Aquaculture, Kakdwip, West Bengal,India
Aquaculturist, Suryo Foods and Industries Private Limited, Balasore, 1994 to July
1997 at Balasore, Odisha, India
Best Scientist Award ,2018,Society of Fisheries and Life Science, College of Fisheries,
DR V R P SINHA MEDAL for outstanding Research & Academic contribution in the
field of Ichthyology (17 November 2014)
Young Scientist Award-2014 (Applied Zoologist Research Association)
,2014,Applied Zoologists Research Association, ICAR-Central Rice Research Institute,
Cuttack, Odisha
Hiralal Chaudhury Best Young Scientist Award-2008,2008,Hiralal Chaudhury
Fisheries Foundation, ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai
Best Seminarian (Zoology) Award,1992, Dept. of Zoology, Ravenshaw College, Cuttack,
Best Poster Award, 2019, 6th international Conference Fisheries and Aquaculture,
Bangkok, Thailand.
Best Submission award to National level writing competition in Hindi,2018,ICAR-
Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai
Best Oral Presentation Award ,2018,National Conference on Improving income of
farmers through Agriculture and Aquaculture through Development interventions
organized by ICAR CIFA during 5-7 January 2018
Best Research paper Award for the best paper of the year 2018,Nirmala Krishna
Memorial Social Trust, Dr Balasaheb,Sawant Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli
Best Poster Award,2016,2nd International Symposium on genomics in Aquaculture
Organized by ICAR CIFA Bhubaneswar during 28-30 January 2016
Best Submission award for the article on Women in Homestead Vegetable Framing-
Case of Enhanced Household Income 2014,Siataram Rao Livelihoods India Case study
competition 2014 on Empowering Women in Agriculture organized by ACCESS
Best Presentation award ,2010,National Conference on Marine Biodiversity- Present
status and prospects (MABPSAP-2010) held at Department of Marine Science,
Bhartthidasan University Tiruchirapally,
Fellow Member Award of Society of Fisheries and Life Science,2018,Society of Fisheries
and Life Science, College of Fisheries, Mangalore
Fellow of Indian Society of Coastal Agricultural Research 2018,Society of Coastal
Agricultural Research Canning Town,West Bengal
Fellow of Odisha Environmental Society, Bhubaneswar, Odisha,2017,Odisha
Environmental Society, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Fellow of Applied Zoologist Research Association (AZRA),2016,Applied Zoologist
Research Association (AZRA), CRRI, Cuttack, Odisha
Fellow of Zoological Society of India,2016,Zoological Society of India, Boodh Gaya,
JEEVA –SURAKSHA NEH AWARD for Development of Aquaculture in North Eastern
Krushi Ratna Award 2017,2017,Odisha Krushak Samaj, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
PATRON,2016,Odisha Environmental Society, Bhubaneswar (Established in 1982)
Debate 2010, Won Debate 2010 organized by Science Forum ICAR- CIBA, Chennai on
Basic or Applied: How strike the right Balance in Research?
Received appreciation from Dazaifu Tenmangu, Fukuoka, Japan for contribution towards
greater international understanding and friendship for participation in 32nd
International Cooking Festival,2003,DAZAIFU TENMANGU Fukuoka, Japan
Best Speaker Award in International Japanese speech competition 2001,YMCA,
Kyushu Okinawa,Fukuoka, Kyushu, Japan
Received appreciation from First Secretary, Embassy of India, Tokyo, Japan for the effort
took by Kyushu University International Student from Gujarat Earthquake.2001,First
Secretary Embassy of India Tokyo, Japan
of Division of Fish Genetics & Biotechnology of CAR-CIFA,2015,ICAR-Central Institute
of Freshwater Aquaculture, Bhubaneswar
Special Appreciation Award 2013 of ICAR-CIFA,2014,Adjudged the Most Effective
Institution Building committee of the year “Farm and Campus Management Committee”
Felicitation and appreciation from District Fisheries Officer, Balasore, Department of
Fisheries, Govt. of Odisha,2013,District Fisheries Officer, Balasore, Odisha
nd Position in Hindi Quiz,1993, ICAR- Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai
Awarded to institute as a Team Leader Cashless ICAR Institute award for the
implementation of cashless transaction in the institute ,2017,Indian Council of
Agricultural Research, New Delhi
Awarded to institute as a Team Leader Certificate for outstanding Performer in
plantation and afforestation work to ICAR- CIFA, Bhubaneswar,2018, Awarded by
Forest and Environment Department, Govt. of Odisha on World Forestry Day, 2018
Tamil Nadu Fisheries University, Nagapattinam ,Nominated as Adjunct faculty of Tamil
Nadu Fisheries University, Nagapattinamn since March 2018
Centurion University of Technology and Management ( CUTM) ODISHA, Nominated as
Adjunct faculty of Centurion University of Technology Management ,Paralakhemundi,
Odisha since May 2018
Member of 9th Academic Council Meeting of Centurion University of Technology
Management, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Scientific member to the 7th International Conference on Fisheries and Aquaculture
2020 to be held at Bangkok during August 2020.orgnsied by The International Institute
of Knowledge Management, Srilanka.
Co-Chair a session on genetics and Reproduction2019 Asian –Pacific Aquaculture 2019
organized by TNJFU, Nagapattinam and World Aquaculture Society
President, (2017-2018) Association of Aquaculturist, ICAR-CIFA, Bhubaneswar, Odisha,
India from January 2017 to April 2018.
Co-Chairman in the session- Advancement in Field, Horticultural, plantation crops and
forestry for coastal areas11th National Symposium on Innovations in Coastal
Agriculture- Current status and Potential 2016Under Changing Environment
conducted at IIWM, Bhubaneswar during 14-17 January 2016.
Co-Chairman of the Technical session in Collaborative State Level Research-Industry
Farmer- Extension interaction2015 Collaborative State Level Research Industry Farmer
Extension interaction workshop on Freshwater Aquaculture Development in Odisha on
27 June 2015.
Co-Chairman in the session of Nutrition and Fish Health (Session 4) 20129th Indian
Fisheries Forum, Chennai organized by ICAR-CMFRI during 19-23 December 2012.
Co-Editor in Journal of Fisheries and Life Science,2019, Society of Fisheries and Life
Science, College of Fisheries, Mangalore
Editor in Chief in International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic studies,2019
,International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic studies
Council Member, Indian Society of Coastal Agricultural Research2016-2019 Indian
Society of Coastal Agricultural Research, Regional Research Station, P.O. Canning
Town743329 ,Dist : South 24-Parganas ,West Bengal ,India
Editorial Advisory Board2018 Ramadevi Women University Bulletin of Science ,
Ramadevi University, Bhubaneswar
Editor in Chief, Journal of Aquaculture,2016-2019, Association of Aquaculturist, ICRA-
Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Member, Steering committee on Tilapia seed production and culture monitoring at
National Level2014 Attended 2nd meeting and 3rd Steering committee meeting on Tilapia
on 22 September 2014 and 2 March 2015 respectively at Krishi Bhavan, Ministry of
Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, New Delhi.
Member, National Committee on Introduction of Exotic Species to be introduced to
Indian Water2014 Attended national committee meeting on 24 May 2014 at Krishi
Bhavan, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, New Delhi
Sub Committee on Research and Development in Biotechnology to consider the
proposal on Research and Development Projects pertaining to Biotechnology,
Government of Odisha, Science & Technology Department2013 Science & Technology
Department, Government of Odisha, constituted committee and Director, ICAR-CIFA
nominated me to be part of the committee dated 2 August 2013 (No-3842 (8)/ST-Bio-
53/2013 Bhubaneswar dated 2 August 2013
Member, Sub Committee on Research and Development in Biotechnology to consider
the proposal on Research and Development Projects pertaining to Biotechnology,
Government of Odisha, Science & Technology Department2013 Member of Sub
Committee on Research and Development in Biotechnology to consider the proposal
on Research and Development Projects pertaining to Biotechnology, Government of
Odisha, Science & Technology Department (3498/ST (BIO)-42/2013 /st, Bhubaneswar
dated 18 July 2013.
Coordinator/ Nodal Person, Research Training Fellowship for Developing Country
Scientists (RTF-DCS- (DST Sponsored) since 20132013 Centre for Science and
Technology of the Non-Aligned and other Developing Countries (NAM S& T Centre,
New Delhi.
Committee to look after the approval of activities in respect of setting up Biotechnology
Incubation Centre in Biotech Pharma IT park (Konark Knowledge Park). Govt. of
Odisha2013 Science & Technology Department, Government of Odisha, constituted
committee and Director, ICAR-CIFA nominated me to be part of the committee dated
2 August 2013 (No-3842 (8)/ST-Bio-53/2013 Bhubaneswar dated 2 August 2013
Convener , 2018, National Workshop on “Antimicrobial Resistance & Alternatives to
Antibiotic Use in Aquaculture” during 12-13 March 2018 held at ICAR CIFA
Convener ,2017,National Consultation on Faster reach of innovations from
Aquaculture Research through Media: A Science Communication Perspective on 27
October 2017 held at ICAR CIFA
Convener ,2017,National Seminar on “Climate Change: Impact on aquatic Environment
and fish health” at ICAR-CIFA, Bhubaneswar on 06 September 2017.
Council Member Since, 2016,Applied Zoologist Research Association Applied Zoologist
Research Association (AZRA), Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Organizing Secretary,2016, National Symposium on Diversification in Aquaculture
(NaSAD2016) during 1-3 December 2016.
Convener, 2012,National Seminar on Hindi- Traditional Aquafarming: Prospects and
Challenges at ICAR CIBA, Kakdwip Research Centre, Kakdwip duirmg 11-12 December
o Fish Physiology, Endocrine Disruptor and Molecular endocrinology
o Selective breeding and Genomics
o Climate Resilient Aquaculture
o Invasion Biology and Environmental DNA
Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, New Delhi
Science and engineering Research Board, Department of Science and
Technology, Government f India, New Delhi
Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi
National Agricultural Science Fund, New Delhi
North Eastern Region – Biotechnology Programme, Government of India, New
Improving broodstock management and quality seed production of Ompok
bimaculatus through application of molecular endocrinology (June 2018-June
20201) Leading as Principal Investigator,
Genetic Enhancement of Economically Important Freshwater Fish Catla catla
Using Genetic and Molecular Approaches, , (December 2017-December 2020),
Leading as Team Leader
Deciphering genetic variation in the carbohydrate metabolism of farmed rohu
families (October 2017 To March 2020) ICAR Network on Centre for
Agricultural Bioinformatics, Leading as Principal Investigator
Value-addition by generating stable lines of ornamental transgenic freshwater-
fishes.,(June 2017- June 2020), Involved as Co-Investigator
Establishment of captive breeding protocols and value additions to selected
Indigenous Ornamental fishes from North East India.(March 2018-March 20021),
Involved as Co-Investigator
World Fish, Penang
Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute, Maimensing, Bangladesh
International Water Management Institute, Delhi
International Rice Research Institute, Manila
Kyushu University, Fukuoka,Japan
ICAR-Indian Agricultural Statistical Research Institute. New Dlehi, India
ICAR-National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources, Lucknow, India
Central University, Imphal, Manipur, India
Ahmadabad University, Gujarat, India
Viswa Bharathi University, Santiniketan, west Bengal, India
North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalaya, India
Gwahati University, Assam, India
1. Bhat, I. A., A. I. N. Mir, R. A. H. Bhat, G. B. Pathakota, M. Goswami, J. K. Sundaray and
R. Sharma, 2019. Chitosan-Eurodominance nano formulation acts on steroid genesis
pathway genes to increase the reproduction rate in fish. The Journal of steroid
biochemistry and molecular biology, 185: 237-247.
2. Kiran D. Rasal, Mir Asif Iquebal, Amrendra Pandey, Parmeswari Behera, Sarika Jaiswal,
Manohar Vasam, Sangita Dixit, Mustafa Raza, Lakshman Sahoo, Samiran Nandi, U.B.
Angadi, Anil Rai, Dinesh Kumar, Naresh Nagpure, Aparna Chaudhari, Jitendra Kumar
Sundaray, (2019). Revealing liver specific microRNAs linked with carbohydrate
metabolism of farmed carp, Labeo rohita (Hamilton, 1822). doi:
3. Bhata, I.A., M. I. Nazir. I. Ahmad, G. B. Pathakota, T. Chanu, M. Goswami, J. K. Sundaray
and R. Sharma, 2018. Fabrication and characterization of chitosan conjugated
eurycomanone nanoparticles: in vivo evaluation of the bio distribution and toxicity in
fish. Int. jour of Biolo Macro,112:1093-1103.
4. Rasal, K. D., P. C. Nandanpawar, P. Swain, M. R. Badhe, J. K. Sundaray and P. Jayasankar,
2016. MicroRNA in aquaculture fishes: A way forward with high-throughput Sequencing
and a computational approach. Rev. Fish Biol Fisheries, 26: 199-212.
5. Rather, M., I. R. Bhat, N. Sharma, P.C. Nandanpawar, M. Badhe, G. B. Pathakota, A.
Chaudhary, J. K. Sundaray and R. Sharama, 2017. Characterization, Molecular docking,
dynamics simulation and metadynamics of kisspeptin receptor with kisspeptin.
International journal of biological Macromolecules, 101: 241-253.
1. L. Sahoo, S. Sahoo, M. Mohanty, M. Sankar, S. Dixit, P. Das, K. D. Rasal, M. A. Rather & J.
K. Sundaray (2019). Molecular characterization, computational analysis and expression
profiling of Dmrt1 gene in Indian major carp, Labeo rohita (Hamilton 1822). DOI:
2. K. Murmu, K.D. Rasal, A. Rasal, L. Sahoo, P.C. Nandanpawar, U.K. Udit, M. Patnaik, K.D.
Mahapatra and J.K. Sundaray, (2019). Effect of salinity on survival, hematological and
histological changes in genetically improved rohu (Jayanti), Labeo rohita (Hamilton, 1822).
Indian J. Anim. Res. DOI: 10.18805/ijar.B-3801
3. Rasal KD, Iquebal MA, Jaiswal S, Dixit S, Vasam M, Nandi S, Raza M, Sahoo 1, Angadi UB,
Rai A, Kumar D, Sundaray JK, (2019). Liver-Specific microRNA Identification in Farmed
Carp, Labeo bata (Hamilton, 1822), Fed with Starch Diet Using High-Throughput
Sequencing. doi: 10.1007/s10126-019-09912.
4. Kiran D. Rasal, Mir Asif Iquebal, Amrendra Pandey, Parmeswari Behera, Sarika Jaiswal,
Manohar Vasam, Sangita Dixit, Mustafa Raza, Lakshman Sahoo, Samiran Nandi, U.B.
Angadi, Anil Rai, Dinesh Kumar, Naresh Nagpure, Aparna Chaudhari, Jitendra Kumar
Sundaray, (2019). Revealing liver specific microRNAs linked with carbohydrate
metabolism of farmed carp, Labeo rohita (Hamilton, 1822). doi:
5. Husne Banu, Sabyasachi Pattanayak, J. K. Sundaray and P.K. Sahoo. (2019). Genetics
diversity and latency status of betanodavirus in wild seeds of Asian seabass Lates calcarifer
(Bloch) sampled along India coasts. Indian Journal of Geo Marine Science. Vol. 48, PP-
6. P. A. Patil, K. Dube, A. K. Verma, N. K. Chadha, , J. K. Sundaray and P. Jayasankar
(2019). Growth performance of goldfish, Carassius auratus and basil, Ocimum basilicum in
media bed aquaponics. Indian J. Fish., Vol. 66, PP- 112-118.
7. Lipsha Dash, Rajesh Kumar, Kedar Nath Mohanta, Utkal Laxmi Mohanty, Bindu R. Pillai
and Jitendra Kumar Sundaray (2019). Effect of feeding frequency on growth, feed
utilisation and cannibalism in climbing perch Anabas testudineus (Bloch 1792) fry. Indian J.
Fish., Vol. 66 PP-106-111.
8. L Sahoo, M Mohanty, PK Meher, K Murmu, JK Sundaray, P Das (2019). Population
structure and genetic diversity of hatchery stocks as revealed by combined mtDNA
fragment sequences in Indian major carp, Catla catla. Mitochondrial DNA Part A. Vol. 30,
PP- 289-295.
9. Adhikari S, Chaudhury Ajit Keshav , Gangadhar Barlaya , Ramesh Rathod , Mandal RN ,
Sarosh Ikmail, Saha GS , De HK , Sivaraman I , Mahapatra AS , Sarkar S , Routray P ,
Bindu R. Pillai and Sundaray JK (2018). Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies of Climate
Change Impact in Freshwater Aquaculture in some states of India Journal of Fisheries DOI: 10.23910/IJBSM/2018. 9.5.1912.
10. Farhana Hoques, Arabinda Das, Ajmal Hussan, P P Chakraborti and Jitendra Kumar
Sundaray (2018). Paper Mass mortality association with Dcatylogyrus infection in
farmed long whisker catfih, Mystus gulio Journal of Experimental Zoology. India. Vol
21, No.1,PP. 227-231
11. Irfan Ahmad Bhata, Mir Ishfaq Nazirb Irshad Ahmad, Gireesh-Babu Pathakota, Chanu T.,
Mukunda Goswami, Sundaray J. K and Rupam Sharma (2018). Fabrication and
characterization of chitosan conjugated eurycomanone nanoparticles: in vivo evaluation
of the bio distribution and toxicity in fish. Int. jour of Biolo Macro, Online journal. Vol.
112, PP1093-1103.
12. R. Pattanayak , Rakesh Das , A. Das , S. K. Padhi , S. S. Sahu1 , S. Pattnaik , C. S. K. Mishra
, S. S. Mishra , C. S. Mohanty , G. Sinam , H. K. Barman , J. K. Sundaray and P. Swain
(2018). Toxicological Effects of Silver Nanoparticles (Ag-Nps). Different Physiological
Parameters of Tadpoles, Polypedates maculatus. International Journal of Bio-resource
and Stress Management 2018, PP 647 – 654.
13. Asish Mondal, Jitendra Kumar Sundaray and Deepta Chakravarty (2017). Better
Utilisation of Natural Resources through manipulation of Species in extensive low saline
polyculture Journal of Sci Eng health and Management. Vol 1, PP 2-8.
14. Asish Mondal, Jitendra Kumar Sundaray, Subhra Biaksh Bhattacharya, Deepta
Chakravarty, Sifia Zaman and Abhijit Mitra (2017). Growth Perfoernces, feeding ecology
and prey preference of bagrid catfish Mystus tengara (Hamilton, 1822). in low saline
polyculture ponds and Indian Sundarban. International Journal of Aquaculture and Fishery
Science 3(1), PP 001-008.
15. Babita Mandal, Paramita Banerjee Sawant, Subrata Dasgupta, Jitendra Kumar
Sundaray, Narinder Kumar Chadha, Bhawesh T. Sawant and Aritra Bera (2017).
Deviation of habitat salinity during seasonal gonadal recrudescence affects plasma steroid
levels and suppresses gonadal maturation in an euryhaline fish Etroplus suratensis”.
Aquaculture Research, Vol 48, PP 5973–5983.
16. Bhat I A, Rather M A, Nazir MI, Pathakota G B, Goswami M, Sundaray J. K, Sharma R,
(2017). Cloning, characterization, docking and expression analysis of 3-beta-
hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase during ontogenetic development and annual reproductive
cycles in catfish, Clarias batrachus. Theriogenology, Vol 11, PP 34-44.
17. Binod Bihari Sahu, Nagesh Kumar Barik, Padmanav Routray, Aloka Agnibesh, Amabsrish
Paikarya, Satyapriya Mohapatra and Jitendra Kumar Sundaray (2017). Comparative
studies on carcass characteristics of marketable size farmed tilapia (Oreochromis
niloticus). and silver barb (Puntius gonionotus). International Journal of Fisheries and
Aquatic studies, issue 92, PP 06-09.
18. Binod Bihari Sahu, Upali Sahu, Utkalika Tripathy, Nagesh Kumar Barik, Aloka Agnibesh,
Amabsrish Paikarya, Satyapriya Mohapatra, Sandigdha Senapati and Jitendra Kumar
Sundaray (2017). Fusion of Sugar Industry and fish processing industry waste products
in developing high value organic opulariza and feed supplement. International Journal of
Fisheries and Aquatic Research, vol 2, 06-18.
19. Deepta Chakravarty, Asish Mondal1, Jitendra Kumar Sundaray, Subhra Bikash
Bhattacharyya, Abhijit Mitra (2017). Quality of Extensive Brackish Water Polyculture
Farm Effluents at Different Production Levels and its Impact on the Receiving
Environment International Journal of Innovative Studies in Aquatic Biology and
Fisheries, Vol 3, PP 5-14.
20. G Biswas, J K Sundaray, S B Bhattacharya, P S Shyne Anand, T K Ghoshal, D De, Prem
Kumar, K Sukumar, A Bera, B Mandal and M Kailasam (2017). Influence of feeding,
periphyton and compost application on the performances of stripped grey mullet (Mugil
cephalus L). fingerlings in populariza brackishwater ponds. Aquaculture, Vol .481, PP 64-
21. Hirak Kumar Barman. Kiran Dashrath Rasal. Vemulawada Chakrapani. A. S. Ninawe.
Doyil T. Vengayil . Syed Asrafuzzaman, Jitendra K. Sundaray. Pallipuram Jayasankar
(2017). Gene editing tools: state-of-the-art and the road ahead for the model and non-
model fishes Transgenic Research Vol 26, PP 577–589.
22. Irfan Ahmad Bhat, Mohd Ashraf Rather, Pravesh Kumar Rathod, P Giresesh Babu,
Mukunda Goswami, J K Sundaray and Rupam Sharma (2017).. Cloning, expression,
molecular modelling and docking analysis of steroidogenic acute regulatory proten (
StAR). in Claris batrachus Genes Genom. Vol 39, PP 929 -943.
23. Irfan Ahmad Bhat, Parvesh Kumar Rathod, Ishfaq Nazur Mir, P Gireesh Babu, Mukunda
Goswami, J K Sundaray and Rupam Sharma (2017). Toxicological Evaluation and
effective dose selection of Eurycomanone, a quassinoid of Eureycoma longifloic plant in
fishes. Aquaculture Vol. 481, PP 94-102.
24. Kiran Dashrath Rasal, Vemlawada Chakrapani, Amrendra Kumar Pandey, Avinash
Rambhau Rasal, Jitendra Kumar Sundaray, Arun Ninawe and Pallipuram Jayasankar
(2017). Status and Future perspective of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs).
markers in farmed fishes: Way ahead using next generation sequencing. Gene Reports.
Vol 6, PP 81-86.
25. Mukesh P Bhendarkar, Sundaray J. K, P N Ananth and S Pradhan (2017). Aquaculture
Development in Chhattisgarh, India: What, why and how. Int. Jrnl of Fisheries and
Aquatic Studies Vol 5(4)., PP 272-278.
26. N Ksozi, J Rutaisire, S Nandi and J K Sundaray (2017). A review of Uganda and India’s
freshwater Aquaculture: Key Practices and experience from each Country. Journal
of Ecology and Natural environment, vol 9(2)., PP 15-29.
27. P.R., Ananth, P.N., Nandi, S., Sundaray, J.K., Barik, N.K and P, Jayasankar (2017). Early
breeding and seed production of Indian major carps: attributes of the innovation from an
adaptive Trail. Current Agriculture Research Journal, Vol. 5(1)., PP 58-65.
28. Rather M., Mr Bhat I.R., Sharma N., Nandanpawar P.C., Badhe M., Gireesh G.M.,
Chaudhary, Sundaray J.K Sharama R. (2017). Characterization, Molecular docking,
dynamics simulation and metadynamics of kisspeptin receptor with kisspeptin.
International journal of biological Macromolecules, Vol 101, PP 241-253.
29. S. Shyne Anand, Sujeet Kumar, Archana Sinha, M. P. S. Kohli, J. K. Sundaray, S. Dam
Roy and G. H. Pailan. (2017). Dietary biofloc supplementation in Penaeus monodon and
its effect in antioxidant and metabolic enzyme activities. Aquaculture Research, Vol 48,
PP 4512–4523.
30. S.N. Sethi, B.K. Das and J.K. Sundaray (2017). Infestation of parasitic copepod,
Lernanthropus latis (Siphonostomatoida ; Lernanthropidae). Yamaguti, 1954 on wild
Asian sea bass Lates calcarifer along Bay of Bengal off Chennai coast, India e-planet Vol
15( 2).
31. Sukumaran, Krishna & Thirunavukkarasu, A.R. & Kailsam, M & Sundaray, J.K. & Biswas,
Gouranga & Kumar, Prem & Ramasubbu, Subburaj & Thiagrajan, G & Venu, S. (2017).
Evaluation of bamboo, coconut shell substrates and supplemental feeding on the growth
of pearlspot, Etroplus suratensis (Bloch). fry in low volume cages. Fishery Technology,
Vol 54, PP 1-7.
32. Udit U.K., Nandi S., Meher P.K., Hussan A., Das R., Sundaray J.K and Jayasankar P.,
(2017). DNA barcoding of Puntius Sarana ( Hamilton 1822).: Species validation and
Phylogenetic Assessment. Journal of Experimental Zoology. India, Vol 20, PP 273 – 279.
33. A Hussan, T G Choudhary, C Prakash, G Tripathi, Jayasankar, N K Chadha, J K
Sundaray and Dhamotharan K (2016). Feasibility of using diluted and Chemically treated
Wastewater for Fish Culture. Fishery Technology, Vol 53, PP 96-104.
34. Aditi Gauatam, Asuda Sharma, sarika Jaiswal, Samar fatma, Vasu Arora, M A Iquebal, S
Nandi, J K Sundaray, P Jayasankar, Anil rai and Dinesh Kumar (2016). Development of
Antimicrobial Peptide Prediction Too for Aquaculture industries Probiotoc and
Antimicro Prot. Vol 8, PP 141-9 DOI 10.1007/s12602-016-9215-0.
35. Kiran Dashrath Rasal, Priyank C Nandanpawar, Prantai Swain, Moha R Badhe, Jitendra
Kuamr Sundaray, Pallipuram Jayasankar (2016).. MicroRNA in aquaculture fishes: A
way forward with high-throughput Sequencing and a computational approach. Rev. Fish
Biol Fisheries, Vol 26, PP 199-212.
36. Kiran Dasrath Rasal, Vemulawada Chakrapani, Swagat Kumar Patra, Shibani D
Mohapatra, Swapnarani Nayak, Sasmita Jena, Jitendra Kumar Sundaray, Pallipuram
Jayasankar and Hirak Kumar Barman (2016).. Identification of Deleterious Mutation in
Myostatin Gene of Rohu Carp (Labeo rohita). using modeling and molecular dynamic
simulation approaches. Biomed. Research International. Vol 2016, PP 1-10.
37. Mohd Ashraf, I. A Bhat, G B Pathakota, A. Chaudhari, A. Chaudhari, J K Sundaray;
Sharma R (2016). Molecular characterization of kisspeptin gene and effect of nano
encapsulated kisspeptin-10 on reproductive maturation in Catla catla. Domestic Animal
Endocrinology, Vol 56, PP 36-47.
38. Mohd.Ashraf Arather, Irfan Ahmad Bhat, Pravesh Kumar Rathor, Gireesh-Babu P, Aparna
Chaudharai, Sundaray Jitendra Kumar and Rupam Shamra (2016). In silico analysis
and expression studies of Kisspepetin gene in C Catla. Journal of Biomolecular
Structure and Dynamics, Vol 35, PP 2485 – 2496.
39. Sambid Swain, N K Chadha, J K Sundaray, P B Sawant and E M Chanda Prajnadarshini
(2016). Effect of Vitamin C Dietray supplementation on growth ad survival of grey mullet,
Mugil cephalus (Linnaues, 1758). Fry. Asian Journal of Microbiology Biotechnology
Environmental Science. Vol 18, PP 91-95.
40. Sudip K Mohanta, Subrat K Swain, Sofia P Das, Amrita Bit, Gargee Das, Sanghamitra
Pradhan, Jitendra Kumar Sundaray, P Jayasankar, A S Ninawe and Paramananda Das
(2016). Complete Mitochondrial genome sequencing of E Suaratensis revelaed by Next
generation sequencing. Mitochondrial DNA, PART B: Resources, Vol 1, PP 746-747.
41. Swapnarani Nayak, Sahajahan Ferosekhan, Sangram Ketan Sahoo, Jitendra Kumar
Sundaray, Pallipuram Jayasankar and Hirak Kumar Barman (2016). Production of fertile
sperm from in vitro propagating enriched spermatogonial stem cells of farmed catfish,
Clarias batrachus. Zygote, Vol 24(6). PP 814 -824.
42. Vemulawada Chakrapani, Swagat K Patra, Shibani D Mohapatra, Kiran D Rasal, Uday
Deshpande, Swapnarani Nayak, Jitendra Kumar Sundaray, Pallipuram Jayasankra and
Hirak K Barman (2016). Comparative transcriptomic profiling of larvae and post-larvae of
Macrobrachium rosenbergii in response to metamorphosis and salinity exposure. Genes
Genome. DOI 10.1007s13258-016-0452-0
43. Anindita Bhattacharya and Jitendra Kumar Sundaray (2015). Homestead Farming
system (HFS).-A Potential Agricultural Production system- A Review Journal of Applied
Zoological Researches Vol 26 (2)., 125-142.
44. Kumari, S., Kiran D. Rasal, Jitendra K. Sundaray, Samiran Nandi, P. Jayasankar (2015).
Comparative Study of Cellular Tumor Antigen p53 Protein of Fishes and Analysis of its
Protein Interaction Network using Computational Approach. Computational Molecular
Biology, Vol. 5, PP 1-9.
45. Lakshman Sahoo, Santosh Kumar, Sofia P Das, Siddhi Patnaik, Amrita Bit, Jitendra
Kumar Sundaray, P Jayasankar and Paramananda Das (2015). Complete mitochondrial
genome sequence of Heteropneustes fossilis obtained by paired end next generation
sequencing. Mitochondrial DNA, Early Online: 1–2
46. Prajan Pradhan, Kiran Dasrath Rasal, Dibyshree Swain, Pranati Swain, Jitendra Kumar
Sundaray and Pallipuram Jayasankar (2015). Impact analsysi of missenece varaints on
heat shock proten of farmed carp rohu, Labeo rohita (Hamilton, 1822). Indian Journal of
Animal Research DOI:10.18805/ijar.9645.
47. Rasal, K. D., Nandanpawar, Priyanka C. Swain, Pranati Badhe, Mohan R. Sundaray,
Jitendra Kumar Jayasankar, Pallipuram. (2015). MicroRNA in aquaculture fishes: a way
forward with high-throughput sequencing and a computational approach. Reviews in Fish
Biology and Fisheries, Vol 29, PP 199 – 212.
48. Rasal, K.D., Vemulawada C, Swagat Kumar P, Sasmita J, Shibani Dutta M, Swapnarani N,
Jitendra Kumar Sundaray, Pallipuram J, Hirak Kumar B, (2015). Identification and
prediction of the consequences of nonsynonymous SNPs in glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate
dehydrogenase (GAPDH). gene of zebrafish Danio rerio. Turkish Journal of Biology,
doi:10.3906/biy-1501-11, 1-12
49. Sahu, D. Kumar, Meher P K, Paramananda Da, Padmanav Routray, Jitendra Kumar
Sundaray, Pallipuram Jayasankar, Samiran Nandi, (2015). Analysis of Transcriptome for
Identification of Reproduction-Related Genes and Pathways from Rohu, Labeo rohita
(Hamilton). PLOS ONE DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0132450 July 6, 201
50. Sujeet Kumar, Shyne Anand P.S. Debasis De, Aushothosh D Deo, T.K Ghoshal, J.K
Sundaray, A.G Ponniah, KP Jithendran, Anandaraja R, G Biswas,; N Lalitha (2015).
Effects of biofloc under different carbon sources andprotein levels on water quality,
growth performanceand immune responses in black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon
(Fabricius, 1978).. Aquaculture Research, Vol 48, PP1168 -1182.
51. Sundaray J. K., Kiran Dashrath Rasal, Vemulawada Chakrapani, Pranati Swain, Dinesh
Kumar, Arun S. Ninawe, Samiran Nandi, Pallipuram Jayasankar. (2015). Simple sequence
repeats (SSRs) markers in fish genomic research and their acceleration via next-
generation sequencing and computational approaches Aquaculture International.
2016. DOI.10.1007/s10499-016-9973-4.
52. Sundaray J.K., Rasal Kiran Dashrath, Swain Pranati and Jayasankar Pallipuram (2015).
Evolutionary analysis and structural insights in Brain type Cytochrome P450/Aromatase
of Stinging catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis. Research Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 10
(11). PP 1-14.
53. Swain, D., Kiran Dashrath Rasal, Pranati Swain, Prajna Pradhan, Jitendra Kumar
Sundaray, Hirak Kumar Barman and Pallipuram Jayasankar, (2015). Comparative and
evolutionary analysis of Growth Hormone (GH) protein of Cyprinids using
computational approach. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies Vol 2(5),
PP 191-197.
54. Sujeet Kumar, R. Ananda Raja, A. D. Deo, P. S. Shyne Anand,G. Biswas,A. Panigrahi,D.
DeA. G. Ponniah, M. Muralidhar, J. K. Sundaray, T.K.Ghoshal, A.D Deo, A. Panigrahi,
M. Muralidhar (2014). Effects of carbohydrate supplementation on water quality,
microbial dynamics and growth performance of giant tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon).
Aquacult Int (2014). 22:901–912 DOI 10.1007/s10499-013-9715-9.
55. Sahu, B. P., Sahoo, L., Joshi, C. G., Mohanty, P., Sundaray, J. K., Jayasankar, P., Das, P.
(2014). Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci in Indian major
carp, Catla catla using next-generation sequencing platform. Biochemical Systematics and
Ecology, Vol 57, PP 357-362.
56. Mohd Ashraf Rather, Irfan Ahmad Bhat, Niti Sharma, Rupam Sharma, Gireesh Babu,
Aparna Chaudhari and Jitendra Kumar Sundaray (2014). Molecular characterization,
tissue distribution of follicle Stimulating hormone (FSH). beta subunit and effect of
Kisspeptin-10 on reproductive hormonal profile of Catla catla ( Hamilton, 1822).
Aquaculture Research, Vol 47, PP 2089 – 2100.
57. P.S. Shyne Anand, M.P.S. Kohli, Sujeet Kumar, J.K. Sundaray, S. Dam Roy, G.
Venkateshwarlu, Archana Sinha, G.H. Pailan (2014). Effect of dietary supplementation of
biofloc on growth performance and digestive enzyme activities in Penaeus monodon.
Aquaculture Vol 338–341, PP 284–292.
58. Panantharayil S Shyne Anand, Mahinder P S Kohli, Sibnarayan Dam Roy, Jitendra K
Sundaray, Sujeet Kumar1, Archana Sinha, Gour H Pailan & Munil kumar Sukham (2014).
Effect of dietary supplementation of periphyton on growth, immune response and
metabolic enzyme activities in Penaeus monodon Aquaculture Research, Vol 46, PP
2277 – 2288.
59. Prem Kumar, A R Thirunavukkarassu, M Kailasam, J K Sundaray, G Biswas, R Subburaj,
G Thiagarajan and S Elangeswaran (2014). Captive maturation of silver moony fish
Monodactylus aregenteus ( Linnaeus, 1758). under laboratory condition Indian J. Fish,
Vol 61(1)., PP 113-117.
60. Ouranga Biswas, Tapas K. Ghoshal, Maruthamuthu Natarajan, Arunachalam R.
Thirunavukkarasu, Jitendra K. Sundaray, Muniyandi Kailasam, Debasis De, Krishna
Sukumaran, Prem Kumar and Alphis G. Ponniah (2013). Effects of stocking density and
presence or absence of soil base on growth, weight variation, survival and body
composition of pearlspot, Etroplus suratensis (Bloch). fingerlings. Aquaculture
Research,Vol 44, PP 1266–1276.
61. P. S. Shyne Anand, Sujeet Kuma, A. Panigrahi, T. K. Ghoshal, J. Syama Daya, G. Biswas, J.
K. Sundaray ,D. De, R. Ananda Raja,A. D. Deo,S. M. Pillai, P. Ravichandran (2013).
Effects of C:N ratio and substrate integration on periphyton biomass, microbial dynamics
and growth of Penaeus monodon juveniles Aquacult Int Vol 21, PP 511–524.
62. P.S. Shyne Anand, M.P.S. Kohli, S. Dam Roy, J.K. Sundaray, Sujeet Kumar, Archana
Sinha, G.H. Pailan , Munil Kumar Sukham (2013). Effect of dietary supplementation of
periphyton on growth performance and digestive enzyme activities in Penaeus monodon.
Aquaculture Vol 392–395, PP 59–68.
63. Sachinandan Dutta1, Sourav Maity, Subhra Bikash Bhattacharyya, Jitendra Kumar
Sundaray and Sugata Hazra (2013). Composition and Intensity of Feeding of Tenualosa
ilisha (Hamilton, 1822). Occurring in the Northern Bay of Bengal, India. Proceeding of
Zoological Society DOI.10.1007s. 12595-013-00663
64. Ananda Raja, R., Ghoshal, T. K., Sundaray, J. K., De D., Biswas, G., Sujeet Kumar.,
Panigrahi, A., Kumaran, M. and Pradhan, J. K. (2012). Status and challenges of livestock
farming community in Sunderban India. Indian J. Ani. Sci. Vol 82, PP 436–438.
65. Ananda Raja, R., Jithendran, K. P., Panigrahi, A., Sundaray, J. K., Biswas, G., De, D.,
Ghoshal, T. K., Sujeet Kumar (2012). A rare case of Rhabdomyoma in milk fish, Chanos
Chanos (Forsskål, 1775). associated with Iridoviral infection. Indian Veterinary
Journal. Vol 89 (10), PP 105-107.
66. G. Biswas, Debasis De, A.R. Thirunavukkarasu, M. Natarajan, J.K. Sundaray, M.
Kailasam, Prem Kumar, T.K. Ghoshal, A. G. Ponniah and A. Sarkar, (2012). Effects of
stocking density, feeding, fertilization and combined fertilization-feeding on the
performances of striped grey mullet (Mugil cephalus L.). fingerlings in brackishwater
pond rearing systems. Aquaculture Vol 338–341,PP 284–292.
67. G. Biswas, R. Ananda Raja, D. De, J.K. Sundaray, T.K. Ghoshal, S. Anand, S. Kumar, A.
Panigrahi, A.R. Thirunavukkarasu and A. G. Ponniah, (2012). Evaluation of Productions
and Economic Returns from Two Brackishwater Polyculture Systems in Tide-fed Ponds.
Journal of Applied Ichthyology, Vol 28, PP 116–122.
68. Kohei Ohta, Mami Sakai, Jitendra Kumar Sundaray, Takeshi Kitano Tatsusuke
Takeda, Akihiko Yamaguchi, and Michiya Matsuyama (2012). Bidirectional sex change
induced by sex steroid
69. Ohta K1, Sakai M, Sundaray JK, Kitano T, Takeda T, Yamaguchi A, Matsuyama M.
(2012). Bidirectional sex change induced by sex steroid implantation in the
hermaphrodite fish, Pseudolabrus sieboldi. J. Exp. Zool. 317A PP 552–560.
70. Prem Kumar, ART Arasu, M. Natarajan, M. Kailasam, J.K. Sundaray, R. Subburaj, G.
Thiagarajan and S. Elangeswaran (2012). Secondary stress responses in Grey Mullet
(Mugil cephalus, Linnaeus). fry to increasing stocking densities during transportation.
The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture, Bamidgeh, IJA_64.2013.840
71. R. Ananda Raja, Sujeet Kumar, J. K. Sundaray, Debasis De, G. Biswas and T K. Ghoshal
(2012). Hematological parameters in relation to sex, opularizati characters and incidence
of white spot syndrome virus in tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon Fabricius, 1798 from
Sunderban, West Bengal. Indian J. Fish, Vol 59(4)., PP 169-174.
72. Ramamoorthy Saraswathy, Moturi Muralidhar, Muniyandi Kailasam, Pitchaiyappan
Ravichandran, Baijnatha Prasad Gupta, Kishore Kumar Krishnani, Alphis Geethanand
Ponniah, Jitendra Kumar Sundaray, Akshaya Panigrahi & Arunachalam Nagavel.
(2012). Effect of stocking density on soil, water quality and nitrogen budget in Penaeus
monodon (Fabricius,1798). culture under zero water exchange system. Aquaculture
Research, Vol 44, PP 1578 – 1588.
73. G. Biswas, A. R. Thirunavukkarasu, J. K. Sundaray and M. Kailasam (2011). Culture of
Asian seabass Lates calcarifer (Bloch). in brackishwater tide-fed ponds: growth and
condition factor based on length and weight under two feeding systems. Indian J. Fish.,
Vol 58(2), PP 53-57.
74. G. Biswas, J.K. Sundaray, A.R. Thirunavukkarasu and M. Kailasam, (2011). Length-
weight relationship and variation of condition of Chanos chanos (Forsskål, 1775). from
tide-fed brackishwater ponds of the Sunderbans- India. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine
Sciences, Vol 40 (3). PP 386-390.
75. K Sukumaran, A. R. Thirunavukkarasu, M. Kailasam, J. K. Sundaray, R Subburaj and G
Thiagarajan, (2011). Effect of stocking density on size heterogeneity and sibling
cannibalism in Asian Seabass Lates calacrifer. Indian Journal of Fisheries, Vol 58 (3). PP
76. Routray, P, Verma D K, Sahu A D, Puroghit G K., Sundaray J K (2011). Spermatogensis
in fish under the influence of various Factors with special references to Indian Major
Carps. Indian Journal of Science and Technology in proceedings of 9th International
Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish, held at Cochin, India. Vol 4, PP 137-138.
77. S.N Sethy, J.K.Sudaray, A Panigrahi and Subas Chand (2011).. Prediction and
management of natural disaster through indigenoustechnical knowledge, with special
reference for fish. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge,Vol 10 (1)., PP 167-172.
78. Sahu A.D, Bhol C, Routray P., Sundaray J K, (2011). Cryopreservation of male gonad of
carps, Labeo calbasu and Labeo rohita for long term storage and its utilization in
Aquaculture. Indian Journal of Science and Technology in proceedings of 9th International
Symposium Reproductive Physiology of Fish, held at Cochin, India. Vol.4. PP.308-309.
79. G. Biswas, A. R. T. Arasu, J. K. Sundaray and M. Kailasam (2010). Optimization of
feeding frequency of Asian seabass, (Lates calcarifer). fry reared in net cages under
brackishwater environment. Aquaculture, Vol 305, PP 26-31.
80. A. Panigrahi, J. K. Sundaray, T. K. Ghoshal, D. De and P. Ravichandran (2009). Bio-
secure Zero Water Exchange System Technology of Shrimp Farming for Better
Monitoring of Coastal Ecosystem Journal of Indian Society of Coastal Agricultural
Research, Vol 27 (1)., PP 50-53.
81. De, D., T.K. Ghoshal, J.K. Sundaray, R.K. Chakraborti and S.A. Ali (2006). Effect of
pellet feed on the performance of Etroplus suratensis. Indian Journal of Animal
Nutrition. Vol 23(2)., PP 98-101.
82. Kailasam, M., Thirunavukkarasu, A. R., Sundaray, J. K., Suburaj, R and Charles, A. V. K.
(2006). Daily growth and length-weight relationship of Asian Seabass, Lates calcarifer
(Bloch). during hatchery rearing.Indian Journal of Fisheries, Vol 53, PP 487-491.
83. Kailasam, M., Thirunavukkarasu, A. R., Sundaray, J. K., Suburaj, R and Charles, A. V. K.
(2006). Nursery rearing of Asian Seabass, Lates calcarifer (Bloch). fry using different live
feed organisms. Indian Journal of Fisheries, Vol 53, PP 185-190.
84. Ohta, K., J.K. Sundaray, T. Kitano, Y. Shibata, M. Matsuda, A. Yamaguchi, M. Matsuyama
and Y. Nagahama (2006). Involvement of 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in the sex
change of a protogynous wrasse, Pseudolabrus opulariz. Journal of Experimental
Zoology Comparative Experimental Biology. Vo 305, PP 164.
85. Sundaray, J. K, K. Ohta, A. Yamaguchi, T.Kitano and M. Matsuyama (2006). Isolation,
cloning, sequencing of brain type aromatase and it’s expression in male and female
Wrasse, Pseudolabrus opulariz..Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, Vol 31, PP 137-141.
86. T.K. Ghoshal, D.De, R.K.Chakraborti and J.K.Sundaray (2006). Effect of probiotics on
Penaeus monodon production in pond culture at Sunderban area of West Bengal. Journal
of Marine Biological Association of India, Vol 48(1), PP 111-114.
87. Matsuyama, M., Tetsuro Shiraishi., Sundaray, J. K., Rahman, A., Ohta, K., and
Yamaguchi, A. (2005). Steroidogenesis in ovarian follicles of chub mackerel, Scomber
opulariz. Zoological Science, Vol 22, PP 101-110.
88. Sundaray, J. K., Ohta, K., Yamaguchi, A., Suzuki, K and Matsuyama, M. (2003). Diurnal
rhythm of steroid biosynthesis in the testis of terminal phase male of protogynous
wrasse, Pseudolabrus opulariz a daily spawner. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry Vol 28,
PP 93-195.
89. Chakraborthy, R.K., Sundaray, J. K. and Ghoshal, T. K. (2002). Prodcution of Penaeus
monodon (Fab). in the tide fed ponds- Sunderaban- case study Indian Journal of
Fisheries, Vol 49, PP 419-426.
FRP Carp Hatchery Technology in India: Adoption, Impact and Issues B C Mohapatra, N
K Barik, P P Chakrabarti, B R Pillai, J K Sundaray,( 2017) ..ICAR CIFA, Bhubaneswar.
ISBN number 978-81-935417-0-8, (Year2017 &pp 66)
Frontiers in Aquaculture,(Chief Editor),J K Sundaray, Munil Kumar Sukham, Rajiv
Mohnaty and S K Otta,(2014).Narendra Publishers, New Delhi. ISBN number: 978-
9380428833 (Year2014 & pp366)
Next Generation Research In Aquaculture, 2019, Edited by J K Sundaray and MA
Rather, Published by Narendra Publishing House,ISBN-978-93-88668-76-7
Research Trends In Fisheries and Aquatic Science, Volume-2, (2019)Edited by Jitendra
Kumar Sundaray and Rayess Ahmad Bhat, Published by AkiNIK Publication, New
Delhi, ISBN-9789353352257, (Year 2019, pp105).
Broodstock management and quality Fish Seed pRoductoon in Freshwtae Fishes , 2019,
K Karal Marx, J K Sundaray, A Rthipriya and M Muthu Abishag, Published by Narendra
Publishing House,ISBN-9789-9388-668-70-5
Application of computation tools and Techniques in Fishery Science ,2019, Published vy
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing( International Book Market Service Limited,
Mauritius), ISBN-978-613-9-89926-5
“JAYANTI” Rohu: Glimps from the journey of firsts Genetically Improved fish in India.K
Das Mahapatra, P Jayasankar, J N Saha, K Murmuy, A R Rasal, P Nandanpawar, M
Pattaniak, J K Sundaray and P K Sahoo,No2016 & 59.Director, ICAR CIFA,
Bhubaneswar. ISBN number 978-81-924918-8-2
Scaling Up Innovations through Adaptive Research: An Institutional Analysis and
Lessons from Farm Science Canters in India,IFPRI Discussion Paper 01711 ,February
2018,P.N. Ananth, P.R. Sahoo, S.C. Babu,N.K. Barik, J.K. Sundaray ,No,2018,IFPRI
Discussion Paper 01711,February 2018,Pp;22-28
Homestead farming system: comparative characterization and role in resource poor
farmers’ livelihood in Bangladesh and West Bengal. K.A. Kabir, J.K. Sundaray, S.
Mandal D.A. Deo, D. Burman, S.K. Sarangi, A. Bhattacharya, M. Karim M.B., Shahrier, S.
Casne and M. Phillips,No 2015, pp 251-264,Humphreys, E., T.P. Tuong, M.C. Buisson, I.
Pukinskis and M. Phillips. 2015. Revitalizing the Ganges Coastal Zone: Turning Science
into Policy and Practices Conference Proceedings. Colombo, Sri Lanka: CGIAR
Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF). 600pp.
Homestead farming: A biodiverse system to enhance resilience to climate
Vulnerability.J.K. Sundaray, A. Bhattacharya, A.G. Ponniah, T.K. Ghoshal, A.D. Deo,
J.P. Sharma and M. PhillipsYes2015, pp 251-264Humphreys, E., T.P. Tuong, M.C. Buisson,
I. Pukinskis and M. Phillips. 2015. Revitalizing the Ganges Coastal Zone: Turning Science
into Policy and Practices Conference Proceedings. Colombo, Sri Lanka: CGIAR
Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF). 600pp.
Policy Brief: Making Small farmer fish hatcheries efficient and competent in an
Institutional Perspective,P Jayasankar, P N Ananth,P R Sahoo, A K Dash, N K Barik, J K
Sundaray, No,2015 & 4,Director, ICAR-CIFA, Bhubaneswar
Undergone training on Monitoring and evaluation, Financial Management,
Communication skill, Public Private Partnership and Technology Value Chain Management in
different Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Administrative staff College of India(ASCI) and
National Academy of Agricultural Research Management (NAARM).
Life member of Asian and Oceania Society for Comparative Endocrinology, Japan, (16/2004)
Life member Indian Science Congress Association, Kolkata, India (LM-)
Life member of Indian Society of Comparative Endocrinology, New Delhi, India
Life member of Association for the promotion of DNA Fingerprinting and other DNA
technologies, Hyderabad, India (1998)
Life member of Indian Society of Coastal Agricultural Research, Canning Town, West Bengal,
Life member of Zoological Society of India,Boodh Gaya, Bihar (J-21/2014)
Life member of Zoological Society of India, Kolkata, India
Life member of Odisha Bigyan Academy, Bhubaneswar, India( 388/2012)
Life member of Odisha Environmental Society, Bhubaneswar, India
Life member for Association of Aquaculturist, Bhubaneswar, India
Life member of Inland Fisheries Society of India, Barrackpore, West Bengal, India
Life member of Indian Fisheries Association, Mumbai, India (1992)
Life member of Cold water Fisheries Society of India , Bhimatal, Uttarkhand, India (CFSI/LM/110-
Life member of Coastal Aquaculture Society of India, Chennai, India
Applied Zoologist Researcher Association, (NRRI, Cuttack) Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Life Member of Society of Fisheries and Life Science, Mangalore, India, (DKM/S-
Life member of Society of Biological Sciences and Rural Development, Allahabad, India ( L M.
Life member of Society for Advancement of Agricultural Innovations (SAAI), Agartala, India (
Life Member of Society of Aquaculture Professional, Chennai, India
Life member of Ravenshaw Zoologist Alumni Association, Cuttack, India
Odisha Environmental Society, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Indian Society of Costal Agricultural Research, Canning Town, West Bengal, India
Executive councilor
Applied Zoologist Researcher Association, (NRRI, Cuttack) Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

Dr. R. Sivaraman
Associate Professor of Mathematics (Government Aided Post) at D.G. Vaishnav College,
Arumbakkam, Chennai from October 1999 to till date
Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Madha Engineering College, Kunrathur, Chennai
from October 1998 to September 1999
Graduation Discipline University Institution
Year of Study
Class Obtained
D.Sc. (h.c.) Mathematics University of
University of Swahili,
Republic of Panama,
Central America
February 2019
Honorary Degree
D.Sc. (h.c.) Mathematics Ballsbridge
Ballsbridge University,
Roseau, Dominica
February 2019
Honorary Degree
D.Litt. (h.c.) Mathematics California Public
California Public
United States of America
June 2019
Honorary Degree
D.Litt. (h.c.) Mathematics University of Asia University of Asia,
Kathmandu, Nepal
April 2019
Honorary Degree
Ph.D. (h.c.) Mathematics Virtual University
of India
Virtual University of
India, Maharasthra,
July 2019
Honorary Degree
Ph.D. (h.c.) Mathematics African Moon
African Moon
University, South West
December 2019
Honorary Degree
Ph.D. Queueing
Sri Satya Sai
University of
Technology and
Medical Sciences,
April 2018
M.Phil. Mathematics Madurai Kamaraj
Madurai Kamaraj
University 1999-2001 II class
M.Sc. Mathematics Annamalai
University Annamalai University 1996-1998 I class
B.Sc. Mathematics Madras
D.G. Vaishnav
Arumbakkam, Chennai
1992-1995 I class
1. Cleared Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) Examination conducted by IIT,
in 1997 and obtained 96.3 Percentile Score with All India Rank 27.
2. Cleared National Eligibility Test (NET) exam conducted by CSIR, in Lectureship/JRF
combined category in June 1999.
Number Theory, Real Analysis and Applied Mathematics.
Guided 5 M.Phil. Students successfully so far in Number Theory and Real Analysis.
PUBLICATIONS (Recent Papers)
“Emulating Elliptic Curves”, Dr. R. Sivaraman, Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle
Research, UGC Care Group II Journal, Volume XII, Issue I, January 2020, 1502 –
“Smooth Numbers”, Dr. R. Sivaraman, Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research,
UGC Care Group II Journal, Volume XII, Issue II, February 2020, 1071 – 1077.
“The Machine Interference Model; (m, n) Systems with Balking and Spares”,
Dr. R. Sivaraman, Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research, UGC Care Group II
Journal, Volume XII, Issue II, February 2020, 1169 – 1180.
“An Interesting Combinatorial Problem”, Dr. R. Sivaraman, The International
Journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis, UGC Care Group II Journal,
Volume XII, Issue III, March 2020, 811 – 817.
“Investigating Irrationals”, Dr. R. Sivaraman, Parishodh Journal, UGC Care Group
I Journal, Volume IX, Issue III, March 2020, 2034 – 2038.
“Fractal Sequences”, R. Sivaraman, Sonal Bharti, International Journal on Recent
and Innovation Trends in computing and communication, Volume 4, Issue: 10,
October 2016, 139 – 142.
“Application of Groups to Word Problems”, R. Sivaraman, Sonal Bharti,
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in computing and
communication, Volume 4, Issue: 10, October 2016, 143 – 146.
“Connell Sequences”, R. Sivaraman, Sonal Bharti, International Journal on Recent
and Innovation Trends in computing and communication, Volume 4, Issue: 10,
October 2016, 153 – 156.
“Randomized Encryption Cryptosystem”, R. Sivaraman, Sonal Bharti,
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in computing and
communication, Volume 4, Issue: 10, October 2016, 157 – 160.
“Cornering the Queen”, R. Sivaraman, International Journal on Recent and
Innovation Trends in computing and communication, Volume 4, Issue: 11, November
2016, 14 – 18.
“Determination of Greatest Common Divisor in
Z 2
”,R. Sivaraman,
International Journal of Development Research, Volume 6, Issue 11, November
2016, 10046 – 10047.
“Graceful Graphs and its Applications”,R. Sivaraman, International Journal of
Current Research, Volume 8, Issue 11, November 2016, 41062 – 41067.
“Partitions and Compositions”, R. Sivaraman, International Journal of Scientific
and Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 11, November 2016, 684 – 691.
“Identifying Irrationals”, R. Sivaraman, International Journal of Science and
Research, Volume 6, Issue 3, March 2017, 1849 – 1851.
“Interference Problem of Machines Embedded with Fuzziness”, R. Sivaraman,
Sonal Bharti, International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology, Volume
43 – Number 1, March 2017, 1 – 4.
(Totally I had presented more than 30 research papers in last 10 years)
Books Written for popularizing Mathematics and Science
“Galaxy of Mathematicians”, English, (Life and works of ten important
mathematicians), January 2009
“NatchathiraKanithaMedhaigal”, Tamil, (Life and works of ten important
mathematicians), January 2009
“Mathematical Amusements”, English, (Math Facts, Events, Jokes, Quotations,
Puzzles), August 2010
“EngalinEnnangal”, Tamil, (About the meaning and importance of numbers in our
life), January 2012
“Engalin Anbar”, Tamil, (About the life and works of greatest Indian mathematical
Genius SrinivasaRamanujan), December 2012
“(5+1+2)3 Charming Puzzles”, English, (Contains 512 amusing math puzzles with
solutions suitable for children up to tenth grade), December 2013
“InaiyilaaIndiyaAriviyal”. Tamil, (Describing the great achievements of ancient
Indians in all branches of Science), April 2014
“KadhaiyilKalandhaKanidham”. Tamil, (Contains 20 amazing stories mixed
through mathematics), January 2015
“KanithaVaralaarumPayanum”, Tamil, (Contain the history and applications of
mathematics in ancient times), March 2016
“EdhilumKanidham”, Tamil, (Contain ten important real-life applications of
mathematics), March 2016
“The Journey of Genius”, English, (Full length Science Novel), May 2016
“UyirinParinaamam”, Tamil, (About the evolution and history of Life and DNA),
December 2016
“KanidhamEnraalKadinamaa?”, Tamil, (Contain 52 interesting questions and
answers in mathematics), June 2017
“KadhaiyilirundhuKanidhamVarai”, Tamil, (Contains 15 stories mixing
Mathematics and Life Issues, December 2017
“Cracking Crimes”, English, (Contain 12 stimulating crime stories solved by Math
Detective), January 2018
“Vilaiyaattil Kanitham” , Tamil, (Contains 15 short chapters explaining the math
behind various games like Chess, Tic-Tac-Toe, 15 Puzzle, Rubik’s Cube and others
published by Association of Mathematics Teachers of India)
“Indiya Kanitha Medhaigal”, Tamil, (Contains details of life and significant
contributions of 32 Indian mathematicians from Baudhyana to M.S. Ragunathan
spanning a period of more than 2500 years published by Dinamalar Thammarai
“Anraada Vaazhvil Kanitham” , Tamil, (Contains real life applications of
mathematics in 15 chapters published by Dinamalar Thammarai Publications)
“Iyarkaiyil Kanitham”, Tamil, (Contains applications of mathematics in nature in 15
chapters, published by 691 Publishers)
“Edhilum Kanitham – 2” (Contains applications of mathematics in 15 chapters
published by 691 Publishers)
(Total 20 books so far).
Awards Obtained for the books written so far
The Tamil book titled “Engalin Ennangal” won the Tamilnadu Government
Award for writing the best book on Science in April 2013
The Tamil book titled “Engalin Anbar” won the Tamilnadu Government Award
for writing the best book on Science in April 2015
Overall, the books that I have written have won 9 best book awards from various
prestigious organizations so far.
Awards Conferred for my contribution to Mathematics and Science
Won the Mathematics Popularization Award instituted by St. John’s Group of
Schools in April, 2011.
Won the Abdul Kalam Teaching Excellence Award instituted by Marina Labs,
Chennai for contributions towards excellence in mathematics in October 2015.
Won the National Award for Outstanding contributions to Science and
Technology Communicationfrom Government of India, Department of Science
and Technology, for the year 2015. The award was presented on 1st March, 2016.
Won S.S. Pillai Excellence Award in Mathematics for my contributions to
Mathematics from Spark Matriculation School, Vellore in June, 2016.
Won the Distinguished Teacher Award from Association of International
Mathematics Education and Research (AIMER) in January, 2017.
Won the Abdul Kalam Scientific Excellence Award instituted by Marina Labs,
Chennai for contributions towards excellence of doing research in mathematics in
October 2017.
Won the Bharat Jyoti Award for outstanding achievements and contributions to
Science from India International Friendship Society (IIFS), NewDelhi on 2nd June,
Won the Best Citizen of India Award for overall contributions to mathematics
discipline from Best Publishing House on August 2018.
Won Outstanding Educator Award from International Association of Research and
Developed Organization (IARDO) on 28th October, 2018.
Won the prestigious Indian National Science Academy (INSA) Teachers Award for
the year 2018. This award is the greatest recognition for college/university teachers in
Won Distinguished Educator Award for the year 2018 for remarkable contribution in
the field of mathematics from International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR).
Won Best Research Scientist Award for the year 2018 from Association of Scientists
and Developers Faculty (ASDF) International. I am one among 25 who were selected
throughout the country.
Won Lifetime Achievement Award for the year 2019 from Indian Education Awards
presented at Delhi on 4th May, 2019
Won Best Teacher Award for the year 2019 given by Institute of Scholars (Insc)
Won Distinguished Professor Award for the year 2019 from DK International
Research Foundation, Perambalur, Tamil Nadu.
Won Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Global Teacher Award for the year 2019 from Swahili
University, Central America
Won Lifetime Achievement Award for the year 2019 from Erode Thamizh Sanga
Peravai, Erode, Tamilnadu, India
Won Distinguished Mathematician Award given by International Association of
Research and Developed Organization (IARDO)
Won Highly Regarded Educator Award for the year 2019 from American
Leadership Board for extra ordinary service, commitment and dedication to education
and students.
Won Golden Peacock Award in Best Professor Category from MVLA Trust,
Mumbai, India
Notable Activities
In view of popularizing mathematics, initiated aregistered charitable trust called “Pie
Mathematics Association” for spreading the beauty of mathematics to everyone. Has
been involved in popularizing mathematics and science through this organization. This
association has been functioning since June 2007. Visit
to know more about Pie Mathematics Association.
Has devised a new compact formula for finding Easter day of a given year. This
formula simplifies very much compared to the known existing formulas and has
appeared in Wikipedia page for computation for Easter dates. Source:
Has presented more than 200 Lectures in Mathematics and Science at various
educational institutions throughout India.
Has been inducted in the Mathematical Models Preparation Team for Corporation
Schools set up School Education Department of Tamil Nadu Government in 2008.
Has acted as resource person for setting up of mathematics labs and advisor for several
institutions. Has helped setting up of mathematics labs in various institutions.
Participated as resource person in training teachers of several institutions. In particular,
involved in training teachers appointed by Teachers Recruitment Board (TRB), RMSA
and SSA.
Participated and presented special lectures in State and National Level conferences
throughout India.
Has been providing entertaining math puzzles in Indian Express Edex supplement
paper which is published on every Monday since February 2010. Has provided more
than 250 puzzles so far.
Has been providing amusing little puzzles for school students in the School Edition
paper of The Hindu Newspaper from August 2012. Has provided more than 2000
puzzles so far.
Has been writing/written several articles about mathematics in monthly magazines like
ICT Evolve, ChuttiVikatan, Manjari, Chennai Report, AriviyalOli for the past 5 years.
Has been writing articles in Tamil Hindu, The Times of India newspapers on important
scientific occasions.
On behalf of Pie Mathematics Association, has been involved in writing articles
myself and my associates in DinamalarPattam Supplement School Edition Newspaper
which comes thrice a week. Has written more than 100 articles so far.
Involved in taking free math classes for very poor and deserving students from slum
areas and other parts who cannot afford for spending. Several students have been
benefitted by this effort.
Had been an author for a chapter in the newly prepared Textbook for Eleventh
Class Higher Secondary Schools set up by School Education Department,
Government of Tamil Nadu in the period 2017 – 2018.
Had been appointed as Head of the Text Book Writing Committee for Tenth
Class set up by School Education Department, Government of Tamil Nadu for
the period 2018 – 2019. Currently involved in the preparation of the book.
Please go through the link provided below
+sivaraman+pie+mathematics+associationwhich contain more news about my
contribution to mathematics education which had appeared in various newspapers and
Member/Reviewer of Editorial Boards
Nominated as Reviewer for Pure and Applied Mathematics in Advances in Science,
Technology and Engineering Systems Journal (ASTESJ)
Nominated as Associate Editor in International Journal of Statistics and Applied
Nominated as Member of Editorial Review Board in UGC Approved International
Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER)
Nominated as Member of Reviewer Member Board in UGC Approved International
Journal of Engineering Development and Research (IJEDR)
Nominated as Member of Reviewer Member Board in UGC Approved Journal of
Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR)
Nominated as Member of Editorial Review Board in UGC Approved International
Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology (IJMTT)
Nominated as Member of Editorial Board in UGC Approved International Journal of
Engineering, Science and Mathematics (IJESM)
Nominated as Member of Editorial Board in UGC Approved International Journal of
Engineering and Scientific Research (IJESR)
Nominated as Member of Editorial Board in UGC Approved Journal of Global
Research in Mathematical Archives (JGRMA)
Nominated as Member of Review Board in UGC Approved International Journal of
Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT)
Editor of Junior Mathematician, A Journal for school students published quarterly by
Association of Mathematics Teachers of India (AMTI) since September 2019.
Important Positions/Life Memberships
Founder Trustee of Pie Mathematics Association, since its inception in July 2007.
Nominated as Resource person by Department of Science and Technology (DST),
Government of India, in DST INSPIRE programs belonging to Tamilnadu State in
Life Member of American Mathematical Society (AMS) since 2010
Life Member of Ramanujan Mathematical Society (RMS) since 2010
Life Member of Indian Mathematical Society (IMS) since 2017
Life Member of London Mathematical Society (LMS) since 2018
Life Member of Association of Mathematics Teachers of India (AMTI) since 2000
and appointed as Executive Committee Member for three years term from April 2018.
Life Member of Mathematics Teachers Association of India (MTA I), since
November 2018.
Life Member of All India Tamil Writer’s Association and various literary
Personal Profile
Father’s Name : S. Ramaswamy
Mother’s Name : T.S. Saroja
Date of Birth : 10/04/1975
Marital Status : Married since 2004. Have two boys.
Living Place : Chennai, India
Hobbies : Reading Books, Writing, Singing
Languages Known : English, Tamil
Interest : To Teach as many as possible and make them notable scholars.

Research interests
Millets nutraceutical properties, Optimization technique in product formulation, Textural
and Functional properties of foods, Nutritional status of population, clinical trials, diet
surveys, nutrition and cognition, sports nutrition, geriatric and pediatric nutrition.
a) Educational Qualification (University Education)
Degree /
Diploma Subject Year
From To
Institution University Class / Rank
1. B.Sc.,
Nutrition Food
Service Mngt &
Vysya College,
Class with
2. M.Sc., Foods & Nutrition 1997-
Vellalar College
for Women, Erode
Class with
3. M.Phil, Foods & Nutrition 1999-
Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa
I st Class with
4. Ph.D., Food Science &
m University Highly Commended
5. D.C.A Computer
applications 2005 Six Sigma – I st Class
6. PDF Food Science &
Nutrition 2008
C.M.S College,
7. PGDY Yoga 2008-
st Class with
b) Departmental Tests and Technical Examinations Passed
UGC – NET – June 2001
8. Experience regarding previous and present employment
Employer Post held Period of Employment
From To Years Months Days
Krithika Diabetic Research
Centre, Salem-4
Dietitian 02.5.1999 30.7.2002 3 2 –
Maharaja College for
Women, Perundurai
Lecturer 01.8.2002 27.9.2005 3 1 26
Periyar University
(Dept. Food Science and
Assistant Professor 29.9.2005 22.12.2009 4 2 23
Reader & Head i/c 23.12.2009 22.12.2012 3 – –
Associate Professor
& Head i/c
23.12.2012 04.08.2013 – 7 12
Associate Professor 05.08.2013 22.12.2015 2 4 17
Professor 23.12.2015 13.07.2016 – 6 20
Periyar University
(Dept. of Nutrition and
Professor and
Head i/c
14.07.2016 18.12.16 – 5 4
Professor and
19.12.2016 Till date
3 25 –
Total 20 8 11
9. Administrative Experience
10. Research Guidance
Research guidance for Ph.D:- Completed – 13, Guiding – 8
Research guidance for M.Phil Dissertation/ Project: Completed – 53
Research guidance for M.Sc. Dissertation/ Project: – Completed -58
11. List of Ph.D candidates Guided and Awarded
S.No Name of the
Title of the Thesis Awarded
1. J. Bhuvaneswari Effect of optimized breakfast bar on nutritional and
academic performance of the selected adolescents
2. Shemi George Effective utilization of processing techniques on nutritional
and pharmacological activities of pumpkin seeds
3. S.Parameshwari Optimization and characterization of processed linseed
enriched designer foods to deliver omega-3 fatty acid
4. R.Durgadevi Development and quality evaluation of optimized food
formulation based on processed amaranth grain for their
suitability in diabetic diet
5. R.Dharmalingam Application of chemometrics for quality evaluation and
antioxidant activity of selected GLV flowers
6. A.Jaganathan Assessment of nutritional, microbial and hygienic aspects of
foods sold by small mobile food vendors in Salem district
7. J.Gracia Physiochemical characteristics of processed barnyard millet
bran and its utilization in therapeutic food formulations
8. R.Renuga Nutritional evaluation and anti diabetic activity of the under
exploited selected brown seaweed
9. S.Deepa Nutritional composition and glycemic responses of the under
exploited selected red seaweed
10. Shiny Ravi Nutritional assessment and evaluation of gluten and casien
free products among the selected autistic children
Employer Post held
From To Years Month
Deputy Warden, Women‟s
03.02.2009 21.08. 2013 4 6 18
Head In-charge -Dept of
Food Science and
23.12.2009 04.08. 2013 3 7 12
Syndicate Member 26.11.2014 12.09. 2016 1 9 11
11. R.Shobanadevi Effect of processing on polyphenol content of the selected
millets and study the impact on CVD inflammatory markers
and lipid profile in healthy obese women
12. Abdul Qayoum
Effect of mid-day meal programme on the development of
nutritional, intellectual and social parameters of selected
school going children
13. D.Karuna Thara Formulation and quality evaluation of millet based RTC
(Ready-to-cook) foods and assessing in-vitro glycemic
14. Indu Bala Development and quality evaluation of complementary
weaning food mixes from barnyard millet and multigrain flour
Yet to
conduct viva
12 Contributions to Teaching/Research
a. List of invited Lectures in National & International conference/ symposium/Seminar:
1. Taken Seminar Classes for Distance Education (Mother Teresa Women‟s University) M.Phil Food &
Nutrition Students Sengunthar Higher Secondary School for 1 Week in May 2005.
2. Special lecturer is given on “Nutraceuticals – A challenge to Modern Civilization” at Vivekanandha
College for Women on 13-02-2006 in Home Science Department.
3. Delivered Guest lecture as invited speaker on “Nutraceuticals –Role in disease prevention and
health promotion” in a National conference on „Food Biotechnology‟, organized by Department of
Biotechnology, between 28-29th September, 2006 at Karpagam arts and science college,
4. Acted as a chair person in a Technical session in a National conference on „Food Biotechnology‟
, organized by Department of Biotechnology, between 28-29th September, 2006 at Karpagam arts
and science college, Coimbatore
5. Delivered Guest lecturer as invited speaker on “Processing and therapeutic use of Stevia
Rebaudina in Type II diabetic subjects” in a National Symposium on „Traditional Medicine, Human
Health & Biotechnology‟ organized by PG-Research Biotechnology department between 15-16th
December, 2006 at Mahandera arts and science college, Namakkal.
6. Chief guest and delivered special lecture on “Diet and Diabetes” in a Better Diabetes Care
workshop on 28th and 29th
January,2007, organized by M.G. Diabetes research centre and BD-
INDIA, at Salem.
7. Delivered Guest lecture as invited speaker on “Nutrition for good health”, organized by Indian
Medical Association Salem ladies club meeting on 20th May, 2007 at Indian Medical Association,
8. Delivered Guest lecture as invited speaker on “Basic nutrition and its role in health promotion” in
a Young student scientist programme, sponsored by Tamilnadu State Council for Science and
Technology, on 24th May, 2007 organized by Department of Biotechnology, at Muthayammal
college of arts and science college, Rasipuram.
9. Delivered special lecture on “Genetically modified foods-Helpful or Harmful” in a 7th National level
biological congress on Biotechnology: Evolution and revolutions, 4th and 5th January, 2008,
organized by Departments of Biological science, Muthayammal college of arts and science,
10. Delivered special lecture on “Diet Therapy: Obesity and Diabetes Mellitus” in a Conference on
Essentials of Optimum Nutrients for a Healthy Life, 20th February, 2008, organized by Shanmuga
college of nursing, Salem-07.
11. Acted as a chair persons and delivered Special lecture on “Genetically modified foods and
Food Security” National symposium on Health Care Biotechnology and Environment, 22nd-24th
February,2008, organized by Department of Biotech- Sciences, Mahendra Arts and Science
college, Kalippatti, Namakkal.
12. Delivered special lecture on “Need for healthy food and snacks to overcome obesity” on 26th
November, 2008, organized by Shanmuga Hospitals, Salem-07.
13. Acted as a chairperson and Delivered special lecture on “Importance Of Nutraceuticals In
Health Management” in a 8th National level biological congress on Biotechnology: Glimpses of
Future Prospects, 9th and 10th January, 2009, organized by Departments of Biological science,
Muthayammal college of arts and science, Rasipuram.
14. Delivered special lecture on “Obesity-The great Threat and Dietetic approach to Syndrome X” in a
State level Seminar on Syndrome X-a Rising Epidemic on 16th January, 2009, organized by
Departments of Clinical nutrition and Dietetics, Alphonsa College, Pala, Kerala.
15. Acted as a chairperson and delivered Special lecture on “Application of Nanotechnology in
Food Industry” 9th National level Biological congress on Biotechnology: Great Expectations &
Achievements, 8th &9th , January, 2010, Organized by Centre for Biotechnology, Muthayammal
College for Arts and Science, Rasipuram, Namakkal Dt.
16. Acted as a chairperson and delivered invited lecture on “Food Safety Issues and
Management” in UGC sponsored National seminar on Food Safety Management in Dairy and
Agro based food product on 22nd and 23rd, January, 2010, Organized by Department of Agricultural
and Animal Husbandry, Gandhigram Rural University, Gandhigram.
17. Delivered special lecture on “Application of Nanotechnology in Bioscience” on 28th January, 2010,
organized by Departments of Nutrition and Dietetics, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics,
Vivekanandha college of Arts and science for women, Tiruchengode, Namakkal (Dt).
18. Delivered invited lecture on “Nanotechnology Application for Food Sector ” in National
conference on Emerging trends and opportunities in food Processing Sector, 29th and 30th,
January, 2010, Organized by IICPT, NIFTEM and M.O.P. Vaishnav college for women, Chennai.
19. Delivered invited lecture on “Controlling Life style Diseases” in short time training on
Programme on Pre-Retirement Counseling, 12th February, 2010, Organized by Nachiyappa
Institute of Technology, Salem.
20. Delivered invited lecture and acted as a Resource person on “Nutrition In Chronic Liver
Diseases” in ISBN V Annual Symposium on Liver diseases held on 23rd February, 2010,
Organized by Department of Nutrition And Dietetics, D.K.M. College for Women, Vellore.
21. Acted as a Resource person in a 20 days Young student scientist programme, organized by
Periyar university, Salem and Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology, Chennai from
3-05.2010 to 22-5.2010.
22. Delivered special address and lecture in one day “Scientific awareness programme for
school students of Salem district” on 02.07.2010, Organized by Vysya college, Salem-103
23. Acted as a chairperson in a session on “Chemistry of Human Behaviour” in a 10th
International Nutrition and Diagnostic conference, held in Institute of Molecular genetics of
Academy of sciences, prague, Czech Republic organized by CZECH-IN s.r.o., Czech Republic
24. Delivered Special lecture on the topic Applications of Nanotechnology in Biosciences on
14.09.10 organized by the Department of Biotechnology & Microbiology, Shri sakthikailassh
Women‟s college, Ammapet, Salem
25. Delivered invited lecture on “Nutrition during pregnancy and Lactation” in short time training
on Programme on Leadership and Organizational Development for Women Employees of
Cooperatives, 21st September, 2010, Organized by Nachiyappa Institute of Technology, Salem.
26. Delivered invited lecture on “Diet and Normal nutrients requirements for young children” in
short time training on Programme on Leadership and Organizational Development for Women
Employees of Cooperatives, 23rd September, 2010, Organized by Nachiyappa Institute of
Technology, Salem.
27. Delivered invited lecture on “Functional materials in Food Nanotechnology” in National
conference on Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, 17-18th December, 2010,
Organized by Society for Applied Biotechnology, Tamilnadu.
28. Acted as a chairperson and delivered Special lecture on “Potential applications of
Nanotechnology in Food ” 10th National level Biological congress on Promising Faces of
Biotechnology, 7& 8th,January, 2011, Organized by Department of Biological Sciencies,
Muthayammal College for Arts and Science, Rasipuram, Namakkal Dt.
29. Acted as a Inaugural chief Guest and delivered Key note address on “India 2011: Food
Processing Opportunities and Challenges” One day National seminar on Food Processing and
Marketing, 1st ,February, 2011, Organized by Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Vellelar
College for Women, Erode-12
30. Acted as a Panel member in a panel discussion on Genetically Modified Foods, in a National
Conference on Processed Foods- A trend 6beyond boundaries, 11th &12th , February , 2011,
Organised by M.O.P. Vaishnav college for women, Chennai-34
31. Delivered invited lecture on “Functional materials in Food Nanotechnology” in National
conference on Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, 17-18th December, 2010,
Organized by Society for Applied Biotechnology, Tamilnadu.
32. Delivered invited lecture on Nano-Technological applications in Food Processing and
packaging, in a National Conference on New Horizons in Bioprocessing of Foods, 25-26th
February ,2011, Organized by Department of Food engineering and Technilogy, S.L.I.E.T,
Longowal, Punjab, India.
33. Delivered invited lecture on The Efficiency of dietary supplements for improving endurance
performance among selected athletes, in a National Conference on Emerging trends in physical
sciences, 12th March ,2011, Organised by Department of Physical Education, Bharathidasan
University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu, India.
34. Delivered invited lecture on “The Role of Nutrition in Stress Management” in an International
Conference on Stress: Health, Society and Technology (ICONS-HST), 21-22nd April, 2011,
Organized International Institute of Stress Management and Allied Sciences (IISMAAS), New
Delhi, India.
35. Deliver Invited Talk on “Yoga and Health” in an International Symposium On Integrative
Physiology, Medicine, Food & Technology: Building A Healthy Future, 2-4, May, 2011,
organized by Department of Medicine, khon kaen University, THAILAND
36. Deliver Invited lecture on Nanotechnology and Food science in an International conference
on Impact of Physical sciences on Biology, 7-9, July, 2011, organized by Post graduate and
Research department of Botany, Queen Mary‟s college, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
37. Deliver Invited lecture on Emerging trends and opportunities in Indian food processing
sector, in a National conference on Prognosis of Food processing sector in health promotion, 29th
August, 2011, organized by Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Dr.N.G.P.Arts and science
college, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.
38. Deliver Invited lecture on Functional foods and Nutraceuticals , in a 16th World Congress on
Clinical Nutrition Sept 12-14,2011, Organized by International Clinical Nutrition Society, In India
Habitat Center, New Delhi
39. Acted as a Inaugural chief Guest and delivered invited lecture on “Food Security and
Nutrition” Two days National conference on Global trends in Food Security 2020-Scope for the
present and Prospects for the future , 12-13th October, 2011, Organized by Department of
Biotechnology, Karunya University, Coimbatore-114.
41. Deliver Invited lecture entitled Potential application of Nanotechnology in the development of
Functional Foods, in an International Symposium on Recent Trends in Processing and Safety of
Specialty and Operational Foods, 23-25, November, 2011, Organized by Defense Food Research
Laboratory (DFRL), Mysore.
42. Deliver Invited lecture on Nutriball supplementation and its impact on affective health
among senior citizens in a International Conference on Stress: Paradigm Shifts in Technology
and Allied Sciences (ICONS-PSTAS 2011), 27-28th
December, 2011, Organized by International
Institute of Stress Management and Allied Sciences (IISMAAS), at IIHMR, New Delhi, India
43. Deliver Invited lecture on Carbohydrate: Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Potentials, in a
National Conference on Perspectives on Health Benefits of Therapeutic Molecules, 6th January,
2012 organized by Centre for Bioscience and Innovation & Center for Bio-Information Tumkur
University, Tumkur.
44. Deliver Invited (lead) lecture on Food processing scenario in India in a National Conference
on Recent trends in Food processing and Health Scenario in India, 27th January, 2012 organized by
Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Muslim Arts college, Kanyakumari.
45. Delivered Special lecture on Introduction of Food Sciences in a DST sponsored Inspire
Internship Science Camp-2012, 9th February, 2012 organized by Jayam college of Engineering &
Technology, Dharmapuri.
46. Delivered Invited lecture entitled Association of western diet and lifestyle with decreased
fertility in populations with greater fertility in a International Conference on Reproductive Health
with Emphasis on Strategies for Family Planning, 19th -21st
February, 2012, Organized by Division
of Reproductive Health & Nutrition, ICMR, New Delhi, India.
47. Delivered Special lecture on Introduction of Food Sciences in a DST sponsored Inspire
Internship Science Camp-2012, 26th February, 2012 organized by Jayam college of Engineering &
Technology, Dharmapuri.
48. Delivered Special lecture on Equal Opportunity to Women in a World Women‟s Day, 8th, March, 2012 organized by Govt. Arts college, Dharmapuri.
49. Delivered Invited Lecture on Formulation of Therapeutic diets in an ICMR and DST
sponsored International Conference on Food and Nutrition Technology for Public Health Care, 4-
5th May, 2012, Organized by IISMAAS, New Delhi, India.
50 Delivered lecture in Processing of Cereals and Cereal Products in one month summer training
programme from 4-6 th June,2012, organized by Center of Food Technology, University of Allahabad, Allahabad
50. Delivered invited lecture on “Challenges facing technology development for traditional
products” Two days National conference on Technology Development of Traditional foods , 3-4th September, Organized by Department of Food Processing and Engineering, Karunya University,
51. Delivered Invited Lecture on Formulation of designer food supplements for therapeutic
applications, International Conference on Bioactive Natural Compounds from Plant Food in
Nutrition and Health, 20-22, September 2012, Organized Department of Home Science, CMS
college, kottayam, Kerala, Tamilnadu.
52. Delivered Invited Lecture on Quality Diabetic Care and Education for the doctors in a Diabetic
Retinopathy CME-Salem on 16.12.12 organized by Aravind Eye Hospital, Salem
53. Delivered Special Lecture on Food Safety issues for Health Promotion on 18.01.13 organized
by the Department of Computer Science, Periyar University, Salem-606 011
54. Delivered Invited lecture on Global Malnutrition Crisis: Under nutrition Vs Over Nutrition, in 6th Middle East Pediatrics Conference, 28 – 31 January 2013, organized by Arab Health
Congress at the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre, Dubai, UAE
55. Deliver Invited (lead) lecture on Planning a therapeutic diets in a Seminar cum workshop on
New Approaches for Planning a Therapeutic diet, 7-8 February, 2013 organized by Department of
Nutrition and Dietetics, Muslim Arts college, Thiruvithancode
56. Deliver Invited (lead) lecture on Bioactive compounds in Foods with preventive health benefits in
National conference on Emerging avenues in Food Technology for Better Health and Safety,8-9
March,2013, organized by Department of Food Technology in association with AFST(i), Kollam
chapter in TKM Institute of technology, Kollam, Kerala.
57. Deliver Invited (lead) lecture on Nutrition for elderly in World congress of Gerontology &
Geriatrics-2nd International conference on Healthy ageing I the changing world-2013, 30-.9.13 &
01.10.13, organized by Bio Genesis Health Cluster in association with Federation of Asian Biotech
Associations and OMICS group in J.N Tata Auditorium, Indian Institute of Sciences, Bengaluru,
58. Deliver Invited (lead) lecture on Therapeutic benefits of Spices in the National conference on
Advances in Spice and Plantation Crops Processing”, 22nd & 23rd October, 2013, Organized by
Department of Food Processing and Engineering, Karunya University, Coimbatore-114.
59. Deliver Invited (lead) lecture on Nutraceutical aspects of marine nanofoods in National seminar
on “Therapeutics of Marine Bioactive Compounds”, 9th and 10th December 2013 organized by
Department of Home Science, Gandhigram Rural Institute – Deemed University, Gandhigram,
Dindigul District.
60 Deliver Invited (lead) lecture on Effect of sweet potato flour on the physical properties of fried
extruded fish crackers International conference of Food technology: Impact on nutrition and Health,
23&24 December 2013 organized by IIFANS, New Delhi.
61. Deliver Invited (lead) lecture on Functional Foods And Its Prospects- Relevance To Indian
Scenario “National level Conference on Future prospects in Food Processing and quality
assurance” on March 20th -21st March, 2014 organized by Department of Food Processing
Engineering, SRM University, Chennai
62. Delivered Special lecture on the topic Women‟s Health on 13.6.14 organized by the Women
empowerment cell, Shri Sakthikailassh Women‟s college, Ammapet, Salem.
63. Delivered Special lecture on the topic Development of women and children in rural areas on 27.6.14 organized by the Women empowerment cell, Kailash Women‟s college, Nangavalli, Salem-
64. Acted as a Inaugural chief Guest and delivered Key note address on Traditional Foods
versus Modern Foods in Two days UGC sponsored national seminar on Traditional Foods-A key
to Comprehensive Health and Longevity , 7-8 th August, 2014, Organized by Department of Home Science, Morning Star Home Science College, Angamalay, Ernakulam District, Kerala.
65. Delivered invited talk on Applications of Nanotechnology in the Agro-Food Sector and Food
products” in the International conference on “Modern Progress in Biotechnology (ICMPB-2014)
on 9-10th October, 2014, organized by Department of Biotechnology, BIT
Campus, Anna University, Tiruchirappalli 620 024, Tamilnadu
66. Delivered invited talk on Updating Food technology in the ICMR, DST and DBT sponsored “5th
International Conference on Advances in Food Technology and Health Sciences” (ICFTHS-
2014) on 15-16th October, 2014, organized by International Institute of Food and Nutritional
Sciences (IIFANS), New Delhi.
67. Delivered invited talk on Nutraceuitals and Its Potential Health Benefits in a National Seminar
on “Advancements in Packaging, Food and Social Impact” held on 3rd Nov. 2014, organized by
Bhaskaracharaya College of Applied Sciences, Univ. of Delhi, New Delhi.
68. Deliver Invited (lead) lecture on Nutritional disorders for older adults in World
Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics3rd International Conference on Healthy Ageing In The
Changing World 2014 held on 17,18 &19, November 2014, organized by Bio Genesis Health
Cluster in association with Federation of Asian Biotech Associations and OMICS group in J.N Tata
Auditorium, Indian Institute of Sciences, Bengaluru, India.
69. Delivered invited talk on “Food Fortification: Moving from knowledge-to-action for Reducing
Micronutrient Malnutrition” in the International Conference on Advances in home science
studies” held on 20-21st February,2015 organized by Department of Home Science, Sri
Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam (Women‟s University), Tirupati, A.P. India
70. Delivered Invited talk on “Food Technology” on 22nd August, 2015 organized by Vysya college,
Ayyothiyapatinam, Salem-103.
71. Delivered Invited talk on “Women‟s Health and Hygiene” on 22nd September, 2015 organized
by Kailash women‟s college for women, Nagavalli.
72 Delivered invited lecture on DBT funded Faculty visit programme on 12.01.2016, organized by
the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Vellalar college for women, Erode
73. Delivered Invited talk on “Food safety and Hygiene” on 4-5
th February, 2016 organized PG and
Research Department of Zoology, Periyar Government arts college, Cuddalore – 607001,
Tamilnadu, India
74. Delivered invited talk on “Characterization of processed millets and its fractions on health“
on 11-13, February, 2016, organized by Promotion Science and Humanities Association, St.Peter‟s
University and Indian spectro Physics Association, Avadi, Chennai
75. Delivered invited talk on “Scope of Nutrition” on 27th February, 2016, organized by Department
of Nutrition, Sri Vijay Vidayalaya College of arts and science, Nallampalli, Dharmapuri, Tamilnadu,
76. Delivered invited talk on “Nutritional impacts of vitamin D and Calcium on women‟s health”
in 5th International conference Vitamin D deficiency and Human Health held on 24-25th March, 2016
at Jumeriah Etihad Towers, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
77. Delivered lecture on one day value added programme on “Food security and Nutrition for
culinary students (FSNC-2016)” jointly organized by Culinary club and Department of Chemistry,
School of advanced science held on 23rd April, 2016 at VIT University, Vellore.
78. Delivered lecture and acted as a Resource Person for the Citizenship Training camp for B.Ed.
students on 19.05.2016 at Sri Saradha college of Education (Autonomous) salem-636 016.
79. Delivered invited talk on “Recent trends in food nanotechnology” in “ICMR and DST
sponsored 7th International Conference on Growing Trends in Food Technology and Nutrition for Public Health Care (ICGIFP-2016)” held on 26-27th May, 2016 at JNU, New Delhi
80. Delivered invited talk on “Role of nutraceuticals in human health” “International Conference
on Food, Nutrition and Health (ICFNH-2016) held in Fortune Pandiyan Hotel, Madurai on 6th- 8th June, 2016.
81. Delivered invited talk on “Nutrition and Health” in a special lecture programme at Sri
Sakthikilassh Women’s college, Salem on 16.06.2016
82. Delivered invited talk on “Nutrition and Health Benefits” in a special lecture programme at
Sri kailash Women’s college, Thalaivasal on 15.07.2016.
83. Delivered invited talk on “Diet, Nutrition and Health Benefits” in a special lecture programme at
AVS college of Arts and Science, Salem on 03.09.2016.
84. Delivered invited talk in Counting Medical Education (CME) programme on “Role of traditional
foods in the prevention of non-communicable diseases” organized by Department of
Community Medicine, Vinayaka Mission‟s Kirupanada Variyar Medical College and Hospitals,
Salem-636 308 on 20.09.16
85. Delivered invited talk on “Healthy ageing- the role of nutrition”4th International World Congress of
Gerontology & Geriatrics International collaborative conference (2016), J.N. Tata Auditorium, India
Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, 23rd November, 2016.
86. Delivered invited talk on “Food and Hygiene practices “organized by Indian Red Cross Society
and Youth Red cross, Periyar University, Salem-636011 on 11.01.2017
87. Delivered invited talk on “Food safety and Nutrition for Youth” organized by Indian Red Cross
Society (Tamil Nadu State branch) and Youth Red cross, Periyar University, Salem-636011 on
88. Act as Resource Person and delivered Invited talk on “Nutritional Diet” for B.Ed degree
Citizenship Training Camp in Sri Saradha College of Education, Salem-16 on 22.02.2017
89. Acted as Chief Guest and Delivered Invited talk for “Inauguration of Union Club Activities, Tamil
and English Literary Association 2017” dated on 06.07.2017
90. Act as Resource person and Delivered invited talk on “Entrepreneurship in Food Industries
Sector” in two weeks faculty development programme on entrepreneurship, organized by PRIMS,
Periyar University, Salem on 29.08.2017.
91. Act as chief guest and delivered a lecture in one day programme on “Necessity of traditional
food and its secrets” organized by Sri Ganesh college of arts and science, Salem-14 on
92. Delivered invited talk on “Food Security and Nutrition-Potential Imapct on Health” in International
conference on Biodiversity, Climate change and environmental sciences -2017 at Nirmala college
for women, Coimbatore, TN, India on 08-09, September, 2017.
93. Act as Rapporteur in the International conference on Biodiversity, Climate change and
environmental sciences -2017 at Nirmala college for women, Coimbatore, TN, India on 08-09,
September, 2017.
94. Act as a resource person in the one day district level students study camp for YRC Volunteers on
23.12.17 at Padmavani college of Arts and Science for women’s, Salem-11
95. Delivered invited talk on Functional foods: therapeutic aspects of probiotics and prebiotics on
International conference in omics Technologies in Nutritional Research (OTNR-2018) organized by
Department of Foods and Nutrition, DKM college for women, Tamilnadu, India in association with
Geneobe Wellness, Coimbatore, India on 10-11, January, 2018.
96. Delivered invited Lecture on Traditional Foods in the National workshop on
ETHNOMEDICOBOTANY organised by Research Department of Botany, Arignar Anna
Government Arts College, Namakkal -637 002 on 09.04.18.
97. Delivered invited talk on Recent Technologies in Diabetes Management in the 2nd International
Conference On Recent Trendns In Applied Science And Technology (ICRTAST-2018) Organized
By Periyar University, Salem, Tamil Nadu, and India In Association With Indian Science And Technology Association (Elavenil) Held on 23-25th August 2018 at Periyar University, Salem.
98. Chief guest and delivered lecture on “Scope and importance of Nutrition and Dietetics” in
Association meet NUTRIFOUND organized by Department of Nutrition and Dietetics on 27th August
2018 at St.Joseph‟s college of Arts and Science for women, Hosur
99. Participated and delivered lecture on “Recent Advances in Food Fortification with Emphasis on
Vitamin D Deficiency in Human Health” organized by Department of Food Technology, School of
Interdisciplinary Sciences and Technology (SIST) held on 15-16th Sep 2018 at Jamia Hamdard
University, New Delhi
100 Delivered Guest lecture on “ Importance of Nutrition in the Diet” organized by Department of
Food Technology on 24th September 2018 at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology,
101 Delivered a Key note in Debate on “Food Processing enhances food and Nutrition Security ”
in National conference on challenges and sustainable approaches towards Food and
Nutrition Security- A global Perspective organized by Department of Food Science and Nutrition,
Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore-43 on 7
& 8th December, 2018.
102. Delivered Invited Lecture on „Role of probiotic in human health‟ in one day National
Symposium on Emerging Perspectives in Biological Science (NSEPBS-2019) organized by
Department of Biosciences, Vivekanandha arts and science college for women, verachipalayam,
Sankari, Salem, Tamilnadu on 1st February, 2019.
103. Delivered Invited Lecture on Millets- a magical ingredients to your health in two days International conference on “Innovative Techniques and nutritional demands in food security- trends challenges and Perspectives” jointly organized by Department of Post Graduation in Food Science and Nutrition and Under Graduation in Food, Nutrition and Dietetics, Alva‟s college, Vidyagiri, Moodbidri on 8-9, February, 2019
104. Delivered lecture on “Nutrition and Dietetics-scope and Job opportunities” in Department of
Nutrition and Dietetics, KSR college of arts and Science for women, Thiruchengode-637215 on
105. Delivered invited talk on “Nanotechnology in Nutrition” in a special lecture programme
organized by department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Bhrathiyar Arts and Science college for women,
Salem-12 on 6.9.2019
b. List of Public lectures
1. Chief guest and delivered special lecture on “Hygiene and sanitation to be followed in food preparations” in a N.S.S camp 22th September, 2006, organized by Government arts college for Women, Salem.
2. Chief guest and delivered special lecture on “Diet and Diabetes” in a Better Diabetes Care workshop on 28th and 29th January,2007, organized by M.G. Diabetes research centre and BD-
INDIA, at Salem.
3. Delivered Guest lecture as invited speaker on “Nutrition for good health”, organized by Indian
Medical Association Salem ladies club meeting on 20th May, 2007 at Indian Medical Association,
4. Delivered special lecture on “Diet and Diabetes” in a Diavision –A Diabetes awareness
programme for the general public workshop on 18th and 19th August,2007, organized by Sushruta
Diabetes care centre , at Salem.
5. Delivered special lecture on “One day training programme for the Noon Meal workers, 5th August,
2008, organized by District Collector Officer, Salem-1.
6. Delivered special lecture on “One day training programme for the Noon Meal workers, 26th
September, 2008, organized by District Collector Officer, Namakkal.
7. Inaugurated diet Exhibition and Delivered special lecture on “Dietary management on
Diabetes” in Diabetes EXPO-2008-A Diabetes awareness programme for the general public on 15th
and 16th November, 2008, organized by M.G. Diabetes research centre, at Salem.
8. Delivered Guest lecture on 15th to 19th December, 2008 to the trainees, in Training of Trainers
Programme, Organized by community Food and Nutrition Extension Unit, Govt. of India, Chennai at
Food science Department, Periyar University, Salem-11.
9. Chief guest and delivered special lecture on “Health is wealth” in a N.S.S camp on 18th
December, 2008, organized by Vysya college, Salem-103.
10. Delivered special lecture on “One day training programme for the Noon Meal workers, 22nd May,
2009, at Ayothiyapttinam, organized by District Collector Officer, Salem.
11. Delivered special lecture on “One day training programme for the Noon Meal workers, 23rd May,
2009, at Thalaivasal, organized by District Collector Officer, Salem.
12. Delivered special lecture on “One day training programme for the Noon Meal workers, 27th May,
2009, at Omalur, organized by District Collector Officer, Salem.
13. Delivered special lecture on “One day training programme for the Noon Meal workers, 28th May,
2009, at Nangavalli, organized by District Collector Officer, Salem.
14. Delivered special lecture on “Nutrition for Healthy life” in a N.S.S camp on 22nd March, 2010, in
Mundakapadi Village, Yercaud, organized by Periyar University, Salem-11.
15. Delivered special lecture on “Food safety and quality control” in a N.S.S day celebration on 24th
September, 2010, organized by Programme Coordinator of N.S.S Unit II of Periyar University,
16. Delivered special lecture on “Basic Nutritional requirements and Food safety” in a three days
training programme for school teachers in Konganapuram High School on 27.01.11 organized by
Education For All Unit, Konganapuram, Salem District.
17. Delivered special lecture on “Basic Nutritional requirements and Food safety” in a three days
training programme for school teachers in Konganapuram High School on 31.1.11 organized by
Education For All Unit, Konganapuram, Salem District.
18. Delivered special lecture on “Basic Nutritional requirements and Food safety” in a three days
training programme for school teachers in Konganapuram High School on 3.02.11 organized by
Education For All Unit, Konganapuram, Salem District.
19. Delivered special lecture on “Basic food groups and balanced diet” in a Ramazan celebrating
festival for school students in Senthil public school on 02.09.11 organized by Management
authorities, Senthil Public School, Salem.
20. Delivered special lecture on “Awareness on Healthy Foods” in a in a N.S.S camp on 22nd
March, 2012, in Sangeethapatti Village, Salem district, organized by N.S.S Unit, Periyar University,
21. Delivered special lecture on “Healthy Food and Healthy Living” in a Rotary club of Rasipuram
on 16.4.14, organized by rotary club of Rasipuram, Rasipuram-08.
22. Delivered lecture on “Balanced Diet & How to Lead a Healthy Life” in a Heritage club of Senthil
Public School, Salem on 09.08.14, organized by Senthil Public School, Salem.
23. Delivered lecture on “Role of farmers in Food processing industries” in a Kallupatti Village,
Rajakapatti Panchayath, Dindigul (District), Tamilnadu. (State) on 20.09.14
24. Act as a resource person and delivered invited talk on “Agriculture, poverty and rural
reconstruction” for the Induction Training Programme of National Youth Volunteers
organized by Nehru Yuva Kendra, 3/233, Lakshmi Nagar, Mallamooppampatti, Ayyamperumapatti
post, Salem-636 302 from 29th April to 13th May, 2017.
25. Participated and Delivered lecture for the Inspire Internship Science Camp-2017 organized
Department of Botany, Periyar University, Salem-11 during July 10-14, 2017.
26. Delivered special lecture on “Health benefits of mushrooms” in TNSCST sponsored Workshop
on simplified and innovative technology for the large scale cultivation of oyster mushrooms
conducted by Department of biochemistry, Periyar University, Salem-11 on December 13, 2017.
27. Act as expert interaction in the DST (MoS&T) Govt. of India initiated Roundtable / Brainstorming
session (ahead of FINE 2019) by BIT-TBI at BIT, Sathyamangalam on 20.02.2019.
28. Delivered lecture on “Health Hygiene” in one day zonal level orientation programme for YRC
programme officers organized by Indian Red Cross society Tamilnadu branch and Youth Red
Cross, Periyar University, Salem-11 on 27th February, 2019.
29. Delivered lecture on “Balance food and nutritious foods with its vitamins and mineral” in
Integrated child Development programme conducted by Omalur ICDS office, Omalur Taluk, Salem
on 03.05.02019
c. Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organized
1. Co-Convener of one day workshop on “Quality assurance and marketing strategy of food
products”, 22nd August 2006, organized by Department of Food Science, Periyar University,
2. Organizer for one week (2-8 December, 2006) training programme “Community nutrition
programme”, organized by Department of Food Science, Periyar University, Salem.
3. Co-Organizer for one day (24-02-2007) awareness programme on “Diabetes and its prevention”
organized by Department of Food Science, Periyar University, Salem.
4. Co-Organizer for one day (06.10.2007) awareness programme on “Diabetes and its prevention”
organized by Department of Food Science, Periyar University, Salem.
5. Organizer for one week (21-27 December, 2007) “Community nutrition training programme”,
organized by Department of Food Science, Periyar University, Salem
6. Co-Convener for two days National Seminar cum Food Tech Exhibition on “food processing and
nutritional scenario in India”, 11th & 12th march,2008, organized by Department of Food Science,
Periyar University, Salem-11
7. Organizer of “DIET EXIBITION” in Diabetes Expo-2008 organized by Department of Diabetology,
Madras Medical College, Chennai-03 at D.S.K. Hospital Triupur on 30th November 2008.
8. Co-Convener for One day National Seminar on “Nutritional challenges- Past, Present and future”,
29th February ,2009, organized by Department of Food Science, Periyar University, Salem-11.
9. Organizer for One day special lecture progamme on “Low Glycemic Index Foods – A science
Based Diet”,26th March, 2009, organized by Department of Food Science, Periyar University,
10. Co-Convener for two days National Seminar on “Food processing and nutritional challenges and
prospects in human health”, 24th & 25th Feburary, 2010, organized by Department of Food Science,
Periyar University, Salem-11.
11. Organizer for one day seminar on Role of Periyar University in Social Welfare and Higher
education, 15th July,2010 at Periyar University, Salem-11.
12. Organizer for one day joint seminar on Governance in Higher education, 16th July, 2010 at Periyar
University, Salem-11.
13. Organizer for One day workshop on “Planning Therapeutic Diets” 6th October,2010 organized by Department of Food Science, Periyar University, Salem-11.
14. Co-Organizer for One day special lecture progamme on “Nutrigenomics”,25th October, 2010,
organized by Department of Food Science, Periyar University, Salem-11.
15. Co-Organizer for One week Food Processing and Preservation training to Self Help Group
women in Salem District from 22-29th November, 2010, organized by Department of Food Science,
Periyar University, Salem-11.
16. Convener & Organizing Secretary for ICMR, NABARD, NRDC, DST, DBT, TNSCST, TANSHE
and DRDO sponsored three days International Conference on Food and Nutraceuticals for
Nutrition and Health: Technology and Delivery (ICFAN – 2011) from 20-22nd, January, 2011,
organized by Department of Food Science, Periyar University, Salem-11, Tamilnadu, India
17. Co-Organizer for One day special lecture progamme on “Processing Technologies, March, 2010,
organized by Department of Food Science, Periyar University, Salem.
18. Co-Convener for International Conference on Stress: Health, Society and Technology
(ICONS-HST), 21-22nd April, 2011, Organized by International Institute of Stress Management and
Allied Sciences (IISMAAS), New Delhi, India.
19. Convener for one day workshop on HACCP and Quality assessment, 20th August, 2011, organized
by Department of Food Science, Periyar University, Salem-11
20. Convener for one day National Symposium on Food and Nutrition Prospects in Human Health, 21st
October, 2011, organized by Department of Food Science, Periyar University, Salem-11
21. Convener & Organizing Secretary for one day ICMR sponsored International symposium on
Functional Foods and Health (ISFAH – 2011) on 19th November, 2011, organized by Department
of Food Science, Periyar University, Salem-11, Tamilnadu, India
22. Convener for International Conference on Stress: Paradigm Shifts in Technology and Allied
Sciences (ICONS-PSTAS 2011), 27-28th December, 2011, Organized by International Institute of
Stress Management and Allied Sciences (IISMAAS), at IIHMR, New Delhi, India.
23. Convener for UGC sponsored National level symposium on Recent trends in perishable food
processing and its quality control techniques, 27th February, 2012, organized by Department of
Food Science, Periyar University, Salem-11
24. Chairman for DST, DBT & ICMR sponsored National conference on Food technological
Interventions for Health and Nutrition Security, 15-16th March, 2012, organized by Department
of Food Science, Periyar University, Salem-11.
25. Convener & Organizing Secretary for ICMR & DST sponsored International Conference on
Food and Nutrition Technology for Public Health care, 4&5th May, 2012, Organized by
International Institute of Stress Management and Allied Sciences (IISMAAS), at Jawaharlal Nehru
University, New Delhi, India.
26. Coordinator for Food science in a three days 12th Tamil Science congress from 23-25th August,
2012 organized by Periyar University, salem-11, Tamilnadu.
27. Convener & Organizing Secretary for ICMR, DBT & DST sponsored International Conference
on Food Technology for Health Promotion, 27-28th December, 2012, Organized by International
Institute of Food and Nutritional Sciences (IIFANS), at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi,
28. Convener & Organizing Secretary for ICMR, DBT, UGC & DST sponsored National Conference on Food Processing Technology for Health Progression, 9-10th January, 2013,
Organized by organized by Department of Food Science& Nutrition, Periyar University, Salem-11,
Tamilnadu, India
29. Convener for one day special lecture programme on Dietary interventions for stress
management, 19th February, 2013 organized by organized by Department of Food Science&
Nutrition, Periyar University, Salem-11, Tamilnadu, India
30. Chairperson for Inauguration of Nutrition and Health club and special lecture series on 27th
February, 2013 organized by organized by Department of Food Science & Nutrition, Periyar
University, Salem-11, Tamilnadu, India.
31. Convener for ICMR, DST and DBT sponsored “International Conference on Technological
Advances in Super Foods for Health Care (ICTASH-2013), 3-4 May, 2013 organized by
International Institute of Food and Nutritional Sciences (IIFANS) at Pudhucherry.
32. Convener & Organizing Secretary for ICMR, DST ““International Conference on Food
Technology: Impact on Nutrition and Health (ICFIN-2013)” on 23-24th December, 2013
at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
33. Convener & Organizing Secretary for ICMR, DST ““International Conference on Updating
Food Technology: Impact on Nutrition and Health (ICUFT-2013)” on 7-8th May, 2014 at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
34. Organizing member for the Visiting Faculty Expert‟s Scheme (Funded by Govt. of Tamil
Nadu) Short term course from 21.7.14 to 25.7.14 on Carbohydrates in Food organized by
Department of Food Science & Nutrition, Periyar University, Salem-11, Tamilnadu, India.
35. Convener & Organizing Secretary for ICMR, DST and DBT sponsored “5th International
Conference on Advances in Food Technology and Health Sciences” (ICFTHS-2014)” on 15-
16th October, 2014 at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
36. Convener & Organizing Secretary for ICMR sponsored International Seminar on Qualitative
and Quantitative Methods in Nutrition and Health Research (ISQM-2014) on 24th December,
2014 organized by Department of Food Science & Nutrition, Periyar University, Salem-11,
Tamilnadu, India
37. Convener for one day special lecture programme on “Applications of statistics on Clinical
Nutrition and Dietetics” on 20.01.2016 organized by Department of Food Science & Nutrition,
Periyar University, Salem-11, Tamilnadu, India
38. Convener & Organizing Secretary for ICMR and DST sponsored 7th International Conference
on Growing Trends in Food Technology and Nutrition for Public Health Care (ICGIFP-2016) on 26-
27th May, 2016 organized by International Institute of Food and Nutritional sciences, New Delhi
39. Served as organizing committee member for conducting the “National Science Day celebrations
-2017” organized by Periyar University, Salem on 28th February, 2017
40. Served as Evaluator in oratorical competition held for the students of school of life sciences for
the “National Science Day celebrations -2017” organized by Periyar University, Salem on 28th
February, 2017
41. Convener and organizing secretary for inauguration of Periyar University nutrition club and one
day special lecture programme on “Current Nutritional Scenario” on 18th August, 2017 organized by
Department of Clinical Nutrition and dietetics, Periyar University, Salem-11, Tamilnadu, India.
42. Convener and Organizing secretary of one day workshop on “Research Methodology” on
04.12.2017 organized by Department of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, Periyar University, Salem
43. Convener and Organizing Secretary of two days International conference on “Innovative Food and Nutrition Technologies in public health care” on 4-5, January, 2018 organized by Department of
Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, Periyar University, Salem-11
44. Convener and Organizing Secretary for one day awareness programme on “Smoking –risk
factor for NCDs (In the support of “No Smoking Day) at Sangeethapatti village on 09.03.2018
organized by Department of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, Periyar University, Salem-11
45. Convener for one day seminar on “ Diabetes and its complications” organized by Department
of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, Periyar University, Salem-11 on 16.08.2018.
46. Convener for one day workshop on “Therapeutic diet planning for Cardiovascular Diseases”
organized by Department of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, Periyar University, Salem-11 on 5&6
September, 2018.
47. Convener and Organizing Secretary for two days DST-SERB sponsored International
conference on Current Approaches in Nutraceuticals and Food Technology for Diabetes
Management (ICNDM-2019)” on 24-25, January, 2019 at Periyar University, Salem-11,
Tamilnadu, India
48. Convener and organizing secretary for Three Day Lecture cum workshop on
Nanotechnology in Antioxidants research for health and human wellness” organized by
Department of Nutrition and Dietetics on 24-26th July, 2019 at Periyar University, Salem-11,
Tamilnadu, India
49. Convener for two days national workshop on Medical Nutrition Therapy for Cancer”
organized by Department of Nutrition and Dietetics on 12-13th September, 2019 at Periyar
University, Salem-11, Tamilnadu, India.
50. Convener and organizing secretary for two days DST-SERB and NABARD sponsored
International Conference on Emerging Trends in Millet Technology for Health Promotion
(ICEMT-2020)” on 09-10, January, 2020 at Periyar University, Salem-11, Tamilnadu, India.
13. Details of books/manuals/Popular articles published
S. No Title Publisher Year ISBN
1. Question Bank in Home Science NIPA Publisher 2019 9789-3879-73121
2. Multiple choice questions in
Food and Nutrition Science
Meghana Publications,
Hyderabad-500 039
2016 ISBN 978-93-80516-08-0
3. Multiple choice questions in
Astral International Pvt.Ltd
New Delhi-110 002
2013 ISBN 978-93-5124-278-9
4. Bio-Processing of foods
(Chapter 20- Nanotechnological
Applications in Food Processing
and Packaging, Pp-282)
ASIATECH Publishers,
New Delhi-92, India
2012 ISBN-81-87680-26-1
5. Value added wine making
Process using different fruits
LAMBERT Academic
Publishing, Germany
2012 ISBN- 978-3-8443-9802-1
6. Nutraceuticals Potential of
Spices-Processing, Chemistry
and Medicinal uses
LAMBERT Academic
Publishing, Germany
2012 ISBN- 978-3-659-26246-3
7. Developing Designer Foods of
Beta Vulgaris
LAMBERT Academic
Publishing , Germany
2012 ISBN- 978-3-659-28597-4
8. Benefits of Yoga on Academic
LAMBERT Academic
Publishing , Germany
2012 ISBN-978-3659379284
9. Food Safety Management in
Dairy and Agro based food
products – Editor –
Dr.M.Seethalaskhmi (chapter)
Excel India Publishers,
New Delhi
2010 ISBN: 978-93-80043-91-3
1. Diet and Diabetic A Manual released on World Food Day, in Periyar university.
2. Good food for the child A manual in Tamil released by the Vice Chancellor of Periyar University
in the Iyyamperumampatty village
Popular articles Published in a weekly News Paper “CITIZEN TALK”
Reg.No:TN/WR/SLM (E) /23/2015-2017
1 Fruits For Summer 22 Facts About Good And Bad Fats-1
2 Hydrate Yourself This Summer 23 Ways To Increase The Consumption Of Fruits
And Vegetables
Healthy Tips For Staying Healthy During
24 Foods Which Boost A Healthy Immune
4 Nourishing Your Brain 25 The Role Of Calcium In Bone Health
5 Tips On Healthy Breakfast 26 The Role Of Vitamin-D In Bone Health
6 Health Benefits Of Tea 27 Millets as Summer Food
7 Ways To Boost Fibre In Your Diet 28 Foods Which Fight Against inflammation
8 The Most Important Meal Of The Day 29 Healthy Food Habits for Summer
9 Heart – Healthy Diet Tips 30 Say no To Carbonated Drinks, Yes to Healthy Drinks
10 Benefits Of Eating Healthy Snacks 31 Health Benefits of Dried Fruit
11 Are We Getting Enough Calcium And Vitamin-D 32 Health Benefits of Eating an Egg
12 Beating Stress Using Better Nutrition 33 Apples: Health Benefits And Nutritional Facts
13 How To Mitigate Stress Through Nutrition &
Supplementation 34 Importance Of Carbohydrate Foods in Diet
14 Is Raw Milk Safe For Health? 35 Whole VS Refined Carbohydrates
15 Food Cravings A Sign Of Nutritional Deficiencies 36 Importance Of Carbohydrate Foods in Diet
16 Way To Boost Your Mood With Food 37 Health Benefits Of Honey
17 Weight Gain: Can We Blame It On The
Environment Healthy Foods For Winter Wellness
18 Food Waste – The Real Facts 39 Fast Food Consumption and Its Impacts on Kids
19 Build A Better Body With Broccoli 40 Health Benefits Of Jaggery
20 Ways To Include Fruits And Vegetables In Your
Diet Fast food consumption and its impacts on kids
21 Ways To Include Fruits And Vegetables In Your
Diet Eat healthy foods during rainy season
a. Research projects/Scheme
Title Funding
Agency with file
in (Rs)
Role Period in
Major Research Projects
1. In Vitro and In vivo Glycaemic
Responses of various Medicinal
plants among south Indian Type II
Diabetic Population
RSSDI 4,70,000 Principle
Two years
2. Breakfast and Yoga patterns and its
impact on nutritional status, academic
performanceand personality traits of
South Indian adolescents (13-18
UGC 10,56,800 Principle
3. Nutri ball supplementation and its
impact on Nutritional, Affective and
Health among South Indian Senior
DST 7,92,500 Principle
4. Effect of a Green Vegetable
(HIBISCUS Sabdariffi
calyces) on Mildly Hypertensive
RHN Dated 20th
March 2012)
6, 26,320 Principle
One Year
5. Evaluation of Physiochemical,
Nutritional Pasting and Textural
Characteristics of processed millets
based foods
March 22, 2016)
43,78,000 Principle
Three years
(2014 -2017)
6. Technological and biochemical
evaluation of barnyard millet bran for
the production of high nutritive and
low glycemic bakery products
Aug, 2015)
13, 28,880 Principle
Three years
7. Nutritional Assessment and Nutrition
Education to the Mothers of Autistic
21, 19,830 Principle
Two years
8. Formulation and quality evaluation of
traditional food items based on
complementary feeding mixes for
RHN; 07.02.2017)
12, 60,596 Principle
Two years
9. Formulation and Evaluation of
Processed Millet Flour based Oral
Rehydration Solutions in the
Management of Childhood Diarrhea
2016; 21/1212018)
28, 71,900 Principle
Three Years
On going
10. Effect of Millet Based Synbiotic DST-SEED/TIDE 37, 71,900 Principle Three Years
14. Total Grant Mobilized for Research projects (Major & Minor): 2.63 crores
Yoghurt Formulations on Functional
Constipation and Gut Microflora in
Elderly Persons
17/G; Dated:
Investigator (2019-2022)
On going
11. Formulation and antioxidant
evaluation of value added
convenience foods using processed
R&D No.318675,
42,20,000 Principle
Three Years
On going
12. Effect of Millet Breads on biomarkers
of glucose metabolism in type II
diabetes subjects: a randomized
double blind controlled trail
Dated 01.10.19
32,39,741 Principle
Two Years
On going
Minor Research Projects
13. Efficacy of nutraceuticals on blood
glucose and lipid profile on South
Indian Type II Diabetic population
RSSDI 40,000 Principle
One year
14. Formulation and effective
demonstration of high nutrient density
foods to adhidravidar mother to
combat malnutrition
TNSCST 5,000 Co-
One Year
15. Impact of casein and gluten free
dietary intervention on selected
autistic children
TNSCST 5,000 Co-
16. Glycemic index of potato based
preparations by different cooking
methods in healthy and NIDDM
Malcom Elizabeth
and Adiseshiah
Trust, Chennai
10,000 Co-
One Year
17. Extraction and assessment of
glycemic index of dietary and herbal
based mucilage‟s on the selected
type II diabetic subjects
TNSCST 5,000 Co-
One Year
18. Nutritional assessment and impact of
casein and gluten free dietary
intervention on behavioral pattern of
the selected autistic children
Malcom Elizabeth
and Adiseshiah
Trust, Chennai
14,750 Principle
One Year
19. Supplementary effect of potato based
amylase rich foods (ARF) on the
cognitive development in children and
impact of IEC on the nutritional
knowledge and practice of
adhidravidar mothers to combat
malnutrition in rural homes of Salem
Malcom Elizabeth
and Adiseshiah
Trust, Chennai
49,500 Principle
One Year
20. Preparation, nutritional evaluation
and consumer attitudes towards
acceptability of enhanced duck meat
TNSCST 5,000 Co-
One Year
21. Effect of Yogic Exercise on Mental
Health and Academic Achievement of
School Children
TNSCST 6,000 Co-
One Year
22. Anti diabetic and anti lipidemic effect
of Cardiosporum Halicacabum Linn
leaf extract on STZ-induced Type 2
diabetic model rats
TNSCST 6,000 Co-
One Year
23. Assessment and impact of nutrition
education on the functional
constipation of elderly persons
TNSCST 10,000 Co-
One Year
b. List of Funds Received for the conduct of Conferences/
Seminars / Workshop /Travel Awards
S.No Funding Sources Amount in
Funding purpose
1. International Diabetes Federation,
(Young Scientist- Travel grant )
1,00,000 To Present The Research Paper In The 19th
World Diabetes Congress, International Diabetic
Federation (IDF), Cape Town, South
2. Tamil Nadu State Council For
Science And Technology
(Young Scientist- Travel grant )
29,800 To Present Two Research Papers In The World
Congress On Oils And Fats, Sydney, Australia,
3. International Diabetes Federation,
(Young Scientist- Travel grant )
1,00,000 To Present The Research Paper In The 20th
World Diabetes Congress, International Diabetic
Federation (IDF) Montreal, Canada, 2009
4. DST, New Delhi
(Young Scientist- Travel grant
Award )
65,000 To Present The Research Paper In The 10th
International Nutrition And Diagnostics
Conference (INDC-2010),
5. DBT, New Delhi 1,00,000 To organize International conference on food and
nutraceuticals for nutrition and health : technology
delivery (ICFAN – 2011), 20 to 22, January, 2011
DST, New Delhi 75,000
TNSCST, Tamilnadu 20,000
ICMR, New Delhi 1,00,000
NRDC, New Delhi 1,32,990
DRDO, New Delhi 40,000
TANSCHE, Tamilnadu 20, 000
NABARD, Tamilnadu(RO) 50,000
6. ICMR, New Delhi 1,50,000 To organize International Symposium on
Functional Foods and Health (ISFAH, 2011), 19th
November, 2011
7. ICMR, New Delhi
(Young Scientist- Travel grant
Award )
1,00,000 To Present the Research Papers in the 5th
International Congress of Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry, Tehran, Iran,2012
8. ICMR, New Delhi 40, 000 To organize National Conference on Food
processing and Technology for Health
DST, New Delhi 60, 000 Progression (NCFPTH-2013), 9-10 January, 2013
9. ICMR, New Delhi 50,000 To organize International Seminar on Qualitative
and Quantitative Methods in Nutrition and Health
Research (ISQM-2014) 24th December, 2014
10. ICMR, New Delhi 60,000 To organize International conference on
Innovative food and nutrition technology for public
health 4-5th, January, 2018
11. SERB, New Delhi 2,00,000 To organize International Conference on Current
Approaches in Nutraceuticals and Food
Technology Diabetes Management (ICNDM-
2019) on 24-25th January, 2019
12. SERB, New Delhi
NABARD, New Delhi
To organize International Conference on Millet
technology for health promotion, 9-10, January,
15. Faculty Improvement Training undertaken
1. Interns Internship training in dietary department of K.G. Hospital, Coimbatore for one Month in 1997.
2. Hotel internship training in Castle Hotel, Salem for one month in May 1997
3. Practical training in Community Nutrition at Veppampalayam for one week in January 1998 organized
by Foods and Nutrition Department of Vellalar College for women, Erode.
4. Practical Training in Fruits and Vegetable Preservation and Nutrition (Govt. of India) at Maharaja
College for women, Perundurai, for a period of one week from 17.1.2005 – 21.01.2005.
5. Workshop on Application of SPSS in social sciences Research, at Department of commerce, Periyar
university for a period of two days from July 27-28, 2007.
6. Participated in 55th Orientation Course from 02.05.2008 to 29.05.2008 in U.G.C. Academic College,
Barathidasan University, Thiruchirapalli.
7. Workshop on Application of SPSS in Social Sciences in Research, at Department of Food Science,
Periyar university for two days from July 6th and 7th, March,2009.
8. National Workshop on Antidiabetic Medicinal Herbs: Screening and Assessment organized by
Department of Biochemistry & Biotechnology for two days from 27th and 28th March, 2009.
9. Participated in the TNSCST sponsored orientation programme on Research activities in science for
college teachers for two days from 26-27th March, 2012, organized by Periyar University, Salem-11
10 Participated in the Short course on Sample size calculation on for two days from 2-3rd June, 2014,
organized by Department of Biostatistics, Christian Medical College, Vellore, India.
16. Membership in Professional Bodies
a) Indian Dietetic Association (IDA) (Life Member)
b) Indian Academy of Social Sciences (Life Member)
c) Nutrition society of India (NSI) (Life member-Reg.No 125/1966)
d) Food Security Community (Life Member)
e) Research Society for the Study of Diabetes in India (RSSDI) (Life Member)
f) Association of Food scientists and Technologists in India (AFSTI) (Full Member)
g) Global Forum on Food security and Nutrition-Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations
(Life Member)
h) Home Science Association of India (Life Member No.11/N-18/LF)
17. Other Countries Visited
S.No. Name of the
Purpose of visit Period
1. Cape Town,
South Africa
To Present the Research Paper In The 19th World Diabetes
Congress, International Diabetic Federation (IDF)
3-7, December,
2. Sydney, Australia To present two research papers in the world congress on
oils and fats
27-30, September,
3. Montreal, Canada To Present the Research Paper in the 20th World Diabetes
Congress, International Diabetic Federation (IDF)
18-22, October,
4. Prague, Czech
To Present the Research Paper in the 10th International
Nutrition and Diagnostics Conference (INDC-2010)
4-7, September,
5. Khon Kaen,
To deliver Invited Talk on International Symposium on
Integrative Physiology, Medicine, Food & Technology:
Building A Healthy Future
2-4, May,2011
6. Tehran, Iran To Present the Research Papers in the 5
th International
Congress of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
8-11, October, 2012
7. Dubai, UAE To deliver Invited Talk On 6th middle east pediatric
28-30, January,2013
8. Abhudhabi, UAE To deliver invited talk on 5
th International conference
Vitamin D deficiency and Human Health
24-25th March, 2016
9. Kathmandu, Nepal Co-ordinator- Indian Education Fair 19-20 May, 2018
10. Kuala Lumpur,
To deliver invited talk on 2nd International Conference and
Expo on Food and Nutrition- Holiday Inn Express, Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia.
6-8, November, 2019
18. Details of Patents
S.No Title Inventor(s) Patent No. &
Date Publication
1. Formulation
of Casein and Gluten Free
Nazni Peerkhan
Shiny Ravi
201611020407 Under process
2. Modified Foxtail Millet Based
Cookies for Diabetes
Dr.P.Nazni 201641028124
Journal Issue No.: 37/2016
Publication Date: 02/09/2016
3. Process and formulation of
Finger millet cookies for
Dr.P.Nazni 201641040153
Journal Issue No.: 22/2018
Publication Date: 01/06/2018
4. Formulation of bread with
processed barnyard millet
bran to decline the glycemic
Dr.P.Nazni 201741002790
Dt: 25/01/2017
Journal Issue No.: 30/2018
Publication Date: 27/7/2018
5. A process for preparation of
multi nutri-grain weaning mix
in powder form
Dr.P.Nazni 201941019311
Dt. 15.5.2019
Journal Issue No.: 21/2019
Publication Date: 24/05/2019
Papers published in International and National Journals
International National Total
74 27 101
Papers Published in International journals
Title of the Paper Name of the journal,
issue, year, page No,s with
ISSN & Publisher
1. I Cini Ezhilarasi
and P Nazni
Development of value added
vermicelli from malted pearl millet
and psyllium husk flours
International Journal of Food and
Nutritional Sciences, Vol. 7, No.
4, October 2018; pp- 61-69
2. I Cini
Ezhilarasi, P
Effect of thermal pre-milling
treatment on pearl millet and
incorporation of psyllium husk in the
formulation of vermicelli
International Journal of Food
Science and Nutrition ISSN:
2455-4898 Volume 3; Issue 5;
September 2018; Page No. 80-
RJIF 5.14
3. Indu Bala and
P Nazni
Physical, chemical, nutritional
evaluation and sensory acceptability
of barnyard millet and soybean
based weaning food mixes
International Journal of Food
Science and Nutrition, Volume 3;
Issue 4; July 2018, ISSN: 2455-
4898, Page No. 123-129
RJIF 5.14
4. Indu Bala and
P Nazni
Nutritional Textural and
Organoleptic Evaluation of Barnyard
Millet based Weaning Food mixes
International Journal of Advanced
Scientific Research and
Management (IJASRM), Volume
4, Issue 1: Page 50-55
PIF 3.005
5. Karuna Thara D
and Nazni P
Texture and Sensory Characteristics
of Little Millet Based RTC (Ready-
To-Cook) Noodles
International Journal of Creative
Research Thoughts, Volume 6,
Issue 2 April 2018 | ISSN: 2320-
2882, Page No.60-71
6. Karuna Thara D
and Nazni P
Formulation, texture and sensory
characteristics of little millet based
RTC (Ready-to-cook) soup mix
International Journal of Food
Science and Nutrition, Volume 3;
Issue 2; March 2018; Page No.
187-191; ISSN: 2455-4898;
RJIF 5.14
7. Nazni.P Nutritional compositions of millet-
based weaning food suitable for
infants under the age group of 6-12
International Journal of Food and
Nutritional Sciences, Vol. 7, No.
1, Jan-Mar 2018, pp-105-113
8. T.Sanggethalak
shmi and
Optimization of sensory evaluation
and textural characteristics of
Reconstituted barnyard millet idli
International Journal of
Agricultural and Food Science,
2018; 8(1): 1-12
9. R.Arivuchudar
and P.Nazni
Implications of different species and
strains of probiotics in various health
domains- a systematic review
International Journal of Current
Advanced Research ISSN: O:
2319-6475; Volume 6; Issue 8;
August 2017; Page No. 5229-
10. Abdul Qayoum A comparative study on mid- day International Journal of Food and 1.021
Lone and
P. Nazni
meal and non-mid-day meal
Beneficiaries of Kulgam district
Nutritional Sciences, Vol. 6, No.
3, July 2017, pp-131-134, 2017
11. T.Sanggethalak
shmi and
Formulation of foxtail millet
incorporated dosa using response
surface methodology
International Journal of
Agricultural and Food Science,
7(2): 23-27, 2017
12. Nazni.P and
hmi T
Optimization of millet-based idli
formulations using response surface
Innovare Journal of Food
science, Vol 5, Issue 2, 2017, 1-7
13. Abdul Qayoum
Lone and
A comparative study on the
anthropometric, intellectual and
social development of Mid-day meal
and non-Mid-day meal beneficiaries
of Baramulla district
International Journal of Health
sciences, 2017 vol.7, Issue 1, pp-
14. Nazni P and
Abdul Qayoum
A comparative study on Mid-day
meal and non-Mid-day meal
beneficiaries of Budgam district
Innovare Journal of Food
science, vol.5, Issue 2, 2017, pp-
15. Nazni P and
Karuna TD
Development and Quality Evaluation
of Barnyard Millet Bran Incorporated
Rusk and Muffin
International Journal of Food &
Industrial Microbiology, Volume
2, Issue 2, 2016; 1-6
16. Nazni P and
Shiny Ravi
Impact of nutrition education on
Nutritional Knowledge, Attitude and
Practices of Mothers of Autistic
International Journal of
Agricultural and Food Science
2016; 6(2): 61-65
17. P.Nazni and
Functional, pasting and thermal
characteristics of finger millet and
little starch
International Journal of Food and
Nutritional Sciences, Vol.5, Iss.3,
July-Sep, 2016, pp-91-98
P.Nazni and
Sensory characteristics, total
polypehol content and in-vitro
antioxidant activity of value added
processed barnyard millet
incorporated chappati
International Journal of Food
processing and technology; Vol 7
Issue 6; pp -1-8, 2016
19. S.
P. Nazni
Optimization of Roasted Linseed
Powder (RLSP) Incorporated
omapodi snacks using response
surface methodology
International Journal of Home
Science, Vol 2(1) 2016vol 2(1)
page85-91, 2016
20. S.
P. Nazni
Optimization of Roasted Linseed
Powder (RLSP) Incorporated
Chidwa Laddu Food using response
surface methodology
International journal of Pharma
and Bio Sciences, Vol.7 (3)
pp512-524. 2016
21. Nazni P and
Shiny Ravi
Assessment of Autism Severity
Among Children Under 5-15 Years
Using ISAA Scale
International Journal of Food and
Nutritional Sciences, vol.5, iss.2,
April, 2016, pp-87-92
22. Nazni.P and
Effect of Processing on the
Characteristics Changes in
Barnyard and Foxtail Millet
J Food Process Technol 2016,
7:3, pp-1-8; ISSN: 2157-7110
23. P.Nazni and Minerals and heavy metal present in International Journal of Research 5.349
S.Deepa the selected red seaweeds of south
coast region of Tamilnadu
in Biological Sciences 2015; 5(4):
24. P.Nazni and
Evaluation of proximate and pigment
compositions of red seaweed
present in south coastal regions of
International Journal of research
in marine sciences 2015; 4(2):
P. Nazni
Physicochemical and Nutrient
Analysis of Linseed (Linum
Usitatissimum) Powder
International of Journal of
Multidisciplinary Research and
Development, Vol: 2 Issue: 10
Page.392-395. 2015; e-2349-
4182 p-2349-5979
26. S.
P. Nazni
Effect of different consumer
parameters on sensory attributes of
the developed linseed (Linum
Usitatissium) products
International Journal of Applied
Research, Vol:1(11) Page 762-
766,2015; e-2394-5869 p-2394-
27. S.Parameshwar
i and P.Nazni
Optimization of roasted linseed
powder (RLSP) incorporated
chappathi food using response
surface methodology,
International Journal of Current
Research; Vol. 7, Issue, 09,
pp.20488-20492, September,
2015, ISSN: 0975-833X
28. S.
P. Nazni
Optimization of Roasted Linseed
Powder (RLSP) Incorporated Dalia
Porridge Food Using Response
Surface Methodology
International Journal of Science
and Research (IJSR), Volume 4
Issue 8, August 2015, 1772-1782
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
29. P.Nazni and
Optimization of fiber rich foxtail
millet bran chappatis using response
surface methodology
International Journal of food and
nutritional sciences, Vol.4, Iss.3,
pp-147-151, Apr-Jun, 2015, e-
ISSN 2320 –7876
30. P.Nazni and
Analysis of physiochemical and
functional characteristics of finger
millet and little millet
International Journal of food and
nutritional sciences, Vol.4, Iss.3,
pp-109-114, Apr-Jun, 2015, e-
ISSN 2320 –7876
31. P. Nazni and
Minerals composition of the selected
brown seaweed from Mandapam,
Gulf of Mannar region, Tamilnadu
International Journal of Research
in Marine Sciences 2015; 4(1): 1-
32. P. Nazni and
Nutrient Composition of the
Selected Brown Seaweeds from
Mandapam Coastal Regions;
Southeast Coast of India
International Journal of
Agricultural and Food Science
2015; 5(2): 38-42
33. Nazni.P. and
Formulation of omega 3 enriched
biscuits using response surface
International Journal of
Agricultural and Food Science
2014; 5(1): 13-20
34. Nazni.P and
Ravinder Singh
Meta-analysis study of glycemic
index of various food groups
International Journal of Food and
Nutritional Sciences, Vol.3, Iss.4,
Jul-Sep 2014, pp 179-184
35. Nazni. P and
Application of Response Surface
Methodology in the Development of
Barnyard Millet Bran
Incorporated Bread
International Journal of
Innovative Research in Science,
Engineering and Technology,
Vol. 3, Issue 9, September 2014,
36. Nazni. P
and Gracia. J
Optimization of Fiber Rich Barnyard
Millet Bran Cookies Using Response
Surface methodology
International Journal of
Agricultural and Food Science
August, 2014; Vol.4, Issue (3):
100-105, ISSN 2249-8516
37. Nazni. P and
Jaganathan. A
Standardization and Proximate
Analysis of Street Foods Sold In
Salem District
International Journal of
Agricultural and Food Science,
August, 2014; Vol.4, Issue (3):
94-99; ISSN 2249-8516
38. Nazni. P and
Jaganathan. A
Study on Microbial Analysis of
Street-Vended Food Samples Sold
In Salem District
International Journal of Research
in Biological Sciences, August,
2014; Vol. 4 Issue (3): 75-78,
ISSN 2249–9687
39. P. Nazni and K.
Quality evaluation of the fruit pulp
added yoghurt
International Journal of Nutrition
and Agriculture Research,
January – June, 1(1), 2014, 48 –
40. P.Nazni and
Nutritional, physiological and
organoleptical characteristics of fruit
pulp added yoghurt
International Journal of Food and
Nutritional Sciences, Vol 3 Iss 3,
Apr-Jun, 2014, pp-158-162
41. P.Nazni and
Formulation and quality evaluation
of amaranth gain flour incorporated
idli using response surface
International Journal of Food and
Nutritional Sciences, Vol 3 Iss 3,
Apr-Jun, 2014, pp -49-60
42. P.Nazni and
Study on Extraction and
Organoleptic Evaluation of Okra and
Hybiscus Mucilage Incorporated
International Journal of Food and
Nutritional Sciences, Vol.3, Iss.1,
(Jan-March) pp.99-103, e-ISSN
2320 –7876 (2014)
43. Dr. P. Nazni
and R.
Isolation and Separation of Phenolic
Compound from Coriander Flowers
International Journal of
Agricultural and Food Science,
Vol.4, Iss.1, pp. 13-21, 2013;
ISSN 2249-8516
44. R.Dharmalinga
m And P.Nazni
Phytochemical Evaluation of
Coriandrum L Flowers
International Journal of Food and
Nutritional Sciences, Vol.2, Iss.4,
(Oct-Dec) pp.35-39, e-ISSN 2320
–7876 (2013)
45. P.Nazni and
Optimization of oven-dried Moringa
Olifera flower powder incorporated
chappathi using response surface
International Journal of Food and
Nutritional Sciences, Vol.2, Iss.3,
(July-Sep) pp.66-73, e-ISSN
2320 –7876 (2013)
46. P.Nazni and
Effect of yogic practice on nutritional
and academic performance of the
selected adolescents
International Journal of Food and
Nutritional Sciences, Vol.2, Iss.3,
(July-Sep) pp.116-119, e-ISSN
2320 –7876 (2013)
47. P.Nazni and
Formulation and Optimization of
Vitamin-C Rich Beverage Prepared
from Ziziphus Jujube,
International Journal of Food and
Nutritional Sciences, Vol.2, Iss.2,
April-June pp.54-61, e-ISSN
2320 –7876 (2013)
48. P.Nazni and Supplementary effect of roselle tea International Journal of Food and 1.021
S.Vimala on hypertensive subjects Nutritional Sciences, Volume 02,
Issue 01, Jan-Mar 2013, pp.138-
141, ISSN 2320 – 7876, (2013)
49. P.Nazni and
Formulation and Optimization of
Herbal Tea
International Journal of Food and
Nutritional Sciences, Volume 01,
Issue 01, pp.178-182, ISSN 2319
– 1775 (2012)
50. Parameshwari.
Sand Nazni.P
Application of Response Surface
Methodology in the development of
Omega 3 rich snack food
International Journal of Current
Research, Vol. 4, Issue, 11,
pp.240-246, November, 2012,
ISSN: 0975-833X
51. Durgadevi R.
and Nazni P
Optimization of Processed
Amaranth Grain Flour Chapatti
Using Response Surface
International Journal of Current
Research, International Journal
of Current Research Vol. 4,
Issue, 11, pp.231-239,
November, 2012, ISSN: 0975-
52. S.Parameshwar
i and P. Nazni
Fatty acid composition and
hypolipidemic effect of Roasted
Flaxseed Powder
International Journal of Pharma
Medicine and Biological
Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 2, October
2012, pp:150-158, ISSN 2278 –
53. R Durgadevi
and P Nazni
Comparative study of processed
Amaranth grains on glycemic
indices in NIDDM subjects
International Journal of Pharma
Medicine and Biological
Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 2, October
2012, pp:194-205, ISSN 2278 –
54. Shemi George
and P.Nazni
Anti-depressive Activity of
Processed Pumpkin (Cucurbita
Maxima) Seeds on Rats
International Journal of Pharma
Medicine and Biological
Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 2, October
2012, pp:225-231, ISSN 2278 –
55. Shemi George
and Nazni, P
Formulation and Optimization of
Functional Bread by employing
Response Surface Methodology
International Journal of Current
Research Vol. 4, Issue, 06,
pp.008-014, June, 2012, pp:8-14,
ISSN: 0975-833X
56. P.Nazni and
Shemi George
Optimization of autoclave pumpkin
seed bread using response surface
Food Science, Elixir Food
Science 45 (2012) 7774-7780,
April,2012, ISSN-2229-712X
57. Nazni, P and
Anbu Malar, M
Air Drying Kinetics on the variety of
International Journal of Recent
Scientific Research, Vol. 3, Issue,
3, pp.141 -144, March, 2012,
(ISSN: 0976-3031)
58. P.Nazni and
D. Karuna
Optimization of beetroot peel
osmotic dehydration process using
response Surface methodology
International Journal of Current
Research Vol. 3, Issue, 8,
pp.027-032, August, 2011, ISSN:
59. P.Nazni Yoga and Holistic Health Journal of Physiological and 0.9
Biomedical Sciences, (The
official Journal of the
Physiological Society of
Thailand), Vol, 24, (1), April-
September, 2011, pp.59-62,
60. Bhuvaneswari,
J. and Nazni,
Impact of Breakfast Bar
Supplementation on Nutritional and
Academic Performance of
International Journal of
Development Research Vol. 1,
Issue, 3, pp.018-021, June, 2011
ISSN: 2230-9926
61. G. Velraj, R.
Ramya and
P. Nazni
Fourier Transform Infrared
Spectroscopic Study on
Glycoalkaloid Concentration in
Varieties of Solanum tuberosum
Journal of Experimental Sciences
2011, Vol 2(2): 68-71, ISSN:
62. Nazni.P. and
Optimization of mixture flakes and
nuts to formulate ready to eat
breakfast bar using Response
Surface Methodology
International Journal of Current
Research, Vol. 33, Issue, 3,
pp.029-038, March, 2011,
ISSN: 0975-833X
63. Nazni, P, and
Garcia, J,
Optimization Of Sun-Dried Moringa
Olifera Flower Powder Incorporated
Chappathi Using Response Surface
International Journal of Current
Research, Vol. 9, pp.050-057,
October, 2010. ISSN: 0975-833X
64. Nazni, P, and
Shalini, S
Physical and Nutritional evaluation
of idli prepared from sorghum
(sorghum bicolor l. moench)
Asian Journal of Science and
Technology; Vol. 2, pp.044-048,
June, 2010. ISSN: 0976-3376
65. Nazni, P, and
Shalini, S
Standardization and Quality
Evaluation of Idli Prepared from
Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum)
International Journal of Current
Research, 2010; Vol. 5, pp.084-
087. ISSN: 0975-833X
66. Peerkhan
Nazni and
Nutrition Knowledge, Attitude and
Practice of College Sportsmen
Asian Journal of Sports Medicine,
Vol 1 (No 2): 93-100.ISSN: 2008-
000X (2010)
67. Nazni, P and
Physico-Chemical analysis and
organoleptic evaluation of papads
prepared from Jowar millet flour
International Journal of Current
Vol. 3, pp. 033-037. ISSN: 0975-
833X (2010)
68. Peerkhan
Pradheepa and
Abul Hasan
Effects of weaning biscuits on the
nutritional profile and the cognitive
development in preschool children
Italian Journal of
Pediatrics, 36:18(2010), ISSN:
69. Peerkhan
Andal and
Comparative Study on
Supplementation of Potato Flour
Biscuits on the Nutritional and
Cognitive Profile of the Selected
Iranian Journal of Pediatrics, Sep
2009 Vol.19 (No.3):277-284
70. Peerkhan Impact of Casein and Gluten Free Iranian Journal of Pediatrics, 0.1
Nazni, Edward
Dietary Intervention on Selected
Autistic Children
Vol.18 (No.3):244-250 (2008)
71. T.Poongodi
P. Nazni, and
Nutritive Indices and PER study of
Mushroom varieties using Wistar
strain male Albino rats
Mushroom Research- an
International Journal, 16(1):23-
26. (2007)
72. T.Poongodi
P.Nazni and
T. Palvannan
Therapeutic effect of formulated
dietary supplement RENAC on
selected chronic renal failure
Asian Journal of Bio Science (An
International Journal) Vol.2
(1&2), 39-46. (2007)
73. P. Nazni,
T. Poongodi
Hypoglycemic and Hypolipidemic
effect of Cyanara Scolymus among
selected Type 2 diabetic individuals
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 5
(2), 147-151. ISSN: 1680-5194
74. P. Nazni Nutritional Support to Trauma
International Journal of Trauma
Anesthesia and Critical Care
Study, Vol. 6, No. 3, 414-417
Papers Published in National journals
Author/ Co-
Title of the Paper Name of the journal, issue,
year, page No, Publisher
1. Karuna Thara D
and Nazni P
Formulation and Texture
evaluation of Little Millet based
on RTC (Ready-To-Cook) Upma
Beverage and Food World, Volume
45, No:8, August 2018, ISSN-0970-
6194, Page No: 25-29
2. S.Parameshwari
and P.Nazni
Analysis of Bioactive
Compounds In raw (Dried),
Autoclaving, Boiling and
Roasted Linum Usitatissimum
seed Using Gas
Chromatography and Mass
Indian Journal of Applied Research,
Volume :5, Issue : 8, August 2015,
pp-168-171; ISSN – 2249-555X;The
3. P. Nazni Association of western diet &
lifestyle with decreased fertility
Indian J Med Res 140
(Supplement), November 2014,
pp 78-81
4. P. Nazni
and J. Gracia
Enrichment of Chappathi with
Shade Dried Moringa olifera
Flower Powder using Response
Surface Methodology (RSM)
Indian Journal of Research in Food
Science and Nutrition, Vol 1(1), 32–
39, January-June 2014, ISSN
(Print): 2349-8897; ISSN (Online) :
5. P.Nazni and
Determination of Glycemic
Index of potatoes using different
Food Processing methods,
Journal of Food, Nutrition of
Dietetics, Vol.9, (2), PP.49 – 56,
TNENG:2003 /1400 (2011)
6. P.Nazni and
Formulation and Demonstration
of High Nutrient Density Foods
to Adhidravidar Mothers,
Journal of Studies on Home and
Community Science, Vol.5, (1),
PP.45-50, ISSN 0973-7189, 2011
7. P.Nazni, Ravinder
Singh and
The Efficiency of dietary
supplements for improving
endurance performance among
selected athletes
Proceedings of the National
Conference on Emerging Trends in
Physical Education and Sports
Sciences, PP. 479-484, ISBN .978-
81-908078-6-9, 2011
8. Dr. P.Nazni and
Organoleptic evaluation of
Biscuits prepared from Potato
Beverage and Food World, Vol.37,
(9):31-35, 2010
9. Dr. P. Nazni , A.
Nawabjan and R.
Processing and Value Addition
of Developed Sapota Powder in
Selected Sweet Based Recipes,
Journal of Food, Nutrition of
Dietetics, Vol.6, (1), PP.47 – 19,
TNENG:2003/1400, 2009
10. Nazni P. and
Suresh kumar, C.,
Assessment of nutritional
knowledge, attitude and
practices of weaning foods
among the selected mothers in
Salem district
Research Highlights, Vol.19 (1), 10-
15, 2009
11. Dr. P.Nazni , S.
Vimala and
Quality characteristics of
developed natural sports drinks
using levulose,
Beverage and Food World, Vol.35,
(12):15-18, ISSN:0970-6194, 2008
12. T.Poongodi
Dr.Jemima Beryl
A.Janaki and
Effect of various treatments on
characteristics of kodo millet
(paspalum scrobiculatum)
Journal of Food, Nutrition and
Dietetics, Vol. 5 (1), 21-34,
NENG:2003/1400, 2008
13. T.Poongodi
Vijayakumar and
P.Nazni, P.Sathya
Priya and
mohan kumar
Food and nutrition security
profile of Adidravidar women,
Indian Journal of Nutrition and
Dietetics, Vol.44, 496, ISSN:0022-
3174, 2007
14. T.Poongodi
Vijayakumar ,
P.Nazni and M.
Identification and Development
of Remediation Module for
Dyscalculia in Primary School
Disabilities and impairments, Vol. 21
(2), 113-122, 2007‟ANSInet.
15. A. Jahitha Begum,
Vijayakumar and
P. Nazni
Impact of Nutrients and Food
habits on Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
of children
Disabilities and impairments,
Vol.21(1), 56-62, 2007; International
Journal of Current Research, India
16. A. Jahitha Begum,
P. Nazni and
T. Poongodi
The role of nutrients on
enhancing the cognitive
functions in brain
Recent researches in Education and
Psychology, Vol.13, III-IV, 59-62,
REG.No.69788 /96. 2007
17. T.Poongodi
Vijayakumar and
Glycemic index of curry leaves
(Murraya koenigii) powder
incorporated convenience foods
Beverage and Food World, Vol.34,
(1):68-70, ISSN: 0970-6194. 2007
18. T.Poongodi
Vijayakumar and
P.Nazni and
Nutritional and hormonal
determinants of early menarche
among pre-adolescent girls
Indian Journal of Human Science,
Vol.002, (1), 133-138 (2006)
19. Nazni P. and
Product development and
impact study of anemia related
computerized visual aid among
the post-adolescent girls
Indian Journal of Human Science,
Vol.002, (1), 100-106 (2006)
20. T.Poongodi
Vijayakumar and
Income based feeding and
weaning practices and
nutritional status of infants,
Journal of community guidance and
research, Vol.23 (2):217-227, ISSN:
0970-1346. (2006)
21. Nazni P.,
Vijayakumar, T
and Angamuthu,
Effect of exercise on BMI and
biochemical profile of selected
obese diabetic women
Journal of exercise science and
physiotherapy, Vol.2:66-70, ISSN:
0973-2020. (2006)
22. Nazni P. and
Impact of supplementation of
Papaya Powder on Serum
Vitamin levels and Impact of
Nutrition Education among the
selected School Children
Research Highlights, Vol.16 (2), 75-
78. (2006)
23. Nazni.P.,
Amirthaveni, M.
and Poongodi
Vijayakumar, T.
Impact of flaxseed based
therapeutic food on selected
Type II Diabetic patients
The Indian journal of Nutrition and
Dietetics, Vol.43, No.4, pp.141-145,
ISSN: 0022-3174.
24. Poongodi
Nazni, P.,
and Jemima Beryl
Prevalence of thyroid disorders
and iodine status among adult
women in thindal area of Erode
The Indian journal of Nutrition and
Dietetics, Vol.43, No.2, pp.116-124,
ISSN: 0022-3174.
25. T. Poongodi
VijayaKumar, P.
Nazni and K.
Vitamin A, Ascorbic Acid and
total Cholesterol level of
Smokers and non-smokers
Journal of Food, Nutrition of
Dietetics, 2, No.3, PP.10 – 19,
TNENG: 2003/1400.
26. P.Nazni,
Vijayakumar and
M. Amirthaveni,
Hypoglycemic & Hypolipidemic
effect of various doses of
cinnamon powder in Diabetic
Journal of Food, Nutrition of
Dietetics, 2, No. 3, PP. 41 – 47,
TNENG: 2003/1400. (2005),
27. Nazni, P. and
Manu Anna
Supplementation effect of
banana powder in hypertensive
Journal of Food, Nutrition of
Dietetics, 3, No.2, PP. 28 – 31,
TNENG: 2003/1400. (2005);
20. Fellowships/ awards by any learned body
1. Recipient of National e-Innovation Award -2018, sponsored by MUGU International Foundation (An
Internationally Renowned Organization), Himachal Pradesh
2. Recipient of Young Women Scientist award in Nutrition -2017, sponsored by Pearl Foundation,
3. Recipient of IMRF Best Scientist Award -2017 in Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, sponsored by
the International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation, Vijayawada, A.P., India
4. Recipient of Outstanding Scientist Award-2016, sponsored by Venus International Foundation,
Chennai-600088, India.
5. Recipient of Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam award for teaching/scientific excellence -2015, sponsored by
Marina labs, Chennai.
6. Recipient of Young Women Scientist Awards–2011, Sponsored by Science City, Department of
Higher Education, Government of India, Gandhimandapam road, Chennai-600 025
7. Recipient of Young Investigator Award, 2011, sponsored by International college of Nutrition,
8. Recipient of Fellow Award 2010, Sponsored by Society for Applied Biotechnology, Krishnagiri,
Tamilnadu, India 2010
9. Recipient of Young Scientist Fellowship Award (YSFA), Sponsored by Tamilnadu State Council
for Science and Technology (TNSCST), Chennai, Tamilnadu, India for 2007-2008.
10. Received Second prize for best oral presentation in National seminar on Recent trends in
Microbial Technology with reference to extremophiles held on 21 & 22nd October 2010.
11. Chosen as a candidate for 10th Anniversary Edition of Who‟s who in Science and Engineering,
(Biographical sketch) New Providence, NJ 07974 U.S.A. published in December 2007.
12. Received cash prize for best poster presentation in National conference on Nutraceuticals and
the future of medical science held on 22 & 23rd Feb 2007.
13. Received cash prize for best poster presentation in State Level Seminar on Emerging trends in
food processing and quality control held on 06.03.2007.
14. Received first prize for Best Exhibit presentation in student projects seminar cum exhibition held
in K.S.R College, Trichengode on August 24-25, 2007.
15. Received kellog‟s corn flakes award in XXXIVth Annual National conference of Indian Dietetic
Association for Best Poster presentation November 2001.
21. Seminars / Conferences / Workshops attended with
a. International Seminars / Conferences / Workshops attended with Publications
S. No Name of the seminar / Conference /Organizing agency/Duration/ Participation /Presentation-
Title of the Paper & Type of Presentation
1. Participated and presented paper on International workshop on life skills education for youth
development, Department of Adult and continuing education, Madras University, Chennai on 16-18
Feb 2006
Abstract published
1. Nutritional and hormonal determinants of early menarche among preadolescent girls (Oral)
2. Development & impact study of anemia related computerized visual aid among the post-
adolescent girls (Oral)
2. Participated and presented paper on International Conference on Globalization of Traditional,
Complementary, and alternative systems of Medicine, Horticultural college and Research Institute,
TNAU, Coimbatore on 16-18th March 2006.
Abstract published
1. Therapeutic effect of Stevioside (Stevia rebaudiana) in type 2 Diabetes and hyperlipidemia
2. Therapeutic use of Cynarin (Cynara Scolymus) in type 2 diabetics & Hypercholesterolemia
subjects (Poster)
3. Participated and presented paper on American diabetes association- 66th scientific sessions,
Washington D.C, on June 9-13 2006
Abstract published
1. Evaluate the hypoglycemic and hypolipidimic effect of methyl hydroxychalcone polymers
(cinnamon) and cuminaldehyde (cumin seeds) in south Indian type II Diabetic patients. (Poster)
4. Participated and presented paper on 19 TH World Diabetes Congress (IDF),Cape Town, South Africa
on 3-7
th December, 2006
Abstract published
1. Hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effect of Neutraceuticals (okara) among people with type II
Diabetes (Poster)
2. Product development and hypoglycemic effect of (laures nobilis) bay leaves among type II
diabetic patients (Poster)
5. Participated and presented paper on International Symposium On Emerging and Novel Food
Processing Technologies-2007, DFRL, Mysore on 19-20th December 2007
Abstract published
1. Processing physio-chemical attributes and value added products from Archas Sapota. (Poster)
6. Participated and presented paper on International Conference On Food Technology (INFOTECH
2009), IICPT, Thanjavur on 28 & 29th August 2009
Abstract published
1. Formulation and physio-chemical analysis of corn silk powder incorporated idlis (Poster)
2. Development and physio- chemical analysis of value added millet based foods (Poster)
7. Participated and presented paper on World Congress On Oils And Fats and 28th ISF Congress,
Sydney Convention And Exhibition, Sydney, Australia on 27-30TH September 2009
Abstract published
1. Efficacy of nutraceuticals on blood glucose and lipid profile among south Indian type 2 diabetic
population (Oral)
2. Effect of diet and exercise on anthropometric and biochemical profile of the selected obese
diabetic women (Poster)
8. Participated and presented paper on 20th World Diabetes Congress (IDF), Montreal Convention
Centre, Canada on 18-22nd October 2009
Abstract published
1. Assessment of Glycaemic Index of Dietary and Herbal Based Mucilage‟s on The Selected Type
2 Diabetic Subjects (Poster)
9. Participated and presented paper on 10th
INDC – International Nutrition & Diagnostics Conference,
Institute of Molecular Genetics of Academy of Sciences , Prague , Czech republic on 4-7
September, 2010
Abstract published
1. Efficacy of High Carbohydrate diets for improving Endurance Performance among selected
athletes (Oral)
2. Standardization and Quality evaluation of value added Probiotic Yogurt (Oral)
3. Clinical trial to evaluate the impact of cereal based Oral Rehydration Solution on the infants with
acute diarrhea (Poster)
10. Participated and presented paper on International conference on Food technology-Edition-II, IICPT,
Thanjavur on 30-31st October, 2010
Abstract published
1. Optimization of Moringa Oleifera flower powder incorporated chappathi using response surface
methodology (Oral)
2. Optimization and Quality Evaluation of Value Added Horse Gram Based Papads (Poster)
3. Development of value added chapattis from corn-silk powder (Poster)
4. Formulation and quality evaluation of drumstick flower powder incorporated chappathi (Poster)
11. Participated and presented paper on International Conference on Food and Nutraceuticals for
Nutrition and Health: Technology and Delivery (ICFAN – 2011), Department of Food Science, Periyar
University, Salem-11, Tamilnadu, India on 20-22nd ,January, 2011
Abstract published
1. Study on change in clinical aspects of fasting (Poster)
2. Phytochemical evaluation of cissus quadrangularis for its incorporate effects (Poster)
3. Health benefits of gracilaria and its phytochemical Analysis (Poster)
4. Therapeutic effects of selected medicinal plants in alloxan induced diabetic rats (Poster)
5. Optimization of incorporated flakes and nuts to formulate ready to eat breakfast bar using
Response surface methodology (Poster)
6. Physicochemical properties of pumpkin seed flour (Poster)
7. Quantitative analysis of glycoalkaloid Concentration in varieties of potato tuber using FT-IR
spectroscopy (Poster)
8. Optimization of shade-dried moringa olifera Flower powder for chappathi using Response
Surface Methodology (Poster)
9. Process optimization for formulation of moringa olifera incorporated kara sev (Poster)
10. Formulation and quality analysis of composite flour based foods to the senior citizens (Poster)
11. Proximate composition of raw and popped amaranth seed (Poster)
12. Effect of yoga on academic performance of the selected school children (Poster)
13. Role of yoga on intelligence quotient of mentally challenged children (Poster)
14. Formulation and quality analysis of composite flour based foods (Poster)
15. Value added wine from wood apple (Poster)
12. Participated and presented paper on International Conference on Stress: Health, Society and
Technology (ICONS-HST), International Institute of Stress Management and Allied Sciences
(IISMAAS), New Delhi, India on 21-22nd April, 2011,
Abstract published
1. The Role of Nutrition in Stress Management (Invited talk)
13. Participated and presented paper on International Symposium On Integrative Physiology, Medicine,
Food & Technology: Building A Healthy Future, Department of Medicine, Khon Kaen University,
Thailand on 2-4, May, 2011
Abstract published
1. Yoga and Health (Invited talk)
14. Participated and presented paper on International conference on Impact of Physical sciences on
Biology, Post graduate and Research Department of Botany, Queen Mary‟s college, Chennai,
Tamilnadu, India on 7-9, July, 2011
Abstract published
1. Nanotechnology and Food science (Invited talk)
15 Participated and presented paper on 16th World Congress on Clinical Nutrition, International Clinical
Nutrition Society, In India Habitat Center, New Delhi on 12-14, September 2011
Abstract published
1. Functional foods and Nutraceuticals (Invited talk)
2. Therapeutic effect of Selected Nutraceuticals on Type II Diabetics (Invited talk)
16. Participated and presented paper on International symposium on Functional foods and Health
(ISFAH-2011), Department of Food Science, Periyar University, Salem-11, Tamilnadu, India on 19th
November, 2011
Abstract published
1. Effect of Optimized Breakfast Bar On Nutritional And Academic Performance Of Adolescents
2. Essential Fatty Acids as A Supplementary Feed From Brown Algae (Poster)
3. Essential Amino Acids as Food Constituent From Red Algae (Poster)
4. Application of Response Surface Methodology In The Optimization Of Dehydrated Drumstick
Flower For The Preparation of Chappathi (Poster)
5. Optimization of Autoclave Pumpkin Seed Bread Using Response Surface Methodology (Poster)
6. Beneficial Effects of Vitamin P (Poster)
7. Optimization of Raw Amaranth Seed Flour Chappathi Using Response Surface Methodology
17. Participated and presented paper on International Symposium on Recent Trends In Processing &
Safety of Specialty and Operational Foods, Defence Food Research Laboratory (DFRL),
Siddarthanagar, Mysore on 23-25 November, 2011
Abstract published
1. Potential Applications of Nanotechnology in Development of Functional Foods (Invited Talk)
18. Participated and presented paper on International Conference on Stress: Paradigm Shifts in
Technology and Allied Sciences (ICONS-PSTAS 2011), International Institute of Health Management
Research (IIHMR), New Delhi on 27-28, December, 2011
Abstract published
1. Nutriball supplementation and its impact on affective health among senior citizens (Invited talk)
19. Participated and presented paper on International Conference on Food and Nutrition Technology for
Public Health care, International Institute of Stress Management and Allied Science (IISMAAS), 4-5
May, 2012
Abstracts published
1. Formulation and quality evaluation on value added probiotic yogurt (Poster)
2. Chemical characterization of porphyra SP (Poster)
3. Determination of Amylose and Amylopectin content in processed amaranths cruentus seed flour
4. Optimization of oven dried moringa olifera flower incorporated chappathi using Response Surface
Methodology (Poster)
5. Optimization of boiled pumpkin seed bread using Response Surface Methodology (Poster)
6. Hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effect of selected medicinal plants in alloxan induced diabetic
rats (Poster)
7. Basic nutritional parameters of Sargassum Ilicifolium (Poster)
20 Participated and presented paper on International Conference on Bioactive Natural Compounds from
Plant Food in Nutrition and Health, Department of Home Science, CMS college, Kottayam, Kerala,
Tamilnadu on 20-22, September 2012
Abstract published
1. Formulation of designer food supplements for therapeutic applications (Invited talk)
21. Participated and presented paper on 5
th International Congress of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran on 8-11th October, 2012
Abstract published
1. Assessing Improvement in Nutritional and Psychological (Personality Trait) pattern after Breakfast
Bar supplementation among the Adolescents (Oral)
2. Supplementary effect of weaning biscuits on the Nutritional and Cognitive profile in Preschool
Children (Poster)
22. Participated and presented paper on International Conference on Food Technology for Health
Promotion (ICFTHP-2012), International Institute of Food And Nutritional Sciences (IIFANS) on 27-28
December, 2012
Abstract published
1. Optimization of roasted linseed powder incorporated habitual food using Response Surface
Methodology (Poster)
2. Utilization of Amaranth grain to improve the nutritive quality of baked products (Poster)
3. Food Encapsulation (Poster)
4. Effect of Optimized breakfast bar on nutritional and academic performance of adolescents
23. Participated and presented paper on International Conference on Food Technology, Indian institute of
Crop Processing Technology (IICPT) on 4-5, January, 2013
Abstract published
1. Nutritional composition of Edible seaweed Porphyranecnamessis (Poster)
2. Formulation and Phytochemical evaluation of optimized herb tea using Response Surface
Methodology (Poster)
3. Optimization of cereal-pulse mix ladoo ingredients using Response Surface Methodology (Poster)
4. Optimization of Allium-Cepa flower fortified savoury snack using Response Surface Methodology
24. Participated and presented paper on 6
th Middle East Pediatrics Conference, World Trade Centre
Tower. Dubai, UAE on 28-30th January 2013
Abstract published
1. The global malnutrition crisis over nutrition vs under nutrition (Invited talk)
25. Participated and presented paper on International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry
(ICBIC-2013), Department of Chemistry, Periyar University, Salem, Tamilnadu on 20-22nd
Abstract published
1. Food formulation and glycemic indices of processed amaranth grain for NIDDM subjects (Poster)
26. Participated and presented paper on International Conference on Technological Advances in Super
Foods for Health Care (ICTASH-2013), International Institute of Food and Nutritional Sciences
(IIFANS), New Delhi on 3-4
th May 2013
Abstract published
1. Optimization of allium cepa flower fortified habitual food using response surface methodology
2. Optimization of flax seed fortified noval food using response surface methodology. (Poster)
3. Taro and its health benefits (Poster)
4. Impact of nutrition education among selected diabetic subject. (Poster)
27 Participated and presented paper on World congress of Gerontology & Geriatrics-2
nd International
conference on Healthy ageing I the changing world-2013, Bio Genesis Health Cluster in association
with Federation of Asian Biotech Associations and OMICS group on 30-.9.13& 01.10.13 at Bangalore
Abstract published
1. Nutrition for elderly (Lead paper)
28. Participated and presented paper on International Conference on Food Technology: Impact on
Nutrition and Health (ICFIN-2013), International Institute of Food and Nutritional Sciences (IIFANS),
New Delhi on 23-24
th December, 2013
Abstract published
1. Barnyard Millet – Poor Man‟s Cereal (Poster)
2. Formulation and optimization of vitamin-C rich beverage prepared from ziziphus jujube (Poster)
3. Isolation and separation of phenolic compound from coriander flowers. (Poster)
4. Effect of Sweet Potato Flour on The Physical Properties of Fried Extruded Fish Crackers (Invited
29. Participated and presented paper on International Conference on Updating Food Technology: A
Challenge towards Public Health Nutrition (ICUFT-2014), International Institute of Food and
Nutritional Sciences (IIFANS), New Delhi on 7-8
th May, 2014.
Abstract published
1. Food safety knowledge, and hygiene practices among the street food vendors in Namakkal city,
Tamilnadu (Poster)
2. Anti-nutritional analysis of processed Barnyard millet bran (Poster)
3. Nutritional importance in autistic children (Poster)
30. Participated and presented paper on International conference on “Modern Progress in Biotechnology
(ICMPB-2014) organized by Department of Biotechnology, BIT
Campus, Anna University, Tiruchirappalli 620 024, Tamilnadu on 9-10th October, 2014
Abstract published
1. Applications of Nanotechnology in the Agro-Food Sector and Food products (Invited talk)
31. Participated and presented paper on ICMR, DST and DBT sponsored “5th International Conference
on Advances in Food Technology and Health Sciences” (ICFTHS-2014), International Institute of
Food and Nutritional Sciences (IIFANS), New Delhi on 15-16th October, 2014
Abstract published
1. Updated technology in food production (Invited talk)
2. Prevalence of autism among selected children (Oral)
3. Evaluation study on mid day meal programme in Baramulla District (Oral)
4. Studies on sensory evaluation of juice and jelly supplemented with hydrocolloids using response
surface methodology (Poster)
5. The efficacy of tea polyphenol on selected women hyperlipidemic subjects (Poster)
32. Participated and presented paper on International conference on Physiology and Medicine –ICPM-
2014, Department of Zoology, Periyar University, Salem on 15-17th October, 2014
Abstract published
1. Comparative study of bran incorporated foods on glycemic indices (Poster)
32. Participated and presented paper on 3rd International Conference on HEALTHY AGEING IN THE
CHANGING WORLD 2014 World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics CME Accreditation by
Karnataka Medical Council (KMC), J. N. Tata Auditorium, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India
on 17,18,19 November, 2014
Abstract published
1. Nutritional Disorders in Older Adults (Invited talk)
33. Participated on ICMR sponsored International Seminar on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in
Nutrition and Health Research (ISQM-2014), Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Periyar
University, Salem on 24th December, 2014
34. Participated on International Seminar on Emerging contaminants and environmental remediation
(ECER-2015), Department of Environmental Science, School of life Science, Periyar University,
Salem on 27th January, 2015
35. Participated and presented paper on International Conference on Advances in Home Science
Studies, Department of Home Science, Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam, Tirupati, Andhra
Praseh, India on 20-21 February, 2015
Abstract published
1. Fortification: moving from knowledge-to-action for reducing micronutrient malnutrition (Invited talk)
36. Participated and presented paper on 6
th International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Food
and Nutrition for Health Management (ICETF-2015), Jointly organized by International Institute of
Food and Nutritional Sciences (IIFANS), New Delhi and Southern Regional Station (SRS), ICAR-
NDRI, Adugodi, Bangalore on 14-15, May, 2015
Abstract published
1. Characterization of starches isolated from barnyard and foxtail millet (Oral)
37. Participated and presented paper on Two days International conference on Recent Advances in
applied Sciences (ICRAAS 2016), Science and Humanities Association, St.Peter‟s University and
Indian spectro Physics Association, Avadi, chennai on 11-13, February, 2016
Abstract published
1. Characterization of processed millets and its fractions on health Promotion (Invited talk)
38. Participated and presented paper on Two days 5th international conference on vitamin D deficiency
and human health, Jumeirah Etihad Towers, Abu Dhabi, UAE on March, 24-26, 2016
Abstract published
1. Nutritional impact of vitamin D and calcium on women‟s health (Invited talk)
39. Participated and presented paper on ICMR and DST sponsored 7
th International Conference
on Growing Trends in Food Technology and Nutrition for Public Health Care (ICGIFP-2016),
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi on 26-27th May, 2016
Abstract published
1. Recent trends in food nanotechnology (Invited talk)
2. Benefits of cereal based ors over glucose based ors (Poster)
3. Sensory characteristics, total polyphenol content and in vitro antioxidant activity of value added
processed barnyard millet flour incorporated chapattis (Poster)
4. Development of pearl millet milk powder using spray drying technology (Oral)
5. The Relation between Demographic Features and Severity of Autism Among the Selected
Districts (Poster)
40. Participated and presented paper on International Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health (ICFNH-
2016), Fortune Pandiyan Hotel, Madurai on 6
th- 8
th June, 2016
Abstract published
1. Role of nutraceuticals in human health (Invited Talk)
41. Participated and presented paper on 4
th International World Congress of Gerontology & Geriatrics
International collaborative conference (2016), J.N. Tata Auditorium, India Institute of Science,
Bangalore, India, 23, 24 & 25 November, 2016
Abstract published
1. Healthy ageing- the role of nutrition
42. Participated in the International Seminar on “Perspectives in modern Biology” at Periyar University,
Salem-11 on 2nd September, 2016.
43. Participated and presented a paper on International Conference on Biodiversity, Climate change and
Environmental Sciences -2017, at Nirmala College for women, Coimbatore, TN, India, September 08-
09, 2017
Abstract published
1. Food security and Nutrition-Potential Impact on health (Invited Talk)
44. Participated and presented a paper on International conference on Innovative and food and Nutrition
for public health care (ICNPH-2018) at Department of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, Periyar
university, Salem-11 on 4-5, January, 2018.
Abstract published
1. Nutritional status and health problems of elderly (50 to 70 years) living in institution, Trichy-a
pilot study (oral)
2. Formulation, quality evaluation and storage studies of composite complementary feeding mixes
manufactured using barnyard millet, soya flour and skim milk powder (poster)
3. Quality and microbial evaluation of little millet based RTC (ready-to-cook) instant noodles
4. The impact of probiotics on gut health (poster)
45. Participated and presented paper on International conference in omics Technologies in Nutritional
Research (OTNR-2018) organized by Department of foods and Nutrition, DKM college for women,
Tamilnadu, India in association with Geneobe Wellness, Coimbatore, India on 10-11, January, 2018.
Abstract Published
1. Functional foods: therapeutic aspects of probiotics and prebiotics (Invited Talk)
46. Participated and presented paper on International conference an International conference on recent
advances in food processing Technology organized by Indian Institute of food processing technology
(IIFPT), Thanjavur on 17th- 19th August 2018
Abstract Published
1. The viscosity of roasted foxtail millet flour solutions and roasted rice flour solution at different
2. Texture and organoleptic evaluation of millet based bars.
47 Participated and presented paper on 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends Trends in
Applied Science and Technology (ICRTAST-2018) organized by Periyar university and Indian
association with Indian Science and Technology Association (Elavenil) held on 23-25th August 2018.
Abstract Published
1. The Viscosity Of Soaked Barnyard Millet Flour Solution And Parboiled Rice Flour Solution At
Different Times
2. Recent Technologies in diabetes Management
48. Participated and presented paper on International conference on Current Approaches in
Nutraceuticals and Food Technology Diabetes Management (ICNDM-2019)” on 24-25, January,
2019 at Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Periyar University, Salem-11, Tamilnadu, India.
Abstract Published
1. Nutritional composition of pennisetum glaucum incorporated protein bar
2. A comparative study of viscosity of roasted foxtail millet before and after amylase treatment
49. Participated and presented paper on International conference on “Innovative Techniques and
nutritional demands in food security-trends challenges and Perspectives” jointly organized by
Department of Post Graduation in Food Science and Nutrition and Under Graduation in Food,
Nutrition and Dietetics on 8-9, February, 2019 at V.S.Acharya Vedike, Sundari Ananda Alva Campus,
Vidyagiri, Moodbidri, Karnataka
Abstract Published
1. Millets- a magical ingredients to your health (invited talk)
50. Participated in the International conference on current scenario of physiology and behaviour (CSPB-
2019) held during 22nd and 23rd February, 2019 in the Department of Zoology, Periyar University,
51. Participated and presented paper on SERB and NABARD sponsored International conference on
Emerging Trends in Millet Technology for Health Promotion (ICEMT-2020)” ” on 09-10,
January, 2020 at Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Periyar University, Salem-11, Tamilnadu,
Abstract Published
1. Formulation and phytochemical evaluation of foxtail millet and banana peel incorporated
breadsticks using response surface methodology
2. Formulation and quality evaluation of complementary feeding mixes
3. Formulation and proximate assay of ocimum basilicum incorporated idlis
4. Formulation and quality evaluation of value added paneer using pearl millet
5. Formulation of quality evaluation of value-added noodles by using fish powder and kodo
6. Comparative study on nutritional and sensory quality of millet based food products with rice
7. Formulation and evaluation of psyllium husk and kodo millet incorporated keto cookies
8. Influence of bamboo shoot powder and foxtail millet flour on nutritional, textural, and
organoleptic characteristic of fettuccine
9. Formulation and sensory evaluation of millet: fruit juice sports drinks
10. Formulation of value added yogurt prepared with kodo millet milk
11. Formulation of barnyard millet incorporated noodles & it‟s in vitro glycemic index
12. Formulation of value added breadsticks with millet flour and assessment of nutritional content
13. Effect of synbiotic yogurt on the elderly persons
b. National Seminars / Conferences / Workshops attended with Publications
Name of the seminar / Conference /Organizing agency/Duration/ Participation /Presentation-
Title of the Paper & Type of Presentation
1 Participated on National workshop on Diet and Diabetes, St. John‟s Medical College, Bangalore on
26th Feb 2000
2 Participated and presented paper on XXXIVth
Annual National conference of the Indian Dietetic
Association organized by Avinashilingam Deemed University, Coimbatore on 26th – 27th 2001
Abstract published
1. Research paper on Anemia (Poster)
3 Participated on Women Beckon Health with Soya-State Level Seminar organized by Department of
Food Service Management and Dietetics, Avinashilingam Deemed University, Coimbatore on 13th
March 2003
4. Participated and presented paper on Science in Health Promotion – Recent Concepts – State Level
Seminar, organized by Department of Biochemistry, Department of Foods & Nutrition, Vellalar College
for Women, Erode on 9th Jan – 2004
Abstract published
1. Impact of Supplementation of Banana Powder on Blood pressure and serum Sodium levels on
the hypertensive patients (Poster)
5 Participated on Food Security – A Global Challenge to Nutritional – State Level Seminar organized by
Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Vellalar College for Women, Erode on 5th Feb 2004
6 Participated On Management Of Diabetes Mellitus – State Level Seminar Organized By Department
Of Food Service Management And Dietetics, Avinashilingam Deemed University, Coimbatore On 21st
Sep 2004
7 Participated on National Seminar on Post production system and Strategies to the issues and
challenges of Food Safety and Security supported by Ministry of Food Processing Industries, New
Delhi, Post harvest Technology center and Department of Food and Agricultural Process Engineering
Tamilnadu Agricultural University Coimbatore on 22nd & 23rd Sep 2005
8 Participated and presented paper on Indian Social Science Congress, Luknow, organized by Indian
Academy of Social Sciences on 2005
Abstract published
1. Neutraceuticals – A challenge to Modern Civilization
2. Facing Challenges of fast food in Modern Civilization
9 Participated on Entrepreneurship Awareness, Department of Managements Studies, Periyar
University on 21st & 22nd Oct 2005
10 Participated and presented paper on State level Seminar on Human rights and Civil Society,
organized by Thiruvalluval Govt. Arts College, Rasipuram on 10th Dec 2005
Abstract published
1. Women and their Human rights (Oral)
11 Participated and presented paper on National Seminar on Impact of New Economic Policy on the
Indian Economy, Department of Economics, Periyar University, Salem – 11 on 6 to 7th Feb 2006
Abstract published
1. Dynamics of New Economic policy on women and childcare support (Oral)
2. Impact of New Economic policy on growth of Food processing Industries (Oral )
12 Participated and presented paper on National seminar on Human perspectives of Biotechnology,
organized by School of Biosciences, Mahendra Arts & Science College, Kalipatti – 01 Namakkal
District on 11th & 12th Feb 2006
Abstract published
1. Processing and nutritional quality of Cynara Scolymus based biscuits and its storage quality (oral)
2. Valve addition to biscuits using Linum Usitatissimum and its storage stability (Oral)
3. Crude Mucilage from fenugreek seeds – A substitute for commercial stabilizer (Oral)
4. Post harvest process of Pisum Sativum (Green peas) and its nutritional quality (Oral)
13.. Participated and presented paper on National seminar on Recent trends in Biosciences, organized by
Department of Microbiology, Biochemistry, Botany and zoology, Vivekananda College of Arts and
Science for Women, Thiruchengode on 23-24th Feb 2006
Abstract published
1. Hypoglycemic effect of selected Nutraceuticals among type 2 Diabetic Individuals (Oral)
2. Nutritive Indices of Milky mushroom (Calocybe Indica) and its supplementary effect on pregnancy
outcome (Oral)
14. Participated and presented paper on National seminar on Integrated Global Business management –
The Indian Experience, organized by Periyar Institute of Management Studies, Periyar University,
Salem on 24-25th Feb 2006
Abstract published
1. Global Trends in Food Packaging and Package waste Management (Oral)
2. Trade Opportunities in growing Indian Processed food Market (Oral)
15. Participated and presented paper on National seminar on women entrepreneurship, organized by
Department of Commerce, Vivekananda College of Arts and Science for women, Thiruchengode
on25th Feb 2006
Abstract published
1. Problems of women Entrepreneur (Oral)
16. Participated and presented paper on UGC Sponsored National seminar in New Horizons in
processing of value added Convenience food, organized by Department of Home Science, V.V.
Vanniaperumal College for Women, Virudhunagar on 28th Feb 2006
Abstract published
1. Rice bran incorporated convenience food and its Glycemic Index (Poster)
2. Formulation and Glycemic index of high fiber convenience food using curry leaves powder
17. Participated and presented paper on National seminar on Recent trends in Nutritional sciences,
organized by Department of Food science and Nutritional and Department of Adult, Continuing
Education, Extension and Field outreach, Avinashilingam Deemed University, Coimbatore on 15-16th
March 2006
Abstract published
1. The New Millennium‟s packaging materials a plastic raw material suppliers perspective (Poster)
2. Antioxidant rich food supplementation on lipid profile of selected subjects (Poster)
3. Impact of Nutrition Education on the Nutritional knowledge of selected diabetics in Erode (Poster)
4. Therapeutic effect of Green Tea polyphenols on selected cardiovascular subjects (Poster)
18. Participated and presented paper on State Level Seminar on New thrust in Biosciences, organized by
Vivekanandha College of Arts & Sciences for Women, Tiruchengode on 18th August 2006
Abstract published
1. Physico-chemical and functional properties of crude mucilage from mustard seeds (Oral)
2. Glycemic index of wheat bran incorporated convenience foods (Oral)
3. Identification of corn flour as a vehicle for iron and Vitamin C fortification (Oral)
19. Participated and presented paper on National conference on Food biotechnology, organized by
Karpagam arts and science college , Coimbatore on28-29 th September, 2006
Abstract published
1. Antidiabetic and antilipidimic effect of allium cepa among type 2 diabetic subjects (Oral)
2. Cynara Scotymus- A Functional Food In The Management Of Type II Diabetes. (Oral)
3. Processing and therapeutic effect of selected Nutraceutical among non-insulin dependent Diabetic
subjects (Oral)
4. Effect Of PUFA, MUFA And Antioxidant Rich Food Supplementation on Blood Glucose and Blood
Lipid Profile of Selected Type 2 Diabetic Patients (Oral)
20. Participated and presented paper on National Symposium on Traditional medicine, human Health and
biotechnology, organized by Mahendra arts and science college, Kalipatti on 15-16th December, 2006
Abstract published
1. Therapeutic effect of Cynarin (Cynara Scolymus) in type II diabetic subjects (Oral)
2. Processing and therapeutic use of stevia rebaudina in type II diabetic subjects (Oral)
21. Participated and presented paper on National level 6th Biological Congress on Biotechnology: past,
present and future, organized by Muthayammal College of Arts & Science, Namakkal on 5-6
Abstract published
1. Effect of various treatments on chemical, functional and milling characteristics of barnyard millet
grown in southern part of India.(Oral)
2. Processing and therapeutic effect of glycin max mer among non-insulin dependent diabetic
subjects. (oral)
3. Value Addition and hypoglycemic effect of CYNARA SCOLYMUS based biscuits among type 2
diabetes (Oral)
4. Nutritional quality and therapeutic effect of linum ustatissimum based products among type 2
diabetic subjects.(Oral)
5. Physico-chemical, functional and milling characteristics of raw and processed (Paspalum
Scrobiculatum) kodo millet. (Poster)
22. Participated and presented paper on National level seminar Health Sciences in current scenario,
organized by Vellalar college for women , Erode on 10-11th January, 2007
Abstract published
1. Characterization and milling quality of raw and treated Echinochloa Colona (Barnyard
2. Anti diabetic Effect of caminum cyminum in type 2 subjects.(Oral)
3. Nutritional and health factors influence on pregnancy outcome of selected pregnant women.
4. Development and impact study of jackfruit seed supplementary food on the nutritional status of
the school children. (Poster)
23. Participated and presented paper on National conference on nutraceuticals and the future of medical
science, organized by Kongunadu arts and science and college, Coimbatore on 22-23 th February
Abstract published
1. Effect of nutraceutical (CARICA PAPAYA) supplementation on serum vitamin a and haemoglobin
level among the rural school children. (Oral)
2. A study on in vivo hypolipidemic property of lycopene from tomato product.(Oral)
3. Prevalence of juvenile obesity among 10-12 year old children in schools at thindal area of erode
district (Oral)
4. Nutritional assessment of selected female adolescent (13-18) agricultural labourers in Dharmapuri
district. (Oral)
5. Risk assessment and sound and sustained nutrition education programme on natural prescriptions
as a preventive measure of breast cancer among the selected obese females. (Poster)
6. Hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effect of neutraceuticals (okara) in type-2 diabetic patients.
Poster (Best Poster cash Award)
24. Participated and presented paper on National Seminar on Emerging Trends in Biochemistry Health &
Diseases (NSHD-2007), organized by Periyar university, salem-11 on 26 – 27th February 2007
Abstract published
1. The influence of age on antioxidant vitamins and lipid profile of selected male subjects.(Oral)
2. Assessment of cardiovascular risk among different oil consumer (Oral)
25. Participated and presented paper on State level seminar on Emerging trends in food processing and
quality control, organized by VVV. Vanniyaperumal college, Virudhu nagar on 6th March 2007
Abstract published
1. Processing and value addition of papaya powder in the selected sweet based recipes.(Oral)
2. Characterization of raw and treated kodomillet (PASPALUM SCROBICULATUM) (Oral)
3. Formulation and effective demonstration of high nutrient density food to Adhidravidar mothers to
combat malnutrition. Poster (Best Poster cash Award)
4. Processing and evaluation of value added products from sapota powder (Poster)
5. Impact of casein and gluten free dietary intervention on selected Autistic children (Poster)
26. Participated on Work shop on Sericulture sustainability and Entrepreneurship in Tamil Nadu, Periyar
university on 29th March 2007
27. Participated and presented paper on National level Seminar on Current technology Developments in
Biosciences, organized by Vivekanandha College of Arts & Sciences for Women, Tiruchengode on
12-14th September 2007
Abstract published
1. Characterization and in-vivo glycemic load of millet flour blend incorporated noodles.(Oral)
2. Processing and development of value added products from sapota powder. (Oral)
3. Development and organoleptic evaluation of low cost weaning foods to combat malnutrition.
4. Extraction of mucilage from avena Sativa.L and its suitability of incorporation.(Poster)
28. Participated and presented paper on 39th National Conference, Nutrition Society of India, organized by
National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad on 15-17 November,2007
Abstract published
1. Value addition for minor millets and its glycemic load among normal and type 2 diabetic
2. Assessing the link between nutritional status, mental health and academic performance of
Adidravidar and Tribal adolescent girls.(Poster)
3. Formulation and organoleptic evaluation of Kodomillet based high nutrient density foods to combat
4. Effect of food processing methods with temperature variations on the glycemic indices of potato
based preparations in healthy and type 2 diabetic subjects.(Poster)
29. Participated and presented paper on 35th Annual Conference of RSSDI, organized by Science City,
Kolkata on 23-25 November 2007
Abstract published
1. Efficacy of Neutraceutical on blood glucose and lipid profile among south Indian type 2 diabetic
population- The Salem Urban Population Study (SUPS) (Oral)
30. Participated and presented paper on XL Annual National Convention of Indian Dietetic Association,
organized by Mammen Mapilla Hall, Kottayam on 8-9
th December 2007
Abstract published
1. Formulation and effective demonstration of high nutrient density foods to Adhidravidar mothers to
combat malnutrition. (Ora)l
31. Participated and presented paper on Proceedings UGC sponsored National Seminar on Home
Science A Promising Future Ahead, organized by Fatima College, Madurai on 14-15th December 2007
Abstract published
1. Effect of Potato Podimas on the glycemic response of the selected healthy and diabetic subjects.
2. Processing and evaluation of value added products from sapota powder (Poster)
3. Effect of casein and gluten free dietary intervention on Behavioural changes of selected autistic
4. Development of weaning food from potato flour supplemented with legumes. (Poster)
5. Standardisation of idli prepared from finger millet (Elusions Corocanal) for rural and urban
6. Preparation and acceptability of cereal based oral rehydration solution.(Poster)
7. Study on Medical aspects of Islamic fasting.(Poster)
8. Isolation of Okra mucilage and yield recovery under different extraction conditions. (Poster)
32. Participated and presented paper on National conference on Facts & Myths of Obesity, organized by
PSG College of Arts & Science , Coimbatore on 19-20th December 2007
Abstract published
1. Effect on exercise on BMI, body fat percentage and biochemical profile of the selected obese
diabetic women.(Oral)
2. Effects of exercise with very-low-energy-diet (VLED) on weight loss in selected obese
3. Coriandersativum – A dietary remedial measure for hyperlipidemic subjects.(Poster)
4. Glycemic indices of garnished potatoes in healthy and diabetic subjects.(Poster)
33. Participated and presented paper on National seminar on Empowering Grain Processing Sector
through Recent technological interventions, organized by Ministry of food processing industries Govt
of India & PPRC Thanjavur on 25-26th January 2008
Abstract published
1. Technology of value added wine making from Robusta (Poster)
34. Participated and presented paper on National Seminar on current concepts in Food processing
Technology, organized by R.V.S College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore on 27th Feburary,2008
Abstract published
1. Processing, Physiochemical Attributes and Value Addition Using Archas Sapota (Poster)
2. Technology of Value Added Wine Making From Rasthali (Poster)
3. Processing and preparation of Low Cost Biscuits using Unmarketable Potatoes (Poster)
4. Development and Standardization of idli from Sorghum millet (Poster)
5. Processing and acceptability of oral rehydration solution using cereals and legumes (Poster)
6. Processing and development of low cost sorghum based Weaning food (Poster)
7. Isolation, Extraction and yield recovery of Hibiscus Mucilage under different Extraction Conditions
35. Participated and presented paper on National Seminar on Emerging Trends in Management,
organized by PRIMS Department, Periyar University, Salem -11 on 28-29th Feb 2008
Abstract published
1. Assessment of Variability In Glycemic Indices of Potato Chips Using Duncan‟s Multiple Range
Test. (Oral)
36. Participated and presented paper on National Seminar on Food Processing and Nutritional Scenario
in India, organized by Department of Food Science, Periyar University, Salem on 11-12th March, 2008
Abstract published
1. Assessment of glycemic indces of potato soup with temperature variations on healthy and
diabetic subjects. (Oral)
37. Participated and presented paper on National Seminar on Global Perspectives in Biological Sciences
(GPBS-08), organized by Department of Biochemistry, Periyar University, Salem on 27th March, 2008
Abstract published
1. Assessment of glycemic indces of potato based recipes with temperature variations on selected
subjects. (poster)
2. Effect of Ramadan fasting on medical parameters of selected healthy subjects. (Poster)
3. Impact of Aervalanata powder on selected calcium oxalate stone subjects. (Poster)
38. Participated on One day Workshop on Recent Development in Nanomaterials Research, Department
of Physics, Periyar University, Salem on 31st March, 2008
39. Participated and presented paper on National Seminar on Boundless prospects in Grain processing
and By-product utilization, organized by Ministry of Food Processing Industries Govt of India & IICPT
Thanjavur on 30-31stJuly, 2008
Abstract published
1. Standardization and physio-chemical analysis of value added foods using millets. (Poster)
2. Formulation and physio-chemical analysis of kodomillet based idlies. (Poster)
40. Participated and presented paper on UGC sponsored National Seminar on Animal Food Processing,
organized by department of Food Processing and Quality Control on 7-8
August, 2008
Abstract published
1. Study and development and organoleptic evaluation of Whey Protein Concentrate based Sweet
Pongal (Poster)
41. Participated and presented paper on National Symposium of Algae in Agriculture and Food Industry,
organized by PG and Research, Department of Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology, Pachaiyappa‟s
College, Chennai-30 on 20th – 21st September, 2008
Abstract published
1. Effect of Spirulina supplementation on Anaemic women. (Poster)
2. Antidiabetic effect of spirulina in Type II diabetic subjects (Poster)
42. Participated and presented paper on UGC sponsored National Seminar on Management of Diabetes-
A global concern organized by Department of Home science, Sree Narayana college for women,
Kollam, Kerala on 24h September, 2008
Abstract published
1. Effect of modified diet and Exercise on Nutritional and Biochemical profile of the selected diabetic
2. Role of Nutraceuticals- A home to manage diabetes (Poster)
43. Participated and presented paper on National seminar on Food Security through innovations in food
processing and entrepreneurship development, organized by Ministry of Food Processing Industries
Govt of India & IICPT Thanjavur & kelappaji college of agricultural Engg. & Technology, Kerala
Agricultural university, Vellanikkara, Thrissur on 29th – 30th
September, 2008
Abstract published
1. Development and quality evaluation of potato flour fortified Ragi based biscuits. (Poster)
2. Development and acceptability of cereal based oral rehydration solution (Poster)
3. Analysis of antioxidant content of the chillis used by Kerala population (Poster)
44. Participated and presented paper on 8
th National level biological congress on Biotechnology:
Glimpses of Future Prospects, organized by Departments of Biological science, Muthayammal college
of arts and science, Rasipuram on 9th and 10th January, 2009
Abstract published
1. Development and quality evaluation of potato flour fortified maize based biscuits (Best Poster-II
2. Development and quality evaluation of value added papads (Poster)
3. Development of value added chapattis from corn-silk powder (Poster)
4. Development of composite flour based foods to the elderly people (Poster)
45. Participated and presented paper on National conference on Role of sports sciences and technology
in enhancing sports performance, organized by Department of Physical education, Bharathidasan
University, Tiruchirappalli on 21st March, 2009
Abstract published
1. Assessment of nutritional knowledge, attitude and practices among selected athletes (Oral)
46. Participated and presented paper on National Seminar on Nutritional challenges-Past, present and
future, organized by Department of Food Science, Periyar University, Salem on 27th
March, 2009
Abstract published
1. Whey protein concentrate and its value addition in rava dosai (Poster)
2. Nutritional status of the pregnant mother belonging to various income levels residing in Karur
district (Poster)
3. Effect of Dietary intervention on behavioral changes of selected autistic children. (Poster)
47. Participated and presented paper on UGC Sponsored National conference on Yoga and Holistic
Health, organized by Department of Physical education, Nabira Mahavidyalaya, Katol on 5th April,
Abstract published
1. Effect of yoga traning on Intellengence Quotient of Mentally Challenged children. (Oral)
2. Effect of yoga traning on concentration of Mentally Challenged children. (Oral)
48. Participated and presented paper on National conference on prospects and challenges in food
processing, organized by Department of food Process Engineering, SRM University, Chennai on 15-
16th April, 2009
Abstract published
1. Determination of glycemic index of potatoes using different food processing methods (Poster)
2. Determination of glycemic response of okra mucilage on type II diabetic subjects (Poster)
49. Participated and presented paper on National seminar on A Road Map to Emerging Trends in Food
Processing and Marketing, IICPT, Thanjavur and Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru college of Agriculture and
Research Institute, Karaikal on 17th
& 18th September 2009
Abstract published
1. Formulation and physio-chemical analysis of value added papads (Poster)
2. Formulation and yield recovery of okra mucilage under different extraction conditions (Poster)
50. Participated on National seminar on Contemporary technicalities in Food Processing, organized by
Dr.N.G.P.Arts and Science college, Coimbatore on 9th October, 2009
51. Participated and presented paper on 37th Annual meeting of RSSDI, organized by Gujarat University,
Ahemadabad on 5th -8
th November, 2009
Abstract published
1. Hypoglycemic and Hypolipidemic efficacy of aqueous extracts of medicinal plants-Allium cepa
and coccinia Indica (Oral)
52. Participated and presented paper on 9
th National level biological congress on Biotechnology: Great
Expectations & Achievements, organized by Centre for Biotechnology, Muthayammal college of Arts
and Science, Rasipuram on 8th and 9th January, 2010
Abstract published
1. Formulation and Physiochemical analysis of value added wine from Robusta (Poster)
2. Hypoglycemic effect of selected Functional Foods on the Animal Model (Poster)
53. Participated and presented paper on UGC sponsored national seminar on Food safety issues and
management, organized by Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Gandhigram Rural
University, Gandhigram on 22nd & 23rd January, 2010
Abstract published
1. Nutrient composition and sensory evaluation of whey protein concentrate based Chapatthi &
Idiyappam (Poster)
2. Formulation and organoleptic evaluation of whey protein concentrate based sweet pongal (Poster)
54. Participated and presented paper on National conference on Emerging trends and opportunities in
food processing sector, Organized by IICPT, Thanjavur, NIFTEM and M.O.P. Vaishnav college for
women, Chennai on 29th&30th January, 2010
Abstract published
1. Formulation and physio-chemical analysis of kodomillet based dosa (Poster)
2. Formulation and physio-chemical analysis of sorghum based dosa (Poster)
3. Processing and preparation of Rice sevai using processed potato flour (Poster)
4. Processing and preparation of Rice sevai using processed cabbage flour (Poster)
5. Formulation and quality assessment of wine from rasthali (Poster)
6. Formulation and quality evaluation of composite flour based foods to the elderly (Poster)
7. Glycemic response of selected functional foods on the Animal model (Poster)
55. Participated and presented paper on National Seminar on Food and nutritional challenges and
prospects in Human Health organized by Department of Food Science, Periyar University, Salem on
24th &25th, February, 2010
Abstract published
1. Development and quality evaluation of kodomillet based fermented food (Poster)
2. Development and quality evaluation of sorghum based paniyaram (Poster)
3. Preparation and quality assessment of papads using cabbage flour. (Poster)
4. Formulation and quality assessment of wine from pomegranate (Poster)
5. Preparation of arisi vadam and sensory evaluation using processed potato flour (Poster)
6. Hypoglycemic efficacy of selected medicinal plants (Poster)
7. Glycemic response of dietary mucilage on Type II diabetic subjects (Poster)
8. Nutritional status of the expectant mothers belonging to the various income levels residing in
paramathivelur, Namakkal District. (Poster)
56. Participated and presented paper on National Seminar on New Frontiers in Biotechnology organized
by Department of school of sciences, SPMVV University for women, Tirupathi on 27&28th March, 2010
Abstract published
1. Development and Quality analysis of value added wine from Pomegranate (Oral)
57. Participated and presented paper on Seminar on Role of Periyar University in Social welfare and
Higher Education, organized by Periyar University, Salem on 15th July, 2010
Abstract published
1. Indian Higher Education system in the field of Food Science and Human Nutrition (Oral)
58. Participated and presented paper on National Symposium on Pediatric Nutrition and Health, Centre
for Nutrition-counseling, Research and Extension Activities organized by Department of Home
science, WCC, Chennai on 4th September,2010
Abstract published
1. Clinical trial to evaluate the Impact of cereal based oral rehydration solution on the evaluation of
infants with acute Diarrhea (Poster)
59. Participated and presented paper on National Seminar On “Recent Trends in Microbial Technology
with Reference to Extremophiles” organized by Department of Microbiology, Periyar University, Salem
– 636 011, Tamilnadu on 21&22, October, 2010
Abstract published
1. Formulation and Quality Evaluation of Sapota Pulp Added Probiotic Yogurt (Oral)
2. Changes in physiochemical properties of Wine from Pomegranate under various temperature
conditions (Poster)
3. Influences on Physiochemical Properties of Watermelon Wine under various temperature
conditions (Poster)
60. Participated and presented paper on 38th Annual Meeting of Research Society for the Study of
Diabetes in India (RSSDI) 2010 organized by Hotel Le Meridian, Kochi, Kerala, India on 18,19 & 20th
November 2010
Abstract published
1. Antidiabetic and Antihyperlipidemic effect of two Indian medicinal plants in Alloxan Induced
Diabetic rats. (Oral)
61. Participated and presented paper on National conference on Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and
Bioengineering organized by Society of Applied Biotechnology association with Cropgene
Technologies on 17-18 December,2010
Abstract published
1. Optimizing the cereal breakfast bar by using Response Surface Methodology (Poster)
2. Utilization of watermelon wine under various temperature conditions (Poster)
3. Study on pumpkin seed powder incorporated biscuit (Poster)
4. Phytochemical evaluation of Amaranthus caudatus (amaranth seed) for its therapeutic effects
5. Phytochemical evaluation of Gracilaria for its therapeutic effects (Poster)
6. Optimization of shade dried Moringa Oleifera flower powder incorporated chappati using
Response Surface Methodology (Poster)
7. Process optimization for formulation of chappathi using Response Surface Methodology (Poster)
62. Participated and presented paper on National Seminar on Frontiers in organic synthesis and medicinal
chemistry organized by Department of Chemistry, Periyar University, Salem-11, Tamilnadu, India on
February, 17&18, 2011
Abstract published
1. Phytochemical and Pharmacological evaluation of cassia angustifolia (Poster)
63. Participated and presented paper on National Conference on New Horizons in Bioprocessing of Foods
organized by Department of Food engineering and Technilogy, S.L.I.E.T, Longowal, Punjab, India on
25-26th February, 2011
Abstract published
1. Nano-Technological applications in Food Processing and packaging
(Invited talk)
64. Participated and presented paper on National Conference on Emerging trends in physical sciences
organized by Department of Physical Education, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu,
12th March, 2011
Abstract published
1. The Efficiency of dietary supplements for improving endurance performance among selected
athletes (Invited talk)
65. Participated and presented paper on National Conference on Prognosis of Food Processing sector in
Health Promotion organized by Department of Nutrition & Dietetics, Dr.N.G.P Arts & Science college,
Coimbatore, Tamilnadu on 29th August, 2011
Abstract published
1. Emerging trends and opportunities In Indian food processing sector (Invited talk)
2. Medicinal and health benefits of plantain stem blended squashes. (Poster)
3. Functional properties of raw and popped Amaranth (Poster)
4. Comparison of physical and chemical properties of raw dried and autoclave pumpkin seed powder
5. Optimization of osmotic dehydration of beetroot peel in sugar solution (Poster)
6. Development and organoleptic evaluation of low cost cereals to combat malnutrition (Poster)
7. Importance of pulses and its uses (Poster)
8. Medicinal plants and its importance (Poster)
9. Medicinal herbs and its uses (Poster)
66. Participated and presented paper on National conference on “Global Trends in Food Security 2020-
Scope for the present and prospects for the future” – GTFS-2011 organized by Department of
Biotechnology, School of Biotechnology and Health Sciences, Karunya University, Coimbatore-641
114, Tamil Nadu on 12th & 13th October, 2011
Abstract published
1. Food Security and Nutrition (Invited talk)
67. Participated and presented paper on National Conference on Perspectives on Health Benefits of
Therapeutic organized by Molecules Centre for Bioscience and Innovation, & Center for Bio-
Information, Tumkur University, Tumkur on 6th January, 2012
Abstract published
1. Carbohydrate: Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Potentials (Invited talk)
68. Participated and presented paper on National conference on Advanced nanomaterials (ANM – 2012),
Organized by Centre for nanoscience and nano technology, Periyar University, Salem on 6-7
February 2012
Abstract published
1. Nanomaterials and its application in food (Poster)
69. Participated and presented paper on National seminar on Current status and future prospects of plant
therapeutics and phytomedicine (PTPM-2012) organized by Department of Biochemistry, Periyar
University, Salem on 13-14th February 2012
Abstract published
1. Effect of pumpkin seed extract on hypercholestrolemic rats (Poster)
2. Studies on functional foods from a macroalgae sargassum vulgare (Poster)
3. Screening of phytomedicinal and nutritional properties from padina tetrastomatica (Poster)
70. Participated and presented paper on National Symposium on Recent trends in Perishable food
processing and its quality control techniques organized by Department of Food Science, Periyar
University, Salem on 27th February, 2012
Abstract published
1. Preparation, nutritional evaluation and consumer attitudes Towards acceptability of enhanced duck
meat products (Poster)
2. Proximate composition of two different group of seaweeds from Mandapam coastal waters:
southeast coast of India (Poster)
71. Participated and presented paper on National Conference on Food Technology Interventions for
Health and Nutrition Security – Nutrifood – 2012 organized by Department of Food Science, Periyar
University, Salem on 15 – 16th March, 2012
Abstract published
1. Nutritional assessment of processed amaranth cruentus seed flour (Poster)
2. Optimization of germinated pumpkin seed bread by employing response surface methodology
72. Participated and presented paper on Two days workshop on Eternal and Parental Nutrition-An Elixir of
Life organized by Kovai Medical Cnter and Hospital, Coimbatore on 19-20th , July, 2012
73. Participated and presented paper on Tamil Science Congress – 12th National conference on natural
resource, green technology and concervation organized by Periyar University, Periyar Palkalai Nagar,
Periyar University, Salem, Tamilnadu on 23-25th August, 2012
Abstract published
1. Drumstick flower chappathi (Oral)
2. Phytochemicals in the pumpkin seed (Oral)
3. Tasty wine prepared from wood apple (Oral)
4. Health benefits of flavonoids in flowers (Oral)
5. Review nutrient content content of amaranth seed (Oral)
6. Preparation and evaluation of products developed by cereals and pulses (Oral)
7. Health and natural foods (oral)
74. Participated and presented paper on Two days National conference on Technology Development of
Traditional foods
Organized by Department of Food Processing and Engineering, Karunya University, Coimbatore-114
on 3-4
th September, 2012
Abstract published
1. Challenges facing technology development for traditional products (Invited talk)
75. Participated and presented paper on National Symposium on Application of Nanotechnology in
Human Welfare, Organized by Department of Biotechnology, Vinayaka missions university, Salem on
28-29, September, 2012
Abstract published
1. Analysis of amino acid profile in processed pumpkin seeds for its therapeutic application (Oral)
2. Determinations of starch structure in processed Amaranthus Cruentus seed by SEM (Poster)
76. Participated and presented paper on National Conference on Food Processing and Technology for
Health progression (NCFTHP) organized by Department of Food Science & Nutrition, Periyar
University, Salem on 9-10, January , 2013
Abstract published
1. Functional properties of raw, roasted and popped amaranth grains flour (Poster)
2. Optimization of Roselle herbal drink tea and its acceptability (Poster)
3. Health benefits and encapsulation of cumin seed (Poster)
4. Chemical profile of the various processed linseed (Poster)
77. Participated and presented paper on National conference on Implications and intervention of
phytomedicine in disease management (IIPDM-2013) organized by Department of Biochemistry,
Periyar University, Salem on 18-19th February 2013
Abstract published
1. Determinations of starch structure in raw and popped Amaranths Cruentus grain by SEM (Oral)
2. Optimization of Herbal (Roselle) Tea and its therapeutic benefits (Poster)
3. Effective utilization of processing techniques and its pharmacological activities of pumpkin seeds
4. Applications of nanotechnology in the food industry (Poster)
5. Fatty acids compositions of processed linseed powder (Poster)
78. Participated and presented paper on National conference on Emerging avenues in Food Technology
for Better Health and Safety organized by Department of Food Technology in association with
AFST(i), Kollam chapter in TKM Institute of technology, Kollam, on 8-9 March,2013
Abstract published
1. Bioactive compounds in Foods with preventive health benefits (Invited Talk)
79. Participated and presented paper on National seminar on current trends in biology and
bionanotechnology (CTBBN- 2013) organized by Department of Biotechnology and Department of
Botony, Periyar University, Salem on 11th March 2013
Abstract published
1. Formulation and quality evaluation of papaya added probiotic yogurt (Poster)
80. Participated and presented paper on National conference on Advances in Spice and Plantation Crops
Processing” organized by Department of Food Processing and Engineering, Karunya University, CBE-
114 on 22nd & 23 October, 2013
Abstract published
1. Therapeutic benefits of Spices (Invited Talk)
81 Participated on National Seminar on “Trends in Protein Engineering”, Department of zoology,
Periyar University, Salem on 21st November 2013
82. Participated and presented paper on National seminar on “Therapeutics of Marine Bioactive
Compounds”, organized by Department of Home Science, Gandhigram Rural Institute – Deemed
University, Gandhigram, Dindigul District on 9th and 10th December 2013
Abstract published
1. Nutraceuticals aspects of marine nanofoods (Lead paper)
83 Participated and presented paper on National level Conference on Future prospects in Food
Processing and quality assurance” on organized by Department of Food Processing Engineering,
SRM University, Chennai on 20th -21st March, 2014
Abstract published
1. Functional foods and its prospects- relevance to indian scenario (lead paper)
84 Participated and presented paper on UGC sponsored national seminar on Traditional Foods-A key to
Comprehensive Health and Longevity organized by Department of Home Science, Morning Star
Home Science College, Angamalay, Ernakulam District, Kerala on7-8
th August, 2014
Abstract published
1. Traditional Foods versus Modern Foods (Invited talk ,Key note speaker)
85 Participated on National workshop on Green Initiatives in Energy and Environment (GIEE- 2014)
organized by Dept of Environmental Science, Periyar University, Salem-11 on 11th September, 2014
86. Participated and presented paper on National Seminar on “Advancements in Packaging, Food and
Social Impact organized by Bhaskaracharaya College of Applied Sciences, Univ. of Delhi, New Delhi
on 3
rd Nov. 2014
Abstract published
1. Nutraceuticals and Its Potential Health Benefits (Invited talk)
87. Participated and presented paper on 67th annual national conference of Indian psychiatric society
organized by Hyderabad International convention centre, Hyderabad on 8-11, January, 2015
88. Participated and presented paper on 48th Annual National Seminar on “Nutrition in transition-A global
challenge – IDACON-2015 organized by IDA, Bangalore chapter on 19-21st
Nov, 2015
Abstract published
1. Effect of processing on essential nutritional aspects of foxtail millet (Poster)
89. Participated on One workshop on Dietary assessment and diet plan using Diet call organized by
Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Periyar University, Salem -11 on 21st Nov, 2015
90. Participated and presented paper on Two days UGC sponsored National conference on New Horizon
of Nanotechnology in Bioscience -2016 (NHNBS-2016) organized by Department of Biochemistry,
Periyar University, Salem -11 on 7 & 8th January, 2016
Abstract published
1. Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of coriandrum sativum flowers (Poster)
91. Participated and presented paper on Two days National conference on Public Health and Hygiene
(NICPPH-2016) organized by PG & Research Department of Zoology, Periyar Government arts
college, Cuddalore – 607001, Tamilnadu, India on 4-5the February, 2016
Abstract published
1. Food safety and Hygiene (invited talk)
2. Nutrition and dietetics polyphenols and inflammatory markers of CVD in obesity (Poster)
3. Amylase rich foods as our for diarrhoeal treatments (Poster)
4. Nutritional enhancement in sports drinks (Poster)
92. Participated on Seminar on World wild life day organized by Internal Quality Assurance cell (IQAC),
Periyar University, Salem, Tamilnadu on 3
rd March, 2016
93. Participated on Two days workshop on curriculum enhancement in higher education organized by
Internal Quality Assurance cell (IQAC), Periyar University, Salem, Tamilnadu on 28-29 March, 2016
94. Participated and presented paper on National conference on Emerging trends and new challenges in
biotechnology-advances in free radicals and antioxidant, PG and Research Centre in Biotechnology,
MGR College, Dr.MGR Nagar, Hosur, Tamilnadu, India, 2-3
rd February, 2017
Abstract published
1. Free radicals and antioxidants in health and disease
95. Participated and presented paper on 2
nd National conference on Frontiers in Ecobiological Sciences
and its applications (FESA-2017), School of Life Sciences, Periyar University, Salem, Tamilnadu,
India, 16-17, March, 2017.
Abstract published
1. Applications of response surface methodology in the formulation of millet based idli
96. Participated in National Seminar on advances in pathophysiology (APPY-2017), Department of
Zoology, School of Life Sciences, Periyar University, Salem, Tamilnadu, India, 13, September, 2017.
97. Participated and Presented paper in National conference on challenges and sustainable approaches
towards Food and Nutrition Security- A global Perspective organized by Department of Food Science
and Nutrition, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women,
Coimbatore-43 on 7 & 8th December, 2017.
Abstract published
1. Food Processing enhances food and Nutrition Security
98. Participated in state level Workshop on clinical Nutrition in association with Indian dietetics
Association and Alpha Health Foundation at alpha hospital and Research centre, Madurai on 3rd
February, 2018.
98. Participated and presented paper on one day National Symposium on Emerging Perspectives in
Biological Science (NSEPBS-2019) organized by Department of Biosciences, Vivekanandha arts and
science college for women, verachipalayam, Sankari, Salem, Tamilnadu on 1st February, 2019.
Abstract published
1. Role of probiotic in human health (invited talk)
99. Participated in the workshop on “Ranking of Universities, NAAC Accreditation and NIRF” organized by
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) on 12th February, 2019.
100. Participated and presented paper on one day National Symposium on Emerging Perspectives in
Biological Science (NSEPBS-2019) organized by Department of Biosciences, Vivekanandha arts and
science college for women, verachipalayam, Sankari, Salem, Tamilnadu on 1st February, 2019.
Abstract published
Role of probiotic in human health (invited talk)
101. Participated in 4th National conference on “frontiers in ecobiological sciences and its applications
(FESA -2019)” organized by school of life sciences, Periyar University, Periyar Palkalai Nagar, Salem
on 16-18, 2019.
21. a. Other professional activities
a. General
1. Visiting Professor in Department of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, Thailand
2. Deputy Chairman, Institutional Human Ethics Committee, GMKMC&H, Salem
3. Member, Annapoorna Medical college, Salem
4. Participated in the Puratchi Thalaivar M.G.R. Noon meal scheme (Evaluation study) meeting as a
Chairman in Salem District collector office on 16.2.2012.
5. Nominated as President of International Institute of Food and Nutritional Sciences (IIFANS), New Delhi
from 2012-2016 under Self-Actualization Society
6. Appointed as Chief Superintendent to conduct the University Department Examination during
7. Nominated as Selection committee member for the Tamilnadu Scientific Innovation Award, In Science
City, Chennai on 25.03.2013
8. Appointed as Convener to conduct Academic Audit in Jamal Mohamad college, Trichy
9. Member of an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Periyar University from 2013-2016
10. Chairman and Member in Board of studies
Department of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, Periyar University (Chairman from 2016 onwards)
Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Periyar University (Member till 2016)
Department of Home science, Srivenkateshwara University, Thirupati (Member)
Department of Home science, University of Madras, Chennai (Member)
Department of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Mysore, Mysore (Member)
11. Member to carry out UGC related funding works, Periyar University
12. Member in committee to formulate policy decisions about anti-plagiarism for Ph.D students
13. Convener and Member of various Inspection committees for affiliated colleges for fresh induction of
both UG and PG courses and PRIDE study centers and UICP centers approval
14. Member in Enquiry committee, Purchase committee, canteen Inspection committee, admission
committee, budget allotment to CNRES, University nominee for JRF selection in department of
microbiology, Zoology and Interview committee in Periyar University
15. Participated and acted as convener in the Central Jail prisoner diet plan scheme organized by Salem
Central Jail, Salem District on 20.09.2017
16. Acted as a committee member to assess the campus with regard to stagnation of water and Dengue
prone areas and destroy the source of mosquito spread on 25.10.2017
17. Doctoral Committee Member for Ph.D programme in
Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Avinshiligam University for Women, Coimbatore
Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Periyar University , Salem
Department of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, Periyar University , Salem
Department of Home Science, Mother Terasa University, Kodaikkanal
18. Act as College committee member in KSR college of Arts and Science for women, Tiruchengode from
2018 -2019.
19. Member in Board of Research Studies Periyar University, Salem from 2018 to till date
b. In house Magazines / Newsletters / Journals
S.No Position Name
1. Managing
International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences (ISSN 2319 – 1775)
Published by International Institute of Food & Nutritional Sciences, New Delhi-75
2. Member 1. International Journal of Cereals and Oil seeds
2. International Journal of Life Science and Pharma Reviews (IJLPR)
3. Food Science and Technology Letters
4. International Journal of Current research
c. External Examiner for Ph.D Public viva voce
Position Name of the
Title of the thesis Venue Date
1. External
P. Indumathi Studies o n i m p a c t o f
s o y a bean supplementation
and nutrition education to
selected dyslipidemic
diabetes impaired
glucose tolerance and
glycemic index of soy foods
PSG college of Arts and
Science, Coimbatore,
2. External
S.Nithiyanantham Biochemical Evaluation bio-
functional prospecting,
assessment of genetic
variability and
characterization of diverse
Jatropha curcas germplasm
Dept of Environmental
Studies, Bharathiyar
University, Coimbatore
3. External
K.Kavitha An Analytical study on the
selected edible seaweeds
and their efficacy test for
human consumption
Sundaranar University
4. External
C.Ramachandan Process modification to
ensure shelf life extension of
idli batter and
characterization of probiotic
yeast and bacteria
Anna University,
5. External
S.Brinda devi Life style modifications and
nutrition interventions on
body mass index of selected
school children aged 6 to 15
PSG college of Arts and
Science, Coimbatore,
6. External
D.Srilatha Development of medical
Sri Padmavati mahila
7. External
K.Kavitha Effectiveness of lifestyle
intervention on metabolic
syndrome among adults (20-
40 years)
PSG college of Arts and
Science, Coimbatore,

AWARD TITLE: Best Academician Award in Mechanical Engineering
Sudhakaran Ranganathan is an academician having 21 years and 08 months
experience in teaching and 12 years in Research. He has completed his PhD in the
area of welding. He has successfully completed a research project as principal
investigator in welding sponsored by AICTE. He has organized number of conferences
and workshops and has delivered guest lectures in various colleges and industries. His
objectives are
To excel in the fields of Teaching and Research
To publish research articles in refereed journals.
To continuously upgrade the knowledge in the latest developments and
disseminate them to the students.
He has published various research articles in reputed journals. He has a citation index
of 450, h index of 13 and I10 index of 15. He is an editorial board member for the
International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering. He is also
reviewer for the following journals
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology,
African Journal of Engineering Research
Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences.
Journal of Cleaner Energy Production
Journal of Engineering Technology and Research
Journal of Theoretical and Artificial Intelligence
Journal of Brazilian Society of Mechanical Engineering
He is a recognized supervisor of Anna University, Chennai. He is presently guiding 8
research scholars. He has received best faculty award for his contribution to teaching
at Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai and award of excellence for his contributions
to research and administration works in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at
SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore and Best Researcher Award from IASTE,
Chennai and HOD of the year award from Institute of Scholars, Banglaore.
Degree /
Year College/ University
PhD 2013 Anna University, Chennai
ME(Refrigeration &
Air conditioning)
1997 Coimbatore Institute of Technology, CBE, Aggregate
BE (Mechanical) 1994 PSG College of Technology, CBE, Aggregate 70%
Standard XII 1990 BVB Matric and HSC, Erode, Aggregate 86.5%
Standard X 1988 BVB Matric and HSC, Erode, Aggregate 79.5%
ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE 21 years and 07 Months
Name of the
College Designation Joining
Years Months
Kongu Engineering
College, Erode Lecturer 12-6-97 31-3-03 5 9
VLB Janakiammal
College of
Engineering and
Technology, Cbe
Lecturer 16-4-03 19-5-04 1 1
College of
Lecturer 2-6-04 30-06-05 1 1
Senior Lecturer 01-07-05 30-09-10 5 3
Professor(SRG) 01-10-10 30-09-11 1 –
Associate Professor 01-10-11 11-05-12 – 7
SNS College of
Associate Professor
and Head 23-05-12 05-07-13 1 1
Professor and
Head 06-07-13 16-07-18 5 –
Vice Principal and
Head 17-07-18 Till Date 1
Total 21 07
S. No Name of the Organization Designation Period Years of
01 PSG Industrial Institute ,
Sales Engineer 01-08-94 to
08 months
Theory Courses Handled
1. Engineering Thermodynamics
2. Thermal Engineering
3. Gas Dynamics and Jet Propulsion
4. Heat and Mass Transfer
5. Engineering Mechanics
6. Welding Technology
Lab Courses Handled
1. Thermal Engineering Lab
2. Heat Transfer Lab
No. of Projects Guided: 20
Life member of Indian Society of Technical Education – LM 27840
Fellow of Indian Institute of Production Engineers – SJ 6955
1. Recognized supervisor of Anna University, Chennai (Recognition No: 2320488)
2. Guiding 8 research scholars under Anna University, Chennai
International Journals- 30
1. Sivasakthivel P S, Sudhakaran R (2018), Modeling and optimization of welding
parameters for multiple objectives in pre-heated gas metal arc welding process
using nature instigated algorithms, Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering,
DOI: 10.1080/14484846.2018.1472721.
2. Sivasakthivel P S, Sudhakaran R and Rajeswari S (2017), Optimization and
sensitivity analysis of geometrical and process parameters to reduce vibration
during end milling process, Machining Science and Technology Vol 21 (3), 452-
3. Eazhil K. M, Sudhakaran R Jayakumar M, Govindaraj R (2017), Optimization of
the Process Parameter to Maximize the Tensile Strength in 6063 Aluminum Alloy
Using Grey Based Taguchi Method, Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences
Vol. 11, 235- 241.
4. Sylvester Selvanathan, Sudhakaran R (2017), CFD analysis of IC engine exhaust
manifold with respect to the performance of a turbocharger, Advances in Natural
and Applied Sciences Vol. 11, 242- 249.
5. Nagaraja. S, Sooriaparakash. K, Sudhakaran. R and Sathishkumar. M (2016),
Investigation on the emission quality, performance and combustion
characteristics of the CI Engine fueled with environmental friendly corn oil
methyl ester- Diesel Blends, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2016.01.023
6. Sivasakthivel P S, Sudhakaran R (2015). Modeling of geometrical and machining
parameters on temperature rise while machining AL6351using response surface
methodology and genetic algorithm, Journal of Brazilian Society of Mechanical
Sciences, DOI10.1007/s-40430-015-0378-5
7. Nagaraja S Sooryaprakash K and Sudhakaran R (2014) Investigate the Effect of
Compression Ratio over the Performance and Emission Characteristics of
Variable Compression Ratio Engine Fueled with Preheated Palm Oil – Diesel
Blends, Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, Vol. 11, 393 – 401.
8. Sudhakaran R, Sivasakthivel P S, Nagaraja S and Eazhil K M (2014). The effect
of welding process parameters on pitting corrosion and microstructure of
chromium – manganese stainless steel gas tungsten arc welded plates, Procedia
Engineering, Vol. 97, 790-799.
9. Sudhakaran R and Sivasakthivel P S (2014). Prediction of ferrite number in
stainless steel gas tungsten arc welded plates using artificial neural networks,
International Journal of Knowledge Based and Intelligent Information systems
Vol. 18, 211– 227.
10. Sudhakaran R and Veerakumar K, (2014). Enhancing the IC engine performance
by using the electrolysis and preheating process, IOSR Journal of Computer
Engineering, Vol. 16 (3), 102 – 106.
11. Sudhakaran R, Sivasakthivel P.S and Nagaraja S, (2014). The effect of welding
heat input and welding speed on microstructure of chromium – manganese
stainless steel GTAW plates, International Journal of Research in Engineering
and Technology, Vol. 3 (7), 603 – 610.
12. Sudhakaran R and Sivasakthivel P.S, (2013). Prediction of weld bead geometry
in chromium – manganese stainless steel GTAW plates using artificial neural
networks, International Journal of Manufacturing, Materials and Mechanical
Engineering, Vol. 3 (3), 13 – 41.
13. Sudhakaran R, Velmurugan. V, Sivasakthivel. P.S and Balaji. M, (2013).
Modelling and analysis of ferrite number of stainless steel gas tungsten arc
welded plates using response surface methodology, Int J Adv Manuf Technol,Vol
64 (9-12), 1487-1504.
14. Sudhakaran R, Velmurugan. V, and Sivasakthivel. P.S (2012). Effect of Process
Parameters on Depth of Penetration in Gas Tungsten Arc Welded (GTAW) 202
Grade Stainless Steel Plates Using Response Surface Methodology, The Journal
of Engineering Research, Vol. 9(1): 64-79.
15. Sudhakaran R, Velmurugan. V, and Sivasakthivel. P.S (2012). Optimization of
process parameters to minimize angular distortion in gas tungsten arc welded
stainless steel 202 grade plates using particle swarm optimization, Journal of
Engineering Science and Technology, Vol 7 (2): 195 – 208.
16. Sudhakaran R, Velmurugan. V, Sivasakthivel. P.S and and Balaji. M , (2013).
Prediction and optimization of depth of penetration for stainless steel gas
tungsten arc welded plates using artificial neural networks and simulated
annealing algorithm, Journal of Neural Computing and Applications, Vol 22(3-4):
17. Sudhakaran. R, Velmurugan. V, and Senthilkumar K.M, (2011). Effect of welding
process parameters on weld bead geometry and optimization of process
parameters to maximize depth to width ratio for stainless steel gas tungsten arc
welded plates using genetic algorithm”, European Journal of Scientific Research,
62(1) : 76 – 94.
18. Sudhakaran R, Velmurugan. V, and Sivasakthivel. P.S (2010). Optimization of
process parameters to minimize angular distortion in 202 grade stainless steel
GTAW plates using genetic algorithms, International Journal of Engineering
Science and Technology, 2(5): 731 – 748.
19. Sudhakaran R, Sivasakthivel P.S and Velmurugan. V, (2010). Effect of process
parameters to analyze angular distortion in 202 grade stainless steel GTAW
plates, International Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 6 (1): 23
– 44.
20. Sudhakaran R, Sivasakthivel. P.S, (2012). Optimization of machining parameters
on temperature rise in end milling of Al6063 using response surface
methodology and genetic algorithm, International Journal of Advanced
Manufacturing Technology, 67(9-12): 2313-2323.
21. Nagaraja S, Sakthivel M and Sudhakaran R, (2012). Comparitive study of the
combustion, performance, and emission characteristics of a variable
compression ratio engine fuelled with diesel corn oil methyl ester and palm oil
methyl ester, AIP Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Vol. 4 (6),
22. Nagaraja S, Sakthivel M and Sudhakaran R, (2012). Combustion and
performance analysis of variable compression ratio engine fueled with preheated
palm oil – diesel blends, Indian Journal of Chemical Technology, Vol. 20, 189 –
23. Sivasakthivel. P.S, Velmurugan. V and Sudhakaran R, (2011). Prediction of
vibration amplitude from machining parameters by response surface
methodology from end milling, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing
Technology, 53(5-8): 453 – 461.
24. Sivasakthivel. P.S, Velmurugan. V and Sudhakaran. R, (2010). Prediction of tool
wear from machining parameters by response surface methodology from end
milling, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 2(6),
25. Sivasakthivel. P.S, Velmurugan. V and Sudhakaran. R, (2012). Experimental
evaluation of surface roughness for end milling of Al 6063 – response surface
and neural network model, International Journal of Manufacturing Research, Vol.
7(1), 9 – 25.
26. Sivasakthivel. P.S, Velmurugan. V and Sudhakaran. R, (2012). Cutting force
prediction depending on process parameters by response surface methodology
in milling, International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials, Vol.
11 (2), 137 – 153.
27. Sivasakthivel. P.S, Sudhakaran. R and Rajeswari. S, (2013). Optimization of
machining parameters to minimize vibration amplitude while machining Al 6063
using gray – based Taguchi method, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical
Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol. 227 (12), 1788-
28. Subramanian. M, Sakthivel. K, Sooryaprakash. K and Sudhakaran. R, (2013).
Optimization of end mill tool geometry parameters for Al7075 – T6 machining
operations based on vibration amplitude by response surface methodology,
Measurement, Vol. 46 (10), 4005 – 4022.
29. Subramanian. M, Sakthivel. K, Sooryaprakash. K and Sudhakaran. R, (2013).
Optimization of cutting parameters for cutting force in shoulder milling of Al
7075-T6 using response surface methodology and genetic algorithm, Procedia
Engineering, Vol. 64, 690 – 700.
30. Karuppusami. G, Balaji. M, Sudhakaran. R and Ashwini. A.C, (2011). TADS
approach in supply chain agility, International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.
2 (5), 731 – 748.
National Journals
1. R. Sudhakaran, V. VeL Murugan, P. S. Sivasakthivel, (2010) Prediction of
Angular Distortion in 202 Grade Stainless Steel Gas Tungsten Arc Welded Plates
using Artificial Neural Networks, Indian Welding Journal Vol 6(3): 10 – 18.
2. R. Sudhakaran, V. Selladurai, T. Kannan, P. S. Sivasakthivel, (2007) Analysis of
heat pipe heat exchanger fro waste heat recovery from an air conditioning
system. I manager Journal on Engineering and Technology, Vol 2: 86-95.
Google Scholar Citations
International Conferences
1. R. Sudhkaran, P.S. Sivasakthivel (2019), Prediction of Angular Distortion in Gas
Tungsten Arc Welded 202 Grade Stainless Steel Plates using Artificial Neural
Networks – An Experimental Approach, International Conference on Sustainable
Energy Resources, Materials and Technologies, SSN College of Engineering,
Chennai, April 25 – 26.
2. R. Sudhkaran, P.S. Sivasakthivel (2019), Effect of Process Parameters on Bead
width of 202 Grade Stainless Steel Gas Tungsten Arc Welded Plates using
Response Surface Methodology, International Conference on Sustainable
Energy Resources, Materials and Technologies, SSN College of Engineering,
Chennai, March 14 – 15
3. R.Sudhakaran, P.S. Sivasakthivel, S. Nagaraja, K.M. Eazhil (2016), Prediction of
Pitting Corrosion Resistance for Chromium Manganese Stainless Steel Gas
Tungsten Arc Welded Plates using Artificial Neural Networks, International
conference on Materials, Design and Manufacturing Processes, ICMDM, Anna
University, Chennai, February 17 – 19.
4. R. Sudhakaran, P.S. Sivasakthivel, S. Nagaraja, K.M. Eazhil (2015), Prediction
of Pitting Corrosion Resistance of Chromium Manganese Stainless Steel Gas
Tungsten Arc Welded Plates using Response Surface Methodology, International
Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Anna University, Regional
Centre, Villupuram, ICAME – 2015, October 15 -16.
5. S.Nagaraja, K.Sooryaprakash, R.Sudhakaran (2015), Investigate the Effect of
Compression Ratio over the Performance and Emission Characteristics of
Variable Compression Ratio Engine Fueled with Preheated palm oil – Diesel
blends, International Conference on Global Challenges, Policy Framework &
Sustainable Development for Mining of Mineral and Fossil Energy
Resources(GCPF : 2015-20), NITK, Surathkal, April 17-18.
6. S.Nagaraja, R.Sudhakaran, K.Sooryaprakash (2014), Performance, emission ,
combustion and heat balance study of compression ignition engine fueled with
corn oil methyl ester – diesel blends, International conference on Green
Technologies and Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control (ICGTEPC 14),
NIT, Tirchy, India, September 27-29.
7. R. Sudhakaran, P.S. Sivasakthivel, S. Nagaraja and K. M. Eazhil (2014), The
effect of welding process parameters pitting corrosion and microstructure of
chromium – manganese stainless steel GTAW plates, International Conference
on Global Congress on Manufacturing Management, VIT University, Vellore,
December 8 -12.
8. R. Sudhakaran, V. Velmurugan (2012), Effect of process parameters on
mechanical properties of 202 grade stainless steel GTAW plates using response
surface methodology, International Conference on Mechanical and Building
Sciences, ICAMB – 2012,VIT University, January 09 -12.
9. R. Sudhakaran, V. Velmurugan and P.S. Sivasakthivel, (2011). Prediction of
depth of penetration in 202 grade stainless steel GTAW plates using ANN,
International Conference on Welding, Cutting and Surfacing, Indian Welding
Journal, FABTECH – 2011, January 22 – 23.
10. R. Sudhakaran, V. VeL Murugan (2010).Application of DOE to develop
mathematical model for analyzing angular distortion of gas tungsten arc welded
202 grade stainless steel plates, International Conference on Advances in
Industrial Engineering, Anna university, Chennai, January 4- 6
11. R. Sudhakaran, V. VeL Murugan (2009). Effect of process parameters on angular
distortion of gas tungsten arc welded 202 grade stainless steel plates,
International Conference on Advances in Mechanical and Building Sciences, VIT
university, Vellore, December 14 -16.
12. R. Sudhakaran, S. Nagaraja, S. R. Rajabalayanan and M. Subramanian,
(2009).Optimization of thermal performance of water to air heat pipe exchanger
using response surface methodology, International Conference on Research and
Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Velammal Engineering College, Chennai,
India, March 19-21.
13. R. Sudhakaran, S. Nagaraja, S. R. Rajabalayanan and M. Subramanian, (2008).
Investigation of thermal performance of water to air thermosyphon heat pipe
heat exchanger using ANN, International Conference on Advances in Mechanical
Engineering, S. V. National Institute of Technology, Surat, India, Dec 15 -17.
14. V. Muthukumaran, R. Sudhakaran, P. S. Sivasakthivel and S Ramesh, (2006).
Casting defect analysis using Ideas. International Conference on Intelligent
systems and Control, Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore, India, Aug
15. R. Sudhakaran and R. Geetha, (2005). Cost reduction in production process
using Kaizen approach. International Conference on Emerging systems and
Control, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, India .Jan 8 -10.
16. R. Sudhakaran, S. Karthick and P. Sathyamurthy, (2003). Effective utilization of
waste heat in air conditioning units. International Conference on Energy and
Environment, National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, India. Oct. 8 -10
17. R. Sudhakaran and P. Rathinaswamy, (1999). Application of cogeneration
technique for LiBr Vapour absorption system in dairies. International Conference
on Sustainable Technology and Development, Madhav Institute of Technology,
Gwalior, India .Nov.14 -16
National Conferences
1. R. Sudhakaran and V. Hariharan, (1999). Human resource development through
industry institute interaction. National Conference on Technology Development
in Cyberage, KLE Societies College of Engineering, Belgaum, September 1-2,
P83 – 87
2. R. Sudhakaran and V. Hariharan, (2000). Biomass based slurry fuel for CI
engines. National Conference on Automotive pollution control, Kumaraguru
College of Technology, Coimbatore, February 5, P10 -14
3. R. Sudhakaran and V. Hariharan, (2001). Energy conservation using
cogeneration using cogeneration technique for dairy industry. National
Conference on Energy Conservation and Management, Rajarambabu College of
Engineering and Technology, Sangli, June 5-6, P101 -110
4. R. Sudhakaran, V. Hariharan and P. Senthilmurugan (2002). Performance
comparison of refrigerants R -12 and Ammonia in a vapour compression
refrigeration system. 17 th National Convention of Mechanical Engineers,
Institution of Engineers, Indore, October 20-21 P106 -111
5. R. Sudhakaran and S. Karthick, (2003). Effective utilization of waste heat in
refrigeration systems. National Conference on Energy and Environment for
Sustainable Development, National Engineering College,Kovilapatti, Oct. 10-12
P143 -151
6. R. Sudhakaran and D. Senthilkumaran, (2005). Performance comparison of
refrigerants R -22 and R -290 in a vapour compression refrigeration system.
National Conference on Latest Trends in Mechanical Engineering, Dr Mahalingam
College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi, April 1-2, P35-37
7. R. Sudhakaran, V. Muthukumaran and S. Ramesh, (2006). A study on heat
recovery system using DOE, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Thermal
Engineering, Competitive Manufacturing and Management, St Joseph College of
Engineering Technologies, Chennai, Feb 3-4, PP 56-58
8. R. Sudhakaran, (2006). Optimization of heat exchanger design using CFD to
recover waste heat in a dairy farm. National Conference on Applications of
Emerging Technologies, Adhiyaman College of Engineering, Hosur, PP 7-9
9. V. Muthukumaran, R. Sudhakaran and P. S. Sivasakthivel, (2006). Optimization
of riser design using Ideas. National Conference on Contemporary Approaches in
Design and Manufacturing, Allagapa Chattier College of Engineering and
Technology, Karaikudi, March 22-24,PP 15 -19
10. R. Sudhakaran and P. S. Sivasakthivel, (2006). Analysis of heat pipe heat
exchanger for heat recovery from engine exhaust gas, Sri Jayachamarajendra
College of Engineering, Mysore, Nov 17 -23.PP 32-36.
11. R. Sudhakaran and L. Karthick, (2007). Stress and strain analysis of steam
turbine casing, National Conference on Contemporary Approaches in Design and
Manufacturing, Allagapa Chettiar College of Engineering and Technology,
Karaikudi, March 20- 21, PP 45-48
12. R. Sudhakaran and L. Karthick, (2007). Strain analysis and optimization of
steam turbine casing, National Conference on Emerging Technologies in
Contemporary Manufacturing, Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal April
20, PP 37
13. R. Sudhakaran and M. Shamala, (2008). Investigation of thermal performance of
heat pipe heat exchanger using response surface methodology. National
Conference on Advances in Mechanical Sciences, Kumaraguru College of
Technology, Coimbatore, March 27 -28, PP 23
14. T. Karuppuswamy, P. S. Sivasakthivel and R. Sudhakaran (2009).Development
of mathematical models to predict surface roughness in CNC end milling process.
National Conference on soft Computing, Institute of Road and Transport
Technology, Erode, March 19 -20, PP 23
15. T. Karuppuswamy, P. S. Sivasakthivel and R. Sudhakaran (2009).A methodology
to predict surface roughness in CNC end milling process. National Conference on
Advances in Mechanical Sciences, Kumaraguru College of Technology,
Coimbatore, March 26 -27, PP 37
16. R.Sudhakaran and V. VeLmurugan (2009). Effect of welding parameters on
angular distortion of GTAW of stainless steel. National Conference on Advances
in Mechanical Sciences, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, March
26 -27, PP 41
17. R.Sudhakaran and V. VeLmurugan (2010). Simulation of angular distortion of
GTAW of stainless steel plates using FEA. National Conference on Advances in
Mechanical Sciences, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, April 21
pp 32.
18. N.R. Govinthasamy, S. Nagaraja and R. Sudhakaran (2011). The Effect of Palm
Oil Methyl Ester on the Performance, Emission Characteristics and Heat Balance
of the Compression Ignition Engine. National Conference on Optimization
Techniques in Engineering Sciences and Technology, Bannariamman Institute of
Technology, Sathyamangalam, April 15 & 16 pp 537-545.
19. R. Sudhakaran and R. Arthisowmia (2011), Energy Saving Potential in Electrical
Utilities by Energy Conservation, National Conference on Emerging Trends in
Mechanical Engineering, SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore, March 3 & 4 pp
45 -51.
20. R. Sudhakaran and R. Arthisowmia (2011), Energy Saving Potential in Electrical
Utilities by Energy Conservation, National Conference on Environmental
Challenges Towards Sustainability, Government College of Technology,
Coimbatore, 1 April.
21. R. Sudhakaran, S. Nagaraja and A. Azarudeen (2011) Performance and Exhaust
Emission Analysis of CI Engine Operated on Pre – heated Palm Oil, National
Conference on Advances in Mechanical Sciences (AIMS), Kumaraguru College of
Technology, Coimbatore, March 15 & 16, TS 78 – 81.
22. R. Sudhakaran, S. Nagaraja and R. Sandhya (2011) Influence of Process
Parameters on Performance and Emission Characteristics of Diesel Engine using
Corn Oil Methyl Ester as Bio – Diesel, National Conference on Information,
Communication, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Apparel &
Garment and Intelligent Computing (NICE MAGIC’2011), March, pp 30
23. R. Sudhakaran, S. Nagaraja and B. Gopinath (2011) Optimization of Process
Parameters of Diesel Engine Using Palm Oil Methyl Ester as Bio – Diesel Fuel,
National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Sciences (AIMS), Kumaraguru
College of Technology, Coimbatore, March 15 & 16, TS 94-98.
24. R. Sudhakaran, S. Nagaraja and B. Gopinath (2011) Optimization of Process
Parameters of Diesel Engine Using Palm Oil Methyl Ester as Bio – Diesel Fuel,
National Conference on Environmental Challenges Towards Sustainability,
Government College of Technology, Coimbatore, 1 April, pp 61-64.
25. R. Sudhakaran, S. Nagaraja and N.Suparana (2011) The Effect of Corn Oil
Methyl Ester on the Performance, Emission Characteristics and Heat Balance of
the Compression Ignition Engine, National Conference on Advances in
Mechanical Sciences (AIMS), Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore,
March 15 & 16, TS 120-128.
Design Patent titled “Multipurpose Four Jaw Vice Operated with CAM
Mechanism” Patent Application No: 317484-001 has been accepted and granted
Journal No :32/2019 and Journal Date: 09/08/19
Submitted patent titled “Method and System for Remotely Adjusting Height and
Angle of a Wall Mounted Television Fixer” Patent Application No: 201741012456
Submitted a Design Patent titled “Working Holding Component for Submerged
Friction Stir Welding” Patent Application No: 312201
Submitted a Design Patent titled “Portable Recycler for Waste 3D Printer
Filament” Patent Application No: 316283-001
Submitted a Design Patent titled “Design of Injection Molding Die for Gaskets
used in Pumps” Patent Application No: 315608-001
1. Won Best Faculty Award at Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai for the year
2. Awarded certificate of excellence for contributions to research, academics and
administration in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at SNS college of
Engineering, Coimbatore in the year 2013.
3. Received Best Researcher Award from Indian Association for Science and
Technology Education Chennai in the year 2018
4. Received HOD of the year award from Institute of Scholars Bangalore in the year
1. Studies on angular distortion, weld bead geometry, mechanical properties and
delta ferrite content in Gas Tungsten Arc welded 202 grade stainless steel
2. Energy Conservation and Management. (Application of HPHE in the area of heat
3. Eco Friendly Refrigerants.
Title of the Project Name of the funding
agency and
sanctioned amount
Duration Status
1 Modernization of Thermal
Engineering Laboratory
with CRDI Variable
Compression Ratio Engine
Test Rig for Bio Fuel
All India Council for
Technical Education,
New Delhi
Rs 19 Lakhs
Two Years Ongoing
2 Studies on Pitting
Corrosion and Ferrite
number of Duplex
Stainless Steel Cladding
deposited by Pulses
All India Council for
Technical Education,
New Delhi
Rs 5 Lakhs
Two years completed
3 Investigation of Thermal
Performance of Solar Crop
Drier using Heat Pipes
Rs 25000
10 Months Completed
Title of the conference Funding Agency Sanctioned
01 National conference on Advances in
Mechanical Sciences (AIMS 07) 22 nd
– 24 th March 2007
All India Council for
Technical Education,
New Delhi
Rs One Lakh
02 National Workshop on Recent
Advances in Welding Technology
(8 th and 9 th January 2013)
Defense Research
and Development
03 National Conference on Advances
in Mechanical Engineering ( 8 th
March 2013)
All India Council for
Technical Education,
New Delhi
Rs. 60000/-
Title of the Programme Duration Sponsoring
01 Faculty Development
Programme on Thermal Engg
05-12-16 to
Anna University,
Self Supporting
Title of the Proposal Fund
d Lakhs
Month and
Year of
Role as PI/Co-
01 Development of hybrid
welding process for welding
nano particle oxide coated
chromium manganese
stainless steel plates
22 Lakhs July 2016 Principal
02 Enhancing the tribological
behaviour of engine
components through additives
of nano particles in both
24 Lakhs July 2016 Co-Principal
engine oil and bio diesel
blended fuels
03 Experimental and Numerical
Investigations on Light Weight
Dissimilar Alloys 5086 Al and
AZ 31 Mg joined by
Underwater Friction Stir
Welding for Infantry Fighting
25 lakhs July 2017 Principal
04 Design and Development of a
Bio Gas Powered Reversible
Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell
with Carbon Capture for Co-
Generation Application
towards Electrification of Rural
81 Lakhs August
05 Thermal Conductivity
Enhancement of the Thermal
Energy Storage System for
Solar Drying and Heating
Application Using PCM –
Steatite Soapstone
Composites at Different
37 Lakhs September
06 Thermal Conductivity
Enhancement of the Thermal
Energy Storage System for
Solar Drying and Heating
Application Using PCM –
Steatite Soapstone
Composites at Different
18 Lakhs November
07 Development of Latent Heat
Thermal Energy Storage
System for Solar Drying and
Heating Application using Cost
Effective PCM – Steatite
Composites at different
32 Lakhs June 2019 Principal
08 Establishment of Advanced
Welding Technology
Laboratory’ under Fund for
Improvement of S&T
Infrastructure in Universities
and Higher Educational
Institutions (FIST) Program
80 Lakhs May 2019 Principal
1. Participated in one day workshop on “CAD/CAM”, Kongu Engineering College,
Perundurai on July 1997.
2. Participated in one day workshop on “Vapour Absorption System”, organized
by Thermax system Ltd at Hotel Residency, Coimbatore on August 1997.
3. Participated in Faculty Development Programme on “Quality System
Awareness” Organized by Zandig TQM Solutions at Kongu engineering
College, Perundurai, 5 th and 6 th February 2001
4. Participated in Faculty Development Programme on “Internal Quality Audit”
Organized by Zandig TQM Solutions at Kongu engineering College,
Perundurai, 4 th and 5 th May 2001
5. Participated in one day workshop on “Environment and Total Quality
Management”, V.L.B.Janakiammal College of Engineering and Technology,
Coimbatore on September 2003.
6. Participated in one day workshop on “Communication Skills for Engineers”,
Kumaraguru College of Technology Coimbatore on June 2004.
7. Participated in one day workshop on “Emerging Trends in Industry Institute
Interaction”, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on July 2004.
8. Participated in one day workshop on “Induction Training Program”,
Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on July 2004.
9. Participated in one day workshop on “Quality System Awareness”,
Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on August 2004.
10. Participated in one day workshop on “Faculty Development Program”,
Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on May 2005
11. Participated in two days Faculty Development Program on “Communication
Skills Development” at Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on
June 2005.
12. Participated in a National Seminar on Technology and Applications of Heat
Pipes and Thermal Sensors at Karunya Institute of Technology and Science,
Coimbatore, Feb 2006.
13. Participated in a National Seminar on Renewable Energy – Today and
Tomorrow at Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on August
14. Participated in Faculty Development Programme on “High Impact Teaching
Skills”- organized by Mission 10x – WIPRO technologies at Kumaraguru
college of Technology, 17 – 21 August 2009
15. Participated in Post Workshop on Teaching skills organized by Mission 10x
WIPRO technologies at Aditya Institute of Technology, 29 -30 January 2010
16. Participated in one day technical seminar on Research and Career
Opportunities in Welding and Non Destructive Testing at Sri Ramakrishna
Engineering College, Coimbatore, 5 th March 2010.
17. Participated in one day workshop on Application of Optimization Techniques
in Engineering Solution at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore,
13 th March 2010.
18. Participated in AICTE sponsored staff development program on Strategic
Implementation of Total Quality Management and Total Productive
Maintenance at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore, 10 -14,
May 2010.
19. Participated in AICTE sponsored staff development program on Energy
Conservation in Textile Industries at Kumaraguru College of Technology,
Coimbatore, 14 – 11 –2010 to 04 – 12 – 2010
20. Participated in Two Days Workshop on Application of Intelligent Optimization
Techniques using MAT Lab at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology,
Sathyamangalam, 7 -8 th January 2011
21. Participated in Two Days Workshop on Quality Education Organized by CII at
Hotel Residency, 23 – 24 th November 2012
22. Participated in Two Days Workshop on National Higher Education Conclave
Organized by CII at Hotel Le Meridian , 29 – 30 th November 2013
23. Participated in One Day Workshop on ICTACT Bridge 2014 Organized by
ICTACT at Hotel Le Meridian, 23 rd July 2014.
24. Participated in One Day HR summit Organized by CHROMA (HR Association)
at Hotel Trident, Chennai , 21 st March 2015
25. Participated in One Day summit on Embedded Security and Safety Organized
by LRDA at Nimhans Convention Centre, Bangalore, 17 th June 2015.
26. Participated in One Day Elsevier connect Seminar organized by Elsevier at
Hotel Altop, Coimbatore, 5 th November 2015.
27. Participated in One Day Workshop on Emerging Trends in Welding
Technology organized by School of Mechanical Sciences, VIT University,
Vellore, 20 th September 2016.
28. Participated in Quality Improvement Programme on Scanning Electron
Microscopy organized by Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
12 th December to 16 th December 2016.
29. Participated in One Day Workshop on Awareness on Outcome based
Education and Accreditation organized by National Board of Accreditation,
Anna University – Regional Campus, Coimbatore, 24 th November 2017
30. Participated in One Day Workshop on Additive Manufacturing and Weldability
of Nickel based Super Alloys organized by PSG College of Technology,
Coimbatore, 24 th November 2017
S. No Name of the Conference /
01 Workshop on Recent Advances in
Automobile Engineering
23 rd September 2005
02 National Conference on Advances in
Mechanical Sciences (AIMS 2007)
22 nd – 24 th March 2007
03 2 nd National Conference on Advances in
Mechanical Sciences (AIMS 2008)
27 th & 28 th March 2008
04 National Conference on Advances in
Mechanical Sciences (AIMS 2010)
21 st April 2010
05 National Workshop in Advances in
Welding Technology
08 th and 09 th January
06 National Level Technical Symposium
Metallica 2013
29 th April 2013
07 National Level Technical Symposium
SANUS 2013
6 th September 2013
08 National Level Technical Symposium
SANUS 2014
11 th and 12 th August
09 National Conference on Recent
Advances in Mechanical Engineering
29 th April 2013
10 National Conference on Recent
Advances in Mechanical Engineering
8 th March 2014
11 National Conference on Versatile
Automation (NOVA)
12 th March 2015 to 14 th
March 2015
12 National Level Technical Symposium
SANUS 2016
11 th and 12 th August
13 International Workshop on Project
Management in Off Shore and Oil
9 th August 2016
14 National Workshop on Materials and
Manufacturing Process for Newer
20 th August 2016
1. Delivered a Guest Lecture at Angel College of Engineering and Technology,
Trippur in Laws of Thermodynamics
2. Delivered a Guest Lecture at Sriguru College of Technology in Real and Ideal
gases and Thermodynamic Relations
3. Delivered a Guest Lecture in the Faculty Development Program sponsored by
Anna University and Organized by Info Institute of Engineering and Technology
in Heat Exchangers
4. Delivered a Guest Lecture in the Faculty Development Program sponsored by
Anna University and Organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology in Heat
5. Delivered a Guest Lecture at Karpagam Institute of Technology in Advanced
Welding Processes
Name R.Sudhakaran
Age 45
Date of Birth 25 th May 1973
Permanent Address 49, Kumaran Avenue, Meenakshi Gardens,
K. Vadamathurai, Coimbatore – 641017, Tamilnadu, India
Mobile No. 9894030121
Email Address
1) To Speak: Tamil, English 2) To Read and Write: Tamil, English and Hindi
1 Dr. C. Vel Murugan
Professor and Head Department of Mechanical Engineering
Kumaraguru College of Technology
Coimbatore– 641049
2 Dr.P. Sathiyamurthy
Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering.
Kongu Engineering College
Erode, Tamilnadu, India,
e- mail: , Mobile:91-9894157003
Station: Coimbatore Dr. R.Sudhakaran
Date: 10-01-2020
Annexure I
Nature of Duties
SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore
1. Established laboratories such as Mechatronics, Dynamics, CAD/CAM labs after
taking over as in charge for the Department
2. Increased the intake of UG from 60 to 180 and established a new ME course in
Manufacturing Engineering
3. The department got approval as recognized research centre from Anna
University, Chennai. 10 scholars are pursuing their research.
4. Improved the department pass percentage from 30% to 65% in Anna University
examinations and 84% of the students graduated.
5. Submitted 17 proposal to various funding agencies and got approval for 3
6. Organized 84 guest lectures, 25 workshops, 4 symposiums and 3 conferences
7. Activated the industry institute partnership cell and signed 28 MOUs with various
8. Arranged placement for students of Mechanical Engineering in Core and IT
9. Established Internal Quality Assurance Cell for the department and showed
overall improvement in the performance of the department
10. Coordinated the SNS Junior Athletic Meet organized for the school students.
11. Obtained 3 Patents for the Department
12. The project titled “Improving the performance of IC Engine using Electrolysis
and Pre heating” won the student innovator award by ICATACT for the year
13. Two University ranks were obtained by the students in Anna University
14. The department earned revenue of Rs. 2Lakhs from consultancy for the year
15. Prepared the department for the accreditation by National Assessment and
Accreditation Council of UGC. The institution was accredited with highest grade
‘A’ by NAAC – UGC
16. Coordinated the visit of NAAC committee, as a steering committee member
17. Obtained 100% placement for the Department.
18. Organized SNS Empower Connect, A HR Summit on 18-04-15. 17 Human
Resource Personnel from various industries participated in the summit.
19. Coordinator of NBA committee for the preparation of Self Assessment Report of
the Department.
20. Established research centre offering PhD programme in Mechanical Engineering
under Anna University, Chennai.
21. NBA overall coordinator for the institution. The committee visited from 16 th
March to 18 th March 2018. The B.E Mechanical Engineering programme was
accredited for three years.
22. Overall coordinator for admissions
23. Steering Committee member for Autonomous committee visit
Kumaraguru College of Technology
1. Handled subjects like Thermodynamics, Refrigeration and Air conditioning, Gas
dynamics and Jet propulsion, Heat and Mass Transfer and produced results
above 90%.
2. Being Thermal Engineering Laboratory Incharge, Prepared Lab Manual, Updated
the lab with new equipments and submitted proposals to AICTE under MODROB
scheme to modernize the laboratory.
3. Assistant Workshop Superintendent for the workshop
4. Organizing Secretary for National conference on Advances in Mechanical
Sciences AIMS 10
5. Member of Board studies in Mechanical Engineering Department, Involved in
syllabus and curriculum revision.
6. Member of Board studies in Fashion Technology Department, Involved in
syllabus revision of Mechanical Engineering subject.
7. Organized one day workshop on Recent Advances in Automobile Engineering
8. Submitted proposal under seminar grant scheme and received fund of Rs 1 Lakh
for organizing National conference on Advances in Mechanical Sciences AIMS 07
9. Principal investigator in the research project on Welding and received a fund of
Rs 5 Lakhs under research promotion scheme.
10. Principal investigator in the Management sponsored project on solar crop drier
using heat pipe technology.
11. Being Class Advisor for IV year Mechanical Engineering, Students are
continuously counseled.
12. Member of disciplinary committee.
13. Editor of AIMS proceedings.
14. Prepared the important activities of the department.
15. Department library in charge during 2005
16. Prepared the department report for Anna university committee visit.
17. Worked as stage management committee member in the one week school
students training program organized during May 21 -28 ,2005
18. Coordinator for registration committee for the graduation day function
19. Coordinator for seating arrangement for merit scholar award distribution
20. In charge for preparation of academic calendar for the year 2011-2012
VLB Jankiammal College of Engineering and Technology
1. Handled subjects like Thermodynamics for EEE and Mechanical students.
2. Core committee member for Accreditation works-Involved in preparing the
reports of the department for AICTE
3. Class Advisor for I year Mechanical Engineering students
Kongu Engineering College
1. Handled subjects like Thermodynamics, Thermal Engineering, IEOR, Engg.
Mechanics etc for various branches
2. Thermal Engineering Lab in charge
3. Timetable coordinator for the department.
4. Task force member in ISO certification works
5. Energy Audit team member
6. Acted as a Co-investigator in the R&D project on “Waste Heat Recovery from
A/C systems and generation of hot water for student’s hostel”.
7. Class Advisor for Third year students
PSG Industrial Institute
1. Worked in the Marketing Department of the Heavy Engineering Division
responsible for manufacturing conventional and CNC machines
2. Responsible for Marketing, sales and dispatching.

Assoc Prof. Dr. Raja Noor Farah Azura binti Raja Ma’amor Shah
She completed her Bsc. (Hons.) Mathematics in 2001 from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), M.Sc (Mathematics) in 2003 from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), and obtained her Ph.D. (Mathematical Sciences and
Applications) in 2012 from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). She has a teaching experience
around 19 years. Starting as Mathematics Lecturer at Universiti Industri Selangor (UNISEL)
from 2001 until 2007. She was appointed as Mathematics Tutor at Universiti Pendidikan
Sultan Idris (UPSI) in 2007-2011, then as Mathematics Lecturer in 2012-2019. She was then
promoted to Associate Professor in 2019 till date. Her research interest is Applied
Mathematics, Computational Mathematics, Applied Graph Theory and Networking,
Mathematics Education Mathematics Modelling, Engineering Mathematics and Mathematics
Technology. She has published in 37 international journals and 18 proceedings. Her research
experience includes her role as grants leader and also as grant member since 2009 in Applied
Mathematics and Education Mathematics. She was awarded the ‘Best Researcher in Applied
Mathematics’ by Research Under Literal Access (RULA) in 2019, ‘Excellent Service
Awards’ from Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) in 2015, Certificate of Excellent
Service Appreciation from UPSI since 2013 until 2019, Winner of Third Place Category
Sapphire by UPSI in 2019, Bronze Medal of SKK Action Research Paper 2018 by Ministry
of Education Malaysia, Gold Medal (Innovation) at International Innovation Invention
Creation (IIICE2019) , Gold Medal (Innovation) at Carnival For Innovation In Teaching And
Learning 2019 (CiTeL2019), Bronze Medal (Innovation) at International University Carnival
on E-Learning (IUCEL) 2019, 1 Gold Medal and 1 Bronze Medal (Innovation) at UniSZA
Carnival on eLearning 2019 (UniCel 2019), 1 Gold Medal and 2 Silver Medal (Innovation) at
COMPEX 2019 : Pertandingan Inovasi Competition,Presentation,Exhibition, Silver Medal
(Innovation) at K-Novasi Pengajaran & Pembelajaran Pendidik 4.0 (2018), Bronze Medal
(Innovation) at International Exposition Research & Innovation In Education 2013, Silver
Medal (Innovation) at Pameran Reka Cipta, Penyelidikan dan Inovasi (PRPI) 2011, UPM,
Silver Medal (Innovation) at at Pameran Reka Cipta, Penyelidikan dan Inovasi (PRPI) 2009,
UPM and Silver Medal (Innovation) at Pameran Reka Cipta, Penyelidikan dan Inovasi
(PRPI) 2007, UPM. She has also well performed the additional professional roles and
responsibilities entrusted to her.

Q.ID: 29235638778
World Research Peace Award – 2019
(Title: Best Researcher of the Year)
Rula International Awards – 2018
(Title: Best Researcher in Electrical Engineering)
Author of IJSER Publication (Volume# 9 Issue: 7, July-
2018 ISSN2229-5518)
Projects Specializes in Home automation Systems,
and world’s leading Top Brands like GEZE
Germany Gmbh, Hormann Middle East & Africa,
FAAC Italy, & Wayne Dalton USA
Presently working as a Head of all projects in Qatar
Region, handled the coordination, evaluation, and
continuous improvements of the department and
managing a team.
Administered multiple projects related to door
automatics and Roads & Infrastructure Projects
Focus on Team building, Business growth &
Effective utilization of resources.

I am having 12 years of teaching experience after M.E. and one year post Ph.D. experience
accomplishing with different roles and responsibilities. I have published 5 papers in highly reputed
Scopus Indexed journals with cumulative impact factor of 20, Citations 62 and h-index of 4. Winner of
Research Peace Award 2019-20 awarded by RULA AWARDS under the title “Best Researcher in
Biodiesel and Emission Control in IC Engines” and Bharath Vikas Award 2019 in the field of “Pollution
and Emission Control”.
Ph.D. in IC Engine, Anna University, Chennai. October 2018 – Highly commented.
M.E. in Computer Aided Design passed from K. S. Rangasamy College of Technology,
Tiruchengode, India in July 2007. Marks – 77 %; Class – First. (Anna University, Chennai).
B.E. in Automobile Engineering passed from I. R. T. T., Erode, India in April 1992.
Marks – 64.28 %; Class – First. (Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore).
GATE / ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS PASSED: TANCET-2005 conducted by Anna University,
Marks: 36.794
Alternate fuels, Emission and control techniques, I.C. Engines, Automobile Engineering, Design,
Federal Technical and
Vocational Education and
Training Institute, Ethiopia
24.11.2019 To-date 0.1 years
KCG College of Technology,
Chennai 21.01.2019 28.10.2019 0.9 years
K.S.R. College of Engineering,
Tiruchengode 02.07.2012 29.12.2018 6.6 years
K.S.R. College of Engineering,
Tiruchengode 01.06.2011 30.06.2012 1.1 years
Annai Mathammal Sheela
Engineering College, Namakkal 06.06.2007 28-05-2011 4 years
K.S.R. Institute of Technology,
Tiruchengode 01.06.2000 31.05.2005 5 years
7 Lecturer K.S.R. Institute of Technology, 03.06.1992 31.05.2000 8 years Tiruchengode
Program Coordinator/
Board of Studies
Preparation of curriculum and syllabus for Automobile Engineering
department under autonomous scheme for various Regulations.
Academic counseling meeting.
Maintaining NBA related files for Automobile & Mechanical
Engineering Department and internal academic auditing for quality
3 Academic Auditor Conduct internal auditing for academic assessment and review.
4 Exam Coordinator
Conduct examination for internal assessments, guiding students for
elective course selection, scheduling, assessment of internal marks.
Organizing Technical Symposiums.
Organizing Guest Lectures.
Organizing Seminars & Workshops.
6 HOD Incharge Monitoring the department activities, mentoring of students, lab
equipment purchase & erection.
7 Class Advisor Students counseling, students record maintaining, internal
assessment of students, arranging industrial visit, parents meeting.
Operating system : Windows 98, Windows XP
Drafting /Modeling Software : AutoCAD 2016, Solid Edge v20.0, Solidworks 2019
Analysis Software : Ansys v10.0, Femap with Nastran v9.3
CNC Software : Fanuc coding for Turning and Milling, NX Cam
MEMBERSHIP : Life member in ISTE, IAENG, UAMAE (IRED), WRC, ISRLeaders Club
Research Peace Award 2019-20 titled “Best Researcher in Biodiesel and Emission Control in IC
Engines” awarded by RULA AWARDS.
2019 Marquis Who’s Who in the World listee.
Bharat Vikas Award 2019 in the field of “Pollution and Emission Control”.
Reviewer in the following highly reputed journals
Applied Energy Journal (Elsevier Publication)
Fuel Journal (Elsevier Publication)
Energy Conversion and Management (Elsevier Publication)
Journal of Nanostructure in Chemistry (Springer Berlin Heidelberg Publication)
Environmental Science and Pollution Research (Springer Berlin Heidelberg Publication)
Part A: Journal of Power and Energy (SAGE Publication)
Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences (NISCAIR Publication)
International Conference on Energy Engineering and Environmental Protection (IOP Conference
Series Publication)
Bentham Science Publishers
The Open Ecology Journal
No. of papers : 05 (International Journals)
Cumulative Impact Factor : Scopus – 21, Others – 2.24
Citation & h-index : Citations – 77, h-index – 4, i10-index – 3
FDP/NPTEL Courses: IC Engines and Gas Turbines
1. Varatharaju Perumal, M. Ilangkumaran. The influence of copper oxide nano particle added
pongamia methyl ester biodiesel on the performance, combustion and emission of a diesel
engine. Fuel 232,2018, pp.791– 802. (Publisher: Elsevier,Scopus Indexed, Impact Factor 5.128).
2. Varatharaju Perumal, M. Ilangkumaran. Experimental analysis of operating characteristics of a
direct injection diesel engine fuelled with cleome viscosa biodiesel. Fuel, 224, 2018, pp. 379-387.
(Publisher: Elsevier, Scopus Indexed, Impact Factor 5.128).
3. Varatharaju Perumal, M. Ilangkumaran. Water emulsified hybrid pongamia biodiesel as a
modified fuel for the experimental analysis of performance, combustion and emission characteristics
of a direct injection diesel engine. Renewable Energy, 121, 2018, pp. 623-631. (Publisher:
Elsevier, Scopus Indexed, Impact Factor 5.439).
4. Varatharaju Perumal, M. Ilangkumaran. Experimental analysis of engine performance, combustion
and emission using pongamia biodiesel as fuel. Energy, 129 (15), 2017, pp. 228-236. (Publisher:
Elsevier, Scopus Indexed, Impact Factor 5.537).
5. Varatharaju Perumal, M. Ilangkumaran. Performance and emission characteristics of Direct
Injection Diesel Engine by using water Emulsified Diesel as fuel. International Journal of
Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences. Vol.5. Issue 5, 2017, pp. 476-484.
(DIIF Impact Factor 2.24).
1. Experimental Study and Analysis of Exhaust Emission Level Reduction in Gasoline Engine by
introducing Isopropyl alcohol as gasoline additive. International Conference of Emerging Trends in
Engineering Technology Management & Sciences, ICEETMS – 2019 on 23rd and 24th September,
Organized by Ashoka Institute of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad.
2. Automatic Ground Clearance Adjustment System of Automotive Vehicle. National Level
Conference on Recent Advancements in Mechanical Engineering RAME-18 held on 22
nd March,
2018 at Nandha College of Technology, Erode.
3. Performance and emission characteristics of Direct Injection Diesel Engine by using water
Emulsified Diesel as fuel. International Conference on Research Trends in Engineering, Applied
Science and Management (ICRTESM-2017) held on 23rd April, 2017 at National Institute of
Technical Teachers Training & Research (NITTTR), MHRD, Govt. of India, Chandigarh.
4. Pneumatic disc brake system by using engine exhaust gas fuelled pongamia biodiesel. National Level
Conference on Recent Advancements in Mechanical Engineering RAME-17 held on 28th March,
2017 at Nandha College of Technology, Erode.
5. The role of pongamia biodiesel in environmental sustainability and emission control as a transport
fuel used in diesel engines. National Conference on Technologies for Green Mobilty NCTGM ’17
held on 20 &22 March 2017 at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam.
6. An experimental and analytical study on the performance, combustion and emission characteristics
of CI engine by using blends of jatropha. National conference on Intelligent Automation in
Manufacturing and Automotive Technologies IAMAT 2015 held on 27th March, 2015 at Sri
Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
and 5th January, 2018 sponsored by Department of Science & Technology Science and Engineering
Research Board.
2. Seminar on “Patent Filing in India and Other Countries” on 8th August, 2016 at K.S.R. College of
Engineering, Tiruchengode.
3. National Level Seminar on “Safety Analysis of Nuclear Power Plant using Computational and Fuzzy
Techniques” sponsored by Science and Engineering Research Board on 3rd and 4th May, 2016.
4. International Level Workshop on “JOURNAL PAPER WRITING AND PREPARATION OF
WINNER RESEARCH PROPOSAL” at K.S.R. College of Engineering, Tiruchengode from
19.08.2015 to 20.08.2015.
5. National level workshop on “BLOOMS TAXONOMY AND ITS ASSESSMENTS” at K.S.R.
College of Engineering, Tiruchengode on 20.03.2015.
07.06.2010 to 12.06.2010.
7. Technical training on “UGS VELOCITY SERIES” ( SOLID EDGE, FEMAP, NX and NX CAM
EXPRESS) by M/s Empower Ltd. at Annai Mathammal Sheela Engineering College, Namakkal
from 24.10.2007 to 26.10.2007 & 30.10.2007.
1. Three days Skill Development Program (SDP) titled “Autonomous Vehicles” at KCG College of
Technology, Chennai from 01.08.2019 to 03.08.2019.
2. Three days Value Added Program on the topic “Certified Solidworks Associate Programme
(CSWA)” at KCG College of Technology, Chennai from 26.06.2019 to 28.06.2019.
3. One day workshop on the topic “ 3D Printing for Automobile and Aeronautical Engineers” at KCG
College of Technology, Chennai on 25.06.2019.
4. Two day National Level Workshop titled “Advanced IC Engines” at K.S.R. College of Engineering,
Tiruchengode from 23.02.2017 to 24.02.2017.
5. One day seminar on “Environmental Sustainability through Research and Development” on
09.09.2016 at K.S.R. College of Engineering, Tiruchengode.
6. One day workshop on “Automotive Engine and Vehicle Technology” at K.S.R. College of
Engineering, Tiruchengode on 12.08.2015.
7. One day seminar on “Present Scenario of Automobile Industries” on 10.01.2015 at K.S.R. College of
Engineering, Tiruchengode.
8. One day seminar on “Recent trends in automobile electronics” at K.S.R. College of Engineering,
Tiruchengode on 07.10.2013.
9. One day seminar “Best Practices in Automotive Industry” on 04.07.2012 at K.S.R. College of
Engineering, Tiruchengode on 07.10.2013.
10. One day Seminar on “Emission Control Methods and Norms for Automotive Vehicles” on
20.12.2011 at K.S.R. College of Engineering, Tiruchengode on 07.10.2013.
11. Two Day National Level Workshop on “Solidworks for SAE Competitions” at K.S.R. College of
Engineering, Tiruchengode from 26.08.2011 to 27.08.2011
Date of birth & Age : 07.05.1971; 48 Years
Sex : Male
Fathers name : Perumal P
Marital status : Married
Language known : Tamil and English
Nationality & Religion : Indian, Hindu

Dr. Harishchander Anandaram
• Highest qualification with year: PhD in Bioengineering will be completed in April 2020 (Thesis Submitted).
• College/University of highest qualification: Sathyabama University, Chennai.
• Bioinformatics tools for NGS: FASTX, GATK, SAM Tools, BFAST, mrFAST and SOAP tools.
o Technical Assistant in Indo US TB Project at JIPMER, Puducherry from 06.10.2016 – 06.03.2018.
o Assistant Professor in Bioinformatics department at Sri Krishna Arts and Science College, Coimbatore
from 15.05.2019 – Till date.
Awards/ Honors
Glacier Research Foundation’s Best Teacher Award 2019.
Novel Research Academy’s Best Young faculty award 2019 in Bioinformatics.
Nature Science Foundation’s Best Faculty award 2019 in Functional Genomics and Systems Biology
Publons award for maintaining quality in the process of peer review towards publications in 2018.
Young Investigator Award for young scientists in India & Southeast Asia-sponsored by “International
Society for Infectious Diseases” from “Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation” @ the 17th International Congress on
Infectious Diseases, Hyderabad, India (March 2-5, 2016).
Prof R. Gurumoorthy Best Oral Presentation Award for presenting a research paper entitled “PharmiR: new
methodology to predict therapeutic miRNAs” in the “National Conference on Advances in Chemical Sciences
and Engineering” held during 6th and 7th March, 2014 @ SCSVM University, Kanchipuram, Tamilnadu, India.
Details of Research Publications
Harishchander A, Pharmacogenomic based miRNA Regulation in Tuberculosis: An Initiation towards the
Discovery of Systemic Biomarkers to Treat Tuberculosis in Future. 2018, J Tuberc Ther 3: 117.
Short Communication
• Harishchander A, A Computational Approach for Identifying the Impact of Pharmacogenomics in Regulatory
Networks to Understand Disease Pathology. J Bioengineer & Biomedical Sci 2017, 7: 235.
• Harishchander A, A Computational Approach to Predict A Novel MicroRNA From The Associated Genes Of
Cutaneous Lichen Planus: An Initiation Towards The Discovery Of Therapeutic Biomarkers. J of Biosens
Biomark Diagn 2018 3(1): 1-5.
Mini Review
• Harishchander Anandaram, A Review on the Impact of Genetics and Genome Wide Association Studies in
Autoimmunity. MOJ Proteomics Bioinform 2017, 6(4): 00203.
• Harishchander A, A Review on Application of Bioinformatics in Medicinal Plant Research. Bioinform Proteom
Opn Acc J 2017, 1(1): 104.
• Harishchander Anandaram, A Review on the Impact of Long Non Coding RNAs in Psoriasis. BAOJ Aller
Immunol 2017, 3:014.
Book Chapter
• Harishchander Anandaram, Role of Bioinformatics in Nano Technology: An initiation towards personalized
medicine (chap.11, pg. 293-317, 2017). “Integrating Biologically-Inspired Nanotechnology into Medical
Practice”. IGI Global Publishers.
Review Articles
• Harishchander Anandaram, A Review on Long Non Coding RNAs (lncRNAs) and its Applications in Aging.
ABOA 2018, 1(1):105.
• Anandaram H, A Review on the Application of RNA based Nanotechnology in In Vivo Computation. J
NanosciCurrRes 2018, 3(1):117.
• Harishchander Anandaram, A Clinical Review on the Epidemiology and Pathophysiology of Psoriatic Arthritis.
Adv Biotech OA 2017, 1(1):003.
• Daniel Alex Anand, Harishchander Anandaram, A Review on Global Prevalence and Recent Advancements in
the Genetics of Psoriasis. MOJ Proteomics Bioinform 2017, 6(2): 00189.
• Harishchander Anandaram, Daniel Alex Anand, A Review on Micro RNAs and its Application in Psoriasis. MOJ
Proteomics Bioinform 2017, 6(1): 00184.
• Harishchander Anandaram, A Review on Application of Biomarkers In The Field of Bioinformatics &
Nanotechnology for Individualized Cancer Treatment. MOJ Proteomics Bioinform 2017, 5(6): 00179.
Research Articles-Systems Biology
Harishchander Anandaram, Daniel Alex Anand, Computational Analysis of Pharmacogenomics and miRNA
regulatory networks in Psoriatic Arthritis. Elseviers Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology 2018, 16:545-
• Anandaram H. A Computational Approach to Identify the Transcription Factor Based MicroRNA (miRNA)
Regulation Involved in the Disease Pathology of Psoriasis. Funct. Struct. Genomics Med. 2018, 1(1):103.
• Harishchander Anandaram, A computational approach to identify microRNA (miRNA) based biomarker from
the regulation of disease pathology. Biol. Med Case Rep 2018, 2(2):12-25.
• Harishchander Anandaram, A computational approach to identify microRNA (miRNA) based biomarker of
Pharmacovariant from the regulation of disease pathology. MOJ Proteomics Bioinform.2018, 7(3):152‒ 170.
• Harishchander Anandaram, Computational Analysis of Pharmacogenomic Based Regulatory Network in
Psoriasis: An Approach of Systems Biology to Initiate the Discovery of Systemic Biomarkers to Treat Psoriasis.
Syst Comput Biol J 2018, 1: 5.
• Harishchander Anandaram, Computational Analysis of Pharmacogenomic based Regulatory Network in
Psoriasis by Direct Approach: an Approach of Systems Biology to Initiate the Discovery of Biomarkers to Treat
Psoriasis. ABOA 2018, 1(1):104.
• Harishchander Anandaram, Computational Analysis of Pharmacogenomic based Compatibility of Micro RNA in
Regulatory Network of Psoriasis: A Bioinformatics approach to initiate the discovery of Systemic biomarkers to
treat Psoriasis. Op Acc J Bio Eng & App 2018, 1(1): OAJBEA.MS.ID.000101.
• Harishchander Anandaram, Computational Analysis of Expression Based Regulation in Psoriasis: An Approach
of Systems Biology to Understand Disease Pathology and Predict Potential Regulators. J Sys Biol Res 2017, 1(1):
• Harishchander Anandaram, Computational Analysis of Pharmacogenomic Based Regulatory Networks in
Psoriatic Arthritis: An Initiation towards Identifying a Potential Biomarker to Treat Psoriatic Arthritis. Adv
Biotech OA 2017, 1(1):002.
• Harishchander Anandaram, Computational Analysis of Regulatory Network in Psoriasis by Top-down approach:
An initiation towards identifying a novel biomarker to diagnose and treat Psoriasis in Future. Med Rep Case Stud
2017, 2(3): 143.
• Harishchander Anandaram, Impact of MicroRNA as a biomarker for Psoriasis: A Computational approach
to disease pathology. Medplus J Bioinfo Biotech 2017, 1(1): 001.
Research Articles-Bioinformatics
Harishchander A, Aarthi Rashmi B, Comparitive Modelling, Virtual Screening and Docking of CCR5 with
Diverse Libraries. J. Biol. Today’s World. 2019, 8(3):4.
Aarthi Rashmi B, Harishchander A, Priyanka K, Vasanth Nirmal Bosco, Molecular Docking of
Antitrypanosomal Inhibitors from Eucalyptus tereticornis for Sleeping Sickness, Asian J. Pharm. Clin. Res.
2019, 12(9):191-195.
• Harishchander Anandaram, Homology Modeling of P30481: A novel drug target for Psoriasis. EC
Proteomics and Bioinformatics 2017, 1(1): 27-35.
• Harishchander Anandaram, Modeling of Gag PolyproteinIsolate NY5 of HIV Type1 Group M Subtype B by
Threading Method: A Bioinformatics Approach. BAOJ Aller Immunol 2016, 3(1): 008.
• Harishchander Anandaram, Insilico Analysis of Micro RNA Based Target Interaction: Potential
implication in the Pharmacogenomics of Psoriasis. MOJ Proteomics Bioinform.. 2016, 4(4): 00129.
• D. Alex Anand, A. Harishchander, U.B. Jason. An integrated network analysis of psoriasis: A novel approach to
disease pathology. Asian J. Pharm. Clin. Res. 2015, 8(3):176-178.
• Harishchander Anandaram, Daniel Alex Anand. Computational analysis of micro RNA based target interactions
related to genome wide association studies of psoriasis. J. PURE APPL. MICROBIO. 2014, 8(SPL. EDN.):823-
• Harishchander Anandaram, Daniel Alex Anand. Binding site analysis of microRNAs target interaction from
genome wide association studies. Asian J. Pharm. Clin. Res. 2014, 7(3):121-122.
• Harishchander Anandaram, Daniel Alex Anand. Computational approach for identifying therapeutic micro
RNAs. Int. J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci. 2014, 6(6):638-640.
Structured Abstracts
H. Anandaram, D. Alex Anand. Computational Analysis of miRNA based Regulation in Alzheimer ’s disease.
Annals of Neuro Sciences 2018, 25(5):1-23.
H. Anandaram, D. Alex Anand. Insilico analysis of micro RNA based target interaction associated with
pharmacogenomics of acquired immune deficiency syndrome. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 2016,
A. Harishchander, M. Michael Joshua, U. Benjamin Jason, D. Alex Anand. In silco analysis of carboxamide
derivatives of piperidine as potential antagonists of CCR5. BMC Infectious Diseases 2014, 14 (Suppl. 3):E21.
Harishchander Anandaram, Daniel Alex Anand, A Computational approach for identifying novel micro RNAs
from Genome Wide Association Studies of Psoriasis. IJIRSE 2014, 1(1):288-291.
A. Harishchander, S. Senapati, D.Alex Anand, Insilico Analysis of HIV Protease Inhibitors Using Fitness
Function in Genetic Algorithm. BMC Infectious Diseases 2012, 12 (Suppl. 1):O7.
Harishchander, A, “Homology Modeling And Immunosuppressant Peptide Docking Of Ccr5: An Initiation
Towards The Development Of Peptidomimetics Compound To Treat HIV” was published in the Proceedings of
International Science Symposium on HIV and Infectious Diseases organized by YRG care, Chennai, India during
12-14 October, 2019. ABSTRACT NO.179.
Aarthi Rashmi, B.*, Harishchander, A., Akshay, A.G., Deepak, G., Siddesh, M., Yeswanth, M. and Thankaraj,
T.L. Homology modelling and docking of COLCA2: an initiation towards identifying a new chemical entity to
treat cancer. IISTSD Proceeings. Conference was organized by Kongunadu Arts and Science College,
Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India during 19-21 September, 2019, Abstract No BMS-312.
Aarthi Rashmi, B.*, Harishchander, A., Madhumitha, C., Divya Lakshmi, S. and Shalini Srivasan. Isolation and
identification of low density polyethylrne degrading bacteria.Organized by Kongunadu Arts and Science
College, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India during 19-21 September, 2019, ISBN: 978-93-5361-615-1,p.359.
Harishchander, A., Aarthi Rashmi, B.*, Pravitha, K.S, Kausalya Sakthivel, Uma, K., Nimitha, P.V. and Swathi,
T.V. Understanding the genetic diversity of Pediculus humanus capitis using mitochondrial markers. Organized
by Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India during 19-21 September, 2019, ISBN:
Harishchander A, Aarthi Rashmi B, Annapoorna C, Saranya N, Divyalakshmi S, Shalini Srinivasan (2019),
“Comparative Modelling, Virtual Screening and Docking of Bifunctional Protein in Microcystis aeruginosa: An
initiation towards Identifying a Potential Inhibitor”, Organized by Annamalai University, Chidhambaram,
Tamilnadu, India during 30-31 August, 2019, ISBN: 978-93-5361-615-1,p.421.
• Harishchander A, Aarthi Rashmi B, Annapoorna C, Saranya N, Divyalakshmi S, Shalini Srinivasan (2019),
“Protein-Peptide Docking on Marine Peptides With Antibacterial Therapeutic Effect”, Organized by Annamalai
University, Chidhambaram, Tamilnadu, India during 30-31 August, 2019, ISBN: 978-93-5361-615-1,p.427.
• Harishchander Anandaram and Daniel Alex Anand, “A Novel approach for identifying therapeutic microRNAs”
was published in the Proceedings of International Conference on Mathematical Sciences organized by
Sathyabama University, Chennai, India during 17-19 July, 2014. pp. 657-659.
• Harishchander Anandaram and Daniel Alex Anand, “PathomiR: A new methodology to identify miRNAs
involved in disease pathology” was published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent
Trends in Chemical Sciences and Engineering (NCRTCSE-2014) Organized by Anna University, Chennai, India
during 25-26 February, 2014. pp. 126-132.
• Harishchander Anandaram and Daniel Alex Anand, (2014), “PharmiR: A new methodology to predict
therapeutic miRNAs” was published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on Advances in Chemical
Sciences and Engineering (NCACSE-2014) Organized by SCSVM University, Kanchipuram, Tamilnadu, India
during 06-07 March, 2014. pp. 100-106.

Abhishek Majhi
FATHER’S NAME : Sri Dipak Kumar Majhi.
DATE OF BIRTH : 12 th April of 1991.
SEX : Male.
(10 th Class)
West Bengal
Board of
Beng, Eng, Math,
Lif.Sc., Phy.Sc., Hist,
Geo, work education.
2006 66% 1 st Div.
(10+2 Class)
West Bengal
Council of
Beng, Eng, Math,
Phy, Chem, Bios.
2008 56 % 2 nd Div.
Bachelor of
4 Year U.G.
Degree Course
West Bengal
University of
Animal And
i. Dept. of Fishery
Economics and
ii. Dept. of Fishery
Pathology and
iii. Dept. of Fishery
iv. Dept. of
v. Dept. of Fishery
Biology and
vi. Dept. of Fish
vii. Dept. of Fishery
viii. Dept. of Fishery
2012 67% 1 st Class
Masters of
West Bengal
University of
Animal and
Dept. of Fishery
2014 87% 1 st Class
2 Year P.G.
Degree Course
Post Graduate
Diploma in
Institute of
2015 70.36% 1 st Class
Master of
2016 59.12% 2 nd Class
Ph.D Sidho Kanho
Department of
– –
LANGUAGES KNOWN : 1. Bengali (Read, Write and Speak)
2. English (Read, Write)
3. Hindi (Speak).
OCCUPATION : Research Scholar, Sidho Kanho Birsha University, Purulia
HOBBY : Photography, Travelling, Driving two & four wheeler.
COMPUTER SKILL : Pass a Diploma course in DITA (MS-DOS, MS-
WINDOWS) in Garia Youth Computer Center.

Rohit Raju Nikam
To achieve excellence in research.
To have a growth oriented career, where I can contribute my knowledge and skills to the
organization and enhance my experience through continuous learning.
2019 Excellent ‘Researcher of the year’ award in astronomy by Rula, India.
Qualification Board/University College/School Marks obtain Year of
(Mechanical Engineering)
MIT School of
8.08 SGPA
(In 6th Semester) 2020
(Mechanical Engineering)
Maharashtra State
Board of Technical
K.K Wagh
Polytechnic. Nashik. 83% 2017
Secondary School
Certificate MSBSHSE
Rashtriya Vidyalaya
92.60% 2014
2019 Interplanetary Spacecraft and Satellite Engineering.
2020 Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing GD&T
World Research Council.
Indian Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ISHARE).
Junior Chamber International. Chalisgaon, Dist. Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India.
Rotary Club. Chalisgaon, Dist. Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India.
Rohit Nikam, ‘The Survey of Space Shuttle’, International journal of Science & Research
(IJSR) ISSN: 2319-7064, December 2018, Vol. 7 Issue 12.
Rohit Nikam, ‘The Planetary Rovers (Space Exploration Vehicles)’, International Journal
of Scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER) ISSN: 2229-5518, December 2018, Vol.9
Issue 12.
Rohit Nikam, ‘The Survey of Parker Solar Probe’, World Journal of Engineering
Research and Technology (WJERT) ISSN: 2454-695X, March 2019, Vol. 5 Issue 2.
Rohit Nikam, ‘COORDINATE MEASURING MACHINE (CMM)’, International Journal
of Mechanical And Industrial Technology ISSN: 2348-7593, Oct. 2018, Vol.6, Issue 2.
Rohit N, Tanvi C, ‘The Survey of Industrial Robotics’, International Journal For Scientific
Research & Development (IJSRD) ISSN: 2321-0613, May 2019, Vol. 7 Issue 3.
2016-06 A.P Engineering, Nashik.
2018-01 Hybrid & Electric Vehicle, Device Electronics, Pune.
2018-07 Hybrid Automotive & Race Engine Dynamics, Elite Techno Groups.
2017-03 Pipe Cleaning and Polishing Machine.
2017-11 Regenerative Braking System.
2018-03 Study of Hydraulic Jack.
2018-19 Design, Development of Prototype for Electric Vehicle.
2019-20 Study & Fabrication for Experimental Investigation of Solar Concentrating System.
Auto CAD
Microsoft office.

Functional Summary:
1. Over 12 years’ experience in Manufacturing Industry HR, Sales, Inventory, Purchase &
2. Professionally and Technically Qualified in the areas of Electronics and Communication
and Human Resource Management Approved by AICTE-UGC- Both DE & C and MBA
1st Class
3. Confident to Handle, IR, Manpower, Media, Media Persons, VIPs and Liaison with
Government and Quasi-Government Functionaries, Research activities
4. Proficient in Windows 10 & other MS office packages
5. Published 3 articles both international and national and presented a paper in conferences
6. Presently working as Manager in Nexthermal Mfg. (I) Pvt. Ltd.
With extensive experience, seeking to join as Assistant General Manager in Management
Discipline (HR Domain) and or Technical discipline Electronics and Communication and
contribute to the growth of the organization. And further interested to go for higher studies in the
Research field.
Academic Qualifications:
1. Indian Degrees:
a) MBA 1
st Class HR & Marketing Management from Chaudhary Charan Singh University
Meerut – Sir Chhotu Ram Institute of Engineering and Technology, Meerut, Uttar
Pradesh 2019
b) B.Com 70.80 % Himalayan University, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh 2017
c) Diploma in Electronics & Communication Engineering 69.65 %, Chaudhary Charan
Singh University, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh 2014
d) NCVT Apprentice 1 year at BHEL – PASAA – Programming And System
Administration Assistant October 2006 – 87.64 % 1st Rank
e) ITI 1 year course – COPA – Computer Operator And Programming Assistant July 2005 –
80.50% 1st Rank
f) Applied for Ph.D in Business administration from University of Mysore
2. Foreign:
a) Diploma in Human Resources (HR) 83.00 % Alison – Level One Building, Galway
Technology Park, Parkmore, Galway, H91 E309, Ireland
b) Certificate Course in Yoga Exercises for Core Strength and Flexibility – Revised
93.00 % Alison – Level One Building, Galway Technology Park, Parkmore, Galway,
H91 E309, Ireland
c) Diploma in Law Alternative Dispute Resolution – Revised 85.00 % Alison – Level
One Building, Galway Technology Park, Parkmore, Galway, H91 E309, Ireland
3. Ad on Course
a) “Consumer Law” held from September 2019 to November 2019 B.M.S College
of Law, Basavanagudi, Bengaluru, Karnataka
The Impact of Stress on Human health and performance at the MBA
Project on Electronic devises and its usages in diploma
Corporate Trainer for newly joined employees
Design and Development of Website for FS&T department BHEL EDN
Online Qualifications:
1. Accounting CPD:
1. Customer KPIs
2. Dealing with Ethical Issues
2. Easy Shiksha:
1. Basic Photosynthesis System Definition Lession
3. English Grammar
4. How to Use Photoshop for Begin
6. Online History Courses
7. Operating System Definition Types and Functions
8. Psychology
9. Quality Management System (QMS)
11.Understanding Compliance, Cobit 5 Principles
12.What is PSI DSS, Certification Course
3. Fab Academe:
1. 21 fatal skinny fat other health mistakes DBMS
2. Fabulous body starter course
3. Fitness for beginners complete workout plan mastery 2017
4. Free fab body course bundle
5. Nutrition for a fit healthy body beginners course
6. The fab d diet
4. International Institute Of Generosity Development:
1. Communication skills
2. ETM
3. First Aid
4. Goal Setting
5. Leadership Skills
6. Problem Solving
7. Sales Women Course
8. Save Money
9. Self Esteem
10. Stress Management
11. Team Management
5. Master Of Project Academy :
1. Free CISA Training
2. Free Six Sigma Training
3. Free PMI ACP Training
4. Free Project Management Templates
Membership of Professional Bodies:
Member, Public Relations Society of India, Bangalore Chapter
Corporate Member, National Institute of Personnel Management, Karnataka Chapter
Life member National HRD Network, Bangalore Chapter
Life member Quality Circle Forum of India -04 99 21 102456, Bangalore Chapter
Student Member in Law Forum Bangalore
Achievements & Awards Received:
1. Budding Cost-Effective Leader 14 June 2010 – Award from Navraj Charitable Trust
2. Young Dynamic Administrator – 2015, 28 September 2016 – Award from Navraj
Charitable Trust
3. Dynamic Administrator – 2016, 30 July 2017 – Award from Navraj Charitable Trust
4. Best Educationist Award – at New Delhi on 27th February 2020 – Award from
International Institute of Education and Management
5. National Mahila Ratan Gold Medal Award – at New Delhi on 27th February 2020 –
Award from Indian Solidarity Council
Appreciation letters
1. Received recognition certificate from Managing Director Prasanta Tarafdar of Hotset
India Pvt. Ltd. In the financial year 2009-2010
2. Received appreciation letter from Jairam E. S. Chartered Accountant of SRUTI on 09
June, 2010
3. Personality Development Programme 12 January 2018 – Appreciation letter received
4. Yoga and its impacts on health 21 June 2018 – Appreciation letter received from
5. Keeping good health and its benefits including sexual harassment 16 October 2018 –
Appreciation letter received from SVMVVSS
6. Received commendation letter from Managing Director Prasanta Tarafdar of Nexthermal
Mfg. (I) Pvt. Ltd for received continuously performance award, Best employee Award in
the years 2008, 2009 and 2010 for not committing even a single mistake during the
service on 28.12.2019
Work Experience:
Hotset India Pvt. Ltd. from 01.04.2008 to 21.11.2010
Asst. Manager – Sales, Inventory, Accounts & Purchase
Nexthermal Mfg. (I) Pvt. Ltd. from 22.11.2010 to till date
Manager – HR, Accounts & Purchase
Papers published in refereed journals bearing ISSN No and Impact Factor – 4
International Journals
“Impact of E-Commerce on Indian Economy” in International Journal of Business and
Administration Research Review (IJBARR) Peer Reviewed and Indexed Journal;
Volume – 6; Issue – 4; October – December 2019; pp. 8-11; Print ISSN: 2348-0653;
Online ISSN: 2347-856X; IMPACT FACTOR: 5.494
“Revering The Differences At Workplace: Impact of Attitudes and Job Satisfaction
in Service Sectors” in TRANS STELLAR (TJPRC) in International Journal of Human
Resource Management and Research (IJHRMR); ISSN (Online): 2249-7986, ISSN
(Print): 2249-6874; Impact Factor (JCC) (2019): 7.9089; Indexed Copernicus Value
(ICV) – (2016): 61.65; NAAS Rating : 3.38; IBI Factor : 3.2; Vol. 10; Issue – 2; Edition:
Apr 2020; 9–16; Received: Jan 11, 2020; Accepted: Jan 31, 2020; Published: Apr 08,
2020; Paper Id.: IJHRMRAPR20202
“The Impact Of Guerrilla Marketing On Consumers Buying Behavior” accepted for
publication in IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Business Management
(IMPACT: IJRBM); ISSN (Print): 2347-4572; ISSN(Online): 2321-886X; Impact
Factor: 4.7223; ICV Factor: 59.44; NAAS Rating: 3.09
“Components Determining on Consumers to Buy Organic Food Products in
Bengaluru- a Study” accepted for publication in IMPACT: International Journal of
Research in Business Management (IMPACT: IJRBM); ISSN (Print): 2347-4572; ISSN
(Online): 2321-886X; Impact Factor: 4.7223; ICV Factor: 59.44; NAAS Rating: 3.09
“Effective Purchase Management to increase profits” Purchase seminar of SATVAM
Consulting Pvt. Ltd, Training, Placement, Consultancy, June 12, 2010 at Hotel Atria,
Bangalore, Karnataka
PRCI workshop on Guest Lecture on Challenges in Communicating Hope and Trust
and Workshop on Art of Press Release writing In connection with World
Communications’ Day held on 3rd November 2017 at Bangalore, Karnataka
IQAC Sponsored 5 Day Workshop on “Research Methodology and Recent Trends in
Business” from 09-13th December 2017 at Davanagere University, Shivagangotri,
Davanagere, Karnataka
“Criminal Justice System in India” Law seminar of SAMATHVAA – ABVP on
Saturday, 14th September 2019 at RV Institute of Legal Studies Jayanagar 3rd Block
East, Bengaluru, Karnataka
“Right to Information Act, 2005” Law workshop of SAMATHVAA – ABVP on
Saturday, 12
th October 2019 at RV Institute of Legal Studies Jayanagar 3rd Block East,
Bengaluru, Karnataka
Faculty Development Programme on “Simulation in Management Education” held on
18th December 2019 at Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, Karnataka
“Future Of Learning Conference 2020” Learning to Learn, Unlearn and Relearn:
Flourishing in the Age of Disruptions and Innovation held on 3-4 January 2020 at
Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, Bilekahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka
“Medical Negligence and Forensic Science” Law seminar of Bar Council of India – All
India Reporter on Sunday, 16
th February 2020 at Bar Council of India, 21, Rouse
Avenue Institutional Area, Near Bal Bhawan, New Delhi – 110 002
“Juvenile Justice System In India” Law seminar of SAMATHVAA – on Saturday, 29th
February 2020 at BMS college of Law, Bull Temple Road, Basavanagudi, Bengaluru,

1979- 1983 BSc in Pharmacy – Faculty of pharmacy – Damascus University.
1986 Diploma in pharmacology – Faculty of pharmacy – Damascus
1990 Master Degree in pharmacology (Excellent Degree) – Faculty of
Pharmacy – Damascus University.
2005 Ph.D. in Pharmacology (Honor Degree) – Faculty of pharmacy –
Damascus University.
Teaching Experience
Damascus University, Faculty of Pharmacy:
1983- 2009- Laboratory of Pharmaceutics and Technology
2010- 2015: Introduction to Pharmacy.
2010- Now: Industrial Pharmacy (1).
2010- Now: Industrial Pharmacy (2).
2010- Now: Pharmaceutical Marketing.
2010 – Now: Industrial Pharmacy for higher education students.
The Syrian Private University, Faculty of Pharmacy
2010- 2019 Introduction to Pharmacy.
2010 – 2019 Community Pharmacy.
2010 – 2019 Pharmaceutical Calculation.
2017-2019 Industrial Pharmacy.
Kalamoon University:
Introduction to Pharmacy, Pharmaceutics
Arbitration Committee:
Master degree in department of Pharmaceutics
and Pharmaceutical Technology.
I supervise MA and PhD research in the Department of
Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology.
Post-graduate Training:
1981: Training course for a month in Germany
Professional Experience:
– Ibin Sina, Factory
– Femela, Farook Madani Factory
– Inside pharmacy inBuraida Hospital in Saudi Arabia 1996-
Current job tasks:
Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Damascus.
Secretary General of the Scientific Association of Faculties of
Pharmacy in the Arab World.

Academic Qualification :
Bachelor of pharmacy and pharmaceutical chemistry from Damascus
university in 1987
Postgraduate Diploma in industrial pharmacy from Damascus university in
Member of general body of Damascus pharmacists’ association
Master degree 93% in pharmacology and phytochemistry from Damascus
university in 2018
Had achieved international innovative researcher in phytochemistry in 2020.
Practical Experience :
Since 1994 and still practicing the pharmacy career in my private pharmacy
shop named al nachar at sabee bahrat square damascus .
A pharmacology teacher in laboratory of kalamoon university from 2014
until now.
A phytochemistry teacher in laboratory of Damascus university from 2010
until now.
A pharmacology teacher in laboratory of al Rasheed university from 2018
until now.
Had published two articles one in jfn journal and the other is in JOJPH

Student, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Cluj, 1957-1962 Ph.D., Faculty of Mathematics, University of Bucharest (Romania), 1970
Professional experience:
Research Assistant, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, October 1962 – September 1970
Lecturer, Faculty of Mathematics, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, September 1970 – October 1990
Associate Professor, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, October 1990 – October 1992
Professor, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, October 1992 – October 2004
Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Babeş-Bolyai University, 400084 Cluj-Napoca, October 2004 – Present
Fields of interest:
Applied Mathematics: fluid mechanics and heat transfer with application to the boundary-layer theory, heat transfer in Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, magnetohydrodynamics and convective flow in fluid-saturated porous media.
Teaching experience:
Theoretical mechanics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, boundary-layer theory, differential and integral calculus and courses for staff and departmental development.
1. Research prize awarded in 1968 by the Romanian Ministry of Education and Science
2. Gheorghe Lazar prize awarded in 1983 by the Romanian Academy of Science for the book Unsteady Boundary Layer Theory (in Romanian)
3. Opera Ominia prize awarded in 2002 by the Romanian Ministry of Education and Science for long outstanding teaching and research activities
4. Emerald LiteratiNetwork 2004: Outstanding Paper Award presented to I. Pop, T. Grosan and M. Kumari for the paper: Mixed convection along a vertical cone for fluids of any Prandtl number: case of constant wall temperature, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, Vol. 13, No. 7, pp. 815-829, 2003
5. Emerald LiteratiNetwork 2004: Outstanding Paper Award presented to Y.Y. Lok, N. Amin, D. Campean and I. Pop for the paper: Steady mixed convection flow of a micropolar fluid near the
stagnation point on a vertical surface, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, Vol. 15, No. 7, pp. 654-670, 2005.
6. Member of Agder Academy of Science and Letters, Norway, 2005
7. Spiru Haret prize awarded in 2006 by the Romanian Academy of Science for the book Low Reynolds Number Viscous Incompressible Flow: Theory Methods and Applications. WIT Press, Southampton, 2004.
8. Emerald LiteratiNetwork 2009: Outstanding Paper Award presented to N.F. Abd Kadir, D.A.S. Rees and I. Pop for the paper: Conjugate forced convection flow past a circular cylinder with internal heat generation which is embedded in a porous medium. International Journal Numerical Methods in Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 18, No. 6, pp. 730-744, 2008.
9. Emerald LiteratiNetwork 2010: Outstanding Paper Award presented to Simon D. Harris, Derek B. Ingham and I. Pop for the paper: Impulsive Falkner-Skan flow with constant wall heat flux:
revisited, International Journal Numerical Methods in Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 19, No. 8, pp. 1008-1037, 2009.
10. Emerald LiteratiNetwork 2011: Outstanding Reviewer Award presented to Professor Ioan POP for work: International Journal Numerical Methods in Heat and Fluid Flow, 2010.
11. Emerald LiteratiNetwork 2012: Outstanding Paper Award presented to A.M. Rohni, S. Ahmad and I. Pop for the paper Boundary layer flow over a moving surface in a nanofluid beneath a uniform free stream, International Journal Numerical Methods in Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 21, No. 7, pp. 828-846, 2011.
12. Emerland LiteratiNetwork 2012: Outstanding Reviewer Award presented to Professor Ioan POP for work on International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, 2011
13. Ioan POP, Distinguished Reviewer of Zentralblatt MATH, 2014
14. Emerald LiteratiNetwork 2016: Outstanding Reviewer Award is awarded to Prof. Ioan Pop
15. Emerald LiteratiNetwork 2017: Outstanding Reviewer Award is awarded to Prof. Ioan Pop
16. loan M. Pop and Teodor Grogan: Award for Excellence in Global Contribution, Scopus Awards Romania, 2017.
17. Ioan POP, Review Certificate for Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences, 2017.
Research activities:
Publications: 10 books, 11 review chapters, more than 1000 research journal papers published in different national and international journals and Proceedings of Conferences. In the last 12 years (2006-2018) there are more than 800 published or online ISI papers and there are more than 1000 citations in the last 15 years. My h (Hirsh) index for 2020 is 76 and I was named a “Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researcher” for 2015 and 2016, and Highly Cited Researcher for 2018 by Clarivate Analytics.
Supervised, co-supervised and examination of PhD theses:
I have supervised 6 PhD students at the Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca up to now, co-supervised more than 20 PhD students (University of Leeds, UK, Ohio State University, USA, University of Regina, Canada, University Technology Malaysia, National State University, Malaysia, University Putra Malaysia, Quaid-i-Azam University, Pakistan, Anna University, India, etc. and have
been an external examiner for more than 50 PhD theses. Director of the Centre for Excellence in Mechanics of the Romanian National Research Council:
(since 2001). This Center has been classified the second one with 88.5 points out of four existing such center in Romania Grants:
1. Project funded by the European Community (jointly with Prof. Derek B. Ingham from the University of Leeds, England), 1994
2. Projects funded by the Romanian Council for Science (CNCSIS), 1995-2005
3. Project funded by The Royal Society, London (jointly with Prof. Derek B. Ingham from the University of Leeds), 1998-2007
4. NATO ASI grant (jointly with Prof. Derek B. Ingham, 50.000 EURO) for organizing an International Conference on Porous Media, Neptun-Olimp, Romania, 2003
5. NATO grant (jointly with Prof. A. Baytas and Prof. Ingham, 12400 EURO) for the project Computational Investigation of Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Enclosures, 2006-2008.
6. Grant PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2016-0036, UEFISCDI, Romania, 2017-2019.

Dr. Neal Ratan Agarwala
BHMS (Calcutta University)
DBMS, MD(Bio), PGDPC, MS(Psycho),
Grapho-therapy & NLP(USA)
He is a philanthropist and a Doctor who helps people come out of pain and lead a wonderful life.
He is actively involved in research and finding cures to reduce the suffering of humanity.
His research is published in leading science journals.
His reviews and his annotations appear on international research papers.
He has discovered a new method of treatment in Homeopathy using the active ingredients of medicinal
He is third generation in a family of prominent Homeopaths.
He is practicing modern Homeopathy since more than a decade and a half (since 2005)

Dr. Rahul Kumar Maurya
Dr. Rahul K. Maurya earned his Ph.D. in Medicinal Chemistry in 2019 from CDRI Lucknow, India. He is an Assistant Professor in Amity Institute of Pharmacy, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow Campus, India. He has received the CSIR-CDRI incentive award in 2016. His career has included 12 years in academia and research. He has published research papers in peer-reviewed journals and presented research papers in conferences of national and international repute. His area of research interest focuses on the design and synthesis of functionalized Indoles, indazoles, TZD, isoxazole, and novel nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compounds for the treatment of diabetes, and infectious diseases. He is also a reviewer of various scientific journals. He has successfully supervised several undergraduate and graduate students in their research.

Dr George Mathew Panachiyil
Dr George Mathew Panachiyil has completed Doctor of Pharmacy Post Baccalaureate Course from the University of JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research, Mysore. Before that, he has his under graduation in Bachelor of Pharmacy, which graduated from The Tamil Nadu Dr M.G.R Medical University, Chennai. Tata Trusts Merit Scholarship was awarded to him for his academic excellence in the year 2018-2019. A certificate of appreciation was
presented to him in 2019 by the University of JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research, Mysore, in recognition of his outstanding contribution as a peer reviewer in an International Journal. He was a part of various research projects during his Bachelor of Pharmacy and Doctor of Pharmacy studies. He has authored several research articles which featured at various reputed Indian and International journals. Also, he worked as a peer-reviewer in various international journals.

Dr Rameshwari Thakur
Professor (Dr) Rameshwari Thakur graduated (MBBS) and post-graduation (MD Microbiology) from Indira Gandhi Medical college, Shimla, H.P. in 1993. She also did DCH from Al-Fateh University, Tripoli. Libya. She worked in various teaching institutions in India and abroad. She has published about 45 articles in reputed National and International journals. She has around 743 citations. She is also editor of some prestigious National and International journals and participated in various National and International conferences. Being a very dedicated
teacher, she takes keen interest in teaching both undergraduates and post-graduates. One of her mentored students has won the prestigious National and International awards for publishing the maximum number of articles in Globally acclaimed journals. She was actively involved in research in Botswana during HIV/AIDS epidemic from 1999 to 2010. Her fields of interest are: (1)Antibiotic resistance (2) Cryptococcal meningitis and other opportunistic infections in patients with HIV/AIDS and (3) Dermatophytosis. In Botswana, she worked as Specialist Microbiologist, Infection Control Consultant, Institutional Review Board Co-ordinator and Senior Research Microbiologist at National Health Laboratory and Princess Marina Hospital Gaborone. Attended various Workshops, Conferences and Trainings in Gaborone, South Africa and Unites States. She also worked with University of Pennsylvania in Botswana in various research projects, especially related to HIV/AIDS. She was first to report Cryptococcus meningitis due to Cryptococcus gattii from
Botswana. She also assisted and trained various Dermatologists and Residents from different countries about processing various samples for study of Dermatophytes and published many scientific papers on Dermatophytosis She was first to report an outbreak of Dermatophytosis due to Trichophyton mentagrophytes 2016 from Western UP . She has published various papers linked to this outbreak. This outbreak was later confirmed due to T.mentagrophytes ITS genotype VIII by Prof. Sybren de Hoog at
Westerdijkinstitute , Netherlands.

Prof. Swami Prakash Srivastava
Prof. Swami Prakash Srivastava started his carrier as lecturer of Economics at Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed to be University)-Agra in Sept. 1998. Currently, He is working as Professor and Head of Department In Dayalbagh Educational Institute Agra. Prof. Srivastava was also served as Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences during July 1st ,2015 to June 30th 2018 and Dean Under Graduate Studies of the institute in July 1st 2017 to June 30th , 2018. Prof. Srivastava is an active life member of various
professional bodies, namely International Health Association(IHA), Indian Economic Association(IEA), Indian Society of Labour Economics(ISLE), Indian Society Agriculture Economics(ISAE), Indian Econometrics Society(IES), Indian Commerce Association(ICA), Association of Socio Economic Development Studies(ASEDS) and System Society of India etc. He participated in various international, national and regional seminars and conferences etc and presented papers. An unwearied researcher has about 50 research papers published in various international and national journal of repute. He contributed research papers in 30 edited book on various topics such as retail, BPO, solar and nuclear power, Global Climate Change, financial inclusion, SEZ’s , Bit-coin Virtual Currency , Demonetization ,
GST and NPA’s in Banks etc, which have been well received and highly acclaimed during his 22 years of professional carrier. He has also successfully guided doctoral students of the Dayalbagh Educational Institute-Agra. He is the member of the Academic Council and Chairperson of the Board of Studies and also serving as Member of Finance Committee, Member of Governing Body of the University. He was honored by various awards namely Eminent Scientist of the World-2012 in Economics by Cambridge
Biographical Association, U.K. , Bharat Jyoti Award(2013), Rajeev Gandhi Excellence Award(2016), Bharat Ratna Dr A.P.J. Kalam excellence Award (2017) and Life time Achievement in Humanities and Social Sciences Leadership Award during the 2nd Higher Education Leadership Meet (HELM2019) BY Venus International Foundation at Chennai on January 5th 2019.

Luigi Cristiano
Dr. Luigi Cristiano has taken a degree in Biotechnology (B.Sc.) in 2005 and in Medical Biotechnology (M.Sc.) in 2008 at the University of Trieste (Italy). Currently, he is at the end of a path of a university master of I level in Macroscopic, Histological and Molecular Diagnostic Techniques Applied to Pathological Anatomy at the University of Siena (Italy).
He carried out various activities and occupations, including researcher in molecular oncology, agro-food laboratory technician, professor of chemistry and cosmetology at private professional schools, quality system specialist, and speaker at various courses and conferences. He actually works as a researcher & development manager at the Prestige company, which produces devices for non-invasive aesthetic medicine. He has published many papers on cancer, molecular biology, non-invasive aesthetic medicine, and complementary and integrative medicines (CAMs) in various journals. Nowadays, his main research projects are focused on the molecular biology of eukaryotic translation elongation factors and their involvement in cancer and other human diseases, on the non-invasive aesthetic medicine techniques, and on the application of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) in veterinary medicine.

Dr. Sanjay Kumar Mandal
Academic Qualifications
1. Ph.D. in Physics (2008, May), Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, W. B., India.
Award: International Research Awards 2020, The International Research Leadership Award, Distinguished Researcher in Physics sponsored by the International Research Councils.
Research and Teaching Activities
1. Assistant Professor, (Nov.2012- Pres.), Department of Physics, National Institute of Technology Agartala, Tripura, India.
2. Assistant Professor, (August, 2011- Nov. 2012), School of Applied Sciences, Haldia Institute of Technology, Haldia, W. B., India.
3. Collaborative Research Fellow, (April, 2011- June, 2011), Physics Department, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan, USA. (DARPA Project, USA)
4. Visiting Scientist, (2010- June, 2011), Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg (IPCMS), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Strasbourg, FRANCE.
5. Post Doctoral Research Fellow, (2008-2010), Physics Department, Oakland University,
Rochester, Michigan, USA. (DARPA Project, USA)
6. Senior Research Fellow, (2007- 2008), Department of Physics & Meteorology, Indian
Institute of Technology Kharagpur, W. B., India.
7. Visiting Lecturer, (2002-2003), Sabang Sajani Kanta Mahavidyala, Paschim Medinipur,
W.B., India.
Areas of Research Interest
1. Organic Spintronics : Interface and Transport Characteristic Study and Bio Impedance Spectroscopy.
2. Engineered Functional Multiferroics Heterostructures for Microelectronic, Magneto-Electronic (ME) and Ultra Sensitive Uncooled Magnetic Sensor Applications.
3. Thin film growth, Synthesis of Nanogranular Materials and Physics of Diluted Magnetic Semiconducting (DMS) Oxides for Spintronics Applications.
4. Thin film growth, Synthesis of Nanogranular Manganite Oxides and Transport Phenomena in Highly Correlated Systems.
5. Growth (Thin film and Nanomaterials) and Characterization of Gas Sensor Materials.
Academic Awards, Fellowships Received
1. Fast Track Young Scientist Award, DST, New Delhi, India, (2012).
2. Visiting Scholar Fellowship, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan, USA, (2008).
3. Research Associateship from C. S. I. R, New Delhi, India, (2008).
4. Research Associateship, Pusan National University, South Korea, (2008).
5. Scholarship from S. J. Jindal Trust, New Delhi, India, (1999 and 2000).
Sponsored Research Project
1. “Functionally Graded Ferrite-Ferroelectric Multiferroic Nanocomposites and Development of Magneto- electric (ME) coupling set-up for Magnetic Field Sensors” 24.12 lakh, DST Fast Track Scheme, New Delhi, D.O. No. SR/FTP/PS-019/2012. (Awarded)
2. “Functionally Graded Alloys – Ferroelectric Multiferroic Layered Composites Prepared by Chemical Deposition Techniques for Magnetic Field Sensors” CSIR, New Delhi (Submitted).
3. “Functionally Graded Ferrite-Ferroelectric Multiferroic Layered Nanocomposites Prepared by Tape Casting Technique for Magnetic Field Sensors” NRB, DRDO (Submitted).
Courses Taught
1. B. Tech. Course/ BS-MS Dual/BT-MT Dual: Engineering Physics I & II; Electricity and Magnetism, B. Tech.
Practical and BS-MS Dual/BT-MT Dual Advanced Physics Lab.
2. M. Sc. Course: Digital Electronics, Analog Electronics; Quantum Mechanics; Advanced Quantum Mechanics; Electrodynamics; M. Sc. Practical (Advanced Physics Lab).
Book Published
[1] Physics of Oxide Materials for Spintronics, S. K. Mandal, P. Dey and T. K. Nath, Scholars’ Press, Germany, 2013. ISBN No. 978-3-639-51305-9
[2] Spintronics For Beginners [ISBN No.- 978-3-639-66375-4], P. Dey and S. K. Mandal, Scholars’ Press, Saarbrücken, Germany, (2014).
Book Chapters
[1] Functionally Graded Piezomagnetic and Piezoelectric Bilayers for Magnetic Field Sensors: Magnetoelectric
Interactions at Low-Frequencies and at Bending Modes, S. K. Mandal, G. Sreenivasulu, V. M. Petrov, S. Bandekar,
and G. Srinivasan, Advances and Applications in Electroceramics: Ceramic Transactions, Volume 226, Page 223,
Wiley Publisher, USA, K. M. Nair (Editor), Shashank Priya (Editor), Quanxi Jia (Editor), ISBN: 978-1-118-05999-9,

Himabindu Bantikatla
I’m B. Hima Bindu, working as an Assistant Professor in Sreyas Institute of Engineering and Technology, JNTUH since 2011. I have over all teaching experience of 12 years in UG and PG colleges. I am currently pursuing PhD from Koneru Lakshmiah (KL) University, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh. My research focuses on ZnO Synthesis and Characterization, A Study of Electro-optical Properties and Applications to Solar Cell Devices.
I’ve presented research papers in two International Conferences and one National Level Conference. I’ve received the Best Poster Presentation Award from Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur in December 2019. I also published two research papers in International Journals, indexed in SCOPUS. I received an award of ‘Innovative Researcher of the Year’ 2019-20 from IJRULA, Trichy. I have been awarded with an outstanding performance in Research and Development 2019-20 from Sreyas Institute of Engineering and Technology, JNTUH. It was an honor to receive the best teacher award for consecutive four academic years in Sreyas Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad.

A.Vijaya Lakshmi
Vijaya Lakshmi Atla received her M. Sc degree in Electronics from Bapatla Engineering College, Bapatla affiliated to Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, India, in 2003 and the M.E degree in Applied Electronics from Satyabama University, Chennai, India in 2010. Her research area of interest includes Infrared thermography, Non-Destructive Testing & Evaluation, Thermography. Currently she is pursuing her Ph. D (Thesis submitted) from Infrared Imaging Center, ECE, College of Engineering, K L University, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Dr. C. Bindu Roy
Dr. Bindu Roy following her Ph. D. from the Bharathidasan University joined Rubber Research Institute of India (RRII) as a Post-doctoral Research Associate in 2000 in the Genome Analysis Laboratory and later moved to the Plant Pathology Division of RRII in 2004 and has been Senior Scientist since 2010. Dr. Roy’s thrust areas of research are deciphering molecular basis of disease tolerance to understand genes/ factors controlling host tolerance; mapping of quantitative trait loci; molecular breeding for disease resistance; molecular systematics and phylogenetics of fungal pathogens; transcriptomics and genomics.
Dr. Roy was a Visiting Scientist in the University of California, Riverside, USA during 2007-2008. She was conferred the Australian Leadership Award Fellowship of the Australian Govt. and worked in the University of Sydney, Australia during 2012-2013. Dr. Roy was also an Australian Endeavour Fellow of the Australian Govt. and worked in the University of Adelaide, Australia during 2017-2018.
Dr. Roy has been conferred with several awards in recognition to her research contributions. To name a few she was awarded (i) Dr. C. S. Venkata Ram Memorial Award of the Indian Society for Plantation Crops; (ii) Prof. M. N. Kamat Merit Award of the Indian Phytopathological Society; (iii) G.D. Verma Best Woman Scientist Award of the Indian Society for Mycology and Plant Pathology (twice); (iv) Dr. Narasimha Swamy Memorial Award of the Indian Society of Plantation Crops and the (v) International Research Leadership Award (RuLa Award) of the World Research Council. She has over 60 research papers in national and international journals, has been an editor/ associate editor of eight books, has over 80 conference papers and over 200 fungal and Hevea microsatellite genomic sequences submitted to the National Center of Biotechnology Information (NCBI).


B Pazhanivel
I am B. Pazhanivel from T. Madappuram village of Chidambaram taluk, Tamilnadu. I was born on 1972, and My parents father K. Balan and my mother B. Vennila. I have Studied schooling at Nandhanar Boys Hr. Sec. School-Chidambaram and Diploma in Mechanical Engineering at Muthiah Polytechnic-Annamalainagar. My carrier began as a service engineer at Geedee Weiler (P) Ltd – Coimbatore, followed by PMT Machines Ltd, Pune. I am currently working as a Senior Technical Officer at the CSIR-Central Electrochemical Research Institute, Karaikudi. Later, in 2008, I graduated BE- Mechanical Engineering from Alagappa chettiar College of Engineering – Karaikudi and post-graduated in 2015 (MS-By Research) from Anna University – Chennai, and I am now doing my Ph.D. at Department of Production Engineering, NIT Tiruchy. Specialization Area Additive Manufacturing and CNC Machine Tools and Automatic Machinery. To date, our research article has been published in five international journal publications.
1. Pazhanivel B, Sathiya P, Sozhan G. Ultra-fine bimodal (α + β)
microstructure induced mechanical strength and corrosion resistance
of Ti-6Al-4V alloy produced via laser powder bed fusion process. Opt
Laser Technol [Internet]. 2020;125(October 2019):106017. Available
2. Pazhanivel B, Kumar TP, Sozhan G. Machinability and scratch wear
resistance of carbon-coated WC inserts. Mater Sci Eng B Solid-State
Mater Adv Technol [Internet]. 2015;193(C):146–52. Available from:
3. Athijayamani A, Thiruchitrambalam M, Natarajan U, Pazhanivel B.
Effect of moisture absorption on the mechanical properties of
randomly oriented natural fibers/polyester hybrid composite. Mater Sci
Eng A. 2009;517(1–2):344–53.
4. Athijayamani A, Thiruchitrambalam M, Manikandan V, Pazhanivel B.
Mechanical properties of natural fibers reinforced polyester hybrid
composite. Int J Plast Technol. 2010;14(1):104–16.
5. Athijayamani A, Thiruchitrambalam M, Natarajan U, Pazhanivel B.
Influence of alkali-treated fibers on the mechanical properties and
machinability of roselle and sisal fiber hybrid polyester composite.
Polym Compos. 2010;31(4):723–31.

Dr. Shinya Inazumi
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan
Prof. Dr. Inazumi is currently active worldwide in the field of geotechnical engineering as a
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan.
Prof. Dr. Inazumi has been working on experimental and analytical research relating to the
clarification of the advection and dispersion phenomena of contaminants, the adsorption and
desorption phenomena which relates to movement and transport of contaminants in the ground as a
matrix, and, further, on research activities which utilize the advantage of accepting the capacity size
of the ground, such as the construction, management and utilization techniques of empty lots of
waste landfill sites as broad-based recycle bases, low cost techniques for containment of
contaminated soil, and effective reuse techniques for various industrial waste as ground material,
etc., mainly in order to resolve environmental issues relating to the ground which have become
obvious as a social issue. The issue of movement and transport of contaminants in the ground, which
Prof. Dr. Inazumi is trying to solve, is an important environmental activity for global material and
living being’s circulation, being a form of circulation on a global scale, which plays an important
role and is considered as the key in the circulation of global material and living beings. Therefore,
the investigation, experiment, and analysis techniques relating to the environmental issue of the
ground based on the movement and transport of contaminants, which Prof. Dr. Inazumi has been
building up, will be helpful in resolving the issue of global material circulation that can have an
influence on the global environmental dynamics.
Prof. Dr. Inazumi is also good at communicating the results of his researches and has presented and
published the results of numerous researches at various conferences and in scientific journals
domestically and internationally. It is particularly worth noting that Prof. Dr. Inazumi won the “ICE
Publishing Awards 2020 (Environmental Geotechnics Prize)” from the Institution of Civil Engineers
(ICE) in 2020, and the “MEXT Young Scientists’ Prize” from the Ministry of Education, Culture,
Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) in 2015. Moreover, Prof. Dr. Inazumi has gained a number
of official research promotions. These demonstrate that the innovative and original research
achievements by Prof. Dr. Inazumi have been highly acclaimed domestically and internationally.

K Kiran Kumar
Prof. K. Kiran Kumar has a wide experience of more than 11 years in the field of Finance, Investment Analysis and Research Methodology as a Commerce and Management faculty member. He submitted thesis in the month of November-2020 to Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh and also cleared
National Eligibility Test(NET) and JRF” which is conducted by UGC, June 2011. In the year 2013 he received Best Faculty award from Sanskrithi School of Business, Puttaparthi – A.P.
He is the coordinator of Academic Curriculum, Social Outreach Prorgamme and Investors Club in Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru. Karnataka.
He published more than 13 articles in well indexed and UGC approved business journals at National and International level. He presented his papers on Finance and Shareholder Value Creation in various International seminars.
Professional Qualifications and Affiliations
Master of Business administration
Best Faculty Award
M.Phil in commerce
(Ph.D) in Shareholders Value Analysis
At present, he is working in Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru, as a Faculty of Commerce which is the top three colleges in Bengaluru as per NDRA rankings and top 20 at National level (India).

Surya Rao R V M
Professor & Head
Dept. of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery & SIPRACS (Saveetha Institute of Plastic,
Reconstructive, Aesthetic and Craniofacial Surgery)
Saveetha Medical College, Thandalam, Kanchipuram District, Tamilnadu
MBBS – Sri Ramachandra Medical College, 2001
MS – Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore, 2006
MCh – Govt. Chengalpattu Medical College & Hospital, 2011
Chief Coordinator & Project Director, SIPRACS Cleft Care Programme in association with
Deutsche Cleft Kinderhilfe e.V., Germany
Areas of interest – Faciomaxillary, Burn and Hand Surgery
Over 70+ publications in various national and international journals.
Awarded ‘Dr. P.G. Viswanathan Gold Medal in E.N.T.’ in 1998
Dissertation on ‘Study of Ultrasound & Computed Tomography in the Diagnosis of
Abdominal Mass Lesions’ during MS (Gen. Surgery).
Dissertation on ‘Analysis of Functional Outcome following Rigid Skeletal Stabilisation of
Unstable Proximal and Middle Phalangeal Fractures of the Hand’ during MCh (Plastic
Papers presented
Management of Vascular Anomalies in Our Institution
Supraclavicular Artery Flaps for Head & Neck Reconstruction
Lateral Genicular Artery Flap for Reconstruction of Defects around the Knee
Large Congenital Naevus Scalp Managed By Tissue Expansion
Dorsal Ulnar Artery Flap in Reconstruction of The Hand
Co-Investigator in ‘Fibrous matrix-hydrogel double layered synthetic human skin substitute
for full-thickness burn wounds’
Co-Investigator in ‘Chitosan Collagen Polyvinyl Alcohol Polymer Composite Nanofibers:
Characterization, Antimicrobial Studies And Its Wound Healing Effects’
Membership of Professional Societies
Association of Surgeons of India
Fellow of Academy of General Education
Hernia Society of India
National Academy of Medical Sciences, India
Association of Breast Surgeons of India
Tamilnadu & Pondicherry Association of Plastic Surgeons
Indian Medical Association Kauvery Alwarpet Branch, Chennai, T.N.
Association of Plastic Surgeons of India
National Academy of Burns – India
Diabetic Foot Society of India

Dr. Abhik Mukherjee
applications in various research fields like Hydrodynamics, Plasma Physics, PT symmetric systems, Superconductivity, Interaction of array of qubits with photon field, Quark Gluon Plasma, Nonlinear
Optics etc. I have completed my PhD from the Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, India in the field of Nonlinear Waves. Then I have done two Postdocs from the University of Cape Town, South Africa and the National University of Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia respectively. I have published around 10 research papers in reputed international journals and received the Rula International Research Leadership Award (Innovative Researcher in Nonlinear Dynamics) sponsored by the World Research Council, for one of my research paper.

Manuel Jesus Gazquez Gonzalez
Dr Gázquez is Graduated in Physical Sciences from the University of Seville and PhD for the University of Huelva and completed his training with Master Degree in “Waste treatment and management” from the University of Cadiz and Master Degree in “Environmental Technology” from the University of Huelva, with doctoral program taken the same name and quality mention from Minister of Science and Innovation. He was member since 2007 to 2016 of the Research Group “Radiation Physics and Environment” (Acronym FRYMA) code RNM-348 (in the Andalusia R&D Plan) of the University of Huelva. Then, he was joined at “Radioactivity and Environment” research group, code RNM-160 attached to the Department of Applied Physics of the University of Cadiz from 2016 to the date.
He has developed his research career in the field of waste recovery and more specifically in NORM (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials) waste. He has also worked in radiometric measurement techniques with alpha spectrometry using silicon semiconductor detectors, liquid scintillation, and gamma spectrometry. On the other hand, has made relevant contributions in the field of natural radioactivity applications on the environment, developing new methods for measured of natural radioactivity.
During 2014 he was worked in the Private Technical University of Loja (UTPL), Ecuador, carrying out teaching and research assignments under the prestigious Prometheus program, an initiative of the Ecuadorian Government for research. He developed a project as head investigator entitled “Radiological characterization of agricultural soils of Loja” and also acted as co-director in a project devoted to the phytoremediation of abandoned mining sites entitled “Design of bioremediation
strategies based in plant-microorganism consortium for the recovery of contaminated soils for the mining in the Zamora-Chinchipe zone”. Since December 31, 2018, Dr Gázquez got a permanent position of Lecturer at the University of Cadiz in the Department of Applied Physics.

Dr. K.M. Freny Joy
Dr. K.M. FRENY JOY M.Sc., Ph.D.,
Assistant Professor, Department of Physics (sfs)
Madras Christian College, East Tambaram,
Dr. K. M. Freny Joy, received her B. Sc., (Physics) and M.Sc., (Physics) Degree from Madras
Christian College, affiliated to University of Madras, Chennai with distinction and Doctoral degree from
Anna University, Chennai. She was awarded with Aphalat Scholarship from Institute of Mathematical
Sciences, Taramani, Chennai – 119. Her teaching tenure spans a period of 16 years. To her credit she has
published 21 papers in reputed peer reviewed National / International journals and Conferences. She is a
free launch author and written five books for the benefit of first year engineering students. She received
awards such as Best Teacher Award, St. Theresa Gold Medal for Research Contribution 2012, ASDF
Awards for 2018 as Best Research Scientist and Research Leadership Award 2020 for International
Innovation, Betterment & Excellence in Research Activities add laurels to her crown. She is a registered
Research supervisor of Anna University. Now working on recycle, reuse and environmental
nanocrystalline super capacitors and Green synthesis of metal nanoparticles for anti- microbial and anti –
cancer application. She is a Life time member of Indian Society for Technical Education, New Delhi. She
has Organized Workshops and FDP in the field of Nanotechnology and Materials Science for the benefit
of young Researchers and faculties.

Dr. S. Radhika
Assistant Professor (Senior Grade)
Department of English
Being a teacher of English, I feel very happy to train students acquire the language in a task-based approach. My great passion is doing classroom researches and identifying problems among students in learning the English language and. I know that no single approach is the right one for every individual, and so I adopt suitable teaching methodologies to cater to the needs of diverse learners.
I have organized four national Workshops, two Faculty development programmes, one national conference and one international conference wherein ELT expert Professor Jack C.
Richards was the chief resource person. I have attended 30 conferences, published 15 research papers in reputed and Scopus indexed journals.
My Educational background includes a MA in English and Doctor of Philosophy in English from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. I have a BA in English from Avinashilingam University for Women, Coimbatore.

Praveena R
To impart quality education to students with emphasis on science in engineering which
one can apply in their professional career
To enhance the knowledge of self by continuous learning process
Designation Assistant Professor (III)/ NSS Programme Officer
Department Chemistry
Institution Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, Tamil Nadu, India
Educational Qualification
Ph.D. Organic Chemistry [Anna University, Chennai] (2014)
Title of Thesis: Experimental and theoretical investigations on the antioxidant behavior of polyphenolics from
plants of Western Ghats and its dyeing properties
M.Phil.,Organic Chemistry [Bharathiar University] (2005)
M.Sc., Chemistry [P.S.G.R Krishnammal college for Women, Coimbatore] (2003)
B.Sc., Chemistry [P.S.G.R Krishnammal college for Women, Coimbatore] (2001)
Professional Experience
Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam [June 2008 to till date]
Maharaja Engineering College, Avinashi [July 2007 to June 2008]
P.K.R Arts college, Gobichettipalayam [June 2006 to Mar 2006]
P.S.G.R Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore [Jan 2005 to June 2005]
Funding Sanctioned
1. Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of Science and Technology, Government
of India, Project titled "Investigations of Medicinal Plants from Western Ghats for Flavonoids, Its
Antioxidant Activity: Experimental and Theoretical Validation", grants for Rs 1588950 for the period
2016 – 2019.
2. UBA – Perennial and appreciation fund for participating institutes – Rs 1,75,000 under DABD,TNAU as
the Regional coordinating institute – October 2020.
3. National Human Rights Commission (Training Division), New Delhi funded Rs 50000 to conduct one
day training programme on Human Rights for NSS volunteers funded by on 27 Sep 2016.
4. Conducted one day training programme funded by National Human Rights Commission (Training
Division), New Delhi for Rs 60000 on Human Rights for NSS volunteers funded by on 10 December
5. Conducted one day training programme funded by National Human Rights Commission (Training
Division), New Delhi for Rs 60000 on Human Rights for NSS volunteers funded by on 09 December
Research Summary :
o Identification of novel source of plant rich in polyphenolics (especially flavonoids) from the foot
hills of western ghats by applying high pressure thin layer chromatographic technique (HPTLC)
and by determining total phenolic content, total flavonoid content and antioxidant assay ;
identification and isolation of the compounds present in the bioactive fraction of the selected
plant using various techniques such as RP HPLC, GC/MS, 1 H NMR etc.
o Insilico biological screening of the flavonoids identified to evaluate the dominant
pharmacological activity.
o Perform density functional theory (DFT) calculations to understand the structural contributions of
the isolated compounds towards antioxidant activity.
o To explore the application of plants rich in polyphenolics in textile and food industry as a natural
Research Publications : 22 in peer reviewed international journals
National/International Conference: 48
Editor/Reviewer/Supervisor recognition
Edtiorial board member :VSRD International Journal of Pure & Applied Chemistry
Reviewer : Elsevier journals
Approval Number & Date (Ph.D Guidance) : 2570046 & 31/01/2015
Field : Phytochemistry, Quantum Mechanics & Dye chemistry
(Natural dyes)
Awards received:
1. Best Programme Officer Award(NSS) – 2016
2. BIT -NSS Outstanding Service Award 2013
Book Chapter published: Advances in Fabaceae Research and Application: 2013 Edition
Membership in professional bodies :
Indian Society For Technical Education(ISTE) and Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA)

Avneet Singh Kalsi
The award for publishing maximum number of articles on Dermatology in globally acclaimed journals. He published nine articles in reputed journals like Dovepress, MedCrave from
December 2017 to October 2020. He gave 6 oral and / or poster presentations in various international conferences and attended 18 national and international conferences at a young age of 27 years. He has successfully achieved the Official Record under the America Book of Records on 27/10/2020 and India Book of Records on 22/09/2020.

PABLO CAMPOS, PhD Architect, PhD in Education, is an Academic of the Spanish Royal Academy of Doctors, and Full Professor of Architectural Composition–Universidad CEU-San
Pablo (Spain)
He has written 16 books about University Architecture, together with a large number of articles in international Reviews, such as: International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction-IJDRR (article title: “Resilience, education and architecture: the proactive and “educational” dimensions of the spaces of formation”); Space and Culture-SAGE Journals; Society for College and University Planning; CELE-Exchange-Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD); International Association of Universities (UNESCO), CIAN-University Carlos III (Madrid); Arquitectura COAM; Urbanismo-COAM, and AULA-University of Salamanca, amongst others. His book “The Journey of Utopia-The story of the first American style campus in Europe” (Novascience, NY, USA, 2006), was granted the International Awards “Vitruvio Award” and “City Council of Madrid Research Award”. In 2010, 2012 and 2018 he received the Research Awards “Ángel Herrera” for his books “Spain-Campus of International Excellence” (Ministry of Education), “Identity, Innovation and Environment at Spanish Universities” (Ministry of Education), and “Architecture, Urbanism and Education” (Foundation SM); his last book is “Campus-Galicia” (Royal Academy of Doctors, 2020). Dr. Campos has been a speaker at several Institutions: Stanford, UCLA, Columbia, Virginia, UIC-Chicago, New York University, Harvard (Royal Complutense College), NYCC-Technology, Pittsburgh, Washington&Jefferson College, NJIT (USA), McGill (Montreal), TEC-Monterrey (Mexico), CULS (Czech R.); Sapienza (Italy), Porto, TU-Delft (Holland), Belgrade, Niš (Serbia), Ministry of Education (Bhutan), Athens (Greece), UAZ (Mexico), Latvia (Latvia), Aalto University (Finland), IST (Portugal), Cervantes Institutes (Lisbon, Utrecht), or the American Institute of
Architects (USA).
Professor Campos is the author of the concept of “Educational Campus” for the innovation of university campuses. He has been a consultant to the Ministry of Education in Spain for the Program “Campus of International Excellence” (2008-2011).
Since 1990 he has designed university spaces: Master Plan for the National University of Education-UNAE (Ecuador); Strategic Plan University of Málaga; Strategic Plan University of Girona; Strategic Plan (University Laguna); Master Plan (University Alcalá); Sustainable Campus (Madrid) (International Merit Award 2008); Strategic Plan (University Castilla-La Mancha); Report about the Master Plan of University Misratah (Lybia); Master Plan (University of A Coruña); Strategic Plan CEU-Alma Mater XXI; Master Plan Villamayor campus (University Salamanca), Honor Award in 2005 “DesignShare-The International Forum for Innovative Schools” (USA).
In 2012, Dr.Campos was recipient of the International “Education Leadership Award”, given by the World Education Congress in Mumbai (India)

Dr. Fouddad Fatma Zohra
Fatma Zohra Fouddad
Laboratory of electron microscope and materials sciences
University of sciences and technology of oran (USTO-MB)
ADL city, 600 housing units, block 64 number 15, Relizane, Algeria
Dr. Fatma Zohra Fouddad, among the firsts of his university career. She holds the HSD in physics from Ibn Khaldoun-Tiaret University. She obtained a Magister degree in physics from Es-Senia-Oran University in 2011, option: Materials science, her thesis entitled: Electrochemical formation of a copper deposit on InP(n) and InP (p) and characterization of the InP/Cu junction by electrochemistry and Optical Pathway and obtained his doctorate at USTO-Oran University in 2020, Option: Surface treatment and materials sciences, his thesis entitled: contribution to the study of the physical properties of based alloys silver type Ag2X (X = S, Se). She conducts scientific research in the electron microscope and materials science laboratory with the prof. Said Hiadsi. More than 5 years of teaching experience at USTO-Oran University (teacher of mathematics (hydraulic department) and teacher of physics (electrical engineering department)). His research interests mainly focus on simulations of the physical and chemical properties of materials with the code WIEN2K Publication record of 3 SCSI articles in recent years, including:
Article publication in Advances in Polymer Technology, October 2020, entitled: Study of Raw and Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate by Meaning of TGA and Computer Simulation. DOI: 10.1155/2020/8865926.
Article publication in Materials Sciences and Semiconductor Processing Journal, November 2019, entitled: Low temperature study of the structural stability, electronic and optical properties of the acanthite α-Ag2S: spin-orbit coupling effects and new important ultra-refraction property. DOI:
Article publication in Chinese Journal of Physics, October 2018, entitled: Molecular dynamics simulation studies of the miscibility and thermal properties of PMMA/PS polymer blend. DOI:
She has more than seven participations in international scientific conferences among the most important:-International conference ICAMRE 2018, Held in Boumerdes university, Boumerdes-Algeria | Nov 28-29, 2018.
-International conference ICEREGA’19, Held in Istanbul university, Istanbul-Turkey | Oct 30 – Nov 01, 2019.

Vipin Kumar Sharma
I am an Edtech Entrepreneur, a PG Biochemistry Gold Medalist, a passionate author (with 2 best seller books/ overall 4 books to my credit), a young teacher, youngest biologist to receive two independent Silver Creators Award from YouTube USA, a dynamic educator and emerging researcher, a national award winner from anti corruption foundation for Social Services.

Former Head, School of Solar Energy & Head, Solar Research and Development Center Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat
After completing his doctoral work in IIT, Mumbai on thin film solar cell, Dr. Mukhopadhyay worked for six years in abroad in various reputed institutes like Weizmann Inst. of Science, Israel, Shinshu University, Japan and University of Karlsruhe, Germany. He had been visiting Professor in the Dept. of Material Science, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan during 2009-2010. He had worked for more than six years as scientist in CSMCRI (CSIR) Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India. Dr. Mukhopadhyay Joined the School of Solar Energy (SSE), Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University (PDPU) as an associate professor. At present Dr. Mukhopadhyay is heading Solar Research and Development Center (SRDC) at PDPU and has been involved in establishing modern lab with state of the art facilities for carrying out frontier research in the field of solar photovoltaics. Due
to unique combination of academics, research facilities and 1 MW multi-technology solar power plant, the team of Dept. of Solar Energy (DSE) /SRDC is also involved in data validation and
various applied research associated with such establishments.
Dr. Mukhopadhyay has four US patent and one Indian patent in his credit. He has filled three Indian Patent applications and more than 105 research articles in the journal of international repute. He has been awarded many prestigious fellowships for his contribution to basic science related to energy conversion and storage. Dr. Mukhopadhyay received the prestigious CSIR rural technology award 2008 and Vikram Sarabhai Award 2006 as a key team member for his excellent contribution in the field of chemical sciences. He is engaged in active collaboration with Germany, Japan, Israel, Republic of Korea, France, Czech Republic and USA. The contribution of Prof. Mukhopadhyay can
be found in detail in the link:

Ali AKKOUCHE was born in 3rd march 2020 in the north of Algeria in one of 48 provinces called
Boumerdes. He is married and has a two beautiful daughters.
Thanks to his great passion for science, he combined between his work and science and inspire from
work many ideas and try to get some practical solution for his work problem.
He joint Materials, Processes and Environment Research Unit (URMPE), Faculty of Technology,
University of Boumerdes, Algeria and become an active member in this unit and contribute on many
scientific work.
He got his first diploma on Structural materials on 2010 with a good mention and his first work under
thematic ‘’effect of superplastizers in rheological behavior of cement pastes.
He worked as materials engineer for two years who is learned many practical in characterization of
mineral materials and quality supervisor. After this experience, he decided to join a great company in
oilfield as drilling fluids engineer ‘’Newpark company’’ and explore the oil and gas industry.
After this experience, he decided to return back to the university of Boumerdes in Algeria on 2012 to
prepare his master’s degrees with new project ‘’incorporation of Bentonite in Kcl/Polymers mud as
cake support on dehydrated clay’’, and start a new challenge with MISWACO a Schlumberger
company on 2013 and URMPE on 2014 as an active researcher. With slb, he learned new concept on
management of quality and QHSE. He worked in oilfield “Drilling operation and work over”.
On 2014, decided to complete a post-gradient study and prepare his Phd in science and Materials
Engineering. His experience helped him to choose a recent study to substitute an Oil based mud with
another environmental friendly and with the same efficiency.
On 2015, he joined a Baroid Algeria and worked for him till present as senior drilling fluids engineer
in one hand, and as active researcher with URMPE –faculty of Technology, university of Boumerdes
in anther hand.
His work with great company in oil and gas industry enabled him to learn many qualification as
logistics, QHSE, languages (English) and planed work.

Prof. Emad Hassan Aly
In 1994, Prof. Emad Aly graduated with first honors and excellent degrees from the Department
of Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University (ASU) in Egypt. From the same
university, he then obtained two degrees of a General and Specialized Diploma in Applied
Mathematics with excellent degrees in both. As a result, he was top of the class of postgraduates
(years: 1995-1996). In 1999, ASU honorably awarded Emad a M.Sc. in Heat and Mass Transfer.
In 2003, Emad was rewarded a scholarship from King Faisal Foundation (SA), Leeds University
(UK) and Royal Society of London in order to continue his studies of a second M.Sc. in
Computational Fluid Mechanics. From there, he obtained a Ph.D. studentship from
Loughborough University (UK) in Applied Mathematics for Engineering, Modelling the
Behaviour of Cooling Tower, and completed it in 2007. In the same year, Emad received a
Postdoctoral Research Associate from Loughborough University in modeling for Chemical
Engineering and successfully handled this project before the official deadline. Dr. Aly was
recently given two full professorship promotions, one from the Supreme Council of Universities
(Egypt) in 2019 and another by the Promotions Committee at University of Jeddah (Saudi
Arabia) in 2020. Prof. Aly's main interests lie in the Mechanics of Nanofluids and their
applications. He has worked and continues to work, in close collaboration with scientists from all
over the world: India, UK, Romania, USA, France, Switzerland, Pakistan, KSA, and Egypt. In
addition to his thirty-five years of teaching experience in most mathematical subjects across
various universities, Prof. Aly also acts as a certified professional trainer for developing the
capabilities of faculty members and leaders. He now works in ASU and UJ, supporting about
2,300 students daily via MyLab Mastering at Pearson. Finally, reading in Human Resources is
the preferred hobby for Prof. Aly.

Shilpa Jasubhai
Shilpa Jasubhai is a consultant clinical psychologist and independent researcher, who is
currently affiliated with Zydus, Shalby and AIMs hospitals, while also consulting to Sandesh
(press) and MICA in Ahmedabad, India. She has been practicing in the field for over 15 years
and has completed her doctorate in 2007. Since then, she has actively deepened her
knowledge in the field, getting certified in Brain Gym, Optimal learning, Vision Circle,
Whole brain learning, Educational Psychology In Depth, Touch for Health, Neuro Linguistic
Programming, Hypnotherapy, Art therapy, Emotional Freedom technique, Quantum
Focusing, Healing Affirmation, Reiki, Essentials of CBT and Access Consciousness. She has
been contributing to the development of the field with several published papers and being a
speaker in India and globally. Recently she received an International leadership award as an
innovative researcher from RULA.

Dr. Paramartha Dutta
Dr. Paramartha Dutta, born 1966, did his Bachelors and Masters in Statistics from the Indian Statistical
Institute, Calcutta in the years 1988 and 1990 respectively. He subsequently completed his Master of
Technology in Computer science from the same Institute in the year 1993 and Doctor of Philosophy in
Engineering from the Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur in 2005 respectively. Dr. Dutta,
FIET(UK), FIE(India), FIETE, SMIEEE, SMACM is now a Professor in the Department of Computer and
System Sciences of the Visva Bharati University, West Bengal, India.
Dr. Dutta as investigator could implement successfully projects funded by AICTE, DST of the Govt. of
India. He had the opportunity to serve as the expert of several Interview Boards conducted by West
Bengal Public Service Commission, Assam University, Silchar, National Institute of Technology, Arunachal
Pradesh, Sambalpur University, Mizoram University, Jadavpur University, Calcutta University to name
Dr. Dutta has coauthored eight books and has also thirteen edited books to his credit. He has published
about two hundred fifty articles in various peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings, both
international and national as well as several book chapters in edited volumes of reputed International
publishing house like Elsevier, Springer, CRC Press, John Wiley to name a few. Dr. Dutta has guided eight
scholars who already had been awarded their Ph. D. At present, he is supervising eight scholars for their
Ph. D program. Dr. He has eighteen patents published to his credit both National as well as
Dr. Dutta is the recipient of six awards, National as well as International which include the extremely
prestigious Excellence in Science and Technology Award 2018 conferred by the Indian Science Congress
Association and INSA Teacher Award 2019 conferred by the Indian National Science Academy.

Rabindranath Barik
Myself Rabindranath Barik, working as an Assistant Professor at Padmanava College of
Engineering, Rourkela, Odisha. I am continuing my Research work under the guidance of
Professor S. K. Pattanayak at Sambalpur University, Jyoti Vihar, Burla. My Field of research
work is on Sustainable Water Resource Management. I completed my master degree in
Chemistry from NIT, Rourkela and M.Tech. degree in Environmental Engineering from
Sambalpur University.
I have received the International Research Leadership award on 26th January’2020 on Best
Researcher in Sustainable Water Management. My twenty two research papers were published in
national and international journals. I also attended ten numbers of national and international
I feel very fortunate to receive the prestigious “Most Ambitious Researcher award of the year”
under “ISSN Golden Research Prize”.

Dr.Anand S N
Career Aim :
Through sheer dedication, discipline, constant learning and maintaining work, very much
interested to grow into a better quality professional in the most competitive world.
Recently received “An Outstanding Young Researcher in Application of Numerical
Methods in Mechanical engineering” Awarded by, “RULA Awards” Powered by,
“World Research Council” & “United Medical Council”.
Specialized Subject:
Technical Skills :
Programming Language: C, C++, RDBMS, Oracle etc
Office Management : M-S-Office, Windows applications, Basic Networking.
CAD Tools and Analyzing Tools :
i) Funuc CNC simulation ii) Solid Edge
iii) ANSYS & CFD iv) CATIA V5
v) Autodesk-Fusion 360 vi) MAT LAB-SimuLink
Member of professional bodies :
1. Member of Indian Society for Technical Education (MISTE).
2. Member of Institute of Engineers (MIE).
3. Member of International Association for the Engineering Modelling, Analysis and
Simulation Community (NAFEMS)
4. Member of World Research Council (WRC)
5. Member of International Journal for Research Under Literal Access (IJRULA)
Professional Experience : 21+Years (5+16) experience in Academic and Industry
No. of PG project Guided : 15
No. of UG project Guided : 26
Major Strengths:
a) Quick Learning attitude to upgrade Skill
b) Dedicated and hard working
c) Desire to achieve more
Major Weakness:
a) Cannot tolerate indiscipline in class
b) Do not like discrimination
c) Less patience towards unwanted matters.
Number of Research Papers Published in International Journal:
1) Anand.S.N, Sreerama Reddy .T.V, Madhu. D “A Face Based Basis Function
Solutions to thermal conduction Problems for 3-D Irregular Shaped Bodies Using
BEM ICRRETMME,pp:445–453,, Elsevier Materials
Today: Proceedings-9, 2019
2) Anand.S.N, Manohar H S, Srinivas Reddy Mungara, “Development and study
on corrosion properties of Al6061/Nanocarbon black re-inforced Aluminium
metal matrix composites ICRRETMME,pp:1535–1543,,
Elsevier Materials Today: Proceedings-9, 2019
3) Anand.S.N, Manohar H S, Sharan Reddy , “Effect of carbon black nano-fillers
on tribological properties of Al6061-Aluminium metal matrix composites”
ICRRETMME,pp:202-207,, Elsevier Materials Today:
Proceedings-9, 2019
4) Anand.S.N, Sreerama Reddy .T.V, Madhu. D “Development and Application
of FBBF BEM Solution for 3-D Complex shaped Domain” PMME
2016,pp:335–343,, Elsevier Materials Today:
Proceedings-5, 2017
5) Anand.S.N, Sanjay Patige , “Steady Effect of Metal Delivery Tube on Flow
characteristics of Fluids and Melt Convergent-Divergent nozzle used for Gas
Atomization Process Using CFD technique” published in International Journal for Research in Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET-
2018),Vol.6,Issue III, March-2018
6) Anand.S.N, Sreerama Reddy .T.V, Madhu. D “Heat Conduction by 3-
Dimensional Bodies of Arbitrary Shape using BIE formulation” published in
Journal of Innovative Research and Solutions, (JIRAS-2014) , Pondicherry ,
April 2014
7) Anand.S.N, MaheshReddy.S.S, Chethana.B.Mayachar, “Evaluation of Air
properties in apulse Jet unit of Pulse Jet Fabric Filtration system”, published in
International Journal of Applied Research and Studies (IJARAS-
2014),Vol.3,Issue 6,June-2-14
8) Anand.S.N, Sreerama Reddy .T.V, Madhu. D “Face based Basis function
solution to thermal conductionproblems 3-D Irregular shaped bodies Using
BEM” , International Journal of Applied Engineering
reaserch(IJAER),Vol.1,Issue2.1, ISSN:0973 – 4562, Research India Publications,
9) Anand.S.N, Mahantesh.H.M, “Estimation of fluid flow field and drag for aerofoil
wing” , International Journal of innovative reaserch in Science, Engineering and
Technology (IJIRSET), ISSN: 2319 – 8753, Volume 4, Issue 5, May 2015.
10) Anand.S.N, Sreerama Reddy .T.V, Madhu. D “Development and Implementation
of BEM Solution for 3- D Arbitrary Shaped conduction Bodies Using Face Based
Basis Functions” International Journal of Engineering Research, (IJER) ISSN
2319 -6890 Vol. 5 Issue: Special 6, pp: 1129 – 1254 20 May 2016.
11) Anand.S.N, Chunkyraj ,Hampali “CFD Analysis on the performance of Wind
turbine with Nozzles” International Journal of Scientific and Technology
Research, ISSN 2277 -8616 Vol. 5 Issue: 7, pp: 185 – 189, July 2016.
12) Anand.S.N, Bharath Bhaskar ,KrishnaRao, “Structural and Vibrational response
Analysis of High Prssure Bladed Disc Assemply in Aircraft Engine” International
Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, ISSN 0976 -6359, Vol. 7
Issue: 3, pp: 306 – 319, June 2016.
13) Anand.S.N, “Explicit Dynamic Analysis of Automotive Bus body structure
during catastrophic frontal crash with expulsion system” International Journal of
Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering, ISSN 2454 -8006 Vol. 3
Issue: 5, pp: July 2017.
14) Anand.S.N “Numerical Investigation of Enhancement of Heat Transfer By Two
Phase Flow in Mini Channels” International Journal of Advanced Technology in
Engineering and Sceince, ISSN 2348 – 7550,Vol. 2 Issue: 12, Dec 2014.
15) Anand S N, “Estimation of Flow Field and Drag for Aerofoil Wing” ,
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and
Technology, ISSN 2319 -8753, Vol.4 Issue: 5, pp: May 2015.
16) Anand S N, “FEM Analysis and Experimental Investigation of Resonance in
Vacuum Pump used in Textile Industry” Global Journal of Engineering Science
and Researches, ISSN 2348 -8034, Vol. 5 Issue: 7, pp: 185 – 189, october 2014.
Number of Research Papers:
Presented in International Conference:
1) Anand.S.N, Sreerama Reddy .T.V, Madhu. D, “A Face based basis function
solution to Thermal conduction problems of 3D irregular shaped bodies using
BEM” International Conference on Recent Research Emerging trends in
Materials and Mechanical Engineering -2019 (ICRRETMME-19) held at REVA
University, Bangalore during 12th to 13th July 2019.
2) Anand.S.N, Sreerama Reddy .T.V, Madhu. D, “ BEM Solution for 3- D Heat
conduction problems Using EBBF” International Conference on Emerging
trends in Science and Technologies for Engineering Systems -2018 (ICETSTES-18) held at SJC Institute of Technology, Chickballapur , during 11th to 12th Jan2018.
3) Anand.S.N, Sreerama Reddy .T.V, Madhu. D, “ Boundary Element Method
“A Solution for 3- D Arbitrary Shaped conduction Bodies Using Edge Based
Basis Functions” International Conference on Advances in Science and
Engineering 2017 (ICASE-17) at East West institute of technology, Bengalur
and Regent’s International College, Bangkok, Thailand, during 19th to 22th Jan
4) Anand.S.N, Sreerama Reddy .T.V, Madhu. D, “Development and Application
of FBBF BEM Solution for 3- D Complex Shaped conduction domain ”
International Conference on Processing of Materials, Minerals and Energy 2016
(PMME-2016) at Pace Institute of Technology and Sceince, Ongole, Prakasam
District, Andhra Pradesh during 29th to 30th July 2016.
5) Anand.S.N, Sreerama Reddy .T.V, Madhu. D, “Development and
Implementation of BEM Solution for 3- D Arbitrary Shaped conduction Bodies
Using Face Based Basis Functions” International Conference on Convergent
Technologies 2016 (ICCIT16) at Cambridge institute of technology,
K.R.Puram, Bengaluru, during 20th May 2016.
6) Anand.S.N, Sreerama Reddy .T.V, Madhu. D, “Edge Based Basis Functions
in the BEM solutionof Heat conduction problem ” International Conference on
Engineering Modelling,Analysis,Simulation and 3D Printing held at NIMHANS
Convention Centre ,Bengaluru, during 30-31th August 2016.
7) Anand.S.N, Sreerama Reddy .T.V, Madhu. D “Face based Basis function
solution to thermal conduction problems 3-D Irregular shaped bodies Using
BEM” International Conference on Trends in engineering & Technology,
science &Humanities and Management 2015 (ICTETSHAM15) at Tamizan
college of Engineering and Technology, Kanyakumari , Feb 2015
8) Anand.S.N, Sreerama Reddy .T.V, Madhu. D “BEM solution for 3-
dimensional arbitrary shaped bodies using face based basis functions”
International Conference on Advances in Design & Manufacturing 2014
(ICAD&M’14) to be held at NIT, Trichy during December 5 – 7, 2014.
9) Anand.S.N, Sreerama Reddy .T.V, Madhu. D “Heat Conduction by Three
Dimensional Bodies of Arbitrary Shape using BEM formulation” International
Conference on Innovation Research and Solutions, (ICIRS-2014) at
Pondicherry , April 2014
10) Anand S.N, N. Chikkanna, P.Sankaran Kutty,P.Vijay Kumar, Shivarudraiah
“Centrifugal Casting of Al-7079 Corundum Metal Matrix Composite”
International conference on “Recent Advances in Material Processing Technology” at National Engineering College, Kovilpatti-23rd to 25th February 2005 385-390
National Conference:
1) Anand.S.N, Sreerama Reddy .T.V, Madhu. D “Heat Conduction by Three
Dimensional Bodies of Arbitrary Shape using BEM formulation” , National
Conference on Emerging Research and Advances(ERA)in Mechanical
Sciences, ERA2014,March 28, 2014, Velammal Engineering College, Chennai,
2) Anand.S.N, Raghu. “Thermal Flux assessment and Drop test of a Smart Phone-
Case Study ” NAFEMS India Regional Conference 2015 on Engineering Analysis,Modelling&Simulation held at The Hotel Hilton, Chennai, TamilNadu, March- 2014
3) Anand.S.N, Sreerama Reddy .T.V, Madhu. D “Heat Conduction by 3-D
Bodies of Arbitrary Shape using BEM formulation” National Conference on
Emerging Research and Advances in Mechanical Science, (ERA-2014) at
Velammal College of Engineering, TamilNadu , March- 2014
4) Anand S.N, K.Kumar,K.S Sudhkar ,”Structural and Fatigue life evaluation of
HP stage steam turbine blade and disc” Sir.M.V Memorial Technical paper
presentation proceedings,Sept-2008,UVCE ,Bangalore
5) Anand S.N, N. Chikkanna, P.Sankaran Kutty “Corrosion studies on
Al4032/Corundum Functionally graded materials”, National Conference on
Recent Advances In Design Engineering 22-24, February, 2007 M.I.T ,
Manipal 104-109
6) Anand S.N, N. Chikkanna, P.Sankaran Kutty “ Effect of particle on
mechanical properties of functional graded Al6061/corundum MMCs”
National Conference on Recent Advances In Design Engineering 22-24
February, 2007 M.I.T, Manipal 110-1115
7) Anand S N, N.Chikkanna, P.Sankaran Kutty,“ Microstructure and
Tribological Properties of Functionally Graded Al-7079 Alloy”, National
Conference on “Advances in Production Engineering” at Government
Engineering College, Trissur-27th to 29th October 2004
8) Anand S N , N. Chikkanna, P.Sankaran Kutty ,M.Shantharaju, “Corrosion
studies on aluminum- corundum metal matrix composites” National Conference on Mechanical Engineering NATCON.ME-2006, SIT, Tumkur-26th and 27th May 2006,
9) Anand S N, N. Chikkanna, P. Sankaran Kutty, M.Shantharaju, “Effect of
particle size on some properties of functionaly graded Al\Corundum Metal
Matrix Composites”, National Conference on Mechanical Engineering
NATCON.ME-2006, SIT , Tumkur-26th and 27th May 2006
10) Anand S N, N. Chikkanna, P.Sankaran Kutty, “Microstructure and
Tribological Properties of Functionally Graded Al-6061 Alloy”, National
Conference on Globally Competitive Eco Friendly Technologies in Mechanical
& Mechatronics Engineering” at Kongu Engineering College, Erode-15th and
16th April 2005.
Training Programs undergone/Attended:
1) One Week Faculty Development Program on “Processing & Characterization
of Metal Matrix Composites” held at Department of Mechanical
Engineering,SJCIT.Chickballapur (2019)
2) One Week Faculty Development Program on “Research opportunities on
Materials and Manufacturing” held at Department of Mechanical
Engineering,DSATM.Bangalore (2019)
3) One Week Faculty Development Program on “Theoritical and Computational
Mechanics-II” held at Department of Mechanical
4) Three day National workshop on “Advanced Materials and Its Processing
Techniques” , held at School of Mechanical Engineering REVA
5) One week Short Term CERTIFICATE Training Program on “Product Design
using AutoDesk Fusion 360 ” held at School of Mechanical Engineering,REVA
6) Four day National workshop on “MATLAB Tools for Analysis and
Computations in Engineering ”, held at School of Mechanical Engineering
REVA University,Bangalor(2016)
7) Two week Short Term Training Program “Material Management Using
SAPR/3 conducted by DEXler Software Solution,Bangalore ” Under the
Quality Improvement program of University Industry Interaction Centre,REVA
8) Two day 31st Nation Convention of Production Engineers on “India Emerging
as a Manufacturing Hub of the world by 2020-prospects and Pathways”,
held at The Institution of Engineers(India) Karnataka state centre
9) Two day National workshop on “MATLAB Tools for Analysis and
Computations in Engineering ”, held at School of Mechanical Engineering
REVA University,Bangalore (2015)
10) Two week Faculty Development Program on “Recent Trends in Advanced
Materials Manufacturing Process ” Under the Quality Improvement program
of DST-NSTEDB-EDIOI, NewDelhi, held at MSRIT,Bangalore(2015)
11) One Week “Doctoral WorkShop on Research into Design” Training Program
held at Centre For Product Design And Manufacturing, IISc, Bangalore.(2015)
12) One week Short Term Training Program on “Modern Control Perpsectives in
the Control of Solid and Fuid Mechanics” held at Indian Institute of
Technology, Chennai.(2014)
13) Two day International workshop on “Application os CFD in Heat Transfer &
Fluid Flow”, held at NIT,Trichy,Tamil Nadu (2014)
14) Four-days Faculty Development Program on “Practical Aspects of
Computational Fluid Dynamics in Appication to Heat Transfer and Fluid
Flow ” Under the Quality Improvement program of VTU-VGST,held at
15) Two week Faculty Development Program on “Fatigue and Fracture
Mechanics in Finite Element Analysis ” Under the Quality Improvement
program of AICTE/MHRD, NewDelhi, held at MIT,Madapalle,Andhra
16) Two week Short Term Training Program “Computational Techniques and its
applications in Engineering Research ” Under the Quality Improvement
program of AICTE, NewDelhi held at Pondicherry College of Engineering,
17) One week Short Term Training Program on “Product Development And
Design” held at Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai(2013)
18) Two week Short Term Training Program on “Recent Research And
Development Manufacturing Process ” Under the Quality Improvement
program of AICTE/MHRD, NewDelhi, held at MAMCE, Trichy , TemilNadu
19) Two day National workshop on “Research Methologies and Latex” Under the
Quality Improvement Research program of VTU-Elearning,Mysore held at
Bangalore Institute of Technology, Bangalore.(2013)
20) Three day National workshop on “Computational Fluid Dynamics” Under the
Quality Improvement program held at MIT,Madapalle,Andhra Pradesh(2012)
21) Two day International workshop on “Composites Design and Analysis Using
FEM” Under the Quality Improvement program held at MIT,Madapalle,Andhra
22) One week Short Term Training Program on “Micro Machining-A break
through Technology” held at Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai(2011)
23) Two day International workshop on “Compact Heat Exchangers for
Aerospace Aplication” held at Aeronautical Develoment Agency,Ministry of
Defence,Govt.of India Bangalore (2010)
24) One week Short Term Training Program on “F E M- Tool For Non-Linear
Analysis” held at Dr.JJM College of Engineering,Jaysingpur,Maharastra.(2009)
25) One week Short Term Training Program on “Diesel Engine Management” held
at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur(2009)
26) One week Faculty Development Program on “Finite Element Method For
Engineering Analysis” held at Bangalore Institute of Technology, Bangalore
27) Three day National workshop on “Basic Hydraulics &Pneumatics” held VTU-
BOSCH Rexroth Centre of Competence in Automation Technology,Mysore(2009)
28) One Week Short Term Training Program on “Micro Electro Mechanical
Systems (MEMS)” Under the Quality Improvement program of AICTE,
New Delhi held at IISc, Bangalore.(2008)
29) Two Week Short Term Training Program on “Reliability Aspects in
Mechatronic Systems and MEMS ” Under the Quality Improvement program
of AICTE/MHRD,New Delhi, held at NITK,Surathkal,Mangalore(2008)
30) One Week Short Term Training Program on “Application of Computational
Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in Mechanical Engineering” Under the Quality
Improvement program of ISTE-AICTE, New Delhi held at NMIT,
31) Participated in 5 days “Infosys Campus Connect Soft Skill Training
Workshop” held at SJCIT, Chickballapur.(2007)
32) One Week Short Term Training Program on “Computer Aided Engineering
Drawing” Under the Quality Improvement program of TEQIP, held at
33) 2 days UGC Sponsored Orientation Program on “Educational Administration”
Under the Quality Improvement program, held at JNTU,Hyderbad.(2006)
34) Participeted in 3 days 35th Annual Convention &National Seminar on “Disaster-
Prediction,Prevention & Manament ” held at BIT, Davanagere.(2005)
Effect of carbon black nano-fillers on tribological properties of Al6061-Aluminium
metal matrix composites