Holder of a bachelor’s degree in chemistry (1975) and a master’s degree in organic
chemistry from the Federal University of Ceará-UFC, Brazil (1979), Dr. Castro Dantas
defended the first thesis of the program, being the first woman to defend thesis in
chemistry at UFC. Upon graduation, she successfully completed a doctorate third cycle
(1981) and “Docteur D’État” in Chemistry (1983), both at the Institut National
Polytechnique of Toulouse, France, becoming a member of the European Academy of
Sciences, Arts and Literature. Professor Castro Dantas spent most of her career teaching
and researching at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN, 1978 –
2003), where she serves as Professor Emeritus. She served as Executive Coordinator of
Primary processing core and Waste water-NUPPRAR – UFRN (from 2003 to 2012).
She was elected President of the Regional Council of Chemistry- XV region (2001-
2015). She served in the roles of Counselor of the Federal Council of chemistry (2015-
2018) and Director of North-Rio-Grandense Foundation of Research and Culture-
FUNPEC (from 2012-to 2014). She continues her community engagement as a member
of the editorial board of the Brazilian Journal of Petroleum and Gas-BJPG. Her
experience in the areas of chemical technology and chemistry of natural products,
working in the areas of oil, gas and the environment, involving applications of plant
oils, surfactant and microemulsion and nanoemulsion systems, make her one of Brazil’s
most awarded professionals in her field. She has a strong record of academic
publications (research productivity B1, CNPq). Among many accomplishments, she has
supervised 54 PhD and 100 Master’s theses; published 177 articles in international
journals; presented 490 papers in both national and international congresses; authored 2
Books and 8 book chapters; has 2 patents granted, and has applied for 10 patents.