Shilpa Jasubhai is a consultant clinical psychologist and independent researcher, who is
currently affiliated with Zydus, Shalby and AIMs hospitals, while also consulting to Sandesh
(press) and MICA in Ahmedabad, India. She has been practicing in the field for over 15 years
and has completed her doctorate in 2007. Since then, she has actively deepened her
knowledge in the field, getting certified in Brain Gym, Optimal learning, Vision Circle,
Whole brain learning, Educational Psychology In Depth, Touch for Health, Neuro Linguistic
Programming, Hypnotherapy, Art therapy, Emotional Freedom technique, Quantum
Focusing, Healing Affirmation, Reiki, Essentials of CBT and Access Consciousness. She has
been contributing to the development of the field with several published papers and being a
speaker in India and globally. Recently she received an International leadership award as an
innovative researcher from RULA.