B.Sc. (ES), M.S. (ES), M.Tech. (IT & AI),
D.B.M, P.G.D.M. (EM), M.B.A. (HRM),
M.B.A. (Marketing), M.Phil. (Management), DMS (IBM)
Institute of Management & Sciences (IMS)
Sakegaon-Bhusawal, M.S, India

Prof. Md. Sadique Shaikh presently designated as Professor and Director in Technology and
Management at KYDSC Trust’s Institute of Management & Sciences (IMS), Bhusawal, M.S,
India. He is working for M.Tech and M.B.A courses for various subjects but few sound research
domains are Robotics Vision, Machine Learning, Image Processing, Humanoid Intelligence,
Bionics, Mobots, Advanced AI, International Business, Data Analytics, Bigdata Management,
IoT, VO, MIS, HRIS Digital & Optical Electronics, Nanotechnology & Quantum Computing,
Spintronics etc. He is qualified in M.S (ES), M.Tech (IT), M.B.A (HRM), M.B.A (MM), PGDM
followed by M.Phil. Doctorate in Management Studies DMS (International Business), D.B.M
and Pursuing Ph.D. He has delivered Invited Talk, Short Communication, Keynote Speeches and
presented research work in several reputed places like IITs, IIMs, BARC, NMU, PU, MU, NU
are few of them. He has 15 years of experience in industries and Academics presented work
more than 86 conferences/symposiums and authored 45 international books and more than 115
research papers, short communication, opinions and research reports worldwide some of them
Germany, U.K, U.S.A, India, Malaysia, Mauritius, Hong Kong, Singapore, U.A.E, Italy, France,
Japan, China, Romania, Spain and Australia in the fields of Robotics, Bionic Brain, AAI, UAI,
Quantum Computing, Information Technology, Medical & Surgical Robotics, Space Science,
Management, Cosmology & Space Science and Electronics Sciences. His 09 books republished
in 8 different international languages worldwide by Omniscriptum Publishing, Berlin,
Germany and the book “Next Level Vision in Artificial Intelligence” and “Business of
Different Thinking” few of them. He is guiding to many students for advanced research project
in Technology and Management. He is editorial board member in several esteemed International
journals of U.K, U.S.A, Japan, and India. Worked in several International
Conferences/Symposiums as OCM & Advisory Committee Member of U.S.A, U.K, Australia,

Japan, Spain, India and Turkey. Organized several National/International
conferences/symposiums, summit, MDPs, LDPs and FDPs and several big events. He is
reviewer of several reputed international journals (REAJ) Robotics & Automation Engineering
Journal is one of them. Became Chief Guest Editor of special volume of journal “Medical
Robotics and Surgery”. Reviewer and Member in Journal of medical and pharmacy. Editor in
Invasive Surgical Research Journal and expert in Advanced Medical Robotics. He has written
several invited short communication/Interviews and editorial for world reputed journals. He is
International Educator, Author and Invited Speaker. He is OCM of Bio-Core, Dubai, U.A.E. He

is Editor of OMICS Online London, SciPG, U.S.A and Research-Route Journal, India, JARAP-
India and likewise several. He is reviewer of Kosmos Publishers, USA. He is invited speaker in

ICEAAE-2019 (Frankfurt, Germany) 2nd Edition of Aerospace and Aeronautical Engineering.
Editorial Board Member of Journal of Robotics & Automation” and “Journal of Mechanical
Handling and Automation” of JournalPub, Noida, India. Editorial Board Member of Journal of
Applied Sciences, Redelve LLC Pub., USA. Became Editorial Board Member in International
Journal of Robotics and Automation, International Journal of Mechanical Handling and
Automation JournalspPub, India, Became EDM in “Asian Journal of Social Science
Management & Economics” India. He is OCM of INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON
PHARMACOLOGY AND PHARMA NETWORK, 26-28 September 2019, Hilton Garden Inn
Houston Westbelt Houston, USA. He is OCM in International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence & Machine Learning, Osaka, Japan. Became Editorial Board member in “Asian
Journal of Social Science Management & Economics” India, International Multilingual Journal
of Science and Technology (IMJST), Berlin, Germany. Speaker and OCM in International
Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning ,OSAKA, JAPAN, “International
Conference on Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering” Tokyo, Japan and “ World Physics
Congress” Dubai, U.A.E. OCM in International Scientific Summit in Artificial Intelligence and
Robotics, Valencia, Spain, OCM in International Conference on Robotics and Automation
Engineering, Roma, Italy. Reviewer in Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies
(JMESS), Berlin, Germany. Chief Editor International Journals of research Publications (IJR
Publications). Chief Editor of MAA International Journal of Research in Computer Applications
and Technology, Indore, India. Work in advanced A.I selected at Paris, USA, Japan, Spain,
Hong Kong, London, Brazil, Indonesia, Germany, UAE, and so on. Became OCM in
International Conference on Physics and Network Malaysia 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Became OCM in 3rd International Conference & Expo on Aerospace and Unmanned Arial
Systems: Taking the Sky Streets Aviation-The Next Level, Philadelphia, U.S.A. He is Leading
Committee Member in World Congress on Automobile, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
(WCAMIE-2019), Berlin, Germany. Designated as Lead Guest Editor of SciencePG USA for
American Journal of Management Science and Engineering and designed special issue
“Artificial Intelligence for Future Business”. He received “Best Leadership Award” from
Today- Research & Ratings. He received IOSRD Best Researcher Award 2018 at
Panduchary and VDGOOD Outstanding Scientist Award 2019 at Bangalore, India. He has

finished two self-help books entitled “What I am is Thinking” and “Saturations” contracted to
publish with Penguin Publication, New Delhi. He is Associative Editor of GPH-Journal of
Business Management, Haryana, India. He is EBM in International Journal of Current Science
and Multidisciplinary Research, India. (Management and Economics Section), India. He is EBM
of International Journal of Advancements in Technology, LongDom Publishing, Belgium. He is
OCM in AMME-2020 Summit at Dubai. Reviewer of Oriental Journal of Computer Science and
Technology (OJCST), India. Active member of VDGood Scientific Association. Won RULA
Awards organizes by World Research Congress for International Research Award in AI,
Trichy, T.N, India. Won for “Distinguished Scientist Award” from VDGood Association in
Chennai, India. Became OCM and Speaker in GAVIN “2nd International Conference on
Advanced Artificial Intelligence & Robotics” 28-29 July 2020 at Berlin, Germany. Became
OCM and Speaker in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Science, 01-02
December 2020, Bucharest, Romania as well as . Became OCM and Speaker in Robotics and
Computer Science World Forum” to be held in Lisbon, Portugal from November 09-10, 2020.
OCM and Invited Speaker of 4th World Conference on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence,
December 17-18, 2020 | Istanbul, Turkey. . He is OCM and webinar speaker with talk “AI and
Singularity” at 2nd International Robotics and Automation Engineering Conference August 3-4,
2020 – Paris, France.

Also Visit:

Amazon author page: https://www.amazon.com/Dr.-Mohd-Sadique-Shaikh-

Institute page: www.imssakegaon.org/ProfSadiqueShaikh.htm
LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-sadique-shaikh-29784186
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