Dr Gázquez is Graduated in Physical Sciences from the University of Seville and PhD for the University of Huelva and completed his training with Master Degree in “Waste treatment and management” from the University of Cadiz and Master Degree in “Environmental Technology” from the University of Huelva, with doctoral program taken the same name and quality mention from Minister of Science and Innovation. He was member since 2007 to 2016 of the Research Group “Radiation Physics and Environment” (Acronym FRYMA) code RNM-348 (in the Andalusia R&D Plan) of the University of Huelva. Then, he was joined at “Radioactivity and Environment” research group, code RNM-160 attached to the Department of Applied Physics of the University of Cadiz from 2016 to the date.
He has developed his research career in the field of waste recovery and more specifically in NORM (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials) waste. He has also worked in radiometric measurement techniques with alpha spectrometry using silicon semiconductor detectors, liquid scintillation, and gamma spectrometry. On the other hand, has made relevant contributions in the field of natural radioactivity applications on the environment, developing new methods for measured of natural radioactivity.
During 2014 he was worked in the Private Technical University of Loja (UTPL), Ecuador, carrying out teaching and research assignments under the prestigious Prometheus program, an initiative of the Ecuadorian Government for research. He developed a project as head investigator entitled “Radiological characterization of agricultural soils of Loja” and also acted as co-director in a project devoted to the phytoremediation of abandoned mining sites entitled “Design of bioremediation
strategies based in plant-microorganism consortium for the recovery of contaminated soils for the mining in the Zamora-Chinchipe zone”. Since December 31, 2018, Dr Gázquez got a permanent position of Lecturer at the University of Cadiz in the Department of Applied Physics.