Academic Qualifications
1. Ph.D. in Physics (2008, May), Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, W. B., India.
Award: International Research Awards 2020, The International Research Leadership Award, Distinguished Researcher in Physics sponsored by the International Research Councils.
Research and Teaching Activities
1. Assistant Professor, (Nov.2012- Pres.), Department of Physics, National Institute of Technology Agartala, Tripura, India.
2. Assistant Professor, (August, 2011- Nov. 2012), School of Applied Sciences, Haldia Institute of Technology, Haldia, W. B., India.
3. Collaborative Research Fellow, (April, 2011- June, 2011), Physics Department, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan, USA. (DARPA Project, USA)
4. Visiting Scientist, (2010- June, 2011), Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg (IPCMS), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Strasbourg, FRANCE.
5. Post Doctoral Research Fellow, (2008-2010), Physics Department, Oakland University,
Rochester, Michigan, USA. (DARPA Project, USA)
6. Senior Research Fellow, (2007- 2008), Department of Physics & Meteorology, Indian
Institute of Technology Kharagpur, W. B., India.
7. Visiting Lecturer, (2002-2003), Sabang Sajani Kanta Mahavidyala, Paschim Medinipur,
W.B., India.
Areas of Research Interest
1. Organic Spintronics : Interface and Transport Characteristic Study and Bio Impedance Spectroscopy.
2. Engineered Functional Multiferroics Heterostructures for Microelectronic, Magneto-Electronic (ME) and Ultra Sensitive Uncooled Magnetic Sensor Applications.
3. Thin film growth, Synthesis of Nanogranular Materials and Physics of Diluted Magnetic Semiconducting (DMS) Oxides for Spintronics Applications.
4. Thin film growth, Synthesis of Nanogranular Manganite Oxides and Transport Phenomena in Highly Correlated Systems.
5. Growth (Thin film and Nanomaterials) and Characterization of Gas Sensor Materials.
Academic Awards, Fellowships Received
1. Fast Track Young Scientist Award, DST, New Delhi, India, (2012).
2. Visiting Scholar Fellowship, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan, USA, (2008).
3. Research Associateship from C. S. I. R, New Delhi, India, (2008).
4. Research Associateship, Pusan National University, South Korea, (2008).
5. Scholarship from S. J. Jindal Trust, New Delhi, India, (1999 and 2000).
Sponsored Research Project
1. “Functionally Graded Ferrite-Ferroelectric Multiferroic Nanocomposites and Development of Magneto- electric (ME) coupling set-up for Magnetic Field Sensors” 24.12 lakh, DST Fast Track Scheme, New Delhi, D.O. No. SR/FTP/PS-019/2012. (Awarded)
2. “Functionally Graded Alloys – Ferroelectric Multiferroic Layered Composites Prepared by Chemical Deposition Techniques for Magnetic Field Sensors” CSIR, New Delhi (Submitted).
3. “Functionally Graded Ferrite-Ferroelectric Multiferroic Layered Nanocomposites Prepared by Tape Casting Technique for Magnetic Field Sensors” NRB, DRDO (Submitted).
Courses Taught
1. B. Tech. Course/ BS-MS Dual/BT-MT Dual: Engineering Physics I & II; Electricity and Magnetism, B. Tech.
Practical and BS-MS Dual/BT-MT Dual Advanced Physics Lab.
2. M. Sc. Course: Digital Electronics, Analog Electronics; Quantum Mechanics; Advanced Quantum Mechanics; Electrodynamics; M. Sc. Practical (Advanced Physics Lab).
Book Published
[1] Physics of Oxide Materials for Spintronics, S. K. Mandal, P. Dey and T. K. Nath, Scholars’ Press, Germany, 2013. ISBN No. 978-3-639-51305-9
[2] Spintronics For Beginners [ISBN No.- 978-3-639-66375-4], P. Dey and S. K. Mandal, Scholars’ Press, Saarbrücken, Germany, (2014).
Book Chapters
[1] Functionally Graded Piezomagnetic and Piezoelectric Bilayers for Magnetic Field Sensors: Magnetoelectric
Interactions at Low-Frequencies and at Bending Modes, S. K. Mandal, G. Sreenivasulu, V. M. Petrov, S. Bandekar,
and G. Srinivasan, Advances and Applications in Electroceramics: Ceramic Transactions, Volume 226, Page 223,
Wiley Publisher, USA, K. M. Nair (Editor), Shashank Priya (Editor), Quanxi Jia (Editor), ISBN: 978-1-118-05999-9,