” A professional Psychologist of 11+ years practicing, mentoring and guiding successfully to cope with various emotional challenges through her expertise, knowledge standards and learning from her PhD and post-graduation in Counseling Psychology.
Her aggressive contributions, since 2017 for Times of India “”Ask the Expert Column””, of which we take pride in saying that few of her responses have been translated in various languages like Hindi, Telugu, Indonesian and Croatian-to name a few. The other common platforms that you can read her thoughts are Midday, Mumbai Mirror, New Age Women, Teenager Today etc. She was honored by the “”Women of Excellence”” award by the Women Economic Forum in 2018.
Her selfless commitment and striking an everlasting relationship, again and again has given her opportunities to work & serve different institutions – Fidai Institutions, Tata Institute of Social Sciences and Umang Foundation Trust and few corporate affiliations such as InnerSight, Expert Chemicals Pvt Ltd. She was also the founding Director of Insight Counseling Services LLP.
She has two published books under her name I am a miracle being and ABC of Mental Health along with couple of research and case studies published in various journals.”