He received the Bachelor of Engineering (1993) and Master of Engineering (1995) in environmental and
sanitary engineering and Doctor of Engineering (2000) in environmental engineering from Kyoto
University, Japan. He has been a member of board of directors of Japan Society on Water Environment
(JSWE) from 2009. His main carrier is as follows:
1995–1997: Researcher (Technical Research Center, The Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc.)
1997–2001: Assistant Professor (Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University)
2001–2003: Lecturer (Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University)
2003–2008: Associate Professor (Faculty of Science and Technology, Ryukoku University)
2008–2020: Professor (Faculty of Science and Technology, Ryukoku University)
2020–present: Professor (Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology, Ryukoku University)
His current interests are physicochemical water treatment and limnological science. The former
includes advanced oxidation processes, electrochemical technologies, and coagulation-filtration
processes. The later includes anthropogenic pollution of lakes and reservoirs, algal blooms, and
primary productivity in inland waters.
He received various awards from scientific societies as follows:
WET Excellent Paper Award by JSWE in 2018 and 2019
WET Excellent Research Award by JSWE in 2014
WET Excellent Presentation Award by JSWE in 2012, 2017, 2018
Water Research Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing by Elsevier in 2017
Top 20 Most Downloaded Papers Published in Water and Environment Journal during 2016–2017
The JSWE Paper Award in 2016
JSWE-Metawater Best Paper Award in 2012
The 15th Paper Award by Japan Ozone Association in 2008
The JSWE Paper Award for Young Researchers in 2007
Encouragement Award of Journal of Sewage Works Association in 2004
Shinkichi Yoshimura Award by The Japanese Society of Limnology in 2000
Encouragement Award of the 35th Environmental Engineering Research Forum in 1999